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Jack Tarchetti

Unit 7

Section: Understand and plan your SM campaign.

Social Media platforms

 Instagram
 Tik Tok
 Snapchat
 WhatsApp
 ‘X’ formerly Twitter
 Facebook
 You Tube

Additional notes, regarding the video transformation (unit 7)

 I had to make the advert fit into the frame you typically see on social media, therefore making it
square, as a pose fitting the entire screen.
 During this process, I had to sequence the video and then reframe it.
 Also, it has allowed me to change the overall/general pace of the video in order to make the advert’s
footage smoother and clearer!
 I believe this went really well as I have viewed the final result online (on YouTube) and it fits correctly.
Not only that but the occasional camera movement caused by me changing the position on Premier
Pro allows the camera view to follow the shoe better and when there was movement it was not
frantic, but was smooth. Emphasising the shoes movement!
 Now that I have made the advert vertical, this would now fit the guidelines of Youtube, Whattsapp
and also Tik Tok. These are the three social media platforms; I would choose to put them on. Although
I think It would also work on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.
 If I were to put it on Tik Tok, the videos are vertical, so the advert would fit onto them and on
YouTube, YouTube shorts are vertical, so the advert would work Simultaneously on that too, that is
why I have exported it onto YouTube. If I were to add the advert onto another SM platform it would
work, the same as It has done for the ones I have already done.
 Next time doing this I might improve the positioning of the camera at certain moments in the advert!
o I have put the advert onto my WhatsApp and YouTube!

Where did I struggle in the production stage of the advert?

 I think I struggled with coming up with Rotoscoping Ideas and making the advert last 30 seconds as I
had to be decisive when choosing how much of what pieces of footage I wanted to be in the advert
and where I wanted them to go in order to create the flow my advert has now that it is complete.
 Although I found it easy to choose the footage it wasn’t as easy as anticipated to get the necessary
footage, and to carry out getting this footage due to the disagreements our group had and the patchy
weather. As when it rained, we could not film the footage needed!

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