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Edradan, Michael S.

Business Research
Table 1
Chi – Square Test: Relationship between the Implementation of the
Adult Correctional Facilities in terms of College Courses and
Vocational Training for inmates
Vocational Training
College Courses Total
Yes No
Yes 41 9 50
No 16 74 100
Total 67 83 150
Pearson Chi - Square Value = 42.295 Decision: Reject Ho
p-value = 0.00 Remarks: Significant
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.01) reject Ho, otherwise
failed to reject Ho.”

Table 2
Chi – Square Test: Relationship between the Implementation of the
Adult Correctional Facilities in terms of College Courses and
Vocational Training for inmates
Firearm type
Drugs Involved Total
Yes No
Yes 29 5 50
No 417 147 100
Total 67 83 150
Pearson Chi - Square Value = .140 Decision: Failed Reject Ho
p-value = 0.203 Remarks: Not Significant
Note: “If p value is less than or equal to the level of significance (0.01) reject Ho, otherwise
failed to reject Ho.”

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