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Media literacy is the most important thing schools need to teach their students nowadays

The concept of media literacy includes a lot of important skills, that are essential in the 21th
century. But, unfortunately, nowadays there are many people who do primitive mistakes thanks
to lack of media education.

Digital literacy it is the ability to use digital devices, understand modern technologies, and their
efficient and safe use, skills to work correctly with information and even compliance with
certain security measures in the digital environment.
In my opinion media literacy is needed in schools because it includes such themes as: internet
safety, cyberbullying , digital ethics. For example, important skills are to know what
information you are allowed to share and what is not, how to not become a victim of a swindler,
how to prevent plagiarism and so on.
However the statement says that media literacy is the most important thing schools need to
teach their students and I cant agree with it because, indisputably it is important but there are a
lot of other things and subjects that students should learn. I doubt that pupils would like to
spend more than 8 hours at school everyday.

To sum up I am of the opinion that bringing media education in school program would help our
generation to act consciously in the internet, but it is not the number one thing to learn in

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