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My Favorite Place In School

Our school is located in Pluneng village, Kebonarum sub-district, Klaten regency, Central

In our school there are several facilities, for example:

▪ Language lab
▪ Science lab
▪ Library
▪ Administration room

• Language lab:
The language lab is usually used when there are scheduled English lessons, this room is also
equipped with a fan, wifi, and LCD projector

• Science Lab:
The science lab is usually used when there is a science lesson schedule, in addition to
teaching and learning activities for science subjects, the science lab is also usually used for
morning prayers of the khatolik religion

• Library:
In this library there are many kinds of books that we can read, the library is also equipped
with tables and chairs so that we are comfortable when reading books

• Administration Room :
Administration room is a room to take care of all administration and educational

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