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Memorization Chart—Template

2001 Agile Manifesto

I ndividuals and interactions o P rocesses and tools

W orking software v C omprehensive documentation

C ustomer collaboration e C ontract negotiation

R esponding to change r F ollowing a plan

12 Guiding Principles

S atisfy with early and continuous delivery P rimary measure of progress is working software

W elcome change M aintain constant pace indefinitely

D eliver working software frequently C onstantly deliver technical excellence

B usiness people and developers collaborate daily S implify my maximizing work not done

B uild around motivated individuals S elf-organize

C onvey information via face to face R etrospect regularly

SCRUM Extreme Programming (XP)

Pillars Roles Values Roles

V isibility S crum Master S implify C oach

I nspect P roduct Owner C ommunication C ustomer

A dopt T eam F eedback P rogrammer

C ourage T ester

R espect T racker

User Stories

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T heme I ndependent P olitical R ole

E pic N egotiable E conomic F eature

U ser story V aluable S ocial B enefit

T ask E stimable T echnical

S mall

T estable

Product Backlog Test-Driven Development (TDD) Retrospectives

D etailed Test First Development (TFD) S et the stage

E stimatable T est R ed G ather data

E mergent C ode G reen G ather insights

P rioritized R efactor R efactor D ecide what to do

D eliver C lose

Conflict Coaching PDCA Cycle (Shewhart/Deming)

P roblem to solve M eet half a step ahead P lan

D isagreement S afety D o

C ompetition P artner with management C heck

C rusade C reate positive regard A ct

W ar

Goals Success

S pecific S hipped

M easureable L eadership intact

A ttainable D o again

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R elevent

T imely

Value Stream Mapping Total (Final) Cost Earned Value Analysis

Total Value Add Time
Cycle = + ( T x R ) + other costs EV = Points completed
Time Non-Value Add [T = Time R = Rate]
Process Total Value Add Planned Value Points
Cycle = -----------------------
SPI = ----------------------
Velocity x Points ---
Efficiency Total Cycle
Points Planned

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