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5 mark questions

1.Name two asanas for curing asthma. Describe the procedure, benefits and
contraindications of Gomukhasana.
Ans. Asanas for curing asthma are Bhujangasana, Trikonasa, Setubandhasana, Ardhamatsyendrasana etc.

Procedure of Gomukhasana : This is a sitting asana.

i.Sit erect and stretch both legs together in front, hands by the side, palm resting on the ground, fingers of the
hands together.

ii. Fold right leg at the knee and place it on the ground by the side of the left buttock.

iii. Bringing the left leg from above the right leg, place it on the ground by the side of the right buttock.

iv. Now place the palms on the knee one above the other and sit erect.

v. After some time return to the original position.

vi. Change the position of the legs i.e. by placing the right knee above and the left knee down and repeat this as
much as you can.

Benefits :

i.It helps to stretch and strengthen the muscles of the ankles, hips and thighs, shoulders, triceps, inner armpits
and chest.

ii. It is helpful in the treatment of sciatica.

iii. It enhances the workings of the kidneys by stimulating it, thus helping those suffering from diabetes.

iv. Regular practice can reduce stress and anxiety

Contraindications :

i.Those who are suffering from shoulder, knee or backpain should avoid this.

ii. People suffering from any kind of knee injury/problem avoid this.

2. Define Speed and describe it's types and various methods of improving speed.
Ans. Speed is the rate of motion, or the rate of change of position. It is expressed as distance moved per unit of
time. Speed is measured in the same physical units of measurement as velocity. Speed is defined as the ability of
an individual to perform similar movements consecutively at Fastest rate, e.g., short distance races like 100
metres and 200 metres. Speed as the capacity of an individual to perform successive movement of the same
pattern at a fast rate.
Types of Speed:

1) Reaction ability : Reaction ability is the ability to react effectively and quickly to any action or signal.

2) Accelaration ability: It is the ability to achieve maximum speed from a stationary position or from low speed

3) Movement speed: It is the ability to do a movement in minimum time. It depends upon technique, explosive
strength, flexibility and coordinative abilities.

4) Locomotor ability: It is the ability to maintain maximum speed for a maximum time. or distance. Events like
100mt, 200 mt, 400mt requires this ability.

5) Speed Endurance: Speed endurance is the ability to perform movements with high. speed under conditions of
fatigue. This depends upon technique, local muscular endurance and lactic acid tolerance ability.

Methods for improving speed :

1) Acceleration runs- It is the ability to increase speed from jogging to running and finally sprinting. It depends on
explosive strength, frequency of movement & technique. To attain maximum speed from a stationary position this
is practised after learning proper technique.

2) pace run or races- A competitive pace race is a timed race in which the objective is not to finish in the least
time, but to finish within the prescribed time and in the best physical condition. In some races, the prescribed time
is very narrowly defined and the winner is the competitor who finishes closest to the prescribed time. Complete
recovery is ensured between two repetitions. This means to running the whole distance of a race at a constant
speed. In this the athlete runs the race with uniform speed.

3. What does Plate Tapping Test measure? How it is performed?

Ans. The plate Tapping Test is used to Test the speed and coordination of limb movement.

How to Perform: If possible, the table height should be adjusted so that the subject is standing comfortably in
front of the discs. The two yellow discs are placed with their centers 60 cm apart on the table. The rectangle is
placed equidistant between both dises. The non-preferred hand is placed on the rectangle. The subject moves the
preferred hand back and forth between the discs over the hand in the middle as quickly as possible. This action is
repeated for 25 full cycles (50 taps).
4. Write the meaning and concept of Aggression. Describe the types of aggression in
Ans. Meaning:- Any physical or verbal behaviour that is intended to harm another either physically or
psychologically intentionally or unemotionally.

Concept:- Different psychologists have given different meanings to the term aggression. As per instinct theory,
aggression is an inbuilt emotion in human beings, as per social learning theory, it is acquired. Frustration theory
points out that frustration is the cause of aggression.

There are three types of Aggression in sports:

i. Hostile Aggression: Any physical behaviour which is aimed to physically injured a living being intentionally is
known as Hostile Aggression.

ii. Instrumental Aggression: Any physical behaviour which is aimed to achieve high performance but
unintentionally physically harms the living being is known as instrumental Aggression.

iii. Assertive Aggression: Any verbal behaviour under the Rules & Regulation of the sport which is used to harm
psychological to a living being. In this only legitimate forces are used,

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