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Phrasal Verb
1. Come up (प्रस्तुत होना) - Appear.
Ex - I'll be late home tonight because
something's COME UP at work has to
be ready for tomorrow morning.
Phrasal Verb
2. Come up with (समाधान ननकालना) - Think
of a solution, excuse, etc.
Ex - Nobody could COME UP WITH a
satisfactory explanation for the
Phrasal Verb
3. Come upon (अक्समात ढूंढना) - Find by
Ex - I CAME UPON the book in a little
second-hand bookshop in Dorset.
Phrasal Verb
4. Conjure up (नकसी के निम्माग मैं याि बनाना) -
Create a picture or memory in
someone's mind.
Ex - It CONJURES UP memories of my
school days.
Phrasal Verb
5. Conk out (जल्िी से सो जाना) - Fall fast
Ex - I was exhausted and CONKED OUT
on the sofa.
Phrasal Verb
6. Conk out (काम करना बूंि कर िेना) -
Suddenly breakdown or stop working.
Ex - The printer CONKED OUT so I
couldn't get a hard copy.
Phrasal Verb
7. Contract in (नकसी काम मैं नलप्त होना) -
Become involved or committed to
Ex - Since it started, many companies
have CONTRACTED IN to lend their
Phrasal Verb
8. Contract out (कूंपनी के काम का अनुबूंध करना) -
Give a contract for a service outside
the company you work for.
Ex - They have CONTRACTED OUT their
catering services to save money.
Phrasal Verb
9. Contract out of (औपचाररक रूप से अनुबूंध ख़त्म
करना) - Formally leave and agreement.
years ago.
Phrasal Verb
10. Cool down (शाूंत होना) - Become calm.
Ex - It took me ages to COOL DOWN
after the argument.
Phrasal Verb 11. Cool off (शाूंत होना) - Become calmer.
Ex - We’ll talk to Fred once he COOLS
OFF and can talk rationally.
Phrasal Verb 12. Coop up (कै ि करना) - Confine in a
small area.
Ex - They COOPED the dog UP in a tiny
Phrasal Verb 13. Cop it (परेशानी मैं पड़ना) - Get into
Ex - They really COPPED IT when they
got caught shoplifting.
Phrasal Verb 14. Cop off (कायय या स्कल जल्िी छोड़ना) - Leave
work or school early.
Ex - We COPPED OFF early on Friday
because there was nothing to do.
Phrasal Verb 15. Cop off (यौन सम्बन्ध रखना) - Kiss, pet or
have sex with someone.
Ex - She COPPED OFF with Damian at
the end-of-term party.
Phrasal Verb 16. Cop out (आसान तरीका अपनाना) - Choose
an easy alternative.
Ex - She was going to take a Master's
degree but COPPED OUT and chose the
Diploma course instead.
Phrasal Verb 17. Cost up (नकसी खचीले काम को आूंकना) -
Calculate how expensive some work is
going to be.
Ex - The decorators are going to COST
UP the work tomorrow.
Phrasal Verb 18. Cotton on (सच को सामने लाना) - To work
out the truth.
Ex - It took me ages to COTTON ON to
what they were planning.
Phrasal Verb 19. Cough up (खााँसकर बाहर ननकालना) - Expel
something from your lungs or throat
by coughing.
Ex - He gave up smoking after he
COUGHED UP some blood.
Phrasal Verb 20. Could do with (आवश्यकता होना) - Need
or want something.
Ex - I COULD really DO WITH a cup of
Phrasal Verb 21. Count against (नवपरीत प्रभाव डालना) -
Affect negatively, make less likely to
Ex - Not having a university degree will

22. Count among (नकसी को सनम्मनलत करना) -

Include someone or something in a
group, category, etc.
Ex - I COUNT her AMONG my closest
Phrasal Verb 23. Count down (बेसब्री से इतूं जार करना) - Wait
impatiently or excitedly for something
to happen.
Ex - I'm COUNTING DOWN the days till
they leave.

24. Count for (आवश्यक मानना) - Be

recognised as important, worthwhile
or valuable.
Ex - Experience COUNTS FOR a lot in
decision making.
Phrasal Verb 25. Count in (सनम्मनलत करना) - Include or
Ex - If you're going on that skiing
holiday, you can COUNT me IN; I'd love
to go.

26. Count off (उपनस्िनत नगनना) - Say

numbers aloud in a sequence.
Ex - They COUNTED the students OFF
as they arrived.
Phrasal Verb 27. Count on (नकसी के भरोसे रहना) - Depend,
Ex - You can COUNT ON them; if they
have promised to do something, they'll
do it.

28. Count out (बाहर रखना) - Exclude.

Ex - I don't want to go- you can COUNT
me OUT.
Phrasal Verb 29. Count towards (आवश्यक होना) - Be a
part needed to complete something.
Ex - The coursework COUNTS
TOWARDS the final grade.

30. Count up (जोड़ना) - Add.

Ex - COUNT UP the number of tickets
sold, please.
Phrasal Verb 31. Count upon (नकसी के सहारे की उम्मीि रखना) -
Expect something to happen and base
plans on it.
Ex - I was COUNTING UPON their
support and lost because they didn't
vote my way.

32. Count upon (आनित होना) - Depend,

Ex - I COUNT UPON them to help me.
Phrasal Verb 33. Cover for (बहाना बनाना) - Provide an
excuse or alibi.
Ex - She asked me to COVER FOR her if
anyone asked where she'd gone.

34. Cover for (नकसी के अनुपनस्ित होने पर उसका काम

करना) - Do someone's work while they
are temporarily absent.
Ex - I COVERED FOR her while she was
off sick.
Phrasal Verb 35. Cover up (छुपाना) - Conceal, try to
stop people finding out.
Ex - They tried to COVER UP the
incident but it got into the

36. Cozy up (खुि को अच्छी नस्िनत मैं रखना) -

Make yourself comfortable.
Ex - It was cold and I COZIED UP by the
Phrasal Verb 37. Crack down on (सामान्य से अनधक अनधकार
का प्रयोग करना) - Use more authority than
Ex - The police always CRACK DOWN
ON drink-driving offences over the
Christmas period.

38. Crack on (जोश के साि जारी रखना) -

Continue doing something with
Ex - We had to CRACK ON to get
everything finished on time.
Phrasal Verb 39. Crack up (सभ ूं ाल ना पाना) - Have a
nervous breakdown.
Ex - He CRACKED UP after his son died
and had to take a couple of months off

40. Crack up (जोर से हसना) - Burst out

Ex - Everybody CRACKED UP when he
told the joke.
Phrasal Verb 41. Crank up (नशीली िवाये लेना) - Inject non-
medical drugs.
Ex - He's been CRANKING UP heroin for

42. Crank up (हत्िे से मशीन चलाना) - Start a

machine, originally with a handle.
Ex - He CRANKED the saw UP.
Phrasal Verb 45. Crash out (नशे मैं नकसी के घर सो जाना) -
Sleep at someone's house because you
are too tired, drunk, etc. to leave.
Ex - Dave CRASHED OUT at a friend's
flat after the end-of-term party.

446. Crash out (सो जाना) - Fall asleep.

Ex - I CRASHED OUT in front of the TV
last night.
Phrasal Verb 47. Cream off (नवद्वान लोगो को पहचानना) -
Separate the best or most talented
people so that they can receive special
or different treatment.
Ex - The private schools CREAM OFF
many of the best pupils.

48. Cream off (गैरकाननी तरीके से रकम मोड़ना) -

Take money or divert funds, usually
wrongfully or unfairly.
Ex - This means smaller banks can
CREAM OFF excess profits during
lending booms.
Phrasal Verb 49. Creep in/into (पहचानना) - Start to be
Ex - He tried to stay calm, but you
could hear the anger CREEPING IN.

50. Creep out (नकसी को नचूंता मैं डालना) - make

someone feel worried or uneasy.
Ex - He CREEPS me OUT when he gets
Phrasal Verb 51. Creep out on (नकसी कायय को लम्बे समय तक
जारी रखना) - To do the same activity for a
very long time.
Ex - He's been CREEPING OUT ON that
computer game all day.

52. Creep over (नकारात्मक भाव उत्पन्न होना) -

Start to have a negative feeling.
Ex - Fear CREPT OVER me as I walked
through the graveyard.
Phrasal Verb 53. Creep up on (नकसी के नबना अूंिेशे के पहूंचना) -
Approach without someone realising.
Ex - They CREPT UP ON their rivals and
overtook them.

54. Crop up (अचानक प्रकट होना) - Appear

Ex - I'm going to be late tonight as
something has just CROPPED UP at
Phrasal Verb 55. Cross off (सची से हटाना) - Delete,
remove from a list.
Ex - She CROSSED him OFF her
Christmas card list after they argued.

56. Cross out (कुछ गलत को नचनन्हत करना) - Put

as line through some writing to show it
is wrong.
Ex - She CROSSED OUT her mistakes
and wrote the correct answers above
Phrasal Verb 57. Cross up (धोखा िेना) - Confuse,
Ex - The treasure map was deliberately
drawn to CROSS us UP.

58. Cruise through (आसानी से सफल होना) -

Pass or succeed easily.
Ex - He CRUISED THROUGH the exam.
Phrasal Verb 59. Crumb down (टेबल साफ़ करना) - Clear a
table in a restaurant.
Ex - The waiter CRUMBED DOWN
before the coffee was served.

60. Cry off (नकसी आयोजन को रद्द करना) - To

cancel an arrangement.
Ex - I've got to work tonight; can I CRY
OFF going out for dinner?
Phrasal Verb 61. Cry out (ििय मैं कराहना) - Shout because
you are in pain.
Ex - He CRIED OUT when he dropped
the box on his toes.

62. Cut across (घमने की बजाय सीधा जाना) - Go

across a place rather than around it to
make the journey quicker.
Ex - It'll be quicker if we CUT ACROSS
the park.
Phrasal Verb 63. Cut across (लोगो पर प्रभाव डालना) - Affect
people of different groups, classes, etc.
Ex - The issue CUTS ACROSS social
backgrounds as it affects us all equally.

64. Cut back (कम करना) - Reduce.

Ex - The firm CUT BACK production
because sales were sluggish.
Phrasal Verb 65. Cut back on (खचे कम करना) - Reduce
Ex - The government has decided to
CUT BACK ON spending on the armed

66. Cut down (कम खचय करना) - Consume

Ex - I'm trying to CUT DOWN the
amount of coffee I drink during the
Phrasal Verb 67. Cut down (काटकर छोटा करना या नगराना) -
Reduce a vertical thing to ground level
by cutting.
Ex - The logger CUT the tree DOWN.

68. Cut in (काम शुरू करना) - Start

Ex - The fans CUT IN when the engine
starts getting too hot.
Phrasal Verb 69. Cut in (िखल िेना) - Interrupt.
Ex - We were having a conversation
when he came up and CUT IN.

70. Cut in (सौिे मैं शानमल करना) - Include

someone in a deal that makes money.
Ex - We had to CUT the police IN on the
deal to avoid trouble.
Phrasal Verb 71. Cut in (घुलने तक पीसना या नमलाना) - Mix fat
and flour until the combine.
Ex - CUT the butter IN with the flour.

72. Cut it out (अपने िुर्वययवहार को बूंि करना) -

Stop your unfair or unreasonable
Ex - Will you two idiots CUT IT OUT
and keep quiet.
Phrasal Verb 73. Cut off (सबूं ूंध तोड़ना) - Disconnect.
Ex - The telephone's been CUT OFF
because we didn't pay the bill.

74. Cut out (अलग रखना) - Exclude.

Ex - I'm CUTTING OUT salt from my
Phrasal Verb 75. Cut out (इज ूं न का काम करना बूंि होना) -
When an engine or motor stops.
Ex - The car CUT OUT at the traffic
lights just as they went green.

76. Cut out (शीघ्रता से जगह छोड़ना) - Leave

Ex - We’d better CUT OUT, the security
men are on the way.
Phrasal Verb 77. Cut out on (कमी करना) - make
something by separating it from
something larger.
Ex - start today by cutting out fatty

78. Cut up (छोटे टुकड़ों मैं काटना) - Cut into

smaller pieces.
Ex - After cutting the tree down, the
logger CUT it UP into logs.
Phrasal Verb 79. Cut up (साि साि चलाना) - Drive into a
neighbouring lane, directly in front of
another vehicle.
Ex - I was just driving onto the
motorway slip road, when a red Mini
CUT me UP and I had to brake
suddenly to avoid an accident.

80. Cut up (परेशान करना) - Upset.

Ex - Her reaction really CUT me UP.
Phrasal Verb 81. Damp down (आग को बुझाना) - Make a
fire burn less.
Ex:- They tried to DAMP DOWN the
flames before the fire spread.

82. Damp off (अनधक पानी से मर जाना) - To die

after overexposure to water.
Ex:- The seedlings DAMP OFF in the
spring if it's very wet.
Phrasal Verb 83. Dash down (जल्िी मैं नलखना) - Write
something quickly.
Ex:- He DASHED DOWN a memo and
sent it to everybody.

84. Dash off (कही के नलए जल्िी मैं ननकलना) -

Leave somewhere quickly.
Ex:- It's late- I'm going to DASH OFF
Phrasal Verb 85. Dash off (जल्िी नलखना) - Do something
quickly, especially writing.
Ex:- He DASHED OFF the report in a
couple of hours.

86. Dawn on (आनख़रकार समझना) - Finally

realise or understand something
Ex:- The truth only DAWNED ON me
much later.
Phrasal Verb 87. Decide on (चुनना) - Choose, select.
Ex:- Trevor spent a long time looking
at flats before he bought one, but
eventually DECIDED ON one near his

88. Die away (आवाज गुम हो जाना) - Become

quieter or inaudible (of a sound).
Ex:- The last notes DIED AWAY and the
audience burst into applause.
Phrasal Verb 89. Die back (पौधे का ज़मीन से ऊपर का नहस्सा ख़त्म
होना) - When the parts of a plant above
ground die, but the roots remain alive.
Ex:- The plant DIES BACK in the winter.

90. Die down (कम होना या शाूंत पड़ना) -

Decrease or become quieter.
Ex:- It was on the front pages of all the
papers for a few days, but the interest
gradually DIED DOWN.
Phrasal Verb 91. Die for (अनधक इच्छा होना) - Want
something a lot.
Ex:- I'm DYING FOR the weekend- this
week's been so hard.

92. Die off (लुप्त होना) - Become extinct.

Ex:- Most of the elm trees in the UK
DIED OFF when Dutch elm disease
Phrasal Verb 93. Die out (लुप्त होना) - Become extinct or
Ex:- Some scientists say that the
dinosaurs DIED OUT when a comet hit
the earth and caused a nuclear winter.

94. Dig in (लालच के साि खाना) - Start eating

Ex:- We were starving so we really
DUG IN when the food finally did
Phrasal Verb 95. Dig in (सरु क्षात्मक आिय की खुिाई) -
Excavate a protective shelter
Ex:- Anticipating an artillery barrage,
we quickly DUG IN.

96. Dig into (पाने के नलए अूंिर घुसना) - Reach

inside to get something.
Ex:- She DUG INTO her handbag and
pulled out a bunch of keys.
Phrasal Verb 97. Dig out (बहत समय बाि कुछ िेखना) - Find
something you haven't used, seen, etc,
for a long time.
Ex:- I DUG OUT my old university

98. Dig out (खुिाई करना) - Dig to remove

something or someone.
Ex:- They had to DIG the survivors of
the earthquake OUT from the ruins.
Phrasal Verb 99. Dig up (कुछ रहस्यमयी खोजना) - Find
something that is supposed to be
Ex:- The reporters eventually DUG UP
the truth about the affair.

100. Dig up (खुिाई करना) - remove

something from the ground.
Ex:- The police DUG UP a body. Dig up
Make a hole in a road, the ground, etc.
The council have DUG the road UP.

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