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to which the cargo has shifted.

The range of stability is reduced.

The maximum value of GZ is reduced.
The dynamical stability is reduced.
In cases where the vertical movement of G
may not be ignored, the effects of shift of car-
go are:
A reduction in GM.
The range of stability is reduced.
The maximum value of GZ is reduced.
The dynamical stability is reduced.

Figure 3. The statical stability curie as a function of heel angle for a given vessel displacement Vessel manoeuvring/centrifugal
and loading condition. force
When a ship makes a turn with a constant ves-
Dynamic stability bottom, ship's side etc. or in the cargo holds sel speed of y then a centrifugal force (a force
This is defined as the amount of work that themselves. The presence of free surface ¡n directed outwards) is exerted at the centre of
must be done on a ship to heel it to some any given tank reduces the actual GM value gravity G, see figure 6, which has the magni-
angle. Dynamic stability at any angle equals, by: tude:
see figure 4:
¿GM=-- Fcf
The displacement of the ship multiplied
V pw R

by the area under the curve of statical sta-

bility to that angle. where i = the transverse moment of inertia of where M = the ship's mass and R is the radius
or each free surface about its own centre line, V of the turnìng circle.
The displacement of the ship multiplied = volume of displacement of the vessel, pt =
by the difference ¡n the distance between density of the liquid with the free surface and
the centres of gravity and buoyancy in the pw = density of water in which the ship floats.
upright and inclined condition, i.e. lt stands to reason that the total reduction of
D.S. = W(B1Z1-BQG). GM due to the presence of free surfaces is
equal to the sum of the GM reduction produ-
Free surface correction. ced by each tank separately.
Once the value of GM has been calculated for
a ship for a given loading condition, i.e. dis- Effect of Shift o Cargo on
placement, corrections must be made for the Stability.
presence of free surfaces in tanks on board. Cargo may shift transversely due to rolling in
These tanks may be situated in the double heavy seas, and the effect of moving the cen-
tre of gravity of the cargo is to move the cen-
Figure 4. The dynamic stability. tre of gravity of the ship from G to G1, see
figure 5, such that: Figure 6. Centrifugal force acting on the ves-
sel while turning with a constant velocity and
the resulting (liquid) cargo shift.

This steady turn introduces an outward heel

where moment due to the centrifugal force, Mcf =
X = horizontal movement of G; Fcf x GH whereby GH is equal to the vertical
Y = vertical movement of G; distance between the centre of gravity of the
W = displacement of ship; ship and the centre of the lateral wetted area,
w = weight of cargo shifted; i.e. water drag area. This stability moment
h = horizontal movement of centre of gravi-
ty of w; Figure 5. The effect of shifting of cargo on G
y = horizontal movement of centre of gravi- as a result of heel angle.

The new righting lever GZ is:

G1Z1 = GZ-Xcosb-Ysine

Usually the vertical movement of G may be

ignored, but the horizontal movement is im-
portant. The effects of shift of cargo are:

1. A permanent list is produced on the side


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