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Healing the Body Consciousness

Session 2 – Workbook

Body Consciousness Forgiveness & Integrations

Without the human body, if we came down here in spirit form we would be
floating around like ghosts, seeing the world but not able to be an active
participant in it. Many of us, myself included, have not been kind by the
critical judgments we’ve placed upon our appearance, how it has operated,
and different levels of shame that has been placed on us because of our
gender or sexuality. We came here to experience this life in its entirety. There
is a belief in the spiritual community that to ascend to higher levels of
consciousness, we must leave our physical needs behind and while I agree to
that to some extent, in this lifetime we are not going to leave our physical
bodies…because we came here to experience the physical world of form and

What this process and course is about is learning how to balance these
different aspects of yourselves allowing you to experience a full expression of
self while you are here in human form…bringing heaven to earth through
your human container. This frees up to stop waiting for death of the human
body to feel bliss, joy, and connection to all that is.


Session 2

There are going to be more processes in this workbook than questions!

Process I

Play with the infinity signs! As you move energy through each sign, allow
both loops to blossom out into the flower of life. Keep expanding the flower
of life out until it goes out past the earth

1. Ground to root chakra, crosses at the knees

• This sign grounds you to the earth

2. Ground to Heart Chakra, crosses through the Root Chakra

• Kundalini energy that stabilizes Physical Form

3. Heart to Crown Chakra, crosses through throat Chakra

• Connects heaven and earth energies

4. Horizontal Infinity sign looping around the left and right hemispheres
of the brain, crossing in the middle
• Feel this one bringing the two hemispheres together activating
one mind


Process II

Second process to play around with, what part of your body have you been
the most critical of and how does that area of your body feel? Does it feel
pain? Does it look unpleasant to you? Take notes, do this twice a day for a
week, rewriting a story of how you feel about this area of your body. One
week from now go back and look at your notes, how do you feel about this
area now? What has changed? Do not get over zealous and go for 15
different body parts!

Just one part, this can take less than 5minsJ

1. Take a few deep breaths and call your body consciousness forward to
the table (to me out of all the aspects of the human this voice is the
quietest so I go by feeling more and knowing than by hearing)

2. Ask your body to show you what trauma is locked in the tissues or
bone structure in that area


• Maybe you feel shame, pain, low self worth, or someone else’s
energy altogether lodged in that area.
• DO NOT JUDGE what you perceive.

3. Honor whatever comes, honor the experience you are being shown,
honor the emotion you feel even if it just hurts

4. Speak directly to that area and ask for forgiveness for any time that you
have judged it, criticized it, or agreed with an outside source of
criticism about yourself and didn’t stand up for your body.

5. Send love to that area, even if you don’t feel love and you are still
feeling the pain.

6. Use one of the infinity signs to start moving the energy in that particular
7. Take a deep breath and have the intention to send love to that area,
and breath out the trauma. You can ask your angels, guides, or
whomever you like to assist you in removing the energy entirely out of
your matrix and take it to the light.

We spend so much of our day thinking about what we need to do, or haven’t
done, or what we can’t do. When you begin to think you don’t have time to


do these processes, call your mind to the table and tell it you have more than
enough time. Ask your mind to help you visualize these processes and tell it
the more you do these processes the more ‘Time’ will open up for you
because your focus and energy won’t be scattered. Tell your mind you need
help remembering to do these things and give it the task of reminding you
and aiding you in getting them done!

Process III

1. Twice a day, morning and night begin running energy up from the
earth, through you, your living space, and those who live with you.

2. Imagine a vortex opening at the top of your living space. Like filling up
a bathtub, allow whatever color of energy you want to push all lower
vibrational energy up to the surface and out through the vortex. You
can ask Arch Angel Michael or whomever you wish to assist you in
removing incoherent energies.

3. Next switch the flow! What energies do you wish to bring into your
home? Imagine love, prosperity, joy etc coming down from above and
filling up every room in your home, yourself, and those who live there!


Affirmations & Declarations
It Is safe to be in my body now

My body is working with me now

I am willing to see my body differently now

I am beginning to feel like a pillar of light now

I am willing to change the words I use about my body now

My body is enough now

I am enough now


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