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5xy2 + 3x + 5y3 - 3 ax + b = 0

p(x) = x2 + x - 1

Polynomials A
Introduction to Polynomials
Classification of the Expressions

Polynomial Non - Polynomial

Types of Polynomial based on Terms

There are special names for polynomials with 1,2 or 3 terms.

There is also a name, quadrinomial (4 terms) and a name,

quintinomial (5 terms) but these names are not often used.
Types of Polynomial based on Degree

Degree Name of the Polynomial

1 Linear

2 Quadratic

3 Cubic
Zeroes of a Polynomial

Zeroes NumberZeroes
of Zeroes
Geometrical Meaning of Zeroes of a Polynomial

Zeroes of a polynomial f(x) would be those points where

graph of the polynomial f(x) will cut or touch the x-axis. Y

(0, b)

X’ X

Geometrical Meaning of Zeroes of a Polynomial
Geometrical Meaning of Zeroes of a Polynomial

y y y

x’ 0 x x’ 0 x x’ 0 x

y’ y’ y’

Two real zeroes One real zero No Zeroes

Geometrical Meaning of Zeroes of a Polynomial

y y y

x’ 0 x x’ 0 x x’ 0 x

y’ y’ y’

Two real zeroes One real zero No Zeroes

Geometrical Meaning of Zeroes of a Polynomial
Number of Zeroes of some Polynomials

Linear Shape Parabolic shape Cubic shape

y y y

x’ 0 x x’ 0 x x’ 0 x

y’ y’ y’
A itquadratic
is a quadratic
can have
howa y
many zeroes of two
doeszeroes. How do
it have?
we findfinditsout.

x’ 0 x

Zeroes of a Quadratic Polynomial:

1 2
Relationship Between Zeroes and Coefficients of
Quadratic Polynomial

Sum of zeroes α+β

Product of zeroes α×β

If we need to form a polynomial of degree two, when sum and
product of zeroes are given, then
𝑘 𝑥 2 − 𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛼𝛽
is the required polynomial, where ‘𝑘’ is any non-zero constant.
Relationship Between Zeroes and Coefficients of
Cubic Polynomial
When the sum of zeroes, the sum of product of zeroes taken
two at a time and the product of zeroes is given, then
𝑘 𝑥 3 − (𝛼 + 𝛽 + 𝛾) + 𝛼𝛽𝛾
is the required polynomial, where ‘𝑘’ is any non-zero constant.
Steps to Find Unknown Coefficients When Relation Between Zeroes and
Coefficients Is Given

Step 1: Assume the zeroes of given quadratic polynomial and form two equations with the
help of sum and product of zeroes.

Step 2: Form an equation with the given condition ,further find value of unknown using
identities and above equations.
Solutions or roots

p (x) = (x – 4) (x + 2)

p (4) = 0 p (-2) = 0

As p(x) becomes zero at x = 4 and x = -2; therefore 4 and -2 are

the zeroes of p(x)

Zeroes, solutions and roots

are used interchangeably in different contexts;
but they are more or less the same.
Relation between Degrees and Zeroes

Polynomial Degree Zeroes

Linear 1

Quadratic 2

Cubic 3

Note: Maximum number of zeroes of a polynomial is equal to the degree of the polynomial.
Division Algorithm


Divisor Dividend


Dividend Divisor Quotient
Quotient Remainder
Check for Factors of Polynomials
Remainder Theorem
Horner’s Method of Synthetic Division

Horner's method for polynomial division is an algorithm used to simplify

the process of evaluating a polynomial f(x) at a certain value x = x0 by
dividing the polynomial into monomials.
Horner’s Method of Synthetic Division

Let’s understand this method with an example:


[coefficient of quotient]
Steps used in Horner’s Method of Synthetic Division

Step 1 :

Step 2 :

Step 3 : Bring down the leading coefficient of the dividend, multiply it by 2 and add
the second coefficient to get -27.

Step 4 : Now, multiply -27 by 2 and add this to the third coefficient to get -9.

Step 5 : This process is continued until the final sum.

Step 6 :

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