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Advantages and disadvantages:

Prompt: "Some people believe that the growth of technology has made our lives more complicated,
while others argue that it has made our lives easier and more convenient. Discuss both views and give
your opinion."

Sample Essay:

Introduction: In the contemporary era, the rapid growth of technology has sparked a debate about its
impact on our lives. While some assert that technology has introduced complexities, others contend
that it has brought about convenience and simplicity. This essay will explore both perspectives before
presenting a reasoned opinion on the matter.

Body Paragraph 1 (Disadvantages of Technology): One argument against the proliferation of

technology is that it has introduced a host of complexities into our lives. For instance, the constant
connectivity afforded by smartphones and social media has led to information overload, making it
challenging for individuals to sift through the vast amount of data. Furthermore, the rise of
automation has raised concerns about job displacement, adding an economic dimension to the
perceived complications associated with technological advancements.

Body Paragraph 2 (Advantages of Technology): Conversely, proponents of technology argue that it

has significantly enhanced the convenience of our daily lives. The advent of smartphones, for
example, has streamlined communication and made information accessible at our fingertips.
Moreover, technological innovations in fields such as healthcare and transportation have contributed
to increased efficiency and improved the overall quality of life.

Body Paragraph 3 (Balanced View and Personal Opinion): While it is evident that technology has
introduced challenges, it is equally clear that it has brought about unprecedented convenience.
Striking a balance between harnessing technological advancements for our benefit and addressing
the associated complexities is crucial. In my opinion, the key lies in adopting a mindful approach to
technology, using it as a tool to enhance our lives without succumbing to its potential pitfalls.

Conclusion: In conclusion, the impact of technology on our lives is a multifaceted issue, with valid
arguments on both sides. The challenge lies in navigating the complexities introduced by technology
while appreciating the undeniable conveniences it offers. As we embrace technological progress, a
thoughtful and balanced approach is essential to ensure that our lives are enriched rather than
overwhelmed by these advancements.

Causes/ effects:

Model essay

Today more people are overweight than ever before.

What in your opinion are the primary causes of this?

What are the main effects of this epidemic?

Nowadays the number of overweight people is constantly increasing. This essay will discuss the main
reasons of this epidemic and then describe the possible effects of the problem.

In my opinion, the foremost causes of obesity are inactive lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Today
more and more people rely on cars instead of walking, have less physical demands at work and prefer
inactive leisure activities. This results in burning less calories and gaining weight. Moreover, the
problem is accentuated by the growing number of people, who eat irregularly and consume large
portions of high-calorie food. For example, about 50% of the adult population in Europe with so-
called disordered eating suffer from obesity.

The possible effects of this problem include physical health problems and loss of productivity. First of
all, obesity results in incorrect functioning of the human body and contributes to the risk of
developing some chronic illnesses. For example, as body fat percentage increases, the person’s
metabolism worsens, which in turn may result in diabetes or heart diseases. Secondly, overweight
people are very unhealthy and often suffer from stress and tiredness. This lessens their work capacity
and results in lower productivity. For example, it has been proven that an obese person needs to put
more effort to complete some task than a person with normal weight.

To sum up, obesity is a big problem that affects a lot of people nowadays. It’s mainly caused by
inactive lifestyle and eating disorders and results in severe health problems and loss of productivity.

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