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Visca Baybay City, Leyte 6521 -A, Philippines
Phone: +63 53 525-0346 loc. 1028
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Name: Mariella Jane Borinaga Date Submitted: 03/08/2023

Class Schedule: M115 MTh 7:00 to 8:30 Degree Program: BSGE-1


Directions: There are five functions of art. The five functions are Personal, Social, Cultural,
Aesthetic and Spiritual. Select five (5) photos, of your choice (Must be from your own phone
gallery or photos you personally took), One for each function and write at least 3 paragraphs
explaining each based on the five functions of Art. Make sure to attach photo with reference.
50 pts.

You will submit this in our google classroom.

Functions of Art

Personal. Social Cultural

Aesthetic Spiritual

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.
Visca Baybay City, Leyte 6521 -A, Philippines
Phone: +63 53 525-0346 loc. 1028
Email ::

Art had always been a part of our daily lives. It is a constant that sometimes we fail to
notice its impact on our lives. We fail to appreciate how certain things such as a simple music
video lightens our mood, how certain tools make our lives a bit easier – lighter , and that art
is necessary for every individual. Furthermore, it has personal, social, cultural, aesthetic, and
even spiritual function.

A black and white image of a puppy is the picture I feel would best describe how art
benefits me personally. Emerald, the puppy on that picture, is the only living thing that can
bring my inner child and at the same, one of the living things that makes me feel comfortable
enough to share my thought. Therefore, the personal function of art serves as the medium
for expression , and personally, it emphasizes how art can provide comfort and stability.
Meanwhile, I chose the picture of my friends and I eating together. Actually, it was taken at
the house of one of the people on that picture . My friend’s parents decided that they’re going
to prepare food for the fiesta, and of course, we were invited. On that day, me and my friends
were allowed to stay until 7 at someone else’s house. That’s why I chose this picture to
represent the social function of art., I believe that art can be used to unite people from
different age group and background, and if powerful enough, can open the minds of many
people or broaden one’s perspective. On the other hand, I chose a picture of my mother
throwing some coins on the ground with my siblings and cousins searching and picking those
coins to emphasize the cultural function of art. The act shown in that picture is one of our
family tradition which was started by my mother since she 2019, the year she was able to put
up a small sari-sari store. It wasn’t obvious but that day, January 1, it had been raining, the
soil is still wet, and we initially thought, maybe she would change her mind and just do our
tradition indoor. But she didn’t . And that picture perfectly captured how my mother values
the tradition she started. This shows that art , in this case photography, can preserve and
share the culture or customs of a group of people. The fourth function of art is the aesthetic
function which means that art allows anyone to notice and appreciate nature’s beauty. I
chose that picture since it was taken after a major exam left me exhausted but the view I
happened to pass by made me feel calmer, the sunset signalized that I can already rest my
mind. Lastly, the last function of art is the spiritual function , art reinforces things such as relics
, symbols, etc. that depict beliefs. So for that, I chose to take a picture of my rosary which was
given to me by my mother , whom is a devout Catholic, as an eighteenth birthday gift.

In conclusion, art is a tool for man simply because it really has a lot of functions
namely; personal, social, cultural, aesthetic and spiritual. And that we enjoy and benefit from
it everyday or has become a part of our way of living.

Vision: A globally competitive university for science, technology, and environmental conservation.
Mission: Development of a highly competitive human resource, cutting-edge scientific knowledge and
innovative technologies for sustainable communities and environment.

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