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English as the window to the world

assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

The honorable teachers, parents and all of the audiences. First of all, thanks to God who
always gave health, blessing, and salvation for all of us. So that, we can be here without trouble
at all. Secondly, may sholawat and salam for our Prophet Muhammad SAW who always give
goodness in the world. On this occasion, I’m (name). We are from X Unggulan science 4.
Have you ever thought about the language in the world? In this speech, we will convey about
English as the window to the world.

Language can be interpreted specifically to mean "symbol". And also generally means
"a communication tool in the form of a system of symbols produced by speech organs".
Everyone knows that English is the language of communication of the world. English is the
most widely spoken language in the world. There are 400 million native speakers and 2 billion
people learn it.

Cross-border communication is a factor that shaped the world as we know it today. The
distribution and development of religion, science, and technology relies heavily on this
communication process. Therefore, there is a need to be able to communicate and understand
each other. This communication process should also be able to be done by people from
different countries who use different languages. This need encourages an effort to create a
language that can be understood and used by everyone in the world.

There are 4 reasons why English is becoming an international language.

1. English Has a Lot of Vocabulary
2. The British State is a Developed Country
3. Easy to Learn
4. Britons Travel the World The Most

In addition, English is the oldest language originating from Britain.

Almost all fields use English, ranging from Medical Sciences, technology, social sciences and
Education, even in the world of literature.

It is very unfortunate, in this era of globalization, there are still many Indonesians who
have not mastered English. There is a saying that says "books are the window of the world",
but how can we see the world if the window is locked? I mean that many crucial books are
written in English, Jawaharlal Lal Nehru said, "English is our major window on the world".
This means English gives us glimpses of the various developments taking place in the world.
It provides us the distilled essence of modern knowledge in all fields of human activity. So
"English is a key of those windows".

This is the end of our speech today. Hopefully we can take a good lesson from what we
deliver today. We ask forgiveness for any words and behave which are not supposed to be.
Thank you for your kind attention today.
Wassalamaualaikum wr.wb

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