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Use of
and mitigators
in speech.
Intensifiers: Intensificadores
Un intensificador es un adverbio o una frase
adverbial que aporta mas fuerza a una
expresión, da mas énfasis a la palabra que


• Jane is very happy because she got 100 in her

English exam.
• The movie we saw last night was quite good.
Los intensificadores mas comunes son:

Very, really, too, so,

super, fairly, rather.

• Today´s lesson was so

Los intensificadores • She has a very strict
se anteponen al teacher.
adjetivo o la palabra • She is a really good
que van a modificar. student.
• Don´t work too hard,
you need to have some
Mitigators: Mitigatores
Un mitigador es un adverbio o una frase
adverbial que resta fuerza a una expresión.

• Jane is not very happy because she got 50 in
her English exam.
• The movie we saw last night was a bit boring .
Los mitigadores mas comunes son:

Pretty, A bit, A little bit,

not very.
• It’s a pretty nice day.
• Dave is a
Los mitigadores bit faster than me
también se • The students were not
anteponen al adjetivo very quiet in class
o la palabra que van
a modificar.

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