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Vaccination to save the future generation of the nation

Ricky Fikryansa

Honourable judges, and everybody who are in so much joy today. First of all, I would
like to thank the almighty God, cause of His mercy, we are able to join this competition . and
also shalawat and salam always be delivered to our prophet Muhammad SAW who had
brought us from the darkness to this bright modern era that we live in today. Ladies and
gentleman, I am standing here to deliver my speech under the title Vaccination to save the
future generation of the nation

the necessity of vaccination among students for offline class. yes, it's all about
vaccination, in the current pandemic and the lack of knowledge and information about the
vaccines goals make people and parents choose not to vaccinate and also prevent their
children from getting vaccinated. Talking about vaccinations in the covid 19 pandemic, I
know everyone has felt the impact of this virus, especially in the world of education. We
must be ready to face this change, because sooner or later education will experience drastic
changes due to this pandemic.

By vaccination, students can meet again with their friends in the same class even
though they must adhere to health protocols. By vaccination they can do regular activities and
open social interactions. It should be noted that the increase of Covid cases in children
reached 12% in July 2021. This data comes from CNN Indonesia. And the data for group of
teenagers aged 12-17 years who have been vaccinated is as many as 26 million people in
November 2021.
So what is the solution to this problem? The solution is that the government must
work together with the media and community to socialize and provide education to schools
and community organizations about the importance of vaccination in the regions. With this
way, students can improve their mentality so they don't get bored and parents can understand
and know that vaccines are important and don't have a bad impact. Although the problem is
the lack of human resources and health facilities to support it, it is also our responsibility,
especially the government to maintain health around us.

Vaccination is an option to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19. good

cooperation between teachers, lecturers, students, parents and schools to give hope so that
children can go to school safely and comfortably. For children aged 12-17 years it's very safe
to be given the Sinovac vaccine. Why should Sinovac? Yes, because Sinovac has been
recommended from a doctor's association. Therefore, students and parents must also be
careful in receiving information and news because vaccines not only save themselves but also
others. This COVID-19 pandemic may come as a test for all of us, but can we educate the
nation's life even in this difficult conditions? Hopefully this COVID-19 pandemic will pass
soon, so that the learning process returns to normal and we can interact again as before.

Thank you so much for listening, I hope my speech would make you inspired to make
a chance for our society and make us better in the future. Stay save and always adhere to
health protocols. Have a great day, thank you.

Wassalamualaikum WR. WB.

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