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The effects of a Mosquito Infestation in the Community of Mineral Heights

Human and Social Biology School Based Assessment

Candidate: Ciarra Bell

Candidates Number: 1000720230

Subject: Human and Social Biology

Date of Submission: March 9, 2022

Table of Content

Cover Page 1

Background 2

Problem Statement 3

Research Objectives 4

Methodology 5

Presentation of Data 6

Analysis and Interpretation of Data 9

Conclusion 10

Recommendations 11

Reflection 12

Appendices 14

Reference 19


As a resident of Mineral Heights, the researcher has noticed that there is an issue with the

drainage system in low-lying areas in the community. During the rainy season, or after periods of

heavy rainfall the community experiences flooding due to the poorly constructed drainage

systems. This storm water leads to the forming of stagnant pools which intern form breeding

grounds for pest and disease vectors such as mosquitoes. A bite from a mosquito can transmit

serious diseases and viruses such as malaria, dengue virus, and zika virus, which can then lead to

disabling and potentially deadly effects. This needs to be remedied due to the negative health and

financial impact this issue creates every year.

Problem Statement

Poorly built drainage systems in Mineral Heights are of great concern because the stagnant water

that is formed due to the drainage systems can form breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other

disease vectors.

Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are:

● To identify the various health issues from the infestation of mosquitoes and the effects

the residents in the community of Mineral Heights face.

● To recommend ways in which the residents of Mineral Heights can prevent breeding sites

for Mosquitoes/pests.


The instruments selected to collect the data for this research are Observations and

Questionnaires. A questionnaire was selected because questionnaires provide a relatively cheap,

quick, and efficient way of obtaining large amounts of information from a large sample of people

(By Saul McLeod, updated 2018, Simple Psychology). Data can be collected relatively quickly

because the researcher would not need to be present when the questionnaires were being

completed. One limitation of this instrument is respondents may lie due to social desirability.

Most people want to present a positive image and so may lie or bend the truth to look good. On

the other hand, the observation instrument was also selected because observation is a great way

of collecting data by watching people, events, or noting physical characteristics in a natural

setting (by Evaluation Briefs). One limitation of this instrument is the reliability and validity of

the observation cannot be sufficiently precise and also takes time for the researcher to wait for a

particular action to take place.

Fifteen (15) questionnaire sheets will be printed and administered to the residents of Mineral

Heights in which the researcher believes are mostly affected by the infestation of pests like

mosquitoes. Residents will each be given a sheet of paper to complete overnight so that a valid

amount of time is given to complete the questionnaires. The questionnaires will then be collected

the following morning. The observation method will be done by having the researcher go around

the scheme and validate areas that seem to be infested by mosquitoes. Three pictures will be

taken. Both data will be collected over a one-week period.

Presentation of Data

Figure 1

Pie chart showing the number of residents who responded to the question which asked if during

the rainy season is there any stagnant water in the yard or on the street.

Figure 2

Bar graph showing the number of residents who responded to the question which asked did the

respondent or anyone living in the household catch any disease related to mosquito outbreaks.



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Figure 3

Column graph showing the number of residents who responded to the question which asked how

to utilize personal protection in regards to mosquitos.

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Figure 4

Line chart showing the number of residents who responded to the question which asked which

illness did the respondent contract.


Dengue Chikungunya Zika Virus Other

Analysis and Interpretation of Data

Based on the research, 87.5% of the respondents agree to during the rainy season there is

stagnant water in the yard or on the street while 12.5% disagree. So based on this information,

most respondents said there is stagnant water in the yard or on the street. 50% of the respondents

answered the question how to utilize personal protection in regards to mosquitos, and selected

wearing long-sleeved clothing, 37.5% selected applying mosquito repellent and 12.5% selected

staying indoors or in a screened area. Most respondents utilize personal protection by wearing

long-sleeved clothing, while the least amount of respondents stays indoors or in a screened area.

50% of the respondents agree to do the respondent or anyone living in the household caught any

disease related to mosquito outbreaks while 50% disagree. Half of the respondents said yes to do

the respondent or anyone living in the household caught any disease related to mosquito

outbreaks while the other half said no. 75% of the respondents selected Chikungunya for the

question which asked which illness did the respondent contract and 25% of respondents selected

Dengue. 0% selected Zika Virus. The highly contracted disease amongst respondents is



Based on this research, the major cause of a Mosquito Infestation in the Community of Mineral

Heights is stagnant pools of water in low-lying areas which intern form breeding grounds for

mosquitoes. 87.5% of respondents agreed with this cause. Most respondents utilize personal

protection by wearing long-sleeved clothing, while the least amount of respondents stays indoors

or in a screened area.


Some recommendations to reduce the mosquito infestation are:

● Putting up signs around the community to indicate the different breeding sites for

mosquitoes or to where they can form, can prevent the residents from creating further

infestation of mosquitoes. This can be done by fellow teens, community groups, or

church members of Mineral Heights.

● Also creating a community garbage clean-up group could further stop the infestation of

mosquitoes. This group can go around the community and eliminate garbage or breeding

sites for mosquitoes. Teens, church members, and also other residents should be able to


● Residents or a Community Group can create a social media platform broadcasting the

importance of reducing Mosquitoes in areas of Mineral Heights


With the completion of this SBA, I have gained more insight into mosquito breeding sites and

the detrimental effect it might have on the environment if an infestation was to occur. Carry out

this research I have learnt that a bite from a mosquito can transmit serious diseases and viruses

which can then lead to disabling and potentially deadly effects. I now can identify different

breeding sites for mosquitoes and eliminate them to further stop an infestation. I could improve

my SBA by using different English language techniques such as the imperative. Technique to

convey my message better an. The sociological issue that arises may cause a financial strain on

the residents in which money would have to be spent at the doctor if any disease from the

mosquito infestation was to be contracted. It can also financially strain the economy and nations

may suffer billions on mosquito control programs and invest substantial time in treatments for

patients who have suffered complications after mosquito bites.



Disclaimer: I am doing this research as my school base assignment (SBA) on the effects of a

mosquito infestation in my community of Mineral Heights. I intend to take one week to help to

solve the problem to make this environment safer for you. You can help by completing this

questionnaire as best as possible to your knowledge. This questionnaire is strictly confidential,

and no one will be aware that you participated in this research. This research is only for my SBA.

Instructions: Read the questions carefully and circle the letter under the response that best



1. Sex?

a. Female

b. male

2. Age Range

a. 13-15

b. 16-18

c. 19-21

d. 21+

3. Is this the first outreach of mosquito control you have had?

a. Yes

b. No

c. I’m not sure

4. If yes when?

a. After the rainy season

b. When there’s an overload of garbage in your area of the community

c. during election time

d. other

5. During the rainy season is there stagnant water in your yard or on your street?

a. yes

b. no

6. How often do you experience an outbreak of mosquitoes per year?

a. 1-2 times

b. 3-4 times

c. 5-6 times

d. More than 6 times

7. Are you aware of any actions being taken to reduce mosquitoes in your community?


B. no

C. hardly

D. not at all

8. If yes. What are some of these actions?

a. Fogging

b. Cleaning of gutters

c. Duping of stagnant pools of water

d. Garbage cleanup

How often is the community (or your street) sprayed by pest control?

a. 1-4 months

b. 5- 8 months

c. During the rainy season

d. after an infestation

10. Are you concerned about the presence of mosquitoes in your community?




d.Not at all

11. Did you or anyone in your household (living in Mineral Height) catch any disease-related to

Mosquito outbreaks?



12. If yes, which illness did they contract?

a. Dengue


c.zika virus


13. How do you utilize personal protection in regards to mosquitos?

a. Applying repellent

b. Staying indoors or inside a screened area

c. Wear long-sleeved clothing

d. other

14. What are ways in which members of the community can help to reduce mosquito


a. Be more aware of mosquito infestation preventions

b. Reduce breeding sites

c. Contract with a provider to apply pesticides

d. other

15. What are some of the ways in which community members can be informed about mosquito


a. Text message.

b. Newspaper

c. Online media

d. Health department


Image 1 shows a breeding site (tall grass) in which mosquitoes can lay their eggs.

Image 2 shows a settlement of water in the home.

Image 3 shows the settlement of water in the community of Mineral Heights.


Questionnaire: : Definition, Examples, Design and Types | Simply Psychology

Evaluation Briefs No 16 (

Assessment Criteria Mark Teache Moderato
s r r
Background/ Provides a clear, detailed description of a current health- 2
Overview of Issue related or environmental issue
(2 marks) Description is detailed but lacks clarity 1

Problem Statement Research problem is stated clearly 1

(2 marks) Research problem is in an appropriate form – an observation 1
or question

Research Objective Objective of the research is linked to the issue 1

(2 marks) Objective of the research is realistic/feasible 1

Methodology Sample used is identified and clearly described 2

(8 marks) Data collection instrument is identified and clearly described 2
Method of data collection is identified and clearly described 2
Method of data collection is adequately justified 1
ONE limitation of data collection method clearly stated 1

Presentation of Data Data is presented in an appropriate form using tables, graphs 1

(5 marks) and charts
Data is presented in at least TWO forms 2
Form(s) used for presentation of data is correctly labelled 1
Data presented are accurate 1

Analysis and Data is analyzed using appropriate 1

Interpretation of Data calculations/statistics/themes
(5 marks) Data is summarized accurately 1
At least TWO statements of findings based on data presented 2
Findings are consistent with analyses 1

Conclusion Conclusion succinctly summarizes the project 1

(2 marks) Conclusion is logical and based on findings 1

Recommendations At least TWO recommendations proposed 2

(4 marks) Recommendations are realistic 1
Recommendations are informed by findings 1
Reflection (6 marks) TWO lessons learnt after undertaking the project. 2
Candidate states the ONE way in which the lesson learnt could be applied to 1
following his/her personal life.
information: ONE way in which the project could be improved. 1
ONE social impact and ONE economic impact the issue could 2
have on his/her school or community if not rectified.
Overall Presentation Layout of report follows the correct format inclusive of cover 2
(4 marks) page, table of contents, bibliography and appendices
If layout includes only two elements – 1 mark only
Bibliographic information contains names of authors, 1
and dates of publication
Consistent use of correct spelling and grammar
Total marks 40

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