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Every day we read in newspapers and see on television how many rich people spend
their money recklessly. They are spend money on expressive cars, boats, guns without
thinking of other people who live in difficult conditions. A lot of celebrites and other role
models in high society spend their money on themselves, but I think if I were a wealthy
person I would use my money in totally different way.

First of all I would estabilish own my fund to help less fortunate people and people
that need financial assistance. My fund will help to people that wants to continue their
education, but don`t have enough money to do it alone. Also it would help to children that lost
their parents and don`t have anyone to care about them. After that I would help to equip
hospitals and health care facilities in small towns for people that can`t go to big cities for
healing. I would help to people who have no money for medical treatment too. I think that
everyone has the rights to live. Also I would help to rebhlid schools, museums, galleries and
other cultural places, parks for children and places for family holidays. I wouldn`t spend vast
amouts of money on an enormous house or cars or plastic surgery. Probably I live in frugally
house suburb area, because I want for my family to live in a peaceful environment.

After all I would put money away for my children, their education, good schools, that
one day they become kind people. I hope that one day have enough money to do at least part
of this.

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