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Typhoon Ulysses Relief Operation

Despite the fear brought about by the virulent COVID19, there are still many things
that we could be grateful for, one of which is living in this time where technological
advances occur at an astounding pace. The almost endless list of technologies and
tools can truly bless our lives and the lives of those we serve if we just use these
inspired tools appropriately and more effectively.

Last November 14, 2020, after talking to our stake presidency through Facebook
Messenger regarding the conditions of many of our brothers and sisters whose
homes in low-lying suburbs were submerged by the floods brought about by the
tropical cyclone Ulysses, I was then instructed to create a team for relief operations,
initially to help members of our Church from Marikina and Montalban Stake who
were affected by the storm Ulysses. The need to response to the situation became
more compelling after receiving messages and pictures of those who had been
affected through the Quezon City Coordinating Council Group Chat.

On the same day, Facebook messages were sent to members of Quezon City South
Stake requesting them to bring to Aurora Chapel whatever donations they could give
to those who had been affected by the said typhoon. At around 9 am, I was already
at Aurora Chapel with my team of four sisters and with only a few bags of donations
to sort. However, by 12 noon we were flooded by donations not only from our stake
but also from different stakes such as Makati, Caloocan, Paranaque, and Quezon
City. I was overwhelmed by the boxes and bags that unceasingly came, one after
another, that I had to ask a few people to come and help us sort.

Fortunately, help was just a few clicks away. I sent a couple of messages to some
brothers and sisters to help us sort and posted the same to my Facebook account.
And just as boxes of donations inundated the Aurora Chapel, an apt number of
helping hands arrived to response for the work needed. The supposedly one-day
relief operation intended to help two stakes were extended to one week of packing
and sorting and was able to provide relief to 8 more areas such as San Mateo, Sta.
Maria, Enfanta, Sinoloan, Bagong Silangan, Cagayan and Tuguegaro.

The relief operation not only met but even surpassed its expected result owing to
the abundant donations and the indefatigable volunteers that turned up promptly
through the power of internet and social media. Indeed, we are favored that our
fingers have been trained to text and post and to communicate quickly to accelerate
and advance the work of the Lord.

We are blessed to live, learn, and serve in this most remarkable dispensation of
Digital Age, in which we could embrace technology not only to magnify our calling
but also to hasten the work we are called to serve.

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