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Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Scientists, geologists, and paleontologists can determine the history of life

on earth by determining the age of fossils. It also presents the important
events and species in a specific era. How can you describe the given

A. Both statements present correct information.

B. Both statements present incorrect information.
C. The first statement incorrect presents correct information while the second
statement is
D. The first statement presents incorrect information while the second statement
presents correct information.

2. The Compostela Valley is one of the prominent landforms of our country.

Valleys are created by applying stress to the Earth's lithosphere through
stretching until it becomes thin. How can you describe the type of stress

A. Shearing
B. Tension
C. Folding
D. Compression

3. Heat transfer is one of the processes in creating or producing magma. Which

of the following statements is NOT involved in the formation of magma by
heat transfer?

A. Hot liquid rocks rise to the Earth's crust

B. Liquid rocks solidify on the crust layer

C. Mantle rocks moves towards the crust layer

D. Heat transfer to surroundings rocks

4. Weathering can be classified into mechanical and chemical. All the

following are the agents of weathering, EXCEPT one:

A. Gravity
B. Wind

C. Fire

D. Water

5. How can you determine if mass masting occurs in a specific place??

A. movement of rocks on an upward slope

B. involves big chunk or rocks going down a slope caused by strong stream of

C. movement of rocks going down a downward slope involving gravity

D. movement of weathered materials through a big gust of air

6. Which type of mass wasting where the materials move as one, following a
straight path downward?

A. Slide

B. Flow

C. Fall

D. Slump

How can you describe the type of mass movement where the materials coming
from above are acting like a liquid due to the high-water saturation that the
materials possess?

A. Slide

B. Fall

C. Flow

D. Slump
The coastal areas and riverbanks in the Philippines experience frequent cases of
erosion and weathering. Which of the following has the LEAST effect on having
erosion in the given places?

A. Glacier

B. Gravity

C. Water

D. Wind

The heat that caused melting in the Earth's early history was supplied from
geologic processes. Which of the following events causes this occurrence?

A. A large impact event and radioactivity B. A large impact event and solar heating

C. Volcanic activity and radioactivity

D. Solar heating and volcanic activity

The riverbank of Calumpang River undergoes a process wherein the surface wears
away. What is Earth's process being referred to by the statement?

A. Exogenic process C. Volcanic process

B. Endogenic process

D. Tectonic process

The earthquake that we experience is a process that originated from the interior of
the Earth, forms and changes the earth's surface. Which of the following processes
is being conveyed in the given statement?

A. Exogenic process

B. Endogenic process

C. Volcanic process
D. Tectonic process

The weathered or corroded materials are moved by agents such as running water,
waves and glaciers. Which of the following processes is being referred to by the

A. Mass and land depletion

C. Weathering

B. Erosion

D. Transport and sedimentation

Wind, water, and gravity are active agents of weathering. Which of the following
is/are NOT the type/s which undergo/es these agents of weathering?

A. Mechanical

C. Chemical

B. Physical

D. Both B and C

Which of the following processes occurs when other chemicals combine with
oxygen in the air?

A. Oxidation

C. Erosion

B. Abrasion

D. Iron Oxide

The Philippines is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. What is the term used in
referring to the fracture in the Earth's crust?
A. Ring of Fire

B. Tsunami

C. Fault

D. Epicenter

Which of the following examples best shows how hydrolysis happens in rocks?

A. The surface of the rock wears down due to acid rain.

B. Water reacts with an anhydrite rock to form gypsum.

C. Rocks are broken into tiny pieces without altering their chemical composition.

D. A rock with potassium feldspar is changed into chalky-looking clay kaolinite

through the action of water.

How does radioactive decay play a vital role in the production of Earth's
tremendous internal heat?

A. When radioactive elements in the internal part of the earth undergo spontaneous
radioactive disintegration, it produces heat.

B. When iron and nickel are subjected to low temperature, they emitted high
amount of

C. Radioactive elements produce heat at the surface of the earth, then heat is
absorbed oy the soil.

D. Due to the heat from the early formation of the earth, radioactivity continues to
occur in the inner part of the earth

Magma may undergo intrusion on volcano which causes the volcano to grow
inside. It may be emitted on the surface through volcanic eruption which may lead
to formation of landmasses. Which of the two statements will occur after magma is

A. Both statements may happen.

B. Both statements will not occur.

C. The first statement will occur the second will not happen.

D. The first statement will not occur, the second will happen.

Metamorphism may occur due to the application of and pressure which causes
rocks to alter their physical and/or chemical properties. Which of the following
will best complete the thought of the given sentence?

A. Gravity B. Heat

C. Temperature

D. Water

If the soap represents rocks, what type of stress is shown in the given figure?

A. Compressional stress

C. Shear stress

B. Direct stress

D. Tensional stress

Where is the youngest rock on the ocean floor located?

A. At mid-oceanic ridge

C. Far from mid-oceanic ridge

B. At the bottom part of the ocean

D. On the seabed

About fifty percent of the ocean crust is covered by a line. Which of the following
pertains to the flattest part of the ocean?
A. Abyssal plain

B. Island

C. Sea mount

D. Trench

What specific land mass may occur based on the movement of plates in the given

A. Himalayas

B. Mariana Trench

C. Mid- Oceanic Ridge

D. San Andreas Fault

How is absolute dating different from relative dating?

A. Absolute dating is based on calculations of the age of rock strata based on half-
lives of minerals, relative dating is based on the assumed age of fossils found in the
strata and the laws of super imposition. B. Relative dating is based on calculations
of the age of rock strata

based on half-lives of minerals, absolute dating is based on the assumed age of

fossils found in the strata and the laws of super imposition. C. Absolute dating is
based on calculations of the age of rock samples based on half-lives of minerals,

dating is based on the assumed age of rocks found in the strata and the laws of
super imposition.

D. Absolute dating is based on calculations of the age of rock strata based on half-
lives of nutrients, relative dating is based on the assumed age of fossils found in
the strata and the laws of super imposition.
Absolute dating arranges the historical remains in of their ages while relative
dating arranges remains in the order of their formation. Which of the following pair
of terms would best complete the thought of the given sentence?

A. Chronological, decay

B. Decomposition, order

C. Geological, order

D. Order, geological

How can you best describe the trait indicating index fossils?

A. It is widespread geographically and has long lifespan

B. It can be found in specific place and has long lifespan

C. It is widespread geographically and has short lifespan

D. It can be found in specific place and has short lifespan

The paleontologist was able to determine the age of the Earth through excavated
rock samples and fossils. Approximately, how old is the planet Earth?

A. 2.6 billion years

B. 4.6 billion years

C. 6.6 billion years

D. 3.6 billion years

A beetle trapped in an amber for thousands of years is an example of what type of


A. Cast

B. Mold
C. Preserved remains

D. Remnants

 How can you describe the given statement?

o The first statement presents incorrect information while the second statement
presents correct information.
 How can you describe the type of stress applied?
o Tension
 Which of the following statements is NOT involved in the formation of magma
by heat transfer?
o B. Liquid rocks solidify on the crust layer
 All the following are the agents of weathering, EXCEPT one:
o D. Water
 How can you determine if mass masting occurs in a specific place?
o C. movement of rocks going down a downward slope involving gravity
 Which type of mass wasting where the materials move as one, following a
straight path downward?
o A. Slide
 How can you describe the type of mass movement where the materials coming
from above are acting like a liquid due to the high-water saturation that the
materials possess?
o C. Flow
 Which of the following has the LEAST effect on having erosion in the given
o A. Glacier
 The heat that caused melting in the Earth's early history was supplied from
geologic processes. Which of the following events causes this occurrence?
o A. A large impact event and radioactivity
 The riverbank of Calumpang River undergoes a process wherein the surface
wears away. What is Earth's process being referred to by the statement?
o A. Exogenic process
 The earthquake that we experience is a process that originated from the
interior of the Earth, forms and changes the earth's surface. Which of the
following processes is being conveyed in the given statement?
o B. Endogenic process
 The weathered or corroded materials are moved by agents such as running
water, waves and glaciers. Which of the following processes is being referred to
by the statement?
o B. Erosion
 Wind, water, and gravity are active agents of weathering. Which of the
following is/are NOT the type/s which undergo/es these agents of weathering?
o D. Both B and C
 Which of the following processes occurs when other chemicals combine with
oxygen in the air?
o A. Oxidation
 The Philippines is located along the Pacific Ring of Fire. What is the term used
in referring to the fracture in the Earth's crust?
o C. Fault
 Which of the following examples best shows how hydrolysis happens in rocks?
o D. A rock with potassium feldspar is changed into chalky-looking clay kaolinite
through the action of water.
 How does radioactive decay play a vital role in the production of Earth's
tremendous internal heat?
o A. When radioactive elements in the internal part of the earth undergo spontaneous
radioactive disintegration, it produces heat.
 Magma may undergo intrusion on a volcano which causes the volcano to grow
inside. It may be emitted on the surface through volcanic eruption which may
lead to the formation of landmasses. Which of the two statements will occur
after magma is formed?
o D. The first statement will not occur, the second will happen.
 Metamorphism may occur due to the application of and pressure which causes
rocks to alter their physical and/or chemical properties. Which of the following
will best complete the thought of the given sentence?
o B. Heat
 If the soap represents rocks, what type of stress is shown in the given figure?
o C. Shear stress
 Where is the youngest rock on the ocean floor located?
o A. At mid-oceanic ridge
 About fifty percent of the ocean crust is covered by a line. Which of the
following pertains to the flattest part of the ocean?
o A. Abyssal plain
 What specific land mass may occur based on the movement of plates in the
given illustration?
o C. Mid-Oceanic Ridge
 How is absolute dating different from relative dating?
o A. Absolute dating is based on calculations of the age of rock strata based on half-
lives of minerals, relative dating is based on the assumed age of fossils found in the
strata and the laws of super imposition.
 Absolute dating arranges the historical remains in of their ages while relative
dating arranges remains in the order of their formation. Which of the
following pair of terms would best complete the thought of the given sentence?
o C. Geological, order
 How can you best describe the trait indicating index fossils?
o C. It is widespread geographically and has short lifespan
 The paleontologist was able to determine the age of the Earth through
excavated rock samples and fossils. Approximately, how old is the planet
o B. 4.6 billion years
 A beetle trapped in an amber for thousands of years is an example of what
type of remains?
o C. Preserved remains

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