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8Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris Fase D Kelas 7

No. Komponen Deskripsi/Keterangan

1. Informasi Umum Perangkat Ajar
Nama Penyusun Santi Prastiwi K, S.S
Nama Institusi SMP N 3 Probolinggo
Tahun Penyusunan 2023
Jenjang Sekolah SMP
Kelas 7
Alokasi Waktu 4 JP (2 pertemuan, 2x2x40 menit)
2. Capaian Pembelajaran Fase D
Fase Capaian Pembelajaran D
Elemen/Domain CP Menulis – Mempresentasikan
By the end of Phase D, students communicate their ideas and experience
through simple, organized paragraphs, demonstrating a developing use of
specific vocabulary and simple sentence structures. Using models, they plan,
create and present informative, imaginative and persuasive texts in simple and
compound sentences to structure arguments and to explain or justify a
position. They include basic information and detail, and also vary their
sentence construction in their writing. Students express ideas in the present,
future, and past tenses. They use time markers, adverbs of frequency and
common conjunctions to link ideas. Their attempts to spell new words are
based on known English letter-sound relationships and they use punctuation
and capitalization with consistency.
Tujuan Pembelajaran • Students are able to name things around the house
• Students are able to construct simple sentences containing things around
the house
Pengetahuan dan/atau • There is/There are
Keterampilan atau • Preposition of place
Kompetensi Prasyarat
3. Kriteria Pengukuran Ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan Asesmen (Asesmen Formatif)
Penilaian Kompetensi atau • Aplikasi (dapat mengaplikasikan materi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari)
Kemampuan serta • Perspektif (memberikan perspektif akan bagaimanakah ruangan yang ideal
Pengetahuan bagi peserta didik)
Cara Melakukan Asesmen Written test (attached)
Performance Test (attached)
Produk -
4. Profil Pelajar Pancasila
Profil Pelajar Pancasila • Berpikir kritis
yangberkaitan • Mandiri
• Gotong Royong
5. Sarana dan Prasarana
Fasilitas • Meja dan Kursi sejumlah siswa
• Papan tulis.
• LCD Proyektor
6. Peserta Didik
Kategori Peserta Didik Peserta didik reguler
Jumlah Peserta Didik 34
7. Model dan Metode Pembelajaran
Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Learning
Metode Pembelajaran Game-based learning.
8. Asesmen
Cara Penilaian a. Knowledge (Pengetahuan)
Written test
b. Skill (Keterampilan)
Speaking and writing rubric
c. Attitude (Sikap)
Observation rubric
Jenis Asesmen Formative test
9. Materi Ajar, Alat, dan Bahan
Materi Ajar • Vocabs related to Procedure Text (noun and verb)
• Ordinal number
• Sequencer words
Alat dan Bahan • LCD Projector
• PC/Laptop
• Reward (snack or candy)
Media Pembelajaran Microsoft Power Point Presentation
10. Urutan Kegiatan Pembelajaran
• Teacher greets the students
• Teacher reviews previous materials about preposition of place
• Teacher asks random students questions related to the lesson to check
their understanding.
• Teacher invites the students to brainstorm the material using game
(Kesadaran diri pengenalan emosi: Experiencing)

While Activity (Bang Game):

• Teacher divides the class into 2 big groups. (High students and low

High Group Stundents

• Students are given worksheets to review the the previous lesson while
waiting for the teacher to explain stuff to the Low students. (Attached)
• Students are grouped into three small groups.
• Students are given a piece of paper containing a clue of a riddle.
• The have to solve the riddle to find the hidden question
• The groups from the High students are given time to solve the riddle

Low Group Students

• Students are divided into two big groups
• The two groups are sitting on chairs facing each other member of each
group with a long table in between them.
• Teacher explains on how to play the game (Kesadaran diri pengenalan
emosi: Experiencing)
• The game is called Electric Pulse
• Each group should hold hands with their teamates.
• Teacher will toss a coin and everytime the coin shows numbers, the
electric pulse chain should start.
• The electric pulse chain is when two students at the front grips the
hand of his/her teamate next to him/her. That friend should continue
gripping the hand of his/her friends sitting next to him/her until the
pulse reaches the two students at the back
• One of the two students at the back who feels the pulse first should
hold something as quick as possible (can be a bottle of water) to show
that his/her group gets the chance to answer the question. (Pengelolaan
diri - mengelola emosi dan fokus : Thinking)
• Teacher shows the questions on the LCD Projector.
• That is one session done
• Everyone will get the chance to answer the questions because every
session all students from each group should move one chair forward to
give another student a chance to answer the questions. (Kesadaran
sosial - keterampilan berempati : Acting)

Post Activity:
• All students go back to their seats.
• Students write down today’s reflection.
• The teacher ends the lesson by praying, opening question and answer
session, and explaining what will the next lesson be

11. Pengayaan dan Remidial

Pengayaan Siswa yang di rasa sudah mampu di berikan kesempatan untuk mengajari
teman sebayanya yang belum mampu. Lalu siswa yang remidi mengerjakan
soal dari guru.
Remidial Siswa yang memerlukan remidi akan di kelompokkan menjadi satu dan akan
menerima pembelajaran tersendiri dengan guru.
12. Refleksi
Refleksi Guru • Apakah guru merasa kesulitan melaksanakan game/kegiatan?
• Apakah guru mampu mengelola kelas dengan baik selama menjalankan
Refleksi Siswa • Apakah siswa merasa tertarik dengan kegiatan game?
• Apakah siswa bisa lebih paham materi dengan metode game?
• Apakah tugas proyek yang di berikan terlalu sulit/mudah?
13. Daftar Pustaka
14. Bahan Bacaan
Bahan Bacaan Siswa Glosarry by the teacher
Bahan Bacaan Guru Power Point Presentation (attached)

Mengetahui, Malang, 26 Mei 2023

Kepala Sekolah SMP Konohagakure 3 Guru Mata Pelajaran

Naruto Uzumaki, M.Pd. Santi Prastiwi Komariyah, S.S

1. Glossary
• Noun: Kata benda • Di antara: Between
• There is: Ada (tunggal) • Di samping: Next to/
• There are: Ada (jamak) beside
• Di bawah: Under • Di depan: In front of
• Di atas: On

2. Materi Ajar
a. Link Video
b. Materi
• Electric Pulse Game (Things around the house)

3. LKPD/Worksheet
Pertemuan Link Preview Catatan
1 There
is/There are

2 Preposition of
Worksheet 1
Preposition of
Worksheet 2

4. Lembar Refleksi
Lembar Refleksi Siswa

*Berilah tanda ✓ pada kolom “ya” atau “tidak”
No. Pernyataan Ya Tidak
1 Pada pertemuan sebelumnya, saya diberitahu oleh guru materi yang akan
dipelajari hari ini
2 Saya dibimbing guru untuk berdoa sebelum memulai pembelajaran
3 Saya merasa senang saat disajikan gambar dan video ketika
4 Saya lebih mudah memahami materi pembelajaran dengan
penggunaan game.
5 Saya mudah memahami materi pembelajaran dengan berdiskusi
bersama teman kelompok.
6 Saya merasa pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris materi pembelajaran hari
ini menyenangkan.
7 Saya merasa termotivasi untuk mempelajari lebih lanjut materi
pembelajaran hari ini di rumah.
8 Ada materi pembelajaran hari ini yang belum saya pahami dalam
pembelajaran hari ini
Tulis disini jika ada:

Lembar Refleksi Guru

Act. Pernyataan Jawaban
Pre Tiga hal yang saya lakukan sebelum mulai mengajar. 1.
Whilst Tiga buah kesulitan yang ditemukan dalam 1.
pembelajaran hari ini.
Post Pembelajaran yang bisa diambil dari praktik mengajar 1.
hari ini
Dua hal yang akan dilakukan di masa depan 1.
setelah melakukan praktik mengajar hari ini
5. Asesmen
• Knowledge (C1)
o LKPD/Worksheet 1

o LKPD/Worksheet 2

o LKPD/Worksheet 3
Correct answer x 10 = 100

• Skill (C2)
Bang Game and Tell the Position Game
Each criterion’s maximum score is 25
No Name Fluency Grammar Pronunciation Vocabulary ∑

Project Presentation Assessment (C4)

9 – 12 = B
13 – 16 = A
Aspect (Range 1-4)
No Name ∑ Pred.
Creativity Grammar Pronunciation Performance

• Attitude (C3)
Teacher observes students’ behavior during the lesson
Each criterion’s maximum score is 33
No. Name Queuing Sharing Active ∑

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