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1 Question: What is heat radiation? 2 marks

Answer: Heat radiation also known as thennal radiation, is a type of electr?magnetic radiation
that involves the transfer of heat energy through space or a medium. This process does not
require any physical medium for transfer and can occur even in a vacuum.

2 Question: How does heat radiation differ from conduction and convection? 2 marks

Answer: Heat radiation differs from conduction and convection as it does not require a medium
to transfer heat. Conduction transfers heat through direct contact between objects,_ ~d
convection involves the movement of fluid (liquid or gas) to transfer heat. In contrast, radiation
can transfer heat through empty space.

3 Question: What are some common examples of heat radiation? 2·marks

Answer: Common examples of heat radiation include the warmth felt from the sun, heat emitted
from a fire, and the infrared radiation from heated objects like a stove top or a radiator.
Questioa: Why are objects that are good emitters of heat radiation also good absorbers?
A~s~er: Objects that are good emitters of heat radiation are also good absorbers due to a
prm_c~pl~ known as Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation. This law states that at thermal
eqmhbnum, an object's emissivity (ability to emit radiation) is equal to its absorptivity (ability to
absorb ~adiation).

5 Question: Can heat radiation occur in a vacuum? 2 marks

Answer: Yes, heat radiation can occur in a vacuum. Unlike conduction and convection
radiation does not require a medium to transfer heat. This is why we can feel the heat from th~
sun, although it travels through the vacuum of space.

6 Question: What factors affect the rate of heat transfer by radiation? 2 marks

Answer: The rate of heat transfer by radiation is affected by factors such as the temperature of
the emitting surface, its surface area, the emissivity of the surface, and the temperature and
properties of the surrounding environment.

7 Question: How is the Stefan-Boltzmann law related to heat radiation? 2 marks

Answer: The Stefan-Boltzmann law states that the total energy radiated per unit surface area of
a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the black body's temperature. This law helps
quantify the amount of heat radiation emitted from an object based on its temperature.

8. What are the various laws associated with heat radiation? 5 marks

Heat radiation, also known as thermal radiation, is the transfer of heat energy through
electromagnetic waves, typically in the form of infrared radiation. Several laws and principles
govern the behavior of heat radiation. Here are some of the key laws and concepts associated
with heat radiation:

1. Stefan-Boltzmann Law: The Stefan-Boltzmann Law describes the total radiant energy (P)
emitted by a blackbody (an idealized object that absorbs and emits all radiation) per unit
surface area per unit time. It is expressed as: P = cr * A * T"4 Where:
o Pis the total radiative power (in watts).
o cr (Stefan-Boltzmann constant) is approximately 5.67 x 10"-8 W/(m2 • K'').
o A is the surface area of the object.
o T is the absolute temperature of the object in Kelvin.

This law demonstrates that the power radiated by an object increases rapidly with its
temperature, emphasizing the importance of temperature in heat radiation.

2. Wien's Displacement Law: Wien's Displacement Law relates the wavelength 0-) at wfhich
the blackbody radiation spectrum is most intense to the absolute temperature (T) o the
blackbody. It is expressed as: )._max* T =constant Where:
o A_max is the wavelength at which radiation is most intense.
o T is the absolute temperature of the blackbody.

This law implies that as the temperature of a blackbody increases, the peak of its
radiation spectrum shifts to shorter wavelengths (i.e., it becomes "bluer").

3. Kirchhoffs Law of Thermal Radiation: Kirchhoff's Law states that for any body at a
given temperature, the ratio of its emissivity (e) to its absorptivity (a) is equal for a given
wavelength and direction. In other words: eta= 1

This law emphasizes that objects that are good absorbers of radiation are also good
emitters of radiation at the same wavelength and under the same conditions.

4. P)an~k's. Radiation Law: Max Planck developed this law to describe the spectral
distnbution of blackbody radiation. It provides the intensity of radiation emitted at each
wavelength by a blackbody at a given temperature. Planck's Radiation Law is a
fundamental equation in quantum mechanics and is expressed as: 1(1, T) = (21thc 2 / 1"5) *
(I / [e"(hc/llT) - l]) Where:
o 1(1, T) is the spectral radiance (power per unit area per unit solid angle per unit
wavelength) at wavelength 1 and temperature T.
o h is Planck's constant.
o c is the speed oflight.
o k is Boltzmann's constant.

Planck's law explains how the intensity of radiation varies with wavelength and
These laws and principles are fundamental to understanding heat radiation and have practical
applications in fields such as astrophysics, engineering, and climate science. They help us predict
and manipulate heat transfer through radiation in various technological and natural contexts.

9. Explain the Stefan-Boltzmann Law with a practical examples . 7 marks

Answer - The Stefan-Boltzmann Law is a fundamental principle that describes the total radiant
energy emitted by a blackbody (an idealized object that absorbs and emits all radiation) per unit
surface area per unit time. It relates the power radiated by the blackbody to its absolute
temperature. The law is expressed as follows:

P = cr * A * TA4


• Pis the total radiative pow~r (in watts).

• cr (Stefan-Boltzmann constant) is approximately 5.67 x l0A-8 W/(m2 •K4).
• A is the surface area of the blackbody.
• Tis the absolute temperature of the blackbody in Kelvin.

Now, let's work through a problem that involves the Stefan-Boltzmann Law:

Problem: Suppose you have a small blackbody, such as a tiny sphere, with a surface area (A) of
0.001 m • The blackbody is at an absolute temperature (T) of 1000 K. Calculate the total
radiative power (P) emitted by this blackbody.

Solution: We can use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law to calculate the total radiative power emitted by
the blackbody:

P = cr *A* T"4

First, plug in the values:

P = (5.67 x 10"-8 W/(m2 ·K•)) • (0.001 m2) * (1000 K)"4

Now, perform the calculations step by step:

p = (5.67 X 10"-8) t (0.00]) * (1000"4)

P = 5.67 x 10"-8 * 0.001 * l,000,000,000

p = 5.67 X }0"-8 * 1,000,000

P = 5.67 * 10"-2 W
So, the total radiative power emitted by the small blackbody at an absolute temperature of 1000
K is approximately 0.0567 watts.

This calculation demonstrates how the Stefan-Boltzmann Law can be used to determine the
amount of radiant energy emitted by a blackbody based on its temperature and surface area. As
the temperature of the blackbody increases, the radiative power emitted also increases
significantly, illustrating the law's sensitivity to temperature changes.

10. Explain the Wien's Displacement Law with a practical examples . 7 marks

Answer: Wien's Displacement Law, also known as Wien's Law, is a fundamental principle in the
field of thermal radiation tl1at relates the temperature of an object to the wavelength at which its
emission of radiant energy is most intense. It provides ,a quantitative relationship between the
temperature of an object and the peak wavelength of its emitted radiation.

The mathematical expression ofWien's Displacement Law is as follows:

11._max • T = constant


• 11._max represents the peak wavelength of ra~ation.

• Tis the absolute temperature of the radiating object in Kelvin.
• The constant is Wien's displacement constant, which has a value of approximately 2.898
X 10"-3 m•K.

Practical Example:

Consider a simple practical example involving the sun and an incandescent lightbulb:

1. Solar Radiation: The Sun emits a vast amount 'of radiation across the electromagnetic
spectrum, including visible light. The surface temperature of the Sun is approximately
5,500°C (5,773 K). Using Wien's Displacement Law, we can determine the peak
wavelength of the Sun's radiation: ' 1

11._max * T = constant 11._max • 5773 K = 2.898 x 10"-3 m·K

Solving for 11._max:

11._max= (2.898 x I0"-3 m· K) I 5773 K 11._max::::: 500 nm

This calculation shows that the peak wavelength of solar radiation falls within the visible
light spectrum, around 500 nanometers (nm), which corresponds to green light. This is
why we perceive sunlight as white when all colors of visible light are combined.
2. Incandescent Lightbulb: Let's consider a common incandescent lightbulb with a filament
that operates at a temperature of approximately 2,700°C (2,973 K). Using Wien's
Displacement Law, we can find the peak wavelength of the light emitted by the bulb:

)._max* T = constant l_max * 2973 K = 2.898 x 10"-3 m·K

Solving for )._max:

), max= (2.898 x 10"-3 m·K) / 2973 K ),_max::::: 975 nm

- '
In this case, the peak wavelength of the light emitted by the inca~d~scent bulb ~alls in the
infrared range, around 975 nanometers. This m~ans tha_t a _s1gmfic~nt portion of the
emitted radiation is in the form of infrared radiation, which ts why mcandescent bulbs
produce both visible light and heat.

These practical ex~ples demonstrate how Wien's Displacement La~ ~elps u~ unders~d the
relationship between temperature and the dominant wavelength of radiation emitted by different
objects, whether it's the Sun or a common household lightbulb.

12. Explain the Kirchhoff's Law of'.fhermal Radiation with a practical examples. 7 marks

Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Radiation also known as Kirchhoffs Law, describes the
relationship between the emissivity (e) ~d absorptivity (a) of an object concerning thermal
radiation. This law states that for a gtven wavelength and direction of radiation, the emissivity of
an object is equal to its absorptivity. In other words:


This fundamental principle emphasizes that objects that are good absorbers of thermal radiation
at a specific wavelength are also good emitters of radiation at the same wavelength, provided that
they are at the same temperature and under the·same conditions.

To illustrate Kirchhoff's Law, let's consider a practical example involving a blackened surface:

Example: Imagine a metal container with a blackened inner surface. This container is used for
heating water. The blackened surface has an emissivity (e) close to 1, meaning it is an excellent
emitter of thermal radiation.

1. Absorption: When this blackened surface is exposed to thermal radiation, such as heat
from a flame or an electric heating element, it absorbs a significant portion of the
incoming radiation. This is because materials with high emissivity are also excellent
absorbers. The absorbed radiation heats up the surface.
2. Emission: As the blackened surface heats up, it begins to emit thermal radiation in
accordance with Kirchhoff's Law. Since it's an excellent emitter (e : : : 1), it radiates heat
energy back into the environment, including into the water inside the container.



3. Heating the Water: The emitted thermal radiation from the blackened surface contributes
to heating the water inside the container. This process is an important part of the heat
transfer mechanism in the container, especially in systems like stovetop kettles or boilers.

In this practical example, Kirchhoff's Law high~ights the relationship between the absorptivity
and emissivity of the blackened surface. It explams that the same surface that efficiently absorbs
incoming thermal radiation also efficiently emits radiation when it becomes hot. This principle is
crucial in various applications, such as cooking, heating, and industrial processes, where thermal
radiation plays a significant role in heat transfer. Kirchhoff's Law helps engineers and scientists
design systems that optimize heat absorption and emission for specific purposes.

13. Explain the Planck's Radiation Law with a practical examples. 7 marks

Answer:- Planck's Radiation Law, formulated by the German physicist Max Planck in 1900, is a
fundamental principle in quantum mechanics that describes the spectral distribution of blackbody
radiation. It provides a mathematical formula for the intensity of radiation emitted by a
blackbody at different wavelengths and temperatures. Planck's law played a pivotal role in the
development of quantum theory.

The mathematical expression for Planck's Radiation Law is as follows:

1(1, T) = (21thc2 / 1/\5) * (l / [eA(hc!AkT) - l])


• 1(1, T) represents the spectral radiance, which is the power per unit area per unit solid
angle per unit wavelength.
• 1 is the wavelength of the emitted radiation.
• T is the absolute temperature of the blackbody in Kelvin.
• h is Planck's constant.
• c is the speed of light.
• k is Boltzmann's constant.

Planck's law ex~lains how the intensity ~f radiation varies with wavelength and temperature. It
accurately descnbes the _observe~ behav10r of blackbody radiation and resolves the ultraviolet
catastrophe, a problem m classical physics that couldn't account for the observed radiation

Practical Example:

Let's consider a practical example involving the heating element of an electric stove:

1. Electric Stove: Imagine an electric stove with a heating element that operates at a
co~~t tempe~ature of l000°C (1273 K). This heating element emits thermal radiation,
which 1s essenttal for cooking and heating.
2. Ap~lying Planck's La~:. Using_ Planck's Radia~on Law, we can calculate the spectral
radiance (I) of the rad1a~on emitted by _the _heatmg element at a specific wavelength (11.)
and temperatur~ (T). ~tie th~ calcula~o~ mvol~es complex mathematical operations, it
essentially provtdes the mtens1ty of radiation at different wavelengths.
3. Cooking Process: When you place a pot or pan on the heated element, the emitted
thermal radiation transfers heat energy to the cookware and its contents. The specific
wavelengths of radiation emitted depend on the temperature of the heating element (T).
4. Temperature and Color: As the he~ting element becomes hotte~, the pe~ wavelength of
its emitted radiation shifts to shorter wavelengths, corresponding to higher energy and
bluer colors. Initially, the element may appear red, but as it gets hotter, it turns orange
and then eventually white-hot as the temperature increases.

In this practical example, Planck's Radiation Law ~elps explain how the_ intensity and spectral
distribution of thermal radiation emitted by the heatmg element change with tempera~re. _It also
illustrates the concept that hotter objects emit radiation with ~horter wav~le~gths, which 1,s why
the color of the heating element changes as it heats up, followmg the pred1~tlons of ~Janek~ law•
This law has important applications in various fields, including astrophysics, matenals sc1~nce,
and quantum mechanics, where the behavior of radiation and matter at the quantum level 1s of
great significance.

14. Explain the black body radiation? 5 marks

Ans- lackbody radiation refers to the electromagnetic radiation emitted by an idealized object
known as a "blackbody." A blackbody is an ideal absorber and emitter of all wavelengths of
electromagnetic radiation, and it serves as a theoretical benchmark for understanding the
behavior of radiation and heat transfer. The concept of blackbody radiation is crucial in the fields
of physics, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics.

One of the key characteristics of blackbody radiation is its spectral distribution, which is
described by Planck's Radiation Law. This law states that the intensity of radiation emitted by a
blackbody at different wavelengths is determined by its temperature. As the temperature of a
blackbody increases, the peak of its radiation spectrum shifts to shorter wavelengths, meaning it
emits more energy at higher frequencies.

Blackbody radiation also played a central role in the development of quantum mechanics. In the
early 20th century, Max Planck introduced the idea that energy is quantized in discrete packets or
"quanta." This insight, along with his formulation of Planck's Law, resolved the ultraviolet
catastrophe, a problem in classical physics that couldn't explain the observed spectrum of
blackbody radiation.

Understanding blackbody radiation has far-reaching applications, from explaining the colors of
stars to developing advanced technologies like lasers and sensors. It provides a foundation for
comprehending the behavior of matter and radiation at the quantum level and has broad
implications for fields such as astronomy, materials science, and thermodynamics.

Sample problems with solution/hints (2 to 5 marks)

Problem l: Calculate the radiant power emitted by a blackbody at 500 K with a surface area of
0.1 m2 • Solution: Use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: P =a* A* T'"' 4 P = (5 .67 x 10"-8 W/(m2·K"))
* (0.1 m * (500 K)"4 = 14.175 W

Problem 2: Determine the temperature of a blackbody that emits 1000 W of radiant power with a
surface area of0.05 m 2. Solution: Rearrange the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: T = (P / (cr * A))"0.25 T
= (1000 W / (5 .67 x 10"-8 W/(m2·K 4) * 0 .05 m ))"0.25:::: 888 K
Problem 3: Find the peak wavelength of radiation emitted by a blackbody at 300 K using Wien's
Displacement Law. Solution: A._max * T = constant A._max =constant/ T A._max:::: (2.898 x 10" -
3 m·K) / 300 K:::: 9 .66 µm
Problem 4: Calculate the emissivity of a surface that absorbs 80% of incident radiation. Solution:
Kirchhoff's Law states e = a, so e = 0.8.

Problem 5: A red-hot iron rod bas a temperature of 800°C. Calculate its peak emission
wavelength. Solution: Convert temperature to Kelvin (1073 K) and use Wien's Displacement
Law: )._max:::: (2.898 x 10"-3 m·K) / 1073 K:::: 2.69 µm
Problem 6: Determine the total radiative power emitted by a 2 m surface at 400 K. Solution: Use
2 2
the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: P = cr *A* T"4 = (5 .67 x 10"-8 W/(m ·K'')) * (2 m ) * (400 K)"4::::
Problem 7: Calculate the temperature at which a blackbody emits radiation with a peak
wavelength of 1 µm . Solution: Rearrange Wien's Displacement Law: T = (2 .898 x 10" -3 m ·K) I
1 µm:::: 2898 K

~oble~ 8: the spectral r~diance at a wavelength of 500 nm for a blackbody at 6000 K using
anck s Rad1at1on Law. Solution: Use Planck's Law at the given temperature and wavelength.

Probl~m 9: A surface with an emissivity of 0.4 is at 600 K. Calculate its radiant emittance
Solution: Use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: E = e * cr *A* T"4 = 0 .4 * (5 67 x 10"-8 W/( 2.K4)).
* (1 m2) * (600 K)"4:::: 2196 W · m

Probl~m 10: Determine th~ temperarure at which a blackbody emits maximum radiation at a
µm. Solution: Rearrange Wien's Displacement Law: T = (2 .898 x 10"-3 m·K) ;

PruobthlemSl 1: Calculate the total radiative power emitted by a 3 m2 surface at 800 K S 1 1- .

se ::::e 1.82
K)"4 tefan-Boltzmann
MW Law·. p = cr * A* T"4 -_ ( 5.67 x 10"-8 W/(m2 -K4)) * (3 m2)
. o *u (800

Problem 12: Find the emissivity of a urf: th fl . .

Kirchhoff's Law states e = 1 - p where sp ,·satche flat re11· ~ctsS30% of mc1dent radiation. Solution:
, ere ec v1ty. o,e=l-0.3=0.7.
Problem 13: Calculate the temperature
. R at w·
whichI aD "blackbody
I emits maximum rad.laa·on at a
wavelength of 500 nm. So1ut1on: earrange 1ens 1sp acement Law: T = (2 .898 x 10/\_3 m·K)

/ 500 nm ::::: 5796 K

Problem 14: Detennine the spectral ra~ance at a wavelength of2 µm for a blackbody at K
using Planck's Radiation Law. Solution: Use Planck's Law at the given temperature and

Problem 15: A surface with an emissivity of 0.9 is at 500 K. Calculate its radiant emittance
2 4 .
Solution: Use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: E = e * O' *A* T/\4 = 0 .9 * (5 .67 x 10/\-8 W/(m -K ))

* (l m2) * (500 K)"4::::: 1961 W

Problem 16: Find the temperature at which a blackbody emits maximum radiation at a
wavelength of 5 µm . Solution: Rearrange Wien's Displacement Law: T = (2.898 x 10/\-3 m ·K) /

5 µm::::: 579.6 K
Problem 17 : Calculate the total radiative power emitted by a 4 m surface
at 2000 K. Solution:
Use the Stefan-Boltzmann Law: P = cr *A* T/\4 = (5.67 x 10/\-8 W/(m ·K'')) * (4 m2) * (2000
K)1'4::::: 1.45 MW
Problem 18: Determine the emissivity of a surface that absorbs 90% of incident radiation.
Solution: Kirchhoffs Law states e = a, so e = 0.9.
Problem 19: Calculate the temperature at which a blackbody emits maximum radiation at a
wavelength of 100 nm. Solution: Rearrange Wien's Displacement Law: T = (2 .898 x 10/\-3 m ·K)
I 100 nm 28980 K

Proble~ 20: ~n_id the spectral_radiance at a wavelength of 3 µm for a blackbody at 300 K using
Planck s Radiation Law. Solution: Use Planck's Law at the given temperature and wavelength.

Sample objective type question with answer:-

1. Q: What is the primary method of heat transfer in a vacuum?

o A: Radiation ·
2. Q: Which law states that the energy rad· t d •
to the fourth power of its absolute temp;:a~r~;r umt area of a black body is proportional
0 A: Stefan-Boltzmann Law
3. Q: What type of body emits and absorbs all radiation incident on it?
o A: Black body ·
4. Q: Does the color of an object affect its radiation absorption and ernJS·s· ?
o A: Yes 10n .
5· Q: What
o A:isEmissivity
the term for the measure o f a b o dys
, abthty
. . to emit or absorb radiation?

6. Q: Does radiation require a medium to transfer heat?

o A:No ·
7. Q: Which factor does not affect the rate of heat transfer by radiation?
o A: Presence of air
8. Q: Which Jaw describes the intensity of radiation emitted by a perfect black bod ?
o A: Planck's Law y.
9. Q: What is the predominant form of heat transfer from the Sun to Earth?
A: Radiation
1o. Q~ Can a perfect black body reflect any radiation?

o A:No
11. Q: What happens to the wavelength of radiation as the temperature of the emitting body
increases? '
o A: It decreases ,
12. Q: What is Kirchhoff's law oftherlnal ~adiation?
o A: A good absorber is a,good emitter
13. Q: What is the unit of Stefan-Boltzm~nn con,stant?
o A: W/m2K" ,
14. Q: Can transparent materials emit thermal radiation?
o A: Yes ' ', ·
15. Q: What does Wien's Displacement,state? .
o A: The peak wavelength of emission is inversely proportional to the temperature
16. Q: What is a real-life ex~ple of radiation?
o A: Feeling warmth from a,frre
17. Q: ls heat radiation affected by external temperature?
o A:No
18. Q: Can radiation occur in liquids and solids?
o A: Ye~ I
19. Q: What happens to radiation when an object is at absolute zero?
o A: It stops emitting radiation ,
20. Q: Do rough surfaces entjt more or less radiation than smooth surfaces?
o A: More I ', I I

21 . Q: Is radiation a form of electromagnetic

o A:Yes ,·
22. Q: What is the speed of beat radiation?
o A: Speed of light .
23. Q: Can two bodies at the same temperature radiate heat towards each other?
o A: Yes ·
24. Q: What kind of spectrum cloes a black body emit?
o A: Continuous spectrum
25. Q: Does the Sun's surface act as a nearly perfect,black body?
o A: Yes
26. Q: What does the tenn "grey body" refer to in -radiation?
o A: A body that partially absorbs and emits radiation
27. Q: What is the typical emissivity value for a black body?
o A: I
28. Q: Can radiation be polarized?
o A: Yes
29. Q: What is the _m~in difference between conduction, convection, and radiation?
o A: Radiation does not require a medium
30. Q: In which part of the electromagnetic spectrum is most ofth e Earth'· s surface radiation?
A: Infrared

Salllple 2 Illar~ questio,n with answer

' 00
. .Here are 20 questions, each worth two marks, along with their answers ,
Certainly! th e top1c
• of
beat radiatton: ,
1. Q: ,D
oefine heat radiation.
A: Heat radiation is the transfer of thennal energy through electromagnetic
waves, without requiring any medium.
2. Q: What is the Stefan-Boltzmann Law? .
o , A: The Stefan-Boltzmann Law states that the total energy radiated per unit
surface area of a black body is proportional to the fourth power of its absolute
3. Q: What does a perfect black body refer to in the context of heat radiation? . .
o A: A perfect black body is an idealize,d physical body that absorbs all mc1dent
electromagnetic radiation, regardless of frequency or angle of incidence.
4. Q: How does color affect the radiation emission of objects?
o A: Darker colors absorb more radiation and thus can emit more, while lighter
colots reflect more radiation and emit less.
5. Q: Explain emissivity. , ,
o A: Emissivity is a measure of an object's ability to emit infrared energy. It is the
ratio of the energy radiated by an object to the energy radiated by a perfect black
body at the same temperature.
6. Q: What is Wien's
o A: Wien's Displacement Law states thi;it the blac~ body radiation curve for
different temperatures peaks at a w*velength inversely proportional to the
7. Q: Is heat radiation visible to the'human eye?
o A: No, heat radiation primarily fa~s '~ the infrared spectrum, which is not visible
to the human eye.
8. Q: Can vacuum transmit heat through ri;idiation?
o A: Yes, radiation can transfer heat through a vacuum as it does not require a
9. Q: What is the speed of thermalradiation?
o A: The speed of thermal radiation is the same as the speed of light, as it is a form
of electromagnetic radiation.
IO. Q: How does surface texture affect heat radiation?
o A: Rough swfaces tend to emit more radiation than smooth surfa<es due to hi~her
11 . Q: What is Kirchhoff's law ofradiation? '
o A: Kirchhoff's law states that at thermal'equilibrium, the emissivity of a body
equals its absorptivity.
12. Q: Why do polished metals reflect heat radiation effectively?
0 ~ti Po~ish~d metals have low emissivity and high reflectivity, making them
• e e~b~e m reflecting heat radiation.
13. Q. Can radiation occur between two bodies at the same temperature?
0 A: Yes, radiation occurs between two bodies at the same temperature, but the net
heat transfer will be zero. , ··
14 · Q: Why is a greenho~se warm? · · · . .
.0 A: Greenhouses are w~ because the glass allows solar radiation to enter and
· ~re_vents the longer wavelength ~fr'.1fed radiation from escaping, trapping heat
ms1de. . ., ., ·. . ,: .

15. Q: What role does radlatio~ play i~ global warming? · .

0 A: Radiation plays a key role in global warming as greenhouse gases absorb and
· · emit infrared radiation, leading to an increase in Earth's temperature.
16. Q: Can radiation be blocked by shields or barriers? · . ·· ' · . · ' .
o A: Yes, radiation can be blocked or reduced by using shields or barners made of
materials with low emissivity. · · · · ·
17· Q: What happens to.the wavelength of radiation as temperature ~c:reases? . ,
0 A: As temperature increases, the wavelength of peak radiation decreases (Wiens
Displacement Law). . · · .
18. Q: How does the Sun transfer heat to the Earth? ·
0 A: The Sun transfers heat to the Earth primarily through radiation, as there is a
vacuum in space. • ..
19. Q: What is an example of radiation in daily life?
o A: Feeling the warmth from a hot stove or sunlight are examples of radiation in
daily life. ; . . . ,
20. Q: What is the primary method of heat loss from the human body in a cold environment?
o A: Radiation is the primary method of heat loss from the human body in a cold

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