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Chapter One


Introduction .1.0

Subtitling, or subtitle translation as it is also known, is the practice of providing on-

screen text to translate the dialogue of a video format containing audio in a different
language (Díaz Cintas & Remael, 2007). Subtitles allow listeners of one language to
follow along with and understand the dialogue and context of a video recorded or
presented in another language. This is most commonly used for feature films, television
programs, and online videos to make the content accessible to wider international
audiences. Effective subtitling aims to translate the meaning and intent of the original
dialogue as closely as possible, while also abiding by certain constraints that come with
the subtitling format (Gottlieb, 1994). Subtitles need to be concise to fit within the time-
constrained on-screen text boxes without becoming too lengthy. They must also not cover
up important visual elements of the video. Translating for subtitling is therefore an art
that requires adept language skills as well as judgment calls on conveying meaning
within the given technical limitations. Different subtitling strategies have emerged over
time to best balance fidelity to the original content with readability and viewer
comprehension in the translated version. Some strategies prioritize a literal word-for-
word translation, while others take a more interpretive approach to convey the full
context and subtext. The translation method chosen can significantly impact how closely
the target language audience follows and relates to the video story and characters. This
research paper aims to analyze and compare the subtitling translation strategies used for
the 2019 fantasy adventure film Jumanji: The Next Level on two major Arab subtitle
websites, and (Chaichan, 2018). As an action comedy sequel with
considerable wordplay and nuanced dialogue, Jumanji: The Next Level presents various
translation challenges to maintain scene coherence across linguistic barriers. By
examining sample-subtitle excerpts from key scenes of the film on each website, this
study seeks to understand the diverging approaches taken and discuss their relative
strengths and limitations. Areas of comparison will include literal vs. interpretive
translation methods, additions or omissions of content, localization of references, and
pacing/readability of the on-screen text (O'Sullivan, 2012). The overall goal of this
research is to provide insight into best practices for subtitling contemporary English-
language films into Arabic, evaluating methods that optimize viewers’ comprehension
and engagement. Findings could help inform the training of future Arabic subtitlers and
improve strategies to make foreign content optimally accessible to Arab audiences
(Georgakopoulou, 2012).

Statement of the Problem .1.1

While subtitling has enabled wider access to foreign language films, directly
translating dialogue poses linguistic challenges. Film scripts require conveying complex
elements like wordplay and nuanced discussions within subtitle constraints. When
subtitling Jumanji: The Next Level into Arabic, websites and used
different translation methods, but how effectively each balanced constraints with
meaning is unclear. Given Jumanji's language humor, translating its subtleties across
languages posed difficulties. This research aims to evaluate the approaches to handling
the film's linguistic issues.

Objectives of the Study .1.2

This study aims to:

1. Analyze and compare subtitling strategies used on and

for the film Jumanji: The Next Level.
2. Identify the diverging translation approaches taken on each website
3. Discuss the relative strengths and limitations of the approaches.
4. Provide insight into best subtitling practices for contemporary English films in
Significance of the Study .1.3

Findings will evaluate optimal methods for subtitlers to maximize Arab

viewers’ comprehension and engagement with foreign films despite linguistic
barriers. Results can help inform training and improve the accessibility of
international content.

1.4. Methodology of the Study

A qualitative content analysis will be conducted comparing sample subtitles

from key scenes of Jumanji: The Next Level on the two websites. Areas of
comparison include literal vs. interpretive translation, additions/omissions,
localization, and text readability.

Definitions of Important Terms .1.5

1. Audiovisual Translation: a subfield of translation studies that is concerned

with the translation of recorded audiovisual materials.

2. Subtitling: the process of translating spoken dialogue into written text on

the screen, which usually appears near the bottom of the screen.

Limitations of the Study .1.6

This study has three limitations

1. Limitation of time: the study is carried out and applied in the second
semester of the academic year (2020-2021).
2. Limitation of place: the study is performed at the University of Science and
Technology, Ibb City.

3. Subject of the Study: The study examines two subtitlers from Akwam and
Cima4u websites and their Arabic subtitle versions of the American movie
"Jumanji: The Next Level," aiming to evaluate their approaches in cultural
adaptation and linguistic accuracy through an analytical comparison.

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