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In 498 A.D., the Indian mathematician and the astronomer Aryabatta proposed that earth revolves
around the sun and at the same time it rotates about its own axis. In 1543, the Polish astronomer
Nicolaus Copernicus advanced the idea that not only the earth, but all the planets move round the
sun in circular orbits, the sun remaining at rest.
Kepler reduced the large number of observations of the planetary motion made by Tycho Brahe to
three laws, known as Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. These laws are as stated below:
Following are the three Kepler’s laws.
 Kepler’s First Law (Law of orbits):
All planets revolve around the sun in an elliptical orbit with sun at one of foci.
 Kepler’s Second Law (Law of area):
The line joining the sun to the planet sweeps out equal areas in equal interval of times.

Explanation. Area SP1P2 swept in time t = area S P3P4 swept in same time t.
It is clear from the figure that planet has to cover a greater distance P3P4 in t when it is near the
sun than P1P2 when it is farther away in the same time. This means that planet travels faster near
the sun as compared to when it is at a large distance.
 Kepler’s third law (Law of periods):
The square of time of revolution of a planet is proportional to cube of mean distance between the
sun and the planet.
Explanation. Let us assume that planet revolves around the sun in a circle of radius R.
If m = mass of planet,  = velocity of planet
MS = mass of sun
The gravitational pull provides the centripetal force
GMs m m2 GMs
  or  2
R2 R R
2R 42R 2 GMS
But orbital velocity   
T T2 R

T2 42
or  cons tan t or T2 = constant x R3
T12 R13
T2 = R3; 
T22 R 23

It is defined as the force of attraction between any two objects.
 Gravity: It is defined as the force of attraction between a body and a planet (say, earth).
The uniform acceleration produced in a freely falling body is called acceleration due to gravity
denoted by ‘g’.
Gravitational force of attraction has a universal character as the force between any two objects
and lying anywhere in the universe, is the same.
It states that everybody in this universe attracts every other body with a force which is directly
proportional to product of their masses and inversely proportional to square of distance between
their centres. Consider two mass particles A and B having masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance ‘r’,
 According to Newton’s law of gravitation, the force of attraction between the masse
F  m1m2 …… (i)
and F ..…. (ii)
Combining (i) and (ii), we get
m1m2 mm
F 2
F  G 12 2
r r
Where G is called gravitational constant. It is called universal constant because its value is
independent of place.
Definition of G, F G
If m1 = m2 = 1; r = 1 then G = F
Hence, gravitational constant G is numerically equal to the gravitational force of attraction between
two unit masses separated by a unit distance.
Unit of G.
In SI, G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 kg-2
In cgs system, G = 6.67 × 10-8 dyne cm2 g-2
Dimensional formula of G
Fr 2
Since G
m1 m2

MLT 2  L2 
Dimensional formula of G  = [M-1 L3 T-2]
The uniform acceleration produced in a freely falling body due to the gravitational pull of the
earth is known as the acceleration due to gravity. It is denoted by ‘g’. Its value is 9.8 ms-2.
 Expression for acceleration due to gravity
Let earth be a perfect sphere of radius R and mass M. consider a body of mass m placed on its
surface. If the mass of earth is supposed to be concentrated at the centre, the force exerted by the
body, according to Newton’s law of gravitation is
But F = mg
mg  g 2
R2 ; R
Clearly, the value of ‘g’ is independent of mass of body
and depends upon the mass and radius of earth.

The value of acceleration due to gravity changes with
(a) Height (i.e. Altitude),
(b) Depth
(c) Shape of the earth
(d) Rotation of earth about its own axis.
The effect of each of the above factors on the value of g has been discussed below.
 Effect of altitude:
Consider earth to be a sphere of mass M, radius R with centre at O. Let g be the value of
acceleration due to gravity at a point Q on the surface of earth.
 g= .... (i)
If g’ is the acceleration due to gravity at a point P, at a height h above the surface of earth,
g'  2
…. (ii)
R  h 
Dividing (ii) by (i), we have.
g' R2

g  R  h 2

gR 2
Or g'  2
....  iii 
 R  h
Eq. (iii) gives the ezpression for variation of acceleration due to gravity with height h. It is clear that
g’ < g. Thus as we go above the surface of earth, acceleration due to gravity goes on decreasing.
 Expression for g’ when h << r:
When h is very small as compared to R (= radius of earth), the expression for g’ can be found as under:
g' R2 R2  h
 2
 2
 1  
g R  h  h  R
1  
 R
2 2
 h  2h h
 g '  g 1    g 1   terms containing higher power of 
 R   R R 
Since h << R, the higher power of h/R can be neglected.
 2h 
 g '  g 1   …. (iv)
 R 
Eq. (iv) gives the expression for g’ when h << R.
 Effect of depth:
Consider earth to be a homogeneous sphere of radius R and mass M with centre at
O. Let g be the value of acceleration due to gravity at a point A on the surface of
earth, then; g 
If  is uniform density of material of the earth then
Mass of the earth; M  R 3 
G R3 
3 4
 g  GR .... (i)
R2 3
Let g’ be the acceleration due to gravity at the point B at a depth d below the surface of earth.

The body at B will experience gravity pull due to shaded portion of earth whose radius is (R-d) and
mass is M’.
GM' 4
 g'  and M'  (R  d)3 
(R  d)2 3

G (R  d)3 
3 4
 g'  = G R  d  .... (ii)
(R  d)2 3

G(R  d) Rd R d
g' 3
Dividing (ii) by (i), we get ;  =  
g 4 R R R
 d
Or g'  g  1   .... (iii)
 R 
Eq. (iii) gives the expression for variation for g with depth d.
It is clear that g’ < g. Therefore, as we go below the surface of the earth, the acceleration due to gravity
goes on decreasing. At the centre of earth, it becomes zero i.e.,
 d  R
g '  g 1    g 1    0
 R  R
Therefore, acceleration due to gravity is zero at the centre of earth.
 Effect of shape of earth:
Earth is not a perfect sphere. It is flattened at the poles and bulges out at the equator. Equatorial
radius Re of the earth is about 21 km greater than the polar radius Rp
Now, g=
Since G and M are constants
 g
Thus we conclude that the value of g is least at the equator and
maximum at the poles. It means the value of acceleration due to
gravity increases as we go from equator to the pole.
At sea level, the value of g at pole is greater than its value at equator by 1.80 cms-2.
 Effect of rotation of earth on g.
The altitude at a place on the earth is defined as the angle which the line joining the place to the
centre of the earth makes with the equatorial plane.
Let a body of mass m be lying at point P at latitude  on the surface of
earth. If the earth is at. Rest, the weight of the body mg will act along PO,
but the earth is rotating about an axis N-S with angular velocity . Due
to rotation of earth, the body at P is rotating in a circle of radius
PC = r (r = R cos ) and will experience a centrifugal force in outward
direction along PD as shown in Fig. This force can be resolved into
(i) mr 2 cos  along PM
(ii) mr 2 sin  along PN

From the figure, we find that mr 2 cos  component is opposite to the weight mg of the body.
 Resultant weight mg of the body will be
mg = mg – mr 2 cos 
or g = g – r 2 cos 
since r = R cos 
 g = g - R2 cos2  ……… (i)
At the equator  = 00.
gequator = g - R2 [ cos 00 = 1] ………..(ii)
At the pole,  = 900
 gpole = g [ cos 900 = 0] ……… (iii)
Putting eq. (ii) in (iii), we get
gequator = gpole - R2; i.e., gequator < gpole
i.e., value of g decreases with decrease in latitude.
The gravitational potential energy of a body at a point in the gravitational field is defined as the
amount of work done in bringing the body from infinity to that point. Because work is obtained (not
done) in bringing the body from infinity to the desired point, the gravitational potential energy is
always negative.
Consider the earth to be a sphere of radius R and mass M. Suppose a body of mass m is situated
outside the earth at point A at a distance r from the centre of the earth [See Fig].
It is desired to fine the potential energy of the body at point A (OA = r). By definition,
the gravitational potential energy UA of the body at point A is UA = W.D. in bringing
the body from infinity to point A. Suppose at any instant the body is at point B at a
distance x from the centre of the earth (i..e. OB = x). The gravitational force
exerted by
Earth on the body at B is F 
Small amount of work done when body moves from B to C (where BC = dx)is
dW  Fdx  dx
Total work done by the gravitational force when the body of mass m moves from
infinity to point A is
r r
GMm 1
W 2
dx  GMm 2 dx
 x  x
x 1 1 1  GMm
 GMm  GM m     
1  r   r

Or W
Therefore, gravitational potential energy (UA) of a body of mass m at a distance r
from the centre of the earth is U A  


The minimum vertical velocity required for an object to escape from the gravitational influence of a
planet is known as escape velocity.

 Expression for escape velocity of earth.

Let M be the mass of the earth and x be the distance of a body of mass ‘m’ form its centre. The force
of attraction between the two is
To displace it by dx, work done
dW  Fdx 
In order that a body is to escape the work done on body to move it from the
surface of the earth, i.e., at x = R to x = ∞ is to be calculated

 W  dx

 x 21 
W  GmM  x 2 dx  GmM  
R  2  1  R

GmM  1 
or W
1  x  R
GmM  1 1  GmM
or W  
1   R  R
To do this work, some K.E. is required. The minimum K.E. must be equal to i.e.,
1 GmM 2GM
m2  or 2 
2 R R
But GM = gR2
2gR 2
2   2gR  g  2R 
Square of Escape velocity = g (Diameter opf the earth)
or   2gR  2  9.8  6.4  106
= 11.2 x 103 m s-1 = 11.2 km s-1
 Natural and Artificial Satellites
A heavenly body that revolves around a planet in a stable orbit is called a natural satellite. For
example, moon is the natural satellite of the earth. It goes round the earth in about 27.3 days in a
nearly circular orbit of radius 3.84 x 105 km. A man – made satellite that orbits around the earth
or some other heavenly body is called an artificial satellite
The velocity required to put a satellite into a given orbit around the earth is called orbital velocity of
the satellite in that orbit. Suppose a satellite of mass m is to be put into circular orbit around the
earth at a height h above its surface as shown in Fig. The mass and radius of earth are M and R. Then
the radius of the orbit of the satellite is (R + h). Let  be the orbital velocity of the satellite in this orbit.
Note that the direction of the orbital velocity of the satellite at any instant is along the tangent to the
orbit of satellite at that instant (See Fig.).

The centripetal force required by the satellite to move in the circular
orbit is provided by the gravitational pull of earth acting on the
Centripetal force required by satellite 
Gravitational pull of earth on satellite  2
R  h
m2 GM m
 
R  h  R  h 2

 Orbital velocity,   ……..(i)
 R  h
 The orbital velocity of the satellite is independent of the mass of the satellite.
 The orbital velocity of the satellite decreases as the height (h) of the satellite increases.
 Therefore, the value of orbital velocity is different orbits around the earth.
 The orbital velocity of a satellite depends upon the mass (M) and radius (R) of the earth ‘
planet around which it revolves.
 For satellite close to earth: When the satellite orbits very close to earth’s surface, then h can be
neglected as compared to R in eq. (i) above.
 Orbital velocity, 
For satellite close to earth Orbital velocity,   R  gR
The time taken by the satellite to complete one revolution around the earth is called time period of
the satellite. It is denoted by T.
Suppose a satellite of mass m is to be put into circular orbit around the earth at height h above its
surface. The mass and radius of earths are M and R. Then the radius of the orbit of the satellite is
(R + h). Let  be the orbital velocity of the satellite in this orbit.
Circumference of orbit 2  R  h 
 Time period of satellite, T   …….(i)
Orbital velocity 
We shall derive three equivalent expressions for the time period T of the satellite.
(i) First expression for T. Now   . Putting this value of  in eq. (i), we have,
2  R  h  R  h
T 1/2
 2
GM/R  h GM
 R  h
 T  2
(ii) Second expression for T. Also   R . Putting this value of  in eq. (i), we have,
2  R  h  2  R  h
T 
g R g
2  R  h
 T
R g

Note again that the time period (T) of the satellite depends only upon its height (h) above the earth’s
 R  h
(iii) Third expression for T. Now T  2 .
4 3
Mass of earth, M = Volume x Density = R x 
Here  is the mean density of earth. Putting the value of M in the above equation, we have,
3 3
R  h 1 3  R  h 
T  2   
G 4
R 3  GR 3
3  R  h 
 T
GR 3
Again, the time period (T) of the satellite depends only upon its height (h) above the earth’s surface.
 For satellite close to earth. If the satellite orbits very close to the surface of the earth, then h can of
the satellite become :
R3 R 3
T  2 ; T  2 ; T
GM g G
A satellite orbiting the earth has both kinetic energy (K.E.) and potential energy (P.E.). Therefore,
the total mechanical energy of the satellite is the sum of its K.E. and P.E.
Consider earth to be a sphere of radius R and mass M. Suppose a satellite of mass m revolves
around the earth in a circular orbit at a height h above the surface of earth. The radius of the orbit
of the satellite is (R + h). Let  be the orbital velocity of the satellite in this orbit.
 m2
K.E. of satellite 
The gravitational force exerted by the earth on the satellite is
F 2
R  h
This gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force   m 2
/R  h  to the satellite to
move in the circular orbit of radius (R + h).
m2 GMm
 
R  h  R  h 2
or m2 
1 GMm
or m 2 
2 2 R  h
 K.E. of satellite, K  …… (i)
2 R  h
Eq. (i) gives the K.E. of the satellite at a height h above the surface of the earth.
The potential energy of the satellite at a height h above the earth’s surface is
P.E. of satellite 
 R  h
 Total energy of satellite
GMm  GMm  GMm
E   or E
2 R  h   R  h  2 R  h

A satellite that appears to be at a fixed position in the sky to an observer on earth is called a
geostationary satellite or stationary satellite.
A geostationary satellite revolves around the earth with the same
angular speed in the same direction (west to east) as is done by
the earth. Therefore, velocity of such a satellite relative to earth
is zero. For this reason, the satellite appears to be stationary to
an observer on earth. Since the angular speed of geostationary
satellite is the same as that of earth, the period of revolution of
this satellite is 24 hours i.e., T = 24 hours. Fig. Show the orbit of
geostationary satellite. Note that the geostationary satellite.
Note that the geostationary satellite revolves around the earth from west to east in a close circular
orbit and coplanar with the equatorial transmitted from one part of the world to another.
 Height of geostationary satellite above earth’s surface: We know that the time period T of an earth
satellite is given by :
2 R  h
T …….. (i)
R g
Here R = Radius of earth = 6400 km
T = Time period = 24 hours = 24 × 60 × 60 s
h = Height of the artificial satellite above earth’s surface, corresponding to
T = 24 hours
g = 9.8 ms-2 = 0.0098 km s-2
2  6400  h 
 24  60  60  or h = 36000 km
6400 0.0098
 Orbital speed of geostationary satellite: The radius of the parking orbit is
RP = R + h = 6400 + 36000 = 42400 km.
Therefore, orbital speed  of the satellite in the parking orbit is
Circumference of parking orbit
Time perio of satellite
R p 2  42400
or    3.1 km s 1
24 hours 24  60  60
Thus a geostationary satellite revolves around the earth at a height of 36000 km above earth’s
surface with an orbital speed of 3.1 km s-1.
 Placing satellite in the parking orbit: When a satellite is to be placed in the parking orbit, it is first
carried to a height of 36000 km above earth’s surface. It is then given the necessary tangential
velocity    3.1 km s 1  by firing rocket engines which are aligned parallel to earth’s surface. In

order to put a satellite in the parking orbit, the following conditions must be satisfied :
(i) It should revolve in an orbit concentric and coplanar with the equatorial plane.
(ii) Its motion should be synchronous with the axial rotation of the earth. In other words, the time
period of the satellite should be 24 hours.
(iii) It should rotate in the same direction as the earth is rotating.
(iv) The height of the parking orbit should be 36000 km above the earth’s surface.

The satellite that revolves around the earth in polar orbit is called polar satellite.
A polar orbit is that orbit which is at right angles to the equatorial plane as shown in Fig.

Note that the polar satellite passes over both geographical north and south poles in one revolution.
Since the polar satellite passes over different parts of the earth during its each revolution, it can
survey and scan the entire surface of the earth. Polar satellites are used to record the land and sea
temperatures, take picture of clouds and make forecasting of climatic changes. It may be noted that
a polar satellite is more reliable that a weather satellite in the geostationary orbit. It is because a polar
satellite can survey and scan earth’s surface more closely.
When the effective weight of a body becomes zero, it is said to be in a state of weightlessness.
The weight W (=mg) of a body becomes zero where g = 0. Under this condition, the body is in a
weightlessness state. The state of weightlessness can be observed in the following situations:
 Body at the centre of earth. At the centre of earth, g = 0. Therefore, if a body is taken to the centre
of the earth, its effective weight becomes zero.
 Body at null points in space. As we go up, the gravitational pull of earth goes on decreasing but the
gravitational pull of moon goes on increasing. At a particular position in space, the two gravitational
pulls are equal and opposite and effective value of g = 0. Such points in space are called null points.
If a body is taken to null points, its effective weight becomes zero.
 Body in a freely falling lift. When a body is lying in a lift and falls freely, the effective acceleration is
g’ = (g – a) = (g – g) = 0. Therefore, the effective weight of a body in the freely falling lift is zero.
 Body in a satellite orbiting earth. The effective weight of body inside a satellite orbiting around the
earth becomes zero. This is explained in detail in Art. The condition of weightlessness in a satellite
poses many problems to astronauts including difficulty in controlling movements, difficulty in eating
and drinking and adverse effects on human organism.
People and other objects in a satellite circling the earth are said to experience apparent
The weightlessness experienced by people in a satellite orbiting close
to the earth is the same apparent weightlessness experienced in a
freely falling elevator. It may seem strange, at first, to think of a
satellite as freely falling. But a satellite is indeed falling toward the
earth as shown in Fig. The force of gravity causes it to “fall” out of its
natural straight-line path. The acceleration of the satellite must be the
acceleration due to gravity since the only force acting on it is gravity.
Thus, although the force of gravity acts on objects within the satellite,
the objects experience an apparent weightlessness because they and
the satellite are accelerating as in free fall.

1. Suppose there existed a planet that went around the sun twice as fast as the earth. What would be
its orbital size as compared to that of the earth? [NCERT]
Ans. Let re and rp be the radii of orbit of earth and planet respectively.
Now, Te = 1 year: Tp = Te /2 = 1/2 = 0.5 year
According to Kepler's third law, we have,

2. Two uniform solid spheres of equal radii R, but mass M and 4 M have a centre to centre separation 6
R, as shown in Fig. The two spheres are held fixed. A projectile of mass m is projected from the
surface of the sphere of mass M directly towards the centre of the second sphere. Obtain an
expression for the minimum speed v of the projectile so that it reaches the surface of the second
sphere. [NCERT S.E]

Ans. The projectile is acted upon by two mutually opposing gravitational forces of the two spheres.
The neutral point N (see Fig.) is defined as the position where the two forces cancel each other exactly.
If ON = r, we have

The neutral point r = - 6R does not concern us in this example. Thus ON = r = 2R. It is sufficient to
project the particle with a speed which would enable it to reach N. Thereafter, the greater
gravitational pull of 4M would suffice. The mechanical energy at the surface. The mechanical energy
at the surface of M is

At the neutral point N, the speed approaches zero. The mechanical energy at N is purely potential.

From the principle of conservation of mechanical energy

7. In the following two exercises, choose the correct answer from among the given ones: The
gravitational intensity at the centre Q of a hemispherical shell of uniform mass density has the
direction indicated by the arrow (See Fig.) [NCERT]

(i) a (ii) b (iii) c (iv) 0.

Ans. To solve this problem, let us first consider a complete spherical shell. We know that the gravitational
potential (V) is constant at all points inside a spherical shell. Therefore, gravitational potential
gradient (= dV/dr) at all points inside a spherical shell is zero. Since gravitational intensity E = dV/dr,
it means gravitational intensity is zero at all points inside the spherical shell. If we remove the upper
half of the complete spherical shell, we get the hemispherical shell of Fig.
Since the gravitational intensity at centre Q (or at any other point P) is zero, the direction of
gravitational intensity must be downward as shown by arrow c. Hence option (iii) is correct.
8. For the above problem, the direction of the gravitational intensity of an arbitrary point P is indicated
by the arrow (i) d (ii) e (iii) f (iv) g. [NCERT]
Ans. As explained in the answer of Q. 10, the direction of gravitational intensity at P will be along e.
Hence option (ii) is correct.
9. Find the potential energy of a system of four particles placed at the vertices of a square of side l. Also
obtain the potential at the centre of the square. [NCERT S.E]
Ans. Consider four masses each of mass m at the corners of a square of side
l; See Fig.
We have four mass pairs at distance l and two diagonal pairs at
distance 2l

The gravitational potential at the centre of the square (r = 2 l / 2) is

U  r   4 2
10. Let the speed of the planet at the perihelion P in Fig. (a) be P and the Sun – planet distance SP be rP
. Relate {rP, P} to the corresponding quantities at the aphelion (rP, A). Will the planet take equal times
to traverse BAC and CPB? [NCERT S.E]
Ans. The magnitude of the angular momentum at P is LP = mp rp p since inspection tells us that rP and VP
are mutually perpendicular. Similarly, LA = mp rA A. From angular momentum conservation.
P rA
mprpp = mprAA or 
A rp
Since rA > rP, P > A.
The area SBAC bounded by the ellipse and the radius vectors SB and SC is larger than SBPC in Fig.
from Kepler’s second law, equal areas are swept in equal times. Hence the planet will take a
longer time to traverse BAC than CPB.

11. Does the escape speed of a body from the earth depend upon [NCERT]
(a) The mass of the body
(b) The location from where it is projected
(c) The direction of projection
(d) The height of the location from where the body is launched?
Ans. (a) The escape speed of a body from earth does not depend on the mass of the body because

(b) Yes. The value of g depends on latitude which is different at different locations on earth. We know
that escape speed is also given by
(c) It does not depend on the direction of projection.
(d) Yes. It is because and the value of g depends upon the height of location from where the
body is projected.
12. Which of the following symptoms is likely to affect an astronaut in space [NCERT]
(a) Swollen feet (b) Swollen face
(c) Headache (d) Orientation problem?
Ans. (a) On earth, the weight of the body of a person is carried by his legs. In space, the astronaut is in a
state of weightlessness. Therefore, the feet of the astronaut do not get swollen.
(b) In the gravity free space, the face of the astronaut is expected to get more blood supply. Therefore,
the face of the astronaut may get swollen.
(c) In the gravity free space, the swollen face of the astronaut may cause headache.
(d) In the gravity free space, the orientational problem may affect the astronaut.

1. The planet Mars has two moons, phobos and delmos. [NCERT S.E – M1]
(i) Phobos has a period 7 hours, 39 minutes and an orbital radius of 9.4 × 10 km. Calculate the mass

of mars.
(ii) Assume that earth and mars move in circular orbits around the sun, with the martian orbit being
1.52 times the orbital radius of the earth. What is the length of the martian year in days?
Sol. (i) We employ Eq. (T2 = k (RE + h)3 K  42  GME  with the sun's mass replaced by the martian mass Mm

(ii) Once again Kepler's third law comes to our aid,

Where is the mars -sun distance and RES is the earth-sun distance.
 TM = (1.52)3/2x365
= 684 days
We note that the orbits of all planets except Mercury, Mars and Pluto* are very close to being circular.
For example, the ratio of the semi-minor to semi-major axis for our Earth is, b/a = 0.99986.

2. Weighing the Earth: You are given the following data: g = 9.81 ms-2, RE = 6.37 × l06 m, the distance to
the moon R = 3.84 × 108 m and the time period of the moon's revolution is 27.3 days. Obtain the mass
of the Earth ME in two different ways. [NCERT S.E – M2]
Sol. From Eq. g   we have
m R 2E

The moon is a satellite of the Earth. From the derivation of Kepler's third law from eq. (T2 = k (RE + h)3
K  42  GME 

Both methods yield almost the same answer, the difference between them being less than 1%.
3. Express the constant k of Eq. (T2 = k (RE + h)3 K  42  GME  in days and kilometres.

Given k = 10-13 s2 m-3. The moon is at a distance of 3.84 × 105km from the earth. Obtain its
time-period of revolution in days. [NCERT S.E– M3]
Sol. Given k= 10–13s2m-3

Using Eq. (T2 = k (RE + h)3 K  42  GME  and the given value of k, the time period of the moon is

T2= (1.33 x 10-14)(3.84 x 105)3; T = 27.3d

4. A 400 kg satellite is in a circular orbit of radius 2RE about the Earth. How much energy is required to
transfer it to a circular orbit of radius 4RE? What are the changes in the kinetic and potential
energies? [NCERT S.E– M4]

Sol. Initially, While finally

The change in the total energy is E = Ef – Ei

The kinetic energy is reduced and it mimics E, namely, K = Kf – KL = - 3.13 × 109 J.
The change in potential energy is twice the change in the total energy, namely
V  Vf  Vi  6.25  109 J

5. Three equal masses of m kg each are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC.
(a) What is the force acting on a mass 2m placed at the centroid G of the triangle? [NCERT S.E– M5]
(b) What is the force if the mass at the vertex A is doubled?
Take AG = BG = CG = 1m (see Fig.)

Sol. (a) The angle between GC and the positive x-axis is 30° and so is the angle between GB and the
negative x-axis. The individual forces in vector notation are

From the principle of superposition and the law of vector addition, the resultant gravitational force
FR on (2m) is
^ ^ ^  
FR = 2Gm2 j + 2Gm2 (- i cos 30° - j sin 30°) + 2Gm2 ( i cos 300 - j sin 300) = 0

Alternatively, one expects on the basis of symmetry that the resultant force ought to be zero.
(b) By symmetry the x-component of the force cancels out. The y-component survives.

6. I0, one of the satellites of Jupiter, has an orbital period of 1.769 days and the radius of the orbit is
4.22  108 m. Show that the mass of Jupiter is about one-thousandth that of the sun, [NCERT– M6]
Sol. When a satellite revolves around a planet of mass M in an orbit of radius r, the time period of the
satellite is given by:

….. (i)

Mass of Jupiter MJ: The time period of satellite of Jupiter is T1 = 1.769 days and its orbit radius is
r1 = 4.22  108 m.

Mass of Sun Ms: The time period of earth around the sun is T2 = 365 days and its orbit radius,
r2= 1 A.U. = 1.496  1011 m.

7. Let us assume that our galaxy consists of 2.5  1011 stars each of one solar mass. How long will a star
at a distance of 50,000 ly from the galactic centre take to complete one revolution? [NCERT– M7]
Take the diameter of the Milky Way to be 105 ly.
Sol. Mass of galaxy, M = 2.5  1011 solar mass = 2.5  1011  (2  1030) = 5  1041 kg
Radius of orbit of star, r = 50000 ly = 50000  9.46  1015 m = 4.73  1020 m

8. A rocket is fired from the earth towards the sun. At what distance from the earth's centre is the
gravitational force on the rocket zero? Mass of sun Ms = 2 × 1030 kg; mass of earth ME =6 × 1024 kg.
Neglect the effect of other planets. Orbital radius of the earth, r = 1.5 × 1011 m. [NCERT– M8]
Sol. Suppose the gravitational forces on the rocket due to the sun and earth become equal at a distance
x from the centre of earth. If m is the mass of rocket, then,

9. How will you 'weigh the sun', i.e., estimate its mass? The mean orbital radius of the earth around the
sun is 1.5 × 108 km. [NCERT– M9]
Sol. Radius of earth's orbit = R + h = 1.5 × 108 km = 1.5 x 1011 m
Period of earth around sun, T = 365 days = 365 × 24 × 60 × 60 s
The time period of a satellite is given by ;

10. A saturn year is 29.5 times the earth year. How far is the saturn from the sun if the earth is
1.5 × 108 km away from the sun? [NCERT– M10]
Sol. Time period of earth, T1 = 1 year
Time period of saturn, T2 = 29.5 years
Distance of earth from sun, r1 = 1.5 × 108 m
If r2 is the distance of the saturn from sun, then according to Kepler's third law,
2/3 2/3
T12 r13 T   29.5 
 or r2  r1  2   1.5  108     14.32  1011 m
T22 r23  T1   1 

11. A body weighs 63 N on the surface of earth. What is the gravitational force on it due to the earth at a
height equal to half the radius of the earth? Given that radius of earth is 6400 km. [NCERT– M11]
Sol. Weight of body = mg = 63 N; h = R/2
The value of acceleration due to gravity (g') at height h is

 Gravitational force on the body at height h is

12. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half way
down to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface? [NCERT– M12]
Sol. mg = 250 N ; d = R/2

13. A rocket is fired vertically upward with a speed of 5 kms-1 from earth's surface. How far from the earth
does the rocket go before returning to the earth? Mass of earth = 6x1024kg; mean radius of earth
= 6.4 x 106 m ; G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2. [NCERT– M13]
Sol. Here v = 5 km s-1 = 5000 ms-1 ;M=6x 1024 kg ; R = 6.4 x 106 m
Suppose the rocket goes to a height h before returning to the earth. Clearly, at this height the kinetic
energy of the rocket is zero. According to principle of conservation of energy,
(K.E. + P.E) at earth = (K.E. + PE.) at height h

14. The escape velocity of a projectile on the earth's surface is 11.2 km s-1. A body is projected
out with thrice this speed. What is the speed of the body far from earth? Ignore the presence
of the sun and other planets. [NCERT– M14]
Sol. Escape velocity, Ve = 11.2 km s-1 = 11.2 x 103 m s-1
Velocity of projection of projectile,  = 3 Ve
Suppose M is the mass of the projectile and v0 is its velocity after escaping the gravitational pull.
Applying the law of conservation of energy, we have,

15. A satellite orbits the earth at a height of 400 km above earth's surface. How much energy must be
expended to rocket the satellite out of the earth's gravitational influence? Mass of the
satellite = 200 kg ; mass of the earth = 6.0 x 1024 kg ; G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2; radius of
earth = 6.4 x 106 m. [NCERT– M15]

Sol. The total energy of the satellite in the orbit is
2  R  h
Here G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2kg-2; M = 6.0 × 1024 kg; m = 200 kg; R = 6.4 × 106 m. h = 4 × 105 m

The total energy of the satellite at infinity is zero. Therefore, the energy required for the satellite to
leave its orbit around the earth and escape to infinity
= 0 - E = 0 - (-5.89 × 109) = 5.89 × 109 J
This is also the binding energy of the satellite.
16. Two stars each of 1 solar mass (= 2 × 1030 kg) are approaching each other for a head-on collision.
When they are at a distance of 109 km, their speeds are negligible. What is the speed with which they
collide? The radius of each star is 104 km. Assume the stars to remain undistorted until they collide.
G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 kg-2. [NCERT– M16]
Sol. Mass of each star, M=2× 1030 kg
Radius of each star, R = 104 km = 107 m. Initial P.E. of two stars when 109 km (= 1012 m) apart is

When the stars are just to collide, the distance between their centres = 2R = 2 × 107 m.
Final P.E. of two stars when they just collide is

Let v be the velocity of each star just before collision.

Change in K.E. = Final K.E. - Initial K.E.

According to principle of conservation of energy, Change in K.E. = Change in P.E.

17. Two heavy spheres each of mass 100 kg and radius 0.10 m are placed 1.0 m apart on a horizontal
table. What is the gravitational force and potential at the mid point of the line joining the centres of
the sphere? Is an object placed at that point in equilibrium? If so, is the equilibrium stable or
unstable? [NCERT– M17]
Sol. Fig. shows the conditions of the problem. Here CA = CB = 0.5 m = r.
Force of gravitational field at C due to sphere A

Force of gravitational field at C due to sphere B

Since the gravitational forces at C due to the two spheres are equal in magnitude and opposite in
direction, the net gravitational force at C is zero.

Gravitational potential at C due to the two spheres is

Since the net force on the object placed at the mid-point C is zero, the object is in equilibrium. If the
object is displaced from mid-point C towards either sphere, the object will not return to its initial
position of equilibrium. Therefore, the object is in unstable equilibrium.
18. As you have learnt in the text, a geostationary satellite orbits the earth at a height of nearly 36000 km
from the surface of the earth. What is the potential due to earth's gravity at the site of the satellite?
(Take the gravitational potential energy at infinity to be zero). Mass of earth = 6.0 × 1024 kg,
radius of earth = 6400 km. [NCERT– M18]
Sol. M = 6.0 × 1024 kg; R = 6400 km; h = 36000 km ; G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2
Distance of the satellite from the centre of earth is
r = R + h = 6400 + 36000 = 42400 km = 4.24 × 107 m .•. Gravitational potential due to gravity at the
site of the satellite is

19. A star 2.5 times the mass of the sun and collapsed to a size of 12 km rotates with a speed of 1.5
revolutions per second. (Extremely compact stars of this kind are known as neutron stars. Certain
stellar objects called pulsars belong to this category). Will an object placed on its equator remain
stuck to its surface due to gravity? Mass of sun = 2 × 1030 kg. [NCERT– M19]
Sol. Mass of star, M = 2.5 × Mass of sun = 2.5 × (2 × 1030) = 5 × 1030 kg
Radius of star, R = 12 km = 12 × 103 m
Angular speed of star,  = 1.5 × 2 = 3 rad s-1
An object of mass m placed at the equator of the star will experience (i) inward force due to gravity and
(ii) outward centrifugal force. Clearly, the object will remain stuck to the star's surface if inward force
of gravity is greater than the outward centrifugal force.
Force on the object due to gravity is

Centrifugal force on the object is

FC = mR2 = mx(12xl03) x (3)2 = l.l x l06mN
Since Fg > FC , the object will remain stuck to the surface of the star.
20. A spaceship is stationed on Mars. How much energy must be expended on the spaceship to launch it
out of the solar system? Mass of the spaceship = 1000 kg, mass of sun = 2 x 1030 kg,
mass of Mars = 6.4 x 1023 kg, radius of Mars = 3395 km, radius of the orbit of Mars = 2.28 x 108 km,
G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 . [NCERT– M20]
Sol. Mass of spaceship, m = 1000 kg ; Mass of Mars, MM = 6.4 × 1023 kg
Radius of Mars, RM = 3395 km = 3.395 × 106 m
Radius of orbit of Mars, r = 2.28 × 1011m;

Mass of sun, MS = 2 × 1030 kg; G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2
Potential energy of spaceship-Mars system is

Potential energy of spaceship-sun system is

Now kinetic energy (K.E.) of spaceship is zero.

 Total energy of the spaceship is
E = Ul + U2 = (-1.257 × 1010) + (-5.85 × 1011) = -5.98 × 1011 J
 Energy required to rocket out the spaceship from solar system
= 0 - E = 0 – (–5.98 × 1011 J) = 5.98 × 1011 J
21. A rocket is fired vertically from the surface of Mars with a speed of 2 kms-1. If 20 % of its initial
energy is lost due to Martian atmospheric resistance, how far will the rocket go from the surface of
Mars before returning to it? Mass of Mars = 6.4 × 1023 kg; radius of [NCERT– M21]
Mars = 3395 km; G = 6.67 × 10-11 Nm2 kg-2 .
Sol. Let m be the mass of the rocket.

Since 20% of energy is lost in Martian atmosphere,

As the rocket rises, its K.E. decreases and P.E. increases. Suppose at a height R' from the center of
Mars, K.E. of the rocket becomes zero. The change in K.E. of the rocket will appear as increase in its P.E.

According to law of conservation of energy,

Here G = 6.67 × 10-11 N m2 kg-2

R = 3395 km = 3395 × 103 m
M = 6.4 × 1023 kg

 Height upto which the rocket will go = 3888.9 - 3395 = 493.9 km


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