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Important Dates & Holidays

Centering Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion in Schools

*Note: This document DOES NOT include religious holidays

Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

1st: Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary

3rd Monday in January is Martin Luther King Junior Day

Black History Month

Early February: Lunar New Year

4th: Rosa Parks Day

6th: International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

12th: International Day of Action on Women’s Health

14th: Frederick Douglas Day

Women’s History Month, National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, National
Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month

5th: Boston Massacre Day

8th: International Women’s Day

10th: Harriet Tubman Day, National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

16th: Publication of 1st Black Newspaper in America

21st: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, World Down Syndrome Day

31st: Cesar Chavez Holiday, International Transgender Day of Visibility

Late March: National LGBT Health Awareness Week

Celebrate Diversity Month, Autism Awareness Month, Arab American Heritage Month, STI
Awareness Month

Early April: Day of Silence

2nd: World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD)

15th: Jackie Robinson Day

16th: Emancipation Day

26th: Lesbian Visibility Day

30th: El Día de los Niños

Mental Health Awareness Month, Asain American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month

9th: National Children’s Mental Health Awareness Day

10th: Dia de las Madres

17th: Anniversary of the School Desegregation Ruling, International Day Against Homophobia,
Transphobia and Biphobia

3rd Sunday: Malcolm X Day

24th: Pansexual and Panromantic Visibility Day

25th: African Liberation Day

30th: World Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Day

2SLGBTQIA+ Pride Month

2nd Sunday: “Odunde Festival” or African New Year, National Children’s Day

12th: Loving Day

15th: Native American Citizenship Day

19th: Juneteenth

23rd: International Widows Day

26th: U.S. Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage Anniversary

28th: Stonewall Riots Anniversary

18th: Nelson Mandela International Day

26th: Disability Independence Day

9th: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples

26th: Women’s Equality Day

September 15–October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

16th: Mexican Independence Day

22nd: American Business Women’s Day

Bisexual Awareness Week begins the Sunday before Celebrate Bisexuality Day

23rd: Celebrate Bisexuality Day

National Disability Employment Awareness Month

September 15–October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month

1st: Jerry Rescue Day

2nd: Thurgood Marshall was sworn into the Supreme Court

11th: National Coming Out Day

12th: Spanish National Day

Second Monday: Indigenous People’s Day

15th: International Day of Rural Women

16th: World Food Day

17th: Black Poetry Day

20th: Spirit Day

26th: Intersex Awareness Day

23rd-29th: Asexual Awareness Week

29th: The day National Organization for Women (NOW) was founded

National Native American Heritage Month

2nd: Día de los Muertos

8th: Intersex Day of Remembrance

20th: Transgender Day of Remembrance

25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

November 25 to December 10: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

November 25 to December 10: 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

1st Full Week of December: Inclusive Schools Week

1st: Rosa Parks Day (Ohio and Oregon)

2nd: International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

3rd: International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD)

6th: Día de la Con­stitu­ción

8th: Pansexual/Panromantic Pride Day

10th: International Human Rights Day

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