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1. C 6. B
2. C 7. C
3. A 8. D
4. B 9. B
5. A 10. C


During the Spanish period, they successfully colonized the Philippines for more than 300
years, having evangelization as its main trust. On the other hand, in the American period, the
public school system became a necessary tool for popularizing democracy in our country,
training Filipinos for citizenship, and embracing the English language. Lastly, the Japanese
period failed to gain the trust of Filipinos and only lasted for less than 5 years.

Category My Unique Choice Social / Group

A. Physical Appearance

1. Hairstyle and make-up √

2. Clothes (color and style) and footwear √

3. Accessories √

B. Career

1. SHS strand √

2. School √

3. Future course in college √

4. Future work √

C. Decisions/Preferences

1. Friends √
2. Food preferences √

3. Hobbies √

4. Philosophizing √

5. Dealing with Conflict √

Insights is beneficial in a variety of work situations, particularly in the areas of change and
learning. Instead of instruction, you can use learning and other interventions to create


Assessment 1a:

Influence Spanish Period American Period Japanese Period

Government System Spain established aThe Americans ruled Military leaders in
centralized colonialthe Philippines in the Japan quickly began
government in the following ways: putting together a
Philippines that wasAugust 14, 1898– new government
composed of a
July 4, 1901: Military structure in the
national government generals selected by Philippines. They
and the local
the American established a Council
governments that
president ran the of State to oversee
administered administration. There civil affairs until
provinces, cities,
were four military October 1943, when
towns and
governors, two civil the Philippines were
municipalities. governors, and declared an
eleven governors- independent republic.
general during the Jose P. Laurel was
American colonial appointed as the
period. General President of the
Wesley Merritt, Philippines under the
General Elwell Otis, Japanese-sponsored
and General Arthur republic.
McArthur are the
three military
governors. Also in
1935, Aguinaldo was
soundly defeated by
Manuel L. Quezon as
the first president of
the commonwealth.
Education During the early During the American The Japanese-era
years of Spanish period, education educational system,
colonization in the was universal and as well as its
Philippines (1521– free for all, Japanese-designed
1898), education was regardless of sex, curriculum, caused a
mostly controlled by age, religion, and blackout in
the Catholic Church. socio-economic Philippine education
Native peoples were status of the and delayed
educated and individual. Education educational
converted to the is the means of advancement. They
Catholic religion by giving people an implemented various
Spanish friars and orientation towards a alterations to the
missionaries. democratic way of curriculum, such as
life. Train Filipinos Nihongo as a
in the democratic medium of teaching
way of life, and the elimination
citizenship, moral of English as a topic.
character, and the Realizing a new
fundamentals of order and promoting
vocational education. the best possible
friendly relations
between Japan and
the Philippines.
Religion The Spaniards ruled Following the Since then,
the country, brought American occupation descendants of
the Christian religion of the Philippines, Japanese Catholics
to the country and Protestantism, which and other Japanese
was responsible for a was the American Christians who fled
lot of colonial and religious belief, religious persecution
religious buildings entered. After the enforced by the
throughout the American invasion of Tokugawa Sogunate
country. the Philippines on during the Edo
July 4, 1946, period and settled
America, on the other throughout the
hand, converted to colonial period from
Roman Catholicism. the 17th century to
the 19th century have
joined the Japanese
population in the

Assessment 1b:

Colonial Period Positive Influence Negative Influence

Spanish They spread Christianity religionSpaniard had no respect for local
to our country. Another Spanish cultures if they were not
influence is seen in the arts, asChristian. They treated them like
most forms of Filipino art are subhuman and they destroyed
heavily Spanish. everything local to replace it
with Catholic.
American Only the Philippines had As a result of Filipino resistance
progressed in terms of civilization,
to American control, the
prosperity, and population by Philippine-American War
1820. Many schools were built as a
erupted. The battle claimed the
result of the formation of schools.
lives of over one million
They taught them English reading,
Filipinos. The Philippines
writing, and speaking. suffered economically as a result
of the lack of a strong leader.
Japanese Japanese were trading with Philippines had suffered great
Philippine kingdoms well before loss of life and tremendous
the Spanish period, mainly in physical destruction by the time
pottery and gold. the war was over.

Assessment 2a;

Education for….. CHARACTERISTIC/S

1. Practical Activity The ability to produce enough to maintain
oneself and contribute to the Philippines'
economic progress is referred to as "power to
do." Undoubtedly, a man can be an efficient
creator of economic commodities while also
being uneducated.
2. Knowledge about History and Culture Educated Filipino should be recognized not
only by his knowledge of the past and present
events in world history, but also by his
understanding of his race, people, and nation,
as well as his love of the values and ideals
that our people have grown to respect. Our
national identity, culture, and history are at
the heart of national life and, as a result, of
our education.
3. Speech and Conduct Must have entrenched in his speech and
behaviour those aspects that are universally
recognized as accompaniments of culture and
morality; so that, possessing the potential for
self-education and entertainment, he may not
be at the mercy of the senses alone or a
burden to himself when alone.

Assessment 2b

Education during Spanish Education during American Current Educational System

Regime Regime
The Church was mostly in There were four primary Education in the Philippines
charge of education, and years and three intermediate is provided by public and
there was no formal years at the "elementary" private schools, colleges,
education available. level, also “secondary" or universities, and technical
high school level lasted four vocational institutions in the
years, and the "college" or country.
tertiary level lasted three

Colonial periods are divided into three: Spanish, American, and Japanese. The 1) Spaniards
are the longest ruling colonizers who used both language and religion as its weapon. Spanish
colonizers introduced 2) Christianity among Filipinos through exposure to various religious
texts that aim to teach Christian values and morality Government was mostly ruled by
Spaniards. Although, 3) education was allowed during the latter part, but it was considered
as a privilege and for private concern only. During the Revolutionary Period, 4) Nationalistic
texts flourished. There was а emphasis on 5) Education and 6) Citizenship during the reign
of American colonizers. Patriotism and nationalism were still the common topics or subjects
of literature. 7) Short stories using English language flourished while 8) Novels and plays
became less popular because of foreign films. 9) Japanese period was the shortest among
the three. Nationalism and solidarity were still the favorite topics but forbidden at the same
time. Tagalog short stories flourished since 10) English language was banned. Inculcating
Eastern values among Filipinos was not that successful since Filipinos continued to resist
until its period of sovereignty in 1945.


A. If I go back in the past and change one thing, I will go back to the American period.
During the American period, there were a lot of changes in the Philippines, like the
education system. America established schools and they bring education to us. They
thought we could read, write, and speak English fluently. I want to go back to this
period because I want to learn a lot of things during this era and help those people that
need help in terms of knowledge of English.
B. I will focus on strengthening the rights of every Filipino. Filipino culture, now
degraded by its own government, By strengthening our rights, we will be able to
speak out about all our problems, suggestions, and thoughts. This will help us get fair
treatment. We will use our rights as our weapon against our government, and with the
use of social media now, we can't tell all of our thoughts, suggestions, and problems.
If we can build a strong organization and if we are one in this thing, then we can build
a better future.


1. B 6. C
2. C 7. B
3. C 8. C
4. B 9. B
5. A 10. D

Colonial Period Literary Title/ Author Genre Subject Theme

Spanish El Filibusterismo and Satire, Novel and The novel's central
Noli Me Tángere by. Fictions theme is the
Dr. Jose P. Rizal promotion of
nationalism and the
acceptance of change
in ourselves. This
still holds true for us
American Sa Bunganga ng Arts This tagalog drama
Pating by. Julian examines the
Cruz Balmaseda employment of
peaceful tactics, such
as the due process of
law, to combat the
injustice of powerful
Traditional sarswela
does not have a
theme like this.
Japanese Pula, sa Puti by. Comedy This play talks about
Francisco Soc how he learns and
Rodrigo realizes his
foolishness of

1. Reading, assessing, and critiquing a literary work's theme, style, use of figurative and
non-figurative language, and other elements are all part of literacy appreciation.
2. Their writings are on how three separate countries colonized them.
3. The presentation of the Philippines' literate and built cultural legacy has been
influenced by the country's colonial history.
4. Despite the fact that colonialism is usually seen as a relic of the past, around 2 million
people live in 16 "non-self-governing areas" around the world under virtual colonial
domination. Although colonies are no longer common, non-self-governing territories,
as defined by the United Nations, exist. The Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and the
British Virgin Islands appear to represent only a few instances.
5. Although there are differences between modern and contemporary literature, or
traditional and 21st literature, there is still a commonality between the two when
comparing the two. Because they are both genres of literature, they address something
universal about the human condition, whether it be love, war, betrayal, respect,
goodness, or justice, regardless of the age. Every work of literature captures a moment
in time in the lives of people.

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