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Pilo ng of Tools to Assess Students’ SEL Competencies | Parents’ Consent to par cipate in the study

What is SEL ?
Social and emo onal learning (SEL) is the process of acquiring a set of social and emo onal skills—
self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, rela onship skills, and responsible decision making, in a
safe, suppor ve environment that encourages social, emo onal and cogni ve development with authen c
opportuni es for prac sing these skills.(adapted from CASEL, 2005)

The Researchers
This research project is being undertaken by The Teacher Founda on (TTF), Bangalore in collabora on with
Chris an Blind Mission (CBM) India.

Purpose of the Test

The Teacher Founda on has developed a set of age-appropriate assessment items to test students’ SEL
competencies using a scenario-based approach to ensure that students respond authen cally to the items
based on what they feel and think, rather than what they think is the ‘right answer’. Since this is a pilot of the
assessment tools, based on the data gathered, TTF will be able to formulate how the data can be leveraged by
each school meaningfully to foster the social and emo onal well-being of their students.

Each student would respond to 83 mul ple choice ques ons in a Google Form across a 90 mins window. They
would be logged into a zoom mee ng and would be expected to be visible in the camera throughout the test.
The zoom mee ng would be hosted by a facilitator trained in the School Well Being domain from The Teacher
Founda on. We expect the test to be completed in 90 mins however if the student is not able to complete all
ques ons within this me frame then the same would be extended. The test has 5 sec ons. A er each sec on
the student would have a 5 mins break before he/she con nues to the next sec on. A er comple ng the test,
the TTF facilitator will have a quick debrief with the students. The debrief would be through a conversa on in
the zoom mee ng. This mee ng would not be recorded.

Your par cipa on is en rely voluntary and your consent can be withdrawn at any me.

Confiden ality
Although the data from this research project will be published, it will be reported in aggregate form, so that it
will not be possible to iden fy individuals or their geographic loca ons. Where there are direct quota ons
coming from any par cipants’ responses, all iden fying informa on (e.g., geographic loca on of par cipant,
individually iden fying informa on) will be removed.

Page 1 | The Teacher Founda on | h ps://www.teacherfounda

I have read and understand the informa on given on Page 1 of this document and agree to
par cipate in this research project.

Par cipant Parent :

Name : ………………………………………………….

Signature : ………………………………………………….

Date : ………………………………………………….

Student Informa on:

Name : ………………………………………………….

Gender : ……………………………………………….

Age : …………………………………….

School : ……………………The Samhita Academy…………………………….

City : ………………………Bengaluru………………………….

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