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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059


Solly Aryza1, Zulkarnain Lubis2
Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia1,2

In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 where electrical energy has become one
Keywords: aspect of life needs for humans where human electrical energy is progressing very
Energy, Power rapidly in various fields of electronic technology. To find out how much the budget
Consumption, must be paid in using electrical energy, PLN made a tool that is able to find out the
use of electrical energy, namely Kwh. The function of this research is to eliminate
public doubts about the payment of electrical energy used every month that has been
obtained. The results obtained are included in the very good category. The
technology that is suitable for this problem is the Internet of Things (IoT) based
electric power monitoring system technology that is able to provide accurate and
real-time results. The method carried out is organized in several stages, starting from
data collection, design, configuration, application.

In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, electrical energy has become one of the necessities of life
for humans. With the existence of electrical energy humans experience very rapid progress in various
fields of electronic technology. We can already see the use of this electric power directly both in the
household, hospital and industrial environment. In order to provide the best service and facilitate the use
of electrical energy and fulfill the wishes of the community in the procurement and expansion of
electrical energy networks, the government appointed a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) called the State
Electricity Company (PT.PLN). An Indonesian state-owned enterprise that provides services and seeks
profits to the community so that later it can increase state revenues. In this case, to get the conversion
value of the amount of electrical energy used by the community into a value, PLN uses a calculation tool
called a KWH (Kilo Watt Hour) meter.
Based on the record of electricity statistics in 2019 issued by the Directorate General of Electricity
of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the number of PLN customers in 2019 was 75,705,614
customers. In West Sumatra Province amounted to 1,239,902. Per capita electricity consumption is the
ratio between the use of electricity divided by the national population. The national population is
obtained from the central statistics agency data. The Geographical Situation of Koto Baru Mungka
Hamlet is located about 13 km from Mungka District. And 145 km from the capital of Padang Province.
The topography of Mungka sub-district is flat (50%), hilly (35%), slightly sloping (5%), and steep (10%).
While the hamlet of Koto Baru Mungka itself.
This research is focused on the community, especially households, where the system is able to
monitor the use of electrical energy every month. And can display the value of tension, current in the
household. This research will be able to reduce the suspicion and doubt of the community towards PLN
officers and avoid fraud. This monitoring system prototype is made through electronic components as the
main media. In addition, it helps the community in terms of monitoring the use of electrical energy and at
the same time being able to display how much current and voltage is installed in the household through
the LDC interface and the GSM Gataway module as a channeling medium to the cellphone directly using
The calculation method used to find out how much electricity costs used can be done by using
microsof excel. Simply enter the estimated value of electrical energy in Kwh and flow with the electric
power and kilometers installed in the household. The results issued by Kwh are reduced by the results of

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

the recording period last month. Then from the difference, it can be seen how much electrical energy
usage. The electrical energy is multiplied by the price of the basic electricity tariff. Manual results will be
stored on a piece of paper. The process of reading meters and issuing customer accounts still runs
partially and is not connected between one process and another.

Figure 1. Concept Of Monitoring

Meanwhile, it is not uncommon for PLN officers to encounter obstacles in the process of recording
electricity meters, such as when officers find electricity meters located in homes whose fences are locked,
PLN officers cannot enter to record the latest customer usage. compare only. In addition, sometimes the
presence of dangerous animals such as wasp nests and fierce dogs is also an obstacle for PLN officers.
Finally, PLN officers can only see the amount of customer usage last month and compare it with the
current month's usage to estimate the amount of electricity bills that must be paid by customers. This
sometimes causes problems, where the amount of the bill increases significantly compared to last month.
The difference in this increase causes doubts the public as customers. In the end, it led to a recheck of
the customer's electricity meter by PLN officers.
Seeing this reality, the researcher intends to conduct this research to be able to help overcome the
above problems. Also supported by a statement from the PLN officer himself who stated that he strongly
agreed if there was an appropriate solution that could help his work in minimizing the doubts of the
community as PLN customers in Koto Baru Mungka Hamlet. For more details can be seen on the
attachment page.
Researchers saw data on the problems that occurred and took a sample of respondents on February
20, 2021 to determine the respondents to be studied, researchers used a sample technique, namely the
Slovin formula to determine the number of samples to be selected. Researchers must use an error rate of
5% because in every research it is impossible for the results to be perfect 100%.And to get data on the
number of sample samples. The results of determining the respondents get 86 respondents. Based on the
results of the respondents in need of interval analysis, the researcher uses a Likert scale to get the
percentage index.
From the interval assessment score obtained 82% with the category strongly agree. see the
problems that occur in the community of Koto Baru Mungka Hamlet. Based on the results of the
questionnaire that has been conducted, the data obtained is that the community complains about
electricity payments that are paid every month. The community thinks that there have been mistakes and
fraud in terms of recording the electricity usage that is used every month. The community stated that their
electricity bills experienced a significant increase compared to the previous month. As a result, people are
hesitant to pay electricity bills notified by PLN officers without any actual written data that they received
Jurnal Scientia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC
JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Based on the data above, researchers offer a solution about the need for a monitoring prototype on
postpaid kwh that is able to detect the presence of electric current flowing in the load used by using
sensors and Arduino Uno as the brain of each component module that will send analog-shaped data, then
will be converted into digital data.
Literature Review
Electric Power
Electric power is found in household appliances, for example 125 volts and 100 watts, which
means that the electric light bulb will turn on properly when installed in an electric current whose voltage
is 125 volts and the light bulb uses 100 watts of electric power. Electrical power can also be said to be the
power contained in the flow and voltage of electricity through obstacles of a certain magnitude. The unit
of measure for electrical power is the watt and has a symbol P. For more details, we can see the formula
for calculating the amount of electric power can be written:
P =V x I
P = Electric power (Watt)
V = Electric voltage (Volt)
I = Strong electric current (Ampere)
Electricity Tariff
Each region and house has its own category - each can be called TDL. The policy issued by the
government for PLN customers. PLN is one of the companies that can officially sell electrical energy to
the people of Indonesia.
From each customer has its own tariff, for more details we can see in the following groups.
1. House for residence
2. House for rent
3. Individually owned flats
4. Dormitory building for private employees
5. Student dormitory
Monitoring System
Researchers will explain the basis for making a Monitoring System system on household power
consumption via SMS Gateway. The first thing that will be explained in the literature study and what
tools will be used in making the monitoring system in this household and what formulas will be used and
supporting theories that will be discussed in refining this final project. In this final project research,
researchers conducted a literature study to facilitate the author's steps in finding references and theories
related to the title both from books, journals and from other sources. This electric power monitoring
system helps PLN consumers in the use of electricity they use every month and to prevent errors in
recording on kwh electricity. Which consumers feel at a disadvantage for usage every month. This is
because the monthly payment is not proportional to what they use each month.
As for the theory Supporting theories that will be discussed in perfecting this final project.
Research references that lead to the same goal previously have similarities and differences between each
other, as well as having disadvantages and advantages of each, be it from microcontrollers, formulas and
other types of sensors.
With the workings of being able to monitor and control remotely, and being able to turn on and off
electrical equipment using an Andaroid device. Based on the problem of wasting electrical energy which
is negative and will provide losses in the future and this inefficiency is also what, among others,
encourages the occurrence of II-2 power outages.
The disadvantage of this monitoring tool design is that information transmission only uses LCD.
And at least an android application needs to be added to monitor so that data can be quickly conveyed.[9]

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

The last reference made by Agus Ardiansyah, Electrical Engineering Studies, Faculty of Industrial
Technology, Islamic University of Indonesia Yogyakarta (2020) with the research title Monitoring
Electric Power Based on IoT (Internet of Things). In his research discusses the problem of managing
electrical energy consumption in use, the performance of electrical energy management is that it can turn
off electronic equipment that is not used so that the cost of using electrical energy does not swell. In
order to save electrical energy, a monitoring tool is needed. This monitoirng tool is based on a
In addition, this monitoring tool is also based on IoT so that the use of electrical energy can be
monitored from a distance. Electric power monitoring tools require electronic components, where these
electronic components are ZMPT101B voltage sensors, ACS712 current sensors, 2x16 LCDs, relays,
Arduino, and NodeMCU. The components of this tool will produce a tool that can monitor the use of
electrical energy by processing the incoming current and voltage so that the amount of power released
will be seen. From the references related above, about electricity usage detection systems that use
current, voltage and IOT sensors, it can be seen that the research that has been done before is still in the
form of design and has not discussed system action and also only discusses measurements without having
a direct medium to consumers, as for the research carried out in the form of IOT updates but it still has
shortcomings. Because it can only be accessed in areas covered by the internet network and most
consumers are still many who do not understand the internet.
Therefore, researchers are interested in discussing a system "Prototype of Household Electricity
Power Consumption Monitoring System Via Handphone-based SMS Gateway" (Case Study of Dusun
Koto Baru Mungka). The working principle of this electricity monitoring tool uses Arduino Uno as a
microcontroller and SIM800L module as a data sender in the form of SMS to a cellphone every month.
Consumers will get information on how much electricity they use every month accurately. Consumers are
greatly helped by the existence of this tool in their households and help in saving electrical energy. And
will minimize the occurrence of fraud in the payment of electrical energy that consumers use every
Calculation of Induction Kwh Meter Consumption
How to calculate the induction kwh meter, in the Indonesian dictionary the induction kwh meter
can be translated into a thousand watts in one hour. Specification of the number of disk rotations for each
kwh, for example 1200 revolutions per kwh, the disk must rotate 1200 revolutions within one hour to
reach 1 kwh. Then the amount of power usage in 1 hour will be obtained and will be converted into 1
month so that it has the original use of electric power for one month which will be multiplied by the
electricity tariff per kwh.
Can be seen in the picture above the display of the 1 phase kwh meter, how to calculate electricity
costs using Microsoft Excel. By entering the numbers - the numbers read electricity usage. The results of
recording the stand meter numbers will be reduced by the results of recording the last month's period.
From the difference obtained, it will be known that a lot of kilometers of electrical energy usage.
Then the amount of electricity usage is multiplied by the basic unit price of electricity (TDL). The
results that will be obtained will be stored on a piece of paper which makes the data collection process
less neat and fairly long. The way the kilometer process still runs partially and is not connected between
one process and another.
The results of account opening or biling only use text files such as leguler change data. Biling is a
process from the start of recording the customer's kwh meter stand to the release of the customer's
electrical energy usage account. Biling serves to determine the amount of costs that must be incurred by
customers how much II-10 must be paid in each month. The data released by biling includes the total
kwh stand and how much usage last month. The calculation process is still done manually to enter the

Jurnal Scientia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC
JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

value without a system that bridges. The process is fairly prone to human error. We can see in the picture
below about the basic electricity tariff.

The research method on the sms gateway-based household electric power consumption monitoring
system is carried out based on a gradual and planned method. Includes three stages, namely preparation
(data sampling), implementation (making tools and testing tools) and taking results (taking load profiles
on tools and validating tools with measurements that have been tested / standard).
In conducting research on this sms gateway-based household electric power consumption
monitoring system, the type of research conducted is quantitative research with experimental methods.
This type of research was chosen because the researcher considers this type to be very suitable for
research that will create a tool and will conduct research in the form of experiments on the author's
research object.

After going through the research stages as previously described, this sub chapter describes the
results of the research that have been achieved as follows,
Hardware Design Results
Relay circuit that functions to be able to control the load offline (manually) and online via the
website. The following is a relay circuit scheme.

Figure 2. Hardware Relay

To control electricity, all systems are needed where controlling lights online (via the website) can
be done with intermediary devices and others.

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JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

Figure 3. Coding analysis

The design or creation of a database aims to store all the data in the system so that when accessing
these data it is faster and more efficient. The following is a sensor data database that has been created:
Table 2 Data_Sensor

The data_sensor table contains data on current, voltage, power, year, month, date, hour, minute and
second. The data in this table is used to create a graph of current, voltage and power which will then be
displayed on the website.
Interface Design
Interface design is a page used to enter and output data to and from the system. In this system, the
interface design is made as follows. Figure 6 is the first page that will appear when entering the system.
This page only contains images and descriptions of the control and monitor system for electrical energy
consumption management in the R-1 household electricity system. To make it easier for users, three
buttons are placed in the header section, namely the buttons home, monitoring, and controlling.

Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian, pengujian dan analisis yang telah dilakukaan. Maka
mendapatkan dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut : Dengan adanya prototype sistem monitoring ini dapat
melakukan perhitungan biaya pemakaian Listrik pada rumah tangga setiap bulan secara otomatis dan
mengirimkan hasilnya langsung Melalui SMS Gateway. Setelah diimplementasikan masyarakat dapat
melihat secara langsung berapa harga energi listrik yang harus di bayar dan mengurangi rasa keraguan
dari masyarakat akan pemakaian listrik yang dipakai.

Jurnal Scientia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC
JURNAL SCIENTIA, Volume 12 No 4, 2023 ISSN 2302-0059

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