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1. What is the term used to describe the unequal distribution of wealth, resources, and opportunities in the Philippines?

a) Social integration
b) Social mobility
c) Social inequality
d) Social justice

2. Which factor is considered a significant driver of rural-urban migration in the Philippines?

a) Access to quality education

b) Strong community ties
c) Abundance of agricultural jobs
d) Lack of employment opportunities

3. What term refers to sending Filipino workers abroad to seek employment opportunities?

a) Expatriation
b) Diaspora
c) Emigration
d) Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs)

4. The Philippines is prone to natural disasters such as typhoons, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. How does this impact social work?

a) It decreases the need for disaster relief programs.

b) It highlights the importance of disaster preparedness and response in social work.
c) It leads to a decrease in poverty rates.
d) It results in improved infrastructure development.

5. Which social issue in the Philippines is closely associated with child labor and lack of access to education?

a) Drug abuse
b) Gender inequality
c) Human trafficking
d) Poverty
6. In the context of indigenous peoples in the Philippines, what term is used to refer to ancestral domain territories and resources?

a) Indigenous heritage
b) Tribal dominion
c) Native jurisdiction
d) Ancestral domain

7. Which law in the Philippines addresses violence against women and their children?

a) RA 10991
b) RA 11210
c) RA 9262
d) RA 7610

8. What is the main objective of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) program in the Philippines?

a) Promoting cultural heritage

b) Providing direct cash subsidies to the elderly
c) Improving agricultural productivity
d) Alleviating poverty by providing cash assistance to poor families

9. What is the term for the Filipino concept of reciprocal help and cooperation among neighbors and communities?

a) Bayanihan
b) Kapwa
c) Utang na loob
d) Barangay

10. What issue in the Philippines is associated with the infringement of the rights of the Lumad and Moro communities?

a) Religious freedom
b) Land displacement and discrimination
c) Language barriers
d) Lack of access to healthcare

11. Which organization is responsible for implementing disaster risk reduction and management programs in the Philippines?

a) Department of Education
b) Department of Social Welfare and Development
c) National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council
d) Philippine National Police
12. What is the term used to describe the informal settlers who live in urban areas, often in makeshift housing?

a) Nomads
b) Migrants
c) Squatters
d) Urban elites

13. Which demographic group in the Philippines often faces discrimination based on their gender identity and expression?

a) Overseas Filipino Workers

b) Indigenous peoples
c) Persons with disabilities
d) LGBTQ+ individuals

14. What is the primary purpose of the Indigenous Peoples' Rights Act (IPRA)?

a) Promoting urbanization among indigenous communities

b) Protecting and recognizing the rights of indigenous peoples and their ancestral domains
c) Regulating cultural practices within indigenous communities
d) Providing financial assistance to indigenous students

15. What term refers to the practice of using volunteerism and community action to address social issues in the Philippines?
a) Social entrepreneurship
b) Civic engagement
c) Grassroots movement
d) Elitist philanthropy

16. Which Philippine government agency is responsible for developing and implementing social welfare and development programs?

a) Department of Health
b) Department of Labor and Employment
c) Department of Education
d) Department of Social Welfare and Development
17. What does SPECSEG stand for in the context of social realities which focuses on the local, regional, and global situations, and their implications to social welfare and
social work?

a) Society for the Promotion of Ethical Conduct in Social Work and Governance
b) Social Policy and Ethics Center for Social Work Education and Governance
c) Specifics of Social Development and Social Work in Emerging Globalities
d) Socio-political, economic, cultural, spiritual, environmental, and gender.

18. What is the definition of "social realities" in the context of social sciences?

a) Hypothetical scenarios designed to test societal responses.

b) Tangible and measurable physical aspects of society.
c) The subjective, lived experiences and conditions of individuals within a society.
d) Abstract ideas and philosophies that influence cultural norms.

19. Which tool is commonly used by social workers to comprehensively analyze and understand complex social realities, taking into account economic, political, cultural,
and environmental factors?

a) Socioeconomic Indicator Matrix

b) Cultural Sensitivity Scale
c) Ethical Dilemma Compass
d) Ecological Systems Framework

20. What are the primary dimensions of poverty often considered in poverty analysis?

a) Economic and political dimensions

b) Cultural and educational dimensions
c) Social, economic, and environmental dimensions
d) Urban and rural dimensions

21. Which type of poverty refers to the lack of access to basic needs such as food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare?

a) Absolute poverty
b) Relative poverty
c) Structural poverty
d) Cultural poverty
22. Which approach to measuring poverty takes into account the income distribution within a society and defines poverty in relation to the overall income distribution?

a) Human Development Index

b) Multidimensional Poverty Index
c) Relative Poverty Measurement
d) Income Poverty Measurement

23. Neoliberalism's influence on social policies often results in:

a) Strengthened focus on collectivist approaches in social work.

b) Increased public funding for comprehensive social welfare programs.
c) Privatization of social services and reduced state intervention.
d) Enhanced governmental control over economic sectors.

24. Neoliberalism is an economic and political ideology characterized by:

a) Strong government intervention in market affairs.

b) Emphasis on communal ownership of production means.
c) Advocacy for minimal government intervention and free-market capitalism.
d) Focus on socialist policies and wealth redistribution.

25. Globalization has led to increased interconnectedness among nations and cultures. What is a significant implication of globalization for social work?

a) Reduced need for cultural sensitivity in social work practice.

b) Limited impact on the distribution of resources and opportunities.
c) Heightened focus on locally based interventions in social work.
d) The necessity for understanding diverse cultural perspectives and addressing transnational issues.

26. Which of the following is a key component of the "anatomy" of a social problem?

a) Personal opinions of individuals

b) Objective assessment by social workers
c) The presence of a societal condition that causes harm or discomfort
d) Exclusive focus on economic factors
27. Which sociological theory suggests that social problems arise from conflicts between different groups in society over limited resources and power?

a) Structural functionalism
b) Symbolic interactionism
c) Conflict theory
d) Rational choice theory

28. According to the labeling theory, social problems can result from:

a) Rational decision-making by individuals

b) Structural imbalances within society
c) The application of negative labels to certain behaviors or groups
d) Technological advancements and changing cultural norms

29. Which theory emphasizes the role of communication and interaction among individuals as drivers of social change?

a) Modernization theory
b) Dependency theory
c) Social exchange theory
d) Structural functionalism

30. According to the Modernization theory, what is a key factor that leads to social development and change?

a) Cultural preservation
b) Agricultural self-sufficiency
c) Industrialization and technological advancement
d) Isolation from global markets

31. The Dependency theory suggests that underdeveloped countries remain disadvantaged due to:

a) A lack of resources and climate challenges

b) Excessive government intervention in the economy
c) Historical and ongoing exploitation by more developed nations
d) Resistance to adopting modern technologies
32. Structural functionalism views society as a system of interconnected parts. According to this theory, social change occurs when:

a) Institutions and norms remain stable over time

b) Societal equilibrium is disrupted, leading to dysfunction
c) Conflict and competition increase among individuals
d) Institutions are replaced by more efficient alternatives

33. The Human Capital Theory asserts that social and economic development is closely linked to:

a) Accumulation of financial capital by governments

b) Investment in education, skills, and health of individuals
c) International aid and grants from developed nations
d) Establishment of strict population control policies

34. Which perspective emphasizes the need to address social inequalities and advocate for the rights of marginalized groups in the pursuit of social change?

a) Modernization perspective
b) Dependency perspective
c) Feminist perspective
d) Rational choice perspective

35. The Human Development Index (HDI) takes into account which of the following indicators to measure development?

a) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) only

b) Life expectancy, education, and income
c) Environmental sustainability only
d) Access to advanced technology

36. Which approach to development emphasizes grassroots initiatives, community involvement, and self-help projects?

a) Top-down approach
b) Modernization approach
c) Structural adjustment approach
d) Bottom-up approach

37. Sustainable development focuses on:

a) Rapid economic growth at any cost

b) Meeting the needs of the present without compromising future generations
c) Industrialization without regard to environmental impact
d) Prioritizing economic development over social equity
38. The Structural Transformation perspective emphasizes the shift from agrarian economies to:

a) Post-industrial service economies

b) Information technology-driven economies
c) Extractive industries and mining
d) Export-oriented manufacturing economies

39. Cultural Imperialism is an approach that highlights:

a) Promotion of cultural diversity and local traditions

b) Preservation of traditional economic practices
c) The dominance of Western cultural values over local cultures
d) Isolation from global cultural influences

40. The Capability Approach, developed by Amartya Sen, suggests that development should focus on:

a) Maximizing GDP growth

b) Enhancing individual well-being and freedom
c) Implementing authoritarian governance
d) Strengthening military power

41. Social movements are collective efforts aimed at bringing about social change. Which of the following is a characteristic of a social movement?

a) Isolated individual actions

b) Small-scale local initiatives
c) Unorganized protests
d) Coordinated collective actions

42. How do social movements typically impact society?

a) By maintaining the status quo

b) By advocating for government control
c) By initiating reforms and influencing public opinion
d) By promoting individualism over community action
43. The Black Lives Matter movement focuses on addressing issues related to:

a) Animal rights and environmental conservation

b) Gender equality and women's rights
c) Racial discrimination and police violence against Black individuals
d) Economic inequality and labor rights

44. This theory explains that wealth generated at the top benefits everyone in society equally:

a) Marxist theory
b) Trickle-down economics
c) Political process theory
d) Classical theory

45. Marxist theory asserts that social change primarily occurs through:

a) Collaboration between different social classes.

b) Government intervention and policy changes.
c) The gradual evolution of societal norms.
d) Struggles between conflicting social classes.

46. Liberalism, as a political theory, emphasizes:

a) Centralized government control over the economy.

b) A laissez-faire approach to economic and social matters.
c) Collectivist ownership of means of production.
d) Absolute monarchy and hereditary rule.

47. The Feminist theory of development highlights:

a) The dominance of male leaders in development processes.

b) The exclusion of women from the workforce.
c) The need for gender-neutral policies in development planning.
d) Gender-based inequalities and the importance of women's empowerment.
48. Classical economic theory is characterized by:

a) The belief that wealth should trickle down from the top earners to benefit all levels of society.
b) Advocacy for government intervention and wealth redistribution to address income inequality.
c) Emphasis on laissez-faire principles and minimal government involvement in the economy.
d) The idea that economic growth is best achieved through social welfare programs.

49. Trickle-down economics proposes:

a) Government intervention to regulate market dynamics and ensure equitable wealth distribution.
b) A focus on grassroots development to uplift the lower-income strata of society.
c) Redistributive policies that tax the wealthy to fund social programs for the less affluent.
d) The notion that benefits bestowed upon the wealthy will eventually result in broader economic prosperity.

50. In the Philippines, a rapid increase in the number of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) has led to significant remittances sent back to their families. How might a
structural functionalist view this situation?

a) As a disruption to social stability due to the loss of skilled workers.

b) As a reflection of the country's need for more stringent immigration policies.
c) As a means of maintaining social stability through economic support for families.
d) As evidence of a dysfunctional family structure causing migration patterns.

51. This theory focuses on studying how individuals give meaning to symbols and interact based on those meanings.

a) Neo-Classical theory
b) Symbolic Interactionism
c) Political process theory
d) Marxist theory

52. Strengths-based perspective in social work emphasizes:

a) Identifying weaknesses and challenges to address in individuals.

b) Focusing solely on external factors that contribute to problems.
c) Exploring an individual's existing strengths and resources.
d) Viewing individuals as passive recipients of services.
53. Person-in-Environment (PIE) perspective in social work centers on:

a) Isolating individual behavior from the surrounding context.

b) Minimizing the importance of cultural diversity in assessments.
c) Examining the interplay between individuals and their social environments.
d) Ignoring systemic factors that contribute to social issues.

54. Empowerment perspective in social work focuses on:

a) Maintaining the status quo in power dynamics.

b) Highlighting the role of professionals as decision-makers.
c) Enhancing the abilities of individuals and communities to advocate for change.
d) Prioritizing service delivery over community engagement.

55. Cultural competency as a perspective in social work entails:

a) Treating culture as irrelevant in social work practice.

b) Acknowledging cultural diversity and its impact on clients' experiences.
c) Promoting a single, universal approach to all clients.
d) Avoiding cross-cultural interactions to prevent misunderstandings.

56. Critical theory in social work focuses on:

a) Maintaining the current power structures and social norms.

b) Minimizing the role of social justice in practice.
c) Challenging oppressive systems and advocating for social change.
d) Promoting conformity to societal expectations.

57. Boston has recently had a high turnover of residents who lack bonds with the community. Which theory assumes this will lead to crime in the area?

a) Strain theory
b) Delinquent subculture theory
c) Social disorganization theory
d) Integrated Theory
58. When does mitigation occur?

a) before the disaster

b) during the disaster
c) after the disaster
d) before and after the disaster

59. A crisis is.

I. an upset in a steady state
II. there is a temporary disturbance in one’s equilibrium.
III. an emotional reaction on the part of the individual to a threatening life event
IV. precipitating events

a) I, II
b) I, II, IV
c) I, III, IV
d) I, II, III, and IV

60. Betty has a poor relationship with her parents, has no goals for the future, and participates in a few extracurricular activities. Which theory assumes this can lead to

a) Labeling theory
b) Self-control theory
c) Social control theory
d) Conflict theory

61. Juvenile delinquents can also be called as

a) ill-mannered youth
b) troubled youth
c) attention seekers
d) out-of-school youth
62. A system of communication that ensures no gender is discriminated against as it removes statements, words, and labels that strengthen or reinforce stereotypes and
violence and replace empowering and strengths-based ones.

a) Gender-fair language
b) Gender-neutral language
c) Gender-blind language
d) No discrimination in language

63. You know that rape is a gender-based violence/ crime which should never be accepted nor condoned. You met a rape victim survivor that feels that the incident was
an eye-opener for her about her strengths and an empowering experience. You learned too that she withdrew the case against the alleged perpetrator and forgave him
even. You wanted to react negatively and could not answer why the client felt that way. But you also remembered an important concept that helped you understand the
natural variance between your perception and that of the client. What is this concept?

a) Behavior
b) Person in situation
c) Reality
d) Transference

64. Psychological classification of different types of people

a) Trait theories of personality

b) Type theories of personality
c) Gene theories of personality
d) Gene-environment theories of personality

65. Ego, Superego, and Id and ideal self, and real self are concepts under what theory?

a) Psychosocial theory of personality

b) Humanistic theory of personality
c) Psychoanalytic theory
d) Trait theory of personality

66. An example of type theories are those of:

a) Bandura
b) Marx
c) Adler
d) Maslow
67. Stimulus – Response – Consequence Model is applied and explained in this theory of personality.

a) Bandura’s theory of learning

b) Pavlov’s theory of conditioning
c) Stages of development by Erik Erikson
d) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory

68. ___________involves acquiring complex behaviors by watching, hearing about, or reading about the behavior of others.

a) Learning By Example
b) Learning By Experience
c) Observational Learning
d) Learning By Doing

69. Children in the shelter facility were promised by the social worker to be bought toys when they get high grades in their respective classes. The social worker applied
which theory in making the children in the facility behave in a certain way?

a) Operant Conditioning
b) Reward And Punishment
c) Classical Conditioning
d) Observational Learning

70. Children in the said shelter were also taught by another social worker to get inspiration from their elder co-children in the shelter who were able to attain good
academic performance and are now professionals. What theory was used by this social worker in getting the children to act accordingly?

a) Operant Conditioning
b) Reward And Punishment
c) Classical Conditioning
d) Observational Learning

71. According to our Filipino values as part of Filipino psychology, the collective and purposeful provision of social service is called.
1 point
a) Awa
b) Kawanggawa
c) Pagsisilbi
d) Mamamayang May Puso
72. Personal and professional dignity, integrity, and honor are also referred to as

a) Dangal/ Karangalan
b) Husay/ Kahusayan
c) Kagalingan
d) Katinuan

73. Our shared identity and inner self as a Filipino, which is humaneness at the highest level can also be termed as

a) Mamamayan
b) Pamayanan
c) Kapwa
d) Pilipino

74. Our sense of altruism and sense of goodness is drawn from what Filipino value?

a) Kagandahang Asal
b) Kagandahang Loob
c) Kabutihan
d) Pusong Mamon

75. Collective effort and community spirit being shown by Filipinos especially by the indigenous communities and even during calamities or problematic situations
within Filipino culture, is known as

a) Pagkakaisa
b) Bayanihan
c) Sama-Sama
d) Unity

76. At what stage is the good boy and good girl orientation?

a) Stage 3 – Interpersonal accord and conformity

b) Stage 2 – Self-interest
c) Stage 1 – Obedience and Punishment
d) Stage 5 – Social Contract
77. Which of the following are the Filipino concepts of ‘loob’
I. Utang na Loob
II. Kagandahang Loob
III. Ipagkaloob
IV.Tinig ng loob
V. Kalooban

a) I, II, III
b) I, II, IV, V
c) I, II, III, IV, V
d) I, II, III, IV

78. According to Virgilio Enriquez what are the components of Ma’aram na Pagkatawo?
I. Bout
II. Muni
III. Isip
IV. Dungan
V. Kalag
VI. Ginhawa

a) I, II, III, IV
b) I, III, IV, V, VI
c) I, II, III, IV, VI
d) I, III, VI
79. What are the inner hinges of the self, according to Baltazar?
I. Buot
II. Buti
III. Bait
IV. Muni
V. Hatol

a) I, III, IV, V
b) I, II, III, IV, V
c) III, IV, V
d) I, III, V

80. What are the unobtrusive methods of research?

I. Pagmamasid
II. Pakikisalamuha
III. Pagtatanong-tanong
IV. Pagsubok
V. Pagbabahay-bahay

a) I, III, IV, V
b) I, II, III, IV
c) I, II, III
d) I, II, IV, V

81. What are the two concepts of ‘kapwa’

a) Ibang tao and Hindi ibang tao

b) Pakikilagayang loob and hindi pakikilagayan ng loob
c) Kakampi and Kaaway
d) Kaibigan and Kamag-anak
82. The person was unaware that he has developed a new personality which often reflects aggressiveness and anxiety.

a) Projection
b) Introjection
c) Repression
d) Regression

83. Lina and John argued about the unsettled bills of their house this problem has been on-going for a couple weeks. After arguing with her husband, Lina aggressively
packs her things and return to her hometown reuniting with her parents.

a) Projection
b) Displacement
c) Denial
d) Regression

84. The child was able to differentiate that a dog is a kind of animal and not all animals are dogs.

a) Post Conventional
b) Sens motor
c) Concrete Operational
d) Formal Operational

85. What are the dimensions of Personality in Philippine Context?

I. Surgency
II. Agreeableness
III. Conscientiousness
IV. Neuroticism
V. Intellect

a) II, III, IV, V

b) I, II, III, IV, V
c) II, III, V
d) I, II, V, V
86. What guides a person’ action and usually dictate what life he could lead?

a) Values
b) Budhi
c) Kaluluwa
d) Loob

87. Amanda was having a hard time deciding if she will stay with her mother in the hospital and not getting paid for work or leave her mother alone for her to work and
get their hospital bills paid.

a) Moral dilemma
b) Ambivalence
c) Role conflict
d) Incongruity

88. A 14-year-old girl was a victim of sexual abuse by her stepfather, as a social worker what you should avoid while interviewing the child?

a) Understand the meaning of silence.

b) Ask open ended questions.
c) Sympathize and advise.
d) Build rapport with the child.

89. As a social worker you assured that the child’s information is safe from public interest.

a) Privacy
b) Safeness
c) Confidentiality
d) Appropriateness

90. Pedro was a social worker assigned in Rizal he was assigned to do Crisis Intervention debriefing. He first builds rapport with the people and while interviewing a
client, he remembers his family’s situation when the Yolanda devastated his hometown.

a) Individualization
b) Client-worker relationship
c) Self determination
d) Self-awareness
91. A 12-year-old kid named Sean was being hostile toward his classmates because of this he do not have any friends.

a) Conduct Disorder
b) Bipolar I
c) Somatic Disorder
d) Antisocial Personality Disorder

92. Jenifer was not able to attend meetings because she always thinks that the people have something to say about her performance. She also has a lot of absences
making her performance decrease.

a) Antisocial Personality
b) Borderline Personality
c) Schizoid Personality
d) Avoidant Personality

93. Intuitionally accepted but culturally wrong

a) Ritualism
b) Innovation
c) Rebellion
d) Terrorism

94. Change occurs through social interactions and relationship which transform cultures and institution.

a) Planned Change
b) Cultural and Institutional Change
c) Change dynamics
d) Social Change

95. There is a free movement of goods and supplies through countries and interdependence of growth and culture.

a) Liberalism
b) Post Modernism
c) Globalization
d) Neo-liberalism
96. Rodel was one of the residents who were greatly affected by Typhoon Karding in Rizal; his house was destroyed together with his farm.

a) Remedial
b) Developmental
c) Institutional
d) Crisis

97. What is the core value of Sikolohiyang Pilipino?

a) Pamilya
b) Ako
c) Utang na Loob
d) Kapwa

98. A group of women was organized in Conception, Tarlac to provide psychological first aid and livelihood training to recover from the effects of typhoon Karding.

a) Crisis
b) Remedial
c) Gender and Development
d) Feminist

99. Anabel has no money to buy the toy that she want instead of stealing it she returned the toy because it was the right thing to do.

a) Ambivalence
b) Values
c) Norms
d) Moral Dilemma

100. A week after the Typhoon Karding hit Bulacan, Mariemar together with other social worker’s provide psychological debriefing in the affected areas.

a) Crisis
b) Gender and Development
d) Feminist

Human Behavior in the
Social Environment:
Theories for Social Work

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