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I was a mentor for this candidate for a semester long project that I worked on along with
a group of mentees.
2. 5.
3. 5. Elyas is as honest and trustworthy as it gets. He was able to get work done on time
and with great quality, and he never hesitated to reach out with questions as well as aide
the team whenever it was needed
4. 5. During the final presentation in a room of many other participants and judges, Elyas
was able to keep his cool and present the project he had been working on as well as
answer any questions the audience or judges had. He kept his cool and composure
throughout the entire presentation and was very professional.
5. He never showed anger during the activities we did.
6. I do not believe that the application would be a danger to themselves and others.
7. I have no concern with recommending Elyas to paycom.
8. Elyas is a man of great character and understands right from wrong perfectly.
9. Elyas is a very hard working man with a lot of integrity and works great with a team. I
believe he is a perfect fit for Paycom.

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