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Example Outbound sequence:

Day 1 - Steps 1-3:

Step 1: LinkedIn connection request:

Example Message: ‘’Fellow Sales Leader here. Would love to connect’’.
Or ‘’Sending over an email shortly about improving SDR performance, hope that’s
Or I don’t leave a message. (I like to a/b test it with & without a message)

Step 2: Email #1
“Sales email” focusing on one problem we help with

Step 3: Phone call #1 (+ voicemail)

My voicemail: Hey it’s Chris with Flexprts. Sending over an email -
subject line is “ABC”. I don’t think it is but tell me to leave you alone if its way off

Day 2 - Step 4:

Step 4: Email #2: ‘’Chaser Email’’ - Bump the thread of the previous email

Bonus step: Check if they’ve accepted my connection request. If not, I look for
content they’ve posted / commented on and aim to engage. Note; I never comment
things like ‘Agreed’ or ‘Nice one’, my comments are either an ‘agree or disagree’ then
statement as to why I feel strongly either way, and a question. I want to start a
conversation not just leave a random comment. If they have accepted a move to
chat and begin a conversation. Note; I use the template ‘Saw
{observation},{question}. For example; Saw you’re new to the job, how is it going? Or
love the new job, how you settling in? Its simple but effective at starting a

Day 3 - Step 5:
Phone call #2 (+ voicemail #2).
My voicemail: Hey it’s Chris with Flexprts. Mind if I send you a 1 min video on how to
ramp SDRs fast?

Day 5 - Step 6:
Phone call #3 (no voicemail).

Day 7 - Step 7-8:

Email #3
‘’Sales Email’’ - focusing on one different problem we help with
Phone call #4 (no voicemail).

Day 10 - Step 9-10:

Email #4
‘’Chaser Email’’ - Bump the thread of the previous email.
Phone call #5 (no voicemail).

Day 14 - Step 11-12:

Email #5
‘’Sales Email’’ - focusing on one different problem we help with
Phone call #6 (no voicemail).

Day 18 - Step 13-14:

Email #6
‘’Chaser Email’’ - Bump the thread of the previous email.
Phone call #7 (no voicemail).
Bonus step: Check if they’ve accepted my connection request. If not, I then withdraw
the request.

Day 20 - Step 15:

Email #7: ‘’Break-up Email’’ - Let prospect know I am stopping contact for now and
give them something high value (more on this later).
Note; If prospects have been opening and/or forwarding my emails internally I
set-up a notification on the account in my CRM to notify me to re-add to sequence
in 60 days.

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