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Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Yang terhormat Ibu Kepala Sekolah SMAN 10 jakarta. Yang kami hormati wakil bidang kurikulum,
kesiswaan, dan sarana prasarana dan humas. Yang kami hormati kasubak T.U, staff pendidik, dan
juga tenaga kependidikan. Dan tentu saja siswa-siswi SMAN 10 Jakarta yang berbahagia.

Kami dari English Club. Perkenalkan, nama saya Alesha, dan nama saya Kania.

Terima kasih atas kesempatan yang sudah diberikan kepada kami sehingga kami dapat
melaksanakan kegiatan literasi berbahasa inggris pada pagi hari ini.

Sebelum memulai literasi pada pagi hari ini, mari kita dengarkan sambutan dari ibu kepala sekolah
SMAN 10 Jakarta, Ibu Rumsilah S. Pd, kepada ibu kami persilahkan.

Terima kasih ibu atas sambutan yang sudah diberikan, berikutnya ialah sambutan dari chairlady
English Club, kepada kak Fanesha kami persilahkan. Terima kasih kak Fanesha atas sambutannya.

Baik teman-teman, marilah kita memulai kegiatan literasi pada pagi hari ini.

Hello, good morning everyone! First of all, let us introduce ourselves first. My name is Alesha from
10A, and my name is Kania from 10C, and we are from English club! We are here as the MC for this
morning’s event.

Before we start, I want to ask you guys first. Does anyone know what are we going to do this
morning? Can you guys guess? So, this morning, we are going to do an activity that is called English
Literacy. In Bahasa, it is known as kegiatan literasi. Okay, before we start, we will explain what is
meant by English literacy. So, English literacy is an activity that requires you to read a story or a text
in English. After you guys have already received the text, we will give you 5 minutes to read it. After
5 minutes, three students from English club will retell the story that you guys have read before.
Beside that, we also have 6 questions based on the text you guys have read before. And then, we
will choose 6 students randomly, one by one to come forward, to answer our questions. Of course,
students who successfully answer our questions, will get some gifts! Okay, as you guys have already
received the text, we will give you 5 minutes. Start from now.

Okay guys, 5 minutes have passed! As what I said before, three students from English club will retell
the story that you guys have read before. Please, pay attention to them carefully.

Thank you kak Mutia, Niken, and Najla that have already come forward to read the paragraphs!

Nah kalian kan udah baca nih tadi ceritanya. So, we also have 6 questions based on the text for you

1. Who are the characters based on the story?

- The characters are the wolf, and the three little pigs.
2. What did the first little pig build his house out of?
- The first little pig built his house out of straw.
3. What did the wolf do to the first little pig’s house?
- He espied the first little pig’s house and sidled up the door. And then, he blew the house
4. Why did the wolf get fail blowing down the third little pig’s house?
- The house is made out of bricks, and the bricks are too firm. So that, the wolf failed
blowing down the three little pig’s house.
5. What did the pigs do to stop the wolf?
- The three little pigs got the biggest pan they had, and filled it with water and put it on
the fire to boil it. So that, the wolf will land in the pan of boiled water and will never
come back ever again.
6. Please tell us who was your favorite character and why?

Okay guys, that’s all for today’s English literacy. Thank you so much for those who have already read
and answer the questions. We really appreciate that with all of our heart. We really hope that you
guys will be able to speak English well in the future. Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

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