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A Research Proposal

Submitted to


As a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Practical Research

Humanities And Social Sciences



Aliah Adee A. Lapad Nick John D. Ynot

Je-Ian Bantilan Jay L. Berezo

Novie Jean Serino Ken je F. Magtrayo

Jennelyn Tomarce

Joysa Cuison

June 2024
Table of contents

Chapter 1

The problem

Conceptual framework

Statement of the problem


Scope and limitations of the study

Significance of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter ll

Review Related Literature

Chapter lll

Research Methodology

Research Design

Research Environment

Research participants or respondents

Sampling Technique

Research Instruments

Data Gathering

Statistical Treatment
Chapter 1



Technology improving as days and years go by, the rising of social media platforms are also seen present
and has continued to grow over the years. Nowadays, people can just click the screens of their
smartphones, type the questions they have and get their desired answer faster than going to the library
to do some research. This is all because of the advancement of technology along with the social media

Facebook is one among the popular social media platforms. Facebook is a social media platform
used in various ways.Facebook is used whether it be for communicating with loved ones from afar—
friends and family, making friends, interacting with people from different countries, sharing updates
and photos, promoting businesses, and even sharing news and events. The app facebook is designed to
be engaging, with the features like, comment, and share contents.

Though, this social media platform is quite helpful in many ways, it have a very down bad side, which is
addiction. While the app Facebook can be a valuable tool for communications, and promoting
businesses, the excessive use of this app can lead to addiction.

Facebook addiction is an excessive use of the app that many people/students find hard to leave and put
away their phones. Facebook's excessive use can lead to time management issues, distraction and can
reduce the focus of students in their studies. Too much use of Facebook may also lead to students
comparing themselves to people they see online, lowering their self esteem, making them lose
confidence and affecting their academic performance. The lowering of self esteem due to, too much use
of Facebook, they foster feelings of insecurities and self doubt, negatively impacting their mental health.

In recent years, researchers have been interested in understanding the impact of Facebook addiction on
the academic performance of students. Several studies have been conducted to explore this relationship
and shed light on the consequences lately leading to poorer academic performance.

Similarly, Koc and Gulyagci (2013) investigated the link between Facebook addiction and self-esteem.
Their findings indicated that individuals who were addicted to Facebook had lower self-esteem
compared to those who used the platform moderately. The researchers proposed that excessive
Facebook use can foster social comparison and self-evaluation, contributing to diminished self-esteem

Moreover, Vashihtha, Shivaji, & Ahuja, Sona & Sharma, Mani. (2017), explored the relationship between
Facebook addiction disorder on adolescents' study habits and academic performance. The study indicate
that Facebook addiction gave a significant impact on their academic performance, leading to bad study
habits and decreasing grades of the students.

Facebook addiction on the academic performance of students. It is crucial for individuals to be aware of
the potential consequences of excessive Facebook use and strive for a balanced social media usage and
your offline activities.

As the prevalence of social media, specifically Facebook, continues to shape the daily lives of students,
there is a growing concern about its potential impact on academic performance. This practical research
endeavors to investigate how Facebook addiction influences students' academic accomplishments. With
an increasing number of students allocating significant time to social media, understanding the
consequences of such behavior on their academic pursuits becomes crucial.

This study aims to unravel the intricate connection between excessive Facebook usage and academic
performance, emphasizing the necessity for practical insights applicable to educators in real-world
scenarios. By analyzing social media engagement patterns and their effects on students' concentration
and time management, the research seeks to provide actionable recommendations for both educational
institutions and students to address the challenges associated with Facebook addiction. Through a
thorough exploration of this phenomenon, the goal is to contribute valuable knowledge that can guide
the development of effective strategies for maintaining a harmonious balance between social media
engagement and academic success.

Conceptual framework

Statement of the problem

The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of facebook addiction towards students academic
performance. Specifically, the study aims to address the following research questions:

1. What is the impact of Facebook addiction to academic performance in turns of:

A. Internet connectivity

B. Frequency of users
D. Time spent on platforms

2. Is there significant impact of Facebook addiction to the students academic performance?


There is no significant Impact of Facebook addiction towards students academic performance.

Scope and limitations of the study

The excessive use of Facebook is one of the concerning issues of students. Excessive use of Facebook
can distract students from their studies, leading to poor time management, reduced focus, and decrease
in their productivity. While Facebook is a useful social media platform for communicating with friends
and family they also bring a negative effect on the students. Too much use of the social media platform,
Facebook, can hinder students ability to engage in meaningful face-to-face interactions.

Tracing the cause and effect relationship between Facebook addiction and students academic
performance may be challenging, as its effect may vary among different individuals. Findings related to
the impact of Facebook addiction towards students academic performance may not all be applicable to
all students. Facebook addiction is just one of the many potential factors that can affect students
academic performance. It is important to consider these limitations when interpreting research findings
and understanding the complex relationship between Facebook addiction and academic performance.

Significance of the Study

Exploring the impact of Facebook addiction on students' academic performance holds significant
implications in various ways:

1. Facebook user. by studying how excessive Facebook use and low self-esteem affect academic
performance, it becomes possible to identify potential risks and challenges that students may

2. Students. Insights gained from such research can aid in developing strategies and interventions to
mitigate negative impacts. This can involve promoting healthier social media habits and boosting self-
esteem among students to improve their academic outcomes.
3. Administrator.Findings from these studies can inform the development of educational policies that
integrate digital literacy and mental health support within academic settings. This can contribute to
enhancing student well-being and performance.

4. Parents.Research in this area helps parents and educators understand the influence of social media
and self-perception on academic performance. This knowledge allows them to provide more targeted
support and guidance to students.

The ultimate significance lies in gaining a deeper understanding of the intricate dynamics between social
media use and academic achievement. This understanding can contribute to better supporting students
in their educational journey.


Academic Performance- Academic performance refers to the level of achievement or success in

educational pursuits. It is typically measured through grades, test scores, and overall educational

Facebook Addiction- this refers to the excessive and compulsive use of Facebook, which can have
negative effects on various aspects of an individual's life, including social interactions, work, and
academic performance.

Frequency of usage- refers to how often the students uses the Facebook app.

Internet connectivity- refers to the level of internet the students need to have to use open pictures and
play videos on Facebook

Understanding these definitions allows researchers to explore the connections and influences between
Facebook addiction, and academic performance, providing valuable insights into the factors that can
impact students' educational experience.
Chapter II

Review Related Literature

Facebook is a social media platform that allows people to create contents, engage with other people,
communicate with loved ones from afar, and could even help students in gathering informations for
their research, and some even use it for entertainment.

Several studies have explored the impact of Facebook addiction on students' academic performance.
Research indicates a negative correlation between excessive Facebook use and academic achievement.
Scholars highlight factors such as increased procrastination, distraction, and reduced study time as
contributors to lower grades among addicted students. Additionally, social comparison and anxiety
induced by prolonged Facebook engagement may negatively affect self-esteem and concentration,
further hampering academic success. However, it's essential to consider the evolving nature of social
media and the need for ongoing research to capture the dynamic effects on students' academic

Similarly, Koc and Gulyagci (2013) investigated the link between Facebook addiction and self-esteem.
Their findings indicated that individuals who were addicted to Facebook had lower self-esteem
compared to those who used the platform moderately. The researchers proposed that excessive
Facebook use can foster social comparison and self-evaluation, contributing to diminished self-esteem

Moreover, Oberst et al. (2017) examined the relationship between Facebook addiction, self-esteem, and
psychological well-being in university students. The results of their study demonstrated a negative
correlation between Facebook addiction and both self-esteem and psychological well-being. The
researchers stressed the importance of promoting healthy social media habits to mitigate the adverse
effects on self-esteem and approach to their online and offline activities.

Numerous studies have investigated the influence of Facebook addiction on students' academic
performance. Findings consistently suggest a detrimental impact, with prolonged Facebook use
associated with lower grades and diminished academic outcomes. Factors contributing to this negative
correlation include increased procrastination, distraction during study periods, and reduced engagement
in academic tasks. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can lead to disrupted sleep patterns,
affecting students' cognitive functioning and concentration. Despite variations in methodologies and
sample sizes across studies, the consensus underscores the need for awareness and intervention
strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of Facebook addiction on students' academic performance.
Extensive research has delved into the relationship between Facebook addiction and its repercussions
on students' academic performance. Numerous studies consistently indicate a negative impact, linking
excessive Facebook use to lower grades and diminished academic achievements. The addictive nature of
social media, particularly Facebook, has been identified as a potential catalyst for procrastination,
leading to reduced study time and concentration on academic tasks. Distractions caused by constant
notifications and the need for social validation can disrupt students' focus, affecting their learning
outcomes. Scholars highlight the importance of recognizing and addressing this issue through
educational initiatives and interventions to cultivate a more balanced approach to social media usage
among students.

Research on the impact of Facebook addiction on students' academic performance suggests a significant
negative correlation. Various studies highlight increased procrastination, decreased study time, and
lower grades associated with excessive Facebook use. Additionally, findings often emphasize the
importance of self-regulation and time management in mitigating these effects.

Numerous studies have delved into the connection between Facebook addiction and its repercussions
on students' academic performance. Researchers consistently report a detrimental impact, with findings
indicating a negative correlation between the time spent on Facebook and academic achievement.
Factors such as increased distraction, reduced study focus, and disrupted sleep patterns due to
excessive Facebook use contribute to lower grades. Moreover, literature underscores the importance of
recognizing and addressing this addiction to mitigate its adverse effects on students' scholastic

Facebook addiction on students' academic performance reveals a consistent pattern of negative

consequences. Researchers consistently find a correlation between excessive Facebook use and
diminished academic achievements. Factors such as procrastination, reduced study time, and impaired
concentration are frequently identified as contributors to lower grades. Additionally, studies emphasize
the need for interventions and awareness programs to address Facebook addiction and promote
healthier study habits among students.

Eleuteri, Saladino, and Verrastro (2017) discovered that 73% of all adolescents utilize social media. They
also assume that this is an underestimate. Although social media seems to be a brilliant invention, its
constant use and psychological damage make it dangerous to use. On average, children between the
ages of 11 and 18 spend more than 11 hours a day interacting with interactive technology (Orben,
2020). Social networking can obstruct solo activities and even compete with existing face-to-face
personal interactions. For instance, social networking often delays study and review, potentially
impairing the child's work's quality. Adolescence is a stage of self-discovery, experimentation with new
social skills, and the formation of values and relationships (Young et al., 2017).

Although social networking will undoubtedly promote certain critical aspects of youth development, it
also exposes teenagers to undesirable outcomes (Radovic et al., 2017).

Several studies have explored the impact of Facebook addiction on students' academic performance.
Research indicates a negative correlation between excessive Facebook use and academic achievement.
Scholars highlight factors such as increased procrastination, distraction, and reduced study time as
contributors to lower grades among addicted students. Additionally, social comparison and anxiety
induced by prolonged Facebook engagement may negatively affect self-esteem and concentration,
further hampering academic success. However, it's essential to consider the evolving nature of social
media and the need for ongoing research to capture the dynamic effects on students' academic
performance.Numerous studies have investigated the influence of Facebook addiction on students'
academic performance. Findings consistently suggest a detrimental impact, with prolonged Facebook
use associated with lower grades and diminished academic outcomes. Factors contributing to this
negative correlation include increased procrastination, distraction during study periods, and reduced
engagement in academic tasks. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can lead to disrupted
sleep patterns, affecting students' cognitive functioning and concentration. Despite variations in
methodologies and sample sizes across studies, the consensus underscores the need for awareness and
intervention strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of Facebook addiction on students' academic

Chapter III
Research methodology

To investigate the influence of Facebook addiction on students’ academic performance, a quantitative

research approach will be employed. This approach involves collecting and analyzing numerical data to
establish statistical relationships. The research will utilize surveys and questionnaires to gather data
from a sample of students. The surveys will assess the level of Facebook addiction, and academic
performance. By using statistical analysis techniques, such as correlation and regression, the relationship
between these variables will be examined.

Research design

The research design for this study will be correlational. This design allows the researchers to examine
the relationship between Facebook addiction and students academic performance. By administering
surveys and questionnaires to a random group of students in , the research will aim to capture a wide
range of perspectives and experiences. The data collected will be analyzed to identify any significant
associations or patterns.

Research environment

The research will be conducted in here Paulino Dari National High School. The participants will be
students from different grade levels. Several study found that Facebook addiction can hinder the
students academic performance. It states depending on the level of addiction the students have in using
Facebook, it nay hinder in their studies developing in bad study habits and affecting their time
management skills.

Research subjects or respondents

The participants for this study will be random 20 grade 11 and 12. Random participants from grade 11
and 12 will be given qustionares depending on their willingness to participate in the study.

Sampling techniques
Apply a method of stratified random sampling, dividing the student population into strata based on
academic levels (e.g., freshmen, sophomores, etc.), and then randomly selecting participants from each
stratum. This approach ensures a balanced and representative sample.

Research Instruments

1. Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) Employ a validated scale like the Bergen Facebook Addiction
Scale to gauge participants' levels of Facebook addiction accurately.

2. Academic Performance Records Collect official academic records or transcripts to objectively evaluate
participants' academic performance, including GPA and course grades.

Data Gathering

There are various techniques for gathering data to examine the impact of Facebook addiction towards
students' academic performance.

1. Surveys. Utilize online survey tools like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Typeform to collect data on
Facebook addiction. Inquire about students' Facebook usage patterns, including time spent on the
platform, frequency of checks, and purposes of use. Include questions related to appearance, social
skills, and academic performance.

2. Questionare. Using the tool Questionare to collect information by asking participants a series of
structured questions. It helps gather insights into their thoughts, behaviors, and experiences related to
the research topic, in this case, Facebook addiction and academic performance.

Statistical Treatment

The study of how Facebook addiction influence students' academic performance has garnered
substantial attention due to the escalating use of social media, particularly among the youth.
Understanding the ramifications on academic achievement is crucial in this context.

The statistical treatment used in the study involved administering the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale
(BFAS) to measure the level of Facebook addiction among students. The hypothetical mean range of
1.00-1.66 indicates a relatively low level of Facebook addiction among the students. The study then
analyzed the relationship between Facebook addiction and students' academic performance.

The Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale [8] is 6 items measure with a five-point Likert-type scale (1=very
rarely, 2=rarely, 3=sometimes, 4=often, 5=very often). This scale is concerned with experiences during
the past one year related to Facebook use.

The findings revealed that students with a higher level of Facebook addiction, even within the
hypothetical mean range, tended to have lower academic performance compared to those with lower
levels of addiction. This suggests that even a mild level of Facebook addiction can have a negative
impact on students' academic achievements.

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