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Affirmative (kladná veta)

osoba + sloveso v minulom čase (pravidelné s koncovkou –ed, nepravidelné druhý
stĺpček) + ostatné vetné členy
I worked/fell in the supermarket. We worked/fell in the supermarket.
You worked/fell in the supermarket. You worked/fell in the supermarket.
He/She/It worked/fell in the supermarket. They worked/fell in the supermarket.

Negative (záporná veta)

osoba + did not (didn´t) + sloveso v základnom tvare + ostatné vetné členy
I didn´t work/fall in the supermarket. We didn´t work/fall in the supermarket.
You didn´t work/ fall in the supermarket. You didn´t work/fall in the supermarket.
He/She/It didn´t work/fall in the They didn´t work/fall in the supermarket.

Interrogative (otázka)
Did + osoba + sloveso v základnom tvare + ostatné vetné členy
Did I work/fall in the supermarket? Did we work/fall in the supermarket?
Did you work/fall in the supermarket? Did you work/fall in the supermarket?
Did he/she/it work/fall in the supermarket? Did they work/fall in the supermarket?

Short answers (odpovede)

Yes, osoba + did. No, osoba + didn´t.

Minulý čas pravidelných slovies:

- k slovesám väčšinou pridávame koncovku -ed
work  worked
- k slovesám končiacim na –e pridávame len koncovku -d
dance  danced
- k slovesám končiacim na spoluhlásku + -y pridávame koncovku –ed a –y sa mení na -i
study  studied
- k slovesám končiacim na samohlásku + spoluhlásku, zdvojujeme spoluhlásku
a pridávame koncovku –ed
stop  stopped

Minulý čas nepravidelných slovies:

- druhý stĺpec

!!!Exception (výnimka)!!!
Pri slovesách „be“ a „can“ sa v zápore a otázke nepoužíva „didn´t“ a „did“ a majú tvar
minulého jednoduchého času.
They were at schol. They weren´t at school. Were they at school?
I could see the stage. I couldn´t see the stage. Could you see the stage?

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