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Anchoring Script – MYP 3

Tananya: (*inspirational music playing in the background*) Esteemed Principal sir, Vice
Principals, Coordinators, faculty members and dear students, I’m Tananya. Good morning
and a warm welcome to our school assembly today, conducted by IB MYP 3 students. It's truly
heartening to see this gathering of eager minds and enthusiastic hearts, coming together to start
our day on a positive note.

In this platform of learning, we don't merely gather for routine exercises. Instead, we assemble
here as a community of learners, dreamers, and achievers. This assembly is not just about
routine announcements or a brief respite from classes; it's about sharing ideas, building
connections, fostering a sense of unity and broadening the sense of thinking that transcends
grades, ages, and backdrop- *record scratching*.

Amogha: *groans*

Tananya: Amogha. You’re literally killing the vibe.

Amogha: I’m sorry ok I feel sleep deprived... although I slept at 10 last night.. and overslept…
but you get it !!

Tananya: Right-

Amogha; How do you have so much energy in the morning anyway?

Tananya: Boost is the secret of my energy!!-

Amogha: *side eyes* Let’s begin the assembly by singing the school song

(Intro for School Song)

Tananya: Oh and just telling you, even though our classroom is on the ground floor, we can hear
your voices from all the way down here, so we know they aren’t that low, at least try to sing even
if you don’t know the full song yet, or you’re not a good singer... like either of us.

Amogha: Hey! Speak for yourself. I’m one step away from embarking on my very own singing
career. Also, I agree. No matter how much you think you’re bad at it, you don't have a
megaphone to be heard above all the other 300 students here, so you can sing as loudly as you

(Prayer for Courage)

Prayer is the key to morning and bolt for night. To invoke the blessing of the Almighty I request
the school to-

Amogha: Please take positions for the prayer for courage, recited by ____
Tananya: Stop cutting me off…

(Thought for the Day)

Tananya: Today's thought for the day reminds us that life is a journey filled with both challenges
and opportunities. So, one should be wise enough to discern what is right and what is wrong.
So, I call upon ___________________ to share their thought in the various languages that we
learn in DRSIS


Amogha: Thank you so much.

(Educational news)

I invite your attention as we welcome the dedicated individual who keeps us informed and
enlightened through the corridors of knowledge – the bearer of educational news. So I welcome
_______________________________ for the Educational news.

Amogha: wow that introduction made them sound so mystical

Tananya: Thank you *flips hair* I mean, they are the ones who keep us updated on the latest
information, so I think they deserve to be highlighted


*Commands guy says school settle down*

Tananya: Oh I bet you were all waiting to do that. Now, we introduce the main act of our
assembly, the pl-

Amogha: The play on lateral thinking using the 6 thinking hats of De bono! This will be an
amusing representation of the meanings hidden behind these colourful hats, portrayed through
a situation with 6 thinkers.

Tananya: And please pay attention because we have a quiz later… with chocolates of course.

*Both start walking away sort of*

Tananya: I told you to stop interrupting me

Amogha: That was my line!!

*Play starts*
*Play ends*

Amogha: Woah! That was pretty interesting, though it gives me flashbacks to my PYP years…

Tananya: Were you even paying attention Amogha?

Amogha: Of course I was! What kind of person do you take me for

Tananya: Tell me what each of the hats represents.


Tananya: If you don’t know it you can just say that-

Amogha: NO! *ahem* I mean no, I remember them very clearly- The blue hat is..for um..the
ocean, The white hat is for-uh-light, The red hat is for…valentines day, The black hat is for the
dark magic, The green hat is the forest and the Pink hat is for barbie!! I’m right, aren't I!! I’m so

Tananya: *looks concerned*...

Tananya: First of all, none of those were right. And the pink hat doesn’t even exist!

Amogha: Just kidding!! Of course, I was paying attention to the play, The blue hat represents
logical thinking and planning, The white hat is for the data facts and information, The Red hat is
for emotions, The black hat is for caution and risks, The yellow hat is for the benefits and
advantages of the plan and the Green hat is for Creativity and solutions!!

Tananya: I’m glad to see that you know them because in a second I was about to switch you out
for a new partner.

Amogha: Now that we just gave you a recap, I invite my friends, Pratighya and Yuvika to take
the stage and ask you some questions to test your lateral thinking, and what you’ve observed
from the play.

Tananya: Also, I would like to inform you that one student can only answer one question and
that if you answer a second time your answer won’t be counted. This is just to ensure that
maximum students participate in the assembly, so please keep these guidelines in mind.

*Yuvika and Pratighya conduct the quiz*

Tananya: Now we would like to call up our mentors, the coordinators, to enlighten us with the
announcements for today.

*Commands guy says school stand up*


Amogha: We invite any girls and boys who are celebrating their birthday today up to the stage-

If any come up - Tananya: We hope your cookies are warm, the milk isn’t rotten, and that your
pillow is cold on both sides.

Amogha: Let’s all wish them a very happy birthday!

*Happy birthday song*

National Anthem

I kindly request your attention as we prepare to honour our nation through the singing of our
National Anthem. I request you all to rise and take your positions, standing proudly and

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