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Median from grouped Data (Continuous data):

The median for grouped data, we find the cumulative frequencies and then calculated the

median number . The median lies in the group (class) which corresponds to the cumulative

frequency in which lies. We use following formula to find the median.

= Lower class boundary of the model class
= Frequency of the median class
= Number of values or total frequency
= Cumulative frequency of the class preceding the median class
= Class interval size of the model class

C.B f c.f
0--2 3 this is C
3--5 2.5—5.5 9 12
6--8 5.5—8.5 18 30
9--11 8.5—11.5 18 48
12--14 11.5—14.5 9 57
15--17 14.5—17.5 3 60

This is the median for “Children of Manual Workers”, You can follow same procedure to
find the median for “Children of Non-Manual Workers”.

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