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Subject: Invitation to Math Competition in Celebration of Math Monkey 7th Anniversary

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I hope this letter finds you well. We are excited to share some wonderful news with
you! As part of the festivities surrounding our company’s 7th anniversary, we are organizing a
special event that promises to be both intellectually stimulating and celebratory – the MATH

Date: 25 January – 29 February 2024

Venue: Math Monkey Class Room

The Math Olympiad is designed not only to commemorate the rich history of our school
but also to inspire and engage our students in the fascinating world of mathematics. We believe
this event will not only be a fun and educational experience for your child but also an
opportunity for them to showcase their mathematical talents.

We encourage you to support and encourage your child's participation in this exciting
event. It is an excellent opportunity for them to develop a deeper appreciation for mathematics,
build confidence, and celebrate our company’s longstanding commitment to academic

More details about the Math Monkey Competition and registration instructions can be
obtained through our admin at the centre or by WhatsApp (0811-1459-405)

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we look forward to celebrating this special
occasion with you and your child.

Best Regards,

Math Monkey Darmawangsa

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