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EST 104
1.The ____ is the key human resource.
 Learners
 Teacher
 knowledge
2. All these are factors affecting curriculum except __
 The learner
 Society
 Objectives
3. A good curriculum must keep pace with changes in the ___ for which it is prepared.
 Learners
 Teachers
 Society
4. _____ had showed that heredity and environment play important roles in cognitive
 Jean piaget
 Auguste Comte
 Sigmund Freud
5. ______ is a long term general expressions of ambition or desires
 Aims
 Objectives
 Goals
6. The terms goal, aim and objectives could adopt a general meaning called ______
 Experience
 Desired outcome
 Results
7. The instructional plan is the teacher's plan on how to implement the _____
 Curriculum
 Scheme of work
 Syllabus
8._____ is a teacher's plan of activities for a unit's lesson.
 Instructional plan
 Lesson plan
 Scheme of work
9. _____ indicates relative emphasis on the topics through their assigned duration.
 Scheme of work
 Lesson plan
 Instructional plan
10. An instructional systems consists of the following components except ____
 Content of instruction
 Objectives to be achieved
 Lesson plan
11. ______ is the content matter designated by the society as essential for learners.
 Core curriculum
 Thematic curriculum
 Subject curriculum
12. Resources needed for school learning can be categorized into school personnel and ___
 Experiences
 Facilities
 Programmes
13. The measuring of educational achievement and outcomes produce data on ___
outcomes levels of the school curriculum.
 4
 2
 3
14. At the ___ level , an evaluation gives information on the implemented curriculum.
 Macro level(school level)
 Micro level (student learning)
 Mega level (classroom level)
15. All these are levels of planning of the school curriculum except ___
 Information dissemination
 Syllabus
 Scheme of work
16. At the implementation level of the curriculum process the planning for instruction is the
prerogative of the ____
 Learners
 Society
 Teachers
17. _____ are statements of specific and immediate outcomes expected at the end of an
instructional period.
 Designing models
 Instructional objectives
 Instructional plan
18. All these are uses of lesson plan except ___
 It encourages logical development of subject matter
 It makes the teacher more confident in front of class
 It helps the teacher teach the student
19. The learning domains are ___
 Cognitive, affective and effective
 Cognitive, effective and psychomotor
 Cognitive, affective and psychomotor
20. ___ involves the use of processes such as reasoning and remembering
 Cognitive
 Affective
 Psychomotor
21. ___ involves intellectual actions, knowledge, synthesis and evaluation.
 Cognitive
 Psychomotor
 Affective
22. Affective domain is the process of feelings and _____
 Love
 Comprehension
 Value
23. ____ has to do with skills acquisitions.
 Affective
 Psychomotor
 Cognitive
24. ____ impact on our attitudes and personalities
 Cognitive
 Psychomotor
 Affective
25. The ______ domain help us carry out physical activities such as balancing and correct
use of instruments or tools.
 Psychomotor
 Cognitive
 Affective
26. ____ is considered as a process whereby through interpersonal Influence or interactions
the ways and behaviour of other persons are changed.
 Learning
 Teaching
 Communication
27. _____ is said to occur when a group assembled to communicate with one another
through speaking and listening about a topic.
 Lecture method
 Discussion method
 Field trip method
28. ____ is also called “talk and chalk method “
 Lecture method
 Symposium
 Discussion method
29. Individual with good communication skill can hold a good ______ method
 Symposium
 Lecture
 Discussion
30. _____ method is very democratic.
 Symposium
 Lecture
 Discussion
31. In ____ method, you do not attack the student's idea.
 Lecture
 Symposium
 Discussion
32 ____ method is also called a plenary session
 Lecture
 Discussion
 Field trip
33. ____ involves a large group discussion of topical issues to the participants
 Symposium
 Discussion
 Lecture
34. Round table conference is usually composed of a small group between 3 to ___
 6
 7
 8
35. Question and answer method is also called ____
 Brainstorming session
 Socratic method
 Talk and chalk method
36. _____ are usually won or loss by participants group as judge by a panel on number of
 Symposium
 Socratic method
 Debates
37. In ____ method, the domain of learning of interest is psychomotor.
 Socratic
 Brainstorming
 Demonstration
38. _____ is an expression or experience through the medium of acting
 Demonstration
 Role play
 Field trip
39. ____ method is mostly student centred
 Demonstration
 Discussion
 Role play
40. All these are structure of stories except ___
 Introduction
 Development
 Assessment
41. Characters, settings, plots and theme are ____ of a story
 Conclusions
 Element
 Structure
42. ____ is a regular visit to a place of interest to the content of the curriculum.
 Project method
 Field trip
 Take over
43. Examples of individualized instruction include distance education, project method and
 Symposium
 Tutoring
 Field trip
44. There are ___ steps teachers should follow in going for an excursion
 7
 3
 4

45. Poetry method is also a students centred method

 Yes
 No
 Not sure
46. ____ is defined as the mechanism whereby final grading of a student takes account of all
 Home work
 Diagnosis
 Continuous assessment
47. ____ is a form of evaluation carried out to diagnose and analyse individual weaknesses
or strength
 Continous assessment
 Diagnostic evaluation
 X-ray
48. Test may be classified into ___
 2
 3
 5
49. ____ is a readymade format and also structured
 Objective test
 Essay
 Subjective test
50. All these are examples of objective tests except
 Yes or No
 Matching pair
 Project technique
51. Ashby commission recommend the following except
• universalization
• Expansion
• accession
52. Nigeria conference on curriculum development organized by NERC was established in
• 1964
• 1969
54. Decision area II under new development on curriculum include the following except
• Goals of primary
• specific objectives
• national philosophy
55. The maximum age range for pre primary is
56. The following are non-vocational knowledge except
• Arabic
• wood work
• French
57. Vocational Education was revised in year
• 1999
• 1987
• 1998
58. Structure of vocational modules consists of how many components
59. The first Educational system was
• 6-3-3
• 6--3--3-4
• 6-5-4
60. The present educational system used in Nigeria is
• 1967
• 1982
• 1990
61. The categories of Evaluation are ______________ in numbers
 3
 5
 6
62. The teacher's managerial responsibilities include the following except
 Time
 Class
 Reportorial
63. Teacher should allowed students to practice instructions for
• 40%
• 15%
• 60%
64. The higher education is refer to _______
 Pro-secondary
 Pre-secondary
 Post-secondary
65. The head of state that adopt the 6-3-3-4 system is
 Muhammad Buhari
 Sheu Shagari
 Olusegun Obasanjo
66. The age of a primary school pupil should be _______ to _______
 5-12
 6-11
 8-15
67. ________ education is the basic foundation for learning
 Pre-primary
 Primary
 Post-primary
68. The method centered on students putting themselves in place of other people or
object is _________
 Drama
 Role play
 discussion
69. The best method for Instruction is __________
 dramatization
 lecture
 demonstration
70. All the followings are acceptable action words for behavioural objective except
• define
• know
• identify
71. The report of the national curriculum conference came out with recommendations in
different ________ decisions
 8
 9
 10
72. decision area V include the following except
 The role of teacher-education
 Improvement in teachers education
 Goals of primary education
73. They are _______ techniques in evaluating
 3
 2
 4
74. The following are tecniques of evaluation except
 Observation
 Project
 Test
75. the following are characteristics of continuous assessment except
 Systematic
 Cumulative
 Essay
76. Other activities in the school curriculum is called______
 Core curriculum
 Thematic curriculum
 Extra curriculum
77. The pivotal activity in the school is _______
 Learning process
 Instructional process
 Objectives
78. The total experience an individual acquired in a well structured setting is embedded in
the _____
 Learning
 Curriculum
 Instruction
79. Curriculum can be seen as ________
 Life changer
 Package with content
 Programming
80. NUC was establish with the following reasons
 Provision of funds
 Playing roles of government
 Giving autonomy to universities
81. SOLO stands for
 System of the observing learning outcome
 Structured of the observed learning output
 Structure of the observed learning outcome
82. SOLO taxonomy consist of _______ levels
 2
 3
 5
83. With reference to solo taxonomy one aspect of a task is understood
 Unistructural level
 Multi-structural level
 Rational level
84. Integration is developed between two or more Aspectsis
 Unistructural level
 Multi-structural level
 Rationale level
85. SOLO taxonomy was presented by
 Bloom
 Krath who
 Biggs &collis
86. Heuristic means
 To investigate
 To show
 To act
87. Arm strong was the exponent of
 Project method
 Heuristic method
 Discussion method
88. According to Kilpatrick, the types of projects are
 2
 3
 5
89. Making a specific inference from general situation is
 Deductive
 Inductive
 Dialectic
90. Duration of lessons in macro- lesson plans is
 5-10min
 35-45min
 20-30min
91. In British approach of lesson planning, more emphasis is on
 Teachers objectives
 Curriculum objectives
 Learners objectives
92. In Nigeria curriculum instruction takes place between
 Society and curriculum
 Teachers and learners
 Students and society
93. CAI means
 Computer analysed instruction
 Computer assisted instruction
 Computer assimilation instrument
94. Which is not the mode of CAI
 Tutorial mode
 Simulation mode
 Question mode
95. The highest level of hierarchy is
 Application
 Analysis
 Evaluation
96. The specific number of domain in law of taxonomy is ____
 3
 5
 6
97. Taxonomy of educational objectives was presented in
 1946
 1956
 1966
98. The right sequence of branches of cognitive domain is
 Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Synthesis, analysis, Evaluation
 Knowledge, Comprehension, application, Evaluation, analysis, Synthesis
 Knowledge, Comprehension, application, analysis, Synthesis Evaluation
99. The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
 Benjamin S. Bloom
 Skinner
 Simpson
100. The affective domain was classified by
 Benjamin S. Bloom
 Simpson
 Krathwhol
101. psychomotor domain is classified by
 Bloom
 Simpson
 Kattie
102. Affective domain was divided into groups in year
 1954
 1964
 1974
103. . Micro teacher is a
 Teacher method
 Teaching training technique
 Motivational technique
104. Micro teaching takes what time
 5-10min
 10-15min
 2-3minin
105. In micro teaching the minimum number of students is 5 and maximum is
 15
 10
 20
106. Micro teaching started in ________ year in other to build the competencies skills in a
 1950
 1960
 1970
107. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of seeing?
 75%
 13%
 6%
108. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of listening?
 75%
 13%
 6%
109. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of touch?
 75%
 13%
 6%
110. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of smell?
 13%
 6%
 3%
111. How much knowledge is gained through the sense of taste?
 75%
 13%
 3%
113. Adler and Town 1990 described _____ major vies of communication
 2
 3
 4
114. Mock up models are those which explain
 Principles or working of machine
 Internal structure
 External structure
115. The ultimate focus of scientific method is on
 Hypothesis formulation
 Observation
 Formulation of a law theory
116. What is the first step in the project method of teaching
 Determination of activities
 Determination of objective
 Distribution of work
117. Which one is NOT the Psychological principle of teaching?
 Proceed from concrete to abstract
 Proceed from complex to simple
 Proceed from known to unknown
118. Which is the SECOND step in the problem solving method?
 Testing hypothesis
 Recognition and definition of problem
 Formulation of hypothesis
119. Which is the best method of teaching Science at school level?
 Lecture
 Analytical
 Demonstration
120. Which is not the step of scientific method?
 Observation
 Experiment
 Interview

All questionsand Observations should be directed to Prof khalipha



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