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Exploring Governance: Significance of Activities of Pasong Kawayan 2 Barangay

Officials in the Sector of Education

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Submitted to:
Mr. Ryan Kenneth A. Narvaez, LPT
Research Adviser

Submitted by:
Ambat, Moira Leigh Angela
Dumancas, Chaisie Mae
Seramines, Russel Aron
Romero, John Paul
Ramos, Mary Mae
Ronquillo, Trisha
Saludes, Ivan

Humanities and Social Sciences -Academic Track

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Exploring Governance: Significance of Activities of Pasong Kawayan 2

Barangay Officials in the Sector of Education

A Research Paper Presented to the Faculty of

Luis Y. Ferrer Jr. Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Practical Research 1

Submitted to:
Mr. Ryan Kenneth A. Narvaez, LPT
Research Adviser

Submitted by:
Ambat, Moira Leigh Angela
Dumancas, Chaisie Mae
Seramines, Russel Aron
Romero, John Paul
Ramos, Mary Mae
Ronquillo, Trisha
Saludes, Ivan

Humanities and Social Sciences -Academic Track

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research


First and most important, the researcher wishes to express our deep appreciation and
grateful. The researcher would like to thank our research adviser, Mr. Ryan Kenneth
A. Narvaez for his assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the
process of this paper, thus, this paper would not have been not accomplished.

To the participant that spared us some time and share their experiences and
knowledge to conduct our interview. To our panelists and friends who supported us,
we are genuinely grateful to understand and spending the time on this paper.

To our dear adviser Ms. Ivory Mojica and other subjects teacher, we thank them for
their unending support and advice every time that we are struggling at our lowest

My dear parents who always support us and give strength and perseverance to make
this research paper. This research would have been not accomplished if not for your
guidance and support.

And most of all to almighty God for the good health and well-being that necessary to
accomplished this paper.

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Acknowledgement i
Table of Contents ii
Abstract iv

Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Theoretical Framework 3
Scope and Delimitation of the Study 4
Significance of the Study 5
Definition of Terms 6


Early Childhood Education 7
Good Governance in the Field of Education 8
Role of Local Government Unit in the Field of Education 9
Synthesis 10

Research Design 12
Sampling Technique 12
Data Gathering Procedure 12
Instruments in Data Gathering 13
Ethical Consideration 14
Data Analysis Technique 14

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4.1 Commitment of Action in the Sector of Education 15
4.1.1 Highly Interactive 16
4.1.2 Children’s Exercises 17
4.2 The Fundamental Foundation of Children’s Adaptability 18
4.2.1 Children’s Productivity 18
4.2.2 Profitable Activities 19
4.2.3 Provides Quality of Education 20
4.2.4 Children’s Foundation 21


Conclusion 23
Recommendation 24
Proposed Project 24


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Research Title. Exploring Governance: Significance of Activities of Pasong

Kawayan 2 Barangay Officials in the Sector of Education

Authors. Ronquillo Trisha S.; Ramos Mary Mae C.; Ambat Moira Leigh Angela
M.;Saludes Ivan,;Romero John Paul C. and Seramines Russel Aron

Purpose. This study aims to determine the significance of the activities of Pasong
Kawayan 2 officials in the sector of education and give a report and recommendation
on how to further improve their governance in terms of education.

Design/Methodology/Approach. The 5 participant were selected who are registered

resident of Pasong Kawayan 2 .The researcher used phenomenological design under
qualitative method.To come up with the emerging themes, Lichtman’s 3C’S of
Analysis (Coding to Categorising to Conceptualizing) was used to analyze the data.

Findings.Prior to the study objectives, two themes are found in the study.
Commitment of Actions in the Sector of Education and Fundamental Foundation of
Children’s Adaptability.

Research Limitation/Implication. The study focused on the sector of education

specifically the Day Care Center in Pasong Kawayan 2 and the participants were
registered residents of Barangay Pasong Pasong Kawayan 2.

Originality/Value.This would help the Barangay Officials to come up with a better

governance in terms of education sector.

Keywords: Early Childhood Education, Good Governance, Local Government Unit

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Background of the Study

Governance is an act or process of exercising the power through economic,

political and administrative authority to manage a country's affairs at all levels of
political units like the barangay. It also refers to the mechanism, process and
institutions articulating the interests of citizens, exercising the legal rights, obligation
and mediating the differences among the groups of people. According to The United
Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 1997 Policy Paper. Barangay, as the
basic political unit serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of
government policies, plans, programs, projects, and activities in the community, and
as a forum wherein the collective views of the people may be expressed, crystalized
and considered, and where disputes may be amicably settled. According to the The
Local Government Code of the Philippines Book 3 Local Government Units Title.-
The Barangay Chapter 1.- Role and Creation of the Barangay Section 384. This
study aims to determine the significance of the activities of Pasong Kawayan 2
officials in the sector of education and give a report and recommendation on how to
further improve their governance in terms of education.

On the other hand, Barangay Officials are considered as the forefront of the
public service by their constituents. With this being said, they basically represent the
grassroots level. The Barangay Officials are expected to perform their mandated
duties and responsibilities at the community level by maintaining public order,
enforcing laws and ordinances, implementing relevant programs and promoting the
general well, among others. Cited by the Eighteenth Congress of the Philippines
(Senate, S. No. 215). Moreover, as the duties and responsibilities of barangay
officials expand, it is also their duty to facilitate the early childhood education
program, which is widely called the "Day Care Center. The barangay is responsible
for taking care of the children's rights, including proper care and nutrition, and to
provide them with special protection against all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty,
exploitation, and other conditions prejudicial to their development. Children up to 6

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years old deserve the best care and attention. It is the beginning of a child's
development, with the help of the program it would allow them to develop their
social and cognitive skills. The barangay shall implement the program according to
Republic Act No. 6972 Barangay-Level Total Development and Protection of
Children Act Section 1-4. Education must be prioritized by the government, it is the
starting point of every child. There's no doubt that having a good education at an
early age can be a way to develop the social, physical and cognitive skills of a child.
According to the results of SEA-PLM (2019) it indicated that Filipino children got a
low score in reading and writing assessment which ought the Philippine government
to strengthen the early education system focusing on very young Filipinos aged three
to five years old. This study aims to determine the significance of the activities of
Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in the sector of education and give a report and
recommendation on how to further improve their governance in terms of education.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to explore and evaluate the governance of Pasong Kawayan 2
Barangay Officials in the sector of education, along with the activities made and its
Specifically it sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the perceived experiences of Pasong Kawayan 2 residents on how its
barangay officials govern the sector of education? And,
2. What are the significance of activities of Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in the sector
of education?

Theoretical Framework

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development explains that a child's

development depends on the environment in which they grow up. He explains that by
the stage of development, stage 1: trust vs. mistrust, children at this stage, from birth
to 18 months, seek stability and consistency of care from their primary caregiver
since they are unsure of the world in which they live. They begin to trust and
explore things around them. When children aged between 18 to 3 years old which is
in the stage 2: Autonomy Vs. Shame And Doubt they are more focused on
developing their sense of personal control over physical skills and a sense of
independence.The child is growing physically and becoming more energetic as well
as realizing that he or she is able to do numerous things including dressing
themselves, putting on shoes, playing with toys, etc.

These competencies show the child's developing sense of autonomy and

independence. For example, during this stage, children begin to distance themselves
from their mothers, choose which toy to play with, and make decisions about what
they want to wear and eat. At stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt,this stage of psychosocial
development takes place during the preschool years, children begin to go to school
for further development and start to exert their authority and control over the world.
Kids at this stage are between 3-5 years old when they start making tiny changes to

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their environment, like making new friends and playing with them but still there is a
chance of failure while trying new things especially when a child is not taught how
to be resilient and persistent in the face of difficulties, guilt ensues, and initiative
declines. Yet, success at this age results in a child who persists in trying after failing
at a task rather than giving up. With the proper guidance of parents and teachers they
can grow, succeeding in taking control of simple choices that lead to a sense of
personal power, feelings of autonomy, increased independence and a greater sense
of being able to survive in the world.

The theory supported the study as the researchers aimed to determine the
significance of activities of the Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in the sector of education.
The early childhood education , also called the Day Care Center,which is managed
by the barangay, it is a school that takes care of children's rights and is responsible
for teaching children to develop their skills.By providing a good environment which
a child lived can help their growth and adjustment as well as helping them to develop
social and cognitive skills. At the same time, the barangay officials' activities are a
big help to increase the socialization of children and can lead to a good development
of a child that they can carry into adulthood.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focus on exploring the governance of Barangay Officials in Pasong

Kawayan 2 and the significance of activities, specifically in the sector of education
which is the Day Care Center. The primary subjects of this study will be the parents
from the Barangay Pasong Kawayan 2, and the total number of participants were
limited to 5.

In addition, the participants are selected specifically according to their

identification. The participants have been identified as Barangay Pasong Kawayan 2
residents in the identity card. On the other hand, the barangay officials will not be
included as participants but rather the administered residents. Moreover, the study
covered only two over Day Care Center in Pasong Kawayan 2 which are the South

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Square Day Care Center and Heneral Uno Day Care and any irrelevant answer from
the participants that did not meet the questions under statement of the problem were
not included in the results and discussions.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are beneficial to the following:

Barangay Officials. This research will raise their awareness about the importance of
the activities they have implemented. Furthermore, this research will assist them in
conducting and developing more efficient activities to improve their governance in
the field of education. It will also help them become more responsible in the
implementation of new activities in the barangay.

Students. This study will benefit the students as they read the research and can get
information about the development that a child should have through his/his
childhood. Students will be aware of the possible outcomes if children don't have a
good environment while growing up. If a student has aspirations of becoming a
pediatrician, reading the research will help him or her in their studies of the social,
physical, and cognitive growth of young children. Through reading the research, they
can gain knowledge.

Schools. The school can use this study to track the learners development, if a learner
completely and successfully attains the early childhood education program. Schools
can identify the behavior of the learner and conduct productive activity that can be
used to develop the learner’s behavior.

Residents. This research study will provide people with ideas on how to select the
next leaders who will administer Barangay Pasong Kawayan 2. The people also have
the chance to choose the right person who is capable enough to perform their duties
and responsibilities in the barangay.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Parents. The parents will be aware of their child's development; they can use this as
a guide to determine how they will raise their child, how they will handle situations,
how they will keep their child growing in a healthy manner, and whether or not the
early childhood education program is beneficial to their child's development.

Future Researchers. This research study will benefit the future researchers as they
look for information or related studies that can be used in their research. This will
also help them to widen their knowledge if they have the same topic as this research.

Definition of Terms

Community. A place where people with commonalities lived.(Mannheim 1947)

Early Childhood Education. ECE, refers to a learning that takes place from 3-5
years old, it is a program that shapes the children skills and enables them to be ready
in entering primary school.( Unicef 2022)
Governance. It is an act of governing or controlling a community, the person with
authority has the power to execute laws that come from the higher government
unit.Governance is composed of people elected by the citizens.(UNDP 1997)
Psycho-social Development. Describes how a person's personality develops, and
how social skills are learned from infancy through adulthood (Erik Erikson)

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Governance in the field of education is not just as easy as sitting on a chair in

an office. Years have passed, and still we see a lot of kids’ wandering around who
are supposed to be studying and securing their future. This study wanted to explore
the governance of Pasong Kawayan 2 in the field of education and identify the
significance of the activities they implemented. During the past 2 years where most
people could not have the access to be in school especially preschool students, who
are 3-5 years old, most of them never went to school and stayed at home for safety.
As concerned residents of Pasong Kawayan 2 we are curious about the barangay
officials action to help them continue to have access in school and we the researchers
want to know the significance of their activities in governing the sector of education
in the barangay.Therefore, this chapter contains related literature about good
governance in the sector of education including the themes and synthesis.

Early Childhood Education

Early childhood development is the term used to describe the physical and
psychological growth that occurs in the first few years of life. Growing amounts of
evidence show that ECD is essential to human development and has long-lasting
impacts. During this time, children who are healthy, engaged, and well-cared-for
tend to perform better in school and have a better chance of learning the skills
necessary to contribute to social and economic growth. According to Jarvie (2019)
Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Care Implementation.
Targeted interventions that combine health, nutrition, education, and child care not
only mitigate the effects of poverty but also cut down on future public spending on
social welfare, health care, and education. Evidence indicates that ECD investments
have a considerable impact on children's health and readiness to learn, and they can
produce significant economic returns, typically bigger than spending in formal

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Education is the key to success for every person, it means a lot to anyone. The
early education of a child is vital in early childhood as it develops the children’s
sense of development. In (Mirsha,2018) study on education, it means more than mere
academic literacy. It is the development of the human complex of knowledge, skills,
attitude and value, utilizing the available resources to promote efficiently and
effectively in human qualities. According to (Landamn,2022) he further discusses the
significance of early child education which is “to improve the cognitive and social
development of children.” While some programs are more focused on academic
work literacy, for example others also focus on socio-emotional development, and
provide care ranging from health care to something as seemingly basic as meals. Add
it all up, and early childhood education provides a wide range of benefits that
meaningfully influence the lives of kids far beyond the present moment.

Good Governance in the Field of Education

Good governance is a major factor in improving the quality of education. The

government has the authority to provide the common needs of every school in
different levels of state. It is not new in every administration to have a problem or
issues in supporting the basic needs of public, it is common knowledge that all those
who have a stake in the educational system know too well the crises facing the
present-day of formal education. In(Abdullahi, 2018) study of good governance in
education, there are these issues include political instability in the country since its
independence, shortage of funds, facilities such as classrooms, equipment teaching
materials, the rising cost of education and the shortage of education personnel. Poor
governance gives rise to many of the problems in the educational system of every
country and if it's continue to rise the future of youth might be affected.

On the other side good governance has seem to have huge impact in school,
especially when the formulation and implementation of plans, action, agendas and
activities in terms of school governance compromise well and have been organized
by the government. In the article of Nepal B. (2022) The Impact of Good
Governance on School Performance of Nepal, good governance in education which

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says that governance is the heart of government, if there will be favorable context in
good governance the outcomes or outputs of school performance can be achieved at
a higher rate. Possible if government adopt the practice of good governance in
education, it can easily ensure and achieve a better school.

Role of Local Government Unit in the Field of Education

The governance of local government units in the field of education might be

affected by the massive outbreak of covid 19, but that is still not a perfect reason for
them not to provide and help their community in the basic education of preschoolers.
Local government units such as barangay play a key role in public education, from
kindergarten to community college, they provide the primary needs of students. In
the Philippines, it is mandatory in every local areas to have the basic unit of
education the early child education, known as daycare, in Republic Act No. 6972,
also known as the Barangay-level Total Development and Protection of Children Act
was enacted in 1990. it is a law provides for the establishment of a day care center in
every barangay and seeks to institute a Total Development and Protection of
Children Program.

Every unit of Local Government including barangay should express the power
they have to the people and community to have a change or progress, it should be
seen in by their governance, by implementing activities and agendas that will benefit
the people.The barangay is responsible for infrastructure like the early childhood
education facility which called daycare, they should provide it as it mandated to have
an early education in every barangay or village. It is their job to give assistance to
promote the learning of students.

Republic Act No.7160 LGC 1991 Book 1 Section 16-17. It is clearly said that
Every local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those
necessarily implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental
for its efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the
promotion of the general welfare the lgu shall endeavor to be self-reliant and shall

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

continue exercising the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently
vested upon them. They shall also discharge the functions and responsibilities of
national agencies and offices devolved to them pursuant to this Code. Local
government units shall likewise exercise such other powers and discharge such other
functions and responsibilities as are necessary, appropriate, or incidental to efficient
and effective provision of the basic services and facilities enumerated. One of the
most important programs made for children is the National Children's Month which
is celebrated during the month of November, an annual activity shall be implemented
to help the children to access to a healthy environment, good education, and
healthcare. All local government units and private organizations including the civil
society, private enterprises, and nongovernment, civic, and people's organizations,
are encouraged to observe National Children’s Month in simple ·rites and participate
in the activities. According to the Republic Act No. 10661 Section 1-5.


Early Childhood Education is indeed important as it shape the children's to

develop their cognitive, physical and social skills. Guiding them at the beginning
until they reached the aged of 7 where a child is almost fully develop and able to
make decisions for themselves can results to a good character development of
children. In (Mirsha,2018) study on education, it means more than mere academic
literacy. It is the development of the human complex of knowledge, skills, attitude
and value, utilizing the available resources to promote efficiently and effectively in
human qualities. Having good governance in the field of education is a must, it helps
the children to have more efficient facility where they can have a full character
development, Barangay is the one shall lead to attain the goal of early childhood
education. By providing them school supplies to used is one of the example as well
as taking care of their rights and safety from being abused.

Moreover the role of the authorities is to express their power by giving the
children a nice environment to grow, they should used the power to provide the
people and community a change or progress, it could be seen in by their governance,

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

by implementing activities and agendas that will benefit the people. According to
Republic Act No.7160 LGC 1991 Book 1 Section 16-17. It is clearly said that every
local government unit shall exercise the powers expressly granted, those necessarily
implied therefrom, as well as powers necessary, appropriate, or incidental for its
efficient and effective governance, and those which are essential to the promotion of
the general welfare the lgu shall endeavor to be self-reliant and shall continue
exercising the powers and discharging the duties and functions currently vested upon

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research


Research Design

The researchers used a qualitative method in this study, which involves the
analyzing and collecting of non-numerical data in order for us to understand the
concepts and opinions of the participants. To further expand the knowledge of the
researchers in gathering data’s, using the phenomenological research method under
qualitative which examines human experiences of people involved in this study. The
purpose of phenomenological research is to explain the subjective life experience of
the participants in order to understand the phenomenon. This method was used to
identify the significance of Pasong Kawayan 2 Officials’ activities in the field of

Sampling Technique

This study used the snowball sampling technique, the researcher asked 5
people who were residents of Pasong Kawayan 2 if they were willing to answer the
questions to be used in this study, which is about the governance and the activities of
the barangay officials in the field of education. The study will help them to select a
person who is capable of running a community.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher should follow the methods relevant in the study;

1. Before conducting the interview, the researcher must have a consent from the
principal allowing them to conduct a face to face interview outside of the school
2. The researcher should ask the barangay if they could conduct a research interview
for their study.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

3. If the researcher has the consent from the school and barangay, the next step
would be asking the residents of Pasong Kawayan 2 if they are able to be participants
of the said study.
4. The selected participants are required to answer some questions. First is about
their profile if they are registered residents and have a preschool child. The second
will consist of questions related to the governance and the significance of barangay
officials’ activities in the field of education
5. After collecting all the data needs, the researcher will analyze and interpret the
answers of participant.

Instruments in Data Gathering

The researcher in this study conducted formal interview with the selected
participants in their experience of the l Pasong Kawayan 2 officials and the
significance their activities in the sector of education. The following questions were

SOP 1. What are the perceived experiences of Pasong Kawayan 2 residents on

how its barangay officials govern the sector of education?
1. What are your perceptions towards the activities officiated by the Barangay
Officials of Pasong 2 ?
2. What kind of activities did you witness that the Barangay Officials made for
the sector of education?

SOP 2. What are the significance of activities of Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in

the sector of education?
3. What do you consider as the most effective program or activities that the
barangay officials initiated and why?
4. What are the effects of the activities on the children?
5. What is the significance of these activities and how does it help the children?

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Ethical Consideration

The researcher ensured the privacy of each participant, and they were instructed
about the study before conducting interviews. The participants were informed the
purpose of the study and surely made the conversation confidential; their profiles
were not displayed in this research study. If the participants refused to join, the
researchers looked for another resident who is willing to be interviewed.

Data Analysis Technique

The study used Lichtman’s 3C’s of data analysis technique to analyze the data
that were gathered The 3C’s stand for coding, categorizing and conceptualizing,
after collecting of data the researchers code it and categorized based on its
perceptions and meanings towards the study, as the researcher finished the 2 steps
the used of conceptualizing to make new concepts were done.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research


In this qualitative research, a phenomenological study was employed to know

the lived experiences of Barangay Pasong Kawayan 2 residents on how the barangay
officials govern the sector of education and what are the significance of activities of
the barangay officials. Formal interview was conducted to the selected residents of
Pasong Kawayan 2 and with it, it helped the researchers to know how the barangay
officials govern the sector of education and what are the significance of the activities
they implemented.

The perceptions of selected residents of Pasong Kawayan 2 on some questions

such as “What are your perceptions towards the activities officiated by the Barangay
Officials of Pasong 2 ?” “What kind of activities did you witness that the Barangay
Officials made for the sector of education?” “What do you consider as the most
effective program or activities that the barangay officials initiated and why? What
are the effects of the activities on the children?’’ and “What is the significance of
these activities and how does it help the children?’’ are served as the basis of the
thematic analysis of data.

4.1 Commitment of Actions in the Sector of Education

All the participants shared their perceptions towards the activities of Barangay
Officials in the sector of education, some of them express their opinion by giving
examples how the barangay officials supports the Day Care.

“Okay naman sila, tumutulong sila kapag may activities ang mga bata
at nandyan din yung mga officials at si kapitana para ma witnessed yung
activity na gagawin dito sa Daycare, present sila lagi para mabantayan yung
mga bata. Katulad nung nagkaroon ng Mr. and Ms. Day Care dito saamin
present si kapitana at ibang barangay officials, sila rin nagbigay ng trophys
and prices para sa mga nanalo tapos noong nag sagala present din po yung
mga barangay offcials para magbantay”

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(Participant 2)

The participant was talking about how the barangay officials supports the activities
and how they give a secured environment for children to celebrate the said activity.

4.1.1 Highly Interactive

Some of the participants gave their perception towards the activities and described it
as highly interactive; they explain how the activities give their children a good
socialization towards each other and gives them fun and joyful activities together.

“Uhm.. for me uhmm.. its good its because ahh… everything that
ahh.. pede magtagalog nalang ako ayoko mag English para sa akin uhmm..
maganda yung mga ginagawang activities ng barangay officials kasi parang
uhm.. tawag ditto diko masabi ahh…..halubilo yon hablubilo nga parang
ahh….iniipon nito ang mga ah.. sabihin natin guardians or parents para sa
isang activity kunwari Zumba para sakin maganda sya kasi nagigiging
active yung mga parents tsaka yung mga bata para sa ginagawang uhmm
activity na yun ng mga barangay officials.”
(Participant 3)

The participant stated that the activities made them work or gather as one to have a
joyful and fun activities together.

“My insights about the uhm… activities by Barangay, kids are learning to be
socialable , active and competitive against each other and they are
developing their skills because uhm… we came from a two years pandemic
so the activities helped them to be more friendly and sociable to one
(Participant 4)

The participant point of view was cleared that the activities made her child to have
more interaction with other children.

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“As a mother of ahhhmm…. day care student ahmm… I think these

activities conducted by the barangay officials of Pasong Kawayan 2, my
child has built his confidence and even given an opportunity to socialize
with other kids and classmates, he was bale to be involved in any activities
after 2 years of pandemic you know that all these children are just stayed at
home but this time they went outside and have opportunity to play with other
(Participant 5)
The participant described her perceptions towards the activities, her child was given
an opportunity to socialize and to be involved to other activities.

4.1.2 Children’s Exercises

The participants shared what are the activities that was made for the sector of
education, three of our participants illustrate the activities that they witnessed for

Uhmm.. sportfest yung ano ano panga yon yung ano sportfest,
children’s month,little mr and ms daycare”
(Participant 3)

“So, our first event would be children ‘s Month and Christmas Party
uhm.. we have sport Fest, Zumba and Mr. and Ms. Day Care yun lang alam
(Participant 4)

“Uhm… teka lang children’s month and uhm.. okay activities that I
witnessed were the children’s month and sport fest conducted for the Day
care students.”
(Participant 5)

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The three participant have the same answer when it comes to activities that they
witnessed, most commonly children’s exercises that being celebrated in Day Care
was Children’s month, Zumba,Sportfest,and Little Ms. and Mr. Day Care.

4.2 The Fundamental Foundation of Children’s Adaptability

The children’s ability start to develop in Day Care, all of the participants shared the
significance of activities that their child had experience and how it improves their
skills. One of the participants shares how his child start to gain confident and
physical skills by joining and involving his child to Day Care and activities.

“My child in particular has no confidence in uhmm… approaching

other children but after the activities such as sport fest and children’s month
has given him an opportunity to be involved and also to really enjoy the
activities uhmmm.. conducted by the daycare and most specially the Pasong
kawayan 2 officials and I’ve seen that uhmm.. he also have bond with other
classmates so they can to know more about each other and I saw that uhhmm..
he’s not that good in sports but because of this activities he’s more confident
in doing it.”
(Participant 5)

The participant said that her child has no confident at the beginning and has no
strength to approach other children but after the activities, it starts to have skills
physically and socialize to other.

4.2.1 Children Productivity

The participants have seen the effects of activities to their children and some our
participants were proudly shares the amazing development of their child.
Considering what specific program or activity did their child experience that gives
them a lot of improvements.

“ The sportfest activity because I saw my child being active at yung

bang mga bata rin tapos ano ahh.. nag eenjoy sila at the same time natuto at

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

bubuild yung confidence nila kasi diba sa sportfest ahmm..parang ano

competition group competition sya and then nakita ko na nagkakaroon ng
team work yung bata na hindi sila nagkakahiyaan.”
(Participant 3)

“I do believe it was the childdren’s Month because it was the start ahh..
uhm… their thinking what they want to be, it develops our child’s thinking
like example kung ano yung gusto nila paglaki yung children’s month
inaallow sila na iexpress nila yun by giving them time to showcase what they
want to be in future parang career guidance ba and my daughter would like
to be Flight attendant and she says she wanna see the world, so that initiate
want she wants in her life.”
(Participant 4)
“I think of the activities that I witnessed like the children’s month and
the spot fest are both effective most specially because I saw him uhmm..
really enjoying those activities and even other children and really builds their
self confidence in associating with other people.”
(Participant 5)

The participants spoke about the effectiveness of activities to their child and it seems
to have a good effects as their children begun to have self-confidence, own decisions,
social skills and physical skills.

4.2.2 Profitable Activities

In particular matter, our participants gladly express how these activities affects their
child in growing and developing their skills.

“Masaya, okay naman lahat naman nakakasama tapos

napapakinabangan ng mga bata yung mga activities nila at mas nag
grogrow yung personality at skills na meron sila.”
(Participant 5)

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

The participant was talking about those activities mentioned above profits her child
in growing its personality and skills.

“Ah for me as a parent yung anak ko ano sya nagiging active sya na
baby girl eh once may activity tapos ano sya ahmm…competitive at the same
time confident sa mga ginagawa nya.”
(Participant 3)

“So, the activities effects were they learn to be more sociable and
competitive uhm… what uhm.. siguro maybe their learning to be more
responsible in taking their actions and also they are learning something new
by playing with other kids.”
(Participant 4)

“The effects of this activities my child is now building his confidence

and also he has the opportunity to have the socialization with other children
and has the chance to join outside activities.”
(Participant 5)

The participants proudly express the effects of activities to their children, they are
happy to see their kids having a total development in Day care and exposing them to

4.2.3 Provides Quality of Education

Two of the participants spoke about the activities giving their children a quality of
education, they said that their children received learning opportunity and it secure the
children’s safety.

“Well yung benefits activities ng barangay sa daycare ehh syempre

lahat ng ahh bata is nakakapag aral ng maayos at the same time lahat ng
tao nagiging secure din yung mga bata dahil alam nila andyan lang

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

yung katuwang nila na mga opisyals na if incase magkaroon ng problem

meron silang kakapitan tsaka masasandalan.”
(Participant 1)

“Ah.. mahalaga naman talaga kase sa mga bata eh kasi ano kasi lahat
naman natutulungan eh ,syempre basta sa mga magulang mas malaking
tulong yon kasi syempre kami mag babayad don mas mahirap para sa samin
yon eh kung sila mag proprovide ng mga school supplies at financial diba
mas malaking tulong yon, sa mga barangay na nag aano non eh kumabaga
samin okay yon kasi ano eh sa panahon ngayon mahirap kaya ang buhay
kaya kailangan libre tulong galling sakanila diba yun lang, natutulungan
yung anak ko kasi simula panganay ko hanggang bunso lahat sila dito
nanggaling dito sila nagsimula sa day care kaya malaking tulong gusto lahat
ng anak ko yung mga activities gusto nila yung nakakapag participate sila.”
(Participant 2)

Moreover, apart from having their activities the barangay officials also ensure that
the children will received at least the common needs in studying and by that point
parents has no worries in letting their child to go at school.

4.2.4 Children’s Foundation

This important executive function skill provides children with a foundation that leads
to other skills like teamwork and problem solving. Try some of the activities below
to foster adaptability. The participants shares the significance of activities from the
beginning until the end and the outcome or the results of it on their children.

Yung sportfest, children’s month,little mr and ms daycare naging

confident yung anak ko kumbaga yung yung kahalagahan nya is nag karoon
ng pagbabago sa ugali nya naging active sya at palakaibigan kaya yung mga
activities na naexperience nya eh Malaki ang naitulong non sa development
nya kasi dati hindi naman sya ganon ka active at confident makipaglaro
ngayon okay na sya makikita mo yung progress sa bata.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

(Participant 3)

“So the importance of these activities such sport fest and children’s
month it improves their social activity, it in improves their modern activity
and their confidents as well and also how to deal with the problems with in
the situations.”
(Participant 4)

Adaptability might seem like a skill that is too advanced for a toddler, but it’s
actually important to nurture it early in life. For children, adaptability means learning
how to react to new information and how to “shift gears” between tasks easily
(without throwing a tantrum!).

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research



The study concluded that most of the participants have a good perception
towards the governance of Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in the sector of education
while some of the participants have no clear perceptions in other questions which
ought us not to include their answers in results discussion but rather discuss it in
conclusion. Our participant number 1 stated that he haven’t seen or encounter any
activities that the barangay officials initiated this year while the rest of the
participants clearly said that there are activities that have been done with the help of
barangay officials and also his answer in our question number 3 under SOP 2 has no
connection with education but he rather spoke about the implementation of curfew in
every subdivision , the researchers had come up to an idea that he is not an active
resident of Pasong Kawayan 2.

Moreover, most of participants shared a memorable and remarkable

experiences of their child and of course them as a parents who supports their
children’s activity, with regards the supports and assistance of the barangay to Day
Care, it enables them to have a unity and collaboration. The used of activities to the
children has a huge impact in developing their social, physical and cognitive skills,
they are able to express their personality at such a young age by providing them an
activity which was allowing them to be more active and letting them to have fun with
the proper guidance of parents and Day Care teachers. Children are free to be
themselves that brought them to be physically fit, mentally fit and socially fit.

Over all, the results of the study concluded that most of the participants’
perceptions towards the significance of activities of Pasong Kawayan 2 officials
have good effects to their child’s development as they state the progress and changes
of ones child from being stuck in a 2 years pandemic, while some of the participants
perceptions were unclear and irrelevant which the study conclude that they were not
active residents in participating in the activities in the sector of education.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Based on the findings and conclusions presented, the following recommendation are

Residents. Residents should be active in all of community aspects, they also can
approach the barangay officials about the activities that they’ll be implementing in
the sector of education.

Parents. Some parents must be aware of what is happening around his/her child
environment. They must also guide their children in going to a school where it starts
to hence their kid’s social, physical and cognitive skills.

Barangay Officials.Barangay Officials must also create a connection between

officials and residents to, this will allow them to have an update about the upcoming
events, program or rules that will be implemented

Future Researchers. This study will recommend to future researchers to conduct

research that will help them further explore about this study and fill deficiencies that
may be found in this study.

Project Proposed

Unity in Adversity
This project will bind them together as one, it is their “samahan” in the barangay
promoting unity and working together to have effective governance, by this project
no residents nor parents will be left behind.

Open Communication
A platform or system that permits open communication and information sharing is
one suggested initiative that would aid citizens and barangay authorities in working
together. This could be a website, social media page, or mobile app where locals can
quickly report issues, make comments, and provide feedback to their barangay

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

leaders. Barangay leaders can also use the platform to inform locals about significant
announcements, events, and ongoing initiatives. As a result, there may be greater
responsibility, governance.

SMS Alerts for Mobile

This project allows the Barangay Officials to establish a system for sending SMS or
text messages to inhabitants informing the residents of important events, critical
warnings and notifications.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research


Cited by the Eighteenth Congress of the Philippines Senate, S. No. 215 (retrieved

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Jarvie, W.K. (2019) Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education and Care
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Kadir, A.N.J Spring (2019) Good Governance Issues in Education System and
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Landman S. (2022) Early Childhood Education and the Pandemic (retrieved from)

Nepal. B. (2022) Article on Impact of Good Governance on School Performance of

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( retrieved from)

Republic Act No. 10661 Section 1-5 (2015) Sixteenth Congress Second Regular
Session (retrieved from)

Republic Act No. 6972 Barangay-Level Total Development and Protection of

Children Act (1990) Section 1-4 (retrieved from)!.pdf

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Republic Act. No. 7160 An Act Providing For A Local Government Code of 1991
Book I General Provisions Title I Basic Principles Chapter I The Code: Policy and
Application Section 16-17( retrieved from)

SEA-PLM (2019) Main Regional Report: Children’s Learning in 6 Southeast Asian

Countries (retrieved from)

The Local Government Code of the Philippines Book 3 Local Government Units
Title.-The Barangay Chapter 1.- Role and Creation of the Barangay (1991) Section
384. (retrieved from)

The United Nations Development Programmed (1997) Policy Paper. (retrieved from)

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QUESTION 1: What are your perceptions towards the activities officiated by the
Barangay Officials of Pasong 2 ?

Participant 1: Well so far I’m not yet encountered any activities with regards the
barangay pero so far they promised that they will be having a activity to make up
dito sa school so my perceptions is a I think possibly sana totohanin nila.

Participant 2: Okay naman, maayos naman sila mag ano tumutulong sila sa
mga bata may mga activities sila sa mga bata tumutulong yung mga barangay
officials sila kapitana tumutulong sila lagi silang nandyan

Participant 3: Uhm.. for me uhmm.. its good its because ahh… everything that ahh..
pede magtagalog nalang ako ayoko mag English para sa akin uhmm.. maganda yung
mga ginagawang activities ng barangay officials kasi parang uhm.. tawag ditto diko
masabi ahh.. halubilo parang ahh. Iniion nito ang mga ah.. sabihin natin guardians or
parents para sa isang activity kunwari Zumba para sakin maganda sya
kasi nagigiging active yung mga parents tsaka yung mga bata para sa ginagawang
uhmm activity ng barangay or yung mga barangay officials.

Participant 4: My insights about the uhm… activities by Barangay are learn are kids
are learn to be socialable, active and competitive against each other and their
learning to be… uhm… they because we came from a two years pandemic, so they
not that uhm... came outside a lot, so this year uhm… we practice a lot of being
socialable and friendly with each other.

Participant 5: As a mother of ahhhmm…. day care student ahmm… I think these

activities conducted by the barangay officials of Pasong Kawayan 2 of my child to
build his confidence and even given an opportunity for him to socialize with kids
and classmates and also to be involved or due to pandemic, you know that all these

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

children are just stayed at home but this time they went outside and have opportunity
to play with other children.

QUESTION 2: What kind of activities did you witness that the Barangay Officials
made for the sector of education?

Participant 1: Well so far yung barangay sa sector ng education ahh.. very active
naman sila so far but ah this year im not yet encountered anything that activity
coming from the barangay past years may ano sila pag lilinis at the same time meron
silang ah…feeding and ahh mag kaka roroon din sila ng animal animal by the
vaccination so far yun palang wala papong gingawa,wala ako masyado na eencounter
sa barangay actually im the pta president here so dun sa activities ng barangay wala
pa kaming naecounter na cinover nila or naibigay nila saamin pero meron silang

Participant 2: Katulad sa no, don sa school nila yung sa program nila na andito na
Mr. Ms Heneral uno yung little ms. Daycare yan andon si mga barangay offcials
yang nag sagala sila na mga ano andon sila sa prosisyon nag ano sila doon sa may
court tas andon din sila nakabantay uhmm..

Participant 3: Uhmm.. sportfest yung ano.. ano panga yon…..yung ano sportfest,
children’s month,little mr and ms daycare

Participant 4: So, our first event would be children ‘s Month and Christmas Party
uhm.. we have sport Fest, Zumba and Mr. and Ms. Day Care and then uhm…

Participant 5:Uhm… teka lang children’s month and uhm.. okay activities that I
witnessed were the children’s month and sport fest conducted for the Day care

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

QUESTION 3:What do you consider as the most effective program or activities that
the barangay officials initiated and why?

Participant 1: Well so far with regard the barangay curfew I think the barangay ahh
make hmm rules that the curfew will be implemented ah properly yun ang parang
sa tigin ko bet ko kasi syempre nowadays yung mga teenagers yung mga
kabataan minsan laging nasa labas yung ang nagiging prone ng kidnapping rape
which is kung iimplement ng barangay yung talagang ahh siguradong iimplement ng
maayos ehh well, well secured yung mga teenagers natin .

Participant 2: Ahh.. oo nag donate sila ng mga, ay hindi nag ano sila ng mga
sounds sila ang mga nag sagot don yung mga tulad dito yung mga price ng mga
trophys mga medals galing din po don kay ikang alcantra yung bukod dyan yung
bakod dito sa labas oh ipapagawa raw nila yung bakod sa ano sa lang natin sila yong
nag provide yung kuryente nag bayad ditto sa daycare sila yung nagbabayad

Participant 3: For me it’s the sportfest because the kids are being uhmm…active
tapos ano ahh nag eenjoy sila at the same time natuto na bubuild yung confidence
nila kasi diba sa sportfest ahmm..parang ano competition group competition sya at
the same time yung mga children parang naaano sila na mag compete tapos team

Participant 4: I do believe it to was the childdren’s Month because it was the start
ahh.. uhm… their thinking what they want to be, my child would like to be Flight
attendant and she says she wanna see the world, So that initiate want she wants in her

Participant 5: I think of the activities that I witnessed like the children’s month and
the spot fest are both effective most specially because I saw him uhmm.. really
enjoying those activities and even other children and really builds his self confidence
in associating with other people.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

QUESTION 4: What are the effects of the activities on the children?

Participant 1: The activities effects to the children ahh..well they give as a example
just like what you said kung yung barangay is ginagawa nila yung tungkulin nila ahh
nagbibigay sila ng suporta sa lahat ng ah ditto sa mga subdivision tsaka livelihood
well nakikita yon ng mga children magiging good example sila ahh dapat paglaki
ko magiging ganyan ako

Participant 2: masaya okay naman lahat naman nakaka ano naman ang mga bata eh
napapakinabangan naman ng mga bata yung mga binibigay nila na mga denodonate
nila napapakinabangan ng mga bata ouhm oo mas nag grogorow sila

Participant 3: Ah for me as a parent yung yung anak ko ano sya active sya na baby
girl eh tapos ano sya ahmm…competitive at the same time confident

Partcipant 4: So, the activities … or effect they learn to be sociable and competitive
uhm… what uhm.. siguro maybe their learning to be more responsible as well being
kids, So, and also their learning with each other.

Participant 5: The effects of this activities is building his confidence and also the
opportunity to have the socialization with other children and also exposing him to
uhmmm… to outside activities.

QUESTION 5: What is the significance of these activities and how does it help the

Partcipant 1: Well yung benefits ng daycare para sa barangay ehh syempre lahat ng
ahh bata is nakakapag aral ng maayos at the same time lahat ng barangay
nagiging secure din yung mga bata dahil alam nila andyan lang yung katuwang nila
na mga opisyals na if incase mag karoon ng problem meron silang kakapitan
tsaka masasandalan.

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Participant 2: Ah.. mahalaga naman talaga kase sa mga bata eh kasi ano kasi lahat
naman natutulungan eh ,syempre basta sa mga magulang mas malaking tulong yon
kasi syempre kami mag babayad don mas mahirap para sa samin yon eh kung sila
mag proprovide non diba mas malaking tulong yon sa mga barangay na nag aano
non eh kumabaga samin okay yon kasi ano eh sa panahon ngayon mahirap kaya
ang buhay kaya kailangan libre tulong galling sakanila diba yun lang, natutulungan
yung anak ko kasi simula panganay ko hanggang bunso lahat sila dito nanggaling
ditto sila nagsimula sa day care kaya malaking tulong gusto lahat ng anak ko yung
mga activities gusto nila yung nakakapag participate sila.

Participant 3: Ahhh…Yung sportfest, children’s month,little mr and ms daycare

naging confient yung anak ko kumbaga yung yung kahalagahan nya is nag karoon ng
pagbabago sa anak ko naging active sya at the same time nadeveloped yung social

Participant 4: So, it in improve their social activity, it in improve their modern

activity and their confidents as well and their uhm… how to deal with the problems
with in the situations.

Participant 5: My child in particular has no confidence in uhmm… approaching

other children but after this activities has has given opportunity to be involved and
also to really enjoy the activities uhmmm.. conducted by the daycare and most
specially the Pasong kawayan 2 officials and I’ve seen that uhmm.. he also have
bond with other classmates so they can to know more about each other and I saw that
uhhmm.. he’s not that good in sports but because of this activities he’s more
confident in doing it.

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LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

SOP 1. What are the perceived experiences of Pasong Kawayan 2 residents on

how its barangay officials govern the sector of education?


1.What are your Active Participation Highly Interactive
perceptions towards the
activities officiated by
the Barangay Officials of
Pasong 2 ?

Person 2
Okay naman, maayos
naman sila mag ano
tumutulong sila sa mga
bata may mga activities
sila sa mga bata
tumutulong yung mga
barangay officials sila Theme: Commitment of
kapitana tumutulong sila Actions in the sector of
lagi silang nandyan

Person 3
Uhm.. for me uhmm.. its
good its because ahh…
everything that ahh.. pede
magtagalog nalang ako
ayoko mag English para sa
akin uhmm.. maganda
yung mga ginagawang
activities ng barangay
officials kasi parang uhm..
tawag ditto diko masabi
ahh.. halubilo parang ahh.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Iniipon nito ang mga ah..

sabihin natin guardians or
parents para sa isang
activity kunwari Zumba
para sakin maganda sya
kasi nagigiging active
yung mga parents tsaka
yung mga bata para sa
ginagawang uhmm
activity ng barangay or
yung mga barangay

Person 4
My insights about the
uhm… activities by
Barangay are learn are
kids are learn to be
socialable, active and
competitive against each
other and their learning to
be… uhm… they because
we came from a two years
pandemic, so they not that
uhm... came outside a lot,
so this year uhm… we
practice a lot of being
socialable and friendly
with each other.

Person 5
As a mother of
ahhhmm…. day care
student ahmm… I think
these activities conducted
by the barangay officials
of Pasong Kawayan 2 of
my child to build his
confidence and even given
an opportunity for him to
socialize with kids and
classmates and also to be

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

involved or due to
pandemic, you know that
all these children are just
stayed at home but this
time they went outside and
have opportunity to play
with other children.
Children’s Activity

2.What kind of activities Children’s Exercises

did you witness that the
Barangay Officials made
for the sector of

Person 3
Uhmm.. sportfest yung
ano.. ano panga
yon…..yung ano sportfest,
children’s month,little mr
and ms daycare

Person 4
So, our first event would Theme: Commitment of
be children ‘s Month and
Christmas Party uhm.. we Actions in the sector of
have sport Fest, Zumba Education
and Mr. and Ms. Day Care
and then uhm…

Person 5
Uhm… teka lang
children’s month and
uhm.. okay activities that I
witnessed were the
children’s month and sport
fest conducted for the Day
care students.

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

SOP 2. What are the significance of activities of Pasong Kawayan 2 officials in

the sector of education?


3.What do you consider
as the most effective
program or activities
that the barangay
officials initiated and

Person 3 Child Development Child Productivity

For me it’s the sportfest
because the kids are being
uhmm…active tapos ano
ahh nag eenjoy sila at the
same time natuto na
bubuild yung confidence
nila kasi diba sa sportfest
ahmm..parang ano
competition group
competition sya at the
same time yung mga
children parang naaano
sila na mag compete
tapos team work

Person 4
I do believe it to was the
childdren’s Month
because it was the start
ahh.. uhm… their thinking
what they want to be, my
child would like to be

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

Flight attendant and she

says she wanna see the
world, So that initiate
want she wants in her life.

Person 5
I think of the activities that
I witnessed like the
children’s month and the
spot fest are both effective
most specially because I
saw him uhmm.. really
enjoying those activities
and even other children
and really builds his self
confidence in associating
with other people.

4. What are the effects of

Useful materials for Profitable Activities
the activities on the

Person 2
masaya okay naman lahat
naman nakaka ano naman
ang mga bata eh
napapakinabangan naman
ng mga bata yung mga
binibigay nila na mga
denodonate nila
napapakinabangan ng mga
bata ouhm oo mas nag
grogorow sila

Person 3
Ah for me as a parent
yung yung anak ko ano
sya active sya na baby girl
eh tapos ano sya
ahmm…competitive at the
same time confident

Person 4
So, the activities … or
effect they learn to be
sociable and competitive

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

uhm… what uhm.. siguro

maybe their learning to be
more responsible as well
being kids, So, and also
their learning with each

Person 5
The effects of this
activities is building his
confidence and also the
opportunity to have the
socialization with other
children and also exposing Opportunities for children Children’s Foundation
him to uhmmm… to
outside activities.

5.What is the
significance of these
activities and how does it
help the children?

Person 1
Well yung benefits
activities ng barangay sa
daycare ehh syempre lahat
ng ahh bata is nakakapag
aral ng maayos at the
same time lahat ng tao
nagiging secure din yung
mga bata dahil alam nila
andyan lang yung
katuwang nila na mga
opisyals na if incase mag Provides Quality of
karoon ng problem meron
Sustainability of
silang kakapitan tsaka Activities

Person 2
Ah.. mahalaga naman
talaga kase sa mga bata eh
kasi ano kasi lahat naman
natutulungan eh ,syempre
basta sa mga magulang
mas malaking tulong yon
kasi syempre kami mag

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

babayad don mas mahirap

para sa samin yon eh kung
sila mag proprovide ng
mga school supplies at
financial diba mas
malaking tulong yon, sa
mga barangay na nag aano
non eh kumabaga samin
okay yon kasi ano eh sa
panahon ngayon mahirap
kaya ang buhay kaya
kailangan libre tulong
galling sakanila diba yun
lang, natutulungan yung
anak ko kasi simula
panganay ko hanggang
bunso lahat sila dito
nanggaling ditto sila Theme: The Fundamental
nagsimula sa day care
Foundation of Children’s
kaya malaking tulong
gusto lahat ng anak ko Adaptability
yung mga activities gusto
nila yung nakakapag
participate sila.

Person 3
Yung sportfest, children’s
month,little mr and ms
daycare naging confient
yung ank ko kumbaga
yung yung kahalagahan
nya is nag karoon ng
pagbabago sa anak ko
naging active sya at the
same time nadeveloped
yung social skills nya
nakikipag laro sya iba

Person 4
So, it in improve their
social activity, it in
improve their modern
activity and their
confidents as well and
their uhm… how to deal

LYFJSHS |Practical Research 1|Qualitative Research

with the problems with in

the situations.

Person 5
My child in particular has
no confidence in uhmm…
approaching other children
but after this activities has
has given opportunity to
be involved and also to
really enjoy the activities
uhmmm.. conducted by
the daycare and most
specially the Pasong
kawayan 2 officials and
I’ve seen that uhmm.. he
also have bond with other
classmates so they can to
know more about each
other and I saw that
uhhmm.. he’s not that
good in sports but because
of this activities he’s
more confident in doing


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