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Class: EL1802_SU23
Name Code
1. Lê Thị Quỳnh Nga CA181706
2. Phạm Lê Nhã An CA180069

Topic 1: Write 2 300- paragraphs: one presenting the positive sides of a topic, and one
presenting the negative aspects
"Mobile phones bring advantages and disadvantages as well."

In today's technological age, mobile phones have become an essential component of

people's everyday lives. Along with the continual growth of this technology, there are many
arguments regarding the advantages and downsides that mobile phones provide. In this
article, we will explore both the positive and negative aspects of mobile phones, including the
convenience and social connection they provide, as well as their harmful influence on health
and interpersonal relationships. Mobile phones have revolutionised communication,
benefiting individuals as well as society in a variety of ways. One of the key benefits is
increased connectivity. Mobile phones enable people to stay in touch with loved ones,
colleagues, and friends, regardless of their location. Whether it is a quick phone call, a text
message, or a video chat, mobile phones have made it easier than ever to maintain
relationships and bridge geographical distances. John (2013) indicated that mobile phones
have significantly changed people's lifestyles and provide users with an enormous platform
for rapid communication and access to a wide variety of apps. Another advantage of mobile
phones is the convenience they offer. With a smartphone in hand, individuals have access to a
plethora of information and services at their fingertips. From browsing the internet, checking
emails, and accessing social media platforms, to managing finances, shopping online, and
booking appointments, mobile phones have become essential tools for modern-day living.
“As a smartphone is essentially a small screen computer, it means you can carry out a wide range
of tasks when on the go, for example, you can use your phone to order your groceries, write a
report, turn on the central heating and play Angry Birds” ( Anderson, 2019). Additionally,
mobile phones provide entertainment through various applications and music, which can help
alleviate stress and provide a source of relaxation. As maintained by Munoz (2018), it's
handy for smartphone users to watch movies, read e-books, and listen to their favourite music
on services like iTunes and Spotify. Ultimately, mobile phones have undoubtedly brought
about many positive transformations in society of their convenience and flexibility.

Despite the numerous benefits they bring, mobile phones also have their fair share of
disadvantages. One of the primary concerns is the negative impact on social interaction.
Face-to-face contact is frequently hampered by an increased dependence on mobile devices.
During social activities, people could get preoccupied with their devices, which could have a
negative impact on communication and interpersonal relationships. "With the rise of mobile
phones and social media, people are communicating more digitally and less in person. This
can lead to a decrease in face-to-face communication skills and social interactions" (Semwal,
2023). Another negative aspect of mobile phones is the possibility of addiction and
dependence. Compulsive phone checking may result from a constant desire to be online and a
worry about missing out on notifications and updates. This might have the effect of causing
people to lose attention when working or studying, waste time, and become less productive at
their jobs. Excessive phone use can also have detrimental effects on mental health,
contributing to feelings of anxiety, stress, and depression. Teens who were phone addicts
exhibited greater rates of anxiety, sadness, impulsive behaviour issues, and sleep difficulties
than other teenagers their age (Co, 2022). In addition, excessive usage of mobile devices can
cause physical health and sleep disruptions. “Smartphone addiction has been indicated to
reduce the craniovertebral angle, thereby causing a forward head posture and increasing
scapular dyskinesis” (Akodu et al., 2018). In conclusion, whereas mobile phones have
undoubtedly transformed communication and improved our quality of life in many ways,
they have also had the opposite effect when misused. Therefore, it's critical to be conscious of
these drawbacks and establish a balance while utilising them to lead a better and more
satisfying life.

[Word count: 624]

1. John, J. (2013). Positive Impacts of Smartphones on Social Society - Trffc Media.
2. Anderson, M, A. (2019). The Advantages of the smart phone. Retrieved from
3. Munoz, R. (2018, August 22). 8 Advantages and Disadvantages of Smartphone
Technology | MobileCon. MobileCon | Keeping up With the Digital World.
4. Semwal, S. (2023, February 26). Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones -
Edukar India. Edukar India.
5. Co, P. (2022, September 6). How Smartphone Addiction Is Affecting Teens’ Brains.

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