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North Amman Area

In this issue: Tongue Twisters

Tongue Twisters Tongue twisters are phrases or sentences that
Competition are difficult to articulate due to their repetitive
sounds. By practicing these tongue twisters,
Materials needed students can improve their speech clarity and
diction. A Tongue Twisters Competition is an
Implementation enjoyable way to challenge students' speaking
abilities. Mrs. Wala’ Talal and Mrs. Hadeel
 Teachers’ Salamah from Baqa’a Prep Girls 3 conducted
reflection “Tongue Twisters” competition.

Materials Needed Teachers’ reflection:

 List of Tongue Twisters

 Timetable/ schedule, outlining when “Observing my students'

new tongue twisters will be
growth throughout the
assigned, practice periods, and
competition dates. Tongue Twisters
Competition has been
immensely rewarding.
 Introduce the Tongue Twisters
Competition to students. Their dedication and
improved confidence in
 Provide all students with a list of tongue
twisters suitable for their age and level. speaking underscore the
value of sustained,
 Assign two tongue twisters every week
(depends on your timetable). interactive learning
experiences. “
 Allocate regular time for students to
practice their assigned tongue twisters. “Hadeel Salamah, Baqa’a
Encourage them to rehearse both at
Prep Girls 3
school and at home.

 At the end of each month, hold “This activity truly

shortlisting rounds where students demonstrates the power of
present their assigned tongue twisters. consistent practice in
 By the end of the semester, compile a language development.”
list of the top 10 performers who have
demonstrated continuous growth and
dedication. “Wala’ Talal, Baqa’a Prep
 Recognize students' commitment to Girls 3
improvement and their willingness to
embrace challenges and award the top 3

7th Grade students, Baqa’a Prep Girls School 3

Safa’ Obeid A/English ES. North Amman Area

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