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Writing task 1 test 1 cam 11

Draft 1:

The given pie charts illustrate the different goals of using water in six parts of the world.

In general, agriculture using purpose makes up the largest portion in most of the supplied areas, while
using water for industrial and domestic purposes are noticeable ratios in the charts.

In agriculture, the four areas: Africa, Central Asia, South East Asia and South America supply water
almost for growing crops and farms, at least over 70%. In contrast, in North America and Europe spend
only about 35% of their water for agricultural aims while they use two-thirds of the water in totaly for
other purposes.

It can be seen that industrial and domestic use aims are by far the largest proportion in the pie charts of
North America and Europe, about approximately 50%, while in the other area, they use water for
industrial only about 5% to 10%. Besides, the domestic use is the smallest percentage when in South
America and Europe spend around 17% for this purpose and the rest of the given places are under 13%.

Task 2:

Infrastructure = substructure

The construction of transport infrastructure has been an uncontroversial issue throughout the years.
Spending money on railways or roads is both important for developing domestic traffic. I partly agree
with the utterance =point of view/perspective and in this essay, I will point out the reason and explain
the statements.

I agree with this point of view because railways are faster and contributes to lowering traffic jams.

First, investing money in railways brings more advantages than only determining one type of transport
structure. The railway is the stable fixed way and does not have to share space with other vehicleshas
the greatest support in transporting goods in far way. The rails or trains in another way can store and
containtransport not only a large number of products heavy goods in a time and it is a means of
transport servingbut also people for moving purposes. For instance, a train can deliver 10 tons of soil and
20 passengers all at once but spend less energy and time from the North to the South, while on roads
the soil has to be separated to trucks, they spend more money on petrol and more time traveling. This is
an obvious comparison for both convenience and protecting the environment goals.

Second, the potential of roads has not been explored when the substructure has been completing. In
both roads and means of transport, especially public vehicles need to be improved in biological ways and
extend their storage ability in order to serve the developing economic goals and cause no harm to the
environment. People can build larger roads, flyovers, and canals or construct subways beneath the
current infrastructure to make an isolating way for delivery. Furthermore, fossil fuels become rare and
more expensive day to day, so considering some types of vehicles, which are run by water vapour is a
reasonable idea to handle the environmental issues, in addition, to reduce the dust and carbon dioxide
in the air.

Using budget for roads or railways both brings benefits, however, the government should divide the
money for the two types of ways efficiently in order to have the best consequence in the future.

Mỗi body: 5 câu

Mở bài: ko nhất thiết có đúng 2 câu (3 câu at most)

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