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In education,teaching has always been talked about by

professionals and researchers as a process intended to support

learning by inducing a change in the person being taught. So the
ultimate goal here is to have an impact on learners in order impart
knowledge to them. Therefore, to reach out that goal and for
teaching and learning to be successful, teachers need a thorough
plannification. This means that they have to, if they want to be
professional, set up a clear program, mechanism or steps through
which they will go. This said, what would be the ideas or thinking
around teaching for planning? How would those ideas and thinking
impact teachers' plannification? In the following analysis, these
questions will be discussed and addressed.

In teaching plannification is a must. A teacher who defines himself

as a professional should be organized or be a good planner.
Plannification is therefore seen as a compass for teachers because it
helps them find their way, know where they are going so that they
can reach their goals. One thing teachers need to consider and deal
with when planning is a growth mindset that assumes that
intelligence can be developed as opposed to fixed mindset in which
intelligence is something you have or do not have. Leaning on a
growth minset spirit to plan helps teachers to put challenging works
and activities in lesson plans to inspire effort, as the path to
mastery, to leaners. Secondly, with a growth mindset, teachers act
like coaches by encouraging learners, removing obstacles and
telling them to believe and keep going when things get hard.
Besides, teachers, while planning need to also think of learning
from learners feedback. Indeed, feedback is helpful for teachers
because it shows the degree of knowledge or thinking of learners to
We can not talk about planning in teaching and learning without
talking about assessment. And the assessment that is more helpful
to teachers is the assessment for learning or Formative assessment.
It is the kind of assessment that enable teachers to be aware of
their learners everyday progress. It informs teacher practice
through feedback from learners, moment by moment. There is
therefore a connection between Formative assessment and planning
for teaching in such a way that a teacher cannot teach without
knowing his learners progress.

At the end of our analysis, we can say that planning for teaching is
a very important element in education. So lean on a growth mindset
and the assessment for learning is a must for teachers. Putting
these two things in their planning make them professional and
make their goals reachable.

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