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Despite the fact that walking is recognized to be healthy, only a few individuals

walk in recent years.This problem is ascribed to some reasons and there are some
useful ways to solve it which I will further explain in this essay.
There are several reasons that cause the decline in walking of people
nowadays.First of all, the development of technology is seen as one of the most
noticeable reasons.That is because the more techology develops, the more smart
vehicles are produced.Thus, people mostly tend to choose those vehicles as their
convenience and usefulness rather than walking.Second, the fast-paced lifestyle
also affects people’s mobility choices.For instance, people have to wake up early
in the morning to go to work so they are typically in a hurry to be on time and to
come back home for evening preparation.
To tackle this issue, there are some measures to do it.The first solution is for
government to raise the awareness of people about the benefits of walking and
encourage people to limit driving.It not only helps people to have a healthier
lifestyle but also improve the environment. In terms of young students, the
government can include an outdoor learning session in the curriculum or establish
a walking schedule before classes begin in the morning.
In conclusion, a hectic schedule and innovations in technology are the main
reasons why people fail to engage in physical activity, particularly walking. This
issue can be resolved by the government by passing appropriate laws that are
implemented in both schools and daily life.

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