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[ Theoretical Foundation in Nursing ] 4.

To maintain good body mechanics and

Instructor: Doc Sia prevent and correct the deformity.
5. To facilitate the maintenance of a supply of
oxygen to all body cells.
6. To facilitate the maintenance of nutrition
➔ Faye Abdellah - 21 Nursing Problems
for all body cells.
★ Famous for her 21 Nursing Prob 7. To facilitate the maintenance of
Theory elimination.
★ She believed that there’s a need to 8. To facilitate the maintenance of fluid and
electrolyte balance.
use community resources as an aid
9. To recognize the physiologic responses of
in resolving problems that arise the body to disease
from illness conditions—pathologic, physiologic, and
★ Need of patient to be met by the
10. To facilitate the maintenance of regulatory
nurse is to identify and accept the mechanisms and functions.
interrelatedness of emotion and 11. To facilitate the maintenance of sensory
organic illness
12. To identify and accept positive and
★ Worked with dorothy negative expressions, feelings, and
★ Formulated 3 categories of nursing reactions.
prob 13. To identify and accept interrelatedness of
emotions and organic illness.
➔ Sis. Callista Roy - Roy Adaptation Model 14. To facilitate the maintenance of effective
★ Known for her adaptation model verbal and nonverbal communication.
★ How individuals cope with stressors 15. To promote the development of
productive interpersonal relationships.
★ Adaptation occurs with person
16. To facilitate progress toward achievement
respond positively to changes and personal spiritual goals.
➔ Patricia Benner - From Novice to Expert 17. To create or maintain a therapeutic
➔ Jean Watson - Theory of Human Caring
18. To facilitate awareness of self as an
➔ Rozzano Locsin - Technological individual with varying physical, emotional,
Competency as Caring in Nursing and developmental needs.
19. To accept the optimum possible goals in
➔ Madeleine Leininger - Transcultural
the light of limitations, physical and
Nursing Theory emotional.
➔ Carmencita Abaquin - Prepare Me Theory 20. To use community resources as an aid in
➔ Cecilia Laurente - Theory of NUrsing resolving problems that arise from an
Practice and Career
21. To understand the role of social problems
as influencing factors in the cause of
❖ FAYE ABDELLAH ] illness.

- She had her calling after she witnessed the

explosion of the Hindenburg ( a German
passenger aircraft)
- She emphasizes the transformation from
disease centered to patient centered care.
- She includes care for family and elderly
- Her theory is focused on “ PATIENT
NEEDS”, that her theory identifies 21
Nursing Problems

21 Nursing Problems
1. To maintain good hygiene and physical The apparent contradiction can be explained by
comfort. her desire to move away from a disease-centered
2. To promote optimal activity: exercise, rest,
orientation. In her attempt to bring the nursing
3. To promote safety by preventing accidents, practice to its proper relationship with restorative
injuries, or other trauma and preventing and preventive measures for meeting total client
the spread of infection.
needs, she seems to swing the pendulum to the
opposite pole, from the disease orientation to
nursing orientation, while leaving the client
somewhere in the middle.

She describes nursing recipients as individuals
(and families)

Health is the purpose of nursing services.
Although Abdellah does not define health, she
speaks to “total health needs” and “a healthy state
of mind and body.”

Health may be defined as the dynamic pattern of

Nursing Paradigm
functioning whereby there is a continued
Person - Individuals and groups are viewed as
interaction with internal and external forces that
holistic beings with physiological, psychological,
results in the optimal use of necessary resources
social, and spiritual dimensions. They are seen as
to minimize vulnerabilities.
adaptive systems that continually interact with
their environment.
Health - a dynamic state of well-being, where
Society is included in “planning for optimum
individuals and groups strive to maintain
health on local, state, and international levels.”
equilibrium in the face of various stressors and
However, as Abdellah further delineates her ideas,
challenges. Health is not merely the absence of
the focus of nursing service is clearly the
illness but rather a state of optimal adaptation to
one's environment.
Environment - It includes both internal and
external factors that can influence an individual's
or group's adaptation. Internal factors encompass
- Her theory is based on the idea that
the person's own physiological and psychological
individuals and groups continuously adapt
processes, while external factors involve the
to their environment to maintain a state of
broader physical, social, and cultural context.
equilibrium or balance.
Nursing - the profession that helps individuals
- In her theory, she recognize 4 diff, Adaptive
and groups in their adaptive processes. Nurses
modes : Physiological, Self Concept, Role
use their knowledge and skills to assess the
Function, Interdependence
adaptive status of patients, identify their needs,
- The RAM distinguishes between adaptive
and intervene to promote adaptation and
responses and ineffective responses.
well-being. The nursing process within this
Adaptive responses are those that help
paradigm involves assessment, diagnosis,
individuals or groups maintain equilibrium
planning, implementation, and evaluation.
- The environment is seen as a source of
stimuli that can affect an individual's or
Application To Nursing
group's adaptation. These stimuli can be
categorized as focal (directly impacting
1. Assessment:
the individual), contextual (indirectly
Nurses use the Roy Adaptation Model to assess
influencing adaptation), or residual
patients' adaptive status by considering their
(unpredictable and less significant).
physiological, psychological, social, and spiritual
dimensions. This assessment helps identify the Roy's model encourages nurses to provide holistic
patient's adaptive strengths and weaknesses. care that considers not only the physical aspects
of health but also the psychological, social, and
2. Nursing Diagnosis: spiritual dimensions. This approach promotes a
Based on the assessment, nurses can make comprehensive understanding of the patient's
nursing diagnoses related to the patient's needs.
adaptive responses. This step involves identifying
areas where the patient may be experiencing 9. Promotion of Patient-Centered Care:
ineffective adaptation. By focusing on adaptation, Roy's model promotes
patient-centered care, where the individual's
3. Planning: unique needs and responses are at the forefront
Nursing care plans are developed using Roy's of nursing practice. This approach enhances the
model to outline strategies for promoting quality of care and patient satisfaction.
adaptive responses. Nurses consider how to
support the patient's adaptive processes and 10. Stress Reduction:
reduce stressors or challenges that may hinder Nurses using Roy's model can identify and
adaptation. address stressors that may hinder adaptation. This
can lead to reduced patient anxiety and improved
4. Implementation: overall well-being.
Nursing interventions are carried out according
to the care plan. These interventions may include
providing education and support, administering ❖ PATRICIA BENNER ]
medications, or implementing therapeutic - Dr Benner has published nine books,
techniques to promote adaptation. including From Novice to Expert, Nursing
Pathways for Patient Safety, and The
5. Evaluation: Primacy of Caring.
After implementing nursing interventions, the - She developed a concept known as “
patient's progress is evaluated. Nurses assess Novice to Expert”
whether the patient's adaptive responses have - concept explains that nurses develop skills
improved and if the goals of promoting and an understanding of patient care over
adaptation have been met. If necessary, the care time from a combination of a strong
plan is adjusted based on the evaluation. educational foundation and personal
6. Education: - Novice = Beginner w/o experience
Roy's model is also used in patient education. - Advance beginner = shows acceptable
Nurses can educate patients and their families performance, and has gained prior
about the importance of adaptation, coping experience in actual nursing situations.
strategies, and ways to reduce stressors in their - Competent nurse generally has two or
environment. three years’ experience on the job in the
same field.
7. Research: - Proficient nurse perceives and
The Roy Adaptation Model has been a basis for understands situations as whole parts. He
nursing research, particularly in the areas of or she has a more holistic understanding
patient outcomes and the effectiveness of nursing of nursing, which improves
interventions. Researchers use the model to decision-making.
explore how patients adapt to various health - Expert nurses no longer rely on principles,
conditions and treatments. rules, or guidelines to connect situations
and determine actions. They have a deeper
8. Holistic Care: background of experience and an intuitive
grasp of clinical situations.
❖ JEAN WATSON ] self as experienced. It is defined as a high level of
- She developed the Theory of Transpersonal overall physical, mental, and social functioning; a
Caring or Caring Science general adaptive-maintenance level of daily
- According to Watson “Nursing is functioning; and the absence of illness, or the
concerned with promoting health, presence of efforts leading to the absence of
preventing illness, caring for the sick, and illness.
restoring health.”
- Model states that caring can be Nursing
demonstrated and practiced by nurses. a human science of persons and human
health-illness experiences mediated by
7 Assumption in Watson’s Model professional, personal, scientific, esthetic, and
1. (1) Caring can be effectively ethical human care transactions.
demonstrated and practiced only
2. (2) Caring consists of carative
(curative)factors that result in the ❖ ROZZANO LOCSIN ]
satisfaction of certain human
- Technology Competency as Caring in
3. (3) Effective caring promotes Nursing is a middle range
health and individual or family theory grounded in Nursing as Caring
.-harmonious coexistence between
4. (4) Caring responses accept the
patient as he or she is now, as well technology and caring in
as what he or she may become. nursing.
5. (5) A caring environment offers the The assumptions of the theory are:
development of potential while
allowing the patient to choose the - Persons are caring by virtue of
best action for themselves at a their humanness
given point in time. - Persons are whole or complete in
6. (6) The science of caring is
the moment
complementary to the science of
curing. - Knowing persons is a process of
7. (7) The practice of caring is central nursing that allows for continuous
to nursing.
appreciation of persons moment to
- Technology is used to know
wholeness of persons moment to
Society provides the values that determine how
one should behave and what goals one should
- Nursing is a discipline and a
strive toward. Watson states:
professional practice.
- Technology as completing human
“Caring (and nursing) has existed in every society.
beings to re-formulate the ideal
Every society has had some people who have
human being such as in
cared for others. A caring attitude is not
replacement parts, both
transmitted from generation to generation by
mechanical or organic
genes. The culture of the profession transmits it as
- Technology as machine
a unique way of coping with its environment.”
technologies, e.g. computers and
gadgets enhancing nursing
Human being
activities to provide quality patient
Human being is a valued person to be cared for,
respected, nurtured, understood, and assisted
- • Technologies that mimic human
beings and human activities to
- meet the demands of nursing care
Health is the unity and harmony within the mind,
body, and soul; health is associated with the
degree of congruence between the self and the
- Her theory is Transcultural Nursing Theory
- nurses needed a better understanding of
patients' cultures to best administer care
to them. Patients are more likely to follow
recommendations for health and healing
when their caregivers understand and
respect their cultural norms.
- Leininger defined transcultural nursing as
“a substantive area of study and practiced
focused on comparative cultural care
(caring) values, beliefs, and practices of
individuals or groups of similar or different
cultures to provide culture-specific and
universal nursing care practices in
promoting health or well-being or to help
people to face unfavorable human
conditions, illness, or death in culturally
meaningful ways.”

- Goal of nursing care - improve quality of
life of cancer patients despite their
- Providing holistic nursing care - address
the problems of cancer patients

- Her theory focuses on helping a patient
through support systems, specifically the
● Hail Mary - Angelic Salutation, Prayer :
praise and petition
● Glory to the Father - prayer of honor, praise
of and an act of faith to the Blessed Trinity. ​
● Fatima Prayer - Marian Prayer , cited in
● Hail Holy Queen - Marian prayer composed
by Herman the Lame
● Angelus - Marian prayer recited every
morning, noon and evening in honor of Mary
and the Mystery of Incarnation.​
● 3, O clock prayer - time Jesus died
Instructor: Sir Erwin
● Prayer to the guardian angel- taught to
young children as the first prayer learned. It
serves as a reminder of God's love
➔ Catholic Basic Prayers
● Act of Contrition - Christian prayer that
➔ Faith and Revelation expresses sorrow for sins.

❖ Catholic Basic Prayers ] Apostles' Creed

- Forms of Prayer I believe in God, the Father almighty,creator
1. Adoration of heaven and earth.
2. Contrition I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our
3. Thanksgiving Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit
4. Supplication and born of the virgin Mary.He suffered under
5. Offering Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;he
- There are 13 Basic Catholic Prayer descended to hell.
1. Sign of the Cross The third day he rose again from the dead.He
2. Holy Rosary ascended to heaven
3. Apostles Creed/ Nicene Creed and is seated at the right hand of God the
4. Our Father
Father almighty.
5. Hail Mary
From there he will come to judge the living
6. Glory Be
and the dead.I believe in the Holy Spirit,the
7. Fatima Prayer
holy catholic* church,the communion of
8. Hail Holy Queen
9. Angelus/ Regina Coeli saints,the forgiveness of sins,the resurrection
10. Three O’Clock Prayer of the body,and the life everlasting. Amen.
11. Prayer to the Guardian Angel The Memorare
12. Act of Contrition Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that
13. The Memorare never was it known that anyone who fled to
thy protection, implored thy help, or sought
- Expression of Prayer thine intercession was left unaided.
Liturgy : worship expressed in specific acts Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O
Ritual : Secular of religious , symbolic activity that Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I
can create, communicate , criticize come, before thee I stand, sinful and
Worship: Homage offered to divine Majesty,thru sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate,
words and action in public ritual despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy
Contemplation: Focus attention to God
hear and answer me.
Meditation: Makes us aware of God’s presence in
the midst of life.
Act of Contrition
Vocal Prayer: Founded on the union of Body and
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having
Soul, prayer by heart,words,vocal.
offended you. I detest all my sins because of
Basic Prayers your just punishments, but most of all
● Sign of Cross - expresses Blessed Trinity because they offend you, my God, who are all
and Redemption good and deserving of all my love. I firmly
● Holy Rosary - “Holy Roses” special bouquet resolve, with the help of your grace, to sin no
given to blessed mother. more and to avoid the occasions of sin. Amen.
● Apostles Creed/ Nicene Creed - Confession
summarizing christian faith handed from the
apostles. ❖ Faith and Revelation ]
● Our Father - Prayer Jesus taught us , prayer ● Refer to PPT for better understanding
of perfect and unselfish love

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