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Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers

Session 2C: Activity 1


Directions: Analyze the contents of the learning tasks and learners’ responses in the first column and
classify them to what SOLO levels they belong. Place the colored sticker button (yellow, green, blue,
orange, red) to the second column to categorize the level of each task or response.

Learning Area: SCIENCE

Learning Tasks Category

1. What is water?

2. Explain the relationship between water's polarity and its ability to dissolve

3. Describe the processes involved in evaporation, condensation, and

precipitation in the water cycle.

4. Develop a comprehensive model that simulates the water cycle and its
interactions with various Earth systems, incorporating data from multiple
scientific disciplines.

5. Analyze the relationship between pollution levels and the health of aquatic
organisms. How does pollution affect their survival and biodiversity?

Learning Area: SCIENCE

Learners’ Response Category

6. The learner is unable to explain any aspect of the water cycle.

7. The learner describes one aspect of the water cycle without connecting it
to other components.

8. The learner responds, “Water evaporates, condenses into clouds, and

falls as precipitation.”
9. The learner comprehensively shares, “Evaporation occurs when heat
energy from the sun causes water to change from liquid to vapor.
Condensation happens when the water vapor cools and forms clouds.
Precipitation, such as rain or snow, occurs when the clouds become
saturated and release water back to the Earth's surface.”

10. The learner independently and creatively applies knowledge by proposing

innovative solutions to water resource management.

Legend/ Categories:
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers
Session 2C: Activity 1

Directions: Analyze the contents of the learning tasks and learners’ responses in the first column and
classify them to what SOLO levels they belong. Place the colored sticker button (yellow, green, blue,
orange, red) to the second column to categorize the level of each task or response.

Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Learning Tasks Category
1. Solve the system of equation:
2x+y= 5

2. Identify the shapes in the following images.

3. Find the solution of the quadratic equation:

x² -5x + 6=0

4. You are given a circular pizza with a radius of 12 inches. What is the
maximum number of identical circular slices with a radius of 2 inches that
can be cut from the pizza without any overlap?
5. A farmer wants to fence off a rectangular area for a new animal pen. He
has 120 meters of fencing material and wants to maximize the area of the
pen. Determine the dimensions of the pen that will result in the maximum
area and calculate it.

Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

Learners’ Response Category

6. The learner is unable to recognize or write numbers accurately.

7. The learner shows knowledge in using basic formulas to find the area of
regular shapes.

8. The learner solves complex problems by integrating multiple

mathematical concepts and strategies.

9. The learner develops and justify mathematical arguments and proofs.

10. The learner applies mathematical concepts to real world scenarios and
makes connections between different mathematical concepts.

Legend/ Categories:
Training on HOTS-PLP for English, Science, and Mathematics Teachers
Session 2C: Activity 1

Directions: Analyze the contents of the learning tasks and learners’ responses in the first column and
classify them to what SOLO levels they belong. Place the colored sticker button (yellow, green, blue,
orange, red) to the second column to categorize the level of each task or response.

Learning Area: ENGLISH

Learning Tasks Category
1. List different digital tools that can be used to enhance the teaching and
learning of English language skills and literature comprehension?

2. Identify specific examples of how technology can promote critical thinking

in English language and literature education.

3. Propose innovative ways to use interactive media to enhance students'

understanding of complex literary concepts or themes.

4. Develop a research project to investigate the effectiveness of specific

digital tools in improving English language skills and fostering a deeper
appreciation for literature.

5. List the active reading strategies that the students are encouraged to use
in preparation for the literature circle.

Learning Area: ENGLISH

Learners’ Response Category

6. The learner is unable to identify any main characters in a story.

7. The learner identifies the main character in a story but cannot provide any
additional details about them.
8. The learner identifies and describe the main characters, setting, and basic
plot events in a story but does not demonstrate an understanding of their
connections or significance.
9. The learner responds, “The sentence not only provides information about
the cat's color and sleeping habits but also establishes a relationship
between the cat's preference for sunny spots and its behavior during the

10. The learner analyzes the social and cultural implications of a literary work
and proposes alternative interpretations.

Legend/ Categories:

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