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Eumind Script: Local Dances

Akshay: Finally, we have reached Reunion Island!

Look guys, theres a fun fair there.
Come on! Lets go to the fun fair. It will be fun.
Amey: Hey look there are so many shops up there, I think we should
go and take a look at it.
Sarthak: Guys look there are some girls who are dancing!
What is this dance? What is it called?
Vanshika: Well this dance is called as Maloya. This is a traditional
dance from Reunion Island!
Akshay: Why don’t we join them?

Scene 2
Tanishka is vlogging at the fun fair
Tanishka : Hello guys , I am Elina. I am in the Reunion Island. Ahh!
Vanshika bumps into Tanishka
Vanshika: Oh sorry sorry !
Tanishka : Its fine, Its fine. Are you a tourist? Because you don’t look
like you are from here
Vanshika: Yeah! I have come from India. It looks like you aren’t from
here either.
Tanishka:Yes! I have come here as a tourist. By the Way, I am Elina
and you?
Vanshika: I am Vanshika and I have come with my friends. Hey! Come
here! Look I have found a new friend.
Sarthak: Ohhh! Hello I am Sarthak
Amey: Hi! I am Amey and he is Akshay.
Akshay : Hello, would you like to join us?
Tanishka:I would love to.
Sarthak: Elena ,do you know anything about this dance?
Tanishka: I know a little bit about it, but not much. Could you tell me
Amey: Sure, we can tell you about it.
Maloya on Reunion Island was a far cry from the joyful sounds we are
used to hearing today!It was created as a means to express the pain
and rebellion of the Malgache and African Slaves. In this dance,
dancers often move in a circular or spiral pattern, reflecting the
influence of African dance traditions.
Akshay:.Maloya is a form of music, song, and dance native to
Reunion Island. It was mixed with rock,reggae or jazz and inspires
poetry and slam.
Vanshika: The primary instrument used is the “ravanne”, a large
tambourine-like drum, and other percussion instruments like the
maravanne and kayamb. These instruments contribute to the vibrant
and rhythmic nature of Maloya.
Tanishka: Wow! I didn’t know Maloya has such an interesting story
behind it. Thank you for telling me this!
Sarthak: You’re welcome. But we better go back to our hotel now. It
is getting late.
Tanishka: I think I will stay, this fun fair really lives up to its name.And
I will enjoy here.Bye guys!

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