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Bob Hastings / Marta Umiňska

Dominlka Chand|er / HegedÚs Krlstóf

Konzu |ta ntky : .] itka Va ň kov á / áana Zadr aži|ov á


a s,s&í57
nra-lFtI t- Přítomnéčasy (Present Tenses) rEa odpovědi na kvízové
SOCIAL LIFE Minulé časy (Past Tenses, used to) ÉE otázky tEI

Předpřítomný a předminu|ý čas

HOME EA (Perfect Tenses) trtí Popis obrázků tEE

Casy vyjadřující budoucnost

SCHOOL (the Future) Přepis nahrávek lEEt
Podmínkovévěty (Conditionals) lEtr
K|íčk referenčníčásti E@
Yazby There is/lt is .=a
FOOD @ Trpný rod (Passive)' vazba
have sth done IEE K|íčk mluvnické části Efl
AND SEBVICES M Způsobová sIovesa vyjadřující
schopnost, nutnost a dovoIení
(Modal verbs - Ability, Obligation,
TFAVELLING Permission) nar:l


Způsobová sIovesa vyjadřující
CULTUBE AND (Modal verbs - Speculation)
Podstatná,jména počitatelná
a nepočitateIná (CountabIe and
SPOFT IIB Uncountable Nouns), vyjadřován í
množství(Quantifiers) a č|eny
(Articles) W,
Zájmena neurčitá ( lndefi nite
NATURE AND Pro n ouns) IE

ENVIFONMENT Zž4mena přivlastňovací

(Possessives) IEI
TECHNOLOGY re| Přídavná jména (Adjectives) ffi,
Nepřímá řeč (Reported Speech) lEE
Vztažné věty (ReIative CIauses)

Spojky (Linking Words) IEE

Předložky (Prepositions) IEE
S|ovesné vazby (Verb Patterns) !Eli!

Tázací dovětky (Question Tags)

IN ronrú.cce o zroušce
4 oTÁzKY TÝKA|ící sE AUToRovA NÁzoRU
Při zkoušce usIyšíte každou nahrávku vždy dvakrát. Dobře A/NEBo HLAVNí MYšLENKY TÉXTU
této možnosti Využijte. Ještě před PrVním posIechem si
přečtěte instrukce a zadání ú|ohy a zkuste odhadnout, otázka na názor mIuvčího,případně otázka týkď1ící
jaký druh informací asi us|yšíte. ]iž při prvním pos|echu se se hIavní myšlenky nahrávky, přichází obvykle jako
pokuste vybrat pravděpodobné odpovědi. posIednía pIní funkcijakéhosi shrnutí obsahu ce|ého
Než začnete nahrávku posIouchat podruhé, znovu si textu. Až na ni budete odpovídag nezapomeňte vzít
rychIe pročtěte všechny otázky, zv|áště ty, které jste v úvahu obsah ce|é nahrávky, nejen její posledníčásti'
nestihli zodpovědět během prvního posIechu. Během Při výběru správné odpovědi vám mohou pomoci
druhého posIechu pak zvoIte výslednou odpovědl také vaše odpovědi na předcházející otázky.

ZroušrovÉsrRnreclt 5 VÝZNAM NÉzNÁMÝcH slov

Nepropadejte panice když us|yšíte neznámá sIova
r PečltvĚ črĚrr zloÁní n porYlY či fráze. NejIepší strategie je nezastavovat se u nich
a nezamýš|et se nad nimi, protože jistě nechcete
JestliŽe si zadánía otázky přečtete opravdu pečlivě zmeškat da|šídůležitoučást nahrávky, Ve které
budete se při posIechu lépe soustředit na požadované jiŽ nemusíte mít s porozuměním žádný problém.
informace, a to je pro vypracování úkoIu nezbytné.
Nezapomínejte, že nemusíte rozumět každémus|ovu,
)- Také nepřeh|édněte informace obsaženéjiž
že hIedát pouze požadovanéinformace. Můžetetaké
v pokynech:
J zkusit využítkontextu nahrávky, abyste neznámým
. typ nahrávky, kterou uslyšíte, a její téma (např: s|ovům porozumě|i, a v nejhorším piípadéÍrázi,
You are going to haar a conveÍsation about Jast kterou neznátg prostě ignorujte.
Jood. = rozhovor, jídlo _ rychIé občerstvení)'
. jaký druh informací máte při pos|echu sIedovat,
6 slovNí oP|sY (PARAFRÁZE)
. kam jak máte své odpovědi na zadaný úko|
vyPr dLUvar/ zaPsdr. Typická zkušební otázka je formuIována tab že jsou
N v ní informace a slovnízásoba z nahrávky vy'jádřeny

jiným způsobem. Ve slovním opisu obvyk|e najdete:
E . synonyma, napi;
o Před začátkem p|nění každéhoúko|u máte určitý čas John is good-looking
John is handsome.
o. na přečtení. Tento čas dobře využijte! Na zák|adě We bought some shoes because they were cheap.
informacíz pokynů odhadnětg co asi uslyšíte. Co asi
= We bought some shoes because they were
budou jednot|iví mluvčína dané téma říkat? Jakou inexpensive.
sIovní zásobu budou nejspíšpoužívat?
. antonyma, naPř:

the film we watched yesterday wasn't interesting

3 PoŘADí oDPovĚoí opnort PoŘADí oTÁzEK at all.
= thefrlm we watched yesterday was very boring.
Pořadíotázek v testu odpovídá pořadí informací The test we wrote today was was quite diffcult. =
obsažených V textu nahrávky. Proto se při poslechu The test we wrote today wasn't easy at all.
můžetesoustředit na jednu otázku a na násIedující
otázku se již připravovat, ti. napřík|ad ji číst.Tak
zachytíte dalšíinformaci, kterou nahrávka přináší.
Jest|iže test obsahuje otázky, které Vyžadují
porozumění nahrávce jako celku, pticházejí vždy až
na konci.

7 ,INÉ MLUvNlcKÉ nnosrŘroxv (ollsv) Q Rodívejte se na přík|ady zkouškových úkolů(1-3)
a přiřadte je k typům ú|oh (A-C).
Zkušební otázka můžebýt vyjádřena ijinými
mIuvnickými prostředky. V nahrávce se např setkáte
A možností Úko|-
Výběr z více

s vétou: Sue,s Jamily has lived in this area since the end
B Doplňování Úko|
oJ World War ll.,kterou najdete v nabídce odpovědí
C Pravda/Nepravda Úko| -
formu|ovanou nás|e dovně: Suešfamily came to
live here in 1945. ]ak vidíte, Pro jin é vyjád řen í stejné
'I When the speaker heard the strange p N
skutečnosti byla použita mluvnická transformace, opi' noise for the first time, she paid no
a to pomocí přeměny věry s předpřítomným časem attention to it.
na větu s časem minu|ým prostým. Da|šímitypickými
přík|ady mluvnických přeměn jsou: 2 According to Tom Jones, what happens when he
' podmínkové věty, např: sees paparazzi outside his home?
lf Megan were rich, she would buy a new house A He doesn'r take any notice.
with a big garden. = Megan would have a new B He always offers tea to them.
house with a big garden iJ only she had enough C He can become very angry.
money, D He escapes through the window.
. stupňování, např:
t) 3 This type ofholiday is best for people.
Paul is younger than my little brothen =
My litÍle brother is older úan Paul,
, výrazy typu some/any/much/many/Íew/a
Q co r.oz Pos|echněte si nahrávky ke cvičení1
a přiřadte k nimodpovídajícítyppos|echu:
Ihaven't got many good books at home, = A reklama D
I only have some/a few good books at home, B monolog
Zkušebníotázky, ve kterých jsou použity mluvnické
C rozhovor
parafráze, mohou obsahovat informaci, která fL lL )
je totožná s obsahem nahrávkv, neníto však
podmínkou. Velmi často obsahují informace, které se Q co r.oa u.|yšítevysí|ání zpráv. Vašímúko|em bude
významově |išíod informací uvedených v nahrávce. Vybrat spráVnou odpovědl Jsou-|i následující věty
Ne všechny otázky isou totiž skutečně synonymickým pravdivé, označte je B nePravdivé označte N: r-
vyjádřením informací uváděných v nahrávce.
Přík|adem je věta:
1 All the questions in Parliament yesterday p N
were about Mr lack Prune.
lo went to bed a short while ago, * Jo has been
asleep for a Jew hours. 2 Some people may not know they've got p N
more money now than in the past.
8 stova sE srEJNou NEBo poDoBNou
3 p
vÝsLovNosTí Special buses to the stadium will start N
runnrng as soon as the concert starts.

ofthe p
Angličtina obsahuje s|ova, která cizincům znějí
ve|mi podobně. Věnujte takovým slovům zv|áštní
4 lt will be rainy in the northern part N
country and windy in the west.
pozornost, vždy poslouchejte veImi peč|ivě a
snažte se správně vyřešit, o jaké slovo jde. Jste-|i na
pochybách, snažte se vyjír ze širšíhokontextu a sIovo
podIe něj správně odhadnout. Některé záludné
výrazy jsou napÍ:
. homonyma, t,j' s|ova stejně vys|ovovaná a se
stejným pravopisem, aIe jiným významem' např
bear * bear,
. homofonní s|ova, g. výrazy stejně znějící,ale s
jiným pravopisem a významem, jako např.
break * brake,
. slova s jednou odlišnou h|áskou, např
t4roman + women,
. čís|ovky,např thirty + thirteen.


@ co r.oa Pos|"chněte si dvakrát nás|edující nahrávku

a Vybert€sPrávnou odpovědl
@ Do nás|edujících vět dop|ňte s|ova uvedená
vzávorkách tak, aby obě věty mě|y stejný význam.
What is the main idea of this excerpt? Daná sIova a začátky nových vět ne|ze nijak měnit.

A lt's belrer ro spend holidays in rhe mounrains 1 Kate has just moved in, so she hasn't met many
than at the seaside. people here. (ONLY)
lf you decide to stay at home, you won't spend a Kate has just moved in and she
lot of money.
Even if you decide ro stay at home, holidays can be
a proDtem.
Tom started talking on his mobile about half an
Itt possible to relax even if you don't go away on hour ago - it will cost him a fortune! (FOR)

@ co r.os Poslechněte si pět krátkých nahrávek

a podIe jejich kontextu se snažte odhadnout
význam nás|edujících s|ov. - it will cost him a fortune!

l flabbergasted A|| my friends are too busy to go with me on a tÍip

A angíy around the world. (WOULD)

B surprised
C disappointed
2 wear-it-everywhere
J A universal
4 The apartment next to the river is more expensive
than the flat in the city centre. (AS)
B boring
The flat in the city centre
C cheap

3 container
A a box to keep things in
We will go away for the weekend on ly if the
o B a kind of passenger ship
weather is fine. (WON'T)
C a person who carries things Unless
z 4 mainstream
E A important
B popular
C usual @ co r.os Rřečtěte si věty 1-5. U každévěty
rozhodněte, jest|i je (/)' nebo není ( X) její význam
5 ravine stejnýjako v nahrávce.
A a river
B a valley
1 | had so little money that all lcould buy
was a bottle of water.
C a farm
2 The last time we saw our relatives in France
was in 2001.
3 Brad wasn't careful enough and he lost his
4 Simon is the most intelligent person I have
ever met.
5 | won't leave until all your things are

@ Dop|ňte tabuIku s|ovy z nabídky.
@ co r.oa Pos|echněte si nahrávku a přiřadte situace
few we||-knáwn ú; fr; ;;;; ;l;6"l. ;il;p
1-5 k místůmA-F. Jedno z míst je uvedeno navíc,
a greatnumber of tate feel unwell regional
nepoužijete ho. Po vypracování úkoIu si přečtěte
iustffi exotic přepis nahrávky a podtrhněte fráze, které vám
Pomoh|y Vybrat správnou odpovědl
Where is each of these speakers?
Speaker I it'
Speaker 2 -.
Speaker 3 -l
Speaker 4 s-
Speaker 5 I

A in the classroom
B at the Post ofÉce
C at a tourist agency
Q co r.oz Us|yšíte tři krátká oznámení. K větám 1-3
D at a restaurant
vyberte správné dokončeníA-C.
rp E in a clothes store
1 The concert planned for Saturday will nottake F at the aiÍport
place because
A one of the musicians feels unwerr. @ co r.os Pos|echněte si osm výroků a vyberte s|ovo,
B not many people wanted to come. kteréjste s|yšeli. Svoje odpovědi si ověřte na str.
C the tjckets were too expensive. 198, kde je přepis nahrávky.
'I cat - caught - cut
2 you want to go to a Party afteí the show, you
2 hat - hard - heard

A must be famous. 3 sixtieth - sixth - sixteenth

B should buy a ticket. 4 eighty-four - eighty-eight - thirty-eight
C mustn't be Iate. 5 right (= correcr) - righr (= not IeÍt)
3 One ofthe attractions offered at River Boulevard 6 fair (= gxhi!;1;6n) - lair 1= 6|on4;
will be 7 pieae - peace
A exotic rhings to ear and drink. 8 night - knighr D
B music played by regional groups.
C agreat number ofcinemas,
Rřiřadte názv y míst 1-7 k ÍrázímA-H, kt€ré jsou Ó-r
Pro tato místa tyPické a často je tam můžete
sIyšet. Jedna z frázíje navíc a nepoužijete ji.

1 fruit market
2 airport i:

3 classroom a
4 restaurant
5 post office
6 clothes store ,l
7 tourist agency t
A two pounds of apples
B a parcel to rhe United States
C repear please
D go to platform 5
E holidays on the Costa Brava
F please go to gate 24
G no dessert, thank you
H here's a size 10 shirt, Madam

Pnnvol/n epRAvDA (Tnue/Fnrse) VYBER ZVICE MOZNOSTI:
Dříve než se rozhodnete, zda je výrok pravdivý nebo
nepravdivý mě|i byste se zeptat:,,Říká se V textu, (Mulrrnle cHotcE: sHoRT REcoRDtNGs)
Že je to pravda, nebo se naopak v textu tvrdí,že to
pravda není?', Pamatujte, že při řešeníúko|umusíte Při tomto typu úkoIu us|yšíte někoIik krátkých
vŽdy vycházet z textu nikoIi z v|astn í zkušenosti nebo nahráve( rozhovory i mono|ogy. Ke každému z
znaIostí. úryvkůdostanete jednu otázku, která se bude týkat
jedné určitéinformace. odpověd,budete Vybírat ze
tříaž čtyř možností. odpovědi/možnosti mohou být
Q co Pos|ouchejte a označte věty bud,
prezentovány formou obrázků. opět vám pomohou
P (pravdivá) nebo N (nepravdivá). Potom si
přečtěte přepis nahrávky a ke každéodpovědi strategie, které by|y uvedeny u předchozích typů tzv
si v textu podtrhněte fřáze, které vám pomoh|y výběrového cvičení.Navíc mějte na mysli, že:
vybrat tu správnou' . byste si mě|i pozorně proh|édnout obrázek, ještě

beach p
než pos|ech začne, a snažit se na něm pojmenovar
1 Agnes didn't want to lie on the N
věci a osoby, které vidíte.
because she was bored with it.
. je
spent p
možné,že z nahrávky uslyšíteklíčovás|ova ze
2 On the first day of her holiday, she N
všech možných uvedených odpovědí. Nezak|ádejte
about ten hours walking. svou odpověď na jednom jediném s|yšeném sIovu!
3 5he went to the town because she wanted p I Pouze ce|kový obsah a význam dě|á odpověďbuď
to see her old friend. správnou, nebo nesprávnou.
4 Even though she changed her shoes, her p N
problems didn't stop.
p 'n
U 5 She had to stop her walking tour because N Q co r.r e Us|yšíterozhlasovou re|aci o osobě
J she had lost her way.
hIedané poIicií. Vyberte správnou odpověďA-D.
Which man is the speaker describing?
'/r r.r r Us|yšíteúryvek z rozhovoru
Qco se známou
cestovat€|kou. Rozhodněte, zdajsou věty 1-5
) pravdivé (P) nebo nepravdivé (N). Vycházejte
přitom z textu.
1 Beryl Martin made up her mind to P
z become a trave|leí on the day of her
fifteenth birthday.
2 When Beryl Martin frrst went to Africa, p

she felt very excited about it, but also very

According to Beryl Martin, you won't PN
become a traveller unless you are a friendly
To Beryl Martin, Africa is more important PN
than other parts of the world, but she likes
some of them too.
The main idea of this part ofthe interview p N
@ co r.ra Us|yšíterozh|asový pořad o s|avných
is to ask Beryl Martin for practical advice. Iidech. Vyberte správné odpovědi A-C.

@ Nyní si přečtěte přepis nahrávky cvičení2 Whati the news about Angela Pretty?
a správné odpovédi v k|íči.Které strategie ze A She's going to have a baby.
str. 10-11 vám pomohIy správně odpovědět?
B She's going to be divorced.
€ She has received an Oscar.

Q Rřečtěte si přepis nahrávky a odpovědi v k|íčike

cvičení1. Které z€ strategií ze str. 1o-1 t vám Při
řešení tohoto cvičenípomoh|y nejvíce?

VÝeĚn zvíce možruosrí
(Mulrrele cxorce)
Při úkolu typu rnultiple choice,během něhož vybíráte
z předložených možnostímusíte vyIoučit dvě Qco r'rs Přečtěte si nás|edujícívěty. v úryvku
nesprávné odpovědi a vybrat 'jedinou správnou. Ta by z rozhIasového vysí|ání usIyšítehovořit odbornici
měla obsahovat tutéžinformaci, jaká je v nahrávce. o zajímavých muzeích. K větám 1-5 vyberte
Strategie jak postupovat najdete na str. 10-11. dokončeníz nabídky A-C.

In Amanda's opinion, in an attractive museum

Q co r.r+ P.očtěte si nás|edujícívěty. Pak si A there is one route through the exhibition.
pos|echněte nahrávku a vyberte k větám l -5 B visitors don't need to walk and look at all.
dokončeníznabídky A-C' které nejvíce odpovídají C art isn't presented in an old-fashioned way.
informacím, které jste vys|echIi. Nás|edně si
přečtěte přepis nahrávky a podtrhněte věty, které The museum of Louisiana is special because
vám pomoh|y vybrat správnou odpovědl A it is in a beautiful park by the river.
B it shows only modern sculptures.
1 Studying in Denmark was different from
C you can do a lot of things there.
studying in the speakert country because she
u! had to When visitors in the Experimentarium touch and
I move things, they can
A speak to a group of professors.
B do some tasks with other students. A learn what makes things operate.
C use all the special skills she had. B build a complicated mechanism.
C understand that science is easy.
2 Because D€nmark is an expensive country,
the speaker In the museum of music and instruments
A started to be careful with her money. A headphones aren't for everybooy. 3
B cooked food for the whole group. B each instrument is played live.
C had no money for cultural events. C you see and hear at the same time.

3 The crash course about living in Denmark What is the main aim of this extract? o
A was not organized that year A To explain the meaning ofthe word'interactivel
B gives too little information. B To suggest which museums are worth visiting.
C should be organized before the students come C To give information about Amandat favourite
to Denmark, museum.

4 Although the speaker knows English, r-

A it was difficult to communicate with other
Q Rřečtěte si přepis nahrávky a odpovědi v k|íči a)
ke cvičení2. Jaké strategie vám pomoh|y najít
students. správné odpovědi, nebo naopak vy|oučit
B there were few social events where she could nesprávné?
use 1t.

C it was not enough to get to know local people

very wel.

5 The main aim ofthis extract is to

A present problems.
B ask for financial help.
C promote Denmark,

l DoplŇovÁruí: ortvŘeruÁ Úlorrn se srnučruou oopovĚoí
(Srrurrruce corranlerloru)

Na rozdí| od předchozích typů úko|ůbudete nynídop|ňovat něko|ik slov nebo číselných

posIouchat, pročtěte si zadaný neúplný texta promysIete si,jaké informace,jsou
údajů.Dříve než začnete
v přÁ|ušnycli mezerách nejspíš
vynechané. Můžeto být číslo,datum, čas, také můžejít o jméno osoby, či třóba o část adrásy.
Často lze odhadnout,
o jaký sIovní druh jde: chybí podstatné jméno, sIoveso, přídavné jméno? Tento způsob promýš|ení
přeaem vám pak při
poslechu pomůžeurčit odpovídající(asprávné!) informace rychle1i.

Q co r.r s Us|yšíte teIefonický rozhovor o určitémtyPu testu. Do očíslovanýchmezer dop|ňte chybějící


The citizenship test contains (l) questrons.
There are questrons about job interviews, (2) .

a flat, how to open a bank account.

I There are also questions about British instítutions and
J about national and local (3)
The questrons about politics might be connected with the
Prime Ministel the (4) family and the marn
polrtica I pa rties.
o There are no questions about Íamous (5) . and
z The test costs (7)
E .

o You can find all the information on the website


Q Rodívejte-se na výčet strategií na začátku této |€kce. Přemýš|ejte, jakou da|šíradu

byste mohIi dát studentům,
kteří se připravují na posIechovou část maturity? Napište dvě.takové rady u po,oun"1t"
1" ue skupině i s ostatními
ve třídě.


|ruponm.qce o zroušce
q VÝzrvnru NEZNÁMÝGH slov
Jednou ze součástí maturitní zkoušky je také čtenía práce
při s textem' Po dokončeníposIechové částj máte na její
Nepropadejte panice, když v textu najdete neznámá
vypracování 60 minut. s|ova a fráze' Nezastavujte se u nich pří|iš d|ouho,
protoŽe by vám to moh|o bránit v ce|kovém
RozvRŽENí čAsU porozuměn í textu. Nezapomínejte, že nemusíte
rozumět všem sIovům V textu jednotlivě, aIe že vaším
V této částj zkoušky zá|ežíjen na vás, vjakém pořadí
se rozhodnete zkušebníúko|y řešit a koIik času jim
vyhledat pouze požadovanéinformace.
jednotlivě věnu;ete v rámci daného ce|kového Iimitu Snažte se vycházet z kontextu, a to vám můžepomoci
odvodit význam nových s|ov. Můžetese také řidit
60 minut. Přesto je velmi dů|ežitó abyste si připravili
těmito Vodítky:
strategii, jak 5i čas Při zkoušce účeIněrozvrhnete. Během
přípravy si zjistěte, kolik času a) s|ovnídruh (např podstatné jméno, přídavné
Potřebujete na vypracování jméno, přísIovce);
jednot|ivých úko|ů,a zkuste sije také provádět v různém
pořadí - to vám pak při vlastnízkoušce pomůžepři vo|bě b) postavenía funkce těchto s|ov Ve Větě (např
té nejIepší strategie. výrazy jako Íirst/secondlnext k označen i pořadí
informací a s|ovn í spo'|en í on the one hand/on
the other hand / however / conversely k vyjádiení
c) zák|adní význam (napÍ. ginger bread určitě
znamená nějaký druh pečiva);
ZroušrovÉsrnarpcIr d) obecné kuIturn í zna|osti (např. pokud text
hovořío zdravé výživě, můžete přepo k|ádat, že
t s|ovníspojenínou rishing value má pozitivní 3
PsčLtvĚ črĚrr znoÁruí n poxvltY
vyznam );
e) podobnost daného slova s jiným výrazem ve
Jest|iže si zadánía pokyny přečtete opravdu peč|ivě,
mnohem |épe se budete soustředit na informace vašem jazyce, budte však obezřetnía věnuite
h|edané v textu, a to je pro úspěšnésplnění úko|u
pozornost výrazům, které ve skutečnosri
nezbytné. Pokyny zároveň obsahují informace, o zn am en ají n ěco j i n ého (tzv, Jalse Jriends, napi. o
iaký ang|icky actual + česky al<tuáIni).
typ texru se jedná a co je jeho obsahem (napt. Riad.
a Junny story about New York.) Na zákjadě těchto V nejhoršímpřípadě sIovo nebo frázi, které neznáte.
informacíjiž víte, co bude zřejmě násIedovat, co prostě i8norujte. {
můžete očekáVat a jaké vhodné strategie pro čtení z

5 Slovrví murRÁzE (oPtsY)
z PoŘnoí oopovĚoí opnort PoŘADí oTÁzEK Typická zkušebníotázka je formulována tak, že
vE zKUšEBNíMTESTU informace z textu je vyjádřena jinými slovy nebo
trázemi ste'jného či podobného významu. Ve sIovnim
PoŤadíotázek v testu obvýle odpovídá pořadí opisu obvykle najdete:
ltml informací obsažených v textu (s výjimkou některých . synonyma, např:
přiřazovacích cvičení.)Proto se můžete při čtení
Grace gave another clever answen Grace gave
soustředit na jednu otázku a již si čístdalší,tu která =
anoth er bri I li ant a nswer.
po ní násIeduje. Tak najdete da|šíčást textu, kde je
obsažena nová důležitá iníormace (tj. informace, Their new CD is totatly great and everybody
kterou potřebujete znát ke spInění úkoIu.) Iikes it. -- Their new CD is quite amazing aid
everybody likes it,
. antonyma, napi:
A/NEBo HLAvNí MYšLENKY TEXTU The car we finally decided to buy wasn,t very
expensive = The car we finally decided to buy
otázka na názor autora, případně otá zka týka1ícíse was very cheap.
hlavnímyš|enky textu, přichází obvykle jako posIední The test she wrote yesterday was the easiest
a p|ní funkcijakéhosi shrnutíce|ého textu. Až na ni one she had ever wriften. = The test she wrote
budete odpovídat, nezapomeňte vzít v úvahu obsah yesterday was the least dfficult one she had
ce|ého ťextu, nejen jeho posIední odstavec. Při výběru ever written.
správné odpovědi vám mohou pomoci také vaše
odpovědi na předcházející otázky.


6 MLUVNIcKÉ pARAFRÁZE (oPIsY) Q Rřečtěte si text a k větám l -4 vyberte správné

dokončení.Podtrhněte ty části textu, které vám
Zkušebníotázka můžebýt vyjádřena také jinými pomoh|y při hIedání odpovědí na otázky.
mIuvnickými prostředky. Můžetese například setkat
s větou: Sue,s Jamily has lived in this area since 1 Briony knew it would be a typical day when
the end oJ World War ll., a jedna z odpovědí může A she was waking up.
znír: Sue,s Jamily came to live here in 1945. )ak B her alarm was ringing.
vidíte, při mIuvnické transformaci doš|o ke změně C she got to the bathroom.
předpřítomného času na minu|ý čas plostý Dalšími D she was having her shower.
typickými příkIady mIuvnických přeměn jsou:
. podmínkové věty, napi: 2 In the kitchen,
A she asked her mother for a glass of milk.
lJ I had more time, I would learn how to play
the guitan = I would leayn how to play the
B the bread was gone but there were some eggs.
guitar it only I had enough time. C there was a news programme on TV
D she heard some surprising news on the radio.
IJ I were you, I would have started learning
for the exam long ago. = I would have started 3 Brionyi family had no idea she played p N
learningJor the exam long ago if I was in your Lotto every week.
4 Briony's jeans were in her room, but the p N
. stuPňoVání, napi: coupon was gone.
Vegetables are healthier than meat, = Meat is
less healthy than vegetables.
LIJ English is much easier than Chinese. = English is
F not as dificult as Chinese.
'U . výrazy označu1ícímnožství napi.: some/any/ BRloNl s r.ucK! lr.\Y
m u th / many /a Íew /Jew, případné:
) There aren't many cookies left. = There ore only ven when Briony was still half asleep, she knew
o some/a few cookies left. it would be one ofthose days. She was even more
I can't go out with you tonight, I haven't got certain about it when she realised her alarm clock
enouý money.
z = l can't go out with you
tonight, I have got too little money,
wasnt working; and she rvas absolutely sure when she
E couldďt get to the bathroom because her sistel Jess had
otázky, ve kterých jsou použity mIuvnické parafráze, decided to take a very long shorver Yes, it was going to
se nemusí za všech okoIností vždy přesně shodovat be another unlucky day in her boring, sixteen-year-
s textem. naDř.: long existence.
Jo went to bed a short while ago, + Jo has been Feeling sad and unhappv, she went to the kitchen
asleep Jor a tew hours, and poured herself a glass of milk. Of course, there
When she came home, everyone had already rvas no bread, not to mention eggs, She switched on
eaten dinner. + When she came home, they ate the radio. An earthquake in Peru... floods in England...
dinner. storms in Mexico... Great, Briony thought, it is like
that al] o\'el the 1ýorld' But then the voice on the radio
said something else, something like 1.. and your lucky
number is ...1 Briony pushed the glass away and ran
back to her bedroom.
For two months, every week Brionv played Lotto,
without telling anybody. And norv, the voice on the
radio said'tenl and she loe\\' it was the number shed
chosen. Yesl The coupon was in her.jeans. She looked
around. But the.ieans were gone, and she couldhear her
mother shout happily from the bathroom downstairs,
doďt look for your jeansl It,s your lucý day
and they are linally being washed!'


Q Rřečtěte si text a přiřadte otázky A-D
@ Dop|ňte text vhodnými s|ovy. V každéčásti je
k odstavcům l -3. Jedna otázka je navíc, a tudíž jeden výraz navíc, který nemusíte použít.Kieré
ji nepoužijete. Podtrhněte si ty části textu, které strategie ze str. 17-18 vám pomoh|y najít správné
vám pomoh|y najít správnou odpověd| odpovědi?
A What did many people say they couldn,t live .l Planning a trip to rhe mountains js never easy.
B What are the scientists planning to do now?
Firsr, you have to decide on an '_.
This means
thar you need to th ink very carefully about every
C Why did people say they didn't care abour day: how íar you want ro go' what you WanL to see
com puters? and where you want to stay overnight. Second, you
D How did the scientists collecr information abour have to prepare all the necessary And '_. 3_,
people! needs? you have to get fit!
a equipment b next c itinerary d finally
2 lf you are interested in buying a house, this offer
Research finds may be the best on the market. The house in
what people really want Crafton Square has just been r_ . lt! got five ,_
rooms on the ground ffoor. There are also two 3
large rooms on the frrsL floor. The dining room can
A recent Íesearc1 p.oject al \lUIberry |^st'tule 0,Soc.a| Stuoies
n- thirty guests, and the garden has got a 5_
'ras l0-"d out tl-al .lost oeople d.en t very marer . court.
al,sr,c ard d0-
reallV 'eed as rrany things as you n,gf'r titnk. I t-e sc,e. sts gave a equally b accommodate c rennts
pe0ple a list of things and asked them to choose somethrng d renovared e absolutely fspacious
WoUIdn't be abIe to ]ive Without. Then they interviewed pěopIe'
asking them t0 give reasons for iheir choices. 3 There are many different forms of modern V1
psychological illnesses. One of them is compulsive
'_ š
The needs of rnost people turned out to be very basic. lnstead
. The person who suffers from this kjnd of
problem can't srop spending money on things
oÍ hi-tech compUters, iPods and other oadgeís' most peopIe every day; shopping is his or her ,_
. In fact, ir is a
said they W0uIdn't be abIe to Iive WithoUt a comÍortabIe bed or kjnd of addiction which is very 3_ to smoking or
a set oÍ goOd cookino pots' Some people even said they didn't eating sweets.
Want.anything as long as their heaith Was 0K, they haó a job, a saving b similar c obsession d buying
and their family was happy.
t-_- 4 How to solve confflctsr_ friends? ln many
situations, it! good to have a r_
talk. When you
The scientists will now move on to the next part of the project,
in Which they WjIl try to lnterpret the resultš and exp|áin Why
tell the other person how you really feel about
something, your friendship will Decome even
people \l/ant to have so little. At the same iime, they will
3_ . a_, some conflicts are more complicated.
watching social trends and c0llecting more inforniation. Thb Sometimes iti better not to talk at all, and just be
fulure.will show rf ,t is rhe beginn,^g ofa .ea. cndnge ofvatues.
0f perllaps lust a passinq trend? a heart-to-heart b stronger c second
d between e silent f however

@ Přečtěte ,i text. Vyberte z názvú A-D ten, který

nejpři|éhavěji vyjadřuje hIavní myš|enku textu.
Vysvět|ete, proč se ostatní názvy nehodí.
Good and bad sides of living in a big city
' Useless survey that cost a fortune
' Sensational results of Birmingham survey
Big city fans don't care about traffic jams
l-,,!ow to spend public money on not surprising at all. To many people, and trouble. They don't like competition.
I lsomethinq that makes no sense? living in a big urban centre is important and they simply hate the fact that in rnrs
The best idea is a survey like the one because there are so many professional kind oí place you,re never a|one. A|| in
which was carried out in Birmjngham and cultural opportunities there. As a all, the survey brings obvious, if not
last week. They decided to find out what Íesu|t, they Iike everything about it: the predictable answers. It's a shame that
people thought abour living in a big crowds, the noise, even the traffic jams. such an unnecessary initiative cost over
city' The resu|ts oí the survey are... wett, But to others, a big city means only stress ten thousand pounds. .

Will they try to interpret the results

VÝsĚn zvíce, možnosrí(Mulrlnle cxotce)

Při úkolu typu multiple choice, během něhož
vybíráte jednu správnou odpověďz předIožených
možnost| musíte vy|oučit tři nesprávné možnosti
a vybrat tu správnou, která obsahuje informace
v souIadu s textem. Ityto nesprávné odpovědi PAST IS UNDER
mohou obsahovat sIova nebo sIovníspojení,která
se v textu také objevují. Proto je velmi důležité,
abyste dobře porozuměli tomu, co je obsahem
každéodpovědi, a při výběru té správné nevycházeIi
jenom z jednot|ivých slov' Snažte se zaměřit na hIavní l ATFR -oDAY THl- C|TY oT VULBERRY WILL CtI A \|ý'
myš|enku textu a odlišit ji od informací, které nejsou
Q Přečtěte si text o novém muzeu pod zemí OF THE LOCAL UNIVERSITY THESE STRUCTURES WERE ABOUT
a vyberte ke každévětě 1-6 dokončeníz nabídky SIX HUNDRED YEARS OLD. THE C]TY COUNCIL DECIDED TO
A-D, které se významově nejvíce shoduje KEEP ALL OF THEM, BUT AT THE SAME TIME, BUILD THE
s informací z t€xtu.
The new exhibition in the city of Mulberry
The museum will have the same opening hours
A has just opened. as the bank, so it will be only possible to visit it
B started by accident. from Monday to FÍiday' 9a.m.-6p.m.. To see the
z C is next to the bank. exhibition, people will first go into the bank, then
F D is very modern. turn right and go downstairs. The underground
lf you want to visit the museum, you
museum has three large rooms. Its main part is a
reconstruction of a fragment of the Medieval city
A can do it every day.
of Mulberry. And by the \\.ay, visitors doťt need
B have to enter the bank.
to pay án),.thing.
o C need to climb the stairs.
D must buy a ticket. The exhibition has some interesting points. For
example, it's fascinating to check in detail how
z The exhibition makes it possible to understand
A how modern the Medieval building technique wal
houses in the Middle Ages were built. Techniques
and materials used at that time were rather
B why it wasn't nice to live in a Medieval house. primitive, but the house looks quite comfortable.
C why Medieval city walls were so small. And the city wall seems now so small - itš strange
D how the world has changed since the Middle Ages. to think that once it was big enough to protect the
city against its enemies.
According to the text,
Together with the structures, the workers found
A there is nothing unusual aboutold pots and coins.
a lot of everyday objects. Apart from the tlpical
B some objects are more interesting than
collection of old pots and coins that you can
children! toys.
see in mány museums of the world, there are
C childrent toys are more interesting than
certain things that are mole unusual: childrenš
toys or beautiful ornaments. Probably the most
D the board isn't as old as other ohiert s in the
extraordinary object in the exhibition is a small
wooden board with a text which looks like a
The exhibition in Mulberry is especially shopping listl
interesting because it presents The exhibition in Mulberry, which will open
A new objects that have just been found. todáy in the afternoon, will certainly become one
B contrasts in Medieval life. ofthe most attractive points ofinterest for tourists
C the past and the present. as well as local people. It's extremely interesting,
D a cash machine in the Medieval street. full of original objects, and very well organised.
But there is one more attractive thing about it.
The main aim of this text is to
The museum is located under the bank, and this
A inform the reader shows the contrast between the old and the new
B warn the reader. in the best possible way. Just go there on a busy
C make fun. Monday, walk along the Medieval street and listen
D criticise. to the cash machines upstairs - the rhyhm of
contemporary life.
Q Přečtěte si znovu text a otázky ke cvičení1.
Které strategie ze str. 17- l8 vám pomoh|y správně

VÝaĚn zvíce ruožruosrí:rnÁrrÉTEXTY
(Mulrlrlr cHolcE: suonr rexrs)
Tento typ úkolu ;e podobný předchozímu tím, že opět uváděny v češtině,stejně jako výběr odpovědí (kromě
vybíráte nejlepší možnost ze čtyíV tomto případě piípadů, kdy se
o nadpisy ukázekl. To znamená,
1sou ale texry krátké a ke každému je pouze jedna ze,de o pochopení terru jako celku _ toho, co text
otázka. obvykIe je to otázka, která se váže k hlavní sděluje - o porozuměníjeho h|avní myš|ence. Během
myšlence textu. Možná bude vaším úkolem vybrat čteníseptejte: O čem textje? Proč by| napsán? Co se
titu|ek k textu, nebo rozhodnout, za jakým úie|em by| snaŽi řešit? Co je v textu nejzajímavéišíhoi
napsán, případně popsat autorovy pocity. otázky jsou
N ,R
Q Rřečtěte- si krátké výchozí texty a ú|ohy 1 a 2. Na zák|adě informací
z textu vyberte k ú|oze 1 a 2 nejvhodnější
a|t€rnatiVu A-D.
::i.:.':'a ' NEWS ::t:;:.:-:;

A-youth will rgo on triol lodoy in Alobomo occused

's oÍ murder. l{ {ound guilty, he could {oce 2 ]ife
mpr'sonrrenl o. he deo+n perolry. fris defence,s Který z nadpisů se nej|éPe hodí k textu?
.hot o video gome,
e Grond ThefŤ AuŤo, mode him do A Policista zabiI osmnáctiIetého chIapce
o i1... Devin Moore, JB, wos being quesiioned obout B Videoh ry nyniješté popu|arnéjší
o stolen cor when he iook o policemon,s gun ond C osmnáctiletý
shot him in the heod' BeÍore escoping in ě po|ice
zIočinec inspirovaný videohrami óm
a D Ve|ký útěk
cor, he ki||ed ŤWo more policemen. W-hen copiured,
ne soid,'Life is like o vjdeo gome. you hove to die
go on tria] - jít před soud o
r ife imprisonmenr rrest odněrísvobody na doživorí

leo/L tditoil,
oltrr',titing to eÍp]Less [t9 conceJtl,t obo{,(t tlLe situotio( z
b.|o'.4 i"";9lo,(i !.0M.i]:es
out '.'q. Í 5'"aiJ '
..r0,rLS'o^0 -+. 0S Or O nu aiJ6.
- L.f0'O,r' fN;l]d\p,r o0re,\ do ,ior qpe0p trgrjsn ,tAen,hrq Čímje písate| znepokojen?
:lriue' 'lLs o,tesu0t. tfte9 oolt not do r','e|,l| ot scftoo0 oň Tím, že v jeho městě:
.l,te exo0,uded bq tl|ei[ c0,ossuot€s' Lost ueeb I sou sor,te A děti ve škole neprospívajídobře.
n10j'p. ;n lpjg|bou"í]ooo aa.9|i,9 ot av -A-ia,' |lot,
'íl,, B má mnoho rodin prob|émy.
,eCouse oh ocoert.
)etf.ops tfte 'i,S
C je s některými dětmi špatně zacházeno.
citg cou0d orgonise tngl.isft 0,oltgucrge cou,tse D není dostatek jazykových kurzů.
Ťo[ ik'tl4.i9,tor,tt cí'ii|,dten. ,\,4oreoLret, r.'e coul'd o0'0 ie0p og
1iscussii,Lg^ tÍte situotioi'! il4 ou,t
o b0ni0ies ortd te!,0,iltg ou,t

ril.'i0,d,Ler rftot im'tig,tont gi,t0s o;d bous need tfieirL [e[p to
;' Jor,los korrosel2
.s Q nodívejte se na k|íčke cvičení1. Které strategie vám pomoh|y správně odpovědět?


PŘlŘazovÁNí (Mmcxlruc)
Při řešenítohoto úkolu máte přečíst pět krátkých zkontroIovaIi, zda věc či služba, kterou jednot|ivým
charakteristik osob a přiřadit ie k šesti textům, které osobám přiřazujete, opravdu souhIasí s veškerými
popisujívýrobky nebo sIužby, které si dané osoby charakteristikami dané osoby. NehIedejte v
chtějí koupit. Můžejít např. o zajištění ubytování přiřazovaných textech stejná sIova nebo s|ovníspojení,
v hote|u, výběr dovoIené, přih|ášku na kurz, koupi jako ostatně i v da|šíchpodobných úlohách, aIe
knihy nebo návštěvu muzea. Řešeníúko|u vyžaduje, odpovídajícímyš|enky a informace, které mohou být
abyste si nejprve peč|ivě přečetli všechny texty a pak vyjádřeny nějakým opisem.

o Pět osob (1-5) si v knihkupectví vybírá knihu. Přečtěte si jejich stručnou charakteristiku, a pak i šest recenzí
A-F. Rozhodněte, která kniha by byIa pro každého z kupujících nejvhodnější'

Chris is a student. He
very interested in travelling and extreme experiences. He
likes reading true stories of peopIe who did something uňusuaI and dangerous.

lsabella is a business woman. She works a lot and hasn't got much free time. She
likes short stories, because she can finish them quickly. She would like to read
some really interesting and unusual ones.

Karl travels a lot on business. He would like an exciting book thar is not very
serious or difEcult so he can read it on trains and planes. He enjoys detective
novels set in real places.

Elena is an art teacher from Prague. She likes reading interestingly written true
stories about the lives of famous people from history, especially great women.

Tereza works as a DJ on the radio. She enjoys stories about ordinary people and
especially about their love lives. She would like to buy something light'hearted
and amusing.

Q znovu se podíveite na strategie uvedené na začátku této kapito|y (str. 17-18). Promys|ete, jaké dalšírady byste
moh|i dát těm, kteří se připravují ke zkoušce . k části čtení.Napište dvě rady a porovnejte si je se spolužáky
mezi sebou,

B00líRlI|ltW.- j

A B00K ř0R EUtRYo]{t!

This is our selection of perfect summertime books. Read the reviews and choose
the book that suits your taste!

A I Charles Nicholl ll I oavid Starkev

Leonardo Da Vinci:
- The Flights oJ the Mind
- Elizabeth
In this fascinating new biography, historian
This beautifully written book is an excellent David Starkey focuses on the difficult early
introduction to the life and times of the great years of the life of Queen Elizabeth l. His
painter and inventor Leonardo da Vinci. lt narratjve gives the reader an insight into the
describes his personal life as well as his artistic great monarchi character and relationships
achievements. Recommended for anyone with as well as historic events. The book reads like
an interest in Da Vinci, Renaissance arr or just a a historical thriller.
good biography.


B I Ernest Shackleton t lRoald Dahl

South Totes oJ the Unexpected
- -
In 1915, explorer Ernest Shackleton with 27 The secret of Roald Dahli success is a mix of 7
men set out to cross Antarctica on foot. After great storytelling, sometimes macabre sense of
their ship was crushed by ice, he had to frnd humour and completely unexpected endings.
a way of rescuing his crew from the frozen Each of the short stories in this great collection
Antarctic wilderness. ln this book, Shackleton will keep you hooked from the beginning to
himself tells the story of the 20-month the end. I
batt|e íor surviva| and the amazing rescue' n

G I lan Rankin Nick Hornby

L"t lt Bleed High Fidelity
Another story about the well-known inspector Rob, the owner of a vinyl record store in
John Rebus starts with a car chase through London, is obsessed with creating'top frve'
the streets of Edinburgh on a winter night. lists of everything. After his girlfriend Laura
This is not the pretty Edinburgh known to leaves him, he goes through his 'top frve'failed
touristt but a city with poverty, crime and relationships, trying to understand what he's
corruption. Politicians try to stop Rebus from doing wrong. Wildly funny and sometimes
investigating a mysterious death. Dark, thrilling serious, this is a novel about men, women,
and unpredictable, this novel will hold your relationships, and the love of pop musrc!
attention from start to finish.


Pnnvon/ ru epRAvDA (Tnur/Fnrse)
Tento tyP otázek můžebýt dosti zá|udný a vyžadýe

procvičování.M usíte vždy vycházet z informací
v textu, nikoIi z vašich vlastních zkušeností nebo znaIostí'
Dříve než se rozhodnete zda je výrok pravdivý nebo

nepravdivý mě|i byste se zeptat : ,,Říká se V textu že je
to pravda, nebo se naopak v textu tvrdí že to pravda
není?.. Podívejme se na násIedujícípřík|ad.Dejme
tomu, že vašívelkou zá|ibou jsou automobiIy a součástí
zkoušky,je náhodou také text o vašem ob|íbeném autě,
kde 'je uvedeno' že toto auto je Ve|mi rych|é. Zkušební l\lowADAYS tT tS VERY |MPORTA\T TO Bt YOUNG. LOOK
otázka je formuIována jako výrok,,This car has the top OF MAGAZINES AND lN THE ADs ON TV; SWITCH ON THE RADIO,
speed of 250 km/h.', Víte, že tato skutečnost můžebýt AND YOU WILL HEAR MUSIC WHICH YOUNG PEOPLE ADoRE; Go
pravda, ale bylo to takto doslova uvedeno v textu? Ne, SHOPPING, AND YOU WILL FIND ALL SHOPS PACKED WITH ITEMS
nebyIo. Pak tedy správná odpověďzní: nepravda.
E.''mřf,íÍtÍítí!'r YOUNG'?

Q Rřečtěte si text o tom, jakje důležitébýt m|adý.

First of all, let's remember that this cult of vouth
Rozhodněte' zda jsou věty 1-6 pravdivé (P) nebo
nepravdivé (N). didn't start so long ago. Before the revolutionary
changes in society and culture of the 1960s, it was
1 ln shops, there aren't many things for p N exactly the opposite: when you were a teenager,
young people to buy. you only wanted to become an adult, and to iook
.Ž 2 People began to change their opinion p N like an adult, too. lt's also important to remember
t- about young people in the
that in many cultures even today there is a lot
'L, 3 The more experienced you are, the fewer p N oÍ respect for the elder|y. Such people are we||-
inhibitions you have. experienced and can always give you a precious
4 Becoming well-educated isn't difficult but p r'l
piece of advice.
it can be expensive. When people are young, they are usually energetic
o 5 Most young people don't suffer from the p N and bold: they can work for longer periods of time
N stress of modern life. and they are ready to take risks. As they still haven't
z 6 The text gives particular suggestions how p N had much experience, they don't have many
rnhibitions, which means that there aren't many
E to help young people.
things to stand in their way. Young people have
also got potential - they still have time to develop
Q Rodívejte se na klíčke cvičení1. Znovu si přečtěte
in many different Ways' Because oí that, emp|oying
text i otázky. Kt€ré strategie ze str. í 7-18 vám
pomohly správně odpovědět? young people can be a good investment.
On the other hand, being young doesn't
automatically mean you're always happy. There is
a lot of competition in society nowadays, which
starts even when you're in school. Getting a good
education isn't easy and can cost a lot oÍ money.
Next. you have to look for a good job. In spite
of the fact that so many employers prefer young
people, jobs aren't just waiting for you. And even if
you.find one, it is often only for a very short period
oT Ttme.

Statistics show that the heavy burden of the stress

of modern |iÍe on young peop|e can sometimes
bring them a lot of suf{ering. Most of them can
cope with problems very well, but some others
break down and lose all hope. lf we don't want
this to happen, something must be done.
We live in a world in which being young is almost
like a religion. so it is our responsibility to offer
help to those to whom being young is definitely
too young.

lNFoRMAcE o zKoUšcE
Q Rřečtěte si násIedující věty' Zkust€ odhadnout,
]azyková kompetence je da|šíčástímaturitní zkoušky která sIova ve větách scházejí' Výrazy napsané
a obsahuje jediný typ zkušebníú|ohy - výběr odpovědí tučným písmem by vám mě|y pomoci.
z více možností. Tato část má za úkoI ověřit vaše .l
schopnosti správně používatsIovnízásobu a mIuvnici.
The kids _ playing football in the srreet
when the accident haooened.
]aZyková kompetence se samozřejmě promítá do všech
OK iečových dovedností, které se ověřují také v ostatních 2 lgave him interesting book for his
Částech zkoušky. Tam je však posuzována spíšenepřímo birthday.
:o a př! hodnocenínení hlavním hIediskem. V této části 3 lim was _ housework when he heard the
VS zkoušky se však přímo ověřuje, jak přesně dovedete news on the radio.
!G azykové prostředky používat' the fact Lhat they losr the Érst rhree
games, Manchester United went on to win the
VÝeĚn zvícl MožNosTí Our car broke _ on the motorway near
th ZroušrovÉSrRRrEctE She really hates to discos with her
ry workmates.
a5 Vaším úkolem bude přečístsi neúplný text a dop|nit My neighbours' car _ stolen from the
chybějícís|ova. Pro každou mezeru budete mít na parking lot yesterday.
vý6ěr ze tií rŮzných možnostíA_C, a|e jen jedna z nich Mark _ drive us to the party ronight; hjs
je správná. Vhodná odpověďmusído věty logicky parents allowed him to take their car.
ot zapadat a odpovídat ce|ému kontextu, a zároveň musí He is a very trustworthy personj you can always
být správná igramaticky a Iexiká|ně' rely _ him.
Důvodů, proč je odpověd,chybná' můžebýt někoIik: 10 The book _ they recommended ro me
. význam věty je nesprávný was actually very good.
:lc . mIuvnický tvar není správný (např špatný čas),
' zvo|ený výraz nevytváří správné sIovníspojeníse sIovem @ Přečtěte si znovu věty ze cvičeníl. Do každé
t't či s|ovy předcházejícími nebo nás|edujícími v textu. mezery 1-10 vyberte 5právnou alternativu A-c.
Nepropade'jte panice, když se v textu setkáte se slovy
1y 'l A was B are c were
nebo frázemi, které neznáte. Nezastavujte se u nich
pří|iš dIouho, protože většinou není třeba.znát každé 2Aan B the c a
jednotIivé sIovo k tomu, abyste úko| úspěšněspIniIi. 3 A making B preparing c doing
rg 4 A Though B Despite c HOWeVer
5 A down B up c away
t't 6A go In8 B to go c go
is 7A nao B was c were
:h 8A should B can c must
rd 9A on Bof c to
104 what B who c that
r9 Q N" 1"ké g."-utické/lexiká|ní jevy by|yjednot|ivé
if otázky ve cvičeních l a 2 zaměřené? Přiřadte
rd nás|edujícíjevy A-J k otázkám 1-1o.
A dependent preposition
B article
C lin king word
In D modal verb
E phrasal verb
nt F relative pronoun
G verb + noun collocation
H passive voice
I past tense
ry J verb pattern


@ Rřečtěte si příběh a rozhodněte, jaký s|ovní druh

ve větě chybí. Pomohou vám vyznačená sIova.
Q nřečtěte si nás|edující příběh o vý|etu s překvapením.
Exam ple l: relalrve oraioun
Chybějícís|ova v textu 1_10 dop|ňte nejvhodnější
a|ternativou z daných možnostíA-C.
I grew up in a small town called Yorksville, just

outside of Boston. lt is one of those average places

you sometimes see in the movies: a bit dull but

quiet and peaceful at the same time. lclearly
remember the people'_ lived in my street
- the nicest folks you can imagine.
I had a lot of friends there and I enjoyed '

with them after school, With my best friend Tom, we
would read comics all the time and secretly listen
CDs from my dad! collection.
was never much of an athlete. I mean, I tried to
some exercise at least once a week to
keep fit, so I started jogging but I was too lazy and
\ledne'd:r1. Mal JJ. T got _ at -l:i0 r.rn.
LlJ gave it up in Lhe end. Besides, Yorksville 5 fin
\-.,f rfrer fire hoLrrr oIsJeep and uoke up m] S-yei'r-
z be very windy in winter, and jogging in this kind of
old son. r_ was sleeping beside me. He had no idea
Ě weather is no pleasure at all, believe me.
c- We 6- living in a small frat when my that I was lakjng him to Athens to see the Champions
brother was born. We all needed more space, League Final. It was supposed to be his birthday
= so my parents decided to move to' surprise. The night before I r_ him that we were
detached house. My father found a great place in going somervhere to get his birthday present, so he did
not object to being woken up in'_ middle of the
the suburbs, and decided to buy it even o j_.
)Z it was in poor condition. He renovated the house night. problems started whcn we arrived "_
with the help of his friends and made it look as the airyort. Just as rve rvere boarding the plane
N I realised that I had forgotten the tickets for the
good as new. I remember very well the day we
moved in because I had broken e- with match. I quickly T_ my rvife on n1' mobile but the
Amy, my girlfriend, the day before. tickets were apparently not where I had leti them in
My parents still live there - the town has got bigger the morning. I was still rvhispering on the phone (not
now and it is not so quiet anymore. A few modern to spoil the surprise for Mark) when the flight
housing estates have been built over the years attendant Sternly s- me to switch my mobile oÍT.
What could I do? The plane was taking off at that ycry
and a new shopping mall '0 opened last
moment and we were e_ it, flying to Athens without
z month, so Yorksville is no longer the quiet town it
the tickets. At this point I regretted that I had gone to
used to De.
all the rí) oť organising oul tlip. Just as I was
thinking horv to break the nervs to Mark. I felt
something under my thighs. i reached tbr it and there
Q znovu si přečtěte příběh ze cvičení4.Pokuste s€ were the tickets! They were lying on the seat and I had
been sitting on them all that timc!
odhadnout, jaká sIova jsou v textu vynechána.

@ znovu si přečtěte příběh ze cvičení4. Do mezer

V t€xtu 1- 1o Vyberte správný výraz A-C. 1A up Bon C out
'I A who
2A which B who C when
B what L Wn tcn have told B was telling C had told
2A playing B play c ro play 4A a b tne
JAON BA Cto 5A Although B Despite C However
4A make B prepare Cdo B in Con
5A should B can C must 7A called B had called C was calling
6Ahad B was C were 8A said B told C informed
7 AA B the 9A on Bat C in
8 A though B despite C however 10 A ProD rem B difficulty C trouble
9 A down B up C away
10 A had B been C was

@ Zkontro|ujte své odpovědi v k|íči.odhadIi jste je


tm. INFoRMACE o zKoUšcE o krátký s|ohový útvar, a nenítřeba v něm vyjadřovat
vIastní názor, což by zřejmě vyžadovaIo více času na
Písemná maturitní práce zahrnuje dvě části a na jejich
přemýš|ení. Většíčástz časového Iimitu 60 minut si
vypracování budete mít 60 minut. Cást A představuje ponechte na úko| B.
kratšía jednoduššítext, zatímco V části B budete mít Za
To, že můžete používats|ovník, vám můžeúko| usnadnit,
úkoI napsat de|šís|ohový útvar a vyjádřit svůj názor na
aIe rozhodně neztrácejte zbytečně mnoho času
dané téma. Toto je jediná část maturitní zkoušky, při které
vyhIedáváním neznámých sIov. Až budete čístzadání,
je povoIeno používatsIovníky.
snažte se soustředit na to, co skutečně potřebujete.
(Ptejte se sami sebe:,,Musím tohle slovo opravdu znát?,,)
Rozvnžet.tí člsu SIovník při psaní používejte s rozvahou a nová sIova voIte
jen tehdy, jestliže si mys|íte, že budou užita ve správném
Podobně jako u ostatních částímaturitnízkoušky
(samozřejmě s výjimkou posIechu), zá|ežíjenna vás, kontextu. Nejste-|i si zcela jisti, je lépe vyjádřit se v|astními
v jakém pořadí se rozhodnete úkoly zpracovat' V tomto
s|ovy. Na závěr si nezapomeňte nechat čas na přečtení
případě je jistě rozumné začíts úko|em A' Jedná se práce a případné opravy'

KnÁrxÝ TExT . ZrouŠxovÉsTRATEcIE

1 DRUH TEXTU + PečltvĚ črĚre ZADÁNí A po|<yNY

V prvníčástizkoušky (text A) budete mít za úko| Pokyny ke každémuúkolu obsahují informace
napsat krátký praktický slohový útvar, jako je o tom, o jaký typ textu se jedná, a také uvádějí da|ší
napřík|ad vzkaz, pohIednice, oznámení nebo pozvání souvislosti a myš|enky, které máte do své práce
; ta[ aby byl v souladu s běžnými pravid|y výstavby zahrnout (obvyk|e se jedná o tř! dop|ňujícíúdaje).
takového druhu textu. Zároveň je třeba, abyste Přečtéte si nás|edující přík|ad:
používa|i s|ovní zásobu, která je v daném kontextu
přirozená. Vždy si pozorně přečtěte pokyny, protože j
Úko| n
v nich najdete všechny nezbytné informace o tom,
Jste na Ietním jazykovém kurzu v Brightonu..|uan,
rt n
o jaký druh slohového útvaru se jedná.
Lt jeden z vašich spolužáků,vám pos|al následující
zprávu a chtě| by vědět, zda máte zájem jít spo|u
v 2 DÉLKA sloHovÉgo Úrvlnu s ním v pátek na uvedený fi|m. 'i

Born i n poverty, Ernj e Dav js Rob

o Váš text by mě| být v rozsahu 60 až 70 slov. U tohoto n
s typu úkolu neztrácíte body za to, že překročítedaný Brown ) overcomes many obstacl es to get
tt rozsah textu, ale pokyny jsou formulovány ta[ abyste i nto Syracuse Uni versj ty's footbal I
e nemuseli psát více než 70 s|ov. Naopak, naPíšete' prograÍn. Under the gUj danCe of Codch Ben
d li méně, určitý počet bodů dm ztraťíte.Měite na Sch!,/artzwalder (Dennis Quaid), he becomes
paměti, že je Iepšínapsat si text nejprve nanečisto. one of Syracuse's best pl ayers. 1n 1961,
Davi s becomes the fi rst bl ack Dl aver to
Tak si ho můžetezkontroIovat a provést případné
wj n the presti gi ous Hei sman Trophy, but
opravy. Konečná verze vašípráce na zkouškovém there is one more obstac'l e in his Iife
archu pak bude vypadat uspořádaně a úhIedně. thdt he must overcome. . .
0pens at the 0deon on May 10th Rated: PG
3 PoužtrívxooNÝcH JAZYKovÝcH Napište Juanovi e.maiI v rozsahu 6o-70 s|ov, ve
PRosTŘEDKů kterém mu sdě|te nás|edující informace:
. že přijímáte jeho pozvání,
Uvědomte si, že při v|astní zkoušce je pro vás vždy . uygdfg, proč chcete fi|m vidět,
rg lepšípoužívatmIuvnici a slovní zásobu, kterou již . navrhněte možnost zajít si spoIečně před
znáte' než exoerimentovat s novou. Pokud vám začátkem filmu na jíd|o a napište kde a kdy
vyhIedáváníve s|ovníku zabere pří|iš mnoho času, byste se mohli setkat.
ztratíte cenné minuty, které by se vám mohly hodit
E-maiI začněte os|ovenim: Dear Juan,
při psanívlastní práce nebo konceptu.

Nezapomeňte si pozorně přečístce|é zadání. Pokud

napřík|ad zapomenete do své práce zahrnout
některou z uvedených informací, ztratíte při
hodnocení body.

o Přiřadte násIedující sIovní spo|eníA-K
Q Rřečtěte si peč|ivě následující úko| a věnujte
k odpovída.iícíms|ohovým útvarům 1-4. Ke pozornost zejména čtyřem bodům, které uvádějí
každému z těchto útvarůse hodí dvěÍráze,Tii dop|ňující informace. Ke každému z těchto čtyř
možnostijsou uvedeny navíc, a neodpovídají bodů zadání existují dvě možnéodpovědi 1-4.
žádnémuz textů. Vyberte správnou odpověďke každému z nich
a svoji volbu vysvětlete.

Zijete V Edinburgu ve spo|ečném bytě s irským

spoIubydlícím Benem. Očekáváte, že vám
odpoIedne doručíba|íčekz Ceské repubIiky, a|e
invitation musíre odejir z domova dřiv, a nemůžete čekat.
Napište BenoVi vzkaz, ve kterém:
. mu sdě|íte, že odpoledne má dorazit ba|íček,
. mu vysvět|íte, proč nemůžete být doma a sami
A losr sj
ho převzít,
B Dear Sir or Madam
. ho požádáte, aby ba|íčekpřevza| za vás,
C greetings from
. se om|uvíte, že ho tím obtěžujete.
D invite
E ld like to ask for compensation
F your mum called 1A l'm expecring a parcel from the Czech Republic
this afternoon.
6 the weather is awful
ď' H black, size 15x25 cm
B They may send me a parcel from the Czech
Č. Republic today.
I for more information
z J contactJoe as soon as possible
2A I can't come home because I have to go to the

ě K
I believe l'm the right candidare
.9 B I won't be here because I have to go to the doctor.
3 A Please ask them to bring the parcel tomorrow.
Q Přečtěte si zkušebníú|ohu. Z možnostíA-G
B Could you take the parcel for me?
vyberte větý které nej|épe vyjadřují souvisIosti
a myš|enky obsaženév ú|oze. Uvedte je ve ste.iném
4 A Hope it's not a problem for you.
pořadí, v jakém jsou body zadání 1-3. B Sorry you're in trouble.

školnímvý|etě v horách. Napište svému

'|ste na Q Rřečtěte si začátek zadání zkušebníú|ohy a níže
uvedenou ukázku, jak je možné ú|ohu vypracovat.
z velšskému kamarádovi pohIednici, ve které mu:
. sdělíte, kde právě jste, Na zák|adě této ukázky dopište čtyři dop|ňkové
Itl . vysvětlíte, proč se vám výlet |íbí(nebo ne|íbí), informace do zbývajícíčásti zadání'
. napíšeteo svých p|ánech na da|šíden.
Jste účastníkemkonference m|ádeže v New Yorku.
Včera jste ztratiI bundu někde v areá|u koIeje, kde
A lti my 6rst day at rhe seaside.
jste ubytovaní. Napište krátké oznámení, které
B l'll email you when I get back next weekend.
vyvěsíte v recepci, a ve kterém:
C I don't like this trip because it's raining all the

D Tomorrow me and my family are going to do
some climbing.
E l'm sitting in the tent with rwo other guys.
F Our plans for the next two days are still not
G lf it is fine tomorroW we may finally climb some

t l- 'r- -r Lost yesterdar. on tl:

naq/ blue with a
passport inside - impor::...

PonleorutcE (posrceno)
ll zAčÁTEK TExTU PoHLEDNIcE Dorazy unčrruÉnonesÁrovt
'Dear Susan, , How about your holidays?
Hi Peter, .l hope you're fne
. I
Kor s: rulcgÁzÍrt hope you're having a great time
' How's your summer/holiclay?
' l'm in Rome
.l'm spending my holiday at the seaside Zaroručrruí rrxru PoH LEDN IcE
. l've just
arrived at the airport ,All the best
' l,m going to stay here
Íor two Weeks , Best wishes
Co znovrul oĚlÁrt .
See you soon
' Every day there are many things to do , XXX (Kisses)
' l'm (very) busy every day
there are morning/evening activities
'We climb mountains/visit places oÍ interest
JlxÉ 1r nočnsí Účastníte se Ietního kurzu angličtiny na škoIe
lic v DubIinu' Napište pohIednici svému příteIi do
' lh e w eath er is p retty good /ftne / awJul /h orribl e
It'sraining/snowing Austrá|ie a V textu:
It\ sunny/cold most oÍ the time . VysvětIete, kde práVě jste, It

]lx st círírt ' popište dvě typické činnosti, kterým se každý den
I enjoy it/l'm having a great time . napište, co se vám na kurzu nejvíc |íbí.
!or. l'm gl a d / h appy / dkap p oi nted beca use...
' It's my best/worst holiday/stay abroad ever
l'm enjoying/hating every minute oJ it


MůžETE použíT

|,m here in Dub|in on a summeř |anguage course. i

|,m very busy every day. We have íour Ianguage i
VoliME NEFoRMÁtNí sTY!' classes every day. There are also evening activities; :
\A ZAčíŤKUI NÁ (oNc|
ŤExTU poUŽuTE HovoRoVÉ for example, lrish dancing. The weather! <................
rather hořribIe. Just řain most ofthe time.
l'm enjoying the course because there are so many srovesa) můžtrevvltcuer
peopIe írom aIl over the wor|dI gv MĚu gÝr srnuč!lÁ.

How about your holiday? I hope you're having

a great time, too.



LgrÁx/ u pourÁvxn (Announcsmtnr)

ZnčÁrrx rrxru UPoUTÁVKY INFoRMACE o oDMĚltÁcx n Ilr'rÝcH poeíorÁcH
pno Účnsrruíry
.Ihe prizes tnclude... t'ree passes to the National Museum
'Announcement! ,7he winner will receive... (a medal ltrophy I cup)
,We're happy/pleased to announce a competition to find
an expert on the Czech RePublic.
'Special attractions include... (a Jree tuise on the river/
a one'day ticket to the National Museum
PoPls DÁLosTt/AKcE poonr
VysvĚrLsÍ.jí, pŘt xrÁšx-
We're happy/pleased to announce.. 'nx
urnam l
'To sign up, contact lohn
a c om pe tiri on l c ont P sL / ťo e n

'a meetingto elect our representative to the School Council

'lÍ you are interested in joining us, call 1ohn on 23443223
, IJ you would like to take part in this tournament, contact
,a party to celebrate the end oÍ the school year
Peter, in 3A
'an exhibition to show the best paintings by our school
Poorvríruxy Účasrt @
, lÍ you are interested ln..' V rámci programu mezinárodní studentské výměny
.Ýou must be eighteen years old/have some experience of.'. navštívívaši třídu skupina anglických studentů.
'To take part, you need to know something about.. Připravujete Pro ně Vědomostnítest o Ceské republice.
. To sign up, contact.. Napište upoutávku, Ve které:
É, . popíšete' o jakou akci se jedná,
VYzvÁruí x Účnsrt
. uvedete, co je k účastina akci třeba,
z .Come on, don,t be aÍraidlit\ not dfficult/it,s easy! . poskytnete informace o cenách pro soutěžící,
'Why don't you come and ffieet interesting people/see . vysvětlíte, jak se Ize do soutěže přih|ásit'
= great thtngs
.? . Come and tell us what You think


We're pleased to announce

a competition
to find an expert on the Czech Republic'

To take Part,
osslžrNÉv zloÁNí.
'''''''! >

You need to know something

about Czech history and geography.
Come on, it's not so difficult!
The orizes include
free passes to major tourist attractions
in Prague and albums about the Czech Republic.
|Í you're interested, contact
Jiri in Room 12,
2"d Í|oor, on Monday, 12a'm'-1p.m.

PozvÁru ra (lrvvlrerlorv)

ZlčÁrtx rrxru pozvÁtrtxy Mísro xor.rÁní
'lnvitation 'The party will take place in/at,..
1 'l'm organising.. 'To get there, take the bus and get oÍ at the third stop
,ld like to invite you ,When you get
to... there, fnd apartment no. 6
'We are holding.. ZaxoručeruípozvÁrury
o JÁKoU AKct/PŘíležtrosr st . you!
'a bkthday partylpicnic by the river/exhibition oJ my , I
hope to see you!
photographs ' Please let me know iJ you can't come
'a party to celebrate/mark..' (my birthday/the beginning oÍ
ct holidays)
DonlŇu1ící lru ronrrrncr o oslavĚ/vrčínxu
,lÍyou Want, you can bring a
Jriend Během pobytu v San Franciscu sIavíte narozeniny.
' You are welcome to... Chystáte se uspořádat osIavu pro skupinu svých
' Come with a Jriend amerických přáte|. Napište pozvánku, ve které:
,Take your
Javourite music with you . oznámíte datum a čas konáníos|avy,
'Come on time because... . sdělíte přáte|ům' že si s sebou mohou přivést ještě
jednu da|šíosobu, l.t
. vysvět|íte' jak se dostanou na místo, kde bude



Please come to a party

to celebrate birthday.
The party will start at 8 p.m.
on Saturday, 2 3'd August.
PožADovÁNÉ|NFoRMAcE You are welcome to brÍng a friend,
The party \'vill take place in the Golden Rose
pub, at the corner of Edelberry Avenue and
Rose Road.

To get there, take bus 112

from the High Street
and get off at the fifth stop.
See you!

ZpaÁvalvzKAz (Nore)

7ačÁtex vzxazu Znxončrruí vzxnzu
,Hi Matt/Susan . Sorry!/Sorry about... (thqt/thk problem)
' See you!/See you... (back home/at 6 then)
Pnoč vzxnz píštre
. th ank y ou a nks / Ch eer s
. l've just received/got... (news/inJormation /a call) that...
,Your motherlboss has just called to say that...
' l,m not sure iÍ you remember about',.
, lA like to remind you that... 'i?llttliTnÍ'řlltl
Vaši ang|ičtípřáte|é, se kterými trávíte prázdniny
ZoůnnzruĚruí runlÉHlvosrt
na horách, odeš|i nakupovat. Mezitím dostanete
, My mobile has stopped working dů|ežitou zprávu, abyste okamžitě od1eli kvů|i
,1hey're waitingJor your call, so... na|éhavé zá|ežitosti, a musíte změnit své dosavadní
' I have to leave right nowlcall them back as soon as plány. Napište svým přátelům vzkaz, ve kterém jim
possible/leave a message at once vysvět|íte:
Popts ztr'tĚtv, xrenÉ st vyžÁonll ruovÁ sttuace . jakou zprávu jste právě dostaIi,
. proč musíte tak náh|e odjet,
' I'm aJraid l'll have to... . jakým způsobem musíte změnit svoje p|ány,
, As a result, I need to go back to town/instead oJ staying . kde se s nimi později setkáte.
herefor longer
É' 'I have to leave now, so there'll be no titre to say goodbye
Způsos, lnx se pozoĚ|t sgrrnr
, Let's meet..
. Let's talk about..
' l'll call you later today at 6
. I hope to see you at/in...


E vzKAz !ÉooBR.zAčíÍ
Í?ý:gP.E.ryl..............'...... Derek and Harry

I've iust got news from home that my brother has had
PíšEŤE-uPŘíÍELI, :...
oBvYKrE PoUžívÁTÉ :

NÉFoRMÁ!Ní an accident. My mobile stopped working in the middle of my

PRosTŘEokY conversation with Mum, so I have to go out right now and find a place
(NAPŘ. sLovEsA) where ! can talk to her for longer. I may be out for some time, so
mŮžere vyt.tecgar i
|'m aíraid we have to drop the idea of going on the trip today.

Let's meet at the Tourist Internet Caíéat l 0 and discuss other


Sorry about that!


DelšíTExT . ZxoušxovÉsTR,ATECIE


V části B budete mít za úkol napsat delší praktický Vaše práce musí zahrnovat všechny nezbytné
s|ohový útvar, jakým je neformá|ní dopis (např příte|i) informace obsaženév zadání a zároyeň musísp|ňovat
nebo dopis formální (napřík|ad dotaz nebo žádost formální ná|ežitosti požadovaného typu textu:
o zaměstnání) ta[ aby byl v souladu s běžnými . Váš dopis musísp|ňovat 5 h|avních zásad správné
pravid|y výstavby takového druhu textu. Dá|e je také
výstavby textu, což znamená, že musí obsahovat:
třeba, abyste používa|is|ovní zásobu, která je v daném
kontextu přirozená. Vždy si pozorně přečtěte zadání l vhodný začátek,
a pokyny, protože v nich najdete všechny nezbytné 2 úvod, ve kterém vysvět|íte úče|dopisu,
informace, o jaký druh sIohového útvaru se jedná' 3 jeden nebo více odstavců, které obsahují
informace a myš|enky zadání,
2 PEČL|VĚ ČrĚrr znoÁruí a PoKYNY 4 závěrečný odstavec, ve kterém shrnete obsah
Pokyny ke každémuúkoIu obsahují informace 5 vhodný závěr.
o tom, o 1aký typ textu se jedná, a také uvádějí další třeba, aby text byl vhodně a logicky uspořádán;
. Je
souvis|osti a myš|enky, které máte do své práce myš|enky by mě|y být vyjádřeny dostatečně jasně
zahrnout (obvykIe se jedná o tři dop|ňujícíúda1e). a přesně, s použitím vhodných prostředků textové
Přečtěte si násIedu1ící příklad; návaznosti.
. Musí být dodržena požadovaná dé|ka textu, tj.
Úko| B 120-.150 slov.
Chcete si najít prácijako au-pair v Británii. Na Pamatujte si' že napíšete-|ivíce nebo méně slov' neŽ
internetu jste objeviIi násIedující inzerát agentury je daný |imit, můžeteztratit body při posuzování
Au-Pair World a rozhod|ijste se ucházet se o místo
tzv. splnění úkolu, které je jedním z hodnotících
jejím prostřednictvím'
kriterií' Pokud bude váš text kratšínež 50 s|ov
nebude hodnocen vůbec a žádné body za tento
lear ALr Pdi r, úkoI nezískáte. ]e tedy nezbytné vytvořit si postup,
L4e are a f L]n ldÍilJ, livillq near SoL]thdí]p|0n který vám dovo|í dé|ku textu automaticky a účinně
on ihe 5outh coast oí Enqldnd' P.rents Jo]'l kontrolovat.
and Sa.nlr nre trdffic controlle"s
'/ho Wo. k shi fts. Ile both Iike s!orls dnd hdve
Abyste toho dosáhIi, je dobré zkusit:
a hou5e in FTdnce !ťe Vi5jt |egularly. Thomd5' . spočítatsIova obsažená v prvních třech řádcích
\.rho is ejgl]t. j5 Very dr|i5|ic ónd love5
ledrninq. Sdm, on ihe othef hand. js very textu a vydě|it je třemi. Tímto způsobem získáte
acti Ve dId l oVes io pldyl Both dIe ýJel l behdVed představu, ko|ik s|ov se vám v průměru vejde na
(honestlyll) dnd d.e very close to edch otlrer. jeden řádek (např' ]0 )' Toto čís|osi zapamatujte a
|íe reqUire our du Da].r |o trke the children napříště spočítejtePouze to, koIik řádků tvoříváš
to sch!ol on |!ýo davs d Vjeek' 0therVi]'se her
autjes \,/ill incl!de some Iiglrr housevrork .nd text. Vynásobíte-|i toto čísIoprůměrným počtem
babysitting' 5he \rill hdVe d bedroom !ýjth her slov na řádku, získáte ce|kový počet s|ov V textu
oVín bdthroom and plenty of tiÍ]e oífll (např 12 řádků x 10 = 120 s|ov).
If i nteresied , please contact:
i n f o@a.rD d i r!.ro r I d . com . využítvizuální paměť a zapamatovat sj, koIik místa
na stránce zaujímá dopis přísIušné dé|ky (napt.zl3
Napište do agentury e'maiI v rozsahu '|20-t 5o s|oV, na stránce formátu 44). Budete-|i psát da|šídopis,
ve kterém: snažte se vejít do prostorového ohraničení,které si
. sdělíte, kde jste inzerát naš|i' a vyjádříte svůj pamatujete.
zájem o místo,
. uvedete dvě vlastnosti, kt€ré z vás pod|e vašeho Pokud byste chtěli některou z těchto strategií použít
při samotné zkoušce, snažte se ji využítpři psaní
názoru dělají vhodného uchazeče, a zmíníte se
o svých předchozích zkušenostech,
nanečisto. Než budete psát čistopis, mě|i byste si pro
jistotu počet sIov zkontroIovat k|asickým způsobem!
. požádejte o da|ší informace a vysvětlete, proč je
Prostě je spočítat.SpIníte-li všechna uvedená kriteria,
budete moci získat z h|ediska splnění úkolu za svoji
. nabídněte možnost ústníhopohovoru, bude-|i si
práci maximá|ní počet 5 bodů.
to agentura přát.
Svůj e-maiI začněte os|ovením: Dear Sir or Madam,

Nezapomeňte si pozorně přečístce|é zadání. Pokud

napříkIad zapomenete zahrnout některou z jeho
součástídosvé práce, ztratíte při hodnocení body.



PROSTREDKU peopLe Lw the czeoh czpwbLLc
ú"ve wLth theLr
Uvědomte si, že při v|astní zkoušce je pro vás vždy
i,^:',::: " íw
LowgeY Íhaw Parewts for
AvLstraLLa, awd that Ls whu
,"oA u
Iepšípoužívatmluvnici a slovnízásobu, kterou iiž
::rA tra have swch bLg probLevws whe*
znáte, než experimentovat 5 novou. Pokud vám |o ad.aPL to Lífe ow theLr
oww íw
vyhIedávání ve slovníku zabere pří|iš mnoho času, socLetU.
ztratite cenné mjnuty, které by se vám moh|y hodit
při vlastním psaní nebo při Psaníkonceptu.
otheY hawd' there Ls owe ToLwt
Budete-li čí5tsvůj text napsaný nanečisto, a až potom - ow the
B becawse
přepisovat konečnou verzi dopisu na zkouškový arch, | i*i ottf""*t' to accqt' ProbabLg
heYe' tt vs
ziskáte tím dvojímožnost najít a opravit případné ),",* -; Lw e''LroPe, awd
,"|'žiíi,,Á,,1't,*7,l',4 wol
chyby. Pamatujte si, že za správné užitím Iuvnických ao *ot t+wdersta wd.ut'
Prostředků a sIoVnízásoby můžetev této části získat LLtzethvs'
Et',-t there'vs owLy on'e poLnx
až 10 bodťl z 22. Kroměsprávného použitíjazykových
prostředků je hodnocena i jejich rozmanItost a
C t wowder Lf yow're pLawwLwg vwore avtLcLes
bohatost. Při přípravě na zkoušku se učte různé
abov* thLs íssv"e; Lf so, t wouLd. LLk'e to
obraty a slovní spojení (napt, l am writing to ask for
s,LqgeŠta toqLc whLoh vwLght be reaLLg
information.., a I am .a,riting to enquire about.,.)
a syn o n y m ické výr azy (napl start a begin), které LwterestLwq ta vltawg peo1Le, whích Ls |LvLwg
můžete použít k vyjádřenístejné myš|enky. Vyhnete abroad. as a tJav.wg persovv
se opakování' dosáhnete Iepšíúrovně vyjádření
a samozřejmě tak při zkoušce získáte více bodůl w.awg dLfferewoes beb,^leew LLfe
z ŤneYe
t* i,
e3pnbLLo awd, A&stYaLLa. řoY
"=*^ so oLeawheYe| | |L|ze
ó, $ Rozhodněte, které z Vět 1-8 jsou typické Pro , L,i?,
íuef i,a a*aiue k.Lwdwess of t,Ť,,, vt,s a.
formá|ní dopis (F) a které pro neformá|ní (N)'
Promys|ete si, co vám pomohIo je roz|išit. ,,',iá*q^oqi.. |w the czech e.epwb|vc.
1 lr's cool! dL{ferewt storg'
2 | Would Iike to ask íor compensation.
3 Would you believe it? t covwe frovw the czech Ř.tPLbLLc, awd
4 Howevet I do not agree with this point. cwrrewtLtd I avw stagLwg Lw sydn e.g ow a

z 5 | believe I am the right candidate for this job. sohoLarshLP. I haÝe Yead' the aftLoLe whLch
E 6 Pat went home and now she says she wants to aŤ?eared Lw satv'rd'ay,s laper wLth great
UJ come back - isn't it strange? Lv"teyest Lt totaches ow v1,4"awtJ
7 | wonder how auntJane is? cive heí my |ovel uwLversaL Lsswes.
8 I look forward to hearing from you.

, ,Í,
Q nřečtěte si zkušební ú|ohu a nás|edu,iícíodstavce
afLcLes abour tt. t
caw afford to pwbLLsh
A-H. Vyberte ty z nich, které nej|épe vyjadřují ,Ltl}ert a
?:or:t+Lcs, "onLd
informace obsažené v jednot|ivých bodech zadání, lew LLke what vwakes
a dejteje do stejného pořadí, v jakém jsou tyto body
10. :^,o lp a, o, ;:r";';;
uvedeny. Vysvět|ete, proč se zbývající odstavce aow,t
LhLwp gow,LL be Lnřeres;ted.

G I oawwot agYee wLth the otLwLOw
Žijete v 5ydney, kde jste získaIi ročnístipendium.
- |+ovneÝeY,
aYe aLvtatls easA
Včera jste si V místních novinách přečet|i č|ánek tue a*Love that sooLaL sEtLLs
gY)\ý V:P Lw
o situaci mladých Iidí v dnešnímsvětě' S mnohým to Lea1w, beoawse t4owwg peoŤLe
z toho, co by|o v článku uvedeno, nesouhlasíte. ÁLffe,e^t cówte,<ts, avud thís cawtext
'o"Lat \ýaa'
Napište dopis, ve kterém: L^&n,*o, tv^e^,L Lv^, a weqatLÝe
. Vysvětlíte, odkud pocházíte, a uvedete důvod "^^
svého pobytu v Sydney,
. vyjádříte svůj nesouhIas s některými argumenty
U,LY arttoLu howestLt,, |,Ýe
sLv*pLt4 Loved'
wever read awgthLwg LLk e that Lw v,,tg whoLe
v č|ánku a vysvět|íte proč,
. uv'edete jeden rozdí| mezi životy m|adých Iidí LLfe as worvwaLLt4, aLl wewspapers are so
v Ceské repub|ice a V Austrálii a objasníte jeho borLwg, awd Lt was reaLLr4 swrprLsLwg to see
význam, sovwethLwg abol,(t ?e+Le LLW vwyseLft
. budete chtít Z,istit, zda redakčnítýmchystá
da|šíčIánky na podobná témata, a jedno takové
tema navrhnete.
la a 1_ -!L-t

Qt.tá.|"dují.í dopis je ukázkou odpovědi na zkušební Q Rřečtěte si zkušební ú|ohu a koncePt doPi5u.
ú|ohu. Dop|ňte s|ovní spojení A-F do mezer 1-5 Dopis je de|ší,než je požadovaná dé|ka textu.
tak, aby výs|edný text by| logicky a srozumit€|ně Které věty nebo části vět je možnévynechat, aby
uspořádaný. Jedno spojeníje uvedeno navíc a do mě| výsledný text odpovídajícírozsah?
textu se nehodí.
Během pobytu v |rsku vás zaujal inzerát nabízející
krátkodobou práci asistenta v cestovní kance|áři.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Napište dopis, ve kterém:
I am writing to enquire about the mobile phone, . se krátce představíte a vyjádříte zájem
model UNA 8. The phone ' I bought it. In your o nabízenou práci,
letter of 12'h October you '- new phone within
a . vylíčítesvoje odborné zkušenosti a vysvět|íte,
ten days. However, it is now three weeks later, and proč je považujete za přínosné,
the phone has still not arrived. . uvedete dvě svoje vIastnosti a vysvět|íte, proč
jsou podle vás pro tuto práci dů|ežité,
Being rvithout a phone for such a long time is . před|ožíte svoji žádost o dané místo a vyjádříte
making my life impossible because I am currently zá1em přijít k ústnímupohovoru.
lookinq Íor a iob and '-. l am particularl1
disappointed about the lack of information
because if I a-
so 1or.rg, I lvould have bougl.rt
Dear Sir or Madam,
another phone a long time ágo.
I am writing in connection with the Yery
As the matter 5
expect now to receiYe a ne$I
interesting post of assistant in the All Across the
phone together -with letter of apology. I hope it
World Travel Agency.
can be resolved within the next felv days.
I am a nineteen-year old student from the Czech
Yours faithfully,
Republic. I am currently living and studying in
Viktor Hubert Dublin which by the rvay I find very beautiful and
exciting. I am interested in the post as I believe I
am the right person for this job.
A has taken so long
I worked in a travel agency in London for two
B need to be available all the time
months last summel which helped me develop
C was still working very well
many skills that may be useful when rvorking for
D stopped working on the day
you. As a person I am very patient and optimistic.
E had known it would take
I think these two features are very important
F agÍeed to send me
when ,vou n'ork in a travel agency because you
must have patience with customers and when you
' Podivejte se na dopis ze cvičeni 3. Určete, o |aký
are ahvays smiling, they begin liking what you are
informace mě| zahrnovat. trying to sell.
1 Druh dopisu; I would like to add that I am ready to come to an
interview any time you like.
2 |nformace obsažené v zadání k ú|oze:
I hope to hear from you soon,

YouIs faithíully,
Karel Novak

@ Rřečtěte si zadání zkušebníú|ohy a koncept
Q tvá'tedující aopis je konceptem odpovědi na
odpovědi. Podtrženévýrazy V textu l-9 přiřadte zkušebníú|ohu. Přečtět€ si ho a najděte 6 chyb
ke s|ovním obratům A-|, které jsou pro tento druh v mIuvnici,5 |exiká|ních chyb,4 chyby pravopisné
dopisu vhodnější. a opravte Je.

Chystáte se po ukončenístudií strávit rok

Hi, Amanda
cestováním po USA. Na internetu jste naš|i
rek|amu společnosti Panther Bus, která nabízí I haveďt hear from you from such a long time!
mladým Iidem příznivéceny. Napište dopis, ve Actualy, I'm a bit worried and wonder ifyou're
Kterem: oK.
. se krátce představíte a popíšete svoje p|ány,
. vyžádáte si informace o z|evněných jízdenkách a When you last me wrote, you mentioned you
zeptáte se, máte-li na podobnou sIevu nárok, might come on a trip to Alaska. Have you
. budete chtít iníormace o autobusových linkách a managed to get there? As about myself, I've got
dotážete se, jestli dvě města, která chcete V UsA important news for you: weŤe just moving to a
rozhodně navštívit,jsou na trasách těchto Iinelc new house. Iti just grate, but iti unfortunately far
. zeptáte 5e na přib|ižnou cenu vašícesty a kdy je away from my previous home, so in fact I ve lost
potřeba provést rezervaci. nearly all my friendsl
As for my family, my big sister Anna is think
= about applying for a job at ottawa. Sheš asking for
É' Dear Sir or Madam,
your advise about languages: rvhich one is speak
I am writing to enquire about the bus services you in Ottawa, French or English?
z run. I saw them advertised on the Internet.
E I am already planning my holidays last year: i
I am eighteen years old. I come from the Czech think it'll be the seaside as usually. I wonder ifyou
o- Republic. Next year I I tgallll to start university. did come to join me in the second hafofAugust.
Before that I am planning to spend one year in
I hope to hear from you soon.
the USA. I want to ask some questions about your
servrces. Love,

Y First, I would like to know ifyou sell discount Anna Kovacs

tickets for students. Ifyou 2 ggll any, I 3 would like
z to know if somebody like me a can bul, them.
\lgw I uould like ro know. something about Q Na zák|adě dopisu ze cvičení7 napište pokyny ke
your bus routes. I would like to visit two cities, zkušebníú|oze'
Chicago and San Francisco. I do not know ifthe
Panther Bus travels between them. 7 |191y
I would like 3 ,you to tell me how much return
ticket betÍreen these cities cost. , {ry! my last
question is when I should book it.
I am looking forward to your answer.
Yours faithfully,
Klara Karlova

A Secondly
B wonder
C more details
D to enquire
E intend
F is entitled to purchase
G Thirdly,
H provide
I Finally,

N epoRruÁlruí oopls (|ruronmnl lerren)
ZnčÁrer ooptsu PozvÁruí

' Dear Peter/Creg , l'm writing to invite you to...
. I'm having.. (a party)
,Would you come to...?
,lhope you're 'l hope you'll be able to join us/to make tt
' How are you?/How are you doing?
, lt Was good
to heqr from you/lhanks Íor your letter
SoĚrovÁt't í tru rontvtací 'l must be going now
' Bye for now
l'm writing to tell you... , See you
' I wonder iJ you remember/have heard... .
Say hello to.,.
' As Íor my latest news' , Love from.../Love, Karel
. Have a nice trip
VvlÁoŘe r'rí pr.Árrrů
, All the best
, Fi rst / Seco n d ly, w e're goi ng to...
,1he plan includes...

VylÁoŘer.rí žÁoosrr
. l'm writing to ask you Jor your help/advice...
, I wonder if I
could ask you to/Jor.. Váš americký příteI přijíždípozítří na návštěvu.
, Could you tell
Napište mu e-mai|, ve kterém:
, ld
be really grateful tJ you could... . se zeptáte, jak se připravuje na cestu, a připomenete
mu, aby nezapomně| na důležitýba|íček,
VylÁoŘtruí voĚčruosrI
. ho požádáte, aby vám z USA přivez| nějakou knihu,
. I'm writing to thank you Jor... a omluvíte se, že ho s tím obtěžujete,
'lhank you so much . stručně popíšete,jaký máte p|án na prvníden jeho
, lt was (so/really) very kind oJ you to... návštěvy v ČeskérepubIice,
. mu připomenete, kde se máte na |etišti setkat,
a navrhnete, co má dě|at v případi že se náhodou
, l'm writing to tell you how sorry I am to.../about... opozdite.
, l'm really sorry that...
, lt will never happen
' Sorry for (any) troublelbothering you (again).




........ .......Ť
How are you doing? | wonder if you're ready and packed? By the
way, I hope you remember about the packet from Aunt MiLena
JEDNoMU TÉMÁTU, NEBo she'd be really mad ií you forgot to take it.
'eonÉ oh, and a friend of mine has just asked ií you could bring on
the Road by Jack Kerouac. I hope you don't mjnd.
: TAM, KDE To LzE,
WetL, I'm also getting ready for your stay. Ptans for the first day : užívtlrezxnÁcenÉ
jncLude a quick tour of my town and a party with alt my friends.
i rvlnY n tnrrnpurrtxčrrtí
And as íor lunch, my mother wants to know whether you prefer : VYKŘ|čNíKY) ŤYP|CKÁ
fish or chicken. Let me know!
Oh, and another thing! In case you've forgotten where we meet
at the ajrport, it's TerminaL A, next to the newspaper stand. lf
DoPIs ŽA(oNčETE I'm late, you can check what's making headtines in the Czech
vHoDNou FRÁzí.
Repu btjc !

Have a nice journey,

FonmÁlruí DoPls: ŽÁoosr o lNFoRMAGE (Lerren or eruqutnv)

ZnčÁrtr žÁoosrt PozuÁrrrry run zÁvĚn
,Dear Sir or Madam 'l look forward to your answetlto hearingJrom you..

Úvoo zAKoNčÉNí
' I am writing in connection with.../to ask/enquire about... . jestliže dopis začínáDear5ir or Madam:
'l have read/Jound your advertisement in... and would like Yours ÍaithÍully
to... . jestIiže dopis začínáDear Ms/Mr Robinson:
Yours sincerely
VvtÁoŘrruí zÁJltu

'l am interested in..,/l have been lookingJor...

' I am planning to... and that is why Jound this I tailE?ilnfli!7|
a d ve rti s em e nt / ofr er / text i n te re sti n g/ i m p o rta n t
Vv;ÁoŘrruí nocHveruosrí HIedáte kvaIitní kurz ang|ičtiny na ve|mi pokročilé
úrovni. V místníchnovinách vás zaujme inzerát, který
. I
have read the advert/about your services and/but I am takový kurz nabízív létě v Cambridgi' Napište do
not sure iÍ..'
,l cannot understand redakce dopis, ve kterém:
. se krátce představíte a vysvět|íte, proč vás inzerát
, lt is not clear to ffie jÍ...
Z1tšŤovÁruínoonoeruosrí . uvedete informaci z inzerátu, která vám není úplně
É' jasná, a požádáre o jeji upřesněni,
o- ,l would like to know more details about...
. se zePtáte na jednu záIežitost spojenou s organizací
z , I would like to ask Jor further inJormation about/
kurzu a vysvět|íte, proč je pro vás tato informace
E concernrng...
UJ 'l am still not sure about one thinglproblem, namely... dů|ežitá,
jakým způsobem lze p|atit, a zeptáte se, jaké
. zjistíte,
ŽÁoosr o I N FoRMACE
da|šíformaIity je třeba spInit, chcete-|i se do kurzu
,l would be (very) grateJul if you could... přih|ásit.
,l wonder if you could...
,l would like to ask iJ/when/where/why...

uJ K oslovENi ADREsÁTA DoP|sU UžUTE ÍoRMÁLNi zPůsoB.

V PRvNíM oosTÁvc|
zPRAVIoLA UvÁDíME, DeaÍ siÍ oI Madam,
I am writing in connection with an adveftisement for your KÁžDÝ oDsTAvEc vĚNUJTE
Proficiency course in English. I am an eighteen year old student ]EDNÉ |NFoRMAc|.

from the Czech Republic. For some time I have been looking
for a course in English at a higher level' and that is why I íound
your course very rnterestlng,

HoWeveI, I am not sure iíthe course is for Czech students only'

or for other Europeans, too. I rvould like to ask for more details
on this matter. I would also be very grateful ifyou could inform
me ifthere is a choice of meals at the cafeteria: I an-r allergic
to some foods. Finalty' I Would like to ask if I can Pay íoI the
course 1\'ith a credit card and rvhat kind ofdocuments I need to
be enro11ed.
DoPls zAkoNčEŤE
oDPovíoAJící I look forrvard to your ans\{er.
YouÍs faithfully,

Radek Novak

FonmÁr-ruí DoPIs: Srížnosr(Lerren or corunulrur)
ZnčÁr:r ooptsu NÁvnH rvrožr'r ÉrroŘtšgNí paoarÉMu
.Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Ms/Mr Smith , ln this situqtion l am aJraid l must ask Íor.'./ask you to'.'

. Ihope/ believe this (Jailure I loss/ disappointment) entitles
me to compensation/a reJund.
.lam writingto complain about... . Taking into consideration all
the (trouble) I sufered/
,l must express my dissatisÍactjon w]th'.. experienced, I hope I can expect...

Důvoo, pnoč píštrrsrížruosr Poztr:Átvtxv NA zÁVĚR

.(ln .1 hope to hearJrom you soon.

fact),have already talked/written to... about it but
(u nJortu nately) nothing h as changed / h a p pe ned
,lhere has been no reply to my previous letter/enquiry
,lhe (Jaulty item) has not been replaced ' jestliže dopis začíná Dear Sir or Madam:
Yours Jaithfully
UVEDEN Í PoDRoBNosTí . jestIiže dopis začíná Dear Ms/Mr Robinson:
'l boughtlpurchased this watch last week in your shop in Yours sincerely
Washington Square.
' I started attendingthis course a week ago.
.lvisited your restaurant last weekend. tnrtrnmnrnn
Popts porížítrltso pošxoztt\ívÝnosxu Pobýváte se svojí rodinou v Kanadě a začaIijste
.lt suddenly stopped working navštěvovat jazykový kurz, který však zceIa nesplňuje
.The screen went blank. vaše očekávání. NěkoIikrát jste se pokoušeIi projednat
vaše výhrady s řediteIkou škoIy, Barbarou Smithovou,
, The hands/mechanism stopped moving.
ale situace se vůbec nezIepšiIa. Napište jí dopis, ve
' lt had two deep cracks on the Íront.
. The keyboard was missing. Kterem:
,Contrary to the description in the brochure,... . vysvět|íte důvod, proč píšete, a uvedete
podrobnosti, týkajícíse kurzu,
PnoarÉruy s posxytlt utÝtrtl sružan/út . popíšete,jakým způsobem jste se pokouše|i si
,lhe course has not been provided properly. stěžovat, a zdtrrazníte, že to nevedlo k žádnému
,lhe holiday was too expensive. výsledku'
, Ihe hotel room was dirty. . připomenete 1í, jaké byly vaše dvě hIavní stížnosti,
'lhe Jood was not cooked properly. a vysvět|íte, proč 1sou pro vás dů|ežité,
. navrhnete, jak by se pod|e vašeho názoru mě|a věc
Popts ruÁsreoxŮ
řešit, a dotážete se, kdy byste s ní moh|i zá|ežitost
, lt was a very unÍortunate event because..' osobné projednat.
'ln this way it ruined al! my plans as...
.As a result, I was left without...
''.............................> Dear Ms Smith,
V PRvNiM oDsravcr
:...ž I am lvriting to complain about the course in brisiness English for
JE ÚčEL beginners run in your school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In íact' I have alread1'ta]ked to you about Plob]ems with this
... ......f91t.1t.i?.liiil.
course' and last rteek you promisec1 a change íor the better, brrt
rrn'orr L ralelr nothing has happcnec. TVARY Á zAcHoVÁVEJTE
Let me remiDd ,von that there are t1!,o main problems r,ith this course.
First, it is not pro\,idecl on a regular basis as the instructor does not come
on )Vlonclays. Secondly, there is not enough business vocabulary in the
cor-rrsebook' A language course rvhich hi'rs no legulaÍ rorrtine and uses
a rvrong coursebook is not likel,v to help the students learn a lot, is it?

I hope it rvil1be possible ior to find an i]structoI foť the Monday

classes and to replace the coursebook as soon as possible. Please let
oopovíoatící me knolr, u'hen I could come to your o11ice to talk about the details.
zÁvĚntčruou rnÁzí.
Yours sincerely,

Karel Nemec
FonnnÁlruí DoP|s: ŽÁoosr O MISTO (Lerrrn op nppLlcnrroru)
ZačÁrgx ooptsu Znxo lt čeru í
,Dear Sir or Madam/Dear Ms/Mr
Scoru . jestliže dopis začíná Dear 5ir or Maaam:
Úvoo Yours faithJully
.jestliže dopis začíná Dear Ms/Mr Robinson:
. I
am writing in response to/in reply to/with regard to... Yours sincerely
'l am writing in connection with...
Vv;ÁoŘtrrrí zÁ;n,ru o Nnsíoxu trilE!.fifttrlr!7.t
'l would like to express my interest in...
,l.Jound post/position /job offer extremely Byd|íte už rok v Londýně. Až dosud jste pracovaIi
.the ,(advertised)
I nte restt n g b eca u s e... jako recepčnívhotelu' a|e ten ted,právě ukončil svoji
'The (adve.nised) post-/position/job fits mv e>pectations ol činnost. Dnes jste objeviIi inzerát nabízejícípodobnáu
a perJect )ob/career Jor a young person/student. práci vjiném hoteIu. Napište dopis, ve kterém:
. popíšete,
Důvoov, číruvÁs Nagíoxe zau,lrn ;ak jste inzerát našli, a vysvět|íte, proč vás
,l would like to applyJor this job because...
. stručně popíšete svoji dosavadní praxi
a uvedete,
'My reason Jor applving Ior this job is that... (! am very proč by mohla vyhovovat uvedené pracovní nabídce,
hard-working/l like working wilh ( hildren) . popíšete dvě své vlastnosti, které z
'l have always been interested in.../enthusiastjc about... vás dě|ají
vhodného uchazeče, a stručně vysvět|íte jak by
ď VAšE KvAtIFIKACE a oogonruÉ zKUšENosTI moh|y být přínosné,
. vyjádříte ochotu dostavit se k úsrntmu ponovoru
zý ,
As for
.experience/As far as my qualtfcations are a naVrhnete možnost, jak Ize kontaktovat Vašeho
předchozího zaměstnavateIe a Vyžádat si od něj
My professional experience includes...
'o- reference.
. I worked for... as...
PozuÁrrrxy run zÁvĚn
,l wo.uld be happy to come to/attend an interview at your
earhe'st convenience/at any time thot is convenient tó you
'I enclos-e my CV/references Jrom my previous employeirs
, IIook Jorward to hearing
from you


'''"'r'> Dear Sir or Madam 'EDNoMU
zPRAvloLÁ UVÁoíME,,AKÝ am writing ln response to your job offer concernlng the post
JE ÚčEL NÁšEHo DoPIsU. ofa hotel receptionist wlrich I found in the latest issue of

l.- Holne News.

I believe this position fits my expectations of a pcrfect job.
As far as mv qualifications are concerned, I have been lvorking STYL.

for about a year as a senior receptionist at the Eagie Hotel in

Charing Closs Road, i,r'here I have gained a lot ofvaluable
professional experience. In addition to this, I consicler myself
hard-r.orking and career-o.ientatecl. I knolv very well from m,v
experience that the post of a hotel receptjonist requires both of
these features.

I am read)'to attend an intervie$, at vour earliest convenience.

I anr enclosing the names of two referees from the Eagle Hotel,
\\,hom vou can contact for further information.
oDPovíDÁ,ící I look Íbrlvard to hearing from you,
Yours faithfully,

liri Ma\'

Ilpontnect o zxoušce
jstní maturitní zkouška trvá přib|ižně Jnr sl RonnotT s PRoBLÉMY
] 5 minut a sk|ádá
.e ze čtyř části:
Cást Rozhovor na všeobecné téma, vedený
1; Jax eožÁolr o zoPAKovÁNÍ oTÁzKY
:koušejícím,zahrnuje otázky a témata z běŽného
<aždodenního života.
Cou|d you repeatthat P|€ase? Moh bysie ro,
prosim, zopakovat?
Část 2: Popis obrázků:tři úkoIy vycházejícíze dvou
:iedIožených fotografií _ popsat je, vzájemně porovnat Sorry, I didn,t hear/catch that. Promiňre, nes|yše|
: ras|edné o nich obecne pohovořir. jsem.
Část 3: Ústní pro1ev a interakce na dané téma: de]ší Pardon? Prosím?
lamostatný ústníprojev po němž násIeduje interakce/
.ozhovor se zkoušejícím_ témata vo|í
cást 4: Komunikační situace: interakce/rozhovor se Jnx požÁonr o vYsvĚTLENí/oB'|AsNĚN í
.<oušejícímv simuIované situaci za použitívizuá|ních NEzNÁMÉ FRÁzE
|,m afraid I dont understand. obávám se, že (
)ied zahájením ústnízkouškybudete mít na přípravu u
'5 minut. Cas vám běžíod chvíle, kdy dostanete pracovní
I dont know what it m€ans' Nevím, co to znamená.
st' Během této doby máte povoIeno používatsIovníky
. dě|at si poznámky, které pak smíte použít při v|astní Could you exp|ain this word to m€? Moh byste m
vysvětIit tohIe slovo?
-<oušce. Čas na přípravu dobře využijte!
l'm not sure - does it mean... ? Nejsem sijist - u
znamená to...

Co dě|at: PŘeMÝšt-st{í l HRA o čAs a

. Peč|ivě si pročtěte všechny úko|y, vyhledejte si k|íčová l
s|ova a ujistěte se' že dobře rozumíte tomu, co máte We||' I dont know. |á nevím.
dě|at. |tt hard to say, rea||y. To je opravdu těžko říci. a
. RozmysIete si, co chcete říci, a myš|enky si logicky
There are many possible ways in which you can 2
uspořádejte. understand/expIain/do it. ]e mnoho možností/
. Promys|ete a poznamenejte si vhodnou s|ovnízásobu, způsobů,jak tomu rozuměc/jak to vysvět irludě at'
včetně frází, která se vám bude kjednot|ivým úkolům TI
on€ PossibIe way is... ]edna možnost/Jeden způsob c
1e... TT

Co nedě|at: For exampIe, ... Například..'

' NehIede1te každéjednotIivé slovíčko, kterým si nejste May I think for a second? Mohu chvi|ičku přemýš|et? rŤ

Let me think for a moment. Nechte mne chvÍ|i ;
. l.'lepište si odpovědijako souVis|ý text'
|t! difficu|t to saý but... Těžko říc], a|e'..
Roznovon NA všEoBEcruÉrÉmn
', této čá5ti vám zkoušejícípoIožíotázky, které se Jnx slušnĚ pŘgnuštr xovon
ludou týkat Vašíosoby. Tyto otázky nebudou na vašem
:racovním listu uvedeny, takže nebudete mít možnost Excuse m€. Prom iňte'
:řipravit si odpovědi předem. otázky jsou však zaměřeny Sorry for interruptin& but.'. Promiňte, že vás
la veImi obecná a známá témata běžnékonverzace jako přerušuii, aIe'..
-odina, přáte|é, škoIa, volnočasovéaktivity apod.
JestIiže May I interruPt? Mohu vás přerušic?
lékteréz otázek neporozumíte, požádejte zkoušejícího,
aby ji zopakoval. May I say something? Mohu něco říci?
Sorry but there is something important lA like to
say/add. Promiňte, a|e chrěl bych něco dů|ežitéhořícil

Q Tvořte otázky z daných s|ov. @
- liečtěte si následu|ící otázky. Odpovězte na ně
a one/describe/you of I can riends I y our? ce|ými větami a v odpovědích použijte daná s|ova
I I f

Can vou descr'rbe one of -Your friendg? 1 Wher€ did you go for your summer ho|iday |ast
b ideal/your/is/home/like/what? year?
What . go/tolRome/with/Parents
c favourite/your/was/subiect/school/what/at? . stay/atlhotel/wh ich/ 1 5 minutes/from/city centt
What . see/all/famous sights/and/favourite/Coliseum
d parents/do/your IwhatI dot . also/go on/2-week ltalian course/at/language scho
What \//ent ta R.ame m. parent7'vÝe 5Ťayed 2Í a
e food/do/you/nationality/best/what/like? '/rlt,h
ha|e| whjCh wa5 1 5 finute. traffi the C|Ť'ý Centre .
What l aaw 2|] Ťhe f amou5 5iqh'5' and my f avour|Ťe \.\/a5
f you/shopping/h ow ldolofren lgo? Íhe CaIi^eUm, I a]5a wen| o| a 2 \'\/eek ]t,2|ian caur5e
HOW at a arqlzleSrhPPL

ze cvičeníl,
Q- Pí'-"no, o'n"čujícivhodnou otázku 2 Do you prefer reading a book or watching the
napište na vyznačené místo před přis|ušnou same story on film?
odpovědl lm
E ' like/both /book/an d/fr
\LTJ . iflhave/time/prefer/read/book/but/sometimesi
too Dusy
z . when/decide/see/fr lm/always/watch/in/original
. this way/can feel/atmosPhere/better/and/
practise/languages/wh ich/study

É' 12,
-f with a big garden and a swimming pool. lr! in a green
area with loiiof rrees bur wirh ea,v access lo shops How often do you do a spoÍt?

and not far from a bus line which takes me to the city

I . tryldo/something/at least/twice/week
-N )

. swimming pool/5 min utes/from/home/but/

ď' . also/play/tennis/one/my classmates
. sometimes/diÍÍcuIt/6x/time/then/] ust l go I jogl
waslMy host had asked me
... how hot and spicy it park
beforehand whether lwanted it mild, but lthought one
shouId try and be adventuÍous - especia||y when in the
home ot an Indian colleague in Delhi.
Are you a healthy eater?
zF . unfortunately/often/eat/fast food/because/can
q .-_
.D \ golhome/lunch
[4f ... because l've always loved animals. I have a dog and . but/usually/cook/whole fami y/rveekends/and/
-f two.ut, ut home and lcan recognise all the species in I

I my country. Eventuall@ be a vet...

) . little brother/love/fruit saladlrhar/make/desser

. buy/ingredients/local marker

... the last time I went, there were lots of people

everywhere looking for Christma! presents iL wa5 Do you often use a comPuter?
quite a stÍessfu| experience! The on|y p|ace l rea|ly Iike . mum/say/that/shouldn t use so much
going to is Booker!, where lcan spend hours browsing . but/not/fairlas/find/lot usefu nformation/for
through the latest publications...
school homework
. even/teachers/sometin':s :: class/hand in/
homework/printed fo r-
and he always wears casual clothes a T-shirt, blue
. of cou rse/true/ love p a S:-a roo
] ...
jeans and a pair of trainers' ] rea|ly Iike him a5 a peÍson
because he's very reliable. I can always count on htm
when I need some help...
Riečtěte si násIedujici otázky' Přiřadte nadpisy EtIlEtIÍIEEtr
ova, z rámečku ke správné skupině otázek A-F. Q Nyní se můžeteseznámit se scénářem
zkoušejícího,podIe kterého postupuje během
st Holidays and travelling Free time and hobbies ústnízkoušky. Ve dvojicích si scénář projděte a
Sport Your daily routine and lifestyle jednu z ro|ísi vyzkoušejte. Až skončíte, vytvořte
Modernproblems Education nové dvojice a zkuste 5i druhou ro|i.
1 What do you think is the best way of learning
Now I am going to ask you a few questions.
a foreign language?
t, |ért oér <r.ť.A.lI
Which subjects do you enjoy learning the most
'tp. and which the least? Why?
I 1 Whatsortofthingsdoyoudotokeephealthy?
he Candidate speaks
3 What kind of sports are you interested in?

4 What do you think about extreme sports? Why do Addirional questions the Examiner can ask:
res/ people do them? . Do you do any sports? z
' Do you ever spend time in the open air?
lnal . Do you eat healthily?
What is your typical day? Describe your daily
rou ne. Letl move on to a new topic.

What is the best thing about being a teenager

nowadays? 2 you cou|d choose, what other part oÍ the
world would you most like to live in? N
7 Where did you spend your last summer? Who did
you go with and what did you do? Candidate speaks
8 Where would you like to go for a dream holiday? Additional questions the Examiner can ask:
)gl . Why? What are the people like there?
E . Whatt the climate like?
. Would you like to live in a city or in the
9 How do you spend your free time? Do you have
any hobbies? countryside?
can r/
l0 What kind of films do you like watching? What lsee, thats interesting. Now lett move on -J
kind of films do you dislike? to shopping.
ndlirl F
3 Have you ever bought anything because you
;sert 1i What are the advatages/disadvantages of living in saw it in an advertisement?
the city and in the countryside?

12 lt is said that people watch too much television

Candidate speaks
nowadays, Do you agree?

Additional questions the Examiner can ask:

Q Pracujte ve dvojici. Ptejte se a odpovídejte na . What was it? Was if useful?
I otázky ze cvičení4. Student A pok|ádá otázky 1-6, . What kind of ad was it - TV billboard, magazine?
student B otázky 7-12. . What types of ads do you prefer and why?

@ Nyní ve dvojici ke každému z nadpisů ve cvičení4

Thank you very much. That! the end of
utvořte ještě,iednu otázku. Pak vytvořte nové
your first task.
dvojice a na tyto otázky si vzájemně odpovídejte.

ZroušrovÉsrnlreclt INTERPRETACE slTUAcE zAcHYcENÉ NA
Druhou část tvoří tři úlohy, které souvisíse dvěma
předIoženými obrázky/fotografi en... The people in the photo look/seem happy/sad
V první úloze máte popsat jeden z obrázků. Ve druhé because... Lidé na obrázku vyp adají|zdlÍ se být
úloze budete muset oba obrázky porovnat. Ve třetí šťastní/smutníprotože..'
ú|oze budete mít za úkol pohovořit o svých vlastních
The people in the picture don't look/seem haPPy
zážitcích a zkušenostech, které se pojí ke stejnému
because... L]dé na obrázku nevypada1í/nezdajíse být
tématu, jež je na obrázku či fotografii zachyceno.
Při popisu nezapomeňte zmínit tři základnívěci: The people in the picture can/must be (...)
. kdo jsou lidé na obrázku,
because... Lidé na obrázku mohou být/jsou určitě
. kde jsou, (' '.), protože...
. co dělají.
Th€ generaI atmosphere in the picture is positive/
Popis pak můžete dá|e rozšířit tím, že přidáte detaiIy negative because... Atmosféra zachycená na obrázku
je poz!tivní/negativní, protoŽe.'
o ieiich ob|ečeníao věcech, které na obrázku vidíte, nebo -

tím, že se pokusíte popsar své dojmy a pociry, které ve vás

obrázek vzbuzuie. Řekněte také, co si myslíte o Vztazich
mezi |!dmi na fotografiích a popište jejich pocity.
VY|ÁoŘrní vr-nsTNíHo NÁzoRU NA
Při porovnávání uvažujte o tom' co majíspo|ečnéhoa čím
se naopak liší.Ve třetí ú|oze rozvedte odpověďsvými
myš|enkami, nápady, vysvětlujte a uvádějte přík|ady. Ithink that... Mys|ím, že' ' '
|t! quite obvious that'.. ]ejasné,že...
The situation in the picture is €ommon/unusua|
because... Situace na obrázku je běžná/neobvyk|á,
|n my opinion (...) because... Pod|e mého názoru
Popts osnÁzru/FoToGRAFIE ('. ' ), protoŽe...

The picture shows.'. obrázek ukazu]e... |t se€ms to me that.., Zdásemi,že...

ln this photo | €an see'.. Na obrázku vidíme''' On the one hand/On the other hand... Na lednu
stranu/Na druhou stranu...
There is/are... in this Picture. Na obrázku )eljsou'..
All in all,... Celkem vzato...
on the right/|€ft there is/are'.. Vlevo/VpÍavo jel
In the left/right hand corner... V Ievém/pravém PonovlÁvÁrrr í oBRÁzKů/FoTocRAFlí
In the foreground/background... V popředí/v Both photos show... oba obrázky ukazují'''
pozadí '.. In both pictures the people are... Na obou
In the top/bottom Part ofthe picture there isl obrázcích |!dé...
are.'. V horní/do|níčástlobrázku jeljsou''' But th€ [man/woman/place] in photo A is more...
The people in the picture are..' Lidé na obrázku than th€ óther on€.
jsou... A|e muž/žena/místona obrázku A je víc ..' než ren/tal
to druhý/druhá/druhé.
The Iman/woman/place] in picture A looks...,
Popts ognÁzru A vÁš DoJEM, co s|TUAcE
while the one in Picture B is.'.
Muž/Ženalffrísto na obrázku A vypadá..', zatímco na
lt/They may be... MůŽe/mohou být..' obrázku B' ' '

Perhaps... Možná/5nad... The simiIarities are'.. 5hodné jsou' '.

Another idea is that..' Dále 5i mys|ím, že..' The main difierence is [that]... H|avnírozdí|je,(že)'''
|t is also possib|e that... Také 1e možné, že'.. In contrast,... Na rozdí| od/Naopak...

|t seems to me that the PeoPle in the Pi€ture... Persona||y, |,d prefer..' já osobně bych da|
Zdá se ml že |idé na obrázku' ' ' ořednost-..

Q Proh|édněte si fotografii a odpovězt€ na tyto otázky:
. Who is in the picture?
. Where is he?
. What is he doing?

Q Doplňte popis fotografie správnými tvary sIoves z nabídky.

it be decide enjoy look show stand wonder

The phoro r a young man shopping for DVDs in a big store. He,
front of a DVD rack with a great selection of movies. perhaps he 3 for a gift for his friend.
el I thin k he
whether he should buy this DVD or something else. I don,t think he
is a nice place to shop for DVDs because there _7
lots of movies to choose from.




PřeIožte výrazy v závorkách, tak dop|ňte porovnání fotografií A a B.
@ a

(obě Jotograt'te
ukazují) peop|e shopping, and
\na o0ou
obrázcích) the PeopIe are tryin8 to
choose the best product from what
is available. '_-
(Hlavni rozdílje) rhe man in photo
A is shopping for DVDs, probablY
in a big store with music and frlms,
photo B the people are shoPPing
for fruit at an open-air market.
Also, the man is alone in the store,
)4 rrying Lo choose a movie by himselI
N '_(Naopak),
ď' in photo B, there are a lot of
@ -(zatímco)
people, ma inly women: the market
E really busy. The man in photo A
o- (nezdá se) very
he can't decide what to buy. The
people in picture B are just buying
fruit, so it's'
(ednodušší)for them to choose
Qá bych osobně
z dal(a) přednost) to be in the situation
in the first photo, because I like films
and I don't like shopping for food.

@ Máte před sebou zadání třetí úlohy a reakci zkoušeného. Použijte dané výrazy a dop|ňte odpověd,zkoušeného:

Talk about where you like shopping and why.

and because but so who

like shopping at big shopping malls, '- there are a lot ofshops 1n one pLace -': t have to waste
parts of the city. A|so, there are cafés and 'cn jn a mall,
.€ s:a.'..:s
my time visiti-ng many shops in different
' youcan have a coffee or something to eat when you get tired And ii cc's- :
-: 'l
t enjoy shopping for clothes. Usually, I go shopping with my mother, '- h l: -:
.:' ''. :. '^ 'ose
the clothes
that suit me best''. .- puyi fořthu. u' Sometimes I a|so go shopl -.
]'oiher - yesterday
I helped him choose a pair ofjeans and a T-shirt. lalsolikegoingtobookshops:-:--:':-JpstoDuyDooKs
and CDs,5- only when I have enough money to buy what | ''vanr'
Q Tuto zkušebníú|ohu dě|ejte ve dvojici. Jeden z vás
je zkoušený, druhý zkoušející.

Look at pictures A and B. Choose one of the pictures

and describe it. The following ideas may help you.
. who you can see
. what kind of place it is
. what kind ofjob the person/people are doing
. what he/she/they are wearing
. what you think the work is like
. what you can guess about the person/people

Look at pictures A and B and compare them. The

following ideas may help you.

. peoPre
. What is similar? . scenery/place ct,
. What is different? . type of work
. your preferences z

třr Efi!Íl|
Talk about
do in the future.
a job that you have done or would like to o

rl I
@ Nyní si vyméňte ro|e a vyzkoušejte si úko| znovu.






Třetí část zkoušky se sk|ádá ze dvou ú|oh. Při první budete jednu až dvě minuty samostatně hovořit na dané téma. Při
druhém úkoIu vám zkoušeiícípoIožíněkolik otázek ke stejnému tématu.
Během přípravy před vlastní zkouškou se zv|ášť pečlivě připravte na své krátké samostatné vystoupení. Nejdříve si
promys|ete, co vIastně chcete sdě|it. Na pracovním Iistu sice budete mít uvedené určitémožnosti a nápady, aIe můžete
použítsvé vIastní. Potom si myš|enky utřidte, seřadte a napište si stručnou osnovu svého projevu. Ve s|ovníku si vyhledejte
sIovní zásobu, kterou neznáte.


l'm going to talk/tell you something about... Budu €ouId you please teIl/advise/inform me...?
mIuvit o.../Reknu vám něco o..' Můžetem] prosím řícilporadit/lnformovat o... ?
I would like to talk about/focus on [three] main Cou|d you he|p me with...? MůŽete mi pomoci s' ' ' ?
points... Chtě| bych mIuvit o' ' '/zaměřit se na (tři) |'d |ike to know... Chtě| bych vědět.'.
hIavní body''.
The problem is that... Prob|ém je, že'.'
I have divided my talk into [four] Pařts... SVoji řeč
How can l g€t to (the nearest)...? Jak se dostanu k/
jsem rozdě|i|(a) do (čtyř) částí.'.
do (nejbIižší).''?
To begin with/First of all, let me tell you about...
Can you te|| me where l can find...? Můžetemi říci,
7 ač lu s' ' ' /\ejp"ve ni dovo'te pohovoy t o' ' '
kde najdu...?
Secondlý... /Let me now move on to... Zadruhé...I What sha|| | do? Co mám dě]at?
Teď mi dovolte přejk k'..
Any idea how to go about it? Máte nápad jak'..
This brings me to my [second/third] point... Ted se
Do you happen to know...? Nevíte náhodou'.'?
dostáváme ke (druhému/třetímu) bodu...
Is it possibIe to.'.? ]e moŽné''.?
Thirdly,.,. /Another interesting aspect is...
Zarierí... l Da|šÍ zajímavý aspekt je''. Where can 1...? Kde mohu...?
Finally,... Nakonec... Cou|d you recommend...? Mů:e.e r doporučit''':
To conc|ude,... Závěrem..'
Have you got any questions? Máte nějaké otázky? ŽÁoosr o U PŘESN ĚNí
Are there any qu€stions you,d Iike to ask? Chtě l
byste se něco zeptat? I see but I sti|| dont know... Aha, aLe pořád nevím..'
I cant rea||y understand... opravdu nemohu porozumět.''
Does this mean that shou|d/could...?
požÁolr o tNFoRMAcl
.|nr že bych mě|/moh|.'.?
I Znan,]ená to,

A'AK'I POSKYTNOUT 15there anything |€ se I shou|d know/do? ]e ješiě

něco, co bych mě| věděýudě at?
lar zečírRozHovoR A vYsvĚTLtT PRoB!ÉM Cou|d you give me some more detai|s? Můžetemi
řícilposkytnout nějaké podrobnosti?
Excuse m€. Promiňte. Do you think I shou|d/could...? Mys|íte, Že bych
Can/May I ask you something? Mohu se na něco mě|/moh|..'?
zeptat? And what if'..? A co když''.?
Could you do me a favour? Moh| byste mi udě|at What do you mean (by this/saying...)? Co (tím)
laskavost? mys|íte?/Co mys|ke, když řiká:e - ?
|'ve got a prob|em... Mám problém' ' '
I wonder if you could help me... Nemohl byste mi
PooĚxovÁní za tNFoRMAC| A UkoNčENí
l must/need/want to... Musím/potřebu jilchci''.
l wonder if... Rád bych vědě|, zda.'. Thank you very much. ''eice.'ám děkuji'
l'm not sure... Neisem si iist... Thanks a lot! fulno^c<.a:.ě<..'
I dont know/have no idea... (who/what/where/ Fine. Dobrá'/5kvě e'
when/if..') Nevím'.' (kdo/co/kd q l kdy l zda'.') Great! Výborně] 8a:...
I need (something) but this shop is closed/this You,ve been a great h€|P! .
= - s:em] pomoh|'
machine |ooks broken..' Porřebuii (něco), a|e ten You,ve been very he|pfu|! 3. s:ele|mi ochotný'
obchod je zavřenýlpřístroj vypadá porouchaný...
That was very kind of prl. -. : :: :d vás ve|mi |askavé.

Rrn<ce rua pnoeLÉÍvl Q Přečtěte si znovu zkušební ú|ohu a udě|ejte
přípravná cvičenía-c.
,rl Can I he|p you? Mohu Várn pornoc ?
What can I do for you? Co pro vás mohu udě|ar? Í'rrnr.Ť5'
How can I help? lak mohu pomoci? In Task One you are going to speak on your own
ete Whatt the problem? You look a bit confused/ about the town you live in. The following ideas may
reoelre worried/puzz|ed, ]aký máre prob|ém/Co ]e prob]ém? netD voul
Vypadáte rrochu zmareně/usraraně/bezradně' . general information . public transporr
|s ther€ anything e|se I cou|d do for you? Mohu pro . tourist attractions . culture
vás udě|at ještě něco? . people . shopping
. places of interest ' other
UttšrĚruí,žr Jsem pŘtpnnvEN PoMocI a Přečtěte si nás|edující ukázkovou odpovědl
i ..l o kterých bodech zadáníse zkoušený rozhodI
CertainIy./Sure. Jistě' mluvit?
Ofcourse Ican. Samozřejmě, že mohu' A This brings me to my second point: the main
With pIeasure. S radostí' places to go in Brighton. Obviously, there is the
-k/ No prob|em at a||. To vůbec není prob|ém' area by the sea: the beach, the n ineteenrh -century
Brighton Pier with its many attractions, the marina.
Dont worry, itt not so difficult/complicated/ As for historic buildings, the most specracular one
horrible. Nebojre se, to není rak těŽké/slož]té/strašné' is the Royal Pavilion, built in the early lg,h century
Itt quite simple. Je ro doce a lednoduche. in a fantastic Oriental style. Less well,known, but
much older is the eleventh,ce ntu ry St. Nicolas
Ch u rch.
JAK PoRADIT B So, to conclude: Brighton is not very large, but very
lively; there! a lot to see and a lot to do. lt! well
I think you shou|d/cou|d..' M1 ,trn Že b1<rg p6|
worth a visitl
C 5o, to begin with, let me give you some basic
The best thing to do is... \e, eol. (o r:,,pre-aedr je.. information. Brighton is a town on the southern
What you cou|d do is..' Co bysre moh| udě|at,. ' '
coast of England, in the county of Sussex. lt has
First/Second/Next/Fina||y... Zaprvé l zadruhél pakl about '150,000 inhabitants and it's a very popular
naKonec... holiday resort.
ýlm''. D l'm going to tell you something about my home
I think itt a good idea to.'. M' , Ir' ie doÚ , "p"d town, Brighton. ld like to divide my talk into three
aumel:... 1e...
parts: first, l'll give you some basic facts about
l'd recommend... Radil bych...
Brighton; secondly, l'll describe the main tourist
attractions; and frnally, l'll say a bit about the
ste Brighton Festival.
E And finally, ler me rellyou about the Brighton
:e ml
l'm afraid itt quite expensive / it would take a Festival. lti the largesr arts festival in the UK
|ong time. obávám se' Že je ro dost drahé/Že ro bude after Edinburght. lt takes place in May and there
:n trvat dlouno. are hundreds of events: theatre performances,
concerts, exhibitions... You can visit artists'
I don,t think itt a good idea to... Mys ím, že není
homes and see how they work, there are outdoor
dobrý nápad,'''
parades with frreworks, therel really something for
Remember/dont forget to... Vzpomen sr1 everyone.
Try not to... Pokus se''' (něco nedě|at) b Přečtěte si znova ukázkovou odpověd'ze
cvičení1a. odstavce by|y přeházeny, dejte je do
správného pořadí'
Jax znxoručtr RozHovoR
You,re We|come./|t's (been) a pIeasure. Rádo se staIo'
Cheerst Ahoj/NazdaíCaul c Znovu si přečtěte ukázkovou odpověd,ze cvičení
1a. Podtrhněte a|espoň 5 frází' které můžete
Not at a||. Není zač'
použítpři svém ústnim projevu.
No prob|em. To neby| prob|ém.
Thatt great/fine. To 1e úžasné/bezvadné'
A|l Íight. Dobrá'
Q Připravte si obdobné vyprávění o svém městě. Pak
sije v ma|ých skupinkách navzájem prezentujte.

Q Rřečtěte si zkušebníú|ohu a vypracujte přípravná
@ ve dvojici si připravte zkušební ú|ohu. Jeden z vás
je v roIi zkoušejicího, druhý zkoušeného.
ÍřF1T rjl
In Task Two, the examiner and you are going to
talk together. lmagine the following situation. Your
English speaking friend and his family are coming to In Task One, you are going to speak on your own

your hometown and he is asking you for advice about about going to school in your country. The
the places they should visjt. The following ideas may following ideas may help you:
nerp you: . types of schools
. places of interest . the age when you start and frnish school
. attractions for children . subjects
. places to eat . the number of students in a class
. cultural activities . teaCners
E . shopping . atmosphere
F . public transport ' your own experiences
z a Pře|ožte fráz€ V závorkách a dop|ňte jimi
o ukázkovou odpovědl
In Task Two, the examiner and you are going to
z Examiner:r (Nemohl byste
talk together. lmagine the following situation. A
journalist from an English-speaking counrry wanrs ro
mi pomoci.) l'm thinkingof goingto Brighton with
Y my two children. Could you recommend some
write a story for their magazine about your school
and would like to ask you some questions. The
ď. attractions for them?
following ideas may help you:
F Candidate:'? listě'), there are
a lot ofthings that teenagers will enjoy. There's a . the best thing about the school
= funfair on the Brighton Pier, itl quite famous and . the worst thing about the school
entertaining.3 (Problém je' že) . ways to improve the school
it is quite expensive. However, going to the beach . teachers
ď' costs nothing, and I am sure that your kids will love
e- . range of subjects
rt.' (Myslím, že dobrý nápad je)
zF visit the Toy and Model Museum - it's brilllant. And
. Seneral atmospnere
. timetable
,l during the Festival theret a special Children's Parade.
E; How about eating out? 5
(Můžetemi doporučit) any good pIaces?
C: There are dozens of restaurants and cafés, Q Nyní si role vyměňte a úkol zopakujte.
especially by the sea, but also all over the town.
Seafood, ltalian, Indian, vegetarian - anything you
like. 6 (Radi! bych) Food for
zF Friends, it,s a very good vegetarian Íestauřant. If your
children like pizza ld suggest going to Pizza Parlour
.) on the High Street, itt definitely the best pizza place
in town.
E: Creat! Could you also suggest any cultural activities
we could enjoy?
C:' (Myslím, že byste měl) ask at
the touíist informatjon, they know what is going on
in town. ld also suggest visiting one of the traditional
British pubs. They usually have live music every night
and serve delicious meals and drinks.
E: Thanks a lot for the information, you've been very
€:3 (Nenízač!)

b Ve dvojici si připravte zkušebníú|ohu. Jeden

z vás je v roIi zkoušejícího,druhý zkoušeného.

c Nyní si role vyměňte a úko| zopakujte.

Ve čtvrtéčásti budete se zkoušejícímspoIupracovat v určitékomunikačnísituaci'Dostanete sadu obrázků. SpoIu budete
mít Vybrat jednu nebo více možností, které obrázky nabízejí. Abyste spoIečně dospě|i k nějakému rozhodnutí, budete si
vzájemně předk|ádat návrhy, argumentovat a domIouvat se na kompromlsu.
Nezapomeňte probrat výhody a nevýhody všech možností, ne jen zdůvodňovat, proč je jedna z možnostínejlepší. Určitě
tak budete moci říci více.

VY,ÁoŘeruí souxLAsU s DRUHÝM Účasrruíxem VvlÁoŘrrrrí poclrŮ

I musÍ say |,m surprised. Musím říci, že jsem velmi
AbsoIute|y/of course/Right. Naprosto/Samozřejmě/ DTCKVADEN.
Sorávn ě' |,m very disappointed. ]semvelml zkamaný
lcou|dnt agree more. Nemohu souh|asjr víc = ljust cant be|ieve it! Já tomu prostě nemohu věřit.
Naorosto souh asím. l fee| rea||y excited about it. ]'er z-oho roftlp^ýt
I do agre€ that... Ano, souh|asím, že'.' nadšený'
|'m of a simi|ar opinion' Mám podobný názor. ltt an awfu|/scary/unusuaI idea. ]e to oškJivá/
hrozná/neobvvk|á mvš]en ka'
Good idea. Dobrý nápad/Dobrá myš enka.
Let! hope it will turn out right. Do-tet^.re.7e ro c'
Vv'ÁoŘttví tvgsouHLAsU s DRUHÝM
dobře dooadne'
I cant wait to start. Nemohu se dočkat' až začnu'
Účasrnírgru HovoRU

I s€e what you m€an, but... Vím, co mys|íte, a e''. VyjÁo Řerv í pnnvDĚPoDoB N osTI
Isee your point, but... Vím, co mys|íre, a e'..

|,m afraid I dont agree at a||. Vůbec s vámi that... Je možné, že'.'
|t is possib|e
nesountas m. This might (not) be the best idea. Tohie jelnení
možná nej epšímyšlenka/nápad' ^
l'm not convinced (about it). Nejsem o ron-r
ořesvědčen' It might be too (late/early) to do that. Mohlo by c
h\'r ňříič1n^?/']ái hr?',\ r^.']ó.r
|,m ofa tota||y different opinion. Mám naprosro
They may not like it. Možná se jim to ne íbílnebude íbit' =
]]nÝ názor'
VyJÁoŘeruí l oaxÁJeruí vlasrruíxo trtÁzonu VYlÁoŘeruí ruÁvnHu

|,m sure it,s better to... ]sem si jist, Že je |epší'.' 5o instead of(...), we cou|d... Takže mbto ('''), můžeme''
I thinkthe best idea isto... Mys|ím, že nej]epšínápad je'''
Why dont we...? Proč... (něco neudě|áme)? m

|n my opinion,... Podle mého názoru.'. How about...? A coŽ'.'?

lf you ask me,... Když se mne (ze)práre''. Why not...? Proč ne' ' ' (něco neudě at)?
Could l/we...? Moh bych/Mohli bychom...l
Do you think we cou|d...? Mys|íte že bychom moh|l.'' ?
VvlÁoŘe rví pr-ÁruŮ
I thinkyou shou|d... Mys|ím, Že byste měl'''
First, we can (...), and then/next... NejdříVe lf I were you, I wou|d... Být vámi/Být na vašem místě,
můžeme ('''), pak/dá e.'' tak bych...
The first thing to do is... První věc, kterou musíme |,d Iike you to accePt this idea. Rád bych, kdybysre
udě]at, je..' tu myš enku přija.
We have to plan (the whole day/holiday) very
carefu||y. Musíme si nap|ánovat (ce|ý denlprázdniny)
Jnx pŘumour nÁvnrt
velmi peč|ivě.
Later we cou|d a|so... Pak bychom moh|i také'.. oK./A|| right' oK'/Dobře'
|f we have time, we can a|so... Bude-i] čas, můžeme Let,s do as you suggested. Udě|e1me to ta[ jak navrhujete'
také.'' Good/Great idea. Dobře./Výborný nápad.
If everything goes as pIanned, we... Půjde'Ii vše oK |ett do that. Dobře, uděejme to'
ood e o|ánu'''' Yes./5ure! Ano./Samozřejměl
Thatt fine with me. Nlc proti tomu nemám./
Vvhovuie mi ro.

Podívejte se na zkušebníúlohu. Přiřadte dárky
Jnx ooruírt,tour ruÁvnx k návrhům 1-5.
I dont think it's the best idea/solution/suggestion'
lmagine the following situation You and your
Nemys|ím, že je to nejlepší nápad/řešení/návrh'
je to friend want to buy a birthday present for a friend
I think itt too/not (...) enough' Mys|ím, Že
who is keen on improving her English. Here are
some ideas you are considering:
l dont think itt (...) enough. Nemys|ím, že 1e to
. a dictionary
pří|iš ''.
. an easy book in English
No, l don't think you/we cou|d.'' Ne, nemys|ím, Že . a DVD of an English-language film
byste mohl/bychom moh .
. an English language course in Britain
l'm afraid itt not Possible. Botir se 'e ro neri . a one-year subscription to an English magazine'
cant agree because... Nemohu souhIaslt, protože'''
1 Why don't we buy her When you're reading,
Thatt (absolutely) out of the question. To je you thlnk about the story-? you learn new
naprosto mlmo diskuzi. words without even notlctng.
2 How about tt's even better than reading,
because you-?hear the language spoken tn
VY'ÁoŘgruí pocnYBNosTí
interesting situations.
Ú It's such a great
I think the best thing would be
f But what shall we do iflwhen ...? Ale co budeme
F dělat, kdyŽ'.' -.
exPerjence to tÍavel and use the |anguage in rea|
life. And you learn so much
'2 l,ve got some doubts about it. Mám o tom nějaké
is really useful, you always need it when
l'm not sure. Neisemsi jist
-reading or writing. She will use it for years'
)í Could we buy her Then she would get twelve
z) Are you sure it! the right thing to do? ]stesi jisi,Že presents instead -?
of one, and she would remember
tohle je správné/takhIe je to správné? us every month.
ž but... V něčem/Do
To some extent you,re right,
\l určitémíry máte pravdu, aIe.'. Q Nyní přiřadte nás|edující odpovědi k návrhům ze
A I'm not convinced Do you think she has the
Jnr ooseĚr KE KoMPRoM|su time to read ten or more articles every month?
B I couldn't agree more The only problem
is, iti
OK' so we can first..., and then... Dobře, takŽe much too expensive. lt s the most expenslve
nejdřív můŽeme ('''), a pak..'
zF Lett do it my/your way, oK? t.,,dé'e re to pod'e
thing on this list.
C But ldon't think she likes ficrion that much
,) mě/vás, ano? D That's a good idea, but I'm not sure what kind
That! right - | havent thought about it before' of movies she llkes
Správně' ]á ]sem o tom předtím nepřemýšle|. E Yes, butI think she's already got one - she's

5o |ett agree on... Takže dohodněme se na.'' been learning English for quite a Long trme'
OK, ifyou insist, but... Dobie *dyl -a ro"r.l tr\ite
Ve dvojici si s partnerem nah|as přečtěte návrhy
a reakce na ně ze cvičení1 a 2. Přidejte nejméně
jeden v|astní návrh, spolu s argumenty Pro a Proti.
Společně pak rozhodněte, který z dárků koupíte.

'.!míÍi!ŤrrÍÍri!!7| partnerem.
@ t.tá't"duji.í úkol provedte ve dvojici s







k's oastor to bve hwwanrtg As a Nholo
than to (ovo one,s noLghbowř
ER c HoFFER (AMERrcaN soc aL wRlrER, r902-1981)

Q rill in this form about yourself.

EU c T zÉN1 .YEs !No

Q co ,t,lz Mike,s going to summ€r camp. His mother
is helping him pack. Complete their dialogue with
\0 the words from the box. Listen to the dialogue
and check your answers, then read it aloud with
o another student,
gloves hat jumpers sandals scarf shorts
z socks trunks underpants

MoTHERT Here you are, Mikey. Twelve pairs of clean

B MIKEr Mum, I don't need twelve pairs. I can wash them.

And anyway l'll be wearing'z- most of the ,.
MoTHER: And l've bought you some
nice new
MIKEr Mum, that's really nice of
you, but you know I only wear
boxer "_!
MoTHER: Have you packed the three
warm t ? Take a woolly
and a 7-, they .t0
said on TV it may be cold!
MtKEr Mum, iti luly! Are you going to tell me to take 1.1

a oair oÍ winrer 3 , too?

MoTHER: Better safe than sorry, Mikey. And here's
someth ing else for you. 13
M|KE: Wowl A new pair o[ Speedo swimming
'_! Thanks, Mum!
th" body parts in the picture above. 16
@ t-abel

"l 17

2 18


4 20
!.ttE.E nrfil!'i':E!Eííll|1| lř'FÍÍ|.iÍ:řGEtI!IÍ7rFl
Q Rose is going to me€t her student exchange
@ co Chris and Rose have recently started going
partner Paul at the airport. They have never met out together and are trying to decide what to do
before. Complete Paul! email in which he tells in the evening. Complete their conversation. Then
Rose what he looks like. listen and check.
cHRts:5o, what shallwe do tonightz
^*" -!".. ,.." .,1 *--- RosE: Let's go'c_! lfeel like a dance.
r" Iiós\{8] @yahoó'tom
CHRTS: Oh no... I can't stand all thar noise. Can't we
íbl*. Ři see you šÓon
just stay at home and'p_ chess?
Hi Rose, RosE: You've got to be joking! ls that your idea of
Thanks for your email. l\y'y plane lands at 12.40. 'e !

And this is what I look like: I'mr_!4[ and c"nrs, W"ll, yes, it is... But if you don't like it,
thin; I've got long, 'w , fair hair in a we can do".tu"lly,
something else.
3p .l'vealsogotaom , but RosE: Like what?
no beard. l'll be wearing'j , a black cHRlsr How about a
w_ a good film on DVD?
s , an a-
and trekking RosE; You really don't want to t g_
_. l ll be carryinq a BIC backpacl. o_ at all, do you Chris? What are you,
Looking forward to seeing you, sixty years old or something?
Paul cHRls: We could 6
| to some music later...
we could 7
d on our own, iust the two of
us. What do you think ofthat, Rosie?
lT|'?irr.Í'T]liz RosE: Oh, OK, then. Maybe you can be romantic after
all. But no chess, right?
Q Circle the correct word.
1 Mary's very sensible / sensitive. She tends to think trřt?:tlÍ|l'EnH5
everything over and she doesn't often make
@ Choose the verb which completes all the
stupid decisions. expressions in each box.
2 He's a bit talkative / bossy. He likes telling people
what to do. nave taKe get Play
Billi wonderfully calm and relaxed I reserved.
ldonl ink Ive ever seen him lose his temperl
Lh marned
My s ister's very sen sible / sensitive. She always up
cries when she hears something bad has ready
nappeneo to someone. oresseo
Andrew's too generous / ambitious. He's never on wtth someone
satis6ed unless he! the best.
a meal
Diane is very Jriendly / nasty. She's usually the frrst a good time
one to talk to newcomers at school and help them. a rest
Chris is a Ioyal, polite / reliable Íriend. I trust him a row/an argument
completely. a party
They say l'm rebellious / responsrbie. I say l'm
out wrth someone
independent. ljust don't like other people telling
swim m ing/bowling
me what to do all the timel
to the cinema
9 Millie's very cheerJul / helpJulby nature.She's
clu bb ing/dancing
never sad for long.
for a walk
10 Hel so dreadfully selfess I selt'sh! He never thinks
of anyone but himself. the guitar/the piano
Doaro games
@ tvtatctr the phrases from the two columns to make
definitions. comPuter Sames
1 Brave people don't cheat or lie.
2 Centle people b hate waiting. the dog for a walk
3 Honest people c don't talk much. a shower
4 lmpatient people o like the company ofother turns (to do sth)
5 Polite people people. the children to school
don't change their minds a rest/a naP
6 Quiet people
7 Sociable people
f are not easily frightened.
8 Stubborn people say 'please' and 'than k youl
h are careful not to huft anyone.

l- ln 2005 a meeting of the 'C8', the eight mosr powerful countries in
the world, took place in Britain. A lot of people all over rhe counrry
TRUE/FALSE .( 24 demonstrated to remind the Ieaders to take action against poverty
in the world. The protesters' slogan was'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY
and the symbol of the movement worldwide was a white band.

Lolk 0tthese (hildren. rhey?e bďh gnh,they?e both 11 years old and they blth like Kholl But theh live; zre very diffeÍent,

Kay lives in Uganda. Every morning she gets up at 6 a.m., sweeps the Sarah lives in England, 5he wakes up at 8 a.m., ex(ept at the weekends, when
floor, c|eans her tiny house, and pÍepares Whatever breakfast she (an she Iikes to Iie in' After breakfast, Which her moth€r prepares for her, sh€ gets
fnd for her famiIy. 5he then WaIk5 fouí miIe5 to s(hoo|. AIthough Kay i5 dresed and gets readyforschool. She doesnl do much housework apartfrom
an excellent pupil, there are more than 150 (hildren in her class, and not tidying her room, clearing up afterdinnerand taking the dog fora walk.
enough books to go round, so itl difficult to learn. Herfathertakesherand herdosefriend,Susantoschool bycar
(ay is an orphan, Her parents and her uncle and aunt died from AIDS, so Her favourite 5ubjed is computer 5tudies. There is one (omputer foÍ every
she ha5 to look aft€r her younger brother and sist€r, three Cousins and her child in her class.
sick elderly grandmother. At weekends and in the evenings she works to 5arah is an only child and she gets on very well with her parents and her
feed her family.'I dig gardens and peopIe give m€ food' |f I don,t do it, gIandparents. 5he gets Í10 po(ket money every Week, WhjCh she usua||y
we can't eaU & spends on (lothes. 5he loves shopping. &


In2005, world Ieaders said they WeÍe going to MAKE P0VERTY HIST0RY' Because of pubIic pressure they made 50me bjg promi5e5 toinCreaseaid
and (anCeI many poor countÍieídebts' But if 2005 Was 5upposed to b€ the ýart ofa gIobaI movement to end poverty, Kay didnt see it. 5he and her famiIy stiIl
have to suÍViVe on jUÍ twe|ve pence per day. And there are milIions oÍ chiIdren Iike her. 5o today, We are teIIing our governments that l(ay and chiIdren Iike her
GN,T WA|l We must d€|iver on our promises and take decisive adion again5t poverty... N0W

Q You are going to ř€ad about two chi|dren, a poor @ tvtatch the high|ighted words írom the text
one from Uganda and a richer one Írom Eng|and. to the definitions.
How might their lives be different? Write three 1 someone who has no brothers or sisters
sentences about each: 2 the children of your aunt and uncle
The poor child a child whose parents have died
The rich child 4 not young
The poor child hasn't qaL any lay5. 5 money you 8et from your parents to spend as you
matrrritaexam to stay in bed a bit longer in the morning

Q Rřečtěte si text a výroky l -6. Rozhodněte na @ Write a p".agraph about the everyday life of
zák|adě informacíz textu, který z uvedených an ordinary child in your country. Give the child
výroků je pravdivý (P), a který nepravdivý (N). a name. Use thes€ questions to he|p you.

P N 1 ln Kay! school there aren't any books. . What does he/she do in the morninq?
. How does he/she get to school?
P N 2 Kay Works to get some money for herse|í . What is his/her school like?
P N 3 Sarah doesn't help at home at all. . How many people are there in the family?
P N 4 Both girls walk to school. . Does he/she do any housework?
P N 5 Sarah hasn't got any brothers or sisters. . How much pocLet money does he/she ger?
. Does he/she work to earn monev?
P N 6 This text was written to make people more
sensrtlve to poverty.
Í|e5 |n
loverty MULTtPLE cHotcE <<,ts MuL.rtptg cttotcr << es

Q What do you imagine humans might look like in the maturitaexam

future? Compare your ideas in pairs. Think about;

height build proportions ofthe body skin colour

o Přečtěte si č|ánek o tom, jak Přemoci stres a
nervozitu. Do mezer ,l _ t 0 vyb€rte vždy jednu
strength and fitness hair intellect personality aIt€Ínativu A-c'

|hlnk ?eoPle \ý)| be Ía)Ier a|dthinr|erthan Ťhey

Test Anxiety - And How To Beat tt
@ co Us|yšítepřednášku o budoucnosti |idstva.
You've participated in class, '_ all of
Vyberte správnou odpověd,A-C.
your homework and studied hard. The day of
1 Dr Fedotov describes herselfas the test comes, and suddenly, you feel , _
A elderly.
nervous that you can't answer the questions
you knew just last night. Test anxiety is a
type 3-
performance anxjety - a feeling
C short.
one might have when performance really
when 2 Dr Fedotov describes the people in the room to counts or when there is pressure to do well.
show that For example, a person might get it when
A men are different from women. they are about to sing a solo on stage or go
into 1_
B people can look very different. im portant interview.

C the people in the audience are different from

What Can You Do?
rety average people.
Be prepared. Some students think that
3 The Eloi and the Morlocks are
going to class is all it tal(es to learn and
A exotic people H. C. Wells saw in his travels. do well on tests. However, even hours of
B fictional humans described in a book. studying the night before a test t_ take
C names for predicted future types of people. the place of systematic learning.
4 lne Hor are Accept mistakes. This is especially
A smaller and weaker than the Morlocks. important 6_ you're a perfectionist or
ríi|| B dark-skinned. you're usually hard on yourself. Everyone
e her
C blond-haired. makes mistakes, so you must learn 7_
them. This is a valuable skill.
5 The Morlocks
Take care of can help to learn
A have dark skins.
ways to calm yourself down when you 3_
B Iive in caves. tense or anxious. For some people, this
C are aggressive. means learning a simple breathing exercise.
6 Dr Fedotov believes that Practicing such exercises regularly helps the
body see them as a signal to relax.
A people couldn't really become two different Everything e_ time and practice, and
learning to beat test anxiety is no different.
B people who use technology a lot will become
Although it won't go away overnight, facing
more intelligent. and dealing with it will help you do better -
€ some peop|e wi|| be physica|ly better deve|oped so don't give'o_ |

than others.

Do you think itt possible people will really A made B done C performed
Q 2 Aso B such C that
become two diffènt sPecies? Why?/Why not?
3 A for Bof Cin
4 A the Ba C an
5 A won't B wouldn't C might not
6 A because Bif C after
7 A tolerate B tolerating C to tolerate
8 A feel Bbe C behave
9 A is taking B has taken C takes
10 Ain B up C out

MULT|PLE €HoIcE << 2o

You are going to read letters from teenagers to maturitaexar?r

magazines. Think ofthree reasons why a person
might write to a magazine. Q Přečtěte si text a k otázkám 1-6 vyb€rte spráVnou

maturitaworkout 1 Jodie has written the letter because she

A would like to get advice on her friend's problem.
Q Read the letter below, the multiple-choice exercise B is annoyed with something the magazine has
and answer the questions 1-4. written.
C hasjust found out about the website
Dear Editor,
D wants to warn other readers.
I saw your enůusiastic a icle on top fashion models, with lots of
impÍessive photos' in last saturdaÉ issue and I was disgusted. You Ifa girI wants to join BeautiÍulPeoPle,net,
present v/omen as objects tiat are nice to look at! What is more, A she doesn't have to send in a photograph.
p nting such materials is completely irresponsible. I would like B all members make rude comments about her.
to tell you about my youngel sistet she was a completely noÍmal'
C men belonging to the club will vote on her
cheerftil, lively girl. About the age of 14 she started reading glossy
magazines and looking at photos ofmodels and 6lm stars all the
D a jury will study her profr le and decide if they
time. She started dieting and even though she got really thin, she
accept her.
couldťt stop. In the end" she hac] to go to hospital to be tleated
for anorexia. Can you imagine to how many teenage girls this Out of all the people who tried to join
might happen as a result of looking at your photos oí impossibiy Beautiful since Januarý
skinny females? Why cloril you print articles about women who A most have been successful.
are brave or intelligent, or who have done something special for
B only a small group have failed.
other people? They are the right kind of nrodels for young girls.
C most feel frustrated and insecure.
Richard, Manchester D most have been unsuccessful.
TeenTimeMag usually
Richard describes the article as irresponsible A gives girls good advice on how to be beautiful.
because: B writes a lot about supermodels.
A it presents women as objects. C does not treat appearance as very important.
B it may cause girls to have eating disorders. D does not write about Interner daring sites.
C he thinks the photos are pornographic.
D it doesn't mention women with serious talents.
.l Out ofthe four options above, one does not relate
to anything in the text and you can eliminate it at
once. Which one? Your chance to |et us know what's on youÍ mind
The other three options all refer to something in Send a letter erna or text message to Tina TeenTmelMag,
the text. Find and underline the related sentences. 42 F eet Street London, EC4 / tina@ttmag com I 702 4434844

lrresponsible is a key word in the question. What

Dear Tina
exactly does it mean? Complete this explanation:
|'Ve neverWritten to TeenTimeMagbeÍore, but after readin
lf someone does something irresponsible, they your article about the dating website
don't think about... |'Ve.just got to |et you know how I fee|. Usua|ly, |'m a qui€
Only one ofthe options explains why Richard easy-going girl. In fact, I'm a bit shy. But right now I'r
thinks the article is irresponsible. Which one? really angry! Let me tell you why... is an online club which onl
lé€nŤ.T:M1: accepts beautiful people. To join you have to send in
picture and a profile of what you're like. Then, for thre
,n ,ou' ,tttutt "no i"t" "tuo days members of the opposite sex study your profil(
".nO send in rude messages and then vote whether you'r
attractive enough to become one of them. Accordin
to your article, more than 35,000 people have tried t
B join the club since January, but only one in twenty ha
been successfu|| lt'5 a crue|, arrogant system that mak€
good people feel frustrated, lonely and insecure. I'm n(
narrow-minded, but I was absolutely amazed you decide
to print an article about this club, and I'm disappointe
that you described it in such a positive way. I've alway
admired the sensible advice you give adolescent girll
MuL.rrprr cHotcE << 1s

Why was Debbie not allowed into the club?

Q work in groups. Girls ask boys the quiz questions.
because she was behaving badly. Check the answers on page l50. Do you agree with
B because of her clothes. them?
C because of her appearance. {vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
D no reason was given. 7Ve,c/i/cr/ 4 |f you were maÍried, Whkh household

.f odie is asking TeenTimeMag (flo.gfiual ,7a;'t doreswould you dol

A jUÍthe 5h0ppiiq
A not to write abour BeautiÍulpeople'net alain' HoW muÓ time doyou on youl B lhe5hopp:n9'll]e(0r:rk]ngdnd !hÍ
B to describe BeautiÍ more accurately. appeaÍa n(e every day?
'pend h0!5ew0Ík l ke d!í nq a nd Wa5h ing u p

C to be more careful about what they write in A es5than5mlnut!5 t 500/0 ofeveÍylh]n! n( udi|q theWa5hln!],
B l0 mlnutes naxl L]m the ]Í0|l n! and1he!d.|]!min!]
future. ( morcthan anhoJ. 5 Your9iÍ|fri€nd ark!you to9o 5hoppin9
D to print her letter. lfyou split up with a 9ifl, with her Do you,..
would yo! do it: l .qree enthus ótl.a l you oveshopplng,

nccording to lodie, which of thes€ things are more A

of tne pnone :00
B by texl me55alle B dlree bulin5 5i0n qoifq t0d tfurcnl5hop5
and less important in a person? I fa(etotare irom h..f

It! you Í gir|Íriend! birthday. I reh]se wafl to pdy romputergatnes

appearance a lively personality being friendly )'0u
wth yourmate5
What do you do?
a sense of humour teeth a sexy body
perfect A lho\,/ a 5urprseparyand bly hef 6 You 90tothe Cinema andther€t a Choi(e
looking like a skinny model beinggenerous a blrihdayck.. ofthlee fi|m5. she prefeÍ5the tomantiC
B go oullora Tomant! mea and then fi|m.Whiófi|m do you go to
A an acuof fr rn 'ee?
Nor vERY IMPoRTANT !o dan.ln! with lrer
(' qo ou vrilh yourfr ends.5he 5hou d B d romant(Í m


Q In pairs, ask and answer these questions. Q co r.zo Us|yšite rozhovor dvou kamarádů na
téma ,,Test ideá|ního přítele... K větám 1_5 vyberte
. Do you agree with Jodie? Why?/Why not?
správné dokončeníA-C.
. In your view how important is appearance and
1 According to Georgie, tpending time on your
appearance' means mainlY
. What is your opinion of the dating website
A buying clothes.
described in the letter?
B personal hygiene.
C working out at the gym.
'IeenlrmeNrag 2 Kieran would end a relationship by text message
A d be afraid of a face-to-face conversation.
;ou te ll the m not to try to look like kin ny su permodels.
;ou say it's more important to have a lively personality
B he doesn't like telephoning.
C it doesn't cost much.
:nd to be friendly and generous than it is to have
lerfect teeth or a sexy body. But your article on
3 In question 4 Kieran chooses the answer because

3ea utÍfu Ipeople. neť sends out the opposjte me5sage:

A he likes cooking but dislikes ironing.
lad Ing :hat appearance is more important than personality.
B he likes washing up but dislikes ironing., Last weekend, I went to a new club with some C he doesn't like housework at all.
L quiet ':lends. lwas wearing a short denim skirt, a sleeveless 4 In question 6 Kieran chooses
rw I'm :op and high heels and they let me 9o in. But they told A the action frlm.
ny friend Debbie she couldn't go in. Why not? Maybe B the romantic film.
only !he wasn't pretty enough or maybe it was because she C the comedy.
d in a ,vas wearing some baggy jeans, a hooded sweatshirt 5 At the end of the conv€rsation, Kieran decides
thre€ and a pair of old trainers. Debbie's a cheerful outgoinq A to change his behaviour a bit.
rofile, lirl with a great sense of humour, but.just then she felt B to go out.
you re niserable and depressed and she started crying And C not to do such tests in the future.
rrd ing :hat's how the thousands of people who are rejected by
ied to 3ea u tifu I peo pl e' eť must fee|. work in pairs. Write four sentences on each of
ty has Personally, I can't stand people who look down on the topics be|ow. Read youÍ sentences to th€ who|e
makes rthers .just because of their appearance, so the next class to compare ideas.
'm not : me you write an article about such an unpleasant thing
An idea) qlrtr end shou\d ..
ecided 2,s Beautífulpeople'l,'€t please try to describe it more !,. E.a bo.r . d o.d
ointed accurately.
Jodie, Luton
:9irls. 59
GgrurnaL coruvgnsATtoN << 41 INFoRMAL LETTER << s7

rnaturitaworkout matj'ljitaworkout

Q tvtatch the questions from the box to the Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
answ€Ís 1-6. preparation exercises a-b.

Have you got any brothers or sisters? a Which ofthese sentences suggests a positive,
Could you please describe one of your friends to me? and which a negative opinion of the new
What do you like doing in your free time? relationship? Write 'P' or 'N'.
Can you tell me something about your family? 1 t dowt Ř'wow what she sees Lw hLvw.
What are some of your good and bad qualities? - 2 Parso"a|.b, T can,t stanÁ peopLo |tk'e that
]].:y.*.l:.l.:r:l.ť|.Y9ll.llj:.|.q::................ r tLs 3o..gnousí
r-- - 4 she's reaLLy suJeet.
I love cycling and doing tricks on my bike.
5 1 q+ve ut Lwo nonLhs.
l'm rather lazy. 6 1 t/iink tt r,ttglt bo roaLlg s?ecLal
- 7w (ook * hapgyí
My best friend
is Katka.5he's a very interesting
- 8 t thlr.h lť,s a totaL w'LswwderstawdLwg'

Choose one or two sentences for your letter.

No, l'm an only child.
Circle the openings and endings that are
We go out together, especially ar the weekends. appropriate in an informal letter. Then write'O'
for openings and 'E' for endings.
There are four of us: may parents, my brother and
Deu Str or lqodan, A.t,t the best ,

@ Make the answers in Exercise I longer by adding

lines a-f below. Oor.r K(tt!, b"-s+. v.)t\l',Ls )

a Sometimes we go dancing, sometimes to the

crnema, and sometimes we just walk around r+u eÍcrzg, Lovo,
the cjty centre.
b But l've got four cousins, two girls and two boys. kindest re84rds, T)oar'fftr Hutchtnson,
My favourite cousin is the same age as me.
c I go our on my bike every day if the weather is
Ýclrc st,leere/v'
not to Dad.
d I usually leave doing all work till the last moment.
e My mother is a doctor and my father is an Choose a beginning and ending for your letter.
f She paints and draws and plays the piano. maturitaexd/7t

Ínat],Jritaexam @ Rrečtěte si násIedující zadání a napište dopis.

Read a fragment of a letter rhat you have just
Q In pairs, ask and answer the questions from received from your lrish friend lane:
Exercise 1. Student A asks questions I -3;
stud€nt B ask5 qu€stions 4-6. Give answers that T have that gour brother 't1\r.rk h^s a
are true for you. Say as much as you can! ^evr
AirLfria^d? Ca^ !a^ teLL h e s1A.\etht^A about her?
T ar^ d,r4tng ta l\aa.r szwaJ^Lc!
ruow r*"p roles and ask the questions in Exercise I A7ssLp lo)
once again,
Write a letter of 120-150 words ro .lane in which you
. explajn how and where Mark met his new girlfriend
. describe her appearance and character features
. express your opinion about the new relationship
and ask Jane for her opin ion.
PHoro DEscRtprtoN << 44
Begin like this: Hi./ane,

Q Look at page 192 and do exercises t-7.

nE'Í'lnnl'llE'lltl jn his/her ear|y twenties je mu/jí swimsuit dámské p|avky relaxed uvo|něný
něco přes dvacet swimming trunk5 pánské pIavky reIiabIe spoIehIivý
citizen občan
in hi5/her Iate thirties táhne mLl/ tre krava!a reserved zdrženlivý upjatý
date/pIace of birth datum/místo jí na člyřicel
track5uit !ep|áky rude hrubý
in his/her mid fifties je mu/jíasi trousers kalhoty seIf.confi dent sebejistý
human being Iidská byťosl padesát pět
job/professjon zaměstnání/ se|fish sobecký
middIe'aged ve střednírn Věku underwear spodní prádIo sen5ibIe rozumný
old starý uniform uniíorma shy ostýchavý
ma|e/fema|€ muž, mužský/žena, teena8er m]adisrVý nezIeti|ý
ženský sociabIe spo1ečenský
younS mraoy AccEsSoRtEs
nationa|ity národnos! (baseba||) cap čepice s kšiltem
strict přísný
sex poh|aví H EIc HŤ stubborn tvrdohIavý
be|t pásek
divorced rozvedený medium height stř€dně Vysoký sympathetic 5oucitný
briefcase akrovka
maťita| status rodinný stav short ma|ý ma|ého vzrůscu taIkatiýe upovídaný
boots Vysoké boťy, kozačky
marřjed ženarý/Vdaná ta|| vysoký shoes boty na nízkém
tidy/neat pořádný
single svobodný podparku to|erant to erantní
BUI LD vain marniVý
widow/\'r'idower vdova/vdovec g|asses brý|e
fat tIus!ý
gloves rukavice
l'if!!!(llllillrillt oveřweight obézní,trpici
handbag kabelka rt'Elř|'ř!l1!lll?1t
plump bacuiatý hat klobouk ask sb out pozvat někoho na rande
FacE (woo||y) hat (zimní) čepice
skinny Vyzáb|ý enteřtainment zábava
cheek tvář high hee|s bory na vysokém
chin brada sIim štíhlý Bo c|ubbing chod t do k|ubů
podpatku go for a wa|k jít na procházku
ear ucho thin hubený
jeweIlery šperky, bižuterie
we||-buiIt urosr|ý go out for a meal vyjit si do
eyes oči purse (dámská) peněženka resaaurace
eyeIashes řasy HArR sandals sandály go swimminýdancing/bowIing
forehead čelo bald plešatý snoes Doťy jit si za p Iavar/zatančit/za h rá!
lrps rty curIy kLldrnaté třainers sportovní boty bowling
'o' mouth usťa dark tmavé go to the cinema/a disco/
nose nos VERBs
fair 5Vět|é a concert/a party jít do kina/na
frt sedět, padnout (o VeIikosti) diskotéku/na koncert/na večírek
BoDY fringe ofina get dressed ob|écise
gin8er/red zrzavé have a party pořádat večírek/os|avu
back záda match hodit se k sobě
ponytail koňský ohon, cu|ík have Iittle fřee time mít má|o
bottom zadek put sth on ob|éci si VoIného času
chest hrud] hrudník should€r-|en8th k ramenům
5uit s|ušet
straight rovné listen to music/to the radio
elbow loket take sth off sv|éknout si, sundat si posIouchať hudbu/rádio
finger prst wavy v|nité wear sth nost! meet friends scházet se 5 přáteIi
fist Pěs! white/grey bí|é/šedjVé
pIay cards/boařd games/che5s
foot/feet noha/nohy (od kotníku OTHER lll?iFrFnř|| hrál karty/spoIečenské hry/šachy
oorul beard plnovous, bradka play the piano hrát na piano
hand ruka aggressive agresivni
freckles pihy pIay video/computer games hrát
head hlava ambitious crižádostivý
moustacne kn tr hry na počítačJ
heel pata arrogant arogantní
pa|e/tanned complexion b|edá/ read books/magazines/comics
jaw bossy panovačný
čeIisl opá ená p eť čí5tknihy/časopi5y/komiksy
brave starečný
Knee Ko eno scar lrzva spend time outdoors tráVit čas
reg nol-la bright bystrý venku
tattoo tetování caIm k|idný
neck krk wrinkIes Vrásky watch TV/a video/a fi|m dívat se
cařeless nepozorny televizi/video/fiim
shoulders ramena na
caring 5.arost|
skin pIeť, pokožka ratEltEnnrn??twilta cheerfuI veseLý

stomach žaIudek
STYLE c|ever chytrý
thigh stehno break up/split up with rozejít se
casuaI neformá ní, Iežérní crueI kruťý
throat hrd o, krk (dis)|oyal (ne)|oa1ální, (ne)věrný s někým
thumb palec elegant eIegantní bring sb up vychovávat někoho
(un)fashionabIe (ne)moderní (dis)honest (ne)čestný
toe prst na noze dress up as'.. ob ékat se jako..'
duIl/boring nudný
rongue lazyk fa||out (with someone) Pohádar
CIorHEs (un)friendIy (ne)přáteIský
tooth/teeth zublzuby bIouse b|ůza se s někým, rozejít 5e
8eneřou5 š!ědrý
warst pas get divor.ed rozvést se
boxer shorts spodní kaIhoty, 8entle jemný uš|echti|ý
get on we||with sb Vycházeť
DOXerKy heIpfuI nápomocný
nElit'liřtlřřl bťa podprsenka hard-working pracovitý
s někým dobře

coat/overcoat kabát |azy |iný 8o out with sb chodir s někým

CENERAL 8ive biřth porodit
beautiítlI krásný
dress šaťy (im)mature (ne)zra|ý
jacket sako, bunda have an argument/a row
(im)Patient (ne)trpě| vý
good-|ookin8 dobře VypadajícL pohádal se
jumpeť/sweater ]ehký sve!r (im)poIite (ne)zdvoř |ý
pohIedný have a good time/enjoy oneself/
panls kaIhotk' pánské 5podky independent samostatný nezáV have fun mít se dobie
8orgeous nádheÍný
)nd handsome hezký mužný pocKet Kapsa (in)sensitive (ne)citIjVý
look after/take care of
look (like) vypadat (jako)
pyJamas pyŽamo (ir)responsibIe (ne)zodpovědný chiIdren srarat se o děti
pretty pěkný scarf šá|a, šátek kind Iaskavý look forward to sth těiit se na
scrufty oštrntě|ý zanedbaný shirt košiLe IiveIy živý něco
ugIy ošk|]Vý shorts šor!ky mean |akomý z]ý make up with sb udobřir se
size velikost messy nepořádný run away from home utéc
AGE so.k ponožka modest skromný z domova
chjId/chiIdren dírě/déti skirt sukně quiet r]chý start/end a relationship with sb
eIderIy postarší, v Ietech suit (n) obiek rebe||ious vzpurný naváza!/ukončit vztah 5 někým

'ALr,oaus Uve rn the udltest house an +he stree+ ^
óou Áon'l hnve\o look at tt.'
DAv|D HocKNEY (BR|ŤjsH ARÍ sŤ L|vINc IN THE Us, B'1937)


ÍírflÍíflíri7'rÍrřť.ffi EETEIIEIE
Q Label the oblects in the picture. Q rill in the gaps.
The picture shows a detached house with a
'g- and a big'?g- lt has a
3b- upstairs. There's a car parked in the
{d- and the 59- is oPen. Therel
t4 a bird sitting on the 6f-. The 7r
4 t) needs repairing - I think there's a hole in it.

5 Q Tell another student about your room, using

words from Exercise 1 and the following phrases.

8 19 Next to the there is a
9 20
10 21
- on -
22 in
l've got a next to my_

complete the note Michaelt mother left for him.
@ Complete the collocations with the words from
,,,Jv,e!, the box, Who does these jobs in your house?
:"'t Llou.rsa| sow,e breaL{aa The w,||v,s Ú t|,e T and. +ha carea|s the bathroom your clothes the ironing the mess
:.4 7n 1la4 t6 6 the dishes/the washing-up dinner the housework
are :oy,,e 4rat:bernat the
..',,Au.a T@
Juk v,ashei., I! qar' ,t:ant brp,ad, t\w\e 7nt a+ the floors the shopping the washing
',,,'.Í ' ,t. LelP'klza|\ bLtt qa^ )^n ^ee./'
ta 7'L!: |t |^ the
u 4'^á ď[ Lt,
|ar tl,lc |úall \au NLA| Ía ca,k
,.,' -There'úl^^te. lll^rsd|
e,4, daA:t|arqetta.NLtc|, ďl rhe'c a|t.,rNAds| AAáew,eu,Lý'r do coo k
': r:,"It,r.ll +h,r \ thr d-. do vacuum
-Jlt, do clean
do put away

fÝiE?rrnlŤÍffi.:Fřn|l;Íí'ÍŤlr do clear up

O Match the types of houses and flats to their [ť{':Eííí|ElT|Ť'!Rrr

l apartment 5 detached house
@ Match the collocating words.
2 studio flat 6 sem i-detached house
move home pay the bills
3 block offlats 7 mansion pay homesick see tne ooor
4 cottage 8 skyscraper go house/in/out lock home
a house that! joined to another house on one side
feel at home/in get a ffat/a room

b a small house in the country

stay the rent share someone home

a house thatl not joined to another building

o a large, impressive house
@ Use the collocations from Exercise 8 to complete
thes€ sentences. change the form of the verb if
a building containing many apartments necessary.
Í a very tall city building
flat .l lti better to buy your own frat than
h a small apartment with one main room used for to every month.
both living and sleeping Look, I think our neighbours are
There's a van in front of the house.
3 When | frrst went on holiday without my
@ co r'zs lane wants to rent a flat. Complete the parents, I all the time.
dialogue with the words from the box. Listen to check. 4 Are you going out with us?"No, sorry, l feel
advance bedrooms details furnished locateo rather tired. I think l'll ton igh t.

living room per public renL renting views 5 Ihave to now I told my mum
underground ld be back at ten.

.,ANE: l'm calling about the advertisement. t'm
It's not much fun being an adult. You have to
interested in'
the ffat, but ld like to
work to
know a few '
2 Wair. l'll you
LANDLADYT Well, it's a very nice frat, very conveniently
e t-: near the centre, but in a quiet side
I don't want you to go alone after dark.

'es street. lt has lovely a- from the windows.

3 Yesterday I had eight lessons, then I went to my
drawing class and then to the gym - |

,ANE: see. That sounds nice. And how about at 9 p.m. What a dayl

transport? 4 Tom has to with his youngeÍ

LANDLADY: There are lots of trams and buses and an brother, because their flat isn't very big. He
6 station within five minutes'walk. hates itl
JANE: And there are two'-, is that right? Don't forget to when you
LANDLADY: Yes, two bedrooms and a o-. leave.

,ANEr ls it'
LANDLADY: Well, the kitchen is fully fitted, but the
bedrooms are a bit bare, to be honest.
,ANE| So, how much is the 'u-?
LANDIADY: €500rr- month, Payab|e in

tANEr Can I come and see it?

LANDLADY: Of course. When would you like to come?
-{-;.ot'.trr:r'.1 Tou,,qr.l Es'&rr E i\esir.i:
Q fatl in pairs or small groups. Answer the E265,ooo - srudio flat
:.:!.;: in Chetsea
Bdght modern f rst floor studio flat in very good condition.
What klnd of home would you like to live in:
It cornprises a spacious living roorrl/bedroom, modern kitcf
. as a student?
bathroom with shower. Convenienty ocated close to the sh
. later on in life?
and amenil es on Kinq's Foad.

maturitaexam . l.
. €575,ooo - two-bedroom terraced house
in Camden
Q Rřečtěte si informace o sedmi bytech a domech.
Beautifu roomy
Potom popisy těchto domů A-G přiřadte k otázkám
house, srtuated
t-6.Jeden popisje navíc a nepoužijete ho.
in a quiet
Which house or flat... tree-lined road.
1 was redecorated not long ago and is close Gas-fifed central
to public transport? heating. The prcperty
2 has no furniture in it, and you don't have your has two bedrooms,
own bathroom? a large living room,
kitchen, bathroorn
3 consists ofjust one big room with a bathroom
and kitchen? and a p retty
south-facing garden.
4 has gardens both at the front and at the back?
5 has somewhere to keep your car and lots
of room for your clothes? š E239,995 - two-bedroom terraced house
6 has some high quality furniture in the living in Wood Green
room and a complete kitchen? Stunning two bedroom tenraced house situated in
a qu et estate in Wood Green. Thls property has been

Q Now read the advertisements again and choose recently renovated and includes a modenn fitted kitchen.
Easy access to all local shopping and transport facilities.
the home you like best. Tell another student which
one you have chosen and why.
i.j.: €55o,ooo - two-bedroom f|at in Shoreditch
@ Put the highlighted words from the text into Elegant apartment with a beautiful roof terrace. On the 7th
the diagram. tloof of a prestigious nesidential bullding with lift and off-stneE
panking, neaf lhe City of London financial distfict. Includes
designef kitchen, bedroom w th fitted wafdrobe and bothroo
with power shower.

:.:.] €439,95o - three-bedIoom semi-detached house

in Ealing
Located in a quiel residentia area, this spacious house has
been extended and modernised lt compnises iving room, din
roorn, study, modern fitted kitchen, downstairs shower room
stylish bathroom and rear and front gafdens.

.t: E21 O per week - furnished one-bedroom apartm(
in Bow
compact 1 bedroom f at With |iV ng/dining noom' fu||y Íitted
kltchen, bathroom and underground garage. Fully furnished
inciUding Ieather sofa' g]ass coffee tabIe and aniique bookcaÍ
5 r ir-t e wal( ro tl-dergrouno slatio^

't:.] E36O per calendar month

- unfurnished bedsit
in Brixton
Boom on fifth f|oo|- oÍ towe| b]ock
neaI Bnixton iube station.
Q Write a short advertisement describing the place Unfunnished. The kitchen and
where you live now. Read it to another student. bathroom are to be shared
Try to sell him/her your home!
wilh the land ond. Available
MULT|PLE cHo|cE <.( í5 MULTtPLE cHotcE << a5

Q Choose the option thatt true for you and tell rnat!Íitaworkout
another student about your choice.
When | finish school, ld like to Q Read the questions in Exercise 2. What do you have
. continue living with my parents for some time, to do in each of them? Match items a-c to the
re shops questions 1-3 in Ex€rcis€ 2.
. move out and live on my own, because... a Choose the right linking word. .r< rss
. move out and share a flat with a friend, because... b Choose the right preposirion. << 188
c Choose the right relative pronoun. << 1Bg

@ For questions 1-3 below choose the correct
Q co Us|yšíterozhovor dvou osob, které hIedají
byt ke spo|ečnému pronájmu. K Větám t -5 1 Thepeople_livenextdoorhave boughtsome
najděte správné dokončeníA-C. new furniture.
A what B who C which
'l Colin wants to move out because he 2 Our new flat is _ the first ffoor.
A argues with his parents. Aon in B Cat
B doesn't like the TV programmes his parents 3 | _ it is spacious and bright,
like this house
watch. A because B if C but
C would like to be more independent.

Kate says one difÉcuIt thing about Iiving on her maturitaexam

own is that
A she has to do the housework. o Př€čtěte si č|ánek o squatterech - samozvaných
nájemnících, kteří se usazují v prázdných domech.
B she always feels lonely. Vyberte správný výraz A-C, který se hodí k
C she can't pay all the bills. doplnění do vyznačených míst v textu 1-8.
Kate thinks it is not a good idea to eat
sandwiches all the time because
you get tired ofthem.
they make you fat.
€IfeeI C it's unhealthy. A squatter is someone r_ moves into an empty house
es and lives there. If the owner finds out, they can ask the
Kate's uncle
ih roon police to remove the squatteIs. But what happens if no-one
A left her a house when he died. knows who the owneř is?
B has a frat to let. The law in Britain now says that, r _ you have lived
C wants to rent two rooms in his house. somewhere for ten years, you can claim ownership of the
buse house or Iand. If the real owner can't 3_, then it becomes
One problem with the uncle's place is that yours. This does actually sometimes happen, A homeless
has A it! very expensive. man lived for 21 years on a small piece of land in north
n, dini.: B Kate doesn't like the way rhe rooms are London. The land is now his. It may be small, a_ it is in
TOOm, decorated. one ofthe most expensive areas of London and is estimated
to be worth about t4 miliion.
C iti poorly furnished. j_
In a similar story. three squatte$ to an empty house
in London in 1998. The next day, the police threw them out,
@ Having your own home can mean problems!
but they came back. The house was an empty shell. There
rrtmem Read six people! complaints and tick (/) the ones was Ó- electricity, only one window, and most ofthe stairs
that aíe true for you. Add one more sentence as in were missing. 7_six months the three men and their
ited the example. Read your complaints in pairs. friends worked in the house, making it a place that could be
;neo / 1 lhe bills are astronomical! lived in. They then stayed on and, ten years later, asked to
)ameŤjme5 we Ca|'Ť' affard Ť,o pay them' take the house over. No owner could be found so the
!800,000 house is now 3_.
2 We've got some awful neighboursl
3 There's always something thatl not working.
4 | have to share a room with my brother/sister. 'l Awho Bwhich C what
5 Therel always so much housework to do! 2 Abecause Balthough cif
6 lti terriblv noisv. 3 Afrnd Bfound C be found
4 A but Bso C because
5 A moved in B moved out C moved on
6 Aany Bno C none
7 Aln BDuring C For
8 Atheirs Btheir C them

TRU É/FALsE << a4

rnat,JÍitaworkout maturitaexam

a\ G G
Q tvtatch the groups of phras€s to the charts. @
- Přečtěte si text o neobvyk|ém domě. Rozhodněte,
>> 172 zdajsou nás|edujicí tvrzení pravdivá (P) nebo
nepravdivá (N).
NI Freiburg is well'known for several reasons

P N2 Nobody in Freiburg owns a car.
P N3 The ecological houses are in the centre of
P N4 Everything in the house is powered by solar
\<_/ P N5
The house rotates to give rhe best view at
every time of daY.
A many, a lot (of )
B very few, almost none, almost nobody P N6 When you are inside the house, you can feel
C all, everybody, everyone, everything it turning.
D none, nothing, nobody, no one
E few, not many
F most, almost all, nearly all, almost everyone

Q- Read these pairs oÍ sentences. For each pai6 decide

if thev mean the same or not the same (X).
X 'l Most people in our town live in flats.
All the people in our town live in flats.
2 Few people in our city have gardens
Not many people in our city have gardens.
3 Almost nothing in our house ls new.

We have very few new things in our house
In London, a lot of people live in semi- THE HELIOTROPE
detached or terraced houses A uruique eco'|rcuse in Í'reiburg, Gerntany
Everyone in London lives in a terraced or
semi-detached house.
5 Almost everyone in our class wants to live in
a big city.
Nobody in our class wants to live in the country universitytown, animportant industrial and
It's a
centle, and a tourist resoÍt' But today it is best known as
@ Read the following extract and decide if the ecological capital oí Germany' The old town is
- sentences are true or false. Explain why you chose pedestrianised, recycling is a way of life and people use
each answer. and public transport to commute. ln one Part of the town ca
are forbidden: drivers must park on the edge of the suburb in
Do you live in a big city? Ifso, have you ever said to yourself special car park with solar panels on the roof. The result is
'I caďt stand it any longer the noise, the polluted air, my very few residents own cars.
hectic lifestyle'? Have you ever told yourself yor.r just have on the outskilts oí the town there is a special distlict
to get out? These days, a lot of people living in big cities all the houses are solar-powered. Here there is a detached
feei tired and fed up and long for the peace and quiet of r-l,hich at first síght looks latheI stlange. It is an
the countryside. They go to the mountains or lakes during eco-house called the Heliotrope lt looks like a smallish tou
their holidays and sigh 'lf only we lived here' we would be block sitting on a nalrow platform. In the centre of the
happy!' They gaze at photos of wooden cottages on the there is a spiral staírcase, and as you go upstails, you see
Intelnet. A few even 1ook íor jobs in small towns' Hol'ever' bÍight rooms with triple-glazed windows and spacious
few of them actually make the move. The excitement of Enormous solar panels provide energyíorthe heating, the
the fridge, the light bulbs and all other domestic apPliances B
living in a big city can be like a drug. i
the most amazing thing about lhe house is thaL it turns round
follows the sun from morning to night to maximise the
T ř 1 Many people Iiving in cities think of moving it pfoduces. Although it rotates veÍy slowly' the movement
to rural areas. notíceable. It feels a bit like being on a ship in a calm sea or
r F 2 A lot of city people look for jobs in small a house high up ín a tree. The good news ís that the technolo

towns. works: the house produces five times mole electÍiciťy than
r F3 None of the people who plan to move really Freiburg is a window to the íuture which shows how ur
do it. life may change. Perhaps one day we'll all live in houses like
66 Heliotlope. If we do, we'll never have to worÍy about
bills again. And we'll never get bored with the view.
Tnu e/rnlsr << re

Q In pairs, ask and answer thes€ questions. Q Describe the photo and answer the questions.
. Where would you prefer to live: in the centre/in . Do you th ink the children feel good in their room?
the suburbs/on the outskirts of a ciry, or in the Why?/Why not?
countryside? Why? . What are the good and bad sides of sharing a room?
. What would be good/bad about living in a tourist
0ns. resort, or in the old town of a historic city?
. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living

tof in a city that is an industrial and commercial centre?

@ Read again the first thr€€ sentences ofthe artic|e,

which describe the town of Freiburg. Write similar
s€nt€n€es about your city, town or vi||age.
t ar.
[name oÍ cityl has inhabitants.
It is located in a region called in the
n feel [north /south-west...] _ ofthe Czech
It is a(n) -
-.......- -
[industrial centre/historic c]ty or
town /tourist resort...l
lt is best known as [the bithplace oJ...] _
|t is famous for fiťs c astle/the rth Íestival..'l

Q Use the sentences from Exercise 6 and any

additional information to talk about your city,
town or village. -

Q co ,t.zs Us|yšíterozhovor mezi matkou a jejími

dětmi, který se odehrává během Vánoc. Rozhodněte,
zda jsou nás|edu.iícíýroky pravdivé (P) nebo
nepravdivé (N).

,ly P N 1 Kenny and Lorraine share a bedroom.

r n 2 The family live in a small bungalow.
P N 3 The children look for their Christmas
presents in all the rooms.
p t't 4 The envelope contains a picture of the real
vn as Present.
rmpl P N5 The new house has a front oarden ;nri
a back garden.
own p N6 Kenny doesn't know what a terraced
burb in
house is.
rlt is

@ co r.zs Write down as many places as you can

remember where the children look for presents.
Listen, check and complete the list.
ne @ lf rnon"y r,rlar not a problem, what kind of house
see would you like to have? Take notes under these
le COOk, . Type and size of house
nces. B . Locatron
round. . Outside (garden/garage)
. Inside (rooms/furn iture and furn ish ing/style)
€ment . Other (neighbours/attractions in the
sea or
y than
Q Ur" your not"s from Exercise 4 to talk about your
dream house.
s like
GENERAL coNvERsarloN << 41

rÍ:at|Íitaworkout matuÍita'ýorkout

Put these iumbled questions in order. Q Read the.exam task in Exercise 2 and do
Q preparation exercIs€s a-o.
1 fl atlyou/somethinS/ran/tell/about/house/i n/me/
orlyou/the/live List at least two words or expressions you are
Can you going to use for each bullet Point.
future/the country/live/in/ttte/prefer lthe city lor I
Answer the following questions.
In the future, 1 How should you be8in this letter?

3 disadvantages/own/living/what/on/and/arelthe Complete the first sentence:

oflyour/advantages I AM ]'ŇrÍ11^4

/,dÝa|t€eá o^ t^a
What 4bau: tho ?(aperu

4 about/room/tell/your/ean/meiyou pa 4es o| TÍv Quardían on' )eptot^ber 15 .

Can 3 Hów shou|d you finish the |etter?

5 home/like/your/what/look/would/ideal? ! l.ook
? 1)aurs
What -
6 advantages/a friend/sharinS/the/disadvantages/ c Put these jumbled questions in order.
\rr'hat/of /a fr at/areland/with bathroom / a / in/is/shower/the/there/?
What are g |here a s|lo,",ler n |ha baŤ,hrlam2
postoffice/farl how/ is/ itl nearest/ the /to?
Jll The sentences beIow couId be resPons€s to the
- questions in Exercise l. Match the lines a-f to the thel
questions in Exercise l.
3 there / sports / are / facilities/ in / any I area I

a You can stay out as long as you like, but you

4 house / the / been/ redecorated / recently / has ?
have to do all the housework yourself'
The good thing is that you share the rent, so lt's
Turn questions 2-4 from Exercise 1 c into
less expenstve.
It's bright and cosy, but usually quite messy. l've indirect questions. >>'l8o
got lots of things in it. 1 | wou|d |ik€ to know jf i5 a 5hawef ln Ť'he
ldeally, in the mountains. Cities are too noisy for bathraanl.
me. 2. Could you please let me know

ld like to live in a stylish apartment on the top Do you happen to know

ffoor of a very modern high-rise block 4 I would also like to ask
I tive in a block o[ ffats in a quiet green area.
Our ffat is not very spacious, but I like it. maturitaexam
@ You are going to ask and answer the questions Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište e-mai|.
- from Exercise 1. Look at the Word Bank on page 69
and for each question note down three words you You have received a scholarship at Bristol University
are going to use in Your answer' and you asked your English friend to help you find
accommodation. He sent you this advertisement:

@ Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions fřom the experts in student accommodation
- Exercise l Student A asks questions I -3; student WehaiJeflatsardhouses con\Iďienrysitlrated
B asks questions 4-6. Give answers that ar€ true for t,he univercity Ir1tre have tJre lowest r€nts !

for you and say as much as you €an. Cď] us or write a,rr emai] to
Q Now swap roles and ask the questions in Exercise 1

once agarn. .l2o-150

Write an email of words to the agency in
which you will:
. explain what kind of accommodation you need and
for how long
. mention three things that are very important for
you about your room or ffat
. ask if they have a website with photos of the rooms'
Begin your email like this Dear SirlMadam,

rilÍtÝ!':7nřtl!|l sofa/couch pohovka/gauč (next'door) neighbour soused (od vedle)
attic půda, podkroví TV (set) televizor o|d town staré město
balcony balkon wallpape tapeta rura| vesnický venkovský
s|ums sIamy, chudinská čtvrť
basement/ce||ar suterén, skIep KtrcHEN
downstairs (v/do) přízemí suburbs předměstí, okraj města
cooker Vařič
(front/back) door (přední/zadní) dveře tourist town/resort turistické město/
cupboard příborník 5tředi5ko
drive příjezdová cesta dishwasher myčka town město
fence plot freezer mrazák urban městský
ffoor podlaha fridge lednice village vesnice
garage garáž kitchen tabIe jídeIní stůl view výhIed, vyh|ídka (panorama)
(front/back) garden (předzahrádka/ microwave (oven) mikrovlnka
zahrada za domem) zahrada
Iawn tráVník
(mikrov|nná trouba)
oven trouba
Ietterbox poštoVn í sch rán ka running water tekoucí voda accommodation ubytování
Ioft podkroví sink dřez (eIectricity/teIePhone) bi|| účet(za
roof střecha elektřinu/teIefon)
staircase schodiště H ALL estateagent reaIitníagent
stairs schody doorbe|| domovní zvonek fl atmate/roommate spolubyd|ící

upstairs (v) poschodí, horní patro doormat rohožka for sale na prodej
(nahoře) Iandlord/land|ady (pan/paní) domáci,
window okno bytný/bytná
apartment/fl at apartmán/byt |et (aflat) pronájem, (pronajmout byt)
lN THE wHoLE HousE pay in advance platit předem
bedsit obýVacíložnice
blind roleta pay the bi||5 p|atit účty
'to? carpet koberec
bIock offlats obytný dům, bytovka,
činžovnídům pay the rent platit činži
centraI heating ústředni topení
tne '^a curtain/net curtain záv ěs /zác|ona
bungaIow přízemní dům, bungaIov
cottage chalupa
p.m. (per month)/p.w. (per week)
měsíčně/týdně (za měsíc/za týden)
household appIiances domácí spotřebiče rent (a flat) (pro)najmout si byt
detached house rodinný dům
nas í Iight bu|b žárovka rent činŽe
farmhouse farma, statek
radiator radiátor high rise/tower bIock věžový dům to |et k pronajmutí
windowsi|| parapet, okenní římsa
(věžák), výšková budova
mansion ve|ký dům @EB
bath vana mansions veIké obytné/|uxusni činžovní c|ean the bathroom umýt koupe|nu
mirror zrcadlo domy c|ean the windows umýt okna
snower sprcna residentia| building obytná budova c|ear up (the mess) uk|idit (nepořádek)
soap mýd|o semi.detached house dvojdomek do the cooking vařit
tap kohoutek skyscraper mrakodrap do the housework vyLonávar domaci
-? towe| ručník studio flat garsoniéra práce
-? toothbrush kartáček na zuby terraced house řadový domek do the ironing žehIit
washbasin umývadIo do the washing-up mýt náobí
washing machine pračka
riřJlllli|ll|lll!|'!t!'7l vacuum (the floor) vysávat (podIahu)

bed postel
bright světlý
in good/bad condition v dobrém/ t!@
Spatnem stavu be (at) home/be in být doma
sity bedside table nočnístoIek cosy útu|ný pohodIný
bIanket přikrývka, deka commute dojíždět
rd 6tted (kitchen) vestavěná (kuchyň) íeeI homesick stýskat 5e po domoVě
bookshe|f po|ička na knihy furnished vybaveny nabytkem' zařízený
.'. go home jít domů
chair židIe modern moderní get home přijít (dostat se) domů
chest of drawers komoda (recent|y) renovated (nedávno) |eave (the house) odejít (z domu)
dressing tabIe toaIetní stolek renovovaný po rekonstrukci
lamp lampa Iock (the door) zamknout (dveře)
spacious/roomy prostorný rozIeh|ý move house přestěhovat se
pi||ow po|štář tiny maIičký
plant rostlina move in nastěhovat se
unfurnished nezaiízený move out Vystěhovat 5e
rug kobereček (předIožka)
sheet prostěradIo
shelf police
lE@ share a room/flat m ít s někým spo|ečný
pokoj/byt (sdí|et pokoj/byt)
area/neighbourhood obIast (čtvr0/ stay in/out zůstat doma/venku
wardrobe skříň
StrrlNc RooM/LtvtNG RooM capita| (city) hIavní město
armchair křesIo city veIkoměsto (ale také centrum)
audio system/stereo stereo countryside/the country venkov
I and
bookcase knihovna district obIast, čtvrť,obvod
cD p|ayer CD přehrávač home town domovské měsro
or coffee tabIe konferenčnístoIek inhabitant/resident obyvatel
fireplace krb (convenient|y) |ocated (výhodně)
oms. furniture nábytek poIožený

In eYawttnattons, thoss r,oho d.o not t/:Lsh to knobs th.0 a^sNers
asA,4(^ostLz^s ol those vlha cannot teLL.'

Q Read the note about education in Britain and

the USA and answer th€ question.
Which English words can best be used to describe
the following Czech institutions?
I zákIadníškola _
2 n ižšístředn í ško|a .
střední škoIa _
4 maturita (závěrečná zkouška) _

Educational systems in Britain and the USA are nor rhe

r.\ same. In Britain currently there is only primary school
r\ (ages 5-1 1) and secondary school (12 to 16 or tS). The
last two years are sometimes called sixth form, or sixth-
u form college. At the age of 18, students who want to go
: to university take A.levels, which are a type of national
schoo|Jeaving exam. ln the UsA, primaÍy schooI is
2 followed by middle schoolorjunior high school (ages
ditrer, usualfy being 11-14 or 12-15). After that students can
go on to high school or, more precisely, senior high school.

Q Now use the vocabu|ary from Ex€rcises 1 and 2
to tell the story of your own education to another

@ Match sentences 1-8 to a-h, then tick (/)
the facilities your school has got.
1 Do you know what time the library opens?
2 Can you te|| me Where the cante€n is?
3 Can you tell me where the offce is?
4 Our school's got several sports fields.
5 l'm looking for the computer room.
6 Our school has a very well-equipped science lab.
ÍíEErrnjFrrÍ'.í| 7 Tommy! in the gym.
Q tvtatch pictures a-f to sentences I -6. 8 l'm looking for the stafrroom.
The first year of primary school was fun. I was
proud to be a schoolgirl. I need to see the secretary about some papers.

I had to pass an entrance resr to get into this b We do all kinds of experiments there,
secondary school. Where else can a sports maniac be at break?
3 I went to kindergarten when I was three. I hated ir. d I need to talk to the art teacher.
4 And then, ifeverything goes according to plan, l'm hungryl
l'llgraduate from university in five years'time. f I need some books.
l'm taking the school-leaving exams this year. We can play all kinds of team games.
The stress is dreadful! h Has it got really fast Internet access?
I hope to get a place at university to study
l|J-ffiřlÍI7ř?i|!li7.Ťl ENEtr
@ Complete the sentences with the words Írom the box. Q Arrange the verbs from the box to tell the story
of someone who took an exam, but didn't succeed
classmate deputy head examiner head teacher the first time.
lecturer students staff
failed passed retook prepared for took
I There are twenty-eight in my class.
2 Miss Hutchinson is a(n) _ as well as a
teacher 5he knows all about the final exams, Fie
3 My fatherl a at unrversrty.
4 The _ is away at a conference this
the exam.
week. In her absence, the is in charge
of the school. @ Use the verbs from Exercise 8 to tetl a real story
be 5 Uncle Cerald is not really my uncle. Hes my dad's of how you or someone you know had difhculty
passing an exam (for example, the driving test!)
old _. They went to school together
thrrty years ago.
6 Our school is .100.
big. There is a teaching _ @ Match the Czech phrases to their English
of more than equivalents,
1 soukromá/nezávis|á ško]a school fees
Fř|!liE!rŤ1Ťtl?Ť! 2 sportovník|ub b form teacher

@ Match the subjects to the activities. Tick (/) the 3 dobré známky Maths
activities you enjoy and put a cross (X) next to the pedagogická rada compelríon
ones you dislike. Tell another student about your 5 oznám kovat testy d sports club
choices, 6 matematická soutěž/ exam results
NaME oa suBJEcr oIympiáda f independent
1 Maths 7 škoInívysvědčení school
2 Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) 8 třidníučite| ó gooo graoes
3 Ceography 9 škoIné n scnoo I

4 History 10 výsIedek zkoušky certificate

5 Czech language and literature to mark tests
can 6 Foreign languages staff meeting
Dol, 7 PE (Physical Education) ro@IElEB
8 lT (lnformation Technology)
@ Zoet in a new boarding school. Read her letter to
9 Art her parents and comPIete the s€nt€nces with make
WHAT Do wE Do DURtNc LEssoNsl or do in the correct form.
P,d/ LEd, | | )Pv,L)
!ner 6^e
b learn to use software E.t,
c solve problems
d do vocabulary exercises like this one
draw or paint
f study maps and Dad,
I read and discuss set books Ť.,ird ..s .'1.-v .óa | |v hF-.] in lhis school
.]ň.'i nFw .. .. ass ano
n learn about the past
rreLcs, yuu
do experiments
I didn,t .-my Latín honework and Mlss
F?nrtŤŤhrÍr.5F| scott told me to fifťeen exercises l

Buť then \,Ýhen \íe had a test, t a-only

@ Comp|ete the sentences with names ofschoo| objeďs. L!,7o misLakes. On the lvho1e, langLage lessons
1 Adam, can you please wipe the b for me? are fun. Most of ťhe ťímewe '- fun
And could you also go and fetch some ch-? acťivities. And T ťhink l,m reatfy
Would everybody please put their n- on progress in spanish. I undelsťand much more no,
their desks so that I can collect them? than a year ago.
Don't lose this material. Put it in your f- an interesting projecť on loca
now. hístory nolv. l"Jhen we finish, We,ll have Lo
3 .-".ontál-:ons abouL what we've found
This year, we're going to use a new English
t . There are tons of vocabulary exercises
Some uays
.^. -tm: ,T can.L !ýork
r tur!
tn ttl
any harderl I n aIready '-mY best!'
5 'Has anyone got a r ? | need to correct
Buť ťhen 1 think that ať ťhe end of it a1l I.L
somerhine. 'There is one in mv p rea11y lveLl in rhe firal exams and go
c . Help yourselfl +^ . ^^^,l Ilňi!'Á,cil-w
6 |need to go to my l-.l've left my Maths u r vc r y d,,,,y. f !Lr-- yuu of!.
book in it. .hři c+m:c
Love /
MarcHtNG << 22

Q lfyou could suggest some changes in your school, Q Whi.h of th" tuggestions do you like? Which ones
what would they be? List three ideas. You can use do you disagree with? Compare your choices in
th€ topics in the box. Then ask other students in small groups. Give reasons.
your class about their ideas.

subjects lessons homework tnps tests and exams @ Complete the highlighted expressions from rhe
equipment uniforms text which refer to things you can do to g€t good
results at school. Tick (/) how often you do these
things. Compare your answers in small groups.

mat])ritaexam T TT
Q Rřečtěte si návrhy studentů, ve kterých píší,co by How oFTEN Do You... žE
<řE !
změni|i ve své ško|e. Pak přiřadte k otázkám 1-5
odpovídajícínávrhy A-F. Jeden náVrh j€ navíc, 859 E
nepoužijete ho. jtlrdy _ ? II
revise for
Who... T
1 doesn't think learning foreign languages is learn things by _?
useful? do your _ ?
2 would like to see more high-tech equipmenr
at school?
3 suggests a different way of assessing srudents'
4 would like school work to be easier and more
5 dislikes being in the same class with people we ŠhaLrLd,w,t have esav^'t|vwatLows ever\ tervw,
who don't study hard? awd the teachers shoxLd.w't glve L.s so t!.,"1tch
vonLev,/o(e' l sPe^d, a|L Vj"|J LLý"^e V.L\,^g essaús
avd. LearwLwg thLwAs bU heart for aLL the tests
awd exawts. lt's /"o fkw .
ALL oLaslvwates aqree that vle Learw beť.er
ýÝhe,^"vle,re d'oLwq th|vwgs so there shoxLd. be
.yylďe^ More sohooL trL|s. tt,s borLwq Šta,,Lwqiw the
P|.p'aso wtake +hi.s a sin|Ie.sel schoo|| slh00|5
oLassraovr" aLL the tL'ý.e.
da^,t |.ý7rk bec,'use
d.on,t |aarn |tke F SUGGESTIONS FO,
schoolgtrls Theg d1^'t stt^d! as hari. or ravtse far therr Name: BaÉ silt1sor,"
eYa\s as Nal( as tNe do Qet rLd.. of L>1o<kboa,rd2 at'
1úp' a|sa nap'd sw,'aL|ar cLAs5 s|zes
c SUGGESTIONS FORM chd.k.a,nd., replace, thc,w v
Ú"'ta. r'c.i''w e, whitel>ot,w d.t a'
k'spec,J'||q for s+u'Áe^ts at\ú4 Let,s svenď.nore tL,"le o,. .rse{u/ srrblec}s
I,.)i|.. le
& WtoP co11.1puter fur
Át$lcu|+tes) k,s LL,ďa|r ta p^t hard.N0rki.^a, lL. l'1iif.. [r,hl "r , St!.d'. uo -t'., Iť 21't Certul
ot.l o 0r1r, \. oui . rrt, a?l espec,'! P|,gilcs a"ď Che,'lstr']' 0jď les +V\e 'tL|-!7er^'Í,
k,+"a:u ',th'?
An'úwht|t cLbou
^^o1t ;,rxL 1
k|.r1s ,n |o.inq li(e En4,]L5h llteráture. Ar+' lulusLc ct schooL w e,bpage, flvt
'nbbi.j. re,<t
o]ao I,,' .u,a,v-a+
'ú..4| 51A 1o1r. or \|'oŤL'] \I]? cn 7d., fu,LÓty
Name: JennqOanson (3C) 1.6't1tgít',,Ia, G''r'u "I a.ý ]p,.
,o,lď speďs EnqlL.|?
'^Ll ý dt'ng2 otúL+a'e: lvL^dJ txv
L,otr.,eanrb, comULt otu, ext
A,ct thá Scle,.cj /o'b is o dLs17.are' re:,'tLts. d"ou nlotdÁ, pa*t e*t
D SUGGESTIONS FORM e: s+eDÁen Eor.,|r'Lno (zA)
j: ni e r !,'e4..L w.ggp6ťLo1a5'
II -.c-J:;' 11ad,, teo-chzr nnd,,
1 :.:'ý J,. b.'|.i.Ý il'tli' :il !l',- !cL].Ll |,,li-(..{'.-ll. l]rY'1'
c r'..l.,.. r,tLct^'i'ca"te. w íÍfytŤez
|.rJ:.Ý +'\,;' Pf |'.''}
'-:.:,,:i't.rq stffi.
.:, lL :lr:rlti l1!, tr!,,\).\ i!i.i 1' ,,.,t i'. t-
3 'i1'l;.rt Lu'l',l.,|, !'i,i'i.\ i|'|'í').' j]. j't L]|tit l]. Namei GALBote* ( 54)
i|L \bri|:íL|'
1 ..Í ..?LÝ |'.Li.'i: .iJý'r!'. |' lL il'.l'rl ilr
b l'-il l!..L|
." l)r'l,'t +,'.l' |.,L|!\.'fi'.l11! |'|,J.1' i,.{'! |),........'Ý rL!'''i \
' ira|f r_t l'r_ \[1iirL
L' L€t Ú..:, \.|\!' |ll' :t,ltrL .-1'i..A\!l'.' |',;:'|\ l'. ' i''i.'
;,,- l;rq,:, y,;,y;/ .:\ i,-ti t.;-- 1,.t,lrrLl.,,. b,-rt_L .,,"...,'i.:

b .' t- IL
' L|"
Name: Ll'. Al'.ltl' :rr'. .,1ó)
-r7a '8,,,:^,,,:
Name: a-
Tnu r/pnrse << rc MULTtpLE cHotcE << as

Q think ofthr"e to five school problems you've had
ťecent|y. Te|| another student about them.
Q Read the questions in Exercise 2. What do you have
to do in each ofthem? Match items a-c to the
matuÍitaexan4 questions 1-3 in Exercise 2.
a Choose the right verb pattern << í 90
Q co ,t.zl Us|yšíterozhovor mezi dvěma žáky ve b Choose the correct pronoun. .( 175
školní jídelně. Rozhodněte, zdajsou následující
tvrzení pravdivá (P) nebo nePravdivá (N).
c Choose a word that collocates with the word after
or before it.
p N1 Tommy is not with them because he's got
a PE lesson now. @ Choose the right answer A-C.
P N2 David doesn't like Ceography.
'I I asked my classmate to lend me notes.
N3 The next lesson is History. A his B het C him
2 Mary has to Seven exams this summer.
P N4 David hasn't done his History homework A write B take C make
because his com puter crashed.
3 Our geography teacher made us all the
P N5 David and Jenny have got exams in three countries of the world by heart.
weeks'time. A learn B to learn C learning
P N6 Both David and Jenny dislike Miss
Fitzwilliam. rÍtaťu.titaexam

Q co Listen again to the following extract.

o Přečtěte si č|ánek o tom, jak se v BÍitánii dostat
Then write your own short dialogue using the do dobré státní ško|y. Vyberte správný výraz A_C,
highlighted phrases and adding your own ideas. který se hodí k dop|nění do vyznačených míst
A: Anyway, how're you doing? V t€xtu 1-8.
g: Not bad, considering I had to survive double
s0Híl0L l'0Tt.InY
Ceography first thing this morning.
A: What's wrong with Ceography? | like it. lti almost
like travelling, you know. like, in your imagination.
In some big citics in BritaiD. ideDtjcal houses in similar
s: lt! boring, that! what! wrong with it. And it's areas are so1d íor very different prices. Why is this? Each
certainly nothing like travelling... school in Britain has a list of strccts it takes '
r_ _ students
from. Parents will pay morc for a house if the)' know
Irool O Miss Fitzwilliam thinks that 'if you don't study that it $ill allow their children r_a better school.
What about those who can't afford'_ more 1br their
drt d now, it may affect your whole future.'Whatt your
house? At the moment, if they are not able to pay, their
etn) \uLt' oPinion? You can use the chart to h€|p you.
children rvill havc to go to a worse school which probably
rd"* a*.; ha. mor. pr.rbl. m .ludenl. and lo\\el e\rrr'
r ea-clt Some people belicve that this is unfair. Tiley say that
'e{utt+.n the children of poor parcnts who want a good education
ebout No, I don't think it should have the same chancc n_
the children of richer
Yes, think it may
t rea,L. will affect oul íutuIe I parents. They suggest introducing 'lottery' schemes to de-
very much. afíect our future. cide rvhich school a child . The idea is that the better
students will help the otbers and the teachers rvill be able
\dJ i'|ý
to control them more easily.
\v Obviously not everyone likes the idea. The parents who
*t etLoa,
/'- --- arc upsct are generall! richer and more'_ than others,

oyw and they have a good chance of keeping things as they are.
lttd" The ideal solution, of course, would tre to make all schools
h2 better.

5A) In a negative In apositive lAit B its C it's
way - how? way - how? 2 A happy B happily C happier
3 A to attend B artend C attending
4Apay B paying C to pay
5 A results B outcomes C answers
6 A than B like
7 A are attending B will attend C have attended
8 A powerful B powerfull C powerfully

TRU E/FALS€ << 24

O Check the words in bold in a dictionary, Underline
the statem€nts which are Iike|y to be true about
a school in an area with a lot of social problems.
Q Přečtěte si text o speciální newyorské škole.
Rozhodněte, zda jsou násIedující tvrzení pravdivá
1 There isa lot oÍ / noilliteracy in thedistrict' (P) nebo nepravdivá (N).
2 The children's test scores arevery high / low.
P NI The KIPP Academy is the best public school
3 Attendance at the school is poor / good. in New York.
4 Most of the children in the school come from
a rich /poor background. N 2 Most studenrs at the KIPP Academy come
from poor families.
The school accepts children depending on I
regardless of their results in a previous school. p N3 Most students continue their education
The children have more / fewer lessons thanthe after 6nishing the KIPP Academy.
natronal average. P N4 One reason why students are successful is
Ihere is quite a lot l not much joy ín the ch ildren,s that they have more lessons than in other
lrves. scn oo ts.
P N 5 All students ar the KIPP academy have to
study Art.
p ttt 6 There are no discipline problems at the
KIPP academy.

4 (20()8) ÍÚÚ05 {erali Monday, January 7,201i

The KIPP Academy

Donna Smith takes a look at an educational revolution
New York's South Bronx dist ct suffcrs 7:25 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every weekday, plus engaging. A uniqle Íěatule at the Soul,
terrible social problems. such as widespread four hours on Saturday and three weeks Broru<KIPP school is the 1sO-piece orchestr.
illiteracy, dmg abuse and vouth crjme. But during the summer holidavs. That amounts rthose pLrrporr is n,'r ro lrain pfofes.ion.
in the midst of this, there is a school which to Íifty per cent mole classlooi]] time than musicians, but to show what can lle achiever
has produced surprising academic results by in traditional public schools. through cnthusiasm and ltard work. Student
combining lessons in hip-hop with the long The students' progress is closeiy can take part in extra curricular activitie
hours and work ethic of the Victorians. monitored and they get a lot of support. .uch r. Arl. Ph)\rcil I ducrtion rnd Busine.
The KIPP Academv has been the best Thc} c]n ph.rne thcir Iclchť|. i[ |he} Studies. and there are also regular ileld trip
public middlc school in the South Bronx irave problems rvith thcir homework, and all around the country.
in reading. rrirrh and atlend.]ncc Inr nine the school constantly communicates with The result is that very few students skil
conseclLtive ycars, and ranks in the top ten parents about how thcy can help their classes' cheat in exams or drop or.Ú' At KIPI
per cent of all New York City public schools. children at home. they help childrcn becon]e betle. citizen
I{PP stands foÍ the
]Gowled]e í5 Another reason whv KIPP is successful as well as bettcr lcarners. They measur,
Power Progrumtne, a national network of is the lol' factor'. The teachels are hard- success not onlv by higher test scores, llu
free co-educational public schools in poor working, creative aDd rnotivating, and they also by $hat kind of citizens their studenr
communities throughout the USA. There use technique< suc\ a. rirrging. chanring. become. The philosophy is simple: 'Worl
are over íifty KIPP schoois serving 14,000 and movement to make lessons fun and Haid. Bc Nice'.
students in seventen states. More than eighty
peÍ cent of them ate lorv-income, and more
than ninen -fir e per ccnt a re African American
or Hispanic/Latino. 'KIPP aims to provide
undcrser.,'ed students the sanre qualitv of
instruction found in a top state-run Acadetny
in Europc,' explains KIPP spokesperson
Steve Mancini, who taught English at the
Second Liceum in Cliwice, Poland in 1990-91
through the Wbrld Těach Program. The idea
is that everyone should have the opportunity
to obtain the academic and character skills
rlecessary to achieve success, so students
are accepted regardless of background or
academic record. Amazingly, nearl)' eightl'
per cent oťthem end up graduating from high
school and going on to collegel
The secret to KIPP's academic succcss
is hard work. The school dav lasts from

MULT|PLE cHotcE <<'rs

Q Look through the text again. Find at least ten
things that make the K|PP Academy a succ€ss.
divá Tick (/) those that your school has got and Q You are going to listen to a girl talking about one
cross (X) those that your school has not got. of her teachers. Read the exam question and the
options A-C,
hool My
The KIPP Academy The speaker had a teacher who was
A too strict.
- school lrou.725 a.wL to 5,Cfr ?.M
,ieeAdlt1 p|us Í.our h'ours ar €a+urd.a9
B impatient.
C demanding but fair.
l -everq
lmagine teachers who are strict, demanding, too strict,
ts impatient, Íajr ' How m ight they behave? Wh ich of these
er characteristics do you think are good? Which are bad?

@ co r.zs Listen to the recording and choose the

right answer A-C.

Q The recording contains the same word as one of

the options, yet that option is ,rot the right answer.
Which word is it?
r 7. 200:

Q whi.h of th" the things you listed in Exercise 3
would you like your schoolto have? Discuss in @ co Uslyšíte čtyři učite|e, kteří hovoří o tom,
small groups. co je na ško|e z|obí. K otázkám 1-4 vybeÍte
správné odpovědi A-C.
e SoLrtl: @ Read the Language and Culture note. Find three
This teacher is upset by
more colf ocations with the word acodemic in
the text. A students who don't do their homework.
B some students'lack of academic honesty.
Student! C students who don't revise for exams.
activitie: This teacher
Ihe word academic in English can mean 'related to
eld trip:
education and studyingl lf a school is good, we can say it A hates correcting homework.
offers high academic ;tandards. Academic honesty means noÍ B dislikes the sound ofthe bell.
cheating in exams or copying other peoplet work.
:nts sklf C thinks his students are really good.
This teacher complains about
citizens . the grades you get
A discipline problems.
rres. bul ,/ B unintelligent students.
rtudents .,, the skills you need C not having enough lockers and textbooks.
: 'Work academic to study effectively,
like taking notes This teacheÍ has probIems with

grades from
A difficult students.
prevrous years B some adults.
€ making her Iessons interesting'

Ask and answer in pairs: Q co Here are some ofthe expressions the
@ teachers used when talking about what students
. Which school in your town or city has a reputation
for high academic standardsl do. Match the collocating words. Then listen to
. Are you satisfied wíth your academic results?
. When you applied to this school, did you have to I cheat a lessons
give your academic record from the previous one? 2 steal b late
. How good are your academic skillsl 3 miss c truant
4 turn up d in exams/homework
5 play e library books


ma!ť.lJitaworkout matuÍitaworkout

Q t Read the exam task in Exercise 2. Then do Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
preparation exercises a-b. preparation exercises a and b.
a Use the correct verb forms in these sentences.
a Read a studentt resPons€ to the exam task and
1 (organise) a class trip.
ld like to suggest answer thes€ questions:
2 Why don't we (go) to Stonehenge?
. Has she included all the questions required by the
3 How about (go) to Oxford?
4 We could (do) _ a project on it.
. Is there anything wrong with the email?
5 -
We promise (behave) very well.

b Tick (/) polite ways ofdisagreeing. Dear 3tr or Madan. A

1 lsee your point, but...- CouId you p)ease Ťd| me somet'hing about' the
2 You must be jokingl/No wayl schaol s f acilit.ies?
3 lsee what you mean, but... ) a so wonder about Ťhe
1oC)a| acŤiviŤie5
4 t,m aíraid Ican,t quite agree with you about that. May I ask' you Ťo Ie| me k'now ťhe ?rjce of a
5 What a stupid ideal course?
6 l'm not sure that's very educational.

riatvtitaexam b Develop the candidatet email by adding the

following lines in appropriate places:
Q Do the exam task below. I 'bL)r5 sincerely ,

2 t,hat yau menŤ o|ed nthe adverE|semenÍ'' ýýhaŤ

Imagine the fo||owin8 situation' You aÍe in a language
are Ťhey exact y?
school in England and you are planning a class trip.
one-monLh Aeneral E ng)lsh
There are some pictures (1-4) of places you could
4 have readyour adveft.|1effienŤ and am
visit. Together with your partner decide where to go.
n|ere1ted Ín La\|lE a Cow1e' I1owe''ter' I wauld ik.e
Ťo k|ow 7ome mare deŤa |5
5 Ftnaly,
For examp|e ' Í5 |here a Corn?L)Ťer raafi afid
a )ibrary?
Oxford @
The ojdes! univ€rsiry in the
Eng]is|ýspeaking worId'

Q Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište e-mai|.

You have seen the following advertisement on the

Learn English in London

with the Chelsea School of English!!
Reasons to choose us:
. A small. friendly language school
in the heart of London
r Fv neripnrod <taff
. socia| activities in the aíternoon
Our courses include:
' General English (all levels);
. Exam Preparation; Business English;
' Conversation Classes (small groups)

Write an email of 60-70 words in which you ask about:

. the facilities at the school
. the afternoon activities
. the price of a two-week course
Begin like this: Dear Sir or Madam,
PHoro DEscRlprtoN < 44

Q Look at page 193 and do exercises l-4.

Itl;?rntfiltlEtr c|ub kroužek, klub nl!1rř7ilrl!il?li!!rí!!lmE rŘi!Ť'ir'firrfillllíl1l
English language and break/|unch break přestáVka/ active aktivní
academy akademie
Iiterature angIický jazyk poIednípřestávka ambitiou5 ctižádo5tiVý
independentschooI nezávis|á
a lrteratura
ško Ia deadIine (závazný) termín cooperative/cooperative
junior high school/middle foreign Ianguages cizí jazyky dokončení,odevzdání spoIupracující/
schooI středníškoIa Geography zeměpis do a course navštěvovat kurz nespoIupracující
rd kindergaÍten/nu15ery History dějepis grade 5tupeň/známka demanding náročný
schooI mateřská škoIa lT (lnformation Technology) hoIidays prázdniny fairlunfair spravedIivýl
primary/elementary school lT (informatika) Iearn sth/about sth učit se nespravedIivý
(AmE) zákIadníškoIa IcT (infořmation and něco/o něčem gifted/ta|ented nadaný/
private schooI soukromá škoIa Communication lesson/cIass (vyučovací) taletovany
pubIic schoo| (BrE) soukromá Technology) IVT hodina hard.working piIný
škola (informační technoIogie)
mark známka imaginative nápaditý, mající
secondary/high school Mathematics/Maths memorise učit se zpaměti obrazotvornost
(AmE) srředníško|a matematika |azy liný
miss lessons vynechat
sing|e-sex schoo| škoIa pouze Music hudebnívýchova hodinu/Vyučování motivated motiVoVaný
pro chIapce/dívky PE (Physical Education) scholarship stipendium motivating motiVující
state/public school (AmE) tě|esná výchova
schoo| trip ško|níVý|et passive pasivní
státní/V€řejnáškola Religious Education set books zadaná/povinná professionaI profesioná|ní
university univerzita náboženství studijníliteratura punctuaI přesný, dochviIný
Science (Biology, Chemistry, term semestr strict přísný
lillllr1!Íiltl!!?ll!il Physics) přírodnívědy
timetable rozvrh 5y5tematic systematický
canteen/dining room (biologie, chemie, fyzika)
wrire an essay psár esej
rř'fiřltríil?|!1t written work Drsemna Drace M
c|assroom třída
spoIečenská blackboard/whiteboard/ Í.atn do an exercise dělat cvičení
do an experiment dě|at
board tabule
at computerroom počítačová academic resuIts studjjní/ pokus
chaIk křída škoInívýsIedky do homework dě|at domácí
copybook/exercise academic standards studijní úkoI
corridor chodba book/notebook sešit,
gym (gymnasium) tě|ocvična stanoaroy do onet best snažit se
poznámkový bIok
headmasterl office řediteIna cheat in an exam podvádět do a project dě|at Projekt
IKE fi|e pořadač přizkoušce
Iaboratory/|ab speciaIizoVaná do a task dě|at úko|lnazadáni
folder desky, sloha na spisy/ do/take/sit an exam dě|at/ hand in homework odevzdat
pracovna, Iaboratoř
library knihovna sk|ádat zkoušku domácí úko|/práci
Iocker úschovnískříňka do well/badly in an exam
office kance|ář have a break mít přestávku
pIayground hřiště
PE kit úbor na tělocvik, vést si u zkoušky dobře/ |earn by h€aít učit se zpaměti
vystrol špatně
science Iab speciaIizovaná make mistakes dě|at chyby
penciI case pená| examination/exam zkouška
pracovna přírodních věd make progress dě|at pokroky
sportsfreId sportoviště ruIer pravítko exam paper písemná část make/take notes děIat silpsát
staffroom sborovna/spo1ečný rubber guma zkoušky/test 5i poznámky
'nail. kabinet textbook/cou15ebook fail an exam/test make a presentation udě|at/
učebnice nesIožit zkoušku/test, vypÍacoVat prezentaci
lil'ri'rÍ'iclFřřll (interactive) whiteboard propadnout u zkoušky/testu mark homework/a test
interaktivnítabule get the results (ofa test/ ohodnotit domácí úkol/test
classmate/schoolmate workbook pracovní sešit exam) dostat výs|edky
spoIužák set an essay zadat ese]
college/university set homework zadat domácí
student vysokoško|ák reEEEE'll's'llřř+a'Ť'!!l mark/correct/grade (AmE) úko|/práci
exam papers ohodnotit/
deputy head (BrE)/assistant aDsence aDsence so|ve a prob|em vyřešit
opravit testy
principa| (AmE) zásiupce attendance docházka prob|ém
ředitele Pass an exam sIožit zkoušku staff meeting pedagogická
attend school/classes/ (projit u zkoušky)
form teacher třídníučiteI a course navštěvovat škoIu/ rada
prepare for (exams)
(ročníkový učite|) hodiny/kurz study hard piIně studovat
připravovat se (na zkoušky)
examiner zkoušejicí be present/absent být study/readmaps studovat
retake an exam znovu sk|ádat
head teacher/principal přítomen/nepřítomen/ mapy/čístV mapách
(AmE)/headmaster/ chybět study sources studijni
revise for (exams) opakovat
headmistress ředitel/ka ger/obtain a certifi cate/ prameny/studovat
na (zkoušku)
lecturer lektor a degree/a diploma z pramenů/zdrojů
school-leaving test/exam
professor profesor získat (dostat) vysvědčení/ take part/participate in a
závěrečný test/zkouška
pupi| žák titul/diplom Iesson zúčasrnitse hodiny
(napi maturita)
schooIboy ško|ák get into university dostat se score/get 1oo marks in an
)out: schooIgir| škoIačka na untverzltu exam/te5t získat/dostat
teacher učite|/ka graduate (n) absolvent u zkoušky/za test 100 bodů
teaching staff učite|ský sbor
8Íaduate from (a university) study for a test/exam učit se
absoIvovat/dokončit na test/zkoušku
rlll'!Í?l?| (univerziru) university entrance exam
Art (and Design) výtvarná Ieave schooI ukončit školu přijímací zkouška na vysokou
výchova MA Mgr./magistr škoIu
I kke ,,oork, tt fascLnntos me.T can srt nnd. look at Lt lor hours.'
(BBITjsH HUMoRoUs wRrŤEP, 1a'9-19l7)

$ Complete the sentences by adding the suffixes from
the box to the words in bold to make names ofjobs.
Which of the jobs are shown in the pictures?

-ant -er -ian -ist -man/-woman -or Q tvtatch the people to what they do.
A journalist will operate on you if you are ill.
A person who is responsible for the accounts of
2 A chef b designs clothes.
a company is an _. A miner c builds roads, bridges or
2 A person who directs films is a
A person who repairs electrical devices/things A farmer machines.
5 An engineer d writes for a newspaper.
an _. 6 A fashion cooks rn a restaurant.
A person who works in a library is a
A person Í works underground.
5 who plays music is a
A surgeon c grows food for all of us.
6 A person who works in politics is a
7 A person
who programs computers is Q Match the words to make names ofjobs.
l police a attendant
8 A person who delivers the post is a
2 shop b representative
9 A person who has studied psychology is
3 flight c guard
a_. 4 driving d ofhcer
10 A person who takes photographs is
5 sales e dnver
A person who works jn rhe freld of science is
6 security f instructor
/ taxl
a_. assrstant

Which ofthesejobs are most/least useful?

O Look at all the jobs in Exercises 1-3. Which ones
would you quite like to do? Which ones would you
Discuss in pairs. never want to do? Why? Tell another student.

Q Complete the crossword to frnd out what all
the jobs have in common. Q match the words to the definitions.
l salary a money that you make by selling
2 wages things or doing business
J Íee b the money a retired person receives
4 income c money paid every month for work
d extra money paid to employees
6 bon us e.g. as a reward for good work
7 pension e money paid per hour or per week
of work
Í payment for professionaI services,
e.g. of a doctor or lawyer
g all the money a person makes (and
has to pay tax on)
1 He/She looks after you if you are ill in hospital.
2 You need him if rhe taps are leaking. l|ríí{IÍEEEBl
3 He/She can cure you when you're ill. Q co Read the dialogue and choose the best
4 You need him/her if your dog is ill. words (a-c) for each gap. Then listen and check.
5 He serves you in a restaurant.
BARRYT Excuse me, Mr O'Reilly, may I have a word
6 You need h im if your car isn't working well. with you?
7 He/She can advise you on legal matters.
MR o'REILLYT Yes, Barry, of course, What is it?
8 You need him/her if you want your hair cut.
BARRYT Mr O'Reillt l've been thinking maybe iti time
rFŤrrljltrrrríilrr*"ill1lEr?rlTll Ihad a '_
rise. l've been working here for five
years, | 'z_ my job well, l've never taken a day 3
@ .l what,s the op posite oÍ'''
but my salary is still the same as when I started.
awell-paidjob-a job
2 apermanentjob-a job MR O RElttY: ll seem\ lo me you re' paid, and as
you know the 5 fringe we give are unusually
3 afull-time job a_ job
good: you've got health insurance, a staffcanteen...
třŤŤ3ÍřÍ?irrnrŤí BARRY| But What about overtime, MÍ o,Reil|y? |work
really long 6_, you know
Q Complete this letter of application with the words
MR o,RÉ|LLY: We||, Barry, we all have to do our best,
from the box.
don't we? l'm sure you're proud to be part of such
skills responsible qualifications interview an excellent 7_, aren't you? And you'll get a bonus
experience CV apply advertisement at Christmas.
BARRY: Thank you, Mr O'Reilly.

September 6,2007 1 a income D WaSeS c pay

2 a make D WOTK cdo
3 aoff b free c out
Dear Sir or Madam, b well c much
re ill.
5 a benefrts c bonuses
rvould like ltl L_
b fees
1 for the position of 6 a time qay c nours
rssistant at your art gallery. I saw your l
7 a group D team c work
'.n The Guardian on June 12.

\ you wrll see fiom my r_, T have all the

@ compIete the sentences with th€ correct
_ you require: a degree in art history and prepositions from the box.
ieveral certificates in foreign languages. I also
have five years' 5_ of similar work at
as for (x 4) of on (x 2)
l small local gallery in my home town, CaÍnfoÍth.
While working there, I was ('_ _ a big international company.
I He works
for contacts
ru ith buyers, both face to face and via the Internet.
z She works _ a receptionist.

7_ 3 l'm working _ a new invention.

\ly computer include using all the
epplications in both MS office and openofÍicc.
4 She! in charge _ the m usic department of
a big shop.
I look folward to all opportunity to meet with you 5 What do you do _
a living?
1n person. Please contact me at any of the email 6 He applied a job in Thailand.
addresses or telepl.rone numbers listed in the CV _
io arrange for an s_.
7 She's responsible all the correspondence
in the office.
The workers felt so angry about the bad working
i'ou \burs faithfully, conditions that they went stÍ|ke.
3haron CoLLins
Sharon Collins
MATCHtNc << aa

Q Work in small groups. Ask and answer the @ Complete the definitions with highlighted words
questions, from the text. Change the form ofthe word when
. Have you or anyone you know ever had a summer necessaÍy.
job? What was it? 'I A _ is another word for a job or position.
. What did you (he/she) have to do? 2A is a job that is available and people
. What was good/bad about the job? can apply for it.
. What kind of summer job would you like to do? 3 _ is time that you spend working in your
lob in addition to your normal working hours.
Q tvtake a list of all the summer iobs you can think of is a previous employer's opinion of
which students do in your country. a candidate for ajob.
A is one oÍ the periods (usua||y
daylnight) into which a day's work is divided in
a hospital or factory.

Q Rřečtěte si násIedujícítext o Ietních brigádách. _- are small jobs of various kinds.

Pak přiřadte tituIky A-H k přís|ušným odstavcům
1 -6. Dva tituIky j5ou navíc, nepoužijete je. @ Match the sentence beginnings (l -5) with the
endings (a-e).
A A bit of everything
B Capitaljob 1 The job involves... 3 We require...
C Entertain us 2 You will be 4 You will work...
D For artistic people
responsible for... 5 You will earn...
E Get people to help a a gÍouP offive peopIe/cleaning the office/alI
F Mummy wanted tne corresponoence
G Strawberry fields b in a team/(in) shifts
H Work in sales c uP to É300 a Week/a weekly wa8e oft200
d working long hours/looking after children/a lot
@ whicn of thelobs would you like to do? Why? For of travelling
which ones have you got the required qualities? e good references/healthy, hard-workingyoung

paid training period }'oL1\|'ould be řesponslble a student.'Ihe duties include answerin.

ideal lbr
for rvorking in a Leam to persuade people to Lhp ohurre h.1,..'s .r'ro.r'er.. a.. , ng
give to chaťities' senior ťeceptionist and anv otlrer odd jobs' Th.
SUMMER JOBS hotel is open 24 hours, so ,vou may be aslied tc
work shifts, and oveřtime is also ar'ai1able'
If you want a job this summeq it isn't haťd to lf pr.efer ph,vsical rr'ork' Gow|ie Faťms
fincl or, e. There are plent] of employers \a,illing in 'vou
the North-East of Scotland require hard o
to pay a decent salařy to young people who are $'or]<ing Íil]it pickers íor.the sunrnrer' Thev Ho\^. about \t'orking in a restauťanL? Eah\.el
not afiaid ofa frard day! rvork. pror,ide medical insurance, holida,v pa,v and Restaurants are recruiting part-time staff t.
-T accomnrodation and the rr.ages range írom |5
to t8 per hour
serr.e and clear tables in its central Londor
brarr. l--,. app icnr ', u.t Le .rl e.,l l.
For exarnple, Star Summcr Camps, based i'1 years of aee and a neat and ticlv appearance r:
the South West of Ingland, are Looking for essential- Thc posts aťe all in Central Londor
\' L:'.t' It...r u, nr( lo\. ^;.,v !L. L rldlen aBed loi bu-;lr lra. r5.. rr d. i \i-rlJrs p er) and the pav is 17.25 per hour.
5 15' The money is rrot bad fion,] ť220 to .uml ' 'l' l l .Jle Ho el. "|e otÍe|inB:.l '
{260 per $eek. lt's ideal lbr outgoing, reliable 1". morrt plu. frr Lolrd .'r " Horpl Re..D- on To appl,v íor any of the iobs above visit ou:
people rvho enjo,v r.orking $.ith children. Assislant. It! a tcmporary summer contract, weDslIc.
Candidales with musical or spofts abiliq' are
preferred, but all applications are welcome.

Can you see your.selí as MarY Poppins? !í.ant
'o \ýoj'' JJ. nann) \\e|'r|.erei';va.a.c)'o.
a clrild carer lviťh a pťestigious famil,v in tlre
Channe] lsLands Ňlay to Septertber. The
r,vork invo]ves looking after ťhťee Pre.schoo]
,l-ild--rr. .>r ir"be o..l.n 'lLron.. e..1'.r..n..
and good reférences a|e essentia], It pa,vs |180
per ueek plus lu1l board and travel expenses.

Have vou ever Eliven monev to a charity? Of
course you have' Vrell, Tirr]e 2 Gí'e need
h oLlr rn., ,- .d er -r-- i. r-o'es-ionul
people to raise money íol good causes' There
''Ie Lotl pe. nJnPn| .,''d J'olt '' lm \J'. nc]ť']able all oveť the collnlřv, and good
\^Ullšl) cJn earlt or'er rl00 . \\eel.| ÁtLer d
MULTtpLE cHotcE << zs

Q Match the situations I -6 with the phrases a-f.
I job interview
a new JoD Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
preparatIon €xerc|ses a-c.
:ion. workers feeling dissatisfi ed
Íe 4 asking for a pay rise a Read the text. Do not look at the given answers.
5 getting frred Complete the text with your own ideas.
6 relrrement
b Look at your ideas and make sure they are
of low wages, go on strike correct by considering these points:
b unemployed, on the dole . Does the meaning of the phrase make sense?
pension, part-time job . ls the sentence grammatically correct now?
d previous experience, CV . Does the word normally got with the word that
e starting salary, benefi ts comes before or after it?
Í doing my job well, improved qualifications
c Look at the given answers. Are any of them the
same as your ideas?
Q co r.aa You are going to hear 5 short dialogues
related to work. Match the speakers 1-5 to the
statements A-F. There is one extra statement that maturitaexam
you do not need to use,
A Someone is going to retire soon. @ nřečtěte si nás|edující text. Do mezer 1-7 Vyberte
B The boss is threatening to fire someone. vždy jednu správnou a|ternatiVu A-c.
ltl C Employees are protesting against unfair treatment
at worK.
D Someone
E Someone
is trying to get a
trying ro get a pay rise.
job with an airline.
w0Br( ultPAltl
r lot F Someone is explaining to new employees how Mn SrrrsoH wAs rHE RtcHEsT MAN tN TowN. HE HAD


Q co List€n to dia|ogue 4 again. Comp|ete this

Iist of advantag€s of the job the Person is taIking One day he decided to have a new house built in
s ng tn€
iobs. The
about: the'- Íashionab|e paít oÍ town With a Íirep|ace in
asked tc 'We've got the best startingls_ in the country; his Iarge |iving Íoom. When the mason had Íinished
fantastic'b_: six weeks'rp_ n Working on the Íirep|ace, he asked Mr stetson.-
a year, guaranteed's_ p .|'m
td- c
' free
for pre-school children.'
the money he Was owed. aÍraid lcan't pay you
? Eatwel today. You see, I don't have the exact sum,' N4r,
r staff to
Stetson said. 'No problem, but please don't use the
least lE
Which of these things would be most important
to you? Discuss with a partner. Íirep|ace o-
you've paid me,' Went the answer. The
arance is client agreed unwillingly.
London co Listen to dialogue
@ write down
5 again and
Four hours later the wealthy man phoned the
the names of all the jobs the man has done (there
visit our are sixt). Which of the jobs could you do for some
workman, shouting, 'My house is'_
'I to|d you not t0 use the Íirep|ace yet,'the mason
replied. A little later he arrived "_
Mr. Stetson's
house and received his money. He immediately took
a |adder, Went up to the rooÍ and took out his heaviest
hammer. He simply'_ it drop into the chimney
bÍeaking the pane oÍ g|ass he had bui|t into it.

1A even B until C although

best B most C more
3A of B for Cto
4A until B when C because
fi lled of B full of C full with
6A to B a Cat
7A let B allowed c did

MULTtpLE cHolcE .{< eo

Q Work in pairs. Describe the photo and answer

the qu€stions.
. Would you like to work in an office like this?
Why?/Why not?
. What are the advantages and disadvantages of
working in an ofEce?

Rřečtěte si nás|edující text' Ke každéotázce _5
@ '|

vyberte správnou odpověd' A-D.

1 The writer says he used to frnd ofFces impressive


A the people are smartly dressed.
B employees get many perks.
C you get sick leave if you're ill.
by Joanna Summers
D you can do some of the work from home.
A woman's desk
A is more hygienic than an office toilet.
|a-''e "]'VdV' bee. irpr" s"o ol node.n o||i.é A| |no.e |".
B has three to four times less bacteria than
l'lorl.. wirh the. qrit. a'.d 'e' dno 1a.. ií\ And IV.
a ways thought that one of the perks of working in such p ace:
amanl desk.
i Ih.t é\,p.\ rhino ..n |p'n Rl l . r^ )
'r Ó.l io.l l'
C is usually in her home. ^.^'.o
D has more bacteria than study, if you re a whjte col ar office worker you should think
a manl desk
about asking for síck ]eave or even staft working from home'
Which of the following is NOT given as a reason Because your workplace is craw ing r,vith genrs.
why womenl desks have many germs on them?
A Women keep food in their desks. ll-edn-
'o r' "e U o' Ar.?o d d i.o pr"d \d t
ve-- r,/

B Women have more contact with children. f1la lo'3g" o.i.l' e oe>|Lop h.s 400 ri re no'" bÓ.'Pri" Idntl-
C Women leave tissues lying on their desks.
a..|aBéo e 'oi e'se"t'A d urp 'i tg|1 /ýoT.ór'. //or'tdL'o I

are home to far rnore gern'rs than those of their ma e colleagues.

D Women use cosmetics.
On average. female employees have three to four tintes the
Men's wallets are full of bacteria because of ar.ount of germs in their work area.
A the place where men usually keep them.
.l'é red.o '\h\ ^or.n. d".| . ".v" no.e bactera i thaL
B the amount of money they contarn. tt ''ň"
'.r.'l 'l or en.p"nd Ťo.e \^ lL (rd| ' '|o.".and'o drP ro''
C the different things men keep in them.
likeiy to catch their germs. Another problem is that women use
D the high temperature in the office.
r .ke.up ".d olions /ýhi.h eIp 'o ran Ie. ba.'olia' Ard -ld \
The writer advises the reader to: women. especia ly if they have to work long hours, like to have
A give up his or her office job. o ll " or ^r ng to edL nti p r\pr a.p on dury ;O L ey Lend
B find a more hygienic workplace. Lé"p '.a(|í ln thp. dp' d.o,l.r' d"al p|a " o bd'|erid lo
C get more information before making a decision. ornvl Prnfo.<nr (Á. r !
T^ n/] lh-l o\,Óňl', í ,ó..' ...
D avoid hard manual work. oí fema|e emp|oyees kept food ln the]r Work area' 'I Was rea|]y
5urprised how rrrUch íood there was in a Wornan,s desk- |fthere'!
Q complete the qu€stion5, using the highIighted ever a famine. that s the fjst place l'll look.
expÍessions in the text to he|p you. Then ask and
answeÍ the questions in pairs. llowe, er b"forp a I vo ooor rdl" worl p , run to ,/o- ' bo( . ro
'I Do your parenrs work _ hours? llco np a .
obour 7o.'wor(ing (ondit'orc a'd .o .hreaLe ro
2 What, in your opinion, makes good Bo on <rrj\e r e)) vou get o bon-' for wo.L ing wi hal lho.e
conditions? dirty women, you should know one thingr men s wallets are the
3 Would you like to work home? al for a I those nasty little office
nrost feftile breeding grounds of

What are the advantages and disadvantages? bugs. Professor Cerba: Your wal et is jn your back pocket where
"-d \drrT'. i r gr.d ubd'o for b.L.erid.
4 lf you were _ for a job, what would t s -r -" .
you give as your greatest strength'?
5 D don.'a d - vorrr '".'q-l-io- and appv iora,obo aoig
Which of these people should not, in your opinion, ElÍa'n o, o. . . '.p' Id np jutry"L' Belo.é in.o|n. rByoL'
go on _: doctors, nurses, teachers, '
enrp oyer that you re leaving for a more hygienic occupation
frrefrghters, street cleaners, dustmen, bus drivers?
you should fjnd out if anlone has done a similar study for blue
collar workers lnvo ved ir manual labour lt could be even ditier
B2 on rne prg rarfn.

Tnue/rnlse << rl Crnennl coruvrnsATtoN << 4.r

Wna.r M.trns Us Hlppy Ar Wonx
Q Complete the questions with the words from the
Top l0 in order box. There is one extra word you do not n€ed.

I work team salary on job for well-paid

oo company

'I What sort of job would you like to _
4 Good wor}ďlife balance in the future? Why?

5 Varied work

6 Doing something worthwhile

7 Making a difference

8 Part of a successful team

o Achievements recognised
3 Would you prefer to work _ a small local _
l0 or a big international one?
rd Ive souÍce: Chiumentoš Happiness at Work Index
places ?r
i think
lhome. Q A .u.u"y wa, .arried out to find out what makes
peoPl€ haPPy at work. CompIete the resu|ts with
what you think is the most imporrant. 5 Do you prefer working on your own
rat the orrna ?

ran the
Enjoyable work Friendlysupportive colleagues
Cood boss or manager High salary
les the @ co Listen to a dia|ogue between two Íriends
to find out the real results ofthe survey. Then
check your answes on page 150.
is that Q What can you say when you are not sure? Match
e more the beginnings and endings of six useful phrases
ten use rnatj. itaexam with which you can start your answ€r.
J many 1 Thati a good/difficult a decided yet.
.o have @ co Rita hovořís Larou o své nové práci.
Po vys|echnutí rozhovoru rozhodněte, zda jsou l'm not b no idea.
tend to
násIedující tvrzení pravdivá (P) nebo nepravdivá 3 | haven't c depends.
tera to (N).
er cent 4 lhave d think.
PN 1 Rita is not happy because the working
s reary
conditions at the café are bad.
s lt (all) e question.
there s
p N 2 Rita has been fired. 6 Let me fsure.

boss to
P N 3 Rita damaged a piece of equipment.
aten to P N 4 Rita's help in the kitchen was a success. mat!Íitaexam
Ithose P N 5 Rita spilt some coffee over a customer.
are the Q Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions from
Exercise l.Student A asks questions 1-3; student B
e office @ co Read the sentences. Can you complete
asks questions 4-6. Give answers that are true for
:where some ofthem without listening again? Compare
your answers in pairs. Then listen and check. you and say as much as you can.

1 All the s are so nice and friendly.

In a pig
2 They are making lots ofp_ Q Now swap roles and ask the questions in Exercise 1
your once again.
3 You can t"ka tirn" o .
4 | was in ch_ of the coffee machine.
or Dtue
t dinier
5 They asked me to give the chef a h_.

řŤ.atu.Íitaworkaut Match thejobs (t-6) to the candidates'

strengths (a-f).
'I au pair 4
Q Read the following exam task and do preparation receptionist
exercises a-f. 2 instructor at 5 shop assistant
summer camP in a supermarket
You are applying for a summer job in the USA on 6
3 fruit picker cleaner
the basis ofan advertisement you have seen on a
website. Write an application letter to the future
a lcan work long hours and shifts.
employer: b I am hard-working and very tidy.
. explain what job you are applying for and where c As well as playing tennis and football, I am
you found out about it, a stronS swlmmer.
. describe your experience in similar work and say d I am strong, fit and I enjoy working outdoors.

if you enjoyed it, e I am very patient and I like working with

. give at least two character features that make children.

you suitable for the job, f lcan speak English,Spanish and Russian.
. describe your level of English and your
e Here are different ways in which you can join two
experience in using it in practical situations. strengths in a sentence.
1 I am srrong and fit and I a/so enjoy working
Begin like this: Dear Sir or Madam,
2 | am strong and fit and I enjoy working outdoors
a Highlight the eight items of information that the a5 weu.
instructions ask for. The first one has been done 3 As well as being strong and fit, lenjoyworking
for you. outooors.
Now rewrite this sentence in the same three ways.
b Read a candidate,s řesPonse to the task. Which
three pieces of information are not included? tam very patient and I like working with children.
What else is wrong with the letter? I

Put this jumbIed sentence in ordeÍ.

I am !Ýriting to appjy tor ťhe job of the Cuardian I apply forl the position of / like /
instructor at your sufiLŤer camp. Last summer would / | / in /on / to /waiter/May28 /advertised
T t.ýorked as an instructor in the UK and ťhe
chi ldren li<ed me. T can do many spo.rts. W.ite an improved version ofthe candidate's letter.
T speak English quiťe !ýe11' T think ] ý7i11 @
be able ťo coÍnmunj'caťe !ýiťh the children
a! your camp. maturitaexarTt
T 1ook forward ťo hearing from you. Q Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište
Yours faithfully,
You are studying in London and would like to take
a part-time job. You have seen this advertisement in
the London News:

Which three ofthe following sentences contain

the information required by this bullet point:
Are you a ruusic junkie?
We,ve ooŤ work for You!
. '... your experience in using English in practical
f you |ike music come and Work in o|e 01 oUÍ nu5ic 5tore5]
situations'? Send vour letter ol aDDlication with a short text
about a bard you rea
1 | have no problems speaking English.
\/ like
to Patrick Jones,
2 I have used English a lotwhen travellingand
lcan communicate with people of different
nationalities. Write an application letter of 120-.150 words in
3 | think I will be able to communicate with the
which you will:
. say how you found out about the job and why you
children at your camp.
would like to get it,
4 | often show foreign visitors around my town.
. mention your previous work erperience,
5 When lwent on a school exchange to Britain
. say who you wrote your short text about and why.
two years ago, I had to speak English all the
ume. Begin your letter like this: Dear Mr. Jones,

TE manua| work manuá|ní práce
part-time na částečný úVazek
teamwork týmová/spoIečná práce
work/do overtime pracovat přes čas
accountant účetní
permanent 5tá|ý workplace pracovní místo
au pairlbabysitter au pair/05oba h|ídající
děti temporary dočasný přechodný
vypomocny nE!r!l'!r!t?nrn
beautician kosmetička
we||-paid dobře pIacený fired dostat Vyhazov/být
bus driver řidič autobu5u be sacked/be
car mechanic auto
computer programmer počiračovy
Ířřim'ř!:ltEl' propuštěn
give up/quit (AmE) work dát výpověd,
programátor appIicant žadateI on ho|iday na dovo|ené
chef šéfkuchař appIication Íorm tiskopis/formu|ář pensioner důchodce
cook kuchař žádo5ti resign/hand in your resignation
dentist zubař cV curricuIum vitae žiVotopi5 rezignovat/podat výpověd,
(fi|m) director (fi|mový režisér) candidate kandidát retire odejít do důchodu
doctor |ékař (empIoyment) contract (pracovní) retirement d ůchod/důchodovývě|.
dressmaker/taiIor švadIena/krejčí smlouva sack sb/give sb the sack/frre sb
driving instructor učite|/instruktor enc|o5e a cV přiIoŽit životopis (informa|) vyhodit někoho
autoškoIy (previous) experience (předchozí) (be on) sick |eave/be off sick být
two economts[ eKonom zkušenosti v pracovni neschopnosti
eIectrician eIektrikář/eIektrotechnik interview pohovor unemployed/out of work nezaměstnaný
job advertisement inzerát zaměřený na (high/|ow) unempIoyment (vysoká/
engineer inženýr
pracovní pří|ežitosti nízká) nezaměstnanost
executive/manager Vedoucí/řediteI
job appIication žádost o místo unemploymentbenefit podpora
farmer farmáí ro|ník v nezaměstnanosti
job centre Pracovní úřad
fashion designer módní návrhář
firefighter hasič
fl ight attendant Ietuška/stevard
quaIifications kvaIifikace, způsobiIost
recruit provádět nábor EE@EB
fruit picker česáčovoce recruitment nábor boss šéf/zaměstnavateI
references reference, doporučeni colleague spolupracovnik
ays. hairdresser kadeřník
housewiíe žena v domácnosti, skills dovednosti empIoyee/worker zaměstnanec/
..n. (starting) saIary (nástupní) pIat pÍacoVnIl(
instructor instruktor
journaIist novinář training(session) š|.oIeni' zaš|.oIovaní empIoyer zaměstnavatel
Iawyer právnik
vacancy VoIné místo staff zaměstnanci/personá|
working conditions pracovní podmínky team tým/skupina
Iecturer přednaie1íc /vysoIoš|oIsky
Iibrarian knihovník
rÍil?ril']lÍrFlllTŤil I@
miner horník bonus prémie, přípIatek app|y for a job žádatopráci
sed musician hudebník earnings příjem, výdě|ek be in charge ofsth mir něCo na starosti
nur5e sestra, ošetřoVatelka fee poplatek, raxa be/get pÍomoted být povýšen/povýšit
(portrait) painter ma|íř (portrétista) fringe benefits zaměstnanecké přípIatky be part ofa team být 50učá5tí/č|enem
pharmacist/chemist farmaceut/lékárník/ income přÍ€m týmu
clrogrsta pay platrt be responsib|e for sb/sth být za něco
photographer forograf pay rise zvýšenímezd zodpovědný
pilot pilot pension důchod/penze be se|f'empIoyed být samostatný
profit (živnostník)/na voIné noze
pIumber instaIatér zisk
police officer policista saIary pIat (pevný pIat) concentrate on sth zaměřit se na něco
politician politik wages mzda dealwith people pracovat s lidmi
postman/pos.Woman pošťá|./pošťač|.a do sth Íor a Iiving vydělávat na živobytí
tn psychologist psycholog ril!řl'ÍÍlŤll do one!job we|| dě|at dobře svou pract
earn one,s |iving as... vydě|ávat si jako
receptíonist recepční career kariéra fil| in a form vyp|nit formu|ář
sales representative (rep) obchodnr empIoy sb zaměstnat někoho
zástupce get a bonus dostat prémii
empIoyment zaměstnanost oat : inh ,lnctrr nriri
scientist Vědec job povo|ání/práce get a pay rise dostat přidáno
secretary 5ekretářka/ta]emnik odd jobs drobné/pří|ežitostnépráce get promoted dosáhnout povýšení
security guard pracovník ochranky post/position mí5to/pozice go on strike jit do stáVky/stáVkovat
shopassistant prodavač
look for a job h|edat práci
profession povo|ání, zaměstnání
shopkeeper obchodník, majiteI obchodu
take a day/time off vzít si den vo|na
teacher učiteI t:!!ril!it!t
take |eave vzít si dovolenou
ticket inspector revizor
deadIine (zavazny) ternín dokončeni take over from sb převzít od někoho
tran5|ator překIadateI (odevzdání) the job/work invoIves... povo|áni/práce
traveI agent zástupce cestovní kance|áře
dea|with (vy)řešit, poradit si zahrnuje
TV presenter hIasate|, TV moderátor give sb a hand/assist sb pomáhat někomu work as pracovat jako
vet Veterinář manage/run (a business) řídit, vést work íor (a company) pracovar pro
waiter/waitress číšník,servírka (spoIečnost/u spoIečnosti/ve fi rmě)
management Vedení
ofhce kance|ář work long hours mit dlouhou pracovni
n|r|Eřlil1Trářl?lll:l1Ťlmrld ooDu
overwork přepracovanost
badIy paid špatně pIacený per hour/week/month za (na) hodinu/ work on sth pracovat na něčem
fu||-time na pIný úvazek, ceIodenní týden/měsíc work shifts pracovat na směny
'A babnced" dra rs a cookro
tn oach hand.'

Q Match the sections ofthe food pyramid (a-g)
with the words (1-7).
1 cereal products
2 daiíy Products
3 fats and sweets
4 frsh and seafood
! rrutt
6 meat
7 vegetables

Q In your noteboolc
divide these types of food
into the s€Ven categories
o\ from the food pyramid.
Then add two to three
more words
to each cat€goÍy.
z apn cot
breakfast cereal
= cnerry
cod ..a
cottage cheese

grapes m ilkshake plum ro s tuna

green peas oiive oil pork sausage turkey
herring pasta radish steak watermelon
lettuce red pepper strawberry yoghurt
margarine pear rice sweetcorn

nFE'':rrifríinÍííŇ?Ííi'rF| rř.ř.l-'Ť/Íá?7ťíÍť'ÍÍ|-'I!rEIIEr5
Q tvtatch. @ tvtatch.
'l How would you like your steak? 1 a carton of a bread
2 What kind of water would you like? 2 a can of b honey
3 How do you like your tea? 3 a packet of c chocolate
4 What kind of wine shall we buy? 4 a loaf of d chocolates
5 What! this bread like? 5 a jar of e cota
6 What kind of food do you prefer? 6 aboxof f crisps
/ aoaroÍ g luice
a Dry or sweet?
b Mild or spicy?
c Fresh or stale?
d Rare, medium or well-done?
e Still or sparkling?
f Weak or strong?

['Trí'ÝfiTEmEEl trríí,í[rnE[EE[E
Q Match the drawings (a-i) to the sentences (1-9). O In what situations would you go to these places?
1 pub
z caÍe
3 canteen
4 buffet car
5 fast food restaurant
6 Chinese takeaway

You're on a train journey.

D You need something to eat while studying,
so you buy it on your way home.
You're in a hurry and not thinking about your
q You're at school or at work,
You want to meet some friends for a beer.
Í You're meeting a friend for a coffee.

Q Inwhat order do you normally do these activities?
Number them 1-5.
Clear the table
Cook a meal
Do the wash ing-up
Have a meal
Lay the table

) @ co z oz Complete the dialogue between Lucy

and her boyfriend with the words from the box.
4 Then listen and check,
junk vegetarian lose put on go low high

1 Boil the eggs in a saucepan.

2 Stir the soup with a wooden spoon. tucy: Oh dear. I really need to '- weight.
l'll have to' on a diet. I hate it.
3 Bake for forty-five minutes in a hot oven.
4 PHtLr Do you really have to? You don't look as if you've
Put the kettle on.
3_ weight.
5 Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl.
6 Peel the potatoes. LUCYr Oh, but I have, Phil. ltt all this
7 Slice the pineapple. food I eat when I don't have time to cook. lt s so
8 €hop the pars|ey with a sharp knife' fattening, you know
9 Melt some butter in a frying pan. pHrL: Well, then it's not just about weight, is it? lt's
really about your health, Lucy. Listen, why don't we
nEÍE do something together? We could cook healthy
Complete the sentences with the words from food, you know in fat and calories,6-
@ in vitamins and minerals... and maybe some of it
the box.
might even be tasty. We could take it in turns, you
picn ic breakfast dinner barbecue snack cook one day and I do the next. How's that?
packed lunch LUcy: OK. Let's try. We could even do some
food. Summeri a good time for that.
I I usually have a bowl of cereal for
Who needs meat when there are all those cheap
Our neighbours ar" h"uing u . I *n r."ll
fresh vegetables?
the burning meatl
We,re going hiking tomorrow. Remember to bÍing
, there won't be any restaurants in the
4 We've got some guests comrng to
Saturday at 7 p.m.
5 l'm busy. l'm just goinS to have a quick
6 The weather's so lovelyl Let's have a tn
the parkl
MarcHtNG << 2p

Q Describe the photo be|ow. Answeř these questions. @ Whi.h of the school lunches described in the text
. Do you eat school lunches or do you bring your would you most like to eat?
own lunch from home?
. What do you usually have for lunch?
@ Use the highlighted words from the texr to
. What is your favourite lunch food? comP|€te these sentences.
. Are the school lunches in your school good? 1 _ are a bit like spagherti, but rhinnerj
they are often used in Chinese cooking.
maírritaexam 2 In informal speech vegetables are often called

Q nřečtěte si násIedu|ící text o škoIním stravování When you can choose your meal from a range of
foods on a table and serve yourself, this is called
v různých zemích světa. K tvrzením 1-5 přiřadte
jména zemí A-F. V nabídce A-F je jedna možnost a_.
navíc, nepoužijete ji. Another word for cold non-alcoholic drinks is
1 Meals are organised differently in primary
school and in high school. _ comes from ltaly and there are many
2 5mall children receive free fruit. different kinds, eg spaghetti, penne, farfalle.
3 Sweers cannor be bought at all rimes.
4 The government makes rules about the content Q In pairs, write a paragraph like the ones in the text
about school meals in your country.
of the meals.
5 You cannot usually choose your food unless
you are on a special dier.

A SCOTLAND canons oÍ n]iIk' Hlgh 5choOis operate
The typlcaI menU might oÍler a canteen5, Which serve anyth]n9 í|om
Cho ce b€tween tu|key steak and nn^.]|A< t^. h t.^t h Í^Ór(
two veg; pizzat baked potato with and chips' other ch dÍen have
salrnon mayonnaise; a sandwich, unchboxes, which may conta n co d
ro or salad. ln add t on, ch dren rice bal s' gri/ ed meat oÍ flsh, pickles
can rhoose to have m k, lulce, soup and simmered vegetab ..s.
a|d bread' Vegetab e and Íruit' chips D SPAIN
are str lavailabie, bLtt no more than Hdmburgers are on the n]€nu, but
tW ce a Week' Every ch]d gets a íree on y once a week. 0f other days you
piece Of frLrit a day ln the]r íiÍsttwo might f nd omelettes, sa ads, ch ck
schoo years and al dlning rooms npá <té1^' Ír<h :nr] n;<t> Ďp<<prt<
provide ítee ftesh ch lIed water coUId be ndtura yoghuťt' orange
B COLOMBIA coTnpote or a banana. Typlca y there
State schools provide elther one 5 on|y one option on oÍíelthough
not meai a day: soup, r ce or pasta, chidten on speclaI diets aÍe catered
meat, sa ad and fruit j! ce; or a Íor
serie5 oÍ ight snacks: at]easttwo E AUSTRALIA
pieces of fru t, Íru t julce, sma cake Meat p]es' Ío|]s and hotdogS
and sandw ch. n both {:ases, the are traditiofal n Australia. But
F SWEDEN m€at or íish, one thiÍd pasta or
arnounts of ca oÍie5, Vitamins and to fight chldhood obesity, many
Schoo s serve at least one cooked r Ce, and one third íru]t and Veg.
nUtritionaI content aÍe set by the ,trafíic
schoo s use a ight, systen]'
main dish with vegetables, bread A typica lunch features meatballs
Health |\linistry, and each mea must which I mits the sale of red'labelled
With oW fat maÍgarine' 5a ad, With potatoe5, cabbage roIIs or Íish,
provide chi dren w th thiny three foods that are hlgh in Íat' suqar oÍ
skimmed rnilk and water A ba anced Wth a mixed sa ad ÍIOm the butf€t'
peÍ cent oJ the r lecommended dai y sa t, such as pastri-as, chocolate and
mea should include one th rd
InIaKe. soÍt dr nks' Hea th er green ]abe ed
C JAPAN foods such as sushi, sandwiches,
In many prlnary schools mea s are corn on the cob and watermelon
eaten ln the classroom durlng the sllces are avaiable every day. ln one
The word 'lunch' means a (usually light) meal eaten around
iunch break, and children c ean up s{hoo|, students can cho05e Írom
1 p.m. lt doesn't matter what you have: just a sandwich, or
atterwards. Among the d shes served e ghty-nine foods, lncluding popcorn,
a cooked meal. The largesr meal of the day is 'dinnerl which
aIe toÍU stew, assort€d Vegetab]es, sandwiches, spr ng water; milkshakes is eaten later
rlce, miso soUp, frozen yoghUťt and and rice crackers.
SENTENcE coMPLETIoN <.( 16 MULT|PLE cHotcE << zs


:4F Q Read the article in the Exercise 3. lgnore the gaps

and decide if the sentences 1-3 beÍow are true or
liá..' false.
.,. :"
i .:: T Fl According to the article, crisps are a popular
5nacK nowaoays.
Í F2 Crisps were invented by a choosy customer.
$r, Í F3 An annoyed cook invented crisps
un intentionally.

Q nead the paragraph below and complete gaps a-d

usingthe options 1-4Írom Exercise 3. ExpIain
your choice and say why the other options aÍe not
ny correct,
Q In pairs, describe the photo and answer these Mike has been goin8 to that restauÍant "
questions. he first came to live in London. lt very
xt . Why do you think the people are eating in this place? cheap, but the food is delicious. He last went there
. What do you think of Íestaurants of this kind? Monday and ate some spicy Thai noodles
and a traditional Chinese moon pie, which was not
Q H"r"
.orn" possible efiects of an unhealthy sweet d but he liked it anyway.
diet. Tick (/) the ones you think are true.
It makes you fat. matuřitaexam
Ynrr c:n opr hprrr rli<cr<p
It makes you aggressive. Q Přečtěte si text o tom, jak byIy vynaIezeny
It makes your skin and hair look bad. bramborové |upínky. Do mezer 1-8 vybert€ vždy
You get worse academic results. jedn u správnou aIternativu A-C.

rÍratuÍitaexam THE ORIGIN OF
@ co a.oa Us|yšíte rozh|asový pořad na téma spojitost Cntsps Hevp BEE\ GRE,\T F,\\'outtrrLs \yr'fH NiA\y or Lis

mezi jídIem a zIočin€m. Dop|ňt€ do poznámek na
_ yE,\Rs, Wtto '_ ENJoy NTBBLI\G THIN RouND
vyznačená místa 1-9 chybějící informace. IIECFS OF [RI[D POTATOES I\ FRONT OF THE I\ OR AS
.\ sN{cK To co utrH A DRI\K AT A pAr.l\'? ONE woL r.D
. TV commerciols encourooe oeoole ro Tne ÁT A Nlo\lENT oF GRIAT 1\SPIRATIoN. Bl,'T THE lRL|H ]s
wrong kind oi' QU]TE DIFFERE\ I,
lL-L d,or ooo o\'i1 oo - - a-'zz a -
choco ole, blsculls, sweels, n ond One day in 1853 in a restaurant a choosv customer
chlcken nuggeis. complained to the \\'aitress '_ the qualitl' of his chips.
saf ing that thcy were '_ thick and oil1,. When the
There ore no TV odveris Íor bononos or'
cook heard about this. he became very angry. He made
The proporlion of obese chidren hos o mosl doub ed
n- Son]e papeI{hin s]iceS of potatoeS' fÍicd tlrcm until they
in yeors.

were bl.o$/n and a lat1]eI generous amount oť salt.

' Children who don'1 hove o bo onced d ei ore more

Finally. he "- his cÍisps to the dissatisfied customer in
peÍSon and literall1, dumped then in tiont of him' The
. ln lhe experimeni, ihe number of vlo eni incidenls
customer tried one. liked the taste. and went on to eat
coused by ihe ieenogers who chonged lheir diei
'_ Todav. according
a1l, 3_
statistics, an American
'- by' eats an average of six pounds of crisps each year.
rf flsl
l!ffet @ What is your reaction to the idea that a bad diet 1A many B since C for
makes people violent? Tell another student. 2 A isn't B doesn't C hasn't
3 Aon B rhat C about
4 A enough B more C too
. t do;i betb;ii. t;iě'
5 A mixed B added
6 A served B gave C sold
7 A them Bit C th is
8 Ato B with cbv

Q think sci-fi (science fiction) books or Q Complete these phrases from the text.
stories "bout
read. ln pairs, ask and answer these 'I
Are you ready to ?
questions. 2 May I you in...?
. Who in a sci-fi book would be called Earthmqn? Why have some ...?
. What could a/iens look like? 4 I thinl l'lljusL _ a salad
. Describe one unusual invention you remember 5 A _ ofwatet
from a sci-fr story.
. What do you imagine a restaurant at the end oÍ @ complete these sentences with highlighted words
the universe could be like? from the- text. -
1 Potatoes and other vegetables can be
Q Using a dictionary, match the words to the in water.
explanations. 2 Food can be _ in oi1.
1 To approach someone is to 3 Meat or vegetables can be over a Íeal
2 When you whisper, you or electrical fire.
3 To exclaim is to
4 To make _ potatoes creamier you can
add butter and milk.
4 lf you speak disapprovingly, you
meat is usually cooked in the oven
5 To treat animals in a humane way is to
6 Someone who is malicious
7 |f you stufryourse|í you

a eat too much.

The nove| rhe Restaurant at the End oÍ the Universe
b are critical.
is the second volume of the series The Hitchhikeťs cuide
c come near them. to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams.
d enjoys making fun ofothers in a cruel way.
e speak very quietly.
f not be cruel to them.
g say something loudly and suddenly, often
because you're surprised. 1/,.llrnn ft,.t! tr tlrr l hl i tb L 4i,t,tc

maturitaexarTl Á large corr.rr.itlr big e.res and a snlile approached Zaphod's

.Good er.ening,' it said anc'l sat dorvn, Áre vou read'v to
Q Rřečtěte si úryvek z románu a rozhodněte, orderi I'n the maili Dish ofthc Day. Nllav I interest vou in parts
zdajsou nás|edujícítvrzenípravdivá (P) nebo ofml bodyi'
nepravdivá (N).
Ár.thur and Trillian rr.ere shockecl' Fbrd appeared bored Lrut
p tt I The cow is upset that it is going to be killed. Zaphod looked hungry:

P N 2 Arthur orders a salad because he is shocked s]ice |rom the shoLLlder perhapsi' suggcsted the anima1,
by the cow! behaviour 'grilled, n'ith a rvine sar,rcei'
p N3 'Er, l our shoulderi' said Arthur, horrihed.
The cow believes that vegetables can think.
'But naturallv mr.shouider, sir.'
P N4 The animal behaves in thi: way because it Zaphodjurnped up ancl íěit the aninal's s]roulder
has been designed to do so.
'NIv meat is verl good,'it said.'I\e been exercising and
P N5 When the meal is served, all the characters eating plenq' of grass.'
start ea!ng at once. 'This animal actuallr' $'a[ts us to cat it]' rvhisperecl'liillian.
P N6 .That's
Zaphod agrees wirh Arrhuri objections. horrib]e|, exclaime,.] Árthur
'\\Ihat's the problern, Earthmani' saicl Zaphocl.
@ Read the two stat€ments by Arthur and Zaphod. 'I dorir rianr toc-t"n "r,ilr.'l thrL-'" r.rr r'itin'
Who do you agree with? Why? Do you think this nrc to,' said Árthur,.it's crucl.'
idea is just science fiction or could it become 'It's better than eating a11 ani[ra1 that doesnit Nent to be eaten))
reality some day?
said Zaphod.
'l don't want to eat an animal that's standins there '1hat's not the point,' Arthrrr protcstcd. Tlien he thought for
inviting me to. lti cruel.' a moment. i{lright,'he saic1,'marbe it is, but...'He looked at
'ltl better than eating an animal that doesn't want tne mcnLl.
to be eaten. 'I think I'lljust har e e salacl.'
The cot spoke up. '\\'hr .lon't Iou have some nice roast beef
n'ith peas ancl carrotsi C)r hol about a steak fried rvith onionsi
Rare, meclium or rr ell .lonei

/r.e gqq |eafY, Ío order? lm the_ MULTTPLE CHOICE ..< 15

moln"Ďish,f ihě 0oí-,t!|oi.i,

goU |^ NPortš.of p'" 6o; Q How often do you eat out? Do you enjoy it?

Q In what order do you usually do these things in

a řestaurant? Number them 1-8.
Ask for the bill Leave a tip
Have a dessert Find a table
)rds Order FIave a starter
Have a main course Read the menu


r real @ co z'o+ Us|yšíterozh|asový pořad o neobvvk|é

restauraci. K otázkám 1-5 vyberte z nabídky A-c
vždy jednu správnou odpovědl
1 Why is it dark in the restaurant?
A To save energy.
B Io maLe the atmo.phere more romanric.
C To let you imagine what iti like being blind.
I 2 How do you find your table?
A You follow little lights in the floor
B The waiter leads you there.
C There's jusr enough lighr to do ;r.
3 Which of these difficu|tíes is NoT mentioned?
A Cetting rhe waitert attention.
B Finding things on rhe rable.
chaPtť| l7 C Pouring drin ks.

od's !{ salad'' said Árthul ernphaticalii' .sonle 1ettrrcc, cucunrber

4 What was special about the meal Lily and Julian
\'to ordered?
rnd tomatocs and some srreetcorn.'
)ans saladi' saicl the animal, disappror.,urgr:
'.{ A lt was vegetarlan.
!\re lorr tclling rne I shoulcln't har e saladi'
B They didn't know what theyd get.
Dut '\\iell,' said rhc animal, ,I knou, mani vcgetablc.s that don,t C It was fried in a mustard sauce.

$ink lou siroLrlcl. \\ihich is rvhv it such a gcxrcl iclea to create 5 Which of these statements best summarises how
rn anirnal that actualll \.ants to be eaten and can c]earl| Lily and Julian felr abour the resraurant?
.\td liere I anr.' A They felt uncomfortable.
l{ glass ofrvater, pleasc,' said Arthur. B lt felt odd at firsr, bur rhey liked ir.
'Look,' saiil Zaphocl, 'I!l realh. hungrr.l Four mre stcaks C They loved it from the start.
plcase, and hurrr: \\'-e har.en't eaten in 1ir e hunclrcd and ser-enn.
ancl stx thousanci niillion r ears.'
'l he aninal
@ tn pairs, write your own restaurant menus, with
lookccl clelightccl. a choice of at least three starters, main courses
i{ r,erv good choice, si5 ifI mar.sav so. I'lljLrst go and sboor and desserts, and some drinks. Make two copies
nrysell' ofyour menu. Change partners and order meals
As it rvalkcd slorvh torvards thc kitchen, it gale ,{rthur from each othert menu.
:lng ;r fiiendlv smiic. A Customer B Waiter
'L)orit rvorrl, sir,' he said. ,l'l1be r.cry rrurnane.
en,' A Ícrr lrrinutcs latcr thc lraiter arril'ec1 rvirh |orrr huge steaks Ask for the menu Bring the menu
serr.ed rvith mashed potatoes, boilcd cabbage ancl mushrooms. Y
tbr Zaphod and l.brd cating riithout a sccond's hcsiration.
star-tecl ,.... Ask if A is ready to order
lat TriLlian paused' then picked up Iler kniii and Íbrk. Ask B to recommend sth
- "{

Árthur stered at his Íěeling slightlr'ill.

'FIei, Earthman,'said Zaphod rr.ith a nralicious smile on the .. Recommend a dish or dishes
Order your dinner ' . .> Drink?
reef tace that u'asn't stutling itscll, \vhat,s cating r.oui'
Order somerhing to drin k

Thank the waiter L' 9'l

sIMULATÉD S|TUAT|oN << 51 NorE .< g2

IÍ:.a!ť'Jritaworkout mať.fiitaworkout

Q Read the following exam task and complete the Q Read the followingexam taskand a student! response
conversation below by putting the words from the to it. The paragraphs in the note are jumbled, Number
box in gaps I -6. them 1-6. Us€ the bu||et pointsto he|p you.

You and an English-speaking friend are planning an You are studying abroad. You promised to bring
excursion and have to decide what sort of food to some food to a party. You have to go out and don't
prepare. Here are some pictures of foods. Decide have time to prepare anything. Write a note to
rogerher which oí them you are going ro rake' your roommate, in which you witt:
. chocolate bars . some apples . explain the situation

. a packet of biscuits . sandwiches . say what dish should be preparecl

. explain where the ingredients are

. apologize for the problem
;;";; ;;;á'.'"i"'.ii'i"i. *r'". Begin like this: Doriny,

EXAMINER:'5o, about the food. Leti take two It! nothing serious, but I can't prepare the Creek
chocolate bars per person and a few packets of salad I promised to bring to the party. Could you
biscuits.' please do it for me?
CANDIDATE: 'Nothine but sweets? | don't ' Don ny,
thatl a')_ idea. We'll be hungry and I hope iti not too
l'm really sorry to bother you;
thirsty. l'm 3_ itt o_ to take some much trouble. Thank you very much and see you
sandwiches and applesl in the even ing,
EXAMINER:'Oh no, itl too much bother making The tomatoes and peppers are on the kitchen
sandwiches, and apples are heavyl table, and the onions, olives and cheese are in
this then: l'll make the fridge.lust chop everything and put it in
the sandwiches and you buy some biscuits. And a bowl with some olive oil!
perhaps we'll manage to get some fruit on the Karel
way. u_ do you think about that?' Help! l've got a problem. Jim hurt his leg playing
football today and I have to take him to the clinic.
EXAMINER: 'OK, let's do thatl

Q nink of different ideas for the same task.
. explain the situation
. say what dish should be prepared
Q Do the exam task below.
. explain where the ingredients are

lmagine the following situation. You and an

English-speaking friend are planning a party and Q" you. o*n version ofthe note from Ex€rcise 1.

have to decide what sort of food to oreoare. Below

are some ideas. Together wirh your partner decide matuřitaexa'??
which four foods you are going to buy or prepare.
. grilled salmon . fresh fruit @ Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište
krátkou zprávu.
. ptzza . a big apple pie
. sandwiches . biscuits You have just started university and one of your
. lots of potato crisps . sweets and chocolates
friends gave you the following frier
. a fruit salad
A picnir in the hills
Take into consideration these questrons: next sotuÍdoy (Sepi.
. Who are you going to invite?
Spetio||y orgonised for our íreshmen
. What kind of party food do your friends like? Le|,s get logelher ond moke some new íriends| This is 0 greo|
. Are you going to have a lot of time to prepare the (honce to ge| Ío know your (lossmotes better. Bring o friend
food for the party? ond some food to shore. Meefing pointr 9om, Building A.

Write a note of 60-70 words to your friend Jane, in

which you:
. tell her about the picnic and say how you found out
about it,
. ask her if she is free at the time of the picnic,
PHoro DEscRlprtoN .( 44
. suggest what both of you could take to the picnic.
Begin your note lile rhis: Dear Jane,
@ Look at page 194 and do exercises 1-4.

Ííl'!ř*"lE?r'!!!r kiwi kiwi fresh/staIe (bread) čerstvý/ Íúl'|t!l
,,1EAT lemon citron okora|ý (chléb)
lime limetka medium/rarelwell-done barbecue griIované, na rožni
bacon slanina (|ight) snack (|ehká)
mango mango (steak) středně/málo/dobře
beef hovězí přesnidávka, svačina,
meton metoun propečený (stejk)
chicken kuře course cnoo
oÍange pomeranč miId/spicy (food) jemné/
ham šunka eat out jíst mimo domov
peach broskev ostré, kořeněné (jidIo)
meat maso sour (miIk) kyseié (mléko) v restauraci
pork vepřové pear hruška
strong/weak (tea) siInýlsIabý have breakfast/lunch/dinner/
sausage pareK pineapple ananas supper snídat, obědvat,
p|um šVestka, siíVa (čaj)
turkey l(rocan tasty/deIicious chutný/výborný
strawberry Iahoda Iunchbox krabička na jídIo/
:tsH AND sEAFooD
wateÍmeIon meIoun Iehký oběd
cod treska !.ili".fiHtlt?ltlrt
packed Iunch ba|íček
6||et filé VEcETABLEs (vEc)
add přidat s Iehkým obědem
frsh and chips avocado avokádo
ryba bake péci picnic piknik
beans fazole
s brambůrky
broccoli brokolice
oi:lř:fi na rožn /
herring sled' ..-l1!7t''''|l'?'?'|,,řř|

sarmon tosos cabbage zelí
beat š|ehat
bi|| účet
sardine sardinka carrot mrkev boiI Vařit/uvařit Ve Vodě
she||fi sh drobní jed|í korýši cauIiflower květák café kavárna
bowl miska, mísa cafeteria/canteen
a měkkýši ce|ery ceIer (řapíkatý, natbvý)
chop up nakrájet/nasekat na samoobsIužná jídeIna/jídelna
tuna tuňák cucumber okurka ooono
gar|ic česnek cut|ery příboÍ
DatRY pRoDUcrs cook vařit (= připravovat jidlo)
oessert dezert
green peas ze|ený hrášek
butter máslo cut řezat, krájet dish pokrm, jednotlivé jídlo
Iettuce 5alát Íreeze zmraztÍ
cheese sýr mushrooms houby fast food restaurant
cottage cheese tvaroh fry smažit restaurace rych|ého
onion cibuie Írying pan pánev na smažení
eggs vejce občerstVení
parsley petrže| grill gril
ice cream zmrzlina (green/red) pepper (zeIenál
fork vidIička
marganne margann heat rozpá|it, rozehřát knife nůž
červená) paprika
miIkshake miéčnýkoktejI ingredient suroviny, přísady main course h|avní jíd|o
(mashed) potatoes
omelette omeleta bramborová kaše/pyré
kettle konvice menu jide|nílístek
yoghurt jogurt knife nůž order objednar
radish ředkevředkvička
melt rozpustit self-service restaurant
CEREAL PRoDUcrs sweetcorn (s|adká) kukuřice
mix smÍchat, smísir samoobsJužná restaurace
(White/brown) bread (bi|ý l tomato rajče
oven trouba Serve podavat
tmavý) chléb peel slupka/(o)loupat
THINGs ADD€D To FooD service obsluhovat
cerea| products výrobky herbs byIinky/koření pour (na)lit serviette/napkin ubrousek
z obilovin
ketchup/tomato sauce recipe recept spoon ižička
(breakfast) cereal
(snidaňové) obiloviny/cereá|ie
kečup, rajská omáčka roast péci (o mase) starter předkrm
mayonnaise majonéza saucepan pánev rend|ík, takeaway restaurace
pasta/noodIes těstoviny/
mustard hořčice KastÍoI prodávající jíd Io s sebou
rice rýže o|ive oi| olivový o|ej sIice (n/v) p|átek, krajíc tip spropitné
(bIack) pepper (černý) pepř (podst' jm.)/krájet (sIov.) waiter/waitress číšník/
ro|| roh|ík, roIka
toast toust, topinka saIad dressing sa|átový spoon |žíce servírka
dressing stir míchat Wine Iist nápojový |ístek. vína
SwEETS sa|t sů|
app|e pie jab|ečný ko|áč spices koření rlE'!EllllT'!lř|1l
cake koláč, dort sugar cukr book a tab|e zamIuvit (si) stů|
birthday cake narozeninový vinegar ocet bagof (flour) sáček (mouky) clear the table sklidit ze srolu
dort bar of (chocolate) rabulka/ cook a mea| připravit, uvařit
biscuits (BrE)/cookies (ÁmE) tyčinka (čoko|ády) jídlo
5ušenky Deer prvo
bottle of uice/lemonade) do the washing.up umýt
cheesecake tvarohový ko|áč coffee káva fi
juice šťáva/džus Iahev (šťávy, džusu/|imonády) nádobí
desser(/pudding dezert box of (chocolates) golbe on a diet drŽet djetu
fruitcake ovocný ko|áč soft drinks neaIkohoIické
bonboniéra have a mea| jíst, dát sijíd
poppy-seedcake makovec nápoje
can of (lemonade/cola) heaIthy food(s) zdravá strava,
frzzy drinks šumivénápoje
plechovka (|imonády/koIy) zdrave potravtny
FRUIT tea čaj
carton of (orange juice/milk) high/low in calories vysoko/
apple jablko (sparkling/still) water
krabice (kartonový oba|) nízkokaIorický
apricot meruňka (per|iVá/neper| jVá) Voda
(pomerančového džusu/ junk food nezdravá strava
banana banán wtne vtno m|éka) Iay the tabIe prostřít stů|
b|ackcurrant ostružina (ofwater) sklenice (vody)
bIueberry borůvka r6'?!l!l!E|!'?{|'ill!t'|!l!clrřr
glass |eave a tip nechat sproPitné
jar of (jam) sklenička (džemu) lose weight zhubnour
cherry třešeň drylsweet (Wine) suché/ Ioaf of bread bochník chIeba put on weight přibrat na váze
coconut kokosový ořech sIadké víno packet oÍ (biscuits/crisps/ vegetarian dier/food
grapes hroznové Víno fatty (meat) tučné(tIusté) cerea|) ba|íček(sušenek, vegerariánská strava/
grapefruit grep ma50 Iupínků,obilovin) potraviny

The consuw,er isn't a M0r0A. sh,e's 90;.( Ň{e.'

(BRLŤ|5H ADVÉRT s|Nc cUnu, lpl l lqqp)

$ Wh"r"."n you buy these things? Labelthe pictures
with the names of shops from the box.

bookshop DIY store frshmonger! flowershop

furniture shop greengrocer's newsagent s
oí.Iicence petroIstation stationer's



= ''*i

Q Correct the following statements.

I bought some potatoes at the b.tÍtÉ+ÉŤ3.
Iwent to the baker's and bought the medicine the
Áarrat ntp<rr|F,pA
lgot some notebooks and envelopes at the DIY UlElEtr
@ Complete the explanations with the right words.
Ibought some lovely roses at the fishmongeri. 1 A person who serves you in a shop -
) I got the newspapers at the off-licence.
6 I went to that big furniture shop and bought a new 2 When several people are waiting to buy things -
The thing on wheels into which you put your
@ co z.os Listen to dialogues 1-6. Where are the shopping -
people? Match them to the shops A-G. There is When buying clothes, you need to know your
one extra shop. large, medium or small.
A Bakeri E Music shop The place where you can try clothes on in a clothes
B Butcher s F Chemist's shoo -
C Shopping mall G Shoe shop 6 -
The place where you pay in a supermarket -
D Clothes shop
riŤŤ'l.'r:ÝÍííÍra Irrřrfir'!'i'lFt:lEŤ'!Řirífllr
@ co z.os Complete the dialogue with the words @ n|| the phrases in these sentenc€s m€an something
from the box. Listen and check. was cheaper. Complete the missing words.

back complaint exchange manager receipt I These jeans were half p _

refunds return 2 This jacket was twenty per cent o_.
3 These CD-players are on special o_.
CUSToMER: Cood morning. ld like to make a When you buy one, you get one f_.
boughr rhese shoes here a week ago
I 4 | bought it in a s_.

and the heeli come off ld like to 'z_ them, 5 Theret a fifteen per centd onall CDs.
Prease. 6 These boots Were r-from €1oo ťo €3o'
SHoP ASSISTANT: Let me see. Er yes, they don't look It was a real bargainl

too good. Have you got a 3_ for them?

CUSTOMER: I do. Here it is.

SHOP ASSISTANT: Would you like to ' them Q co z.oz Pete and Rob are on holiday in an exotic
place. Complete their dialogue with one word in
for another pair? lust like this one, or perhaps this
each gap. Listen and check.
beautiful new style?
PETE: Can I pay r_ credit card here?
cUsToMERr No, thank you, ld just like to have my
money 5-.............- RoBr No, they don't t_ credit cards. You have
to pay r_
SHoP ASSISTANT: l'm afraid we don't give 6_. cash.

ld like to talk to the PETE: I haven't got enough cash' me. Can
CUSToMER: Excuse me?!
'-, please.
I pay cheque?
RoBr You've got to be joking. They wouldn't know
F|ltíiElflřrfiŘll.f.1t"| what it is.
/ @ Mut.h th" ."nt"n."r. PErE: What a nuisancel Oh, OK, lguess l'lljust go and
I This dress fits very well. get some money out of a cash o
2 This shirt really suits you. RoB: lf you can find one!
3 It's a nice blouse, but it doesn't really match this
skirt, does it?
You want to buy this striped tie to wear with your
checked jacket? Don't.
Kitty looks great today.

a l'll have to wear it with something else.

b lt's your style and it! the same colour as your DR Y trLEANER'S
eyes. Co ahead and buy
lt! not too tight, not to
loose, just right.
d That new outfrt really suits her.
e Theý don,t match at a||. You,lI look awfu|'

rřW i'!t'
@ Match the services (1-8) to the places (a-h).
1 ld like to have a new haircut.

2 My car needs servicing.

I need to change some money.
+ My shirts need washing and I haven't got
washing machine.
ds. 5 Ineed to get my boots repaired.
My winter coat needs cleaning.
7 I have to post a letter.
8 My carl dirty.


MULT|pLE cHolcE << í5 TRU E/ FALSE << e4

Q- List all the shops in your area. Tick the ones you Q- think of an advertisement you've seen recently.
Tell another student about it using these q uestions'
often go to. Compare lists with another student.
. Where was the advertisement?
. What product was advertised?
rÍrať')ritaexam . What was the picture/the story in the ad?
. Did you like it? Why?/WhY not?
_ co z.oa Us|yšite rozhovor mezi mužem a ženou,
jehož tématem je nakupování. K tvrz€nim l -6
vyberte vždy nejIepšíodpověď A-C. mat|JÍitaexam
Jenny! pleased because the new toP Q- Rřečtěte si nás|edující přispěvky z internetového
A matches her eyes. fóra. Pak rozhodněte, zda jsou tvrzení pravdivá (P)
B is a smaller size than she expected. nebo nepravdivá (N)'
C was cheap.
P N1 Zippy is sure advertisements change

Jenny had to get cash from the cash machine people's behaviour'
to pay for P N 2 Johnnybubble believes people react to ads
A her new top. without realising it.
B some rolls for breakfast. P N3 Psrus decides what to buy depending only
C some books. on the Price.
3 Jenny says she bought some sausages p N4 Niall878 thinks many car accidents happen
A at the butcherl. because people buy fast cars they see
B at the greengrocer's.
C at the DIY store.
p N5 Blowout believes he/she makes rational
decisions about what to buY.
4 Jenny says she bought SidneY a hat
p N6 Only one person states he/she is never
A at the frshmonger's. influenced bY ads.
B at a clothes shop.
C at a furniture shoP.
5 Jenny says she also bought

A some flowers.
B a horse.
C six digital cameras.
__) .)) )
6 Jenny's husband
A never listens to her. Adverts are everl'where. There are hoardings in
the streets, leaflets in your letter box, jingles on the
B has been listening all the time.
radio, commercials on the TY brochures in shops,
C doesn't know why she says such strange things.
glossy ads in magazines, personal ads in newspapers,
handwritten ads on the supermarket wall and famous
@ Tell another student about a shop you like.
faces on the sides ofbuses. Advertising is a huge
Use these questions to helP You.
industry that uses emotions, logic, snobbery, beaury
. What kind of shop is it?
music' truth and lies to make you sp€nd your money.
. WheÍe is it? But do adverts influence You?
. What does it look like? comment on tl-ris article
. What are the shop assistants like?
. How often do you go there?
) Comment by Zippy
Of course adverts influence us. lf they didn't, the
. What are some of the things you bought there?
companies wouldn't spend so much money on them
. What is special about it?
Just think ofthe power ofa good slogan Something
Iike'Just Do lt!'fixes a brand name in people's minds
and so that's the brand they choose in the shops.
add comment cotnplain about this conlment

) Comment by Helenbee32
i prefer a lot of the adverts on TV to the programmes.
l like the funny ones the best. But they don't lnfluence
me when I go shopping. i always buy the same brands.
add comnlent comPlairl about this comment

) Cornment by.lohnnYbubble
Some people say adverts don't influence them at
96 all, but they're forgetting about the subconscious
effect. \X/hen you're in the supermarket and you pick
MULTtpLE cHotcE << zE

v, @ In pairs, ask and answer these questions. Q Discuss the questions in pairs.
ons, . Which personi opinion is most like yours? Why? ' What kinds of shops do you like best?
. Which person do you disagree with? Why? ' Do you remember a shop that you used to go to,
. On the whole, do you like or dislike ads? Why? but it closed?

@ Complete this table with words from the text. rÍfaťuritaexam

hoardÍnq., n Lhe sŤrcet @ Přečtěte si text o tom, jak skonči| známý obchod.
- Do mezer 1-8 Vyberte Vždy jednu správnou
ho aIternativu z nabídky A-C.
á (P) I

the American wordÍor hoardingis billboard

Q complete the names of things you see in
advertisements. Then give an example of each.
1 s - a sentence, usually short, that sounds
impressive and is easy to remember
2| - a symbol which is the sign of a company ln January 2009. shoppers in Britain lost an old
3 b_--_ n ___ the name given to a product by I friend. Woolworths. a shop foLnd in almost every
the company that produces it town in r_ country, closed its doors for the last time,
almost exactly one hundred years after they'?
Q Writ" your opinion about advertising to add in Liverpool. The shop sold everything from sweets
to the website, and toys to c|othes' DVDS and things íor the house.
Perhaps this was the problem. Everything they sold
could 3_ more cheaply in supermarkets or online
: and, because they sold so a_
difierent things, they

tl didn,t offer much choice oí any of them'

'.] -,
The end oÍ Woo|Worths Wasn,t a huge Surprise in the
end' one oÍ their biggest Se||ing items WaS mUSlC
a product offthe shelí it's probably because you'Ve CDs but, as more people bought music online,
heard ofthe brand name or seen the logo, and you feel sa|es íe|l' The Store Was a|so hit by the growth oÍ
)ou ( an Irusl ir. Tha{ \ the effect ofadvertising. out of town shopping centres. Woolworths shops
add colr]1]lent ] complain about this cornment 5_ in the high streets of towns but fewer and fewer
DUS ) Comment by psrus people were doing their shopping there. In the first
Adverts influence me, but in a negative $'ay. I hate six months of 2008, the shop lost almost f 100 rnillion
ry, adverts, especially those repetitive ones you get on the and 6_ was obvious that they couldn't survive.
radio. lť an advert irritates me, I make sure I never buy
The decision to close was made in November
2008 and the shops sta.ted selling everything 7_
the píoduct it's adveltising. ApaŤt from that, l alwa}'s
choose the cheapest Ploducts l can Íind whether I've
bargain prices. On December 5'n, they had the most
seen an advertlsement or not.
comrnent complain about this comlnent
successÍuI day in their history, taking |27 mi||ion but it
was too late to save 3_. The first 207 shops closed

) Comment by Niall878 on December 271h and the last shops stopped selling
Uníortunately, adverts influence not just the things on January 6th 2009.
people buy, but also the way they behave. A lot of
the deaths and injuries on our roads are caused by 1 Aa Bthe co
advertising campaigns that portray cařs as a symbol of
2 A started up B were starting up C had started up and speed and encourage people to dlive too Íast'
3 A buy B be bought C have bought
add coinment I compláin about this commeňt
4 A much B many Latotof
) Comment by blorvout 5 A were built B was built C have built
lt depends. If an adveťt glves me some useful A this B that Cit
inťormation about the product, then ofcoutse, I'm more 7 Aat B on C for
likely to buy it, I alrvays stud,v all the leaflets ,vou get from 8 A they Btner C them
shops before I buy an)'thing so that I can compare the
price<. Th.rt ha) ltspl rhebe\(deJl dnd\JVemLrrre\.
ádCl c()ňlllcnL con]P]aill i1bout this con]n1enr


@ Read Michael! story and the question below' Discuss

your answers to the question in small groups'
Whv does Michae! complain about shoppingwith his

Last satuÍday I went shopping With my mother. First, she spent

an hour trying on diÍferent sty|es oÍ jeans and asking me;
do I look?' I just kept sayingr 'You look great" but that wasn't
good enough for her. She wanted me to lell her which ones she
looked best in. Then we went to the supermarket She picked out
three saucepans and asked me which one I liked bestl What did
I care? Fortunate|y' she decided herself' and after another
shopping Íor food she Was ready to go home' I had to carry about
ten tons of shopping, but believe me, that was the least tiring bitl

Add comment

Q- Read the question in Exercise 1 once again and Fashion for Kids
choose the correct answer A-D.
Last week, boughl my nine-year-old son a new pair of trainers

A She buys clothes that don't suit her. that Were reduced in a sa|e. They Íit him fine and they |ooked
B She buys too many household items good, but afterwards he didn'1seem very happy with our
C He has to carrY heavY bags. bargain' He was worried that some oÍ the kids at his school
D She asks his advice about things that don't interest would laugh at him because his new shoes didn't have a well-
him. known brand name. I serious|y thought abouÍ taking the shoes
back to the shop to exchange them for a more expensive and
maturita€x4/n Íashionab|e make' But Why shou|d I pay money I can't aÍford, or
get into debt just because oÍ peer pressure?
@ Rřečtěte si nás|eduiící text a.otázky 1-4' Na One boy in my son's class wears jewellery and clothes
- základě informacíz textu vyberte ke každéotázce with designer labels to school. He even wears Calvin Klein
nejvhodnější alternativu A-D. aftershavel And he isn't old enough to shavel I spoke to hlm and
1 Why didn't the writer's son like the shoes? he to|d me why he had to have the |atest Íashions. one day he

A They had been bought in a sale. had worn his old trainers to school. They were a well-known

B They were not a fashionable brand brand, but they were last year's model and the price had been
in the sales. When his pals saw him, they called him
C He thought theY were uglY. cut to
a tramp! He went straight home and put on his new trainers
D They were uncomfortable.
mum isn,t Wel| oÍÍ, but she always finds the moneY so that he
2 Why does the writer's son's classmate wear
|ooks good in Íront oÍ his males'
expensive clothes?
I've seen children as young as six going round shoe shops
A He is interested in fashion.
and fashion boutiques looking for the latesl styles, desperate for
B His Parents are rich.
rhe expensiVe designer cIothes they see on TV. What's WÍong
C His mother buys the clothes at reduced prices
with these kids? 0r is it their parefts? 0r our materialistic,
D He is afraid of peer Pressure.
consumer society?
3 According to the writer, who is to blame for Atl the major fashion labels have got special children's
children's obsession with fashion? brands. lt's a market which generates t5 billion a year in the
A The parents. UK alone. The big clothing companies and chain stores explolt
B Society. chiIdren at both ends of the production |]ne: in the Íactories fu||
C Fashion comPanies. oÍ child Workers in the Far East \.íhere the products are made,
D She doesn't saY and in our shopping centres ÍUI of chl|d consumeÍs compet|ng
4 Which statement summarises the main point of with each other to be uP to date
the text? |Í you,re a parent, dol'i g.''e volr kids al|the c|othes and

Íashion accessories thev as(

icr' EXpla n patient|Y Why they
A Today's children behave badlY
B We must stop the exploitation of children by can't get everythlng ihe! ..ani Secause one thing is sure:
fashion com Panies. won't make your kids ha:..' .\ spoll ng them
C Parents should not give in to children's demands
for expensive clothes. Maggie from Boot:
D You can buy designer clothes at bargain prices
in sales.


@ The writer of the letter asks:'What! wrong with Q Read the Culture Note about Fairtrade.
these kids?'Who do you think is responsible for
young childrent obsession with fashion? Why?
. the children?
THE FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent
. the Darents? consumer label which appears on products
. Deer DreSSUre? as a guarantee that farmers and workers in
. our consumer society? developing countries are getting a better
deal. lt was creared in the Netherlands in
the 1980s.
Q Match the words to form compound nouns.
A product
l designer a fashions with this label must
2 brand b society meet standards required
3 shopping c name by Fairtrade Labelling
4latest d clothes/labels Organisations International
(FLO). FLO ensures that
5 consumer e centre
producers are paid an
agreed and stable price; that
@ €ompIete these compound nouns: workers on large plantations
fash ion - producers of fashionable receive decent wages and
clothes can join tÍade unions; that minimum health, safety and
environmental standards are met; and that no child labour
fash ion - shops with expensive, is used. Fairtrade certifred products include fruit and
trendy clothes vegetableg cocoa, coffee, juices, honey, rice, spices, sugar,
fash ion - additional things you wear tea, wine, cotton, and sports balls!
or carry, like belts or bags

B -
Q Read what seven secondary schooI stud€nts say maturitaexam
tes about buying clothes. In pairs, ask and answer
rd th€se questions; @ co z.os Us|yšítepět krátkých nahrávek, ve kterých
d, or
. Which of the speakers is most like you? Iidé mIuví na téma Fairtrade. Označte výroky 1-5
jako pravdivý (P) nebo nepravdivý (N) PodIe toho,
. Which of them would you like to be friends with?
jaké informace us|yšíte.
I on|y buy dea:lqner clothe7. I lhink |l'5 |fi?artanÍ pN 1 The woman thinks there are too many
I an0 Ío aok 1fiarť. Fairtrade goods.

P N2 The man doesn't know much about
)tke buyinq unueual clathes in eeconA hand shops and Fairtrade.
creatinq intrercsl nq combinalione And I make my own p t't 3 The man says Fairtrade products are
i.His ieýýe|\ery' | l-hink iŤ,'5 more ifi?orvant ta have yauf a\ýn expensive.
wear ex?ensive lhuqg.
p N4 The woman thinks it s important where you
buy Fairtade products.
ps I eek ryy parcnto t:o buy rye wellknown branAe, p w 5 The man disagrees with the idea of
e Íor becau1e ) don.l' ýýanŤ ?eoPle at 1choa| I'a |auqh aÍ me' Fairtrade.
@ work in pairs. Ask and answer these questionsl
I like fa1h|'onab|e c oLhe7 bUL ae7Íqne| )abel1
a.e Which of these things do you do? (Why?/Why not?
too ex?en1 ve' ug|.)a||y b|.)y C|oíhe1 in sa|es'You How often?)
Can qeí garne qfeat bafqain1 . buy locally grown food?
tit . buy things from charity shops?
l . buy environmentally friendly products?
I lke ýýear:nq qy o|a ieanz and a T'ahift' don,t care

Would you ever buy a product if you suspected it was..

?ea?le 1ay, iu1t |ik'e io be comfarŤable'

|f 1 have eome morey l,o 5?era ň on CDg|
' Prefer
NEVER I wouro I ror sune
My nW. Can.t afio|d ex?en1ive claíheg' ÓuŤ in
my cheav suvermarket, ÍreÍner5 | Can 7ti|] rÚn CHILD LABOUR
g x:íy rnetre7 |n 7 '3
'ecana1) How important are these things to you when
choosing what to buy?
)can L afford expeneive c|oŤ'he1. ] th1nk |Ť,'5 quite . high quality . fashion
norma ,bDl sofie pea?le are thouqhlless,youknow? . low price . ethical issues


matLrritaworkout Ínať.Jlitaworkout

Read the exam task in Exercise 2. Divide the Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and comPlete
Q- exerctses a-c.
fo||owing phrases into,arguments Íor'(+) and
'arguments against' (-). a Match the products ( l -7) to their faults (a-g).
'l A Jumper
Vle don't know if 2 ACD
she líkes',. 3 A book
4 A stereo
5 A pair ofshoes
6 A laptop com puter
7 A box of chocolates
a lt keeps crashing.
b lt shrank in the wash.
c The CD player does not work.
d lt is scratched.
e They are past their sell-bY date.
ft,'9 a good presentfroftl
f Several pages are missing.
a n i nter n at i o t1a I g ro u p
g They are not the size I ordered
of 1tudent1. -
lf he doesnt like it, b What do you want the seller to do? Complete
it awaY the words.
he aan give
1 Could you please r-
- - -elt/e-- --e
d my
I would be grateful if you could r - - -
money/send my money b - k.
I would like to receive a full r
- -d.
Choose an appropriate frrst and last sentence.
'l The MP3 player you sent me is useless.
matuÍitaexam 2 | am writing to complain about an MP3 player
that I bought from your website on 15 March

Q Do the exam task below. 3 | look forward to hearing from you soon.

4 lf I don't get my money back soon, l'll show you

lmagine the following situation. You are at a
language school in England. At the end of the maturitaexa/rt
course your group wants ro buy a thank-you
Dresent for vour teacher. Below are some ideas for Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište e-mai|.
things you could buy. Together with youÍ partner
You have bought an mp3 player at an online shop
decide on the most suitable present.
and it is not functioning properly. Luckily, you have
the guarantee of the Product

Super Sound 6782 digital music player

This product was made using the most modern
technologies available at present.
|f, Íor any reason, you should be dissatisfied With it,
We Wi|| rep|ace it or give you a Íu|| reÍund.
This warranty is valid Íor 12 months'
Contact: info@d igita lma n ia com

Write a letter of com plaint of 120- 150 words to

Digitalmania, in which you will:
. say when and how you bought the product
. describe the problem in detail
. explain that you want a replacement and ask what
you neeo to oo
Begin your letter l:ke this: Dear SirlMadam,

tE@ get your money back/get a refund vzít si
zpět peníze
peeř pressure tIak vrstevníků/oko|í
persona| ad soukromá inzerce
baker! pekařstvi keeps crashing opětovně 5e poÍoucháVá pIace an advertisement umístit reklamu
bookshop knihkupectví
make a compIaint stěžovat si/rekIamovat poster pIakát
butchert řeznictví past its/the 5e||-by date překročit datum slogan slogan, heslo
chain store obchodní řetězec
charity shop dobročinný obchod receiPt prodejní dok|ad
chemist,s |ékárna, drogerie return sth/take sth back něco vrátit/vzit
c|othes shop obchod s oděvy consumer spotřebitel
deIicatessen Iahůdkářství con5um€r society konzum n í společnost
scratched poškrábaný (povrch)
department store obchodní dům con5umption 5potřeba
ta|k to the manager hovořit s vedoucim
D|Y store obchod pro domácíkuti|y consumerism orientace naspotřebiteIe
fashion boutique módní butik
fishmonger! prodejna ryb
@E free market vo|ný trh
profit zisk
changin8/fitting room zkušební kabinky products/goods výrobky l zboži
flowershop květinářství
designer c|othes značkovéobIečeni protectionism protekcionismus/
furniture shop prodeja nábytku
greengrocer!/fruit and veg designer/fashion Iabe| značka výrobku ochranářství
módního návrháře/ módn í značka
shop zeIinářství/ovoce - zeIenina
grocer,s smíšenézboží
(oděvu) llF|?lllr'illl!řF*l
fashion |abeI módní značka, visačka
health food shop obchod se zdravymi BARGAtNS
fashionabIe/trendy módní
fashion accessories módní dop|ňky bargain výhodná koupě
(farmers,) market trh/tržnice (5e buy (two) get (one) free kup (dva)
(the laresr) fashionsi sryles (poslednr,
zemědě|skými produkty) a (jeden) dostaneš zdarma
nejnovější) móda/styI
newsa8ent! prodej novin a časopisů deal sjednat
(periodik), trafika fit padnout (o oděvu)
go shopping jít nakupovat for sale na prodej
off-|icence obchod 5 |icencína pÍodej half price poIovičnícena
alkoholu |,m a size... mám veIikost/čísIo...
|ook for sth něco h|edat (to buy) in a sa|e (koupit) ve výprodeji
music shop obchod s hudebninami
match jít k něčemu, hodit se k on sale v prodeji
shoe shop prodejna obuvi (on) special offer (v) akci
shopping centre/ma|| nákupn í středisko/ (|ast year!) model (|oňský) mode|
sa|e výprodej per cent discount/per cent off sleva
ry aÍeaI
procent'../(o. '.) pÍocent méně
sports shop obchod se sportovním (the right) size (správná) veIikost
(fair) price cena
potřebami suit padnout (o oděvu)
reduced from'.'ro... sníženoz''. na'''
stationer! papírnictví too sma||/tight/|oose pří|iš malé/těsné/
(great) reductions (veIké) sníženi/sIevy
supermarket 5upeÍmarket, vo Iné
velkoprodejna try sth on zku5it/Vyzkoušet si něco PAYINc
TNtr @
ATM (automatic teller machine)/cash
machine bankomat
have (enough money) on you mít u sebe
can Ihe|p you? Mohu vám pomoci? bank banka
(- co si přejete?) car wash myčka aut (do5tatek peněz)
you. cheap |evný dřy cIeanerl čistírna pay in cash platba v hotovosti
checkout pokladna (vsupermarketu) hairdresser! kadeřnictví pay by cheque p|atba šekem
checkout assistant pokladni Iaunderette samoobsIužná práde|na pay by credit card pIatba kreditní kartou
choice výběr Iaundry prádelna take/accept credit cards přijímat
customer zákazník petrol station benzinová pumpa kreditníkarty
expensive drahý (o ceně) photographer! fotoateIiér
) queue (n, v) fronta, stát ve frontě post ofhce pošta
/e range (oÍ products) sortiment (výběr service station/garage autoservis/ga-áž
výrobků) shoe repairs opravna obuvi

second.hand z druhé ruky, použité
(věci, zboží)
shop assistant prodavač
advertise inzerovat

shopper kupující
advertisement, advert, ad (inf) reklama,
,i shopahoIic osoba zavis|á na nakupováni
shopping Iist nákupní seznam
inzerát (zkratky jsou neformální)
advertising campaign rekIamni Iampaň
(market) sta|| stánek (na trhu)
brand, make (n) výrobníznačka/typ
supermarket trolIey nákupní Vozík brochure broŽura
brand name výrobní/fi remní značka
EEEÍE@ commercial te|evizní a rozhIasová
be missing (the manual is missing) ÍeKIama
chybět (návod chybí) consumer society konzu mn í spoIečnost
broken rozbitýporouchaný hoarding (BrE), billboard (AmE)
dissatisfied nespokojený plakátovací pIocha/bi||board
doesn't work nefunguje, nepracuje .|ing|e zně|ka
exchange vyměnit Ieaflet (rekIamní) |eták/|etáček
íauIty vadný kazový rogo rogo

If r/ou bo. lrke gonr ?Ass?ort ?Lct&re, gou probabLg noed tL'e trLp'




o- In what ořder do these things happen? The first
= Q Put the words from the list into the four categories
above. and |ast one have been numbered foř you.
AYou go through security checks and wait in
ferry coach plane sleeping car motorbike the departure lounge.
yacht dining car flight harbour platform B The plane lands and You get off.
motorway terminal cruise compartment
runway trafhc jam voYage C You go to your gate.
í0 D You Wait for you Iuggage at the baggage
co z.r o Listen to five recordings and match them E The flight attendant brings you a drink
to the means of transport used in each of them' F You board the Plane.
A ferry D train G The plane takes off.
B hitch-hiking E underground H You fasten Your seat belts.
C plane 1| You go to the alrPort
J You check in and 8et a boarding pass.
co z.r r Fill in the gaps. Then listen and check' Éct?iÍÍ'lÍ,tiÍiÍln.fl
Q Match the places from the box to the descriptions'
My worst journey ever? That would have been in the
summer of 2OOO. I was returning home from Scotland' campsite caravan guest house tent youth hostel
FiÍst I had a'- lchanged the
wheel, drove on, couldn't find a'? I - a bit cheaPer than a hotel
for a hundred miles, nearly ran out of petrol Well, - a home that You can fold and carrY
I -'
was in a bit of a hurry after that, and I guess I drove
3 cheaP accommodation for Young
a little above the speed limit. The police stopped me
and 3- me for a-. And when I was PeoPle
- a home attached to Your car
nearly back, two streets away from home, a guy in
front of me t ' so suddenly I drove into the
5 - a place where You can Put uP Your
back of his carl
@ nead this information and decide if sentences I -6 O Wh"t on" noun completes all the phrases in
are TRUE or FALSE. the box?
asK the
THE ROSE show someone tne
HOTET find your
De on your
(prices are per room pet night, including breakfast)
Room type Price Room rype Price Complete the sentences with the phrases from
:rngle 1.65 Ts-in rJL)
Exercise 9.
f ri 1 Lio 'I lcan
-)ouble Suite
easily my in a forest,
, ,zlll rot,ns art ut itri/e. * but I get lost in a big city.
2 We're lost. I think wed better
T F'I A room for two people with separate beds
costs €75.
3 Don't worry, Mum, we
r t2 lfyou are prepared to pay more, you can We'll be home in an hour.
have a set of rooms: bedroom, bathroom 4 Excuse me. Could you please me
and your own living room. to the British Museum?
TF 3 A room for one person costs f65.
Complete the sentences with the verbs from
TE 4 Only some rooms have their own bathrooms, @ -
the box.
TF 5 A room for two people is cheaper ifthey
sleep in one big bed. get meet see
r F 6 You have to pay separately for breakfast.
Billi leaving on Friday. l'm going to him
we want to get there tomoírow We have to
Q Match the woÍds to make co||ocations.
off early.
I DUy a the sights 3 Chris is coming tomorrow. Can you go and
2 holiday b holiday him at the airport?
3 travel c resort You'll never _ lost on the London
4 package o agenr U nderground.
5 see e souvenrrs
@ oo the quiz. €irc|e the TWo right answers to each
{M!E!EB guestion.
Q For each box, choose the verb that completes
In which ofthe following places do you check in?
all the phrases.
A at a hotel B at an airport C at a train station
book go miss take travel
Which of the following can you catch?
a train/a plane/the ferry Aacar Bafright Catrain
a rlde
Which of the following means of transport do
you board?
a room A a boat or ferry Ba plane Cacar
a flight
a trcl(et Where would you hear this phrase;
a seat 'l'm sorry, we're fully booked'?
on lrne A at a hotel
aDroao B at a railway station
around the world C at a guest house
across Europe
When you see someone off, you say: Have a sate...
by airlrail/sea
by train/boat, etc.
A trip B excursion C journey

camping/hiking/backpacking Which of the following can you go by?

on a cruise A foot B car C train
for a ride
Which ofthese means oftransport do you get on?
on foot
Aabus Batrain Cacar
your fright
your plane
your train
your coach

MarcHtNc << aP

Q Look at the words in the box. In pairs, tell each Q Read the text again and find the Ío||owing
other which of the forms of transport is, in your numbers. What do thev refer to?
. the cheapest?
30 (399 26 40 u)9 É1€]0 €l5
. the most comfortable?
. your personal favourite? Why?
Q Match the highlighted words from rhe text to
the definitions.
train bus or coach car plane bike
t a kind ofticket that is valid for many trips -

2 a type of luggage that you carry on your back -

3 the line separating two countries -
Q Přečtěte si text o pěti různých způsobech 4 the money you pay to travel -
cestování. Tvrzení 1-7 piiřad\e kjednotIivým 5 the time of year when there are a lot of tourists -
dopravním prostředkům a různémupojetí
cestování A-E' Některá tvrzení se hodí k více než
jednomu způsobu.
Q tmagine you have been asked for advice about
Fewer people choose this way oftravelling a cheap but interesting holiday in the Czech
tnese oays. Republic. Write a short text using the following
2 It is important to book early. headings:
3 The prices differ depending on the time of year. Pfaces to go: /tt worth going to /vtsiting...
4 The pass you get does not Work in youÍ own Transport: You can take...
country. Accommodation: You can stay at/in...
With the pass, you can also get cheaper Food: lf you want to eat well without spending
museum tickets. a Íortune, ' '.
You get very cheap service if you are a member Things to do: Depending on what you like, you can...
of an organisation.
@ Present your ideas in groups. Decide whose idea for
Additonal charges may be much higher than
a holiday is the cheapest and the most attractive.
the fare itse|í

With the Inter-rail Global pass you can spend a month
exploring thirry European countries from lreland to Greece
for €399 íor a second-class tic|<et. |t's a|so Va|id on some ferry
routes. Inter-rail pass holders are entitled to discounts on
museums, hotels, etc. And if you can sleep sitting up, you can
save money on accommooatron, too.
Some drawbacks:
. you've got to be under 26.
. the pass is not valid for travel in your country of residence,
but you do get a discount on the rail ticket to the border.
. you have to Pay a suPPlement on some high-speed trains
and niPht trains.

Coach travel is com{ortable and relatively inexpensive.
The Euro|ines thirry-day pass íor young peop|e (under twenry-
six) allows you to make international journeys between 40
European cities for prices ranging from €439 in the high season
to €299 in the |ow season. In the UK, lYegabus offers sing|e
tickets between maior cities for under €2 p|us a boo|<ing
fee. And in Scotland, a Citylink Explorer Pass, which allows
unlimited travel on any eight days in a sixteen-day-period.
costs |ess than € l20.


@ co a're Us|yšíte rozhovor o muži, který obje| svět

na ko|e. K ú|ohám 1-5 vyberte sPrávné odpovědi
z nabídky a|ternativ A-C.

1 How long was Alastair Humphreys' journey?

A 36,000 miles through 60 countries.
B 46,000 miles through 60 countÍies.
C 60,000 miles through 46 countries.

2 How did he leave England?

A By ferry.
B By plane.
C He cycled through the Channel Tunnel.

3 Apart from cycling, he has travelled

A by air.
B by rail.
Q Describe the photo. C by sea.
Which difficulty does the speaker NOT mention?
Q The man in the photo has cycled around the world,
A problems with visas
Think of;
B accidents
. three things that could be enjoyable/ interesting
C being robbed
on a journey like that,
. three possible bad experiences. Why did he do it?
A Mainly for fun.
B To write a travel book.
AIastair! two books describing his trip, Moocls oÍ Future Joys C To raise money for charity.
andlhunder and Sunshine, are now available. You can read
a few chapters on hjs website.
The people Alastair met thought he was rich
A he had É13,000'
B he had a bike.
C he was travelling around the world.
|:,eŤhe siqhŤs withouf spending aÍortune.,,
@ co Listen again and write down:
. four countries Alastair's been to
El Air travel
. four numbers and what they refer to
+ 'you book ahead, you can get incredibly good deals with
:.e budget air|ines' For example' f|ights from as |ow as € l ! . four problems he's had
j.]t you must reserve your seats ear|ř Basica|ly, stan p|anning
I . cur summer trip just after Christmas! And watch out for the
Q tn pairs, ask and answer these questions.
1rPort taxes! They can easi|y add €30 to your fare' . Would you like to cycle or walk around the world?
Why?/Why not?
E Eitch-hikins . lf you were on a trip like that, what would you frnd
\ a result oí cheap air fares and bus tickets, there are not most difficult?
:c many hitchikers carrying their rucksacks along European . Which countries would you most like to visit?
-cads nowadays. lt's romantic and cheap, but it might be
. Who would you take with you on a trip around
iangerous, and can take a long time. the world? Why?
. What's the most adventurous journey you've ever
EAccommodatlori made?
n some countries, such as Spain and Greece, you can stay
r low-priced hotels, but in the UK and lreland B&Bs* are Tlre people in some ofthe countries Alastair
a more reasonab|e ootion íabout €60 for a doub|e room @
visited thought he was rich. When is a person
nc|uding a cooked breakíast)' A good idea is to ioin the
considered'rich' in your country?
Youth HosteIs Association. A membership íee of about € | 5
a year a|lows you to stay in thousands oí youth hoste|s across
iurope for under € |5 a night, generaI|y in shared sing|e-sex

Bed and Breakíast
MULTTPLE cHorcE << ao

@ List five problems people can have when travelling.

Compare your lists in small groups.


o Přečtěte si text ojednodenním vý|etu. K otázkám

1-6 Vyberte z nabídky alternativ vždy jednu
správnou odpověd, A_D.
.l When Mr and Mrs Long first got lost, why didn't
they ask the way?
A lt was late and there was nobody about.
B Thev couldn't soeak French.
C They wanted to try and frnd the way themselves.
D They wanted to use a map.
What transport did they use the morning after
they got lost?
A a car
B a train
C a feny
The Least Successful Dav Tiip
D they walked
Why did they go to Switzerland? cu peopie har,e packccl more into a drt'tr\r thar

A They wanted to see it. \Iichacl allr] Lilian Long ironl Kent \ lo took thť
B They caught the wrong train. iern fronr tire home in L,nglanrl to Boulogne it:

C The police told them to. France in 1987. C)n Laster Sunday this adr cnturous coupl.
D The train divided. uent l'or a shon u'alk around tbe tou-n. In no tine ther
u'ere spectacularlr krst ancl shoriing al1 the qualities ofborr:
Why were they given tickets to Belfort?
A That was where they had come from.
B lt was on the way to Paris. '\\t rvalkecl and u'alked,' I.lrs Long leca11ecl, 'and th.
.]'c |lr '|.' r', '"Ik.
'. .','kc.] r.. 'É'' '' k
f't.r''.t. .o .
C Someone thought they had come from there. :

D They wanted to go there. al'ar from Boulogne.'

What did they do after they got to Paris L]nab1e to speak ř.-rcnch' ther |e]t enrbarr.assed about askins

'.a'. 'oll'cr'l' lk' '. 'r ''';|-' L|. ť

the second time? .|lc Il '||P''' rrr: ňr
A rrcv t ,-'''r9,l"', t r.'lr.r t9 - .1 l
1l 2-c rllc
They went to Belfort. ' ' 'rr
B They hiked to Vesoul. clicl not recognise. Herc the| c.rlLlaht ir train to the \\ rong
C They rried to get on the wronB train. destination Paris. In tbe I'rench capital thel spent a)Ltheir
D They hitched a lift. 'er'" ' .i I nr (' rr.lri q trl rt r' t
rr.r. tlrlr '
e\press train back to BolLlogne. .Vicl an cnjol abLe trip ther
Which form of transport did Mr and Mrs Long
arrivcd in Luxembourg at miclnight on Nlondai.
not use on their trip?
A train Tr.o horLrs later police put thcm on the train llack to Paris.
B ferry but it divicled anil their halfenclccl up in Basle, an ath'activc
C coach nredier-al tol.n in tlie north ofSt'itzerland.
D h itch-hiking Havirrg no nroner, the1. tr;ecl to lind uork, but rilthou
..ucccss' The railrra1'conrparrr.oÍ}erecl then-r a l.ree ticket
f) In the text, u11Q{1g words and phrases related
back to Belfort, thinking that this u as ri here thet' had comt
to rail travel.
trolll. once tlrer gclt oflthc train, our her.ocs hikcc1 Íbrq-
nr,o rnilcs to \tsoul, hitchccl a lift to Paris ancl then ncarh
@ think ubout the journeys below. Choose one or
two and tell your partner about it. boarcled rire train to Bonn in Cermant.

. the longest journey you've ever made (in km/in hours) !)i\'erred jrtst ill time ťo thc r.ight p1at|orrll' tller' lirlalli
. the journey on which you used the largest number re:rchecl BouloElne a n eek aitcr tho had set out on their \\ alk.
of different means of transport Thci hacl corered a clistance of alrnost 1,700km 1'ithom
. a very enjoyable journey Luggage, rnaps or anl iclea of nhere thel u,elc. \\:hen he
. a journey on which something went wrong arrilccl at Dover herbortr, NIr Long sirid it ri as the hrst tirne
. a trip to a place where you didn't know the language thel haLl travclle.l abroad and that thei n'ould not be lcaling
'106 England agrin.
\1U LTI PLE cHoIcE << 25 TRU E/FALSE <<.r4

Q Discuss the questions in pairs.

Q How was travelling in the past difierent from
. Do you like trying local dishes when travelling? travelling now? Consider some ofthe following;
. What is the most unusual dish you have ever eaten?
speed how often people travelled
' Did you ever have
in a foreign country?
a problem connected with food where they went and why
means of transport

mať.,:rritaexom maturitaexam

Q Rřečtěte si text o zážitcích vegetariána v Thajsku. @ co z.r s Us|yšíte dědečka, který vyprávívnučce
Do mezer 1-8 vyberte vždyjednu správnou o svých zážitcích z cestování. Rozhodněte, zda jsou
alternativu A-C. násIeduj ícítvrzen í pravdivá (P) nebo nepravdivá
:;'' " "'""
PNI The girl describes the weather in lreland as
hot and sunny.
p N2 lhe grandtarher used ro like ffying.
NO MEAT IN THAILAND P N3 At the time of the conversation, there are
spent my summer holidays in Thailand, and being
I fast direct trains from lreland to Sparn.
-1 1- a vegetarian I must say ldidn't have much hope P N4 Crandpat mother djsIiked dÍiving because
-r of enjoying a lot of their great dishes. Thaila nd is she knew it was bad for the environment.
certainly not well-known for its vegetarian food, but P N5 Air travel has been stopped for
r_ hope. Fish and chicken are available all over the envtronmental reasons.
place, but '_ how readily adaptable Thai food is.

The truth is that for a Westerner this country is very Q According to the author of the dialogue, what
will travel look like in the future? Complete the
much a gateway into vegetarian Asia. The capital, sentences with the words from the box.
Bangkok, is a cosmopolitan city and, obviously, the
iarge number of tourists 3
the choice available in bikes cars planes transport trarns
its restaurants.
I will no longer be used.
The safest bets for VegetaÍian food are Chinese and 2 There will be fewer or no
Indian restaurants and noodle shops. The Chinese 3 People will use pu blic a lot.
places have to satisfy their Buddhist customers,
a -
4 There will be high-speed _ across Europe.
the lndian restaurants have to have non-meat will also be popular.
dishes on their menus for their H indu clients.
However, you s_ not to buy from people pushing @ Tick the ttatements in Exercise 3 which you think
their carts along the streets in the evening and 6 are true. Write two more sentences saying what
ready-made dishes at rather low prices. I wouldn't you- think transport will be like in the future.
trust them for cleanliness and they can't make their Compare your ideas in small groups.
food to the customer's request.
Q co z.ta Listen again to this extract and fill in
One phrase you might want to remember is pom th€ gaps'
kin tae pok,.- mea ns / edť on ly veqetables ' But cHrLo: Crandpa, did you ever r_ an
remember that Thai doesn't have a word 3_ aeroplane?
'vegetarian'and you may have good use for a Cnrnopn: Yes, there were lots of
3_ '?_ airlines.
phrase book, so that you can explain yourself better. lf you booked your early enough, you
Anywat if the worst comes to the worst, Bangkok got really cheap 4- like thirty euros for
has a number of exce||ent pizza Íestaurants. a return ticket!
Cxrro: Wow! ls flying exciting?
Gnanoprr Well, when you're taking 5_ and
1A there is B this is C it is landing, yes, but I never liked it. There wasn't
2 A enough space for my legs and you wasted so much
it's surprised B it's surprising C it surprises
3 A affects B is affected C affecting
time at the 6 - you had to get there
two hours early to'_ in, queue at the
4 A although B because C and 3- desk, wait in the' lounge
5 A advise B are advised C are advising before'0 the plane, wait for your luggage
6 A sell B sold C selling at the baggage reclaim when you arrived...
7 AO B wh ich C what
SAin B for L Írom

CENERAL coNVER5AT|oN << 41 PosrcARD << 29

mafiJJitaworkout Íf.aturitaworkout

Q nead the questions 1-8 and divide them into three Q- Read the following exam task and a student's resPonse
to it. lt is correct, but a bit monotonous. Why?
A Questions about general preferences (general) Write a holiday postcard to your English friend.
B Questions about the Past eXperiences (pasť) . say wnere you are
C Questions about the future plans future) . describe the accommodation and the weather
. write about the local people
.l Do you like traveling? Why/ Why not? Begin like this: Hi./ackre,
2 Tell me about a memorable journey.
3 What sort of holiday accommodation do you
red)y n;re
nou,leto'l,tu. I'yn 1^a,Li4
like best? i,iŤ#"
# !#'t#
Do you have any travel plans for the nearest
My !'oo1n t
,;;ů wind.ot,l' aÍ? rtc, u's' ^ @.'s
u))/ Y{:"a
w^rz '
) Tell me about your last holiday. 1|ve,e'|.
,;Á "," d)Á)a"ys ^iÍ2bee^ ftir'" wg
,I* ;;,1*,.L\/^4 'í,f\r2
Do you prefer to travel with your parents, with
cann,e'' \l) í,t|v yow we.]r? |\2t,?!
friends or alone? Why?
Are you planning to go somewhere you haven't KIan"aL,
been yet?
8 ts there anything about travelling that you do
not enjoY? Q Match the adjectives to the nouns they can descřibe.
'I friendly holiday
Q- Match these groups ofphrases to the three grouPs 2 sunny b room
of questions in Éxercise 1| general, past andfuture. 3 delicious views
4 enjoyable o people
5 spectacular e food
6 comfortable Í weather
. My friends and are planning to...
Q Complete these strong Positive and negative

It!.,. O It's... 6
FA_ 5T _C! DR -_F_LI
. Last summer lwent to... WO_D R -L!
lwas traveled to...
L_V- Y! HOP ,__SI
. When 10 |
. Two years ago I visited...

@ Now write an improved version of Klarat postcard.

I like/enloy/prefer...
I don't especially like...
I hate it when...
Q Přečtěte si zadání ukázkové úlohy a napište
maturitaexam You are studying in the USA and decided to spend
a weekend in New York. Write a postcard to your

@- Work in pairs. Ask and answ€r the questions from parents to tell them about the trip. Use your notes:
Exercise t. Student B asks questions 1-4t student
A asks questions 5-8. Give answers that are true sar'urda! ýÍ.'ítto G &gge,t^]l2'í'1t, M u.te.tuw (va'n Gog}" oxh >i,.
Í:Lo1ý {íí,+atcát''Lc't) ; wa]k í,fu ceitr Pa'.k' +,od
for you and say as much as you can.

(wea'úzr very col'd,); d,í'|,We{ atJa?Žy tsar ,,oífiý

íffu1*' (^íre'tt rnget an o],d,fi.t,ea )
@ Now swap roles and ask questions from Exercise 1
su""'eÁ, . ýí+íÍstatup, ď LÍlJefty; o1ýI]rÓaá.
again. . w&y, rh"' LÍdýKíJ"q, (bt
.ÍnAt!); fl,íg}.tbarktt
: Botto11,

Write a postcard of 60-70 words to your parents in

wh ich you will:
. explain where you are and how you got there

PHOTO DESCRIPTION +' 44 . mention one Saturday and one Sunday activity
. say you would like them to visit you in Boston.
Begin your postcar d like this Dear Mum and Dad,
Q Look at page 195 and do exercises t -5.
lÍl'lit+i'!ll'!'rTEřÍll check-in desk odbavovací
customs officeř celník Íl1!:Elll'i'!l'|řt'1!
bicycle/bike (jízdní)koIo exchange offi ce 5měnárna
boat departure Iounge odIelová forejgn curťency zahranični ask/show sb the way zeptac
nata mena se nékoho na/ukázat někomu
bus/double decker autobus/
duty-free zone bezce|ní zóna immigration offi cer imigrační cestu
dvouposchodbvý autobus
car auto flight ler urednJk be on youř way býrnacestě
coach dálkový autobus, autokar
flightattendant leruška/ Passport controI pasoVá
book a ricket/fl ighr/sear
stevard onIine zarnIuvir si |ístek/|et/
ferry trajekt gate vychod mísro onIine
lorry (BrE)/truck (AmE) vtsa vtzum
hand Iuggage přÍruční board a boat/ferrylplane
zavazaoto nasednour na lodTtrajekt/
minibus minibus Iand přistát leradlo
motorbike/mororcycle runway PristáVacídráha
B&B (bed and breakfast) catch a train/bus chyrit vlak/
morocyl(l noc|eh se snídaní
take off vz|étnout autobus
plane letadlo campsite kemp/tábořiště
terminaI rerminá| check inlout (at the hot€|)
taxi/cab raxi caravan karavan regIstroVat/odhlásit se
train vlak !.illiř!řl'Flil dotrbIe room dvou|ůžkový v/z hotelu
underground/5ubway (Ámt) pokol check in (at the airporr)
podzemnídráha, metro brake brzdit en sulte pokoj s V|aslní toa|etou odbavir se (na Ietíšrí)
van dodáVka brakes brzdy guesthouse penzion find your way najít cestu
yacht jachra cro5sroads křižovatka incIuding breakfast včetné get lost ztrati! se
drive řídit snídaně get on/oÍŤ nastoup jt/Vystoupit
Eňr$illlll!=t'!'Ť'|t frne pokuta Iow-priced hote| |evný hore| get into/out of nasednour/
flat tyre prázdnálpích|á Iounge hoteIoVá ha]a
arrive in/at přijet/přiIetět vyseonout
pneumaUka receptton recepce
(kam, kdy) go backpacking jit na tramp
give sb a Iift (informa|) svézt
arřivaI příjezdlpří|er receptionist recepční go camping jet kernpovar
někoho (neformá|ní)
sing|e řoom jednoiůžkový pokoj go forltake a r;de je! se projer
business trip služebnícesta motorway (BrE)/highway
depart odje!/odIetět (AmE) dá|nice suIte apar!má go forltake a walk jít se projít
departure ody'ezd/odlet petroIstation benzjnoVá lenl stan go hiking jít na pěšícúrLt
de|ayed zpožděný pumpa twln room (twin.bedded go on foot jít pěšky
destination cí| cesty (main/minor) road (h/avní/ room) dvouiůžkový pokoj go sightseeing/see the sights
youth hosrel hosrel,
excursion vý|et, zájezd vedIejší) cesta ]et na okružní proh|ídku
run out of petrol benzin doše| m|ádežnická ubytovna Have a safe tripljourney!
fare jizdné
hitchhike sropovar, jer speed Iimit omezená rychIost Dobře dojedl Bezpečnou cestul
speeding jízda nedovoIenou
l!řll'|lE!H make a tÍiP/an excursion
left-|uggage (offi ce) úschovna rychIoscí go on holiday jet na dovolenou, udě|at (si) vý|et/exkurzi
zavazaoel traffic doprava prázdniny make a reservation
luggage/baggage zavazadla trafhc jam dopravní zácpa hoIiday r€sort rekreační zarezervovat
|uggage tro||ey vozík na be stuck in a traffic jam středisko, IetoVisko meet sb at the station/airport
zaýazad|a uváznout v dopravní zácpě holiday destination Čekat na někoho na nádražíl
month|y ticket měsíční prázdninoVý cí| lerišti
jízdenka nEtlilllrEt hoIidaymaker rekreant, č]ověk miss your ffight/p|ane Zmeškat
one-way (AmE)/single ricket na dovolené svůj ]et/|etadIo
changetrains přestoupit
jednosměrná jízdenka package hoIiday zájezd see sb off Vyprovodit někoho
(z vlaku na vlak)
pass průkazka/jízdenka na de|ší s předpIacenými sIužbami set ofŤ VyraŽit na cestu
compaÍtment kupe
obdobi (fr rst/second) class ticket
souvenir suvenýr stay atlin a hotel bydler/
passenger cestující jízdenka první/druhé třídy touri5t attractions turistické přenocovat V ho!eIu
return ticket zpáteční lístek direct train přímý v|ak atrakce take a tra;n/a plane jet
rucksack/backpack batoh fastlexpress train rychlovlak, tÍavel agent/agency pracovník v1akem/letět IetadIem
seat beIts bezpečnostní pásy rychllk cestovni kanceláře/cestovní travel abroad cestovat do
kance]ář zahraniči
suitcase kufr passen8er třain osobní v]ak
ticket oÍň.e pokladna (prodej pIatform nástupišrě travelaround the
raiIway žeIeznice
nl|lan'ltEl wor|d cestovat ko]em světa
trip ljourney Vý|et/cesta rai|way company že|ezniční break down rozbít se travel by train/bus cestovar
v aKem/au!obusenl
timetab|e jízdníiád spotecnosa call an ambulance zavolat
sleeping carriage/car spací zacnranKu we are fully booked (in a
.olJř|5t turIsta
Vagon/Vúz crash srážka hote|) jsme pIně obsazeni
valid/invalid (passport) (hotel)
platný/nepIatný (pas) drive into (a tree) narazir do
r|':iirulr (stromi,r)
El|il'!ř't'llt cabin kabina emeťgency nouzova sItuace
cruise okružní p|avba emergency |anding nouzové
airPort Ietišré přistáni
baggage recIaim výdej harbour/port přísraviště/
zavazaQel pnstav emergency 5ervices záchr anáii l
sIožky záchran ného systému
boarding cardlpass palubni sail (v) plavir se
have a cřash/an accident mí!
Jisrek voyage plavba
(budget) air|ine (|evná) |etecká
sPoIečnos! Íř''Il'ilnřn:!řIŤ' lifeboat záchranný člun
Iifejacket záchranná 5lužba
cabin crew kabinová posádka/ cross the border překročit resctresb zachránit někoho
run sb/sth over přejec někoho/
charter ffight charrerový let customs clo/celnice néco

,k^ art.T| ď hana,s on a NaL
ts not b'l"d' to
ttjs a paLr,t'Lng, a^Á ,Í c^^ l/J^(k arzu^d" tt, tt,s ř scu|pturo.,
ToM sŤoPPARo (BRlT|sH PLAYWRlcHí B'r937)

Q Complete the text about The Police with the words
from the box.
album Awards band charts concert drums
guitarist hit lyrics musicians release singer 1977 -Ihe
I forms wilh Sling (Gordon Sumner)
single songwriter tour
os2 ,boss3 . ondleod
a , Andy Summers 0n guitor ond Stewort
Q Write a similar text about a band you like. (opelond on t.............- ond per(ussion.
uEÍ$!E 1971 -Ihe Polire releose their firsl6- tsllOut
Q Complete the sentences with appropriate words' ]978 - Their thiÍd sing|e (on,t Stond losíng lou betomes o number
l'm reading an exciting n- at the one /-.
moment. The P- is very comPlicated,
1978 - Their fint s- 0utlonds d?mouris releosed.
with a lot of dangerous adventures, but in the last
1981 .
Every Breath lou loke íoys ot |he top of |he

everything ends well.

The main ch- for Íour weeks in the UK ond eigh| weeks in |he lJSA. h is
in Craham Creene's
The End oJ the Affair is a writer who falls in love odmired for both lhe music ond the
o- with a married woman.
The Polke ll- Í]ve more o|bums ond
Ihe Lord oJ the Rings is a trilogy, which means it 1984 12--
z consists of threev-.
x4n six Grommy
13- in Melbourne,
1984 - The Police give their lost
Charles Dickens was a nineteenth-century English ra-
n_. u{ler whi(h nll lhe follow
lheir solo coreen.
200/ - Ihe Polke tome logelher for o of the world
William Shakespeare wrote about forty
p : Macbeth, Hamlet, King Lear are to mork the thirtielh 0nniversury of the releose o{ lhe single
= among the best-known. Roxanne.
Czeslaw Milosz was a Polish p- who
won the N- P-. He wrote more
than ten volumes of p
7 I'm reading a collectron of sh E!Í!
s- by Ernest Hemingway at the moment O Match the types of films ( 1-8) with what happens
8 Ann likes reading d- s- bY in them (a-h).
Agatha Christie. l thriller 5 western
9 l'm twenty years old and I still like the f- 2 romantic comedy 6 sci-fr film
t- | used to read as a child: Snow White 3 drama 7 documentary
and the Seven Dwarves, Cinderella. 4 m usical 8 hoíror
'10 His latest book is ab- - it has sold more
than 100,000 copies. a Authentic shots ofreal events are shown, and
real people talk about them.
EIEÍE The plot is not as important as the songs and
@ |n what order do you do th€se things? Number dancrng.
the sentences 1-8. People face serious problems and have serious
Buy a programme. conversations about them.
Clap as the actors come on stage again at the o A brave sheriff fights alone against five gunmen.
end of the show. There's an exciting plot, usually about crime or
Discuss the performance during the interval. spying, and a lot of suspense.
Find your s€ats and |ook at the audience to see Í Strange and very frightening things happen.
if there are any friends. Someone falls in love but there are two hours
Go to the th€atre. of silly adventures and funny dialogue before
Phone the box ofhce to book tickets. they are fi nally together.
Watch the first act. There are spaceships, aliens and lots ofspecial
Watch the rest of the play. effects.

@ Complete the sentences with the verbs from the
Q ritt in the crossword and find out what all
box. Use the verbs in the correct Íorm. the words have in common.
direct dub release shoot star rl--
|n Pirates oÍ the Carribean, ]ohny Depp
al r l
as Jack Sparrow.
They are a film in our street!There are
vans, lights, cameras and about a hundred people.
E.I was by Steven Spielberg. -
4 The original Star Wa rs was
- _in1977 .
5 Idon't like _ frlms. I always watch the ,B1-i-
subtitled version.
- 1 There's an interesring _ in today,s Financial Times
@ Match the words with their definitions. about Polish workers in Britain.
1 director 5 adaprarion 2 Have you seen today's _? There! been a terrible
2 cast 6 shot ptane crash.
3 audience 7 acting 3 l'm very angry about this text. I think l,ll write
+ screenptay 8 subtitles a letter to the _
of this paper.
4 Excuse me. May I read your _of The Times?
a the people who are warching a film or play I didn'r manage to get one toda,
b a frlm version ofa book 5 .Jjm is a _
for rhe BBC. Het never ar home - he
c the way actors play their roles has to go wherever things are happenrng.
d a single frlm sequence 6 There are about fifty women! _
here. Which one
e the translation of what is said in a foreign frlm do you want? E//e? Cosmopolitan?
l. which appears at the bottom ofťhe screen 7 My uncle always buys two daily
Lo compare
f all the acrors in a film what they write.
g the creator ofa film who instructs the actors 8 I always buy my Economist from the same
and cameramen
h the text ofa play or frlm tY/tŤ''!nř|!řr
@ Complete the rext with appropriate words.
Complete the senrences with the names ofTV Art by Natalie Jones in the Old Town
@ An e- oí works by Naralie ]ones will open
programmes from the box. at rhe
o|d Town Art ŽG
on the 5'n of May. Natalie is a
cartoons live broadcasts of footbarl matcnes young 3p- and os-. This show includes her
quiz shows reality shows serials sitcoms latest oil!p- (landscapes and portraics) and pencil
I soap operas talk shows the news 6d-, 7s
as well as in wooo ano stone, among
them the famous Bi6ck princess, described by critics as a true
lonly watch _. I want to be informed 'm-. On Saturday the 7,h of May Natalie! es_
about current affairs and I have no time for will be open ro visirors, giving the public the rare opportunity
nonSense. to see the artist ar work.
warch a |or
I oí and |'m
always waiting for the next episode! xlFi:r lrrrf,
I like a good laugh. lt helps me relax. lwarch
a lot. -' @ Complete each phrase with one word in the right
I enjoy warching
_. I can usually answer
Ihe Quiet American by Craham Creene
more of the questions than the people in the
studio! the story of a British reporter in Vietnam.
You can call me chi|dish lí you like _ l |ove ln 1975, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was
_l -- into a film srarrjngJack Nicholson.
Ioften watch _.It! interesring to hear rhe
J lne novel the three Musketeers i. _in
stories people tell. seventeenth-century France.
4 Roman Polaňsk j,s lhe Pianist is
For me, the best fun is watching _
on a true
friends, commenting on the gařle and shoutin8
when our team scores. The action _ place in Warsaw during
World War ll.
lwatch _. I like voting on who should be
ld recommend this frlm. lt! definitery
thrown our and who should stay.
7 Let's check what's _ at the cinema today.
Have you gor the paper?
8 When I was n ine years old, l--'-
the part of
Pumba in a school production of Tne Lion King.


Q Write down three words connected with each @ Look at the photo. What's unusual about the
oí these areas of cuIture. painting? Do you like it?
literature art music film televisron

matuÍitaexam $ Přečtěte si text o výtvarném dí|e vytvořeném na

chodníku. Rozhodněte, zda jsou násIedující tvrzení
pravdivá (P) nebo nepravdivá (N).
Q co Us|yšítepět teenagerů, kteří m|uví o tom,
co dě|ají ve vo|ném čase' označte výroky 1-5 jako P N1 The picture of Batman and Robin was
pravdivý (P) nebo nepravdivý (N) podIe toho, jaké painted on a burning house.
informace uslyšíte. P N2 you took
lulian's pictures seem real only if
P N 1 DarÍen paints portraits of his gir|friend' at them from one side.

P N 2 Jessica invites her classmates to come to an P N3 Julian photographs his drawings because he
event. worries people will damage them.
P N3 Tanya and her brother watch rhe same TV P N4 People often stop to watch Julian draw.
proSram mes. N5 Julian only makes one type ofart.
P N4 Scott shares an interest with his parents. N6 lulian disagrees with some traditional ideas
P N5 Fiona would like to be an actress. about art.

@ Stana up and talk to five people in your class.

Ask and answer these questions,
. Do you like taking photos? lfyes, whar do you &€*war-t;
photograph most often?
. Can you play an instrument? How long have you
been playing it? *i $,$] #€.s&, iiiiil..', r]]í.+.*p, +e
. Do you frght for the remote control with your family?
Which programmes does each of you like watching? lfwas walking along a quiet city street when
. Do you like reading? What do you read? ll suddenly I saw the mosr amazing thing: rhree
. Would you like to work in film-making? What would
JLyoung wonen were standinq on a narrow wtndow
'ledge of a building
on the top which was on fire.
you like to do? Below them Batman and Robin were climbjng up a rope
to save them as a crowd of oeople stood and stared.
@ Work in pairs. Follow the instructions. What was really strange was that everything seemed
a Tell each other which area of culture you are most to be happening in a large hole in the pavement in
interested in: front of me. I couldn't believe ny eyes. Ít took
me a few seconds to realise it wasn't real: it was
art photography books music frlm a work of art,
theatre TV The man responsible for it was Julian Beeve., a
British artist known as the 'pavement Picasso'.
Write three to four questions to ask your partner who has been drawing his colourful masterpieces
about his/her jnterest. in cities a.ound the world since the 1990s. Jul.ian
Ask each other your questions. uses a method called 'anamorphosis' to create
d Tell the class what you learned about your parrner.
his rionderful drawings in three dimensions. It's
a question of perspectivei fron one side the 3D
illusion is perfect, but from the other side the
ng makes no sense.
luliandraws in chalk, so his work is vulnerable
to the weather: if it rains, the drawings disappear.
It's hard work and it can take up to three days
to coinplete a drawing, so Julian always checks the
weather forecast very carefully. His final goal is
to take a photograph of creat'íon before it gets
Washed away. HoWeVer, soÍ]]etimes ]ul.ian has to wash
off his own unfinished drawings because he hasn't
received permissjon to use the public pavement as
hi s canvas,
The process of naking the drawings is real-ly worth
seeing, so Julian often has an audience. In some
ways he's a street performer, and the spectators
enjoy the show as much as the end result.
He does 2D drai^/ings, toci portraits of famous
people like Princess Diana or Bill Clinton, copies
112 of old masters. and self-oortraits. And also wall
MULTTPLE cHotcE << z5

S In pairs, ask and answer these questions.

Q Ask and answer the questions with your partner.
. Do you like Julian Beever,s idea ofstreet
drawings? . What kind(s) of music do you enjoy listening
Would you like to see more of them? . When and where do you usually listen to
. Do you agree that Art shouldn,t be locked away
in . How much time do you spend listening to
galleries'? Why? Why not?

. Would you like to make pavement drawings
or rlratuÍitaexam
graffiti yourself? What would you draw?

$ Put the highlighted words from Q Rřečtěte si text o kulturním exPerimentu, který se
zabývá hudbou v metru. Do mezer 1-1o vvberte
the text into this diagram. vždy jedn u správnou aIternativu A-C.

It was just before eight o'clock r_ the morning
on a Friday, the middle of the rush hour in the
Washington. D,C. underground. Hundreds of
people were on r_ way to rvork.
A man with a violin stopped by one of the entrances
and r_ plafing. He playecl six Bach pieces in
murals, collages and oil paintings (both landscapes about 45 minutes. Three rninutes after he started,
and still lifes). the first passer-by noticed r_ and stopped for
lulian's work shows that you don,t need to work a tew seconds. A minute later the musician receivecl
in a studio to be an artist, and that you don't his Íirst do]lar. The person who was most interested
need a frame for every pa.inting. He firí]ly believes
!n that art shouldn't be locked away jn galleries, was a 3-year-old boy. i_ realiy wanted to listen.
!e Iibraries and glossy art books. ,lvy art is for His mother didn't let him 6_ very long, though.
anybody, it's for people who wouldn't go into an In the 45 minutes, 1.097 peoplc passeci by and only
t. art ga'llery. It's art for the people.' sL\ stopped. The violinist collected 32 dollars and
17 cents. When he finished playing, r_
; And nobody knew that he was Joshua Bell, one oť
n the most famous violin soloists in thc world.
He was plaf ing a violin worth 3.5 million dollars and
5 .- in a conceÍt two days before wlrere people
had paid an average of 100 dollars for their seats.
The aim r-rl rhis real-life social experimenr ua. ro
answer the following questions: Can we notice
beaut1 in an e\ťnday place and a rather
unu\uxl hour'l Do ue recognize geniu. in un
unexpected situation? And the most troubling
question of all: if we miss Joshua Bell plaf ing Bach
just ]0- we are not in Carnegíe Hall, how many
other things do we miss? I

l Aon Bat Cin

2Ahis Ba C their
3A began B begun C has begun
4 A his B himself L ntm
5A which B who C he
6 A to stay B staying C stay
7 A anybody B nobody C none
8 A played B was playing C had played
9Aon Bat Cin
A because Bso C when

MULTtPLE cHotcE <<'t5 MATCHING .< aa

maE itaworkout Q Work in small groups. Do you know anything

about these four film diřectors? Hav€ you seen
Qco z.r a Listen to a futher talking about role-playing any oftheir films?
games (RPG). For questions I and 2, choose the
correct answer. Think ofthe recording as a whole, . MartinScorsese . Woody Allen
not individual sentences. Consider the following; . Francis Ford Coppola . Spike Lee

tone ot vo'ce phrases expressrnS oPlnton maturitaexa/n

phrases expressing agreement/disagreement

@ Přečtěte si text o známých režisérecha přiřadte

The speaker osoby A-D k výrokům 1-6. Někteří z uvedených
A thinks role-playing games are dangerous. režisérůse mohou hodit k více nežjednomu výroku.
B likes role-playing games. .l He moved to a different city when he was
C accepts role-playing games. youn8.
The speaker mentions other parents to show that 2 He grew up in a dangerous neighbourhood.

A other people think like him. 3 The characters in his frlms say funny things.

B he disagrees with them.

4 He made a film about a war

C role-playing games are harmful.

5 He often stars in his own frlms.
6 He exolained whv he makes controversial films.

Q nead the tapescript and under|ine the Parts whi€h

film? Tick (/) the things that
helped you answer the questions. Q What makes a good
are important to you, and add your own ideas.

mabJritaexam . fast action

. an interesting plot
@ co e.r s Us|yšítekrátké vyprávění na téma zábava . good acting
a vo|ný čas. K ú|ohám 1-6 vyberte z nabídky . amusing dialogue
správné dokončeníA.C. . interesting relationships between characters
. rOmanCe
1 The speaker mentions a lot of free-time activities
. a social or ethical problem to think about
. special effects
A he enioys them all.
. beautiful shots
B he doesn't enjoy any ofthem.
. good musrc
C he wants to show how tolerant he is.
, ...?
2 His gír|friend,s father
A sells newspapers for a living. @ Prepare to talk about a film you like. Use these
B is addicted to the news. sentences.
C never leaves his house. A fi|m | |ike is Ítitle]-, starring
It was directed by lt is set in
The speaker is fed up because
The main characteÍs are Hei5he/They
A people criticise him for playing video games.
lwhat happens to them?l I like the film
B het getting older. because -
C he doesn't know what to do in his free time. -. -.
-. are going to the cinema
He says video games are played mainly by Q Work in pairs. lmagine you
-. using these prompts.
togeth€r. Have a conversation
A teenagers.
B adults aged between 24 and 44. A aND B: Remember some of the films that are on at
C people under th e age of 27. the moment.
A:Say which frlm you would like to see and why.
He argues that to play video games you need
B: Disagree and say why. Say which film you would
more intelligence than you do to
like to see.
A go to the opera.
A: 5uggest a compromise.
B go to the theatre.
B! Asree.
C watch TV
He thinks adults should
A be proud of liking video games.
B be ashamed of liking video games.
Use the Present Simple tense to narrate what happens in
C tell everyone to play video games. a film The hero comes back home and discovers...

Toptc pRESENTATToN AND DtscusstoN <<48 INV|TAT|oN r< 3í

maturitaworkout r/ratj)Íitaworkout

Q Read the exam tasks in Exercise 2. Match the Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
phrases to make sentences. preparation exercises a-b.
1 Every September there a ...quite unique. a Read these two invitations and answer questions
rs 4... ...very unusual. 1-6 about each of them.
ld recommend rhe... ...very lively and
cheerful. aeaÍ ?arent:
2 You have to take... b...bus number Ť|ie !{eaďtnaster, stqf anf, stuďents
...a train to... of Isaac l,{ewton sclioo[
3 You can book tickets... c from here. request tli.e p[easure oflour company
at tfre annua[ {ear 12 A|^t |E-ÍÍií6ition
4 The atmosphere is... d ...fiIm festival in...
It's all... ... international on June 5tli, 2008, stdrting at 3.00 p.m.
music festival. in t|ie o[ďJ{a[[
5 |t,s not faÍ.. ' Quest oJ 1{onour: tlle !{eac[ oJ tlie Co[[ege o;f
rrine ,4 ts
...over the phone. Rsýa
aear QunÁn,'a'
1^l- - / , ,

matuřitaexa,'í "1"',^ e' , ,t'' ro/.,. ea bg

h b ''0" AII tt
;;,:"': ,l:':
1". 1," .r':','rr, s hool u,a'.7t r.1ty pp," onJu,i 5

Q Work in pairs and do the exam tasks below, One of " the bq I t'L a' oa, s haot a,^d t .e ctt w,,1
you P|ays the ro|€ of the examiner and shou|d ask Are 40t^a fu ba in x'T ^,,t1i,.6tey13
u,:ouLd. be verg happ[ é gaw couIÁ'
the questions from the Examiner's Script, ('n,:.' w,t' d,' e g,,,'
' 4,, , ,í'
Task One, you are going to speak on your own
t 12rl yvi|, ,,,o 'uyÚ:

fue /t and s,.att,

about cultural events in the Czech Republic. The €aI|g

following ideas may help you:
,l Who is the invitation fÍom?
. the main events . what makes each of
2 Who is the invitation addressed to?
. where and when they take them interesting
place . famous artists who
What is the event?
attend the events 4 What additional information is given?
5 How are the rwo invitations different?
ÍaEři?illl 6 ln both texts, underline the phrases used to j1yi1g.
InTask Two, you are going to recommend a cultural
event to an English-speaking friend, and give him/her b CompIete the fo||owing names oÍ cuIturaI events.
some practical information. The following ideas may . a c__ c__ t of rock/classical music
nerp you: . an artl fi lm /theatre/dance f_ _ t _ _ _l
. what, where, when . getting there .ap f ___ _e of Macbeth
. why the event is special . booking tickets .ane b n of paintings/photos/design by...

Examiner's Script
Task on vour own about cultural events
1r First sDeak
in the Czech Republic. Are you ready?
Q Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové úlohy a napište e-mai|.
Task2z Now we are going to talk together. What Your language school is organising an exhibition of
event would you recommend? Why is tt special? How photos that the students took during a day trip to
can I get tickets? How do I get there? London. Here is the invitation:

The teachers and the students oÍ Global Languages

@ Now swap roles and do the exam tasks again.
invite you to the opening oÍ an exhibition
of photos taken by our students.
You wi|| see some oÍ London's most We|l-known sights
and a ÍeW photos taken in |ess known p|aces.
P|ace: the café Date: ']0 August, startin9 at 5pm'

Write an email of 60-70 words to your friend, Jim,

who lives in London. In your email:
. say you enjoyed seeing him at the weekend,
PHoro DEscRtPTtoN << 44 . give some information about the exhibition,
. invite him to the exhibition.
Q Look at page 196 and do exercises 1-4, Begin your email like this: Hilim,
railliř|l??ÍrH poem báseň star in a fi|m hrát/vystupovat graphic arts grafrcká uměni
actin8 hÍani, herecký Výkon poet básník ve ntm u landscape krajinomalba
arti5t umě|ec poetry poezie subtitles rirulky masterpiece mistrovské dilo
(main) character (hIavní) short story povídka subtitIed opatřený tituIky mura| nástěnná malba, freska
postava volume dí|, svazek thri||er napínaVý frlm museum muzeum
create/creation rvořit/dílo writer spisovatel viewer divák oil painting olejomalba
dialogue dialog western western a piece ofart/a work ofart
entertainment zábava Íi!lÍl?il' umělecké dílo
hero hrdina act (n) akt, jednání
Ii!l'T'!třl painting/paint/painter
heroine hrdinka applaud rleskat articIe č|ánek maIba/maIoVat/ma|íř
pIot zápletka, obsah děje box office pokladna (|ive) broadcast (živé)vysílání perspective perspektiva
recommend sth to sb interva| (in a p|ay) přestávka cabIe/sate||iteTV kabeIovál photography/rake
doporučit něco někomu performance/show sateIitníteleVjze
review recenze, kritika fotografi e /foťografoVat/
představení copy exemp|ář, výtisk
reviewer recenzent, kritik p|ay (n) divadelní hra dai|y/sunday Paper deník/
pro8ramme progÍam nedě|nívydání
nmtlllr portret/autoportr€t
seat sedadlo editor redaktor
aIbum hudebníaIbum stage jeviště episode díl (napi seriálu) socha/tvořit sochu/sochař
award cena, ocenění theatre divadlo game show soutěžní pořad
sketch (v/n) skicovat/skica
ballet balet g|ossy magazine iIustrovaný stil| |ife zátiší
band/group hudební skupina
lil'řřl casoprs
studio ateIiér, pracovna
charts žebříček act nrat headline titulek
classical/modern music adventure/action film interview rozhovor IrE? lt'lTrtFltl
kIasjcká/moderní hudba dobrodružný/akčnífrlm journaIist novinář
letter to the editor dopis based on (a book/a true
compose sk|ádat adaptation adaptace story) podle (knihy/
composer skladatel apPear vystupovat, hrat redakci
pravdivého příběhu)
concert koncert audience diváci local/national press
It has been made into a film
regjoná|nílcelonárodní tisk
concert haI koncertnísál bIockbuster trhák bylo zfr|mováno
weekly/monthly (magazine)
conduct/conductor cameraman kameraman it's worth seeing stojíto za
dirigovat/dirigenr cartoon kreslený fr|m Vidění
newsagent prodelna novin
drums bubny, bicí cast (n)/cast (v) obsazení/ p|ay the part/řo|e of sb hrát
(daily) newspaper/paper
fo|k music Iidová hudba obsadit (ve filmu) roIi někoho
deník (noviny)
guitar/guitarist kytara/ cinema kino (the film/book) tells the story
presen(er moCleÍator
kytaíi5ta comedy komedie
quiz show teIevizní soutěž
oí'. (fr|m/kn jha) vypráví
hit (a number one hit) š|ágr direct/director režírovatl přiběh..'
reality TV (show) realiry TV (the book/fi lm/story) is
(p|ay an) instrument hrát na Íeži5ér
(pořad) set in... děj (knihy/fr|mu/
(hudebni nástroj) disastermovie katastrofický
remote (contro|) dá|kové příběhu) se odehrává v.'
Iyric5 text pisně 6lm
ov|ádání what! on co dávají(v te|evizi,
musica| muziká| documentary dokumentární
6lm report zprava, relace divadIe, kině)
musician hudebník rePorter repoÍtér
opera opera (psychological/war) drama
(psychologické/vá|ečné) seriaI seriá|
ořchestra orchestr sitcom komediájní
drama seriál,
piano kIavír, piano Srtkom
piece of music hudební dub/dubbing dabovat/dabing
dubbed dabovaný soap opera telenovela
feature fi |m ceIovečerní hraný talk show/chat show talk
record nahrát show
ťeIease a sing|e/an aIbum
film/movie/picture frlm host moderátor
vydat singl/album talk show
sing/singer zpívatl zpěvák horror (film) horor
|ove story 6|m o lásce television/TV relevize
sonswriter autor písní TV channeI teIevizní kanál
song píseň make a fr|m natáčet film
make.upartist maskér/ka TV studio teIevizní studjo
tour turné viewer djvák
main/|eading roIe hIavní roIe
rEEiEil!'lH oscař"/Academy Award
bestseller bestseler pÍooucer producent art book kniha o umění
chapter kapirola production produkce art festiva| festivaI umění
co||ection of short stoÍie5 romanticcomedy romantická art ga||ery umělecká gaIerie
soubor povídek komedie background pozadí
detective story/crime sci-fi (science fiction) film col|age ko|áž
story derekrivka scl-f frlm design/designer návrh/
fairy ta|e pohádka screenpIay scénář návrhář
frction belerrie shoot (v) naráčet draw in pencil/charcoal/
Nobel Prize Nobelova cena shot (n) záběr chalk kresIit tužkou/uhIem/
non-fr ction naučná ]irerarura soundtrack zvukový křídou
novel roman doproVod/záznam drawing kresba
novelist romanopisec speciaI effects zv|áštní efekty exhibition výstava

'fflau.l cz^+i^e^tAls think lite is A arme;
th'e ےgltsh think crtcket ts l
CÉoRcE M KEs (HUNcÁR ÁN-BR|Ť|sH HUMoRoUs wRITER, 19í2-]987)


@ Label the pictures with names of sports.
Q for each box, choose the sport word which goes
with all the words. Find at least five of the things
Q ndd t*o more sports to each cat€gory. in the pictures in Exercise .1.

football ski swimming rennis

individual wtnter
sports: sPorts: boots costume
marathon, skating, Pores trunks
surt 7 cap
slope pool
indoor warer sPorts: boots
sPorts: shoes
sailing, sh rrt
table tennis, balls
-^-t.^r Ktt

combat fan
spoÍts: team sports:
fen cing, basketball, -

@ Complete the sentences with names of places,
I We play football on a
2 We play basketball, volleyball and rennrs on
3 We go skating on a _. Í.řííílíT'J!Í'aŤí{
4 Runners run and cars race along a
5 We work out at the _. Q Put the names of sports in the right columns.
6 People watch big sports evenrs in a Tick the ones that you do.
football yoga swimming aerobics tennis
EEtrtr badminton rollerblading skateboarding squash
Q Complete the table. cycling karate skiing basketball aikido athlerics



@ Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the sports
cvcrrnrC you do.
?]ay Ťableteffi)5 every day '''

@ Match the clues ( 1-8) with the people (a-h). Q Match the collocating words.
The person who controls the game e.g. in football too ^^^^^l
and can give a penalty. 2 set b a match
2 5omeone who is watching a sports event. 3 score c sports
A sportsman or woman, especially one who runs d a record
or Jum ps.
4 The leader of a sports team. @ CompIete the sentenc€s with the co||ocations
from Exercise 9. Us€ the verbs in appropriate
5 He or she helps sports people practise and prepare
for com petitions.
'I In 2000 in Sydney Australian swimmer lan Thorpe
Someone who's come frrst in an important sports
competirion. a new world _ in the
men's 400 metres freestyle. He broke it himself
7 A supporter of a team.
a year later!
8 The footballer whose job is to catch the ball.
2 Liverpool _ the _ 3:1.
a atnlete e fan Chris is very frt and athletic. He _ a lot
b captain f goalkeeper of _.
c cnam pron In the first half, Ronaldinho _ two
d coach n spectator
MULT|PLE cHotcE <<.rs MATCHTNG <.( e2

Q Not everybody agrees what is and isn't a sport. rnaíÍiÍaworkout

What do you think? Read this list and circle
the activities you believe are'real'sports. Say why. Q Read the following text and answer questions a-b.

figure skating dancingdiving gymnastics chess

darts bridge carracing shooting golf yoga ]n Bťitain. tý'ent.v-one per cent of people over the
age of sirteen regulariy take part in sport or exercise.
Walking is the most popdar ph1'sical activity,
follou'ed by swimming, exercising at the gym, and
rnatutitaexam cyclirg. Football is the sport most people watch.
Major sporting events include the Football Cup
Q co z.zo Us|yšítediskuzi studentů o tom, jak
Final, The Wimbledon tennis toumamert, the Open
definovat sPort. K otázkám 1-4 vyberte správnou
Golf chanpionship and thc Grand National. which is
alternativu A-C.
a horserace. Crickct and rugbl' are also populat.
1 What does Dan think?
A What you wear is important. a In your own words, say what the paragraph is about.
B Only teams sports are real sports. b Which of these titles is most appropriate for
C Chess is a sport too. the paragraph? Explain why.

What do Sue and Bill disagree about? A Sporting events in Brirain

B The British and sporr
A Sports shoes.
C What sports does an average Brit do?
B Smoking while playing sports.
C Whether sailing and golf are sports.
Whatl Malcolm's point?
A Somejudges are not objective. Q Rřečtěte sitext o dramatických sportovních
B Measurable results are important. okamžicích. Přiřadte odstavce 1-6 k tituIkům
c skaťing is not a sport. A-H. Dva titu|kyjsou navíc, a nehodíse k žádnému
z odstavců.
Whatt Tinat point?
A A memorable triumph E Mechanical failure
A lencing and judo are not sporrs. B Couldn't cross the line F Than ks, Dad
B Indoor games are sports.
C Difficult penalty G Too easy to score
C Sport should be healthy. D Last minute loss H Walk, don't run!

@ Wtti.h ofthese statements from the recording Q Complete the sentences with the highlighted
do you agree with? Why? Compare your answers phrases from the text. change the Íorm ofthe verb
in pairs. if necessary.
. A sport is something that needs physical effort and 1 My uncle promised me a ticket for one of the
is good for your health. matches for my birthday in 2010.
. lf you have judges who give subjective marks, then it I can't waitl
isn't a spoÍt. But if you can actua||y measure or time The American athlete MichaelJohnson has won
the results, then it is. a Lotal of nine gold medals in
. lt's not a sport if you can smoke when you're playing. In the 2007 Champions League _
. lt can't be a sport if you can play it in ordinary shoes. Milan beat Manchester in great style and went on
. Nowadays sports shoes are ordinary shoes. to beat Liverpool in the 6nal.
In the 1986 World Cup quarter-frnal Diego

@ Work in pairs or sma|| grouPs' Write youř own Maradona u.ed his hand to
definition of sport. 5 The Dutch racing driver Arie Luyendyk
the Indianapolis 500 car with
a record average speed of 299.307 km/h.

@ think of a dramatic moment in sport that you

experienced or saw. Prepare to talk about it using
the following questions.
. What was the eventT
. Who took part in ir?
. What was the situarlon at 6rst?
. What happened then ?
. How did it end?
. How did you (or the player) feel?
1 5_ 6
Nigel MaŤell was leading the i986 rhe rgol v\o o .o se."ri-fi'ra agairst At the ,g5a Vancouve, p.aratt^o.
Formu|a one u| drlvers, charnpionship Eng|and
Vc|5 Ll|dll|ÍJ|oll5ll|Í] tnglano Was tne hardest game scot. Englishman
the naroest tng|ishman .]im Peters ran ínto the
by six points from A]ain Prost' on|y |and,srugbycaptainGavinHastingsever staáium an arnazir]g sevenleen rnlnU'
nineteen laps before the end of the p|ayed in. Late in the second hail with tes ahead oí his nearest riva|. After
finaI race of the season, Manse]l was in th€ score 6-6, Scot|ancl had a penalty in twenty-six mi]es ]n tne
neat, ne Was
third position. |í he stayed in third, he front ofthe posts. Hastings had aIreidy certaiÁ to Win' BUt the crowc],s cheers
Wou|d Win the tiÍ|e for the Ílrst time' ]U5t scored two more difficut penaties' f died as the exhausted
athIete íell onto
then, one ofthe tyres of his Wi liams car he succeeded, Scotland would go three the track. For eleven drarnatic minutes,

exploded Prost won the race and the points ahead. surprisingly he missed it. peters triecj to finisn trre race, rlut 2oo
tit]e by one polnt' Nobody in the grouncl cou d be eve metres frorn the end he Íe]ltor the ast
it. A few rninutes later England scored tlrne. When he woke up ln hosplta , he
A-) and won the game thought he'd won
As she entered the athletics stadrurn in
t1,: :' o'sr t1e \one ,s 2Or '"1 \ | d ffi" ff:% * - -m
Jane Savl e was ln the lead. She was


n irilay 2000, Ca als, an amateur footita i

ilrst dvisloN N;ntes in the fina o Lle
F|el]ch Ctrp' Ap. rt írom the \antes fans,
'. o ' ooo .

Ca a s. .lust before tirl.le fa .i5
ha f
scored a goa . Ear v il.l the seccrd ha f
Nantes eqra scd. Ther, tn the fin.r


deť t !'!a s his fat:ref .r'
shcL..r -il;'101,1

peope sioo.] anLj (|leťre. :r:: Lli:l.'r

cr ed as hls.atrer he pei] . ..... :l...
ae 'r Derek Redmon|J afGreaťBritoin i5 hetped tÓWardsthe frnish line by hisfathe| after sunerlng dn ll]]L'ry n
:A the 4AAn semi final ot the Barcelona Olympic Gt1me5 tn Spain.

TRU E/FALSE <<'r4 MULTtPLE cHorcE << 25

Q With your p"rtner, discuss which sports you think

. the most exciting to do,

. the most exciting to watch.


Q Rřečtěte si o nečekaném konci jednoho utkání'

Do mezer 1-8 vyberte vždy jednu a|ternativu A-C'

Q Describe the photo and answer the questions:
. Which sport do you enjoy most?
. Which sport do you th ink is best for your health? Why s Íootba|| so popu|ar a|| around the Wor|d? |t's
. Which sport is good if you want to lose weight? tÍ'ťe aíe qlAa' paSSeS' a.d lhe rros|
|as ' +Á^"^

n]emorab|e th ng oÍ aJJ: the goa|s that the teams

maturitaexam score r each other. Howevel in a 1994
Car bbean Cup match' Barbados and Grenada
Q co Us|yšíterozhovor mezi Megan ajejím this log c was turned upside down.
|ékařem. Rozhodněte, zda jsou nás|edující výroky
pravdivé (P) nebo nepravdivé (N). was the last match in the group and Barbados

on|y rÓach |l.e íina if they bear Gre^ada by

P N1 Megan dislikes the sports she has ro do at t\^o goal,. Acco'd'g ro r^e'-,es. lhe.ratc.r was
a draw, the teams had to play extra time, where a
P N2 Megan does not enjoy winter sports. golden goa wouid count as two goals
p N3 The docror rhinks Megan should do a sport Untrl about seven minutes before the end of
which will help her to lose weight. Ihe ga-re Barbados led 2-0. b,l rhen Gre^ada
P N4 The doctor says both boys and girls can scored. The result of 2 I was enough for Barbados
Pray rugDy. to asay goodbye to the Cup. But with one or
P N5 The doctor tries to persuade Megan to take two minutes remalning one of the players from
up rollerblading. Barbados that it Was gett ng Very diÍficu|t to
P N6 Megan and her friend are pleased because
score aga nst the other team, so he shot the ball
pasl h's own goa|keepe, inslead' .1aÁ ng |^e score
the doctor has done what they expected
him to. 2:2 \ow i wds Grecada s ru.. lo sco e ar eilher
end of the fie dI The really ÍUnny thing was that now
@ Work in pairs. List one to three ideas for appropriate the Barbad ans 6- deÍending both goa|s. and,
sports for each ofthe Ío||owing peopIe: believe it or not, they managed , itl
. A grandma who wants to stay fit and healthy. Finally in the fourth minute of extra t me Barbados
. An overweight twelve-year old boy who hates all scored the golden goa they so much wanted and
sports, except on TV got into 8 fina|'
game Was too conÍUsing' I
. A writer who spends whole days writing in his study. My players d dn t even know wh ch way to attack,'
He is rather unfit and a bit lonely. the Grenada manager sa d.
. A young woman who works in an ofEce. At the end
of the day she can't stand looking at people!
. A university student with no money. A against
1 B with C for
2Aof B among C between
@ Work in pairs and fol|ow th€ instructions. 3Acan B could C should
STUDENT A 4 A must B had to C have to
You are a fitness instructor. Advise B which sport 5 A decided B decide C did decide
to cnoose, 6Ahad B was C were
STUDENT B TAtodo B doing c did
You are one of the people listed in Exercise 3, 8 AA B the

MuLTtpt-E cHolcE << 20

Q think of a sport you like. Tell another student

about it using the following questions.
. How many people play?
. How long does a game last?
. Where do they play?
. What equipment do they use?
. What do they do?

' Who wins?


Q Přečtěte si text o novém druhu sportu. K větám

l -5 vyberte sPrávné dokončeníA-D. i'Cxessgoxnrc
1 According to the author, the main difference
between boxing and chess is that Brian Godwin investigates
A one is dangerous and the other isn't. a bÍand new spoÍt
B one requires intelligence and the other strength.
C on|y one oí them is an o|ympic sport'

t's ha rd to thln kof two cornpetitions so completelydifferen
D they are played by different kinds of people. as cl'less and lloxing. ln one you rely on your mental sk 1

2 A chessboxing match consists of in the other you need physica strength. lowever,think n(

A four six-minute rounds ofchess and two five-

minute rounds of boxing.
I and fght ng, braln and mUScle, have come together in
new hybrid sport; chessboxing.

The way it works is this:two opponents p ay a rouncl o

B frve two-minute rounds of boxing and six four- a\/,

chess, which lasts four minutes. Aftef a one mlnute break
minute rounds of chess. there is a two minute round of boxinq, and then anothe
C five four-minute rounds of boxing and six two-
m inute rounds ofchess. v round ofchess, and so on. Presumably, the contestants are
a||owed to take 01íthe r boxing g oves to tnove their ches!

D six two-minute rounds ofchess and five four- p eces. n total, there are eleven rounds, five of boxing anc
minute rounds of boxing. six ol chess. You win at chess lf you get a checkmate or
í your opponent 9oe5 over the twe Ve minUte tlme Iin,] t
3 lf the chess match ends in a stalemate and

you Wln atboxing íyoU knockoutyouropponentoriíth€
the boxing in a draw,
releree decldes you've won And in either chess or boxinq,
A the winner is the player with black chess pieces. you win if your opponent qives up. lf the chess match ls a
B the winner is rhe player wlth mosr poinrs. sta ernate*, the boxer with most points wins. f the boxlng
C there is no winner. M, also ends in a draw, the chess p ayer with the b ack p eces

D there is extra time. w ns. Apparently, it's fasclnatlng to watch.

r\ The orlgina idea comes from a l99Os sci fi comic book

4 The idea of chessboxing came from
l-Ý-| ca ed Froid Équator, in Which the nhabitants ofa dlstant
A Bulgaria. p anet compete in varlous games, nc uding chessboxing
B people who liked both chess and boxing. The l'rrst contests took place ln 2003, and two years later
C a science fiction story. Bugaran 'Tigertad' Titschko won the first European
D the World Chess Boxing Organrsatlon. l- Heavyweight Champonship n front oí hundreds of
5 The author thinks that cheering spectators. The champion beat hls opponent in

A it is unlikely that chessboxing will become an 1,

the n nth round of the chess match.
The motto oí the Wor d Chess Boxlng organisat on is
Olympic sport. 'Fighting ls done ln the rlng -Wars are waged on the boardl
B it is crazy to mix different sports disciplines. Theywantto getchessboxing nto the 20'l6Olympic Games.
C the modern triathlon is another example of
a strange discipline.
(n Jíyou think that sounds unIike y, remember that \'Vhen the
first modern triath on took place in '1914, it seemed crazy
D combinations ofsports that once seemed to mix up onq-distance runn ng, swtmrning and cycling.
strange are now accepted.
řl And yet, at the 2000 sydney Games the trlathlon became

an Olympic sport.
Q Work in pairs. Invent another 'hybrid' sport. coU|d this be the start of ots oí new hybr]d sports? How
Describe it using these prompts: about 5Umo WTest ing and figure skating? Go]í-salling with
floatng balls? Marathon pokerT Perhaps you can thlnk
Our hybrid sport is called _. lt is a combination
of more n.rust admlt | find it very hard to thifk of any
of _ and _. tt is played like this:
fdescribe what happens in a game]_. comblnatlon stranger than chess and boxing.
The winner is the per.on who _. 'stalerna:e a pos tion n aher! n ,rrh ch neither p Jyer can ,,\/in
STMULATED struartoN << s j INFoRMAL LETTER << 97

rnatutitaworkout mat]uritaworkout

Q To do the exam task in Exercise 2, you will have to

Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
make suggestions, re.iect and accept ideas. Match preParation €x€rcises a and b.
the phrases t -10 to the following functions:
A Suggesting
a Put these jumbled sentences in order and find
out three reasons for not running the marathon.
B Disagreeing/Rejecting an idea
Then write one more reason.
C Accepting an idea
1 l'm... enough/run/distance/not/long/such/
to lalfit.
don't think it i5
I . ..
2 | don't... cityllike/the/ru n n ing/really/in.

3 Actually,... games/preferll/racket

Match these suggestions to the reasons from

Exercise 1a. Then write one more suggestion.
4 | see whaiyou mean, A How about registering for the cross-country run
I'm not convinced, B Why don't we register for the local tennis
C I could perhaps try a half-marathon or


Q Riečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište

You have received the following email from your
English friend:

: ^;;
hL f. ié i.i

Q Work in pairs and do the exam task below. T,m ih j.k j.í
^f mnning in the Prague
maIathon. .ďou 1d you Like to :run with
lmagine the following situation. During a school me? Tt maght be fun. Let ane know !!hat
exchange with an English school, you are preparing you think. lf ne decide to do it, ',ýe
an international sports day. You have to decide néé.l I ň řé-r <téř soon.
which three sporting events you are going to Hope you lrke my idea. Afl the bes t,
organise. Discuss the ideas below with your Tracy
. a football match
. a 400-metre race You don't really want to take part in the marathon.
. a marathon Write an email of 60-70 words to Tracy in which you
. a tennis tournament will:
. thank her for the invitation,
. a boxing match
. explain why you don't want to participate,
. a relay race
. suggest a different sports event in which you could
. a cricket match
take part together.
. a skateboarding competition
Begin like thts Dear Tracy,
. a basketball match
. Otner

lake into considerarion these questions:

. How attractive is the event?
How many students will be able to participate?
Do you have the facilities?
ls it safe?

FřllFlll rril'Ť,'rHf, haIf.time poIoča5
aerobics aerobik balI míč firstlsecond haIf první/druhá polovina
archery/archer Iukostřelba/lukostřeIec (boxing) g|oves boxerské rukavice kick kopat
athletics atlerika chess pieces šachové frgurky knock sb out vyřadit někoho
badminton badminton footba|| boots kopačky match zaPas
baseball baseball footbaIl kit forbaiová výbava (goId/siIver/bronze) meda| (zIatá7,
basketba|| košíková helmet helma stříbrná/bronzová) medaiIe
boxing/boxer box/boxer goal branka o|ympic games/oIympics oIympijské
bridge bridž ice 5kates brusle hry
car racing automobiIové závody net síť oIympic 5port oIympijský sport
chess šachy (tennis) racket (tenisová) raketa penalty tresr, penalta, pokuta
combat sports bojové sporty ski boots/poIes/suit Iyžařské boty/ points body
cricket kriker hůlky/kombinéza practice trén!nk
cycling cyklisrika swimming costume / tÍunks I caP l practise trénoVat, cvičit
dancing tanec goggIes pIavky/pIavecká čepice/brýle qualify kvalifikovat se
darts šipky tracksuit tepláky round kolo
discus disk, hod diskem trainers sportovní boty score (v) vsrře|iL branLu. vhodir Ioj,
diving/diver potápění/porápěč zaDooovat
fencing/fencer šerm/šermíř !.i|'ř|?! score (n) stav, skóre zápasu
football/soccer (AmE) fotbal support (v) povzbuzovat, fandit
couřt kurt, hřiště
goIf/go|Íer goIf/golfista tournament turnaj
gym (gymnasium) tělocVična, pos.loVna
gymnastics/gymnast gymnasrika/ traIn tr€novat
ice rink/skating rink Iedová plocha,
kIuziště Wor|d Cup světový pohár
hammeÍ throwing hod kIadivem
(footba||) pitch (fotbaIové) hřiště Victory Vítězství
hockey hokej (swimming) poo| bazén
horseracing dosrihy (boxing) ring ring rtF?íltFjllřli:n
individua|/team sports indiViduá|níl
ski slope sjezdovka (be) in the |ead být v če|e, vést
týmoVé 5porty
indoor/outdoor sports sporty haIoVé/
stadium/ground stadion do a spoÍt dělat sport
provozované venku stand tribuna do yoga/aerobics/karate/athletics
judo džudo track běžecká dráha dělat jógu/aerobik/karate/atIetiku
(|on"g/high).iump skok (do dá|kyldo go swimming plavat
nlřt'llll go cycl;ng/rollerblading jezdit na kole/
jumper skokan amateur amatér jezdit na koIečkových brus|ích
marathon/marathon runner maraton/ athlete arler I05e a game/match/race prohrát zápas/
maratonec captain kapitán zavocl
race zavod champion mistr miss (a kick/goa|) nedat gó|/netrefrt
re|ay race štafeta coacn trener pIay tennis/footba||/bridge hrát ten i5/
rollerblades/rollerblading koleckove crowd dav diváci fotbal/bridge
brusIe/jízda na koIečkových brus|ích fieId hřiště, závodiště score a poin./a goa| 7i5(at bod/dár go|
rugby ragby opponent/riva| soupeř setlbreak/equaI a Íecord Vytvořit/
(long-distance) running vytrvaIostní běh professionaI profesioná|ní závodník zlomit/vyrovnat rekord
Íun/runner běhat/běžec referee rozhodčí take up a sport začítdě|at sport
saiIing plachtění spectator diVák throw the hammer/javelin hod
skateboard/skateboarding skateboard/ 5upporter/fan fanoušek kIadivem/oštěpem
jízda na skateboardu
team družstvo, tým turn ProfessionaI stát se Profesioná|ním
skater brusIař závodnikem
(figure/speed) skating krasobruslení/
titiillt win a game/match/race vyhrát hru/
ski j umping/ski-j um per skoky na Iyžíchl attack (v) (za)útočit
work out (at the gym) posilovar
skokan na |yžích beat (v) porazit
skiin8/5kier |yžováni l |yžař cheer (v) fandit, povzbuzovat
skiing Iyžování (World/European) championships
sprint/sprinter sprint/sprinrer mi5trov5tví sVěta/EVropy
squash squash compete 50utěŽit, záVodit
swimming/swimmer pIaVání/pIavec comPetition soutěž, závod
tab|e tennis stolní tenis contest/conte5tants závod/zavodntct
tennts tenrs defend bránir
volleyball volejbal disqualify diskvalifi kovat
(20 km) wa|k chůze (na 20 km) (first/second) division (první/druhá) liga
Water sports vodni sporty doping doping
weight|ifting/weight|iÍter vzpíráni l draw remíza
Vzpěrač drug tests antidopingové zkoušky
windsurfi ng/windsurfer windsurfi ngl fight bojovat
(wrnqlsurrar frna|/semi-fi na| fr ná|e/semifr ná|e
wrest|in8/wrest|er zápasl zápasník game hra, zápas
yoga Jóga give uP Vzdát

Th.e or'.lu ttau\ to {<ee rs qour heakh ts eat l:hat t4ou don't

,i'ifu d/in? í.hn+ qoi Áo^,t |ik,e and /'o tlltat 4otťd ra+'her
r8]9 r']o)

r+1 rá rr1
!:| í_l
/- | l-l
I | l_ l-l


. i.:!j::.: l'š :i j..i. :.l:ši],!ř:.
f,i:.-.: Match the illnesses and injuries to the pictures. ,'r:l:, Match the words to make two'word nouns.
1 backache 4 stomachache l food a nose

2 broken arm 5 twisted ankle 2 sore b stomach

3 headache 6 toothache 3 run ny c attack
4 Upser d tnroat
.i'],. Put th€ words from the box into the categories 5 heart e porson Ing
..i tvtatch the words to the explanations.
cancer brokenribs heartdisease sprainedwrist 1 Someone who is ill...
pneumon ia stroke fru
2 Someone who is injured...
3 Someone who is disabled...
4 Someone who is blind...
5 Someone who
is deaf...
6 Someone w-o i: hard of hearing...
7 Someone who is short-sighted...

ComPlete Tim's description of how he is íeeling. a can't see.

b can,t heaÍ We |.

c can't hear at all.

I'm a bit poorly. I must have caughr d can't use a part of their body completely or
a'c .l've been's ing easily as a result of illness or iniury.
and 'c ing all day and I think
of e is suffering from a dlsease.
|'ve sor a bir oÍ a as we|l
Í has been hurt in an accident.
lfeeL very hot.
can t see welL.

ffiaffi ."|Ll-i:J ]'Í..'J1!
@ Complete the text with names of organs of the +& M"t.h th" words with their definitions.
body. The first letter has been given,
To have strong b
, you should drink 1 A nurse a performs operations.
plenty of milk. 2 A denrist b is an ill person in hospital.
He works out at the gym every day to build up big
3 A specialist c looks after i I people.
d looks after your teeth.
3 Running is good'or your h
e knows a lot about one area
4 Pneumonia i. a disease of rhe I
of medicine.
5 Alcohol ls bad for your ._ ,. | PLAcES
6 He lell of a t'ee and broke hiq s 'l A section ofa hospital is called a a surgery.
7 You shouldnt take these pills on an empty
2 lf you need medical advice, you D pnarmacy.
goroa c ward.
&ffitr,I{Íf'B 3 A doctor sees his patients in his d health
,1$ Circle the correct verbs.
4 You can buy medicine at a centre.

1 lhe doctor examined I treated I cured him but &ffiENEEEI

found nothing wrong.
@ Complete the sentences with the correct
She was examined I treated / curea wrrn a new prepositions.
drug, but it didn't help her.
1 Our neigh bour suffers heart disease.
Many types of cancer can now be examined /
treated /-cured completely if they are diagnosed
2 Walt Disney died _ lung cancer as a result
of smoking.
3 Many famous usiclans of the 1960s were
addicted _ drugs.
$ Complete the leaflet with the words from the box.
4 I'm allergic _ milk. I can't eat ice creaml
herbs inlections pills .u1g"rt vaccine X.'ay 5 Ann had really bad pneumonia last winter, but she
recovereo ir com plerely.
6 They operated him last night and he's
á|rp.rl\/ oérriňo hArrér
<HOO5E ATTERNATIVE /v\EPICiNE 7 My granddad is seventy, but he's strll
l've been studying too hard and not exercising.
-(&rn c/t c ttl tI u úI u k ts
l'm _ of shape.

,7ú) l,s, k. . //,rtr.t',i t c ., (.y,r o, t v r t / io l t l've got a bad pain _ my left leg.

@ CompIete the sentences with the correct veřbs'

Do you like ňninn l n t ho .ln.i Ónc? 1 You really should _
a doctor about this
ill, you'll be give n disgusting' and pain in your chest.
painfu | 'z
2 Hello? ld like to an appolntment to see
You'll be told to have an , which
r Doctor Wheeler, please.
means harmful radiation going through your 3 I m going to _ your temperature now

il thev ll cai, irnl

4 Let me your blood pressure.
body. lf you re
5 What do you do to fit?
need o iÓ ÓthÓ. t^/n..Ic .| řiinÓ |n

AnrJ o',on if \,. r'.o v fino l-ho\' ll

cn l-h.l- \,.' I rln^'l- i I in
tr rtrLlr i,lltr.r r, lrCr,.l . ,ae i..t . tl.a'.\)
futu re I

Fo rg eL arl LlaL ar yoJ need is a realthy

diet and some 6

MULTtPLE cHorcEi sHoRT TExrs

Q Match the words (1 -6) to the explanations (a-f). Q In pairs, ask each other the following questions.
l A nap is the ability to see. . Which of the new treatments described in the text
2 Treatment D carries one piece of genetic do you thin k is the most useful? Why?
3 Obesity information. . What other drug or treatment would you like to see
4 To hug is a short sleep. invented? Why?
5 A gene o is something that is done
6 Sight to cuÍe an iIl person.
- a cure for
is being seriously overweight.
- a vacc:ine aqaingt
f is to hold someone in your arms.
' 5amelh rq ta help Veop)e val:h
matuřitaex4m Find th'ee synonyms of'sickness' in th€ text.
They are used in these collocations:
o Přečtěte si 6 krátkých textů a ú|ohy, které k nim
t heart-related i_
patří. Na zák|adě infoÍmací z textů vyberte
ke každéú|oze 1-6 nejvhodnější a|ternativu 2 heart d
z nabídky A-D. 3 skin c


v a.r0T
nap,.|ive |onger
I.|.. fap aner ru Lf ray reo r e
a happy tirn€,
hug for 20 seconds.
Watch a romant t movie, and to e edrodes ntheeye This happens nreal
t me, a low ng pat ents to d st nguish I ghts,
chances of suffer ng a hearr atack. n a med ca 3o čem informuje č|ánek Hugs help shapes and movement. t cou d be aval able
study in Greece, peop e who took a halfhour your heartl. W|InIn IWO y€aTS'
times a week were 37olo
s esta at least three
A Ženy objimají raději nežmuži. 5 Jaký význam bude mít nový vyná|ez?
íon hoa,T. o|ar"o i| 1esses'
ess Iite|1 |o die B objímání svědčívašemuzdraví' Nevidomí
For Working men, the Íesu t Was even more C objímáníje prospěšné, jen jedná-|i A budou opět normá|ně vidět.
dramatic: a redLrctlon The expanation se o b|ízké osoby'
B budou vidět s použitím zv|áštních
could lle that slestas reduce stress, one of the D Páry, které s|edují romantické filmy,
se objímajíčastěji'
most comn'r0n causes of heaft disease. C budou moci podstoupit chirurgický
1o čem informuie ž|ánekTake a nap, Gym Pill zákrok, který jim vrátí zrak'
live longer! a-t.r .s or a gene ,rl c- rozeznajísvětIo a tvar, ale ne pohyb.
377" Iidív Řecku dodržuje siestu.
=t ^
new 0 -g Ll

burns body fat could lead to a new med c ne Pupil Pedometers

B 377o Iidí umírá na
srdečníchoroby. that lm tates physical exercse, a owingyou Childhood obes ty is a growing
c Pracující muži potřebují siestu více. to become th nner withoLrt effort. l\/lire on probl-.m in the UK. n response to this, the
D Krátké zdřímutí chrání před the druq ost weight even thoLgh they dld no BÍit 5h Governn,]ent i5 to glve 45,000 1ree
nemocemt srclce.
exercise and ate a h gh fat diet. The aim is to pedometers to thousands of overwe ght
DoctoÍ Fish create a medic ne foÍ peopIe suffer1ng {rom chi dren to he p them become fitter t is hoped
Ther€ is a neW treatment lOr skin obes ty, rather than a pill which etsyo! eat the pedometers, wh ch count the steps you
condltons: a hot bath wth hundreds oftlr too n'rLrcl'r wh e staying thin. take, Wi|l encourage the chldren to take n]ò
tooth ess f sh 'Doctor fish' from Turkey eat 4 Komuie určena nová pi|u|ka? "
p'risp ard lose we g"t. r r a .. -fe average
dead and diseased ce]|s, tr€ating the sympton,]s A Lidem, kteříchtějí mít |epšíVýkony number of steps taken by ch ldren rose from
oí vatious i nesses of the skin' |t does not llurL při cvičení. 8'355 to 13,939 p€r day'
and the on y side effects may be some s lght B Lidem, kteříchtějí hodně jíst a
bIeed ng' |JnÍortunately, lt i5 not a permanent zůstat štíh|í'
6 Proč se v|áda chystá dát dětem tato
cUre' The Íesu|t5 |ast 0nly a Íew months Lidem trpícímobezitou'
Lidem, kteří nemohou jíst. A Aby zjistila, kolik ujdou.
2 laká nová |éčbakožních onemocnění B Aby jim pomohla chodiL rychleji.
je v úryvku popisována? Bionic Eyes c Aby zjisti|a, ko|ik je dětí s nadváhou.
A Pacienti jedí zv|áštní druh ryb. Mi Iions oÍ bLind peop]e c0UId regaln D Aby je podníti|a k tomu Více chodit'
B Pacienti musíp|avat s rybami. their s ghtthank to a new ir'rvention being
C Ryby jedí zasažené buňky. tested n rl-e USA. A riry cane'a wh rl^ sirs
D Pacienti 5e koupou v horkých oí
- on a pair

Hugs Help your Heart

' A study lnto the €ffects oÍ hugging
has shown that hugs ower blood pressure,
reduce the risk of heart d sease, and genera y
improve your health. People n oving
relationshlps beneft more from hugs. And
Won,]en beneíit more than men' During the
study, 38 American couples had to ta k about
MULTtPLE cHotcE << i5 MuL.rtpLe cxolcp << e5

Q Whi.h ofth"se medical procedures do you dislike? Q How do you avoid stress in everyday life? List three
Which ones are OK? ideas. Compare ideas in small groups.
. being examined
. having your blood pressure taken
. injections
. blood tests
Q Rřečtěte si text o tom, jak omezit stress. Do mezer
. X-rays 1-7 vybeÍte vždy jednu a|ternativu z nabídky A-c.
. taking pills

Are you stressed? Well, don't worry We
Q co z.zz Us|yšíte otce, kerý hovoří se svými dvěma
have asked the experts for their advice
dětmi na téma zdraví. K otázkám í -6 vyberte
and searched the internet for ideas and
správnou odpověďA-C.
here are eight ideas that you can use
1 Wh€re are the characters? easily and immediately to make your life
A In a hospital.
more re|axÍng and '-.
t B In a doctor's surgery. O Get up flfteen minutes earlier ,_,
when all
t C At home. those little problems happen in the morning,
you will have fifteen extra m nutes to sort
2 Which symptom does the father NOT say he! them out.
a Forgetting things can be stressfu so write
A A headache. down eveMhing that you ,_ remernbeT.
B Vomiting. Keep a diary. wr re lotes on a wa.l calerdar
C A sore throat. or use electron c rerninders.

Which procedures do the children perform on O -a(e a oook wherever yoL go. DoT t gel
impatient in queues, read and relax.
their dad?
A a Look for the positives ln any problems.
They take his blood pressure and his
|Í the train iS late, 4- Worry' en]oy the rest at
the staUon.
ry B They give him an injection and an X-ray.
C They carry out an operation. a Unp ug your phone. There probab y won't be
b. an emergency during the half hour that you
What is Paul! diagnosis? are in the bath or watching 5 favourite TV
A The ffu.
prograrnme so you can safely make sure that
you aren't disturbed.
B Food poisoning.
C Hel not certain. a Do the unpleasant things first. That way, the
'est o. t'']e day wi|J be .T]o.e erjoýab|e ano
Paul tells his father to free of worries.
A take some pills. a Change your appearance in some way.
B go home and lie down. lf you 6_ good, you'l feel good.
C go to a health centre for some tests.
. Try to rd re|axed
eTos' .r
together wll just make 7_ even more

Why does Elisa start crying?

A She doesn't want to play any longer
B She imagines her father dying.
Now you know how easy iT s to be r'ro-e re axed,
there is no reason why you can't reduce the
C She wants to be the doctor, not the nurse.
stress in your life. Of course, that is un ess you
enjoy worrying and rushing around, in wh ch case
@ In pairs, ask each other the following questions. please lgnore the above advce.
. What should a good doctor be like?
. What should a good nurse be like?

1 A healthier B more healthy C more healthier

2 A because B so that C in order to
3 A have to B have C have got
4 A doesn't B don't C you don't
5 A you B yours C your
6 A look B will look C looked
7 A them B themselves C each other


Catch-22, written by Joseph Heller
Q Read the text and answer the multiple-choice
in '1961, is a satirical novel set in
Italy during World War ll. The main
character, Captain Yossarian, a pilot in
the United States Air Force, has flown
Possiblv the nlost íamous nor'e] set in a too many combat missions and would
hospítal is oar F7err of, I.he C1!cÉ00,s like to stop. But there is a hidden
,\zsr bi.Ken Keser,, ri'hich takes place rn a problem, a catch: You can only get out
mentaL institlltion. The ii ard is run br, cold, offlying if you are crazy. However, if
you say you don't want to fly any more, it proves that you
authoritarian Nurse Ratched, rvho neither
are not crazy, so you have to continue frying. That's catch 22.
\a. .e.l'ťc| .r"".' r.patI r 1]o..l.e r,,'i, n..
Catch-22 was made into a frlm by director Mike Nichols
and simpl,v rvants to control them. The in 1970.
roritine is disturbed br, the arrival ofRandle
\Ic)Iurphl; a loud, fun man,
rvho has been moi'ed to the bospital froni ÍÍratj'Íitaexam
prison. Nlc\lurphi challenges the Nurse's
authority His behaviour cncourages the Q r,řečtěte si úryvek z knihy. K větám 1-6 vyberte
utlier uatients. r'.er iou:lr ro" f-ilhrcncd správné dokončeníA-D.
to be themseli'es, to do thc sarne. The
conflict intensilies to a dramatic climax. 1 The doctors were annoyed because
Kese,v convincingll presents his vierv that A they didn't know what was wrong with
the'mentall1 ill'are in fact pcople ivho have Yossarian.
been pushecl out bl socieq'because thei'did B Yossarian pretended to be ill.
not 1it the com'entional ideas of hou,thei c YossaÍian behaved impatientIy.
should behave. D Yossarian refused to take the pills.
2 Nurse Duckett disliked Yossarian
A but most other nurses didn't
McMurphy B and so did all the nurses.
A disturbs the other patients. C because he was rude to her.
B makes rhe other Patients fee| írightened. D because she was an unpleasant person.
C shows the other patients they could act Yossarian
D gets into conffict with the other patients.
A told the doctors he was feeling worse.
B didn't tell the doctors he was better.
Ken Kesey believes that mentally ill people C made himself ill on purpose.
A have conventional ideas. D never spoke to the doctors.
B hate conventional ideas.
How did Yossarian feel about being in hospital?
C are pushed around by unfeeling people.
D are different from the way others want them
A He was happy to be there.

to be.
B He was impatient to get out.
C He disliked the staff.
D He missed his friends.
Q compare the use of the under|ined words in th€
text and the words in th€ answ€rs. Why are the It was easy for Yossarian to stay on in the
answers containing those words incorrect? hospital because
A the docrors were interested in his case.
B he was seriously ill.
C he had an unusually high temperature.
D it was comfortable.

Yossarian wrote letters about going on

a dangerous mission
A in order to appear brave.
B because he had volunteered to go.
C so that people would think he was dead and
leave him alone.
D without mentioning why.



:rssarian t'as in thc hospjtal ri'ith a pain in his liver that

-lljust short oflleingjaundice.'flie doctors l,ere puzzled by
-::e ůrct t1rat it rvasn't quitejaundice.
Ifit becan'ie j arrndice, ther
Ifit didn't bccone jaundicc and rrent', thev
: ,uld treat it.
. ,uld discharge him. But this just being short ofjaunc{ice all
::e time confuscd them.

ilach morning thev cane arouncl, three brisk ancl serious
22. :-tn rvith eflicient mouths and iliefEcient eves, accornpanicd b1,
-:isk and serious Nurse Duckett, one ofthe rvard nurses tho
:':.lťt like Yossarian' Ther' rcad the chart at the fuot ofthc bed
:rr1 asked irnpatientlr. about the pain. Tlrel.seemcd irritated
. \en hc told them it \\?s
exact\, the samc.
Stiil no movementi'the full colonel clemanded.
Ilic doctors exchanged a look rvhen be shook his head.
iivc him another pill.'

\urse Duckett made a note to give \bssarian anothcr-pi1l, and

:re lirur ofthem movcd along to the nert bed. None ofthe nurscs
:<ed Yossarian. ,{ctuallrl the pain in his liver had gonc arral; but
iossarian didn't sar an\thing and the doctors never suspected. Q Describe the photo and answer the questions.
\irssarian had everylhing he t'anrecl in the hospital. The i.ood . Why do you think the man is doing this?
.asdt too bad' and his meals rvelc brought to lúnr irr bed. There . What else can people do to stay heakhy?
ťrc extm rations of freslr meat, and drrring the hot part of the
:tternoon he and the othersucre sen'ed chilled fruitjuice orchilled maturitaexam
..hocolate miik' Ápart |ronr the doctors and the nuLses, r,toone eler
:isturbed hirn. He ivas comfurtable ln thc hospital, ancl
) stay on because he alt|avs mn a temperafurc of 101.
it tas eas,v
o cD 2.23 Us|yšítemuže, který hovoří ke
středoškoIským studentům o tom, jak udržovat
.Vter he had made up his mind to spencl the rcst ofthe rvar in zdÍavý životnísty|. DoP|ňte do textu na Vyznačená
:he hospital, Yossarian $,rote letters to eYeryonc he kne\\, sa|ing místa 1-8 chybějícíinformac€.
:hat he rvas in the hospital but never rnentionjng wh\i One da),
re haci a bettel idea. ']il evervone he knew he wrote that hc vas
:oing on a vcry dangerous mission. 'The1 asked for volunteers.
It's very dangcrous, but someone has to do it. I'll nrite i'ou the FOOD
.r.rnt Iger1'rck. And Ic
. |í you wont to get fit ond sloy fit, woich whot
lrnd ror \\rr"(n rnro-cr:r'.<.

. Eot ot leosl 'z_ pieces o{ {resh fruit ond

vegelobles every doy.
. A *oys choose I foods
. T you smoke/

A temperature oÍ 101 mean5 io'1.F (degrees FahÍenheit), S PORT

. Toke up o spod. Do regu or 5
which is equal ro 38.3'C (degrees Celsius or centigrade).
. |Í you ock discip|ine, ioin o 6

@ Read the |ast two Paragraphs of the t€xt again. ' Relox. Avoid'_ond moke sure you ger
ln pairs, discuss the foIlowing qu€stions.
Yossarian is happy to stay in hospital because he
doesn't want to go back to the frghting and get killed.
What s your opinion of this arritude? @ Discuss the following questions as a class.
. Do Pam and Ken enjoy rhe ralk? Why?/Why not?
. ls he a coward?
. ls the advice given by the speaker good? ls it
.ls he unpatriotic?
. ls he behaving sensibly? . How can young people be encouraged to adopt a
healthy lifestyle?
@ In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.
. What's good and what's bad about being in hospital?
. What should a good hospital be like?

Toprc pRESENTATtoN AND DlscusstoN <<48 NorE << 3a

rJraturitaworkout rJratť'Jritaworkout

Q Number these phrases in the order in which they Q Read the following exam task and complete
wouId appeaÍ in a Presentation' astudentt response to it with the words and
phrases from the box.

While your roommate was out her sister called to

add\"vlafl inform that their mother was ill. Write a note for
,,r?orianl' ÍacíoťaÍ qaaá he* your roommate, in which you wilt:
' ''\|rg ano,'|,er
. write about the illness and give details about the
FinallV, treatment
La5|b|)Ť raŤ
\ea.' - . explain that her sister asked for help

'o . express your hope that their mother will soon be

----'," 1^' )a'1'é'' o'.L,|ca\
,^,-^"i']".Áan"pc better
'^,p", la. Ú -'. i',P
\''' e\\.a'a '"' Begin like this: Hilane
-' '...==...
,,11 19 ]líPortJnt
íí1, come and help a bit get well medication
prescribed take things easy the flu

\ r\1 qolflq Na
Ťa\k ayy'..
1!ou.r si.stor 1lckg ca||eA anÁ satÁ gour wtuwt,s got
The Áoctor has beon and ha
maturitaexam sopre
ta ;ta! in bed. an.d
Q Work in pairs and do the exam tasks below. One of bLat Mostl!4 heJt^st toL^
you plays the role ofthe examiner and should ask \li.ckq uooulA Ltke gon to
th€ question5 from the Examiner,s -
InTask One, you are asked to give a short
'cript. becausa
ta LeAve her aLono tn the hause lor too
she Áoesn't tnaft

presentation on the topic How to Live to be a Trn sorrr4 about t.AutI'ra suro 4ou,r n+uwt u,:tll
Hundred Years Old. The following ideas may help 6

Take care.
. the right diet . eliminating smoking and 'fftark,eta
. rest and relaxation alcohol
. exercise . avoiding stress
' otner
lEEEríEl Q Přečtěte si zadání ukázkové ú|ohy a napište
In Task Two, you are going to talk an English-speaking krátkou zprávu.
friend about what you do to keep healthy.
You are sharing a frat with lane, a British student.lane is
Examiner's Script still sleeping and you have to leave urgently because you
have just received a text message from your brotherl
Task 1t First speak on your own about how to live to
be a hundred years old. Are you ready.e
Tasklz Now we are goingto talk together. What do
Tried to call you a few tin'res.
you do to keep healthy? Do you think that's good

am a bit il, must have caught a

enough? I haven't got much time to do exercise. What
really bad cold. Delinitely need
can I do? a lie-ln for a few days. Can you
do me a favour and bring me
Q Now swap roles and do the exam tasks again. some medicine after you're
back from school? Cheers


Write a note of 60-70 words to lane, in which you will:

. say that your brother is ill and needs your help,
PHoro DEscRtPTtoN << 44 . say that you might get back home quite late,
. ask her not to forget to feed the cat.

@ Look at page 197 and do exercises 1-4. Begin like this: Hilane,
vomit zvracet do/take (reguIar) exercise pravide|ně
backache boIest v zádech
wound rána cVičit
b|eed krvácet wounded raněný fo||ow a sensibIe diet dodÍžovat
d rozumnou dietu
bIind s|epý
broken arm z|omená ruka
tarit!nrr|!!?!tt!r!!!r' get enough 5|eep dostatečně dIouho
burn sPá]it se, opařit se DOne kost
give up (smoking) nechat kouření
dto cancer rakovina heart srclce
heaIthy íood/diet dravé jíd|o l z drav a
Iiver játra

rfor choke dusit se dieta/strava

cold nachIazení, rýma Iungs p|íce
hea|thy habits zdravé návyky
condition vada, nemoc muscles svaly
t rhe low.fatlhigh-fat (food, diet) srrava/diera
(skin) condition (kožní)nemoc spine páteř 5 Vyso|.ymlma|ým mnoŽsrvtm (aIorii
cough kaše| stomach žaIudek reduce stress omezit stres

)n oe
critica||y/seriousIy/termina||y i|| být
deaf hluchý
t@E obesity obezita
(be) overweight mít nadváhu
cough medicine lék proti kaš|i take up a sPořt začítse věnovat sportu
(physica||y/mentaIly) disabled (tě|esně/ cure (v/n) |éčit/|ék work out in the gym cvičitv posi|ovne
duševně) postižený drops kapky
disease onemocnění, choroba examine vyšetřit llF?lltř'lll!řF1r
dumb němý 6rst aid první pomoc
earache bolest v uchu be addicted to být závis|ý na
g€ne gen
be a||ergic to být a|ergický na
faint omd|ít get better uzdravit se
feel a bit poorly/not feel very consu|t a doctor poradit se s |ékařem
go to hospital jit do nemocnice
we|| necítit se nej|épe die of zemřít na
go to the doctor,s jít k lékaři
fee| dizzy pociéovat závrať have pain in (onet leg) cítit bo|est
herbs bylinky v (noze)
fee|sick cítit se nemocen/špatně
^0t injection injekce (be) in good shape býrvdobreformé
lna fee| terrib|e cítit se hrozně
medicaI check.up proh|ídka u |ékaře keep/stay fit udržovat si kondici
fee| weak cítit se s|abý
medication/medicine/drugs medikace, make an appointment with/to see
fever horečka léky a doctor objednat se u |ékaře
flu chřipka painki||ers sedativa' iéky prori bolesti
food poisoning otrava jídIem operate on operovat někoho
(s|eeping) pi||s prášky (na spaní)
hard of hearing nedos|ýchavý recover from uzdravit/zotavit se z
p|aster sádra, nápIast suffer from trpět čím
řtt headache bolest hlavy prescription |ékařský předpis
heart attack infarkt take sbl b|ood pressure změřitněkomu
(doctorl) surgery ordinace krevnítIak
heart disease srdečníchoroba (run 5ome) tests provést testy/vyšetření take sbl temperature změřit někomu
heart-re|ated i||nesses nemoci krevního thermometer tepIoměr teplotu
treat |éčit take things easy nerozči|ovat se
hurt (my |eglarm hurts) bo|eL (bo|i mě treatment |éčba,terapie
vaccine vakcína
i|| nemocný
Whatt the matter?/What! wrong?
illness nemoc co Vám je?
injury/to be injured zranění/být zraněný
whee|chair invalidní vozik
insomnia nespavost X'ray rentgen
jaundice ž|outenka
lose/regain yoursight ztratit/znovu
ziskat zrak
(dreadful) pain in the back/leg ambulance sanitka
]e l5 (strašlivá) bolest v zádech/v noze dentist zubař
-'you painfuI bolestivý doctor Iékař
l. pneumonia zápaI plic GP (General Practitioner) praktický
rash vyrážka |ékař
runny nose tect z nosu, ryma hea|th care zdravotní péče
shiver třást se, mít zimnici hea|th centre zdravotn í středisko
shoÍt-si8hted krátkozraký hospital nemocnice
side effects vedIejšíúčinky hospitaI bed nemocniční|ůžko
sneeze kýchat nurse zdravotní sestra
(| have a) sore throat bolí mě v krku patient pacrent
stomachache boIestbřicha pub|ic heaIth care veře1ná zdravorr
stíoke mrtvice
swo||en tonsi|s zvětšené/otek|émanote specialist specialista
symptoms příznaky surgeon chrrurg
take an overdose předávkovat se surgery chirurgie
(have/run) a (high) temperature mít ward nemocniční oddě|ení
zvýšenou tepIotu
toothache boIest zubů
twist one's ankle podvrtnout si kotnit< avoid stress vyhnout se stresu
(have an) upset stomach mit Tairvaci cut down on fatty food omezit tučná
potíže jídIa

133's the uso ol a houso tf gou haven't 4ot a tol,orabk'
pl.anet to put tt on"

fnllEitr.rÍfÍfrllrÍí| Complete the sentences. Make new words from

L"b"l th" nu.bered elements in the picture.
@ the words in BLOCK CAPITALS.
1 lt was so we could hardly see anything.
2 We had a very summer rhis year.
3 ltwasa - WInteÍ evenln8.
4 lt was a lovely, late-summer morning.

L"b"l th" nurnbered elements in the picture.


$ Number the following adjectives in order from
hottest to coldest.
ch illy cool hot
coto freezin g warm

@ Complete the table with the words from the box.

blowing cloudy raining rainy shining snowing
snowy sunny windy


.-.. udry nríÍ'ÍnrB

@ Wh"t gtoupr of animals are these?
a dav I Their mothers feed them with milk
2 they can fly and have ÍeaLhers'

Ť a _ day 3 They lrve in water and breathe wacer.

4 They fly and buzz.
The wind is _. a day 5 Snakes, tortoises and lizards belong to this group.

13 4
Q Label the animals in the photos. Which ofthem
1-7) with theiÍ
have you seen? @ Match the names ofdisasters (

descriptions (a-g).
l drought a rotating wind
2 eafthquake b a very strong wind
3 famine a huge wave caused by
4 ffood a volcan ic eruption
5 hurricane o a long time without rain
6 tornado e the ground shakes
7 tsunami Í much too much water
c there! no food and people
are dying
Q Match the words that go together.
l airlwater a rubbish
2 wind/water/solar b effect
3 sort c warming
4 global d rain
5 greenhouse e petrol
6 acid f species
7 unleaded g pollution
8 animal h power

@ Use the words from Ex€rcise 9 to comP|et€

the table.
PRoB!ÉM l WHAŤ cAN wE oo?

air pollution buy'

use aIternatIVe eneřgy
sources, burn less fuel
ř. r too much waste I vour
extinction of many protect wildlife

@ Comp|ete the sent€nc€s with the words from
the box.

become damage environmentally harmful

Protect sort prck up
We all have a responsibility to the
lf we don't protect wildlife, fifty per cent ofthe
animal species rhat exist now may
extinct in the next century.
It's not so difficult to rubbish once you
get used to rt.
Do you care about buying-friendly
Using aerosol sprays is
- to the
lndustries which the envlronment
should pay special taxes.
Our whole school is going to litter on
Earth Day.

MATcHtNG << 22

@ In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.

Q In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.
. Do you like receiving postcards? How many did you . Which of the places (A-F) would you most like
get during your last holiday? to be in? Why?
. Do you write postcards when you're on holiday? . What kind of weather do you like and dislike?
Who do you write to? What do you write about? What do you do in that kind of weather?
. What kind of natural scenery do you like best? Why?

@ Match the words to make phrases.

Q Rřečtěte si poh|ednice. Přiřadte ke každéotázce 1 clear blue a ZeÍo

1-5 přísIušnou pohIednici A-D' Jedna pohIednice 2 pouring with b climate
je navíc, a k žádné z otázek se nehodí. 3 below c winters
Who... 4 moderate d skies
1 is helping his/her family a lot? 5 mild e rain
2 has found a job in a new place?
3 wishes his/her holiday was over? Q Write down at least six words or phrases from
4 is happy despite extreme weather? the text to describe natural scenery.
5 is probably a Biology student? I hghcttrs 5
2 6
Ga apagos Generalv ew

,\t Tl\ arti^,
1!cu l |ove x here ks a^ i'sIa^j |^ Íhe
\'0.n( U'(a^ DI.1.) Wr.n€s )J')e.t 0+ |..uaÚ',r c
Ú4h1 0,. th'a a4u 4l0r TI s credLb|e l
tl n. Ln
'fflartrn Anl.erson. '-, 1'-2,
P|.ace Íc, Lnveet,.4ate ,l.:L|Á|t|e Thare are .i1ý' ,/'4'i,'.q. \\ .Íí'!'/i'i'U'r r'!'
|.1''.'Í ',.\|
b]rl.' f]5|\, rc,Pt.iles, W,aw,r*als oÍ a|| sarts|
41 A[btan Street,
Aia.nt tortoises, 'Li( rLi: +|'.,t.'fL L...!
' ll' !i,Í!11 L t; |\.:^|!L'.r
?^s, d.|lphi.^t. n ari., e

qu a^as. pe".Auns. '.ul)a o even. seen artsto|a€42Jo .,,1111 112{rip-nv:-'l,r: r ','rr LrL.-.:.i i: .ý2 LÚl'wl-ra'\
?lt\+ani^aIrV, .1Me .p,cia. arc b..'|.i .' wlL':|,.tl' L,'|||)-i',' ||Ý'
|..'j-4,' :.' i\t.r,d"
an4er ol becauce al, b 1 !I[|'r L I!\!11j.|L ?!' CÚ
!,i]-fiP! l,'] íl.: |Lll p"''.rllu'.' l'L|L. rt,-LrL
ovorpoprlatton and cow,patit.i0,,. ftaw. t ia
maLfeu) .11'1'|\.
:4Ý Í|.,' .>LL\]'!'r},' ) \.,J!'|'L'',' . Lanbr/.ryr. Lha uL
an{ 4oats anÁ other aniw,aIs Ů'lr pro|essor
i. , rea.l et'.part. too Ill senC gou so,"a a1-!24i, tt),t\rJr' \ t,,ttL,.;v,,'l.c-t,ir,l-
ph.ata., lror w,q prqec+
Lova. PatrLc,l r');, iLiu -r;t,,'i,.r.r,'i Lc r.-4 |..:he i,(áLA,\D
..!,1)', :i' a,

Canary slands

B St Abens Eng ard

l,).ar LTran' fe: D

-/ rú/teo'J.ea.Le' h. uE.á
:'". 1""r"-,":,:. .,"a. bt.e
! Deor Dod,
Mum o-,''d

La/ | a.t< ' ts

ia'e 1'n , ulsczlJ at a""t 1
"t-t n ,-ultr.'ť n,i 'l ' r.. L'
;",. (o ('1' ea Pru'r s lt s it^r looV.nq alter nl luLlle.
;;:.; "t,'
racrY 4Lt.:''
caastIL4e Ls maLnl, lt's lke t larn horo. Lhere'
d/e .ztc
Susan !
n^rl. ct.íÍ.. Ó.ť tk'.e 0-ro ďatr' c..ts' ha.orsters, r0}brts,
l4r 1on Tohnson
'.' .u-d, aea-hes' tao. "aP 'hc
,. .' ;o,,aq ťh,. ., a'd ?ILj'ÉL Ptqs' ú,cy's' \ons ulď e'ýe'n 6t, lelen RoaA
cltuds at home ' Lqt4ot a pet vtý ] *ee'ď the'n un Lhe
L,t", Daj ' n*n ny.lne" 1 water Lhe planLs
un tÁo qotďen anď ptcl tÁL firutt ENGLAND
tn tho qre'e'nÁousa IL,s Treatl
Late 1ou,

TRUE/FALsE << í4

@ Write a postcard like the ones below from a place

you know, describing the scenery and the weather. $ How are the following animals used by people?

dolphins horses donkeys camels pigeons

rats guinea pigs dogs


Q Read the following statements. For each ofthe

highlighted words, think of a synonym and an
antonym. Make a list of all the synonyms and
antonyms as a class.
r F 1 Working with animals is not always safe.
T F 2 Some aspects ofthe work may make vou
feel sad.
ÍF 3A P|easant thing about Working with
animals i5 rhar iri verv ouiet.

Q co List€n to a part of a radio programme

about working with animals. Decide if the
sentences I -3 in Exercise 2 are true or false.



.--'re ros1:v,ry at on oo.o, .o

l O "o
2.25 Us|yšite da|šíčást stejného rozh|asového
.. l,,"re to 'i'. ' T.. *.. t{ L5 a,a1oz'ó11 pořadu. Rozhodněte, zda jsou nás|edující výroky
. ď,!!e,qnL 4,on |one'' ll,s too pravdivé (P) nebo nepravdivé (N).
' 'o
:t d'urtn| tÁe: dal . oýer 5Ó'ďeq,(ee'
It eezt"1
n r 1 The speaker describes dolphins as smart but
oan a,ď
anď a+ ýt tttt'ss lre'eztn
at n.nt$L
- :p,)ou utplot obou+
zerot l'll neuer
.u|as. ť. l 5\'e\..-l,ó'to*e''.o' .|.l/1
(Lora, \"lolters P N2 The speaker gives examples of an imals used
lne, d'a..' o4al| ' lc Do ,ú ||a.o|s'
In wars.
II'L DruYor
', -s, o, o. ó c n''e aye, 0t l
l sa' Ó a' o P N3 Some animals have been honoured for their
:e, .oi lr++lu P)an+s B,.t it's bea'"t''f"ll Dravery.
-^e,re's d raa|.n+o'v\ rarP +\e
:. ,l 'oolG Lr- \oae !l nll {tom ll' a1oo"
^an ^aYzan r I 4 The speaker gives examples of animals used
DS 32 ENGLAN for the amusement of humans.
:']ussúť Rar|el'
P N5 Horses do more kinds ofwork than any
other animal.
P N6 Training guide dogs helps difficult teenagers
become more friendly and confident.
F Q Whi.h *"yr of using animals do you think are
ťll' >aw, acceptable? Which arent? Compare opinions in
pairs. Then choose one oÍ the ways oÍ using anima|s
I Love Lt here. tt has a LoveLu and prepare a short sP€ech for or against it.
oLívwate, thťríght
1ust . dogs leading the blind
wDt too dru. wot too . dogs helping the police
wet, b'eaLtLfkL vwLLd
wLňters ' Awd
Ďaw)atzk . animals in the circus
of ea*hq|/aŘ'es, . zoos
n'ÁrrLcAvues or awu othcr =4a. €eLLl . keeping animals as pets (which ones?)
|,:o't'y"'. ug cořLeagnes a"e
. experiments on an imals

TYLewdLa, eÝew vwtJ boss: /(wd . bullfishts

waves Are gyeAt
the BV3 ENé . using anima|s for miIitary purposes
for svLrflwa.
Be JeALorLs! s.Avw

MULTIPLE cHotcE << ao

Q In pairs, ask and answer these questions.

. What are the causes of global warming?
. What are the predicted effects of global warming?


Q Rřečtěte si text a k větám t -5 vyberte sPrávné

'l The writer dreamt of a woíld where
A the shape ofthe continents had changed.
B some countries had lost their independence.
C there had been a war
D Britain did not exist any more.
Flying above the earth, the writeÍ saw
the effects of
A froods.
Last night I dÍeamt...
B hurricanes.
C an increasingly hot climate. 24lA2tA8

D a volcan ic eruption.
' of the Íuture' There Was a map of the Wor d. but the Countr e:
she 5aW the devastating effect oÍ the change on ]ooked difÍerent The and had shrunk and the Seas had growr
A industry. Brita n was smaller and so was France. And Ho and hac
B agriculture.
C travel. In my dream coud fly and I sa\r'i that the Land thal had bee'
green was now brown. The snow had me ted long ago frorn th-'
D animals.
b ack mounta n tops' A drought had eÍt the earth dry and thirst\
The city had been The Íorests had becorne a desert
A burnt. Near a v age. there was a man th n and sl ent try ng to gror
B destroyed by a tornado. plants in the dead soi . The heat was tremendous cou d hard,
C destroyed by a nuclear bomb. breathe Then sudden y. a tornado came' Ra ndrops hlt my Íac€
the af was humid and healy. A food rushed down the va e.
D ffooded, towards the man and h s village
The woman told the writer The slorm carfied me actoss an angry ocean and lcame to e
A to stop burning petrol. stfange cily wtholt slreets. Canals ran between hlgh bu d ngs
There was a statue of a g ant woman a torch allove her heac
B to change her lifestyle.
water up to her knees
C that the situation was also her fault.
D that worse things were going to happen. Need ng to rest, I flew lnto a bu ldlng, a lbrary. A woman was
reading 'You want to know what happened she said Inodded
fler vo ce was dry and qu et ke dead leaves
@ Do you think the vision described in the text will
'You knew allout globa warm ng you knew it was real. You kner'
come true? Look through the text again and find;
about the greenhouse effect and acid rain and what air po ution
. two or three things which you think are probable, was do ng to the environment But you didn t care
. two oÍ three things which you think are improbable.
Sorne people tried They warned you what would happen
you didn't protect youf panet They said stop burnng petro
@ Put the highlighted words from the text under save enefgy consume ess, recyc e use solar energy, use wnc
the correct headings in the table. power.. ' But you wouldn t change your lifestyle your car exhaus:
ÍL]rnes your cheap Í ghts your polltng faotor es, yo!r Carbor
NATuRA! ENV|ŘoNM€NTA! dlox de.'
r -
And the cl mate changed and the ternperatures rose, and the
g aciers and the polar ice caps meLted. Seas covered your ls ands
and coasta| towns There were hurricanes and Í oods and foresi
Íires, Innumerab|e species dled out' First poar beaTs becarne
extinct and then bees And now you are alone wlth the rats and tl'le
cockroaches And there are too many reÍugees, and not enougl.
food orWater' and you re justíghting ÍorsurvVa

She touched my faoe Wilh her Warrn dry f ngeÍS and l Woke Íron"
my drearn.

But itwasn i a drearx twas a nghtmafe.

138 Comnerts l2
MULTtPLE cHotcE << as MULT|PLE cHo|cE << í5

Q How do you normally find out what the weather

is/is going to be like? Discuss your ideas in pairs.


@ Přečtěte si text o neobvyk|ém způsobu, jak

měřit teP|otu. Do mezer 1-8 Vyberte vždy jednu
alternativu A-C.

THERMOMETER Q Describe the photo and answer the questions.
. Do you know anyone who is a vegetarian?
. What does he/she eat? What does he/she refuse to eat?
According to reliable sources such as The Old . Does he/she try to persuade others to become
Farmer's Almanac, we can measure outdoor vegetarian? Why?/Why not?
temperature without the help of a traditional
thermometer. 1 you need is good ears, a bit
of countryside and silence. Your natural
thermometer will be nothing but a small green co z'za Uslyšíte rozhovor
insect: a cricket. We all listen to the concerts
Q o tom, jaká je souvis|ost
mezi vegetariánstvím a ochranou životního
these animals give 2 warm summer prostředí. K větám l -6 vyberte správné
evenings, but what l this have to do with dokončeníA-C.
the temperature?
Alice says Tim
A never discusses environmental problems.
Crickets chirp as they rub their wings together.
B does little to protect the envrionment.
5 _.
That is. male crickets Although we often
C has no respect for animal rights.
find their music it is not intended to be
that. The sound is a crickeťs way to attract Tim protests that he
females and to keep otheÍ maleS aS far as possible. A does not use his car very otten.
In 1897 physicist Amos Dolbear suggested that B always uses public transport,
counting the chirps of a particular species of C cycles instead of driving.
cricket can tell us Ó- the temperatule is. Alice says the Amazonian rainforests are being
cut down
There are various formulae for making one's
calculations. If you understand Celsius rather A to produce paper.
than Fahrenheít, you need l-
the number of B to obtain exotic types ofwood for furniture.
chirps in 25 seconds, divide it by 3 and then add 4 C to make room for animal production.
to get the current temperature. But do remember Alice says most people
- you will only be able to find out the temperature A
in this way when s_ crickets around. Below B
don't want to become vegetarians.
don't want to sort their rubbish.
15'C you may not have many of them, or if they C do nothing to protect the environment.
are there, they will probably not be in the mood
Alice says most farmland is used
for love. ffi
A to grow cereals.
B to grow crops for the industry.
'r A Atl B That what L Which C to grow food for animals.
2A in B on L at
Tim says a vegetarian diet
3Ais B does did
A will not save the planet.
4 Ado B did L are
B is unhealthy.
5 A relaxed B relax relaxing
6 A how much B wh ich L what
C is not good for men.

7 A count B counted L to count who do you .ost agree with: Alice or Tim? Why?
8 A they are B there are L are


Q co z'zl R€ad th€ x€ am task be|ow. Listen to a Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
candidate doing it and compIet€ the conversation. preparation exercises a-d.

lmagine the following situation. You're trying to a Choose the place(s) you want to write about.
persuade your roommate to take part in an Earth . Find at least four words to describe its scenery in
Day event. this unit.
. Suggest taking part in picking up litter in a park. . What else are you going to mention? (animals,
. Disagree with the argument that it is a waste of activities, etc?)
me. . Use the Wordbank to help you.
. Suggest an attractive outdoor activity at the end
b Choose the time of year you will write about.
of the day.
. Find at least three words or phrases to describe
the weather in this unit.
CANDIDATE: Hi Gregory. Look what it says in the
paper: lt's Earth Day next Saturday, and they're c List the clothes and equipment you will
inviting everyone to come and clear up the litter in recommend.
all the parks in the ciry. Why r_ go?
EXAMTNER: Oh, no, give me a break. lt's t-, d Complete these sentences with the modal verbs
from the box:
it's a waste of
time? We live on Earth, right? We've got to take can might should
for the planet.
EXAMTNER: But t spend my whole
1 | thinkyou like the area north of Lake Balaton.

Saturday picking up rubbishl 2 The weather at this time be very

n- go picking up litter
first, and then just go cycling along the river and
3 You bring both light and warm clothes.

have dinner in the pub by the canal.'-?

Q Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové úlohy a napište e-mai|.
On a travel website, you have found a letter from an
Q Work in pairs and do the exam task below.
English srudenr who would like to visit your country.
Here is the last part of it:
lmagine the following situation. There is a
"Creenesr School of the Year" contest in your
country and you think your school should enter.
Robin !t
love nature, ljust love looking at
You have to decide which two events you are
I i
going to organise. Discuss the ideas below with Guest
beautiful scenery, and I really like all
your partner. 28 A1 2AA9
kinds of ouldoor activities - walking,
. cleaning the area around the school
cycling, sailing. I'm reasonably fit,
. picking up litter in the park
so I can manage challenging walks.
. an essay competition on ecology
I'm also keen on seeing birds and
. installing recycling bins
animals in the wild. Could someone
. organizing a photo exhibition
recommend a few places for me to
. a lecture about the protection of the
go to? I'm coming for about a week.
l'm also not sure about the climate
. screening a film about companies that are not
_ What kind oÍ c|othes do I need to
environmentally friendly
lake into consideration these questions: Robin (19)
. What event could be the most attractive for
students? Write an email of I20- 1 50 words to Robin, in which
. How can you educate the students about the you will:
protection of the environment? . mention one place that is worth visiting and say
. How can you make the school building greener? why he might like it,
. What evenr would have rhe biggesr impacr on . explain what the weather is like at this time ofyear,
your local community? . make suggestions regarding the clothes and
Begin your email like this'. Dear Robin,

tltrl'lř!|':lllílllř|1t warm teplo Iizard ještěrka (po|ar) ice cap ledová
weather forecast/report mammat savec pokrývka (na pó|ech)
(rocky/sandy) beach
(kamenitá, písečná) p|áž předpoVěd,poča5í monKey oprce industry průmysI
c|iff útes weathermap meteoÍoIogická parror papouseK Iandfi|| sk|ádka odpadu
coast pobřeží, břeh mapa peIican peIikán lead olovo
continent kontinent wet mokro, mokrý penguin tučňák litter odpadky
desert poušť wind/windy vítr/větrno pet shop obchod s potřebami me|t tát
pro cnovatele naturaI habitat přírodní
coraI reef korá|ový útes
field pole
nÍlrllr pig prase pro5tředí
branch větev pigeon holub organic organický přírodního
forest les původu
glacier ledovec bush keř polar bear |ední medvěd
pony ponik overpopuIation pře|idnění
hill kopec, pahorek flower květina
ozone-friend|y šetrný
island ostrov fruit ovoce puppy štěně
rabbit krá|ík k ozonové vrstvě
lake;ezero grass třáVa
rat krysa po||ute znečišťovat
mounlatn nora greenhouse skIeník
po||ution znečištění
mountain range pohoří grow pIants/crops pěstovat reptile plaz
sneep ovce smog smo8
mountain top vrcho|ek, štít rostliny/plodiny
snake had rainforests deštnépraIesy
ocean oceán leaf/leaves list/listy
stork recycling recyklace
riverřeka root kořen čáp
squirrel veverka save energy/water šetřit
sand písek soiI půda energií/Vodou
scenery krajina, rozhled tree strom tortoi5e žeIVa
unIeaded petro| bezolovnatý
sea moie trunk l(men train (a dog, cat) cvičit,
stream potok vegetable zelenina trénovat (psa, kočku)
water/wind/solar power
vet veterinář
va||ey údo|í vodn í/větrná/so |árn í energie
waterfa|| vodopád whale velryba wasre plytvat
wave vlna wiId boar divoké prase
animaI species živočišnýdruh
ant mravenec
wi|dlife vo|ně žijícízvěř Írl??lll':l!f'F1!
tlxl?lllEir badger jezevec
wolf vlk
becomeextinct vyhynout
above zero/below zero nad bat neropýr nřfiIlliřÍriFEtt?lirl c|imate change změna
nulou/pod nulou (honey) bee vče|a klimatu
b|ow vát, foukar bird pták drought sucho cut down forests kácet |esy
c|oud/cloudy mrak, zataženo bu|l býk eaÍthquake zemětřesení damage/protect the
clear up vyjasnit se breed chovat (zvířata) famine hladomor environment poškozovat/
ra il. chi||y chIadný flood záp|avy chránit životní prostředi
brown bear hnědý medvěd
LN (moderate) cIimate (mírné) butteríy motý| forest firelbush fire |esní energy-saving energeticky
podnebí, k|ima požárlpožár v buši úsporný
r\,. camel velbloud
coId chIadný studený hurricane hurikán environmentally friendly
chimpanzee šimpanz
cooI chladivý naturaI disaster přírodní šetrný k životnímuprostředí
cockroach šváb
degrees Centigrade/ katastrofa fall/rise in temperature
cow krava
Fahrenheit stupně CeIsia/ tornado tornádo pokles/zvýšení teploty
creature tvor, stvořeni
Fahrenheita tsunamt tsunaml harmful to the environment
foglfoggy mIha/mIhavý deer vysoká zvěř (jeIen, srnec) škodlivý pro životníprostředí
volcano/volcanic eruption
freezing (coId) mrazivě
doIphin deIfín sopka/erupce sopky in danger ofextinction
domestic animaI domácí ohrožený vyhynutím
frost/frosty Ínrázl |edový pick up/clear up/clean
heat veclro donkey osel up Iitter sbírat/odk|ízet
duck kachna acid rain kyse|ý déšť
hot horko odpadky
elephant slon air/water po||ution znečištění pourwith
humid v|hký rain hustě pršet
European bison zubr vzduchu/vody
ice/icy Ied/|edový protect wiIdIife chránit
farm animaI hospodářské alternative energy sources
lightning blesk zvířata ve voIné přirodě
zvtre náhradní, aIternativn í zdroje
meteorology meteorologie river burst its banks řeka 5e
meteorologist meteorolog feed krmit vyIiIa z břehů
biodegradable products
mi|d (winter) mírná (zima)
fish ryba výrobky, které se v přírodě
sort rubbish třídit odpad
mist/misty opar, mlha/ fox Iiška piirozené roz|oží
zam|Ženo goat koza burn spalovat benzin
pressure uaK guide dog vodicípes (pro carbon dioxide oxid uhIičitý
.ain/rainy déšť/deštivo car exhaust fumes výfukové
guinea pig morče plyny
rainfa|| deštbVé 5rážky
5un/5unny 5|unce/sIunečno hare zajíc deforestation odIesňování
shower/showery přeháňka/ hen slepice disposabIe výrobek na jedno
deštivo horse kůň použirí, jednorázový
(bIue, cIear) sky (modrá, hamste křeček g|obaI warming g|obá|ní
jasná) obloha iguana Jeguán otepIování
snoW/snowy 5níh/zasněžený Insect hmyz greenhouse €ffect skIeníkový
storm/stormy bouřka/ kitten kotě efekt
bouř|ivý look after starat se o holes in the ozone layer diry
thunder hrom |amb jehně v ozonove vrstve


íÍllEtsirr E[lEtrEtr
Q- co z.ze For each discipline, write the name of @ Label the numbered elements in the Picture.
th€ peřson who specia|ises in it. Then listen, check
and repeat the words.


Ý e,o

Firn.:r'E7rŤtrÍr,t'r iÍ||

Q M"t.h th" ."ntence beginnings (1-7) with the

endings (a-g).
1 Thomas
z 2
Edison invented
The British chemist Sir Humphry Davy discovered
3 In Ihe 2O''century evidence from genetics
4 the idea that
Louis Pasteur řeject€d EEtrIEIA
5 lane Coodall worked in Africa and studied @ complete the text with the words from the box.
= o American doctors Ernst Wynder and Evarts
vlrus software restarting error downloading
Craham were the first to investigate data crashed
lsaac Newton observed that
My computer'- yesterday. I think I got a
a bacteria were born from dirt. ,_ when was 3.- music files from
b a prism breaks up white light into a spectrum the lnternet. First there was an message,
of colours. and then it stopped responding. I tried
5- it,
c Darwin's theory of evolution but it didn't help. I lost a lot of important
d the chemical elements magnesium and sodium. l've got to buy myself better anti-virus'-
e the light bulb and the PhonograPh
Wh"t ."n you do with a file or document?
f the link between smoking and cancer. @
the social life of chimPanzees ComDlete the table.
Match the words Íorm the box to the definitions.
- |
evidence frndings hypothesis lab record research EJ

- something you think is true but have ía
r- --
not proved
looking for information
what you discover as a result ofresearch
a nle

- facts or signs that prove somethtng

ts true L:
- information written down or stored
in a computer so that you can check it later
- the place where exPeriments are \u/
ťb Labe| the numbered e|ements in the picture.


Lomptete the crossword. @ Complete the sentences with appropriate words.
1 Copernicus ro the conclusion thar the
Earth rotates around the Sun.
2 We know a lot about Charles Darwrn s worK,
because he records of all his research.
James Clerk Maxwelli most imporrant
a of research was electromagnetism.
Albert Einstein the Nobel prize in
physics in .i92.l. --
in 1922 British archaeologists _ an
important discovery in Egypt: rhey found rhe
-- tomb of the pharaoh Tutankhamun.
6 Alexander Flem ing found that some
types of mould kill bacteria.
7 Richard feynman specialised _ or,.rnrlm
I Outer _ is the area outside the Earth's
etectrodynam ics.
atmosphere. 8 Specialists are carrying-- new research
2 A space_ is the same as a spacecraft. into ways of fighring malaria.
3 A person who travels into space
4 A long, rhin spacecraft. @ Complete the dialogues with appropriate words.
5 A star with a tail A: Hi! Did you have a good weekend?,
6 Something rhar goes around a planet. lt can be B:'lt was OK. lspent five hours surfing the
naturat or man,made. on Saturday.'
7 lf a spacecraft is in . it's going around the Earth
' A: 'Excuse me. How do I switch
or another planet. _ tnrs
8 Astronauts can go and live on a space _ for machine?'
many months. B: Jusr _ this button.,
9 The whole space and everything rn rt. A: l have, bur nothingt happened. Maybe iti
10 A very big one hjt the earth millions of years ago out of
and killed the dinosaurs.
Br Let me see... gosh, yes it is. Againl
I I To _ a spacel ratl is to serd rt into :par e.
It breaks every two or rhree daysl,

MULTtPLE cHotcE <.. eo

Q tn pairs, list three things which you think scientists @ According to the text, in what order does a
do as part oftheir work. scientist do the folIowing? Number the st€ps 1-4.
Analyse the findings
matluritaexam Observe the world
Carry out an experiment
Q Přečtěte si text a k větám 1_5 vyberte správné Formulate a hypothesis
1 The Egyptians @ Use the highlighted words from the article
A made incorrect observations offrogs. to complete this text. Change the form when
B could not think ofa hypothesis, nec€ssary.
C did not test their hypothesis experimentally. Germ theory
D believed frogs were sacred. Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, Dutch scientist and
microscope-makeí. the existence of
The heavier of the two balls dropped by Galileo bacteria and was the frrst person who'
A looked just the same as the other one. microorganisms under a microscope. The French
B fell faster than the other one. and biologist Louis Pasteur carried
C fell more slowly than the other one. out 4 on fermentation. He believed
D fellat the same speed. that fermentation could happen only if a
substance contained, or came into contact with,
It is important to repeat an expeÍiment
microorganisms, orgerms. His findings 5 his
A to see if the results are the same. hypothesis, and so provided the u which
B to check if the results are statistically significant. frnally convinced European scientists that germ
C so that others can check it. theory was true.
D to record what you've done.
It is important to record the procedure of
an experiment
A so that others don't copy it.
B to check if you get the same results.
C so that others can repeat it,
D so you can check your conclusions.

The main point ofthe last paragraph is that

A there are many branches of science.
B the scientific method is universally used.
C mud doesn't produce frogs.
D laboratories are essential to science.

e.*"€-Ě ?

The Scientific Method
tr ..t '. . r YLér of
.' ,
^o. r'-]é,] '' |' F' N''e
| L F |]F You have to discover some evidence that
They arentthere n dryweather so nthe 'ot,'...l>,o'' oo-'. i So 'lé .4 '..o ďo'o.c'L . o|e e'Pe''. e .:' Core'
r- -nr\ o. .rr' , -L- s ---.
oa-a--^' foro a t(Fd ob-- -Lfa n the sc entfc rnethod ls to test your ideas - \r
\er ry' '. ó4-|Ól' 'a' T. r 5em with exper ments and more obseryatrons. <14 oLP.oie /Q.i
^oldo e ol
rhp n r]n re<r jhé|. hé |é| <. én t.)| r' -^ Li- - atrh conc us ons
- .r- , ri. r- hod d fferent raasses woud fa at the sarne .'' i5|'t' .''Á'
^ 'ei d
r. n\..n- - | . r. o rate So the story goes. he carried out an ó,.]ón.á hÁ.^ňA. . +hÁ^^, A +h,'or
p-^mnc \larnnn nnr crl rh-r -n - j \ t Í'! .d 1 .' |'me:
exper ment. He dropped a heavy ba and '. \..'

fe do,rn no ,o. Tne ts'o .n. od ns a ght ba froni the Leaning Tower of P sa. s a scientlfc Law The great th ng allou.
o,rť| 2 riohi thé' Óh-é^,éd ihé frÓo( and confrmed his be eí The Egyptans h,^^fhé<é. thparp< :nrí |]\'( .yo
( th'1
(ia. - . ., -sL on never d d any exper ments on the r mud
. r1 é r. |; ' 'r l:|"''
| -r r . WL ooe: írog hypothes s so they ner'er 1ound oL]Í o' g'avly p_eo -5 r.a a _oraur roLr c
rhp -nne on rln^n \^/hcre rlo,he
:l wš) t was ta se foat rn space And they do
' ".i r.r.'^ř ié \^ . "'n.|e í you do an exPerment on]y once. .Lr-^i . .arL ., o-..oi a,c
'-j."an. ' . .tr | éd |r '.
you may make a rn stake So repear your b o og sts researchers in every Laboratory
ground by an nvis b e force. '[a ud produces exper rnent to make sure you get trre sarne |.|| Á .nL[.
íroo< Thc Fr nt;n< á á th < t.]. ..' '"d.d/.o'íd'g." "
ňA h^,] ThÓ /]^.
t. . | , "l to chec( ihey're sgnfcanr Then ma<e '.''| ''. < .lé' ' .é.thd
rL-,- -i !re. any necessary changes to your hypothes s mud produces frogs
MuLrlple cHotct << rs MULTtPLE cHotcE << as

Q In u tu.uuy, people were asked about the best
invention since 1800. Complete the results with
what you think are the best inventions. Q Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 discovered / were discovered << r66
Bicycle Computer lnternet
a Wilhelm Róntgen X-rays'
b X-rays in 1985. -
In l national surlo in thc UK thcsc l erc drc Blitish peopLe's
2 although / because .( 186
a Id Iike to be a scientist I,m interest€d in Why

things happen. -
- 59o/o
b ld like to be a scientist, I could probably
z Tiansistor - 8% make more money in frnance.
3 Electro-magnetic induction ring - 87o from / to <<'t88
+ - 60/o a The device is similar _ a big telescope.
5 Germ theory ofinfection 5% b The device is different the one we had before.

6 Radio - 5%
7 4o/o

Q Přečtěte si text o tom, jak by|a objevena

Q nead the results of the survey above on page radioaktivita. Do mezer -| -9 vyberte vždy jednu
Do any of the answers surprise you? alternativu A-C.


Q co a.zs Us|yšíte5 osob hovořících o tom, co

považujíza nejužitečnějšívyná|ezy' K otázkám r
vyberte vždy jednu odpověd'A-C.
In 1 896 the French physicist Antoine Henri Becquerel

.ťjjjJi:T#;T;::;@'ffi '_ investigating phosphorescence in uranium

salts' He accidenta||y |eft a bit oÍ uranium |ying on
some photographic plates - glass plates which were
used in photography beÍore fi|m Was ,
Á'o ''tAnnéí!t Let ba'i,
-l / What is the man's paper to protect thern from ight, after some tirne
Ré.^' élé í^ n.] .] || Ťh-]Ť rhé h-'j -'
5 favourite invention?
. lad .Q l |o l.'] Pó a(|' ód
'"L "' - '. ey...l boPl |y <

€ i^ e 10^ ' |.oooe| Po' L.Je |ópeo.écl

the exper ment and Í na |y to the conc|Us on
What is the girIl íavourite invention?
that the uranum salt ernitted unknown rays. simi ar
a a new medicine u X-rays which cou d pass through th ck
/-<-: b an environmentally friendly product black paper -
In '
this way rad oact vity
l< c a means of transport T5^ ol .tro^s so-e -po lar. o-al ies o' a
The two inventions the scientist thinks are most scientist s rn nd the desire to understand why
useful are both connected with something happens the way t does, and the
a research work| , oÍa
ó^ o.gIa| ^'pd'd'or ' |90l Pet r Be.o-ee|
b genetics
D| ,i(. .o' H s d 5 o' e
Itré \ob^
c electricity ^o. ' ' /

What is the manl favourite invention?

a genetically modifred food B had C been
b the lnrernet 2 A discovered B invented C observed
c he isn't sure 3 A Because B When C Although
4 A was B had C has

@ ln pairs, ask and answer the following questlons. 5 A came B went C made
. Which speaker or speakers do you most agree/ 6 A than B like Cto
disagree with? Why? 7 A discovered B was discovered C had discovered
. What is your favourite invention? Why? 8 A think B th inking C to th ink
. What do you th ink is the worst invention? Why? 9 A Award B Prize C Reward

Q Work in pairs. Can you answer any of the following
. What is dry ice?
Q Rřečtěte si text o vědě. Rozhodněte, zda jsou
násIedující výroky pravdivé (P) nebo nepravdivé
. How does lemon juice keep fruit fresh? (N).
. Why does ocean water contain salt?
. How can a volcano erupt under water? P N 'l Vitamin C stops fruit becoming oxidised.
. ls the iron in cereals the same as in cars? p N 2 Water remains in the ocean, but salt doesn't.
. What is the largest organ of the body? p N 3 Water can stop an underwater volcano
. Why does your mouth become dÍy when you,re burnrng.
e ru 4 lt is easy for our bodies to use the iron in
breakfast cereals.
řJl.afiljitaworkout P N5 You have about three million skin cells on
your Dooy.
Q Read the text below without using a dictionarv.
P N6 nervous reactions start in the
In danger,
Try to work out the meaning ofthe highlighted
words, using clues 1-3. Write down Czech body which can he|p you save yourse|í
translations of the words.
@ tvtatch each of the highlighted word to its Czech
'I oxidise a uhasit
2 evaporate b vstřebat
Carbon dioxide (COr), the gas we exhale
when we breathe, freezes at a very cold
3 dissolve c buň ka

temperature not at 0'C like water, but

4 extinguish d okysIičit
at 79.5"C below zero]
you heat it, 5 assimilate e rozPus t
6 cell f vypařit se
to a gas without becoming a liquid. And so
it's called dry icel
:-l': i:ill!*i : i:,!
tr!:.1 r -':. \ j\'r..':,:i -!.-i _iirjlr
i'; ].ji..].1.''. nř.*:.:'" ...] jj]'.. i.. :]
What part of speech is the word exhale? What do Send in JoLtr questio s to lizzie(
we do with CO, as we breathe?
What part of speech is the word melt? Ordinary ice
( ) How does lemon juice help fruit stay fresh?
changes into a liquid when it is warmed. What is
that change called? Ifyou cut up apples or bananas and leaye them in
the air the}' become brou'n' Because chemicals
What part of speech is the word solid? The text
in the fruit react with oxygen and are oxidised.The
refers to the three states in which substances can
Vitamin C in lemons, hou'evet can make this reaction
occur; solid, liquid, gas. What are those in Czech?
happen more slorvly, preserying the taste and the
colour oťthe íruit.
Q Choose the correct Czech translation ofeach word.
() Why is there salt in the sea?
exhale avdechovat b vydechovat c Vstřebat
As rivers florv over rocks and earth, small quantities
2 melt a tát b mrznout c vypařovat se
of minerals enter the u,ater and make it taste a little
3 solid a kapalina b skupenství c pevné bit salty. This salty water then runs into the sea. There
are trt'o rvays ťor rvater to escape from the sea: it can
evaporate into the ail oI it can Íieeze into ice around
@ According to the text in Exercis€ 2, ar€ these the poles. Hou.ever, the salt \\'hich is dissolved in the
statements tru€ or faIs€? Naler ( an { e'( ape. Jnd so lhe seds )u\t ger
r F 1 A common gas can take the form of 'dry ice' C) Can volcanos erupt under water?
at very low temperatures. Yes. Normalll, fire needs oxygen in order to burn. lf
rF2Everykindoficewill melt if you warm it. you tried to put a flre under watet it would receive no
oxygen and could not burn. But underu'ater volcanoes
don't need oxygen to burn because they're already so
incredibly hot. The water can't extinguish the eruption
because the heat immediately tlansťoťms it to steam.
( ) Is the iron found in cereals and machines the same?
It is same chemical and lt comes fiom the same
mineral. Hoivevet the iron u'hich is added to cereals
in the food rnaking process is in a form which our
bodies can assimilate easil,v.
MULTtPLE cHotcE <<.ts

Q Use the words Írom Exercise 6 in the fo||owing

Q Describe the photo.
s€ntences. change the form when necessary. Why do you think
I Forest fires can be very difficult to the man looks
2 Some living organisms are so small that they unhappy?
consist of just one _.
3 On a hot day, rain water _ very quickly.
4 Babies can only eat food which is easy for them to

5 Sugar _ in warer.
6 When metal rusts, it becomes

@ Read the following statements about science and

technology. Tick (/) the ones you agree with.
Compare your answers in pairs' Give r€asons'


Q co Us|yšíterozhovor o potížíchs počítačem.

K Větám 1-6 vyb€rte sPráVné dokončeníA-C.

1 Tony calls Michelle

A to tell her about his project.
B to talk about exams.
C to invite her to dinner.
5cience andtechnology haVe made peopIe'€ liVe5|ýorae.
2 Tony has problems
A prinring his projecr.
B emailing his project ro his professor.
C connectlng to the Internet.
3 Which oí these methods of so|ving the prob|em
does Tony NOT try?
A Restarting the com puter.
B Reinsralling the sofrware.
C Talking to his computer

4 Tony calls Michelle again in order to

A tell her he is ill.
''\ B ask her for advice about his computer pÍoblems.
C cancel their date.

5 Tony

rn Prup:...l.l Ul]lť'J.iat.ll.c IJn! j!|!(ťdnnciil].e! nidL|ied

A has downloaded a suspicious program.
ii nrn \,rcl nJ I ird, i!.rJt ; 400iin 1:10 e5l 5.Lr:h iifi.irl1u,,, I ll,.!
B has opened a strange email.
C has not made a backup copy of his project.
And the largest organ ofthe human body is.,,? 6 We can guess that Michelle
Iti not the heart and it,s Ílot the stomach. Believe it
or not, iti the skin! on ever,v square centimetre oť
A is angry with Tony.

a human body there are approximately three million B offers to come and help Tony.
skin cells' A1l together tire rveight oíyour skin probablv C decides to go out with someone else.
comes to about three kilos.
\Vhy does your mouth become dry when you're
@ In pairs, ask and answer the following questions.
. Have you ever had a similar problem to Tony's?
What happened? What did you do?
When you're nerr.ous, 1'our body automatically
. How do you feel about compurers? Do you think
prepares to light or to run ar,a,v. This is an automatic
they are great/awful/problemaric but necessary?
reaction to danger. The nen'es in your bodv arc
. What do you use computers for?
activated onlt' if they help vou light or escape. Because
. What do you usually do when you have a computer
eating is not considered to be important at this time
(you don't feel like eating ila lion is tr.ying to eirt vou), pro blem ?

nerve srgnals are sent to )rour mouth tclling it to stop

producing saliva and so your mouth becomes dr\'.
Toptc pRESENTATtoN AND DlscussloN .< 48 INFoRMAL LETTER .i< 37

maturitaworkout m.attÍitaworkout

Read the exam tasks in Exercise 2. Then do Q Read the exam task in Exercise 2 and do
preparation exercises a-b. PreParation x€ ercises a-c.
a ComDlete the table below with the ideas from the a Complete the following sentences with
box. Then add three more ideas in each category. the words from the box.

online dictionaries expensive MP3 players amazed/impressed interested interesting liked

gameconsoles mobilephones educational software
Internet communicators you can get addicted
1 The most part was...
2 The thingl- best was...

3 | was especially in..
4 | was really_ by...
b Put these jumbled sentences in order.
1 -
you / here / wish / were

Entertainment Problems
2 you'd llove / sure / it / l'm

3 not / a pity ljÍ,s lyou,re Ime / here / With

b Comolete the introduction with these words: 4 ir's I you / the kind of thing / love / just

divided focus parts talk mention

Circle the openings and endings that are
l'm going to '- on the role of electronic appropriate in a |etteí to a friend.
devices in young people's lives nowadays. y'L!r! sLllct)rť-lLPn
T)ear Str o( lnadat/^,
have'? my presentation into three main
the use of technology for education, for tiz: €ee t4ot,* soon'

communication and for fun. I will also'- L0Ýe, All the best.
possible problems that young people may have Ht 3teve, Deo, Ta"e,
with electronic devices and 5 about the risks
we all run if we let the devices control our lives
matuÍitaexa''? Q Rřečtěte si zadání ukázkové úlohy a napište e-mai|.
You have just visited the Science Museum in London.
@- work in pairs and do the exam tasks be|ow. one oÍ
Use the information below to write an email to your
you plays the role of the examiner and should ask
English friend Peter
the questions from the Examiner's Script.
In TaskOne, you are asked to give a short presentation
Explore the past and future of
abour the role of electronic devices in young scientific d iscoveries and inventions
people! lives nowadays. The following ideas may help at the Science Museum!
Among many other exciting things you can:
.learning . entertalnment ) have hands-on experience of hi-tech
. communication . possible problems eq u ipme nt

In Task Two, you are going to talk to an English-speaking
) discover what we will be eating in the
futu re
ftiend about the role ofelectronic devices in your life. learn about the past, prese nt and future of
Examiner's 5cript
find out abo ut great developments in
Task h First speak on your own about about the role m ed icine.
oJ electronic devices in young people's lives nowadays
Are you ready?
going to talk together Which
Write an email of 60-70 words to Peter in which you
Task 2i Now u)e are
you use? ls there a device you will:
electronic devices do
. tell your friend what place you have visited,
couldn't do without? Do you think we rely too much on
. mention two exhibitions you liked and explain why,
technology nowadays?
. suggest you could go back to the museum together'
Begin your email like this: Hi Peter,
Q Now swap roles and do the exam tasks again.
@ mathematics/maths/math
(ÁmE) malen']a!ika
(inteřnaI combustjon) en8ine/
motor spalovacr mo!or
(|a5er)printer (|aserová) tiskárna
přocess (v) zpÍacovat (data)
assimiIate přizpůsobjt se mathematician matematik estimate odhadovat řeboot/restart restartoVat
ce|| buňka physics fyzika save uIožir
8ad8et pomůcka, přístroj
chemica| eIement chemický physicist fyzik genetically modifi ed (CM) SCanner skener
prvek political science po itologie foods genelicky upravené screen mon tor, obrazovf(a
chemicaI reaction chemická political scientist politolog potraviny softwaře P|ogramové Vybavenj,
reakce psychology psychologie headphones sluchárka soft!vare
concentřated koncenťrovaný psychologist psycholoS lens čočka speakers reproduktory
contain obsahovat socia| 5ciences spoIečenské Vědy machine stroj USB port USB port
deveIopment VýVoj social scientist odbornik manua| příručka,manuá| vtrus vrruS
dissolve rozpusrit (se) zabývajícíse 5poIečenskými mobile phone mobil website inťernetová stránka
earth Žemě Vědami nucleař power jaderná energie wireless bezdrároVý
evaporate VyPařoval (se) sociology sociologie plug zástrčka
exhale vydechovat sociologist sociolog remote contro| da || o! é ov|;dar I rřftr'l!řl'lFEĚ?ŤllT|
extinguish Lrhasir 5ocket elekrrická zásuVka
formula (chem!cký/
E@E?t!i!r 50unq zvuK
switch (on/off)
astronaut astronaut, kosmonaut
comet kometa
analyse analyzovat launch (a rocket/a spacecraft)
matemaťlcký)Vzorec button zapínání/vypínání
anaIysis ana|ýza vypustit (raketu/kosmlckou lod)
freeze zmrazir, zmrznout technology technologie, technika
confi rm (a hypothesis/theory) meteor meteor
gas plyn potVrdil (hypotézu/teorii) transfořm přeVést, zménit
orbit/in orbit oběžná dráha/na
germs bakrerie conc|usion záVěr transIstor ťranz|5lor
gravity ríha, zemská přitaž|ivost connection/|'nk spojení, Vazba VCR/video cassette rocket raketa
immune system imunitní systém recorder Videorekordér
determine určit,VymeZit satellite sarelit

knowledge znalost discover objevit sPace/outeÍ 5pace kosmický
(scientific) |aw (přírodní) zákon discoveřy objeV prostor
liquid tekutina duplicate zdvo]násob t, zopakovat backup (copy) zá|ožní kopie spacecraft/spaceship kosmlcká
ma55 masa, hmota evidence důkaz CD kompakrnídisk Ioď
mett tat expeřiment pokus, experiment CD-ROM/DVD drive CD-ROM/ space station kosmická stanice
microbe mlkroorganismus, experiment on/with sth roVádět DVD mechanika untverse vesmtr
mikrob pokus/experimentovat
s cIick/doubIe cIick kIiknutí/dVojí
minera| nerost, minerá| findings výsIedky (bádání) kIiknutí
molecule molekula hypothesis hypotéza, domněnka computer progřam počítačový area/fi eld/branch of science
mu|tip|y rozrnnoži!, násobi! hypolhesise vysIovir hypotézu/ program
oxidi5e okysIičoVat, oxidoVar domněnku .omputer přo8rammer area/fie|d of research Výzkumná
oxygen kys ík invent vynaLézt programátor
rale tempo, rycnrost inVentor Vyná|ezce crash (v, n) zhroutit se/ break down zhroutit se' rozbít 5e
inVention Vyná|ez ň^.^' (. l.pňíl
salt/saIty sů|/sIaný '.h1r 'hř^ carry out/conduct/do an
inVestisate bádat porucha (počítače)
scientific vědecký experiment provést pokus
Iaboratory/|ab Iaboratoř cursor Kurzor
scientifica||y vědecky carry out/do/conduct/
observe pozorova!, provádět data dara, údaje undertakeťesearch Vést
scientist Vědec
it. pozorovani database daťabáze vyzkum
scientifr c theory/method
Vědecká teorie/me!oda observations pozorování delete odstranit come to the conclusion that...
predict/make předictions document dokument dojít k závěru, že'.'
soIid pevný tuhý
předpok|ádat download a file/data/a program frnd out zjistit
statisticaI data 5tati5tické údaje
record(s) (n) záznam, s!áhnout souboídata/program keep a record/records Vést
statistically statisticky dokumentace eřřor cnyDa záznam, dokumentaci
statistics sťaťisťka reject (a hypothesis, theory, file soubor make a discovery objevit
steam pára idea) zavrhnout (hypotézu, floppy disk disketa make a funny noise VydáVať
vacctne vakctna teorii, myš €nku) foIder sIožka diVný zVuk
vitamin Viťamin research Výzkum hard disk hard disk, pevný disk out oforder rozbitý nefungujíci
researcher badatel, Výzkumný icon !kona patent an Inventron palentovat
pracovnrk vynalez
information technology
re5uIts VýsIedky informační ťechnoIogle press a button zmáčknout
study (v) studovat the lnternet in!ernet tIačítko
archaeology archeo ogie study/survey of sth studie,
key k|ávesa specialise in specializova! se na
archaeolog;st archeolog průzkum
keyboard k|ávesn ce surf (sites on) the Inteťnet
biology biologle test zkouška, rest (Net) 5urfovat po ]nterneťu
biologi!t blolog lose a document ztratit
tneory reofle ooKument switch off vypnour
chemistry chemie swfcn on zapnout
chemist chemlk
computer science informarika
TIffitrE (external) memory (vnější)
paměť win the Nobe| Prize in... získar
Nobelovu cenu 2a...
aerial anténa memořy stick/pendrive
economics ekonomie paměťová karta (USB frash disc)
battery baťerie
economtst ekonom (flat screen) monitor pIochý
button !lačítko
engineering strojařstVí, monitor
cable kabel
5trojíren5tví, inŽenýr5tVí mouse myš
device zařízeni
engineer inŽenýr, technlk online onIine, připojený k síti
eIectricity e ektřina' eIek!rická
genetics genetika open a fi le/document/email
Seneticist Senetik eIectro'magn€tic induction oťevřit s|ožku, dokument, e-maiI
geology geologie rin8 eIekrromagnerjcké PC/persona| computer osobní
op^ l^ o i<t op^l^o indukčnípoe počítač
Iinguistjcs jazykovéda, IingVi5tika electronic/digital (watch) photocopieť kopírovaci stroj
linguist jazykovědec, Iingvista e|ektronické/d]gitálni (hod ny) print tisknout

OopovĚot rul rvízovÉorÁzry

LISTENINC 2, EXERCISE 1, PAGE 59 ln a n:rtional suner'in thc UK drcse rvere the British people's

The ldeal Boyfriend Test

I A: 0 points, B:5 points, C: '10 points.
2 A: 5 points, B:0 points, C;
points. 1

3 A: 5 points, B: 10 points, C:0 points. z

4 A: 0 points, B; 5 points, C:
Electro-magnetic induction ring
5 A:10 points, B; 5 points, C: 0 points.

6 A: 0 points, B: l0 points, + Com?uter

Fewer than 20 points ) Germ theory of iníection - 5Vo
You are a hopeless case. You just dont want to grow up and 6 Radio - 5o/o
become an adult. You are never going to frnd a gir|Íiiend 7 InÍ:erneŤ' - 4o/o
unless she is really desperate. Change your ways or you will
never Lnow what iL s lile ro have a real relationship.

20 to 40 points.
You are not really hopeless, but you're immature and
selfish and if you want to get on well with girls, you're
going to have to change a lot of things and think about
what makes them happy and how they have fun.

More than 40 points.

lf you were telling the truth when you answered the
questions, then you are close to being an ideal boyfriend. lf
you haven't got a girlfriend now then why not? There must
be hundreds of girls who would just love to go out with you.


Wuar Mlrns Us Happv Ar Wom

Top l0 in order
1 F rlen dly. sW ? arLiv e calle e qL) es
z Lnlo ."ble vorl

3 Coodbo.. o nat"q."
4 Good work/life balance
5 Varied v'ork
6 Doing something worthwhile

7 Making a dilTerence

8 Part of a successful tean.r

9 Achievements recognised

10 H q' "1" ..

Sotucc: Chinnento\ HaPpi ess llt \\brk Index


Pneserur Srrnplr

We use the Present Simple: . with verbs that express emotions (hate, like,love),

. to talk about things that happen repeatedly (routines, activities of the mind (believe, know, need, remember,
seem, think, understand, want) or senses (feel, hear, see).
These are called stative or state verbs (see below).
I oJten finish school at 4.30. He doesn't want to go there.
Adam visits his grandparents every Tuesday.
I need your help with packing.
. to talk about things that are always true (general
truths.), TrME ExpREssroNs (TrME ADVERBTALs) usED wlrH
Air pressure decreases with height. THE PRESENI SIMPLE:
Water boils at 100"C. always, regularly, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, seldom,
hardly ever, never, every day/week/month, once/twice/
three times a week/month.

Pnesrrur Corurrnuous

We use the Present Continuous STATtvE vERBs
F . to talk about things that are happening now (at the . describe states and are 499 normally used in the
time of speaking) or around the time when we speak,
She's taking a shower now. (at the moment of
Present Continuous (they don't take -ing form), even if
they refer to things or states happening at the moment
speaking) ofspeaking.
o- They're studying Ancient Creece this semester. Do you understand what she means?
(around the moment of speaking, not necessarily I don't believe you.
right now)
E Some state verbs can be used both in the Present Simple
. to express current changes.
and the Present Continuous tense depending on what
= More and more young women are getting married they refer to:
at later ages nowadays.
Ithink she's a very pretty girl. (think here means
The number oJ people studying Chinese is growing believe and refers to a state)
l'm thinking about my new job. (think here means
consider and reÍers to an actiVity)
TrME ExpRtssroNs (TrME ADVERBTALs) usED wrrH
at the moment, (right) now,today,this morning/
afternoon,this year,these days, at present. . describe activities and can be used in the Present
Simple and the Present Continuous tense.
I often watch IV (a habit)
I'm watching a western now. (at the moment of

The verb fiave can be used in the Present Simple and the . When have refers to an activity (e.g. h ave a bath, have
Present Continuous tense. a party, have a good time), it can be used in the Present

. When have means possess, it refers to a state and can

Simple and the Present Continuous.
only be used in the Present Simple. On Saturdays we usually have !unch at home.
(have = eat, a routine)
I have got a new car (have = possess)
I can't talk now. We are just having lunch.
She has two sisters. (have = eat, at the moment ofspeaking)

Q Read the situations and circle the correct verb
@ Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in
form in each sentence. the Present Simple oÍ Present continuous.
1 You're talking about young people in your country.
Mote s44 ,.* vou1g people arlEUE / go abrood Hallo Ruth!,
ro ltnA work these days.
I 1 .,r:hav;nq (hale) a grea.t tLu.e hare. . k| reaLlg hotl
b?a^.rsh I!.s1^e '_
You don't know why your friend is very quiet.
(qa) Ne(. anA Andraa, n ,q
What are you thinking / do you think about? .., .,' ,_,..
". 1,)11,,, y"
You're talking to your English friend about the 4!).tte a lot nouj an A T

_ (get) t0 rha
weather in your local area. *aqe ,nhere I ca^ sa.q szqe th.t^tt I u-- (th,,"fJ
ln winter it's snowing / snows here all the time. thit tt,s hel pÍu|. thali, "
- -
rvar,) here rather th ar,
aÍ scha1l. b,.cp. h\Me
You're explaining to your friend why you can,t go
to the cinema with her. aher than that I B
b^pq n!'e|+ Ýerq ,u.l'Lch'

l,m studying / study Íor a very important exam'

t.he 4rea uJe'_ (stag) $ ts rttlo( te4?t$A
as there re s0 Ma^q pash ; a^y'. restauraAB /1r0^^d . I
You're talking about your favourite ways of ". (i.U) t0 re9|st b^|4i^4 Íaa M^C\.'T.a^
spending free time. - llt, Mt) Lesson.s r,,.su.alllt4 aa aú
- (Aa!: h4Ý4 _
4ute ktar+) at
l'm enjoying / enjoy discos and parries. .,^

'1,t -,'.- :,_ "4,. ." )a -,0,".J,

ta) 4et uP earLg, ulhtch ts great
Q Use the words in brackets and complete ' -. /at..4
the sentences with the verbs in the present Simple AngoagI'.'- (neeÁ) to 4o Hope gou.,ra ue|l
or Present contínuous. and
ta7 c7ld bAck at haúet Keen t^ tl^chL
a Tom says he can speak Cerman, English and
Spanish bur €eeta xrr
him. He 7_ 3
(never/ralk)ro 3
Carmela when 3 (she/come)
to visit us during the summer.
b4 (l/not thin k)
(they/need) our hel
o Read th€
text in which somebody compares and m
contrasts two photographs. Complete the gaps
leave them alone - 6
(they/ with the verbs in brackets in the pre sent Sim;le or
do) fine. -J
Present Continuous. --t
Listen to rharl They 7
(argue,) ''..-.Both pictures show people at the sea.ia". \ zm
again! a
(ltlseem) like *f-r" n* f

picture lcan see four people on the beach. A middle, m

aged man r :, foldtrrrJ (hold) a little girl, who
(they/have) a big argument
every other day.
(nor wanr) to go in the water. I guess
Barbararo (live) in this she' _- (hate) water and rhart why she
area untll she can find a ffat somewhere else. '- (cry). Two other bovs 5
(she/not like) it here - it's rburld) a (he beach.
noisy, dirty and r2
'andcastle on
(she/not There are only two people in the orher pjcture and
feel) safe. -
they are both in the sea. lcan see a teenage boy who
" =-- (wear) red trunks and a swimming
@ Complete the dialogues forming questions with cap' The boy { p|ay) with a dog aná

the v€rbs in caPita|s' rhey both'- -- íseem)very happy. tn the

distance I can see one more person, probably a man.
A: What ::re .v-ol e:ri:L? (swim). | ,o
A ham sandwich.
He n _- (think)
B: EAT all the people in the rwo pictures are on holiday and--
A: Who r. theyrr

for (have) a good time.
B: My girlf riend. And she s lare againl
,. ,_,'
3A: ten nis?
B: Yes, but not very well. PLAY
4 A: How many hours
B: Usually not more than seven. WORK
5 A: What
B: lf you ask me, it! a very good idea. THINK


Pnsr Srruple
We use the Past Simple: TIME ExpREss|oNs (TlME ADVERBIALs) UsED wlÍH
tue Pnsr StirapLt:
. to talk about actions or situations which happened and
yesterday (morniný evening), l ast (year / month /
finished in the past,
week/ Friday / night), in (lan uary / 1 966/ the 1 970s),
He sold his car yesterday. (two days/a week/ten years) ago, when I was (12/young),
During our last class we asked him many questions. one (day /morning)
. to talk about actions/events which happened in the past
one after another (we often use the Past Simple in stories).
Ann finished her homework and went to visit her
I switched ofi the computer and locked the door.

Pnsr CorurrNUous
We use the Past Continuous: Mark and Ruth were dancing when I came in.

. to describe actions in progress at a certain time in the Somebody knocked on the door while I was arguing
with my sister.
They were waitingJor us in Jront of the cinema. For complete finished states or actiong we normally
At midnight I was still tossing and tuÍning in my bed, use the Past Simple, and not the Past Continuous, even
if these events happened repeatedly or lasted for a
. to talk about temporary situations or habits in the past,
longer time.
At that time Bethany was studying law at Cambridge.
Were you livingon your own when you were a student? Even tJ she was in a bad mood, she tried (NOf was
#ytttg) to joke with us.
. to talk about actions or situations in the past during
We went (NOI wercgomg) to the park every day last
which shorter events happened (for these we use the
Past Simple).

Pnsr Prnrrcr Useo ro

We use the Past PerÍ€ct: We use ísed to:

. when we talk about the past events in . to talk about states (e.g. be, have, believe, like) and actions
non-chronological order (the Past Perfect which were true or happened regularly in the past, but are
is used ro express an event or situation not true or don't happen regularly now.
which happened before other past events Tom used to read a /oť. (he doesn't do it any more or
expressed in the Past 5imple). doesn't read that much now)
On the way to school I remembered that You didn't use to be so talkative. (no\M it! different = you're
I had left my history book at home. (the talkative now)
second event happened before the first =
When we talk about states and actions which did not happen
first I left the book, then I remembered)
regularly or we don't want to emphasize a change in relation to
When we got home, everybody had
the past, we use the Pasr Simple.
already gone to sleep. (the second
Once I slipped on a banana skin. (it happened only once,
event happened before the first = frrst
everybody went to sleep, then we got not regularly)
nome,/ She earned a lot oÍ money. (we don,t know if now she stj||
earns a lot)

The structure used to refers only to past habits. We cannot use

it for habits or actions happening regularly in the present. They
are expressed by the Present Simple:
I used to play tennis on Mondays. (past habit)

I play (NOI asettoplay) tennis on Mondays. (present habit)

4 E,A
Q Circle the option which has a similar meaning
to the original sentence. Explain your choice.
Q The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
'I When we got to the cinema, the film had started. task. Read it and complete the gaps with the
We watched the beginning ofthe film.
verbs in brackets in the correct ten se (past Simple,
Past Continuous, Past Perfect), or use the structure
@) We missed the beginning of the frlm.
used to,
She used to smoke when she was younger.
a She doesn't smoke now Dear Janet,
b She smokes now too.
lpromised to tell you all about Adam, so here is our
I switched offthe lights and went home. story.
a lswitched offthe lights at home. One n ight I

b I swiLched ofl'rhe lighrs in some oLher place. when | '] (receive) an instant
message from some guy. He r
I painted a picture while she was reading
(claim) that we o (meet, at
a newspaPer.
(nor remember)
a Painting a picture took more time than reading that. But he was the funniest person
a newspaper.

(ever/encounter) on the Net,

b Reading a newspaper took more time than so we just 7 (keep) talking and
painring a picture. at the end 3 (exchange) our
They had been on the plane for two hours when phone num bers.
tne sun set. At that time l' (live) in
a Their plane rook oíaítersunset' Prague and Adam o-- (srudy)
b Their plane took off before sunser. in Budapesr. We r (only/
When you called, Tom was taking a shower.
know) each other for two weeks when he
(invite) me to spend the
a Tom starred the shower before you called. weekend in his city. I ,l (know)
b You called before Tom started tne snower Budapesr qurre well because | '.
(go) there on school trips as a child
Q Using the word in capitals write the second
When (arrive) in Budapest,
sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the | '5 --1

first sent€nce' Adam '6 (wait) for me at rhe

1 |L Was John's frrsť time on rhe Plane. B EFORE
station. By Sunday evening
(know) that I r3
(bump) into Mr TF
JOhn hed ne'/eí bee| arLhc' c|.ne bef.Jf.' Right on the inteÍnet'
2 Robert finished writing his essay and then he went
From then on, we,e (speak)
out with his friends. WHEN on 5kype every day. Only three months
(pass) before I

Iwalked into the classroom in the middle of her (decide) to move to

conversation with the teacher. WAS Budapest. lcan't believe now 1,,
(think) thar Interner dating was only for desperate,
4 | don't see Crll as ofren as before. USED lonely people!
How are rhings wirh you?
Brenda felt sick from earing three bars of
Lots of love,
cnocotare. BECAUSE

We were both very busy yesterday evening: me

with my Maths homework and./oanna with the
rronrng. WHILE @ Look at the instructions for the exam task b€|ow.
Match the bu||eted Points to th€ proPer sections
of the letter above.
The Perkins are very rich now but this was not the
case before. DIDN'T Your English friend lanet visited you four months ago
in Prague. But now you have a new boyfriend and you
have recently moved to Budapest. You are going to
wnte a letrer ro lanet, in which you will:
' explain how you mer Adam
. describe how the relationship developed

' give some details ofyour visit to Budapest

Begin like this: Dear laner,

Pnrserur Prnpecr Slrnplr

We use the Present Perfect Simple to talk about We often use the Present Perfect Simple with the time
activities and events: adverbials already, just and yet.
. which happened not long ago and have results/ . already and just are used in affirmative sentences,
consequences now She's already done her homework.
I have passed my biology exam! (and that's why I'm
I have just fnished cooking.
so napPy now,
. €y9Í i5 used in questions,
She has lost her student lD card. (and that! why she
Have you ever been to England?
needs a new one)
Has Dave ever called you back?
They have won a lot oÍ money' (and thatl why they
can afford to buy a new house) . yet js used in negative sentences and questions.
. which happened in the past, bur we don't know or we I haven't told hiffi yet.
are not interested in when exactly they happened. Have you prepared your presentation yet?
She has been to Paris three times. (in her life, it
doesn't matter when exactly)
I have taken part in many international

competitions. (it doesn't matter when)

z Robert has studied international relations. (it is not

important when he did it)

o- Pnesrrur Penpecr Corurtn uous

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about We use Present Perfect Simple to focus on the result
E activities:
E of an activity (especially when answering rhe quesrion
. which started in the past and continue up to now How much? or How many?| We use the Present Perfect
Continuous to focus on rhe acrjvity irself (especially
My mother has been teaching in this school since 2005. when answering the question How long?)
(shel still teaching in this school)
I've read five articles about global warming.
We have been learningSpanish Jor three years.
(focus on the resulr of activity - fve articles)
(we're still learning it)
. from the recent past which have results/consequences l've been reading a lot about global warminE
recently. (focus on the activity itself - reading)
in the present.
they have played three matches.
Jeel exhausted. I have been workingin the garden
(How many? "+ three matches)
all day. (that's why l'm so tired)
They have been playing all evening.
Look at them! I'm sure they have been arguing.
(that's why they look angrily ar each orher) (How long? "+ all evening)

We use since and for to answer the question Houv

With stative verbs (e.g know, have, understand, believe,
/ike) we can only use the Present Perfecr Simple.
How long have you been skiing? "+ Since last winter.
Ihave known him Jor three years.
She's had thk watch since March.
How longhas she known Claire? + Forfour years.
My parents have always liked coffee.
We use sincs to talk about the moment (a point in time)
when the activity started.
since (1987 lTuesday llast winter/his birthday/
We useJor to talk about the period of time/the Iengťh
of the rime the acriviry has raken.
Jor (five minutesltwo monthslmost oJ my life/a

Q tvtatch the beginnings of sentences with correct
Q Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets
endings. in the Present PerÍect or Present PerÍect
Continuous. 'imple
1 She has been baking three cakes so far. 1 Robert hrs "r,;r ke r (take) many photographs
2 She has baked rb for two hours. on our school trip.
B 2We (learn) most of the
1 They've been living in Bath
geometrical shapes.
since October.
l'm sure she (cry). What's the
2 They've lived here b alltheir life.
Ir (rain) here since Monday.
1 l've been writing this essay since 5 Thatt enough! You (annoy)
I O CtOCK. me all day.
2 I've written D 6ve pages. 6 I (know) him for years.
D 7 No wonder they are exhausted. They
1 You've been eating a my sweets. (clear) out the arric for five
2 You've eaten D too many sweets ho urs.
ÍecentIy. 8 Barbara (have) this teddy
bear since she was two.
Q Read the situations and circle the correct form of
Present PeÚect in each sentence. @ AIl sentences beIow contain gÍammaticaI
.l You're waiting for your girlfriend. ltl raining and
mistakes. Find them and write the sentences
you,re not suÍe if you Want to Wait for her any
longer. t Pete ffieerwnming the chess championship
!,ve waited l@een waíinaJor over an hour ' l,m four times.
completely soaked. Perhaps I should just go home. ?ete ha5 \\/o| Lhe Che55 Chaffi?iorÉhi? fCff
2 Your best friend is learning to drive. She wants to ltne5.
take her driving test soon. 2 | haven't visited my grandmother since a long time.
How many driving lessons have you had / been T

having? 3 My brother always liked strawberry ice-cream.


You come into your younger sister's bedroom and
see that she's crying. 4 Dave and Caroline are married for five years.
What's happened / been happening?
You're talking to your friend from school. You've How many times have you been running in 11

never seen him with glasses on before. a marathon?

How long have you worn / been wearing glasses?
You're talking with some friends about your 6 5he's had these skis for last winter.
favourite team games.
I love basketball. l've played / been playing it three
times this week.
7 How long are you sitting herei

You're gossiping about other people with your best

Tom's seen / been seeing a lot oJ Anna recently.
Somebody says that you look very tired.
l've íroned l been ironíng all aJternoon'

Q Read the messages posted on the internet forum ffiETtr
related to smoking. Circle the correct verb forms. @ The email below is a sample answer to an exam
a lltried /l,have been tryirg]to quit smoking for task. Read it and complete the gaps using the
a long time now,but2have Jailed I have been t'ailing
verbs in brackets in the correct tense.
a n umber of times. I ldon't know / dtdn't know
what to do. lt's a battle. Can anybody help? HiJane,
b I
ahave passed passed the two month anniversary
|,m sorry | (1) havenŤ-t,Á|€d L)o (not tidy up)
without smoking. Just wanted to tell you that
our room today. I'

3do am doingCREAT lt makes me feel good to Ghop)

for a birthday present for my sister all day and
say,'l cam not smoking / don't smoke.' Thank you

l (not frnd) anythingl

very much for all your advice. lt'has worked I had
workedl Don't be angry with me,lane. I o
c |
/ have been smoke-free for over a month.
(already/clean) our room twice this week.
It can be done! Smoking over a pack a day for 10+ Your task is to buy fresh milk and bread every
years? Just think about the harm youewere doing / other day. remember? And how many rimes
have been doingto people around you for all this (you/do) that so far? Not
even once! And lo (never/say)
time. Think and do something now! And say hello to
the rest of your life . | 1lhave / had and it feels great! a word against you, while you'
(complain) since we started sharing the room. lts
really not fairl I apologize but I expect you will start
@ €ompIete the dia|ogue with the verbs in brackets in
taking your duties seriously too.
the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past SimPle,
Present PerJect or Present PeÚect continuous. Best regards,

tvtua,r: Henry,r Are tpllplg (youIdo) anything Kristof

important? | could do with some help with lunch.
HENRY: Can't now Mum. t (l/ loo k
for) my collection of toy soldiers for about an hour
but l (l/found) only three. @ Look at the exam task below. Match the bullets
to the appropriate parts of the email above.
need) your soldier collection for now? You You study English in Oxford. You didn't have a chance
(you/have) ir for years but to talk to your English roommate before she left for
I don't remember when
holidays in the morning. She has just sent you an email:
(you/last/play) with it.
aIon: j. I e@a cm . clm
Hrrnv: Well,7 (we/study)
the Second World War at school recently and , r.ra s really anno-ved lo fi nC the fldt i n
(l/thin k) of preparing a !L].h .l Ťess. ienemb."I that j|'s 'VOL.r I d-rty
presentation about it. t! alear rp ih-. foon :ve[] otfer daii l
(that/sound) like a good , ; ,lays a! n'j dLrti es anc I !xirect the
idea. But how'o (you/want) to :dme fr0n yn!. l"lhat's qarjr,.r or'l?
use your toy soldiers?
Write her an email in which you:
Hrrnv; rr (l/not th ink) it over
yet. But might use them to present a typical
. explain why you didn't clean up
Second World War soldiert uniform. What . remind her that she also sometimes forgets
(you/thin k), Mum? to do her duties
apologize and suggest a resolution
Mur'r: Well, l'm not sure, Henry. " .

(they/seem)too small to me. 'o

Begin your email like this: Hi Jane,
(you/use) them for a class presentation before?
HÉNRY: No ... . But recent|y'5
(Sam/bring) his animal toy collection to school
a couple of times. Once it was for our science class
and'u (everybody/like) his
MuM: ln that case I can't see why not. Oh, I need
to go and check on our lunch. I can't believe
(we/talk) for over ten minutes!

Furune Slruple
We use willlwon't + infinirive wirhour to: . to talk about a decision made at the moment of
. to express a prediction based on opinions, beliefs or speaking,
experience, l'll open the door. (decision made at the moment of
l'm sure your Cerman teacher will be disappointed speaking)
that you've decided not to study Cerman at university Ok,l'll kll you everything (decision made at the
after all. (prediction based on my belief) momenr ofspeakin&)
they will come late, as always. (prediction based on . to express a promise or intention.
my experience - they always come late) I'll help you tJ you want.
l'll never leave you.

Furunr Corurlruuous
We use willlwon't + be + ing. . to ask about people's plans when we want something
. to talk about activities which will be in progress at or want someone to do something.
a certain time in the future, Will you be usingyour computer today?
I will be driving to Riga at 1O o'clock tonight.
(because ld like to work on it) a
Will you still be working on your essay at 11 p.m.? Will you be going to the town centre tomorrow?
. to talk about future events which are very likely to (because ld like you to give me a lift) 3
happen or activities which happen as a routtne, 3
1hey,ll be staying with theirÍamily. (they a|ways
do that) Stative verbs (be, know, believe, forget, Iike, want) do not -t
l'll be going to the supermarket on Saturday so take -/ng. m
can pick up some charcoal Jor the barbecue.
(on Saturdays at that time I usually go to the
Will you be travelling on your own, or will you want c
to go with some Íriends? -l
Íhis time tomorrow l will know the exam results' m


We use be going to: . to express a prediction based on something we know

. to talk about plans and intentions which may still or can observe now.
change, Itb going to be a long day Jor me.
(l know how many things I need ro do)
Barbara is going to become a scientist.
(but it may change) Look at this boy! He is goingto fall off the horse!
(l can see that the horse has tripped over a stone)
They are going to spend the weekend at home.
(but they still might change their plans)

PReserur Corurlruuous PReserur Slruplr

We use rhe Present Continuousr We use the Present 5imple:
. to talk about future events we have already arranged. . when we talk about future events and refer
We often specify the date, time and/or rhe place. to timetables, schedules, routines, dates, etc.
They are flying to New York on Monday. My train tomorrow leaves at 3.30 p.m.
(they have already bought the tickets)
Easter Íalls at the end oJ March next year.
Ican't come tomorrow. l'm studyingJor my history
exam with Robert. (we've already arranged to
study together tomorrow)

Q form expressing the future should be used Q The future forms used in the situations below are
by the following people? wrong. Find the mistakes and write the sentences
1A high school graduate talking abour his future
plans: 1 YouÍ friend has asked you to go to the cinema with
Iwill study am to / am studying law him, He's already bought the tickets.
at Warsaw University. We'll go to the cinerna tonight.
A Iittle boy talking to his father and trying to avoid 'llerc aciraLo Lle cirerrti lar ahl
punishment for what he has donel 2 You're offering your Mum some help with making
I proffiise lwon't do / am not goingto do / am not lu n cn.
doing it again! l'm preparing the solad and dressing
A girl on the phone arranging a blind date for the
next day: You're talking about your holiday arrangemenrs.
Iwear / will be wearing / am wearing a blue dress We willtravel through Budapest on the way back
and high-heeled shoes. so we could always call in on Franciska.
A school teacher giving some information to her
You're talking about your future plans.
Next term is starting / will start / starts on
Iwill become a secondary school teacher.
12 February.

A man who can see a woman trying to get on the

bus with a pushchair: You're asking your friend about the end of the
Wait a second, lwill help I am goingto help / scnoot year.
am helping you. When will the school year ftnish?

Somebody watching a man climbing a wobbly

ladder to get to the roofofthe building: You're sharing the latest news about your sister
Oh nol He will be Jalling / is going to Jall / will Jall. with your best friend.
My sister will have a baby in May.
A six-year-old girl talking about her birthday party
scheduled for the next day:
I have / am having I will have my birthday party
at McDonalds.
@ The email below is a sample answer to an exam
Q €omp|ete the gaps with the correct form ofthe
task. Read it and circle the correct future forms.
verbs in brackets expressing the future.
'l Tonjght? No probIem, Ican come _ | ,rí íot
dcin(L (not do) anything important. Hi Chris,
2 Dave and Robin (get married) Thanks for letting me know that you 'will come
on 14 )Ltly. Have you been invited? /i'areioniíť,lto Budapest next week. That! rea||y
grear news.
Look at the sky. lt (rain) any
m inute. 'zAreyou coming I Will you come on your own or
with some friends? You know that you can always
I think Mark (never/pass) the
stay with us - theret plenty of room.
driving test. It is completely beyond himl
5o that! Monday the 13'h, is that rightl sDoes your
time tomorrow we
Th is (lie)
uncle wait /Willyour uncle be waitingfor youat
on one of the most beauriful beaches in Brazil.
the airpoít? oÍ do you Want me to pick you up?
6 We'll have plenty of time in Madrid - our plane No problem. What time awill you arrive I are you
(depart) at 1 1p.m. arriving in Budapest? Let me know
Don't give little Ruth so many poraroes. l'll have a lot of time next week because my new
5he (not eat) rhem. Íerm'will start l stí]rts on the 20.h.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,


Coruorrlon as' Zeao I nRsr/srcoruD coN DtrtoNAL

Zero Conditional We wouldn't be late Jor school every day iJ she got
up ten minutes earlier: (but she doesn't get up 10
We use the Zero Conditional (i/+ Present Simple, Present
minutes earlier)
Simple) to talk about facts, rules and situations which are
. _a lf Tom were taller, he would play basketball much
always true (one thing always follows the other).
better. (butÍom is not ta||er)
Snow melts iJ/when you heat it (this is what always
lJI knew her telephone number, I would call her.
hap pens)
(but ldon't know her telephone number)
lf/When you eat too many sweets, you get Íat.
In conditional sentences instead offwe can also use:
lJ/When you press this button, the coffiputer comes on.
when (iJ something is sure to happen), provided that,
First Conditional as soon as, as long as, unless (= iÍ not),

We use the First Conditional (f + Present Simple, wil/ + l'll switch on the light when it gets dark.
infinitive without to) to talk about possible future events He'll lend you his car provided that you bringit back
which depend on other events happening in the future. tomorrow.
lÍ you study hard all yeax you,ll pass your exams. they'll call us as soon as their plane lands.
(passing exams in the future depends on studying) l'll help you with maths as long as you help me to
She'll help you if she has more lime tomorrow. write my English essay.
She won't let ffie watch TV unless I tidy up my room
lJ the weather is fine, we'll go to the beach.
,frst. (She won't let me watch TV if I don't tidy up my
Second Conditional room first.)
We use the Second Conditional (lJ + PastSimple, would In the Second Conditiona| sentences aÍter l, he, she and
+ infinitive without to) to talk about unreal, impossible ltwe can use both was and were. Were is more common
or unlikely situations in the present or in the future. than wds in a written and formal language.
lJI had your figure, I would become a modet. IÍ he waslwere more ambitious, he would apply Jor
(but I don't have your figure and I th ink it! unlikely) a more challenging position.

Q Circle the option which has a similar meaning to Q UnjumbIe the sent€nces to form conditionaI
the original sentence. Explain your choice. sentences.

1 lf it snows heavily, we won't go skiing. 1 would / could / us / if / about / speak / humans /

animals / they / complain
@ lt might snow heavily.
b lt doesn't snow. lf animals o-ld ' "1. 'e.
..oud a I at eb
t5 nunen5
2 lf she was interested, she wouldn't keep
cancelling dates with you. 2 take / you / aspirin / will / down / feel lif lbetter I
a She might be interested. an/you/lie/and
b 5he isn't interested. rou

3 lf I had a lot of money, I still wouldn't give up 3 them / rude / and / if / him / people / ignores /
he I are I to / calm / stays
my !ob.
a I might have a lot of money. lf people
b I don't have a lot of money. didn't / she / take/ breathing / jogging / problems/
4 lf they needed your help, they would call you.
a They might need your help. She
b They don't need your help. school / ifl hurry / late / Tom / we / be / doesn't /
up / will / for
5 |f my boss wants me to work on saturdaý
l'll say 'No'. lf lom
a My boss might want me to work on Saturday. apologise/ | I her I were I ro I you/ I /wouldn't/if
b My boss doesn't want me to work on Saturday.

Circle the correct verb form in each sentence.
@ Q Comp|ete the gaps with the verbs in břackets
lf I go to bed after m idni1ht, t@m aliaEy 'll
to form correct conditional sentences (the Zero
always be / would a/r,r",ays be tired in the morning. Conditional, the First Conditional or the Second
don,t / won,t / WoíldÍ,t telI you anything if you

can't keep a secret. 1 arer| L (not be) carefu|, you,||

burn yoursell
lf he could speak good English, heftnds / willfnd /
would find awell-paid job in London. 2 Would you go ro the headmaster if they
(start) bullying you again?
Idon't I won't / woaldnt trust these people if I were
you. (not lend) him any money
even if I had some.
Ceorge comes / will come / would rcme if you
promise not to ralk about school all the time. lf she (have) a choice, she
always chooses ice cream for pudding.
lf plants don't have enough water, they die / wil! die
/ would die. 5 Iwould be so happy if he
(ask) me out.
ls it /Wi]l it /Would it be a|| right iÍ | used your
mobile phone? 6 lf you heat ice, it (turn)
to water.

@ Which of the conditional sentences would 7 What will you do if she

probably be used by the following people? (decide) not to come after all?

J 1 The best student in class. 8 lt's very simple, kids: if you

z a lf I pass the test, I don't have to study at the (not behave) proper|y, you don,t get youÍ treat'
9 weeKeno. 9 Would you know what to do if you
F @ lf I pass the test, I won't have to study at the (lose) your passporr on
z weekend. holiday abroad?
c lf I passed the test, I wouldn't have to study at
10 lf Tom invites me to his party,
Y the weekend.
(not accept) his invitation.
Somebody who works all Saturdays.
E a I help you if l'm free on Saturday. @ Read the situations and form correct conditional
E b l'll help you if l'm free on Saturday. sentences (use the First Conditional or the Second
c ld help you if I were free on Saturday. Conditional).
I One of the candidates to a local government.
1 Steven is not rall, so he doesn't play basketball well.
)f 3 Lev en ,t as i ere -valler. i e ,,1ctu'.d ala
a lf I am elected, I try to make the public

transport in our city better.
b lf I am elected, l'll try to make the public 2 We might have some more sweets. lf so, we want
transport in our city better. to share them among the kids.
c lf I was elected, ld try to make the public
transport in our city better.
A member ofthe worst basketball team at Sarah wants to ask her boss for a pay rise, bur she's
school. worried about making him angry.
a lf we win all the matches, we have a big party.
b lf we win all the matches, we'll have a big party.
c lf we won all the matches, wed have a big parry.
l'm upset because I have to help my mother with
A 7O-year-old woman who comes from a long the housework and I can't go to the cinema with
living family. my friends.
a lf I live to be 80, I m srill very acrive.
b lf I live Lo be 80, I'll still be very acrive.
c lf I lived to be 80, ld still be very acrive. I think you should call a taxi now The alternative
is to walk there.

6 I don't think Southampton FC will win rhis match.

The winner gets promoted to the Premiership.

Q Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the EEE@
verbs in brackets. Then answer the questions using Read the email below and complete the gaps with
conditional sentences (the Zero Conditional, the
the correct form ofthe verb in brackets.
First Conditional or the Second Conditional).
1 What would you do if you found (frnd) a lot of Hi Bridget,
money in the street? That's good news about this good looking guy, but
)f I faund a lat af rnare\! lnthe slrcet, I wodd qa
do you really want to go? lf I 1 ware (be)you,
ar a lanq holtda:/. l2 (not accept) the invitation.
2 What will you talk about if your English teacher lr'sjust too risky. lf you r (80/
(ask) you to prepare a presentation? to a disco with strangers, anything can happen.
You simply don't do things like that.
And what o (you/do) if you
(want) to go back home and he
What would happen if there _ (be) no and his friends 6 (feel) like dancing
grades at school? all night? How are you going to get home on your own?

You 7 (do) what you want, of

course. But it's a|ways better to be saíe than sorry
What do you usually do if you so just to be on the safe side | 3
(get) very angry? (take) a mobile phone and some money for a taxi.

Sorry if I sound like your Mum -:)

(rain) all day on Take care,

What will you do if it
Saturday? Klara
What would you do if you (see) Q Look at the exam task below. Match points a-c to
someone stealing something in the supermarket? the proper sections ofthe email above. ;
While you were in lreland last summer you met z
- Bridget and since then you have become really good 9
What do you do if you _ (have) problems
friends. Bridget has řecent|y visited you and you have Ia\
falling asleep?
just received an email from her in which she wrote:
Thdfks dgajr for a ,rofdefful tirfe if -voLrr
city. I loved jtl Guess whdt hdppe!ed
yestefday 0n the pl ane homel I met the
mosl good lookifg and intellj!lent gLry.
Aud \4e're goi nq to tlre di sco i th hi sr.',

ffiends on Satufdayl I'll keep you posted.

Write her an email in which you:

. express your surprise that Bridget wants to go out
with complete strangers
. speculate what could happen
. make some suggestions
Begin your email like this: Hi Bridget,

Tuene s/nne
'Ne use there + be to say that something exists or does We can use there + be in different tenses changing
not exist in some place. appropriately the form of the verb to be.
There is water on the floor. There has been an accident on the M25.
There are ten boys in my class. There'll be more than two thousand people at the
There isn't any cheese in the fridge. concert.
There aren't any tickets left. There wasn't enough Jood at the party yesterday.

The form ofthe verb to be after there depends on the

There might be a spare chair in the other room.
noun following it. We often use there + be (in its correct form) with the
there is a toilet on Lhe coa(h. (singular.) following words and expressions:

There are three eggs in the Jridge. (plural) . a lot oJ many, much -'Ihere are many mistakes in her
. more - There were more pens than we needed,
. some, any - There is some milk in the bottle.
. enough/not enough - Will there be enough room Jor

lr ls
F We use íÍ+ be: . as a subject in sentences with infrnitive + ťo or with the

. to refer to things, actions or situations, pattern with that.

It was nice to meet you.
E I like your new blouse. lt's very elegant.
E (it refers to a thing - a blouse) Itl strange to see your ex-boyfriend with a new
She doesn't like watchingTV. 5he thinks it's a waste
I time. (it refers to an action - watching TV) It's a pity that you couldn't come.
Nobody understood my English at frrst. It was very We often use there + be (in its correct form), when we
discouraging. (it refers to a situation) talk about something for the first time and mention
. to talk about time, days of the week, dates, weather or where it is. To give more details, we use ir + be (in its
drstance, correct form).
It's fve past ten. lt's Monday tomorrow There was a big box in my room. lt was my birthday
It's June 15,2007. lt was very cloudy yesterday. present Írommum. (it reÍers to a box)
It's almost There's a new restaurant in Charminster's
t'fty kilometres Jrom here.
very good but expensive. (it refersto a restaurant)

Q Compf ete the gaps with There's or lt's. Q Th" ,"nt"n.", beIow contain grammati€aI
.l i'5 nice to see you agarn.
mistakes. Find them and write the sentences
too much noise in here.
l Are there a garden?
3 somebody at the door. lE there a qarden?

4_not very far from here. 2 Are any discounts for students?
5_ a good film on tonight.

6_ a spider in my bedroom.
3 ls it a bus stop nearby?

7_ very cold today.

4 How many rooms are in the flat?
I_ not enough juice for all ofus.
9_ already after midnight. Co to bed! 5 How far is there the ffat from the universitv?

Q Write questions for the following situations using 6 ls a TV set in the living room?
there+ be oÍ it + be in their correct forms.

'I You don't know the number ofstudents in your

friend's class.
lovt ft1any stnd,etlts arcLnere'*yaff claso? EIEEEEEEEtr
2 You're in the centre of Bristol for the first time. @ Read the text in which somebody compares and
You're not sure if you can frnd a phone box near contťasts two PhotograPhs. complete th€ gaps o
with there + islisn'tlarelaren't oÍ it + is/isn't,
where you are. You ask somebody in the street.
1 3
fhere are animals in both pictures. In
In 3
the first picture,
re frrst ,-
' cat.
a big cat. ř
3 You want to know how many people came to the black with white spots. The cat
paÍty you missed yesterday' i
is lying on the grass and sleeping. I
In the other picture, o
a dog m
having its meal.5 a big bowl of ó,
4 You ask your father about the distance from dog food in front of it. 6
also T
Budapesr ro Riga. several birds in the sky.7 a very la,
sunny day.
probably early morning in both
pictures because e
any people
5 You expected some phone calls while you were around. Thev must still be asleeD. I don't know if
out. You come home and ask your brother. l0
a city or a village because
any houses or buildings.
I like the picture with the dog very much.

6 You ask your friend for roday's date. a work of art, of course, but
very bright and colourful.


Pnssrve Votce

In English passive structures are used more often in 'Sunfowers' was painted lyVan Cogh.
formal and written language. We use passive structures The London Eye is visited pymore than 1O0OO people
when we don't know or care who the 'doer' of the
action (agent) is/was or when we are more interested in
the action itself than the person who does/did ir. lf we We make passive forms by putting the verb to be into
want to mention the agent, we use a phrase beginning the correct tense and adding the Past Participle of the
with bv. main verb.

Present Simple l'm aJraid food is not provided. How many languages are spoken
Passive in lndia.?
Present Continuous His progress is being watched with much interest. More Juel eficient cars are being
Present Perfect She has been ofiered a more challengingjob. Reports of a similar disease in Africa
Passive have not been
Past Simple Was Jootball invented by the Englkh? The remains of adult and young
Passive dinosaurs were found together,
Past Continuous lfelt I wasn't being given creditJor my hard work. We were beíngJollowed by a white Ford.
) Passive
Past Perfect they told me that my application had been reJused. she Íelt that her expectations had not
r- Passive been met.
Future Simple Towels wíll not be exchanged until tomorrow.
; Passive
How and when will we be informed
about the results?

Have sourrHwc DoNE

We use the structure have + object + Past Participle Compare pairs of sentences:
to say that we arranged for something to be done
(by employing or asking somebody to do it). I had my room painted yesterday.
(somebody painted it for me)
We had our flat redecorated last year. I painted my room yesterday. (l did it myself)
(we employed somebody to do it)
We will install new windows next year.
Ineed to have my car repaired. (l need to employ (we will do it ourselves)
a mechanic to do it for me) We will have new windows installed next year.
(we will hire somebody to do it for us)

Q Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets in

the active or passive voice in the correct tense.
1 on my way home yesterday | ,,^ral zŤaDaed 6 Hannah hasn't come out ofthe room vet, she
(stop) by a police car (interview).
2 English (speak) in many Many accidents (rePorr/ on
countnes. the M1 recently.
3 Mrs Mills is very angry with Matthew because 8 Compasses (use) to identify
ne (break) the window. the directions when we cannot use the Sun or
4 ln 2012 the Olympic Cames stars.
(hold) in London. 9 Marie Curie-Sklodowska
(discover) radium and polonium.
5 .John quickly realised that his sister
(not tell) him the truth. 10 Luggage must (not leave)
unattended anywhere in the terminals at any time.

Q using the beginnings provided write the second @@
s€ntence so that it has a simiIar meaning to the
first sentence. ls it necessary to use by at the end
Q The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
task. Read it and complete the gaps with the verbs
of each sentence? in brackets in the passive or activ€ voice, or us€
1 Roman PoIaňski directed,The Pianistl the structure have sth done.
'The Pianist' ,r'as direc';ed b)'Rornar Fc:nsk.
Dear Bethany,
2 Nobody has informed us about the changes to
the train table. The worst trip of my life seemed like an excellent idea at
first and I thought I would have a great time. Last week
1 ',\,as ir,/i-v.ii (invite) by one of the girls from my
3 They are >till repairing my bicycle.
school ro go on a shorc rrip. We'
My bicycle (want) to go to Prague to visit the Prague castle and
4 Will they punish him for skipping school? Charles bridge. So we 3 - (rent) a car
Will he very cheaply but we o (tell) that it
was not in a very good condition.
5 Alexander Craham Bell invented the telephone in
187 6. About an hour after we 5
The telephone Karlovy Vary, the car u
down) in the middle of the highway. In the end, it
They don't sell fresh fruit and vegetables here. (take away) to the nearest garage.
Fresh fruit and vegetables
(our carlrepair) at the garage
discovered that somebody had burgled our house. bur it o (take) over three hours
and we ro

I discovered Lhat our house (must) pay a lot o[

money. And the worst thing of all is that the money
Circle the option which has a similar meaning (refund) to us by the car hire
@ company!Can you believe it? The worst trip you can
to the original sentence.
imaginel 3
1 Tom has cleaned his coat.
@ Tom has cleaned jt himselí And how are things with you? On holidays already?
b Somebody else has cleaned it for Tom.
Take care and write back soon,
2 |had my oil changed.
a I changed my oil myself Eva
b Somebody changed my oil at the garage. an

5he is going to develop the film. @ Look at the instructions for the exam task below.
Match the bulleted points to the appropriate
a She is going to deve|op the fi|m herse|í parts of the email above.
b She is going to take the frlm to a photo lab.
You saw this post on an internet forum, posted by
We will have our bedroom re-painted. Bethany on her blog:
a We wjll re-paint it ourselves.
b We wjll hire somebody to re-parnt rt. Evefl,0ne is rnlkjrE .,\out gIeal h0l lday
ps dfd ,rofdefful d,"sti fati ors l How
Rewrite the sentences using hav e sth done. Don't aboL,t a tIi p thai ,,,rer^t ],rf ong'? l.lhdt hes
@ ,reer rhe l.rof st trjp of .vour life? lf sc.
change the tense used in the original sentence.
'I A native speaker proof-read my Master's thesis. ta ke pa ft i I the c,inpetj t ion dnc sefd tlle
ar erllail, p.'zes r,Jjll ifLlLde...
I h aa rrll-]!asLeis-I):e29-ptptÍ:real-

2 A mechanic is going to repairlohn's car Write a letter describing the worst trip you have ever
been on.
. give details of where you went
3 A hairdresser ha5 cut heÍ hair'
. give detai|s of what went wÍong

4 Two men are painting their house now. Begin like this Dear Bethany,

5 Will a locksmith change allthe locks in your house?

6 They deliver our newspaper every Friday.

Mooel vERBs l OgLrcRrroN/nsrLrrv/pEnnnrssroN/pRoHrBrroN

Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, ought to, To talk about abilities in the present or in the past,
should): we u5e:
. have only a present form (with the exception of could) . can, can't, could, couldn't
- in other tenses we use different structures, can dance quite well. (ability in the present)
. have only one form (no -s in the third person singular, She can't speak English. (ability in the present)
no -ing and -ed forms),
When I was six, I could swim, but I couldn't ride
. form questions by inversion (a subject and a modal
a bike. (ability in the past)
verb change places), and negative sentences by adding
not (n't) aÍter or to a moda| verb, To express or to ask for permission, we use:
. do not come directly one after another, . can, could (when asking for something could is more

. are followed by infinitives without to PoIite than ca,í),

Can I go to the party tomorrow?
To express obligation, we use:
When I was a teenager I could watch TV Jor two
. must if we talk about obligation imposed by the speaker,
nours a day.
Imust talk to her as soon as she comes back. CanlCould you pass me the salt?
(my own internal obligation)
. may when we give permission or ask for perm ission in
Imust visit my grandma in hospital tomoffow. a very polite way,
(l'd really like to do that)
You may go home now iJ you like.
. have to we talk about external obligation imposed
May I open the window?
by rules or other people.
We have to be at school ten minutes beJore the To express prohibition, we use:
c/ass. (these are the rules in our school) . mustn't, can't when we talk about what is generally

You have to take this medicine twice a day. not allowed or prohibition in the present (rnustr'l't
(that! what the doctor told you to do) expresses very strong prohibition)
You can'tlmustn't park here. (lt's forbidden)
To express lack ofobligation (to say that something is
unnecessary), we use: You can'tlmustn't switch on your mobile beJore you
leave the plane. (lti not allowed)
. don't have to,
. couldn'twhenwe talk about prohibition in the past,
You don't have to bring any Jood. (it's not necessary)
When I was young I couldn't stay at home on my
She doesnl have to help her mum with the
own. (When I was young, I was not allowed to stay at
housework. (it's not necessary)
nome on my own,
. needn't,
To ask for something, orto express an offeror
You needn't tell your boyJriend about it.
invitation, we use:
(it's not necessary)
. would like,
She needn't be aJraid of me. (it's not necessary)
I'd like tea without milk, please.
To express obligation or give advice, we use: Would you like a cup of cofiee?
. should, shouldn't, ought to, oughtn't to (they are not
To ask somebody for som€thing in a more forma| and
as strong a5
',n'sÍ), direct way, we use:
You ought to go to the dentist.
He shouldn't smoke so much.
Will you carry my suitcase, pleqse?
Will you wait here Jor a molTenL please?
To offer to do somethin& or to make or ask for
a suggestiOn, we use:
. shall,

Shall I help you to carry your suitcase?

What sholl we do now?

Q circle the correct modal verb in each sentence. @@
1 l'm quite happy to do it myself. You help me. @ The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
@needn't bmustn't ccan't - task. Read it and complete the gaps with a modal
verb and the correct form of th€ verb in brackets.
2 My father is writing an article. We disturb him
n ow.
Dear Katharina,
a neeon t b mustn't c couldn't
3 you lend me some money till next week? Thanks for your letter.
a May b Could c Should Coing to Scotland would be fun, l'm sure, but to be
perfectly honest, l' carit dlve (drive) here in
4 )ni finish this essay today. The deadline is next
England. I tried once but l' (8eil
used to traffic driving on the left. '
a shouldn't b mustn't c doesn't have to
(take) some lessons with a driving instructor and then
At this swimming pool you wear a swtmmlnS try again. But a- (we, go) by car?
cap. I hate itl How about the train? lt's much faster than the car
a have to b must c should (1, look up) the train timetable

l'm afraid you _ drink alcohol here. lt's against on the lnternet? Or6-(you, do) it
tne law. yourself? | thin k we' (buy) the tickets
a may not b shouldn't c can't fairly quickly, otherwise they might be quite expensive.

lf you want my opinion, I thin k you tell lf we decide to go by t rain, we o_

(take) too much stuff- it will be too heavy to carry. For
anybody about it. -
a shouldn't b mustn't c couldn't one thing, we' (take) towels since
we are going to stay in a hotel. l'm not sure about the hair
drier though. 'o (you, pack) yours,
Q Using the sentence beginnings provided and
modal verbs write the second sentence so that it
has a similar meaning to the first sentence, Let me know what you think. 3
'I lt! against the rules to talk on your mobile here. LOVC,
You ríu9]'l-]||á k ol'] VoUr r]ob € íert' /uana
2 learnt to ride a bicycle when I was 10. o
When I was eight,
Look at the instructions for the exam task below. r-
3 My advice is to talk to the teacher about it. @
Match the bulleted points to the proper sections
TOU 7)
of the letter above.
4 The doctor told me to stay in bed for three days. You are on a 3-week English course in a language
school in Bournemouth. You have just received
5 Would you like me to pick you up from school? a letter from your German friend Katharina, who you
S hall met in England last summer

6 believe it! not good for children to watch so I'!E jLLst arrivec i. S!Lrtrampiolr afd !"Jil I
much TV
- be sr!dyj Iq !!glj 5h |.err :.f tl.]O !.r€ek5.
Ch ildren Afd h!ii's JaLLa a!rrIse jf Bournen0uth? A'e
-y! Lr efj ol i fq it?
7 Fiona is quite a good singer
L,l!!l d _v0Lr I i ka tc m-"rt rp lf d aar sonet!i r!
rrqethe[? ]ow ab0rl re,rli.q d.dt duC
8 lt's not necessary to answer all questions correctly. !oj.!l i! S.oll afd for a fe,,r d.y:? L"lhat d!
rou tr'o,r tl.'f k?

You are going to write a letter to Katharina, in which

. explain why you don't like her idea
. make another suggestion
. suggest what things to take with you.

Begin like this: Dear Katharina,

Moonl vERBs z - SpeculATroN
To specu|ate about the present and the future we use mísÍ/ might not and. may not when we think that
. v,te use
mightlmay lcan lcould lcan't + infinitive without to. perhaps things/events are not true or perhaps they will
not happen,
. We use mísf When we are a|most sure/certain that
something is true, She may not be as intelligent as you think. (perhaps
shet not as intelligent as you think)
they must be really tired. (fm sure that they are
tjred) 1hey might not finísh this work beJore Tuesday'
(perhaps they will not fnish this work beJore Tuesday)
Being a lawyer you must earn a lot oÍ money.
(l'm certain that you earn a lot of money) . We use ca,í'úwhen we are a|most sure/certain that
things/events are not true.
. we use might, may, can and could when we think that
things/events are possible; can is used when we refer to He can't be so silly as to do that. (l'm sure that he
things in genera|, whereas could, might, may aÍe Used isn't so silly)
when we refer to concrete situations, You can't have more than eight classes a day.
There can be a lot oJ tourists in the Tatra mountains (lt's impossible that you have more than eight
during winter holidays. classes a day)

She could be the girl we're lookingJor. Different modaI verbs expres' differenr degrees oí
they might need our help tomorrow. certainty:
He may like riding a bicycle. (l'm not sure, iti They must be happy together. - l'm sure they are
possible that he likes riding a bike) happy together.
.D lhey could/mightlmay be happy together. - Perhaps
ď they are happy together
1hey maylmiýt not be happy to4ether: _ PerhaPs
they are Ip! hapPy togetheÍ.
o lhey can't be happy together. _ |,m sure they aíe !!!
happy together.
Q Whi.h ."nt"nce would you use in the following Q Complete the dialogue with the correct modal verbs.
hlr: Hi, Dave. Have you seen Brian?
1 You're approachingyourfriend's house. oavr: Yeah, I saw him in the computer room some
You can see lights on in two rooms. time ago. He 1 ma,!/tniqltlcould still be there.
a Somebody can be in. hrv: No, he isn't. l've just come from the computer
@ somebody must be in. room.
2 You have to revise a lot before your exam on Drve: I don't know then. Have you checked the gym?

Monday. He '_ be there playing footballwith his

a might not come to your party on Saturday. friend from the football club.
trr: No, they r_

b I can come to your party on Saturday. be there. The gym is

closed today. But ifthey are playing football they
3 You don't be|ieve your íriend! story. be in the playground.
a You can't be serious. Davr: In the playground? You 5_ be mad! lt!
b You may not be serious. pouring with rainl
4 Your friend from school hasbeenverysad tnr.r: Ok, you 6
be right there. But where
recently. he be? l've looked almost everywhere.
a He can't have problems at home. Drvr: He 3 be at school then - perhaps he
b He must have problems at home. has already gone home. lan ...
LookI oVeÍ therel crossing the road.''
You have some doubts if changing your present
jobis a good idea. trx: No, it e be Brian. He is much taller than
a I can not change myjob after all.
that boy. I think l'll ask the teacher. She r0
know if Brian's class is still at school.
b I might not change my job after all.
You can see a small boy trip over a ball and
sprain his ankle.
a He must be in a terrible pain.
b He can be in a terrible pain.

Q Using modal v erbs must, might, might not, may, EřnÍ'!řll!?llfi
may not, can, could or can't write the second
sentenc€ so that it has a simi|ar meaning to the @ neaa the text in which somebody compares and
contrasts two photographs, Circle the correct
first sentence.
modal verbs.
1 Perhaps it will rain later
'1a,.rtat a ao
In both pictures there are people standing and
2 l'm sure they are not at school now. talking to each other in front ofsome kind of
building' |t. may / can /@iídbe a school because
Itt possible that the match will not start before on the gates in both pictures I can see a sign with the
number ofthe school on it.

ln the first picture there are two boys and one girl.
4 l'm sure she thinks I am not very bright. They2 must / can't / should be pupils because they
are wearing schoo| uniforms. BUÍthey3 mqy not /
can't / might not be from the same year - the girl is
I know this isn't Robert - he has gone on holiday much younger than the two boys. l'm not sure but
to Spain. the two boys a mrght / can't / must be twins because
they look quite similar to each other.
l'm certain the car keys are somewhere in
In the other picture, there is a bigger group of pupils
the kitchen. and several adults. They're also standing in front of
the school. One girl is talking to one of the adults.
Perhaps the teacher will give us our homework The woman is certainly not a teacher, she, could /
DacK tomorrow can't / must be the mother or sister of one of the
pupils but it's really difficult to say.

In both pictures the people look nervous and they

are waiting for something.lt6 may / can't / must
be the exam results but l'm not sure. lf they are
nervous about the exam results, itt may not / cqn't /
might not be the school-leaving exam because both
prctures were taken in winter and the school,leaving
exam takes place in May.

CouNrnete/urucounrnBLE Nou Ns
Nouns in English can be countable or uncountable. Uncountable nouns;
Countable nouns; . are things we cannot count,

. are things we can count, water, Ii ght, Ji en dshi p

. are only singular,
a dog five pencils
. can be singular or plural, Chocolate makes you happy.
lthu.l My bestJriend is a very intelligent girl. (singular) . can be used with the (the tea), and some/any, (too)
My two other Jriends are good at sport. (plural) much, how much, a lot oJ or a little (see table below).
ti- . can be used with a/an (a grl), the (the gil), numerals Yes/No guestions Afrrmative Negative
(two tables), and some/any, (too) many, how many,
any milk?
ls there There is There isn't
;ď' a lot oJ or a lew (see rable below).
How much milk is some milk. any milk.
Yes/No questions Afhrmative Negative there? There is There isn't
a little milk. much milk.
F Are there
There are TheÍe aren,t
There is There is no milk.
any seats? some seats. any 5eats.
) How many seats There are There aren't
a lot of milk.
There is
are there? a few seats. many seats.
too much milk.
; There are There are no seats.
z a |ot oÍ seats'
Ó There are
z too many seats.


zlF Qunrurlnens
z . We use (too)
) many (of), not many (ofl, a Jew (o!)
with countable nouns.
. either (of) (ofl (= not one
(= any one of rwo) , neither
LT,J and not the other) refer to two things or people. After
J (too) manylnot many/a Jew apples, girls
co either oÍ neither we use a singular noun (fol|owed by
. We use (too.) much, not much, a little with a verb in a singular form) or a plural noun (followed by
zF uncountable nouns. a verb in a singular or plural form).
) Either house is too expensive Jor us.
(too) muchlnot muchla little tea/ham
Y . We use a lot (of), lots oJ, all (ofl, most (ofl,
Neither oJ the songs sounds/sound romantic.
(of), not any with uncountable nouns and countable We use of,
plural nouns.
. with a lot and norre - except for shorť answers,
= a lot oÍ/ lots / all l most I some money / pencils
= How many oJ your teachers did you like?
We haven't got any rice/books.
A lot. /None.
. We use none (ot with plural nouns when we talk
None of them came to visit me
about more than two people or things.
. with personal pronouns,
None oJ the dresses was good.
(more than two dresses) m any /a Íew / al l / most / so me / either / neith er / both oJ us /
None oJ the flms is worth recommending. lou/them
. with possessive adjectives (with a// and both we can
(moÍe than two fr|ms,)
omit o/),
(ol) (= one and the other) with plural
. We use both
nouns when we talk about two people or things. m any /a Jew / most l some/ either /n either oÍ th eir Íri ends
Both sisters are very attractive. (two sisters) all/both (oÍ) my skkts
. before nouns with the definite article fhe.
Both oJthem were too long (two things)
m any / a Íew / al l / most / so me / eith er / n either / both oÍ the
classrooms in our school

Anrlcles alenltue AND No ARTTcLE

We use a/an'. . before ordlnal numbers (thefrst, the second),

. before singular countable nouns, . before numbers referring to centuries (the seventeenth
century, the twentieth century),
a doll, an onion
. before the names of rivers (Úh e lhames, the Nile), seas
. when we talk about a person or thing for the first time,
(the Baltic Sea, the Red Sea) and oceans (the Atlantic,
I have a dog and two cats. The dog's name is Tim. the Pacific),
. when we talk about one of many things or people . before the names of mountain ranges (the Tatra
(it is not important which one exactly),
Mountains, the Alps) and island groups (the Canary
Have you got a pení (any pen) lslands, the Bahamas).
I need a pencil. (any pencil) We do NOT use articles:
. before names of jobs.
. before plural nouns when we talk about things or s
She is an actress, 3
people in general or mention them for the first time,
David is a teacher. Teenagers can be very noisy. (teenagers in general,
We use Úhe: not a particular group of teenagers) C
Dogs make good pets. (dogs in general,
. before singular and plural nouns (the desk, the oranges), C
not a particular group of dogs) z
. when we mention somebody or something again,
. before uncountable nouns when we talk about i
I have a dog and two cats. The dog's name is Tim. t-
something in general, lŤ
. when we talk about a concrete person or thing Money is important. c
(in singular or plural), and the listener knows which
Curiosity is a good quality. z
person/thing we mean, a
. with days of the week and months (on Monday, c
Where are the car-keysi (the listener knows which C
car-Keyr. on Thursday, in May, in September), z
. with years (in 2006, in 1856),
The boys in my class are very clever. (particular boys,
those in my class) . with the names of continents and most countries

. when there is only one ofthe things we talk about

(in Europe, in America, in Slovakia), z
. with the names of cities/townslvillages (in Glasgow, c
(the sun, the Pope),
. before a surname + family (the ímith Íamily, in Paris, in Bournemouth), z
the chandler Íamily), . with the names of streets/roads (ín Cumberland Street,
in Pine Road), stations (trom Highgate Station) and
. belore rhe rimes of rhe day (in the morning,
in the evening), airporrs (to Heathrow Airport,trom Gatwick), c
. before the names of rooms or places near the house
. with the names of lakes (Lake Michigan, Lake z-i
(in the bedroom, in the garden), Superior), individual mountains (Mount Everest, 'n
Mount Etna) and individual islands (Sicily, Bermuda), m
. before superlatives (the worst
flm, the most intelligent . with the names oÍ mea|s (betore lunch, after

l O

Circle.the sentence you would use in each

1 You are going shopping to the town

I nere |5 onIy one

a l'm going to a supermarket.

(b) l'm going ro the supermarket.

You.are_talking to your friend about

5uPermarket in youř town.

Q Read the text and comp|ete the gaps
aÍÍ|c|esa/an, the or |eave the gap

Come and visit hisLoric

slr wa|rer Ra|eigh at

::l:7 _ home ro
to t/, ""0 castles srare rooms
with coÍrect
open (-).
Sherborne Castle and
sardens. Buirr by,
lat eside
Digby [amity since
reflecl s^,
Ktnds ot animals. of d'ecorarlve srY|e.s from 9 gr."',"'. perioj, oř.'
a I don't like cats.
t ng|l5h hlsťory. ln
- rr--
CasL|e! ce||ars you can see
Raleigh's original kitchen and
b ldon'r like rhe cars. - co ection of
frnds from
"_castle groundT
t y1n.,o O:rsuade your mother to buy you 'r
-t:1 skirrs you visirors will enjoy exploring ,.
two have just tried on. gafo€ns'
a All ofthem are really fashionaote. Which pro^vide'5 wonderíul setring
b lor'"_- picnrcs. Recenrly, we have opened
ď Both of them are really fashronable. - up"the
ntsronc dry grounds w:lk,
eighr-acre eriension
4 You are talking to your friend about
the absence :U, --
8aroens on '.- north side oí,o-- |a|e.
oÍ your Eng|ish teacher. Admissjon is free for r'
_,, children. r)_ d"gr;;;
a ,,-
I dont know why the teacher hasn,t come
today. ::,::.i:" "" lead. _,"_ casue rs open daily,
z l-< | /\/
don't know why a teacher hasn,t come
today. iliip,
u ' _ end l::days
of ,3_
and Fridays.22 May

October. For more 2e
) 5 Somebody wants to know the amount
of time Intormarion call 0 19351 I182 or visit ,o_
you spend watching TV websir-e
az l(.
a Definitely roo many.

z l)
L.'\ b Defrn itely too much.
) az
t- 6 You are admiring your grandmothert
t; a @ Read the text in which somebody
l< Jhe flowers are really beauriful.
D t-towers are really beauriful.
contraÍs two photographs. circ|e the and
t= 7 You are talking about the picnic you
went on
wtth several friends.
lvl a To be honest, none of us had gooo
a trme. Both pictures are quite similar but there
ř b To be honest, neither of us had a good
time. some differences.
are also

Q Complete the gaps in the sentences l,r:': /E@fi:t

zF !
with rhe pjclure, rhere are rhree peopte:
correct quantifiers from the box- a / qn / gul and, Lwo reenage boys. fhey aie
both none
rn-a small par( or a.playground. tlhe _
many ;;i;;; / /Aplace
Y iŤtÍef| some ";t looks qUite emply because apart Írom
cnllorenthere are aany / manv / no oLher
rhese three
'I rne cnrtdren are playing foorball.
You shouldn't eat so mlch chocolate.
E 2 lam very similar ro my sjster. of us hate
ln the other plcture, there are also
two boys and
school and like sport. one_girl. They are in abigroom.sThe
/Aboys /
the carpet and playing chess.6Al/j
3 l'm afraid they haven,t got =_- rrckets lefr.
l llher
/ Both of |hem seem ro like rňis game'
Á 7
4 fve tried on five pairs ofjeans. / lh, ei.,'t is'watching rhem w nh esome /
of them '
Interest' she looks as jí she wanrs
Íew / an
nts. to as| nsóme /
a'nv little qlesÍions but |o neither
/ either / none of
lhad no idea that so
crass wanted to study medicine.
people from my '/
Lne Doys are paying attent ion ro her.

I ljke th-e
first picture better because football is
The worst teachers l,ve ever had my
are Mr Brown and tavourite team sport.
Miss Smith. __-of them can explain things
p ro perty.

7 lcan speak English and French.

'tc I ru oepl ru lre pRoNou Ns . So u raoov / eNveoov / N oaoov / rv rnv sooy

We use indefrnite pronouns: We often use onyb ody/anyone, anything and
. somebody, nobody, anybody, everybody to talk about
peopre, .In questlons,
see . something nothing anything everything to talk about Do you keep in touch with anybody Jrom our class?
rn rngs, Does she know anything about computers?
. somewhere, nowhere, anywhere, everywhere to talk Have you seen Barbara anywhere?
about places. . in npo:tivp <pnrpnrp<
They are all followed by a singular verb. There isnt anything more to da.

rhe \Ne use everybody /everyone, everything and everywhere: I didn't particularly like anybody.
nsion I don't want to Eo anywhere.
. in afhrmaťive sentences.
ta Ke.
Everybody wants to speak English well. We use nobody/no one, nothing and nowhere:
s are
IinJormed her about everything. . in aff rmative sentences.

Lay You can buy them everywhere. Nobody wants to help me.
I heard nothing about it.
-rte We use somebody / someone, something and somewhere.
Nowhere ts saJe.
. jn aÍfirmative sentences,
I need to do somethingto help him. Nobody/no one/nothinglnowhere have a negative
meaning, and that is why the sentences in which they
Somebody called you yesterday.
are used take an affirmative form.
He lives somewhere in Paris.
. in questions while making an offer or request.
Nobody waited Jor me at the airport. (NOT Afu)r
Can I get you something to eat?
Nothing bmore important than love. (NOf *bhrng-
Can somebody stay at work longer today? iw.tffiÚve).
Could you recommend somewhere cheap where we
could stay the night?
There bnowhereto park' (Nor ffi1erť

Q Complete the gaps with the correct indefinite

Q the email below is a sample answer to an exam
1 lhere is someone on the phoneforyou. task. Read it, find five mistakes in the use of
indefinite pronouns and correct them.
2 Brenda would do _ to get tickets for
this concert.
3 | can't believe you don't know about the disco

tonighr. There are posrers _. Dear Mr Bailey,

4 Does _ know why Sandra is not at
school today? l'm very sorry but I think l've lost a book I borrowed
5 Hei very am bitious. will stop him from the library. Tomorrow is my last day here and
from becoming a doctor. I know that everybody need to return books before

leaving. needs
Q Rewrite the sentences using the correct indefinite
At frrst, I thought ld left it at home. Bur l've looked
pronouns instead of the expressions in the
brackets. Make changes in the other part of anywhere and I can't find it. And nobody in my host
sentences if it is necessary, family doesn't touch my things, so I guess l've left it
1 (All people) dream ofa better life. anywhere at school.
7v e r:t b o dylrparspÍabeterfre- Do you think it's possible that anyone has found it
2 l d like to go (to a quiet place). and returned it to the library? lf not, what would you
suggest lshould do now?
3 (No other thing) is worse than losing your best friend.
All the best,
Ferenc Horvath (library card no 3542)
4 You need to get (the signatures ofall the people).

Possessrve ADtEcrlvEs AND pRoNouNs
To express possession/the idea of belonging in English, . we add an apostrophe and s (t) to irregular plural
We can use possessive aď1ectives (my, her) or possessive nouns.
pronouns (mine, hers). their children's school, these women's surnames
We use possessive adjectives before nouns: Inwritten language and formal speech, oJgenitive is
My pen is on the desk. used more often than t genitive.
Did you meet her brother?
Both forms (3 genitive and ofgenitive) can be used:
Possessive pronouns are used on their own, without . for groups of people/organizations,
nouns (often at the end of the sentence).
the team's new logo / the new logo oÍ the team
this pen is mine. Are these trousers yours? the government's decision / the dectsion oJ the
Subject Possessive Possessive SOVernment
pronouns adjectives přonouns . for places.
I my pen mine Warsaw's Jamous Old Town Square/the Jamous
your pen old Town square oÍ Warsaw
hrs pen nt5 London's museums / the museums oJ London
ner pen
We use 's genitive:
rts pen
. with people and animals,
our pen
the girl's doll, a bird's beak
your pen
. with time expressions.
they therr pen therrs
Tuesday's edition, seven hours' sleep
3 genitive, ofgenitive We use oJ genitive:
To express possession/the idea of belonging of someone . with things,
E or something to a given person, animal, thing or place,
the winner oJ the contest the rooÍ oÍ the house
E we can use one of the two possessive forms: t genitive
or of genitive.
. with the words like end, top, Jront, middle.
at the end oÍ the concert
The possessive form with 3 (3 genitive) always comes
in the middle oJ the book
before a noun.
Tom's wiJe (NOr wiffi) lf someone or something belongs to two people or

(NOt @oyls) animals, we add's only to the last noun.

the boy's uniform
Matthew and Bethany's computer
To form 3 genitive:
. we add an apostrophe and s (3) to singular noung lf the meaning is clear, we can use a possessive without
a following noun.
Pete's notebook, my brother's bicycle
Whose dress was more expensive? Barbara's,
. we add only an apostrophe (') to regular plural nouns,
(it is clear that we are talking about a dress)
his grandparents' house, my Jriends' car

Q complete the diaIogue with the coÍrect PossessiV€

adjectives or possessive pronouns.
Where are
nr'rr'n: Becky! ' mL silver earrings? them every now and then. And that big Labrador
Have you seen them? retriever that you can sometimes see is u

Btcxv: No, I haven,t. But they,Íe not,- !

They're r | |got them from iulie, one of nr'rr'rr: Do you think'o- parents will ever let
o best friends, remember? us have a pet?
llrlra:Julie? Yeah... I know 5 sister qurte Brcxv: I wouldn't count on it, They'll say that the

well. They live in Blackpool Road with

parrot was "- and we didn't take proper
grandmother, don't they? And they have two care of it. And Dad will probably remind us how
Siamese cats. many times r'?-
cage was not cleaned out
srcxv: Actually the cats are not 7- They
and he had to do himse|í
belong to B- cousin, Alexia, who visits Anrua: Yeah... You re probably right.

Q Use one ofthe underlined words in a correct @@tr
possessive form (t genitive or o/genitive) The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
to combine two sentences into one.
task. Read it and circle the correct answers in
'l The office is upstairs. lt belongs to the director. the text,
1- ) - tf

2 | read a stary. I liked its elelthe most. Dear N ick,

Here! my embarrassing story:

There is nothing interesting in the newspaper.
l've bought it larlay. Last summer'@]/ mine boyfriend invited me to his
/ aunts'wedding. I had never met her before
and it was my lboyJriend's / boyJrieirds' decision,
not 4my / mine, to accept the invitation. At sthe
The decision was wrong. lt was made by the local
ceremony,s beginning / the beginning oÍ the ceremony
I suddenly noticed three girls wearing dresses very
similar tocmy I mine.Tlheir I lheirs were a bit
longer, but exactly the same colour and style.
These students are very clever Miss Blunden When I realised rhar my dress was pracrically
teacheS them. identical to the sbridesmaid's I bridesmaids' dresses,
I didn't know what to do. Then one of theebride's
and groom's / bride and groom's friends looked
ar me and burst out laughing. ld had enough -
It was a very nice g4l! in the woods. lt lasted olq I started making my way to the main'gdoor oJthe

hours. church I church's door My boyfriend followed me

to "our / ours car.
lust when we were leaving the church, the bride
arrived in lzher / hers wedding car She looked at
7 This is our new table. Two legs are broken. me and said: 'You are my llnephew3 / nephews'
girlfriend, aren't you? Nice to meet youi and Iooking
at my dress she added:'Why don't you become
my bridesmaid? ld like that very much but the
All ."nten.". below contain grammatical decision is, ofcourse,"your / yours.'So that evening
Q I unexpectedly ended up beingl'my boyJriend's
mistakes. Find them and write the sentences
aunt,s / my boyÍriend aunt,s bridesmaid,
'l | |ike our car much more than r|ŤeiÍ' What do you think? Cood enough for the frrst prize?
I lik.e anr car fiuch ncrc lhen Lhei(s.
2 Could you stop using mine lipstick instead ofyours?

Mike! and Mark's bedroom hasn't been tidied up @ Look at the instructions for the exam task below.
Match the bulIeted points to the proper s€ctions
for ages.
of the email above.

You saw this post on an internet forum, posted by

Ours neighbours had a very loud party in their flat
N ick on his blog:
Have y0L, evef r,'i shed the edf tlr lrould

5 My fathers'best friend lives in Canada. Operr anc 5\\'ellO\n' j,OU Lrp? |,íhd|'s the mOsI
erfbarrdssjng situatica ycu lrave been in?
Ía ke pa II j I the .0mpetj tj oI dId SeIC t|e
6 Her dress really suits me but l? rather borrow your an ernai I , p.i zes rrill i ncl ude...
Write a letter describing the most embarrassing
7 The meeting oí tomorrow has been posrponed. situation you have ever been in.
. give details ofthe situation
. describe your reaction and how you felt
. explain how the situation ended

Begin like this: Dear Nlrk,

AoJ ecrrves . Cotrn pRRRttvEs/su prRlATlvEs

We use the comparative adjective (an dthan) to . not enough,

compare two things, people, actions or events. Your test results are not good enough.
Who is shorter, you or your brother? The water wqsn't warm enough to take a bath.
My homework is more dificult than yours. . (not) as... as.

When a pronoun comes after than, it is usually an object Robert is as clever as his brother.
pronoun (me, you' him, her it, us, oÍ them)' Our new teacher is not as patient as Mrs Smith.

She Jaster than q9.

is We useso and such to emphasize the meaning ofadjectives.
You are more intelligent than hlu. I was so happy when our baby was born.
(really happy)
We use the superlative adjective to compare a thing,
person, action or event with the whole group to which She is such a nice girl. (really nice)
this thing person, action or event belongs. We normally . such is used before an adjective followed by a noun,
use the before a superlative. After a superlative we can
|t was such a beautiÍul dav.
use in or of. We use in with a singular word for a place or
Angela and Tom are such goolJiu.dL
. so is used before an adjective alone, without a noun.
Lixle Harry is the youngest iaour family. It was so warm yesterday.
Ella is the prettiest girl !!our school. I was so ť!g1that I couldn,t JaIl asleep.
For me Ronaldo is the most Jamous Jootball player
F In exclamations with adjectives we can also use
qlall. What and How.
d Thjs is the coldest month qÍthe year'
How nice oÍ you to think oÍ that!
Í To compare things, people and actions, we can also use What a lovely day!
the following patterns: . what is used before an adjective followed by a noun,
. tOO, What a pood idea!
= This cake is too sweet Íor me, What stugid things you're talking about!
= Our holiday was too short. . how is used before an adjective alone, without a noun.
How strange!
How klne! oÍ him to remind me!
Spelling rules:


one-syllable aoo -er add 'est

long hard longer harder the longest, the hardest

one-syllable, ending with -e aaa -r add -5t

nice, large nrcer, larger the nicest, the largest

one-syllable, with one voweland one double the last consonant and double the last consonant and add -esf
consonant at the end
hot, thin hotter, thinner the hottest, the thinnest

two-syllable ending with a consonant change -y to i and add -er change'y to i and add -e5Ú
and. -y
easy, funny easier,funnier the easie\t, the Íunniest

many two-syllable and all longer add more before the adjective add the most before the adjective
comÍortable, modern more comÍortable, more modern the most comfortable, the most modern

good better the best
0aa worse the worst
little /ess the least
th e Íu rthest (Ía rth est)
Ío, further (farther)

Q compIete the s€ntences with the adjectives from Q Using the word in capitals write the second
the box in the comparative or superlative form. sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence.
popular hot comfortable good cheaP
far lazy large dangerous slim 1 Mark is taller than Robert. As
Ngsp'(1 q. r .
ač\ aI ae ýa.|
1 )U|y |s Ťhe holÍe1t month in my country' 2 The exam was so difficult. SUCH
It was
2 My T-shirt cost only S10, rt was much
than yours. 3 lt is very nice that he helps me. OF

Why haven't you tidied up your room yet? You're

person I know 4 Jim is too short to join the police force. ENOUGH
Jim is
Were you born in France? Your French accent is
even than our teacher's. 5 Ceorgia is prettier than all the other girls in her
Everyone likes Hannah. She is
class. OF
Ceorgia is
girl in our school.

John lives away from me

now so we don't see each other that often.
The frrst two weeks of a new diet were difficult @ The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
but l'm now _ than ever task, Read it and complete the gaps with the
befo re. correct form ofthe adjectives in brackets. In some
gaps you may need to add a word or expression.
Why don't you sit on the sofa?
lrs than the chair.
9 ls boxing sport in the U5? Dear Sir/Madam,
Or is it rugby? My name is Anna Novak and l'm writing on behalf of
lu tne raclnc Llcean ts area of my friend Klára Farkas, who stayed at your hote| |ast
water and covers a third of the Earth. Saturday night. She asked me to write to you because
her Fnglish is not. I
qooa e rc (gooc, .q.
Q Complete the gaps with the adjectives in brackets to write a formal letter. My friend would like to
in the comparative or superlative form. complain about the quality ofyour hotel services.
My threer be6t
(good) friends are very l-irsr of all, her room was [ 10 'Ž

different but we get on very well together. Kathy (expensive) the rates you give on your webpage.
is certainly' (intelligent) What is more, she got a room on the top froor and
of all of us -
think, shei a gen ius. Her lQ is
| nobody helped her with her suitcase. Then, the water
(high) than her much older was 3 (cold) to take a bath in.
brotherl. But Kathy is also very shy and much Furthermore, the people in the other rooms on her
(quiet) than Celia, Fiona and floor were o (noisy) that she
me. Celia loves sport and she! 5 cou|dn,t s|eep untiIthe ear|y moÍning.
(fast) long-distance runner in our school. Shel
But the next morning was even 5
noL so good ar ream sporrs though - in fact, she s (bad). First, she was woken up forty minutes
(bad) basketball player I know
(late) she had requesred. Then,
Strange, isn't it? And Fiona doesn't like sport at all. at breakfast, her fried egg was cold and the waiter
She! 7 (funny) girl in the world
rudely refused to acknowledge the problem. Your
and everybody likes her company. Recenrly though, staff could certainly be 7 (polite).
she has become 3 (serious)
Why are your room rates " (hish)
about life and her future, perhaps because she is you offer' (poor)
if q uality and
(old) and 'o
(mature) than us.
My friend insists on a full refund, otherwise she will
My three friends are even rr be forced to take the matter further
(close) to me than my own two sisters. lthink life is
much " (easy) when you have Yours faithfully,
nice people around. r3 (sad) Anna Novak
people I know are those who have no true friends.

Rrponrto spEECH . ReponrEo sTATEMENTS

When we tell others what somebody has said, we can . tenses, as shown in the table below:
quote their words directly (direct speech) or report
them indirectly (reporred speech). Direct Speech + R€Ported speech
Present Simple D Past Simple
In direct speech what somebody has said is not 'Tom doesn't want to help Mike said (that) Tom
changed in any way: me: didnŤ want to hel|' him.
'l love swimming' Mike said (that) he
'l don't know the answer.'c) He said:'l don,t know the
loved swimming
'l don't think he will come.' q Present Continuous t:) Past Continuous
She said: 'l don't think 'We are goingto Paris by Mike said (that) they
he will come.' trarn. were goingto Paris by
ln reported speech the following elements of what train.
An ne isn't enj oy i ng r selJ Mike said (that) Anne
somebody has said may change: h e

w as n't enjoyi n g h ers eIÍ.

. personal and reflexive pronouns, possessive pronouns
PÍesent Perfect r) Past Perfect
and adjectives, 'Ella has passed her History Mike said (that) Ella
'l dont want your cake, I can bake one myselJ., exam.' had passed her history
= '- She told me (that) she didn't want my cake and 'l haven't
that she could bake one herselJ. finished my Mike said (that) he
Lrl essay.' hadn't finished his
o- 'l'm sure you haven't done your homework yourself.,
r r:> the teacher said (that) she
was sure I hadn,t done
Past Simple D

Past Perfect
F my homework myself . 'lt took us two hours to get Mike said (that) it had
. time and place expressions. there: tqken them two hours
now ť, at that time/then to get there.
ď' todaY ': 15517 4o,
'My father didnt help me Mike said (that) his
with my homework.' father hadn't helped
tomorrow e the next day/the Jollowing day
him with his homework.
yesterday t) the day beÍore
E 4 hours aTo t> 4 hours earlier/4 hours beÍore
will tr) would
'Everybocly will have to be Mike said (that)
= ]ast week Ó the week bet'ore/the previous week very qutet; everybody would have
here t: there to be very qutet.
this ,- that, the
hope it wonŤ ruin: Mike said (that) he
can meet you here tomorrow', Ó she told me (that) hoped it taouldn't rain.
she could ffieet me there the next day.
bouEht this book last week., Ó Mary said (that) she
had bought that/the book the previous week.

RrpoRreo spEEcH . OuEslorus AND oRDERs

When we report quesdons, we often use ask, wondeti want . When we report Yes/No questions, we use iJ or whether.
to know and change the same elements as in reported
'Do you like my new dress?' t) He asked if/whether I
statements (tenses, personal and reffexive pronouns,
liked her new dress.
possessive pronouns and adjectives, time and place
'Have you had your breakJast?'r=> Mum wanted to
expressions). In addition, we use the same word order as jn
statements (the subject comes before the verb).
know iJ/whether I had had my breakJast.

. When we report Wh-questions, we use the same When we report a requesť or command, we often
question word (what, who, how, where, when) as in use the structure: askltelllorder someone to/not to +

the original question. infinitive.

'How are you doing?'t) He asked me how I was 'Stop hitting each other!' a My mother asked us to
dotng stop hitting each other.
'Who did you talk toa'- Ross wondered who I had
'Don't touch my project!' - My sister told me not to
talked to. touch her project.


Rtponreo spEEcH . lrrrorRrcr euEsrtoNs
In English we can ask questions in a direct or indirect . ln indirect YeslNo questions we use it or whether.
way. Indirect questions are more polite and we often 'Do you come here every Monday?' => ld like to know
use them when we want somebody to do something iJ/whether there are classes on Mondays too.
or when we ask somebody for information. In indirect
'Does the M1 run every 10 minutes from this bus
questions we use the same word order as in statements
stop?' t) Do you remember iÍ/whether the M1 runs
(the subject comes before the verb). ,I0
every minutes Írom this bus stop,?
'What time does the train leave.?' !- Do you happen
5ome opening phrases often used for indirect questions:
to know what time the train leaves?
.How Do you think/l wonderlDo you (happen to) know/
Íar is it Írom here?, t) Can anyone te]l me how
it l donÍ know/l,d like to know/Are you sure/Can
Jar is Jrom here?
. In indirect Wh- questions we use the same question
anyone tell me/Could you tell melWould you mind
telling me/Have you any idea/l've no idealDo you
word (what, who, how, where, when) as in the direct
remember/l don't remember
'Where is the supermarket?' - Can you tell me where
the supermarket is?
can I get to the railway station Írom
here?' cs Do you know how I can get to the railway
station Jrom here?

Q Circle the correct word in each sentence. Q Rewrite the sentences in direct speech making all
She said /EoEl/ asked me that she wanted to live the necessary changes.
aDroao. 1 Ronaldo said that he had left hospital the day
told you not / not to /to notdisrurb him. Why before.
don't you listen to me?
'I e|t hoso ta ,'lelŤerdaY' o
She said she would come tomorrow / the previous 2 The teacher told the little child nor ro cross

day / the next day. the road by himself.

I have no idea rvhen / what / whether there are still rn
tickets available for this concert. 3 Steven told me that he would never go to school n
Ihe teacher said / asked / told iÍ we were ready to again.
start writing.
Robert told me he wanted to paint his room myselJ 4 | asked her if she was having a good time there.
/ himself / herselJ.
lasked Cill out last week but she said she was very I told him that I didn't want to cause any problems
busy this /that / then day. to his family.
Everybody asked / told / said that the bridegroom
looked absolutely gorgeous. 6 A Dasser-bv asked me how much a bus ticket was.

7 A security guard ordered me to open my suitcase.

Mum asked me what time Tom had come home

the night before.

Q Report the sentences using the beginnings @@
Q The letter below is a sample answer to an exam
'Can you work overtime?' task. Read it and complete the gaps (1- 1 1 ) with
Ihey asked me if ) could vtork overtlrne . the most appropriate word from the list (A- L).
'Do you need me to help you with your homework?' There is one word that you do not need to use.
My older brother asked
Dear Mr iohnson,
'Don't leave this box in the halll'
l am writing in connection with the new lim Smith book
My mother told
that you have just published.
'l have earned my first money toda,.
I am a huge Smith fan and would love to get hold ofa copy
lane said of the new book. I went to my local bookstore hoping
'l will try to call you tomorrow. they would have it, but the assistant' TOLD me that
ir' out of stock I day. When
My boyfriend told I

when it would be possible for me to get one,

'Somebody is following us.' he said that I should come back the 5 day and
They said promised they would have it 6- On Friday,
howevel he 7_______________; "l am really sorry, but the book
'Did you finish school two hours ago?'
'_ not going to be in e- You should
Dad wanted ask the publisher about it, maybe they have some copies
'Fasten your seat belt, please.' leftl'You are, therefore, my last chance ofgetting the book!
The fright attendant told I was wondering whether I can buy the book directly from

you? Your website says it is possible, but I would also like to

Unjumble the sentences to form indirect know'o lam supposed to pay postage costs
@ as well? Could you teLl me "- much it would
o cost me in total?
1 tell /6lm / the / could/you /when / me / starts /? I look forward to hearing from you,
ď CaU|d:rou ŤeI] me wherl t'he fikn 7tart5?
Best regards,
2 have/ money/ | /what /wonder/with /done/
you / the /.


E 3 ticket / much / do / know / would I you I how I B ts E NEXT H THEN K TELL
E cost/single/a/? C HOW F SAID I TODAY L TOtD

u 4 are I you I have / toilets / the lidea lany lwhere 11. @ Look at the exam task below. Match the bullets to
HAVE the aPpropriate parts of the Ietter abov€'

5 know/you/ surname / do / happen / his / to / is / You would like to get a copy ofthe new book by your
Wnat / í favourite writer but it was not available at your local
Do bookstore. You have found the following information
on the publisher's website:

A CRAZY TEAC IER byJin Sn'th. A nerr'

be5i5e. ler -.y rhe auIhOI cf ]npassí b1e
/Vor/ll -.: The rllosi exaiting b0ok Siritf has
eve[ \"/fj tter . T0 !r]y the llook di rectl y
f f orn us. ','rIi le lo iack Johr:son f oI f urtheI
j f f 0 f nat j or : j ohf sor@!{h i leca lboo (s . co

Write an email to the publisher in which you will:

. explain that you have tried to get the book at your
local bookstore
. ask if it is possible to buy the book directly from the
p ub lish er
. ask about the postage costs

Begin your letter like this: Dear Mr )ohnson,

Reurlve cLAUsEs . DertNtNc/NoN-DEFtNtNc RELATIvE cLAUsEs

There are rwo kinds of relarive clauses in English: Non-defi ning relative clauses
defining relative clauses and non-defining relative . do notidentiý a noun we are ta|king about but add
more information about it; they are not essential to the
Defi ning relative clauses meaning of the sentence and can be omitted without
causing confusion,
. identifyidefine which person or thing we are talking
about and are essential to the clear understanding of
My Jriend Mike, who is getting married in luly, lives
the described noun,
in Scotland. (who is getting matied in July gives
additional information about Mike and can be
A dishwasher is a machine which/that washes omitted)
dishes. (a dishwasher is defined by a relative clause;
She was rude and arrogant, which I didn't like
a relative clause can't be omitted)
at all. (which I didn't like at allis an additional
lhis is the gkl wholthat I met yesterday. (the girl comment and can be omitted without causing
is defined by a relative clause; a relative clause can't
be omitted)
. are always separated from a noun by commas
. are NOT separated from a noun by a comma,
. can begin with the same relative pronouns as defining
. can begin with the following relative pronouns:
reIative c|auses excePt foÍ that,
- who or that, when we talk about people,
John \mith, whose father works with my mother, D
He is the boy who/that promised to waitJor us. is a very nice boy. s
Do you know the girls who/that are talking to My black coat, which I bought last winter, is too small s
Alexander? for me. D
- which or that, when we talk abour rhings, Brighton, where we often go in the summeL is on the
It wqs the best sholt story which/that l've ever read. south coast oJ England. lŤ
Can you bringthe CDs which/that I lent you last r-
Jane Coodall, who is a famous primate researcher,
month? has a house in Bournemouth.
- whose, when we talk about possession/belonging
ln non-defining relative clauses, relative pronouns can't
I talked to a woman whose daughter used to go to al-
be left out.
school with Tom.
that's the man whose mobile phone has been Budapest, where they went on holiday, is much bigger c
stolen. than Cyula' (where can,t be |eÍt out)
ln 1985, when my parents got maffied, the summer
- where, when we talk about place,
was eXCeptionally hot' (when can'Í be Iefr out)
This is the place where Mark and I kissed Jor the
rtrst time.
Have you ever been to the city where Mr Perkins

- when, when we talk about timg

Christmas is thetime when l miss my Íamily the most'
I met him at the time when he was studying in
ln defining relative clauses, relative pronouns who, which
oí that can be |eft out if they are fo||owed by a persona|
pronoun or noun.
this is the note (which/thqt) I t'ound yesterday.
(which/that can be left out)
Brad Pitt is the actor (who) she likes best.
(r,vho can be left out)

Relative pronouns can't be left out if they are NOT

followed by a personal pronoun or noun.
A doctor is a person who treats people. (who can't be
left out)
I'll take hlm to the cinema which has the biggest
screen. (which can't be left out)

Q Circle the correct answer.
@ Decide in which sentences a re|ativ€ Pronoun can
'I be left out. Rewrite these sentences without a
I passed all my exams,
_ made my
relative pronoun or write'can't be left out'.
parents very happy.
a that D Wnat .lglwhich 1 What did you do with the hammer which Tom was
London is the ciry _ the Olympic Cames \,lihat cliti
will be held in 20.12. :tcu dc v,rih Lhe hanrnerlom v,taE usinq?

a that b where c which

2 Where is the postcard that came yesrerday?
ca| ". be lefL, ot)i
3 My sister Kate, _ studies English, has an 3 Tom, who has never been to France, speaks French
lrish boyfriend.
a b whose c who
The play _ we missed rurned out to be 4 My mother wants me to ear things which I hate.
very successful.
a wh ich b who c what 5 The scientist who ladmire most is Einstein.
5 _
l've lost my car keys, is a real nuisance.
a which b what c rhar This was a birthday present which made me really
6 Sibling is a person with _ you share hap pv.
a parent.
a thar b who c whom The people who ljve next to the school are Tom,s
f Do you remember the times _ we built
snowmen on cold winter days?
a where b when c rhat 8 Do you like the cake that l've baked?

I Yesterday I bumped into Joe, _ sister

used to be my girlfriend.
a who @ Find th".orr"ct (/) and incorrect (X) sentences.
ď' b whrch c whose
Rewrite the incorrect sentences without mistakes.
Everybody _ hasn't done thejr oral exam 'I Tom, that is a very clever boy, wants to study law. X
yet needs to do it tomorrow.
E a which
Iafi.N/hc l. ) ve|:j C|e'/e ( b()! ',ýan|s ..')d.:| |a\,,,|
E D WNO c whose
2 Would you like me to introduce you 'O
to the girl
10 The book _ you have lost doesn,t belong I met yesterday?
ro me.
a which D WNAt c whose

3 She screamed and shouted, which made things

Q Complete the gaps with the correct relative
even worse.
pronoun (which, what, who, whose, where or when).
.l I don't like Mrs Sanders, lrho teaches Maths
in our school.
4 dont get on well with people which are very serious.
2 I love the dress _ you bought in France.

3 Winchestet '- we met, has a very beautiful

The boy I would like to see the picture, thar you Drougnr
dog went missing couldn't stop
crying. from France.
Easter Sunday is a time _ many people go
to church.
Do you know rhe girl _ is dancing with Santiago de Compostela, where we went on
Mark? a pilgrimage, is a very nice place to visir.
Bournemouth, _ attracts many tourisr,
rn the summer, is very close to poole.
He walked me home a.ter rhe parr/. _ 7 ls there anyrhing that I can do to cheer you up today?
was very kind of him.

4 AA
@ Using the word in capita|s write th€ second
@ tvtatch the beginnings with the endings of
s€ntence so that it has a simiIar meaning to the sentences using correct r€|atiVe Pronouns. Write
first s€ntence. Put commas where necessary. sentenc€s putting commas where neccessary.
1 His dream is to meet Peter Crouch - 1 Do you know a place...
he plays for Liverpool and England. WHO 2 l'll never forget the moment...
|]5 arean |5 |a meet ?eŤ:er C.a|ch' ,//ho DIa\a 3 The police are looking for the man...
o, ...'ooo o d'' ,c o 4 lgot an autographed photo from Sandra Bullock...
2 Could you remember to give me back rhe book? -
5 ldon't like the poem...
you borrowed it fiom me two monrhs ago. THAT 6 Her twin brother hit her...
7 We want to go to Rome...
a 5he is my favourite actress.
3 He wants me to go to a restaurant - they serve b We went on our honeymoon.
Chinese and Indian food there. WHERE c He robbed a bank yesterday.
d He has written it for me.
e | frrst saw my little baby son.

f lt made her cry.

At the circus I saw very strong man he could
a - g You can buy cheap furniture.
ljft 100 kilograms without any rroubte. WHO
Oo youknavr a p acewhere you canbuy cheap
turn tur e2
The heavy storm lasted for five hours -
It rs now over. WHICH
4 3

I often think back to these times - my ;

grandparents were srill alive then. WH EN an
He didn't apologise for his behaviour - this made
me really cross. WHICH Q Read the text in which somebody compares and
contrasts two photographs. Circle the correct C
relative Dronouns.

Mrs ludge s son is in Year 5 and Mrs Judge is our Both pictures show people and animals having a
istory teacher. good time together.
In the first picture, there are two people and two
animals: a little boy,lthat l@id;/ which is about 6
years old, a teenage girl (probably his sister), and two
dogs,lwhose I which / that seem very lively. They're
in the park. The dogs are running about and playing
wich the boy, lwho / who'e / which sister is sirring on
a green bench and reading a book.Ihe dogo / that
/ whose has lots of black spots looks like a Dalmatian.
The other one is a poodle.

In the other picture, there is a little girl playing with a

cute white cat. They are in a big playground,swhich /
that / who probably belongs to a nearby school. The
p|ayground |ooks very similar to the p|aceówhen /
which / where I used to play with my friends when
lwas at primary school.
Both pictures make me think aboutthe time lwhen
/ which / where I had a dog and two cats and played
with them a lot.

In English there are many linking words - words which . After and before used, to talk about events happening
join clauses into sentences. The most common linking one after the other,
words are: It'll be weeks before we see our Javourite teacher

' and used to express the idea ofaddition (to lin k again.
chronological events or events resulting from each After I graduated,
I started working as a lawyer in
other, and to join the elemenrs of a series), a local law firm.
We ate breakJast and went to schoo!. . rhile used to talk about events happening at the same
I took my raincoat and umbrella. time or to express the idea ofa contrast,
. but used to express the idea ofa conrrast, He phoned while I was having a conversation with
my grandmother.
He likes playing chess but is not good at it.
Robert loves basketball' while his brother preÍers
She isn't my best Jriend, but I can always rely on her.
. or used to express an alternative,
, although and thougfi used to express rhe idea of
I want to study medicine or physics. a contrast.
We can go to the cinema, or we could stay at home. Although she had a lot ofJriends, nobody ofiered to
. so used to express the result of something. help her.
I hate being late, so I left home very early. I quite like him, though he can be very impolite and
Tom read until midnight so next morning he was very selftsh.
Relative pronouns (e.g.that, when, where) are also
Other common linking words; linking words:
, if and unless used to express a condition, they were sure that somebody was Jollowingthem all
the time.
You can visit her in hospital iÍ you V,/ant,
I last saw her when she was very little.
I won't help you unless you tell ffie the truth.
. because used to express the reason for something, Do you remember the place where we used to go
after school?
Everybody likes him because he is very friendly.
I didn't come because I had a terrible headache.

. tillluntil used to express time,

l'll wait till you come home.
You won't get any sweets until you've fnished your lunch.

Q circle the correct answer.

l've been to London many rimesl6il/ and / so I wanted to have a good seat, so / because / and
I have never visited Kew Cardens. I ordered a ticket online two weeks before the
We will go campingif / unless / aJter ir rains concert.
heavily. ld love to move to Spain, while / and / so my wife
Make sure you switch off all the lights while / until would rather live where we live now
/ beJore you go home. Because / Although / UrT /ess she has never been to

I like Jane very much so / and / but I wouldn't go

an English -speaking country, her English is very
on a long holiday with her fluent.

Although / Because / lf we were late, we missed You can,t go out a/Ťer / until / while you,ve c|eaned
the boat we were supposed to take. youÍ room.

Q Complete the gaps with the correct linking words.
The weather was awful, so we changed our @ Comp|ete the gaps in the text with th€ correct
plans and srayed at home. linking words.
They can't go out tonight _ they don't
have a babysitter to look after their children. Some people watch football matches at home,
our grandÍather d idnt go Lo university,
r bui I preíer watching them |jve at a footba||
he is very knowledgeable. stadium. lt's certainly a better option for me
the tickets are very expensive.
It's up to you - you canstay with us for the
weekend I don't earn much,
- vou can eo home.
very careful with money.
ls this the restauranr _ we had our frrst
date? Some people say that a
6 are at a football stadium, you can't really see whatt
| wanted to become a musician _ my
happening on the pirch. I can see their point
parents persuaded me to study law.
I don't agree wirh them. Even
7 We won't have lunch _ you come home. you can't see everything very
8 I won t tell you anything _ you promise well, itt still much more fun than watchine a match
to keep a secret. one more thtng - you
can ask players for autographs 3
@ Th" ."nt"n.". below contain grammatical mlstakes. or after the match. e
Find them and writ€ the sentences correct|y' really want to see all the details, you can always
'I I met my husband whete we were both studying at
record a match and watch it again on TV
you get back from a sradium.
the University of Oxford.
) ft1eŤ ffiy hu1band \.ýher1we \Nere bath 1tudy)nq aŤ š
the Jnjve|5ÍŤ-ý of a/'ford' š
2 Because she is physically disabled, she still stays
very active.
Unless you really want to pass this exam, you need o
to study much harder. €
Iturned his invitation down though ldidn't really
fancy going out with him.

After using the camera, read this instruction

manual to familiarize yourself with ir.

My parents couldn't afford to pay for my studies

because I had to find a temporary job to pay my

I can live with my parents after I get a job and

a flat.

PneposrtroNs oF TtME
To talk about time, we use the following prepositions; . On,
, at, on Wednesday(s)
at fve o'clock, at 12.15 on Monday afternoons
at lunchtime, at night, ot midnight on Maylst, on 13 January
at the weekend , at Christmas, at Easter on Christmas Day, on Christmas Eve
at the moment, at present
. in, We do NOT use prepositions before every, last, next
in the morning/the aJternoon/the evening and this.
in the second week of March I visit my aunt every month.

in Januarylthe summer/the winter I went there last Tuesday.

in 1789/the 20th century What are you doing next week?
in a moment/fve minutes/two months It was very cold this winter

PnrposlrloNs oF pLAcE
To talk about position (where something is), we use rhe following prepositions:

z .at,
. in with 3-dimensional spaces , behind - behind a building
in the dining room, at Tom's house , in Íront oÍ - in
Jront oÍ a buildlnT
in the dishwasher at the bus stop/ the station . opposite - opposite a building
c- in Madrid, in Argentina at the theatre/the cinema/ . between - between the post ofrce
in Ihe street /Cumberland Street a volleyball match/a party and the station
and at a concert/wedding/disco , among - amongthe trees
in a car/a taxi at the tqble/door
a in a book/ the newspaper/a story
, by - by the rivex by me
at breakJast . under - under the desk
E . on with 2'dimensional surfaces, at the ofr ce / work / u niversity . above - above the clouds
E on the foor/ the wall at a restaurant . near' next to _ líear our school,
and at the begnning/the end next to our house
on a bus/a train/a plane at the top/the bottom

To talk about movement, we use the following prepositions:

. out oÍ - she got out of a Car. . along - Don't park alongthe . towards - He was walkingtowards
. over - She jumped over the yellow line. the pyramids.
. across - Co across the road, . up - Co up the stairs. . to - She took him to the cinema.
. ofr- She Jell ofi the bike. . down - She cycled down the hill. . Írom .., to _ \he drove
Jrom Pooie
.lhey got ofi a bus/train. . through - Go through the gate. to London.
. into - She jumped into the water.

We don't use a preposition before homet I went home straight after schoo!.

Deperu otnr pREpostrtoNs

Some verbs and adjectives are commonly followed by certain prepositions, for example:
. verbs; . adjectives:
agree with belongto obLect to allergic to responsible Jor
apologise for aepena on pay Jor bad/good at similar to
arrive in London dream oflabout remind ot difierent Jrom typical oJ
arrive at the divide into succeed in interested in unaware oÍ
station happen to sb suffer from marned to
ask Jor laugh at translate Írom/into pleased with
believe in lsten to waitJor poltte to

Q €omp|ete the gaps with the words from the box @@
and the correct preposition.
Q Circle the correct preposition (a-d) to complete
the beginn jngRome the Water fuŽy each gap (1-15).
the fridge a piece of paper May 7th I am concerned that my friend from a language
a Thai restaurant the taxi
the motorcycle course Manuela hasn t come '__q class agarn.
I wonder what could have happened'z_ her. I last

1 Saturday doesn't really suit me but I can come saw her r_Ricardos parry o . SaLurday nighr

on Jhursday. and she seemed perfectly OK. But this was s last
week and now she hasn't been at school for four days.
of the story she is very Perhaps she is not well. I know she sometimes suffers
unhappy but rhen everything changes. 6 terrible headaches.
3 What time did you arrive
Nicolas thinks that Manuela has gone back to her
4 My sisteri birthday is country. But I don't agree 7_ him. Manuela
wouldn't just go 3 home without telling
5 They jumped with their
anybody. She was planning to go back' Spain
clotnes on.
'0- the end of December because she wanted
6 | think there are three or four eggs left. They to be with her family " Christmas. So I can't
should be understand why she would want to fry back l'_
November. No, it's impossible. She must be ill or
and ran off without
paying the driver. someth In8.

8 Letl eat . They serve I think we should call her tonight or tomorrow'r_

delicious food there. the morningto see if everything is alright. We need v

9 Martin fell and broke his leg.
to ask our teacher "_ her telephone number. Or
he could call her from school during the break'5
lunchtime. lf Manuela is ill we could visit her 16_
10 Write it down , otherwise
you will forget. the weekend.

I a. to b. for d. in
Q Circle the correct preposition.
2 a. with D.- c, to o. aDout _!

5he wore her hair in a sty|e simi|ar @ /Írom / Wjth

3 a. in D. at c. to q.- o
her mother's.
4 a. on b. in o. at
People will always disagree on what is responsible
5 a. at b. in c. on o. o
to /Jrom /Jor global warming.
6 a. for b. at c. from d. with
I think children should always listen in / - I to rheir

7 a. with b. for d. about

I have always been interested ir lfor / at 5iology

8 a. to D. tn c. at d.-
and chemistry. 9 a. to D. at c. for d. in
Everybody laughed Jrom / with / at him at school 10 a. in b. at c. on d.
'II a.on b. in c. at o. aDout
but he didn't really care.
'12 a. on b.- d. in
At the age of40 my aunt got maried - / to / with
an Englishman.
'13 a. in b. at c.- o. on
a. about b. with c. for o.-
15 a. at D. On c. in d. for
16 a. on D. at c. in d. for

5ometimes two verbs come in an English sentence together . verb + ob.iect + to + infnitive
one after the other. Then the first verb can be followed by (e.g: advise, allow, beg help, invite, order, tell, want,
the second verb in one ofthe following patterns: would like/love/ prefer)
. verb + -ing Mark begged ry31p5gywith him.
(e.g: avoid, can't stand, consider enjoy, hate, like, Iove, They advised Peter not to go there.
miss, not mind, practise, preJer, start, stop, suggest), . verb (moda|) + infrnítive LaJithout to
I love watching westerns on TV. (e.g.: can, could, might, must, should),
Laura cant stand waitingJor the bus in the morning You should glpyyour Jather
. v€Íb + to + infinitive
l can gp. With you iÍ you want.
(e.g: afiord, agree, choose, decide, help, hope, learn,
. verb + object + infinitive without to (e.g.: Iet, make)
manage, need, offe1 plan, promise, seem, want, wish,
would like/ love/ preJer), Let me show you how to do it.

I leamt to swim when I was 7 My mother made me clean the bathroom.

She promised to take me to the cinema.
. The verb help can be followed by verb + infrnitive
without to or infinitive + ťo.
ypllsgpr lsy
z Can you help the table.?
can you help yQlLs]ÉEfigJlythe table,?

ď write sentences using all the words and putting
the verbs in the corr€€t form. Don,t change the
order of the given words.
Q the emai| be|ow is a samp|e answer to an €xam
task. Read it and circle the correct verb forms.
1 Fiona / stop / smoke / last year
E Fiona stopped smakinq Iast,ýear'
E Dear Mr Pendred,
2 I / learn / drive /when I was 16.
I'd like l toliirol)/ enrolling on an intensive English
(J course in your school. I don't mind'zto have / having
3 You/shouldi take / a break / now. classes in the evenings but ld prefer rto fnish / finishing
before 8 pm.
I starred'learn 1 learnrng English five years ago in
Peter / enjoy / watch / football matches on TV /
on 5aturdays. a primary school in the Czech Republic. We practised
9to speak speaking
/ and grammar but the groups
were quite big. My teacher in the Czech Republic
5 She / seem / be / much happier / now. advised 6to go / me to go ro t ngland ro ger more
6 My parents / want / move / to a bigger city / soon, |,m p|anning 7to sÍay / stayingin London for five
months and I hopeBto take / taking the FCE exam in
7 | / noL mind / work overrime / nexr week.
Could you please send me an email with the dates
and fees for the courses in your school?
With best wishes,
Q Complete the gaps with the correct form ofthe verbs
Aneta Novakova
in brackets. Add the object where it is necessary.
1 He invired rp -o r . (make) a speech bur
I was too nervous to do it.

2 ltold (not do) it but she

didn't listen to me.
3 Can I be ofany help? Let
(carry) your books to the classroom.
4 | think she should seriously consider
(change) her job.

Qursrroru rncs
Question tags are short questions used at the end of We usually use a positive guestion tag after negative
a sentence. Sentences.
We form a question tag with an auxiliary verb (e.g. be,
negauve sentence posrnve quesuon tag
have, can, do) and a pronoun (e.g. l, you, she).
You arent hungry, are you?
You like ice-cream, dont you?
They didnt do it, did they?
Ann's very pretty, isn't she? Your sister cant cook, can she?
Your brother can't sing very well, can he? He hasn't come yet, has he?
lnstead ofa pronoun, we can use there as a subject in
We usually use a negative question tag after affirmative
question tags.
lhere,s some milk in the ýidge, isn,t there?
affirmative sentence negative question tag
there weren't any mistakes in my essay, were fo9y9,?
Luke will come later, won't he? In sentences with Leťs, the question tagls shall we?:
They've got a dog, havent they?
You were late, werent you? Let's go to the cinema, shall wea
5he likes swimming doesnt she? ln imperative sentences, the question tagis will you?:
Switch the TV ofi will you?
We use arent l? (not om I not) in question tags:
I'm a bit late, aren't l?

@@ c
Q Circle the correct question tag (a-d) to complete 'l a. didn't b. haven't have d. did
each gap (1-15).
you you you you a
PauL: You've just come back from holiday, ' b ?
2 a. did you b. weren't were d. didnt
,oHN: Yes,it was great! Switzerland is beautiful. you you you ;
You went there last year,'1_'l C
3 a. isn't he b. does ts ne d. doesn't
Pau!: Two years ago, actually. We went skiing for
he he
a week.
Jorrrr: Aha, I remember now. Your father is a skiing
4 a. do you b. can't don t o. can
you you you
eaur-: That's right. And he is a very good one, tool 5 a. isn't it b. does it ts rt d. doesn't
you can ski very well now a
toHN: lguess ?

PauL; Yea ..., quite well. And what about you, John? 6 a. are you b. do you aren't d. don't
Are you a good skier? you you

;onr'r: No, not really. lt's not so easy to learn at my age, 7 a, are you b. don't aren t o. oo you
t_? you you
Prur: Oh, come oni At your age! You are not serious, 8 a. will we b. shall oo we o. are we
Jor.rr'r: Well ... lguess I probably need more practice. 9 a. isit b. isn't ts d. isn't it
I might ask your father for a few lessons. You don't tnere there
paur: No, ofcourse notl As a matter offact, I think
l0 a. won't it b. isn't it will it d. is it

he! just starting a new beginner course. Let's call

him right now, 3_?
lonr'rr Cood idea. But... wait, Paul. I still need to think
about it ...
nnur.: Oh, come on!Therel nothing to worry about,
.lor.rr'r: Ok then. lguess it won't hurt to give it a try,

SPEAKINC 2. page 60
mať.tritaworkout zz Listen to a model description. Were your
Q co 't
ideas similar?
Q co r.zr Look at Picture A and listen to a student
trying to describe it. What's his difEculty?
Q Answer the following questions. They will help you
think ofthings to say about the picture. Q Describe Picture B.
. Who is in the photo? What adjective(s) could you
use to describe the people? @ Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
. What are they doing? And what are they not doing? may help you:
. Where are they?
. What is the relationship between the people?
the place
. How are they feeling? Why do you thin k so?
. What the people
. Whar do you think happened before? is similar?
. What what the people are doing
. What are they thinking? is different?
the atmosphere and
Q Describe Picture A, using your answers to the
questions in Exercise 2. You should talk for about
one minut€. @ t"lk "bout
your best friend.

SPEAKING 2'page76
matutitaworkout maltritaexam

Q co Look at Picture A and complete the Q Describe Picture B.

description with the verbs from the box in
appropriate present tenses. Listen and check.
Q Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
concentrate enjoy help like prepare paint may help you:
seem sit show
. the the place
. What is similar? . the studenrs
The photograph shows an art lesson at school. . What is different? . the acriviries
a big yellow flower in . your preferences
a large oil picture. 5he '?

think she r
@ Talk about the places and activities you like and
dislike at school.
her something in the painring.
Other students 6_ at their desks
and drawing something. Perhaps they
' a school exh ibirion.
I think the
his 1ob. He
in helping the students.

SPEAKING 2' page 92
marlritaworkout rnatrtritaexam

Q Look at the exam tasks in Exercises 2 and 3. Use

Q Choo." on" ofthe pictures and describe it.
tasks a-d to prepare you descriptions:

a Add adjectives to the following nouns

Q Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
may help you:
describing people and things in the two
. the place
. a group of people
vegetaDles . What is similar?
. the People

. What is different?
. what the people are doing
. the atmosphere and
sandwiches feelings
.a DOWI talk about the kinds of food you like and where
you like eating.
. two grns
. a bottle of wtne

b Use the verbs in the box to complete the

phrases below.

slice have unpack pour

._ a snack . á tořT1áto
._ the basker . _ a glass of wine
Match the phrases from a and b to the right
pictur€: A or B.

Write down at least two more verbs to describe

what the people in each picture are doing.

maturitaworkout maturitaexom

Q co a.r s Look at Picture A and listen to a student

Q Describe Picture B.
describing it. Do you think it! a good description?
Why?/Why notl
@ Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
may help you:
Q co Listen to a second student describing
the same picture. Which description is better?
whv? . the place
. What is similar?
. the people
. What is different?
. what the people are doing
. the atmosphere and

Q t"lk ubout your experience of a rrip you enjoyed.


SPEAKINC 2'page 116
maturitaworkout rÍlatuÍitaexam

Q Choo." onu of the pictures, A or B. Use tasks a-e Q Describe the picture you have chosen.
to prepare your description.

Start by asking yourself three basic questions. Q Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
may help you:
. Who's in the picture?
. Where is she?
. What is she doing? . the two women's age and
Describe the young woman's appearance. . What is similar? . the activities
5h e's... . What i5 diff€rent? . what you imagine the
Shet wearing... women are like
. your preferences
What else can you see in the picture?

d What is the young woman interested in? @ Tulk cultural or creative activities you enjoy.
What kind of person do you imagine she is?

rnaturitaworkout mat|rÍitaexam

Q Look at the exam tasks in Exercises 2 and 3.

Q Choot" onu ofthe pictures and describe it.
Use tasks a-b to prepare your description.

Think ofanswers to these questions. Q Compare pictures A and B. The following ideas
may help you:
. What is happening jn each picrure?
. What has happened?
. What's going ro happen? . the situation
. the causes of the injury
Match the phrases below to the correct picture: . Wbat is similar? . the consequences for the
A or B. Some phrases match both pictures. Write . What is difterent? injured person
the expressions in the boxes next to the pictures. . your feelings about the
car accident sport injury foul paramedics situation
stretcher opposite team red card hospital
play fair ambulance rrafEc football piich talk about what you can do to stay healthy and fit.
victim @
first aid

* t? *r

PŘgpls nnHnÁvex
4 We regret to inform passengers travelling to
'l The project was very difficult and took a long Hungary rhat all frights are delayed because of
1 My name is Amanda and l'm golng to tell
very strong winds in the area. Cates 2 and 3 are
you a story about something very special !hat time, so I knew we would be well paid for it. But
closed. More information...
happened to me when lwas sixteen years sťiIl, when ]anet to|d me how much money wed
made, I was frabbergasted. 5 oK, 5o, íor staÍters, Id |ike a Iict|e caviar on
all began...
2 Some people like being dressed in a formal toas!wi!h a glass ofchampagne, and then some
2 Cood morning. Our first gues! today is rhe
way, some love easy, weekend sryles, but I prefer
good cheese with bread- No soup, thank you.
one and on|y Tom Jones who is going to ta|k ťo
weaři!-everywheÍe kind of c|o!hes. Oh, and could I have...
u. about the good and bad tidec of being a staa
First ofall, ... 3 When we were moving house, there were so
3 Tired and irritated? Finding ir hard ro many different objects to packl lt turned out
that the best idea was to use Iar8e contaIn€rs I The night was cold and wet but I had to walk
concentrate? our tour will help you rediscover
my dog in the park and I caught a cold.
your rrue se|í and enjoy Iife again. |! wiIla|| start made of hard cardboard.
2 Have you heard what happened to May? She
at lh€ aIrport' '. 4 l often wonderwhat it means to be an
eccentric. People who seemeci strange some won a scholarship !o Oxfordl
time ago lvould probably become part of 3 on her sixtierh birthday, my grandma went to
main5trearn socieťy todayl Paris for the first time.
Cood morning and welcome to our news
programme. 5 Between ťhese lwo mounlajn5 there i5 ju5t 4 can't remember the number oflanet!
First, rhe world of politics. Yesterday in enough space for a sma|1, narrow ravine Íu|1 apartment - is it ei8hty'three or thirly-ei8ht?
Parliament the Prlme Minister had to answer offrowers and trees and w]th a sma|lsťream 5 On my desk I always keep my pens on the
some difficult ques!ions abour the actlvities flowing thřou8h it' right, and paper on the Ieít.
ofsome ministers in his cabinet. The most 6 Christian and Andoni are brothers, but chris
shocking case is the Hea|th secretary, MÍ ]ack is fair, and Andoni is very dark-haired.
'I I didn't have a lor of money so could only 7 To walk rhrough the labyrinth, you must carry
Prune, who spent large sums of money while I

he was on holiday in lraly. Mr Prune will be buy a bo!!le of water. a lon8 Piece oÍstringto mark yourway.
questioned about it by the Parliamentary 2 We havent Visiťed our re|atives in FÍance 5|nce 8 My broťher,s favourite computer game is
commission Iaťer today' 2001, bLrt they are (om ng ro visir rhis year. about the adventures oía MedievaI knight'
Leti move now to the economy. Have you 3 lf Brad had been rnore careful, he wouldn't
noticed that you've got more money in your have l05! his passpor!.
pocket? Even if you haven't, this is what the 4 | haven't mer anybody as intelligent as simon. It! summer again and we can't wai! to go on
specia|i5t5 say: as a societý we,ve got much 5 Unless all your things are packed in ten our holidays. But not all holidays are so nice and
richer and simply love spending money. The minutes, | lvill have to leave lvithout you! relaxing! Here! another story in our series A
conference which starts a! !he University holiday !hat went wrongl Agneg over to you.
today will analyse this situation and give some Atnes: Last year I decided to go on a lvalking
suggestions for the future. lt! obvious rhat Have you already started making your plans for ťoura|ongthe coasť ofthe Ba|tic sea. I was
lve Want to be rich no!jusr ťoday, but also the weekend? lfso, youA be$er wait a moment fed up lvith rhe idea of lying on rhe beach,
tomorrowl because we'vejust received information about sunbathinB and doing nothingj what I wanted
As fortheworld ofentertainment, the bi8 news some changes !o lhe thřee main events lvhich are was an active hoIiday' I slarted (he prepárárion\
is today! Rolling Stones concert. The ever- planned for Saturday and Sunday. Here we 9o... in lune. I was very excited about it, and I

young veterans ofrock have already arrived, 1 The concert ofCrazy Rag Bone and the couldn't wait to startl
and spent last night visiting the Old Town. The Monkey, which was ro start at 9:30 on Saturday The frÍst day was prettygood' Iwalked forabout
concerťstarts at nine p.m. but ofcourse you at Nicki Place, has been called off The band four hours in the morning and abour three tn
should arrive much earlier, especially ifyou informed us ťhat their 5in8er has fa||en il|' |,m the afternoon. But when lgo! to lhe place where
want to get a good p|ace to sland' Ťe gates sure many ofyou will be disappointedl But you I planned to spend the night, it turned out that

open at fout and all afternoon there will be can srill get your money back, just contact the there was not a single bed left free. I had to sleep
special buses d;rectly to the stadium. ricker ofhce at Nickt. out on the beach' Ťe second day started with
Finally, the weather. We've had some good news 2 lhere! ánotheI b|8 PvenL on sarurday' bul il heavy rain, so my things got very wet. On the
[or you recenLly. but now it loolr less optimisli!. will happen at a different time and place. The rhird day I began ro have problems with my
Rain clouds are developing in the west; and Young tashion Show starts at ten p.m., and not shoes. Theywere supposed to be'perfect trekking
what! more, there will be some strong winds seven;and the place is the Planetarium, and not boots for alI conditions] but it just wasnt tÍue.
in the northern parts ofthe country.5o be the Creat Opera House. You may get a specrel My feet hurt so much that I had to take a bus
carefuIifyouie pIanningto drive !o ťhe seaside invi!a!ion to a party after ťhe shoW but on|y if to the nearest lown to buy some other shoes.
because roads will be slippery and there may be you come early. When I lvas there, accidentally me! an old friend.
<ome íaIlen trees on yo.Jr way' Have a nlCe lrip 3 The Crear ciry R.rn rs scheduled for Sunday she invited me ro her holiday home in the Lake
and good luckl ňornin8' |í you get tired of standjn8 and Disrrlct, but I refused ro go because lwanted to
watching the runners, the organisers invite you keep walking along the seashorelso I did.
to River Boulevard. There wiLl be cafes with Next day, rhough, rhere lvas not only a problem
Eveřy yearwhen the summer comes peop|e popular food and drink, local bands will be with my shoes (l mean the new ones), but also
have the same problem: where to go on holiday? playing, and you'll be able to lvatch Creat Runs another worry: there was no way to golThe
The mountains are fine with people who llke in othercities on many giant telescreens. track along the shore was blocked for some
walking but the weather could ruin the;r plans, rearor. I tl_ought ir wor.rld tale ne a long trme
and iIit rains for six days, there! noťhing to do' to find another route. To make things worse, rry
Other people prefer rheseaside but allthe best 1 Hil I wonder if you could heLp me. ld like to feet hurt, so I didn't feel like walking any more.
places are so crowdedlSo why not go abroad send these three letters to Canada, and there In the end, I decided to call my friend with a
and visit some ofthe world! famous cities? This s also rhi\ smoll parcel I'd lile ro post to Spain. hoLrse in the Lake Distric!. When she heard my
can be quiťe exPensive, rhough' And by the way, Can I buy all the stamps here? voice, she said happily, 'Creall We'll be lying on
staying at hom€ isn,t Very cheap, either, as you 2 lf you're looking for sweatshirrs, Sir, there are rhe beach, sunbathing and doing nothingi Well,
often end up spendlng money on enlertalnment some nice colours down there on the right, nex! I mu5t say I quice iked this id€a..'

like theatres, shops and cafes. Many ofthese to the jeans and T-shiÍt5. l lhink blue mighl be
p|aces c1o5e íor the ho|idays, which can also right. What size are you?
be a problem. Really, when you come to think ] oK' Bí|an' Máy | see your homewo||.] RiBhr '' ' Interviewer: We are very lucky today to have
about it, holidays mean so much troLlble tha! it! Let! practi5e ťhis dja|ogue, sha|| we? Listen and with us in the studio BeÍyI Martin, the famous
strange lve havent go! rid ofthem yeti repeat after me... traveller who specialises in Africa. Hello, Beryl.

O:Just as we 1... prominent chin and a long nose. Someone with K: We|l, Id like ro see rhe acrion fi|řn With Arn e
M: Therei stuffabour crime though. Drug bushy eyebrows. Creen eyes and freckles. Brown obviously...
laws, the police, rhe lega system, and rhere are eyes and a clear complexion- Broad shouiders, GI oÍ course'
even things llke body languageJYou know !he thin lips, long fingers, bright eyes.... We're a
K: But ld probably compron-rise and see the
rneanjng of differenť geslures| 50 differenr| Buť We1e a|J human beings' The French comedý
o: oh right' HoW much does iť cost? same species: homo saplens. There are six and c' o(' Kierar' TiŤe .o. yo| r s(o|e' HeÍe t i('''
M: ll.r... Lrsle'r. vou crr geL a I rl-e i_forrrarror á Lalfb |||or oÍ Js dnd we'Ve o.pe1 ároUno ÍoI The maximum is 60, and you go! 20 po ntsl
you need on this website, www.lifeinrheukresr. 200,000 years... But nothing lasrs forever.- In his
Kr20lWhat does it say?
govuk novel 'The Tlme Machine' H.C. Wells predicted
CrYou're nor tora ly hopeless... you're
Oi wwwlifeintheukresr.govuk.. OK, rhanks a ot. a tuture With two disťinct hLlman 5pecies. Th€
- immarure and selfrsh... tf you want to get on
Mi Youte welcome. Bye. Eloi: de icate, happy, peaceful creatures wirh
well with gids, you're going ro have ro think
pink skin, cur y hair, small ears and large eyes.
O: Bye. about how they have fun.
And the Mor ocks: bigger, srronger, Llgliei who
Iive underground and''' €at rhe E|oi''. science
G: HeylWhere are you going?
MoTHER: Here you are, Mikeý Twe Ve Pairs of fclion7... Yes... But I believe rhat humans may
become two differenr species. Those who K: Em, l'm lust going for a shower.
c ean 50cks.
depend on machines and those \,vho dont. The
MIKE: Mum, Idon,ť need lwelve paiÍs' jcan
humans who depend too much on rechnology,
wash them. And anyway l'll be wearjng sanclats ln the picture I can see a man and a woman.
who le! machines do everything for them, will
rnost oI tne ť|n]e' They are sitting on a sofa and... I don't know.
lose the abiiity to communicate, ro work in
MOTHER:And l've bouBhr you some nlce new
teams. They wil become short, fat, sloW lazy
and ugly. But the people who dont depend on
MIKE: Mum, thari realJy nice ofyou, bur you machines will evolve different y. They wil be3 The photo shows a young man and a young
know only wear boxer shorrsl
I woman silting on a sofa and not talking ro
metres tall and will live for 150 years. They will
MoTHER: Have you pack€d !he three warm be healthy, nte||igent, sociabIe and cÍealive' The each othet They may be husband and w íe, or
jumPers ? Take a wooIy hat and a 5carí they said girlfriend and boyfriend, but I don't think rhey
wornen wi ldevelop smoo!h, hairless skin. The
on TV it may be coldl rnen wi I have strongerjaws, deeper voices and Iike each otheÍ Very much at the moment' They
MIKEr Mum, it! lulyl Are yoLr going ro rell me to be more athIetic' Buť s this? are angry or ted up. Theyle nor even looking a!
lake a pair of W]nter 8|oves ťool each o!her. Perhaps they ve had a row. Perhaps
MoTHER: Better saíe !han sorry, Mikey' And he said she spends too much money, or she said
heres sonrething else tor you. .hew:rr.lo e"vehi-... Or.raybeLheyreju<r
Geořgie: Kieran, wake upl
M||(E: Wow| A new pa'í or (Peedo lw|mm'n8 bored. They may be thinklnB: "She! so boringt"
Kieřan: Wha!?
trunkslThanks, Muml or "He's so annoying!" or "l can't stand himt'
Gr Do this test. Find our ifyou're che idea
or things like that. So, rhey are young, good,
looking and probably quire rich, rhey've gor rhis
K: Oh, OK. r might help me understand why
cHR|s: so, Whar sha|] we do tonighť?
nlce frat wirh a earher sofa, bua rhey don't seem
haven't gor a Bir friend. very happy.
ROSE:Leti go clubbingt I feei like a dance. C: I've to d you. Cirls wont go out wrth you
CrOh no... I can't srand all that nolse. Can't we 'cause you're ugly.
lust stay at home and play chess? K: Ah, Ceorgie, w rh a best friend like you, who I m calling abour the adver!isement. I'm
R: You've gor ro bejokingt ls rhar your idea of needs enemies? inrerested in renting the flar, bu! | would ttke to
€n!ertainmenť? G. Otay. reddy Q-e'lion one. Llow mJLh rime know a few details.
C:Well, acluallt yes, ir is.. - Bur if you don'r like do you 5pend on your app€arance? Less than 5 Landlady: Well, ir's a very nice frat, very
it, we can do somethtng else. minu!es, 30 minutes, more than an hour, ( orve.1ie1r y Io("ted' neár lhe cenl'e' bUt in
Rr Like what? whati that mean?
K: Eh, a quret side sťreeť' Ir has Ioveiy views from the
C: How about warching a good flm on DVDa C: lt means stuff like combing your hair,
R: You really dont want to go our at all, do you? c]ean]ng your teeťh, having a shower, Puttin8 on I see. That sounds nice. And how about public
chrjs, What are you,60 years oid oÍ 50IŤrething? your cIothes, ]ooking aíter your skin.' ' transport?
C:We couid listen to some music later... we K: Cirly stuff L:There are lots oftrams and buses and an
could dance on our own, jus! the two of us. C:Yeah. underground srarron wirhin frve minutes'watk.
Whar do you think ofthat, Rosie? K: Less than 5 minutes. And ahere are two bedrooms, is rha! right?
R: Oh. ol"\. I Len. Mavbe yo- . an be roranL c
c| Right' Two''' How wou|d you 5p it up wiťh LrYes, rwo bedrooms and a livrng room.
after all. Bu! no chess, righ!?
a girl? Jr ls it furnished?
K:Leti see, I th]n k ]d break up rvilh her by ťext L: Well, rhe kitchen is fully fitred, but the
message.lts cheaper bedrooms are a bit bare, ro be honest.
lan: ,,.so let's meet our guesr speaker.,.
G:Great answei Kieran. ,:So, how mr.rch ls the rent?
Anthropologis!, author of 'Men and Women:
K: Whar? L: É500 per monrh, payab e in advance'
rhe real differencel Dr Oiga Fedolov...
Ci No!hlng... Three... How do you celebrate J: Can lcome and see it?
Olga: Cood evening, thank you... Look around
your g rlfriendi birthday? Throw a party with L: Of course. When would you like to come?
you. Whatdoyou seea Other people- Some are
a b rthday cake, go out for a meal and then go
ma e. some fema e. Blacl people. wrire oeop e.
dancing, or go our with your fnends.
brown peopIe, practica||y every colour excepť
biLe or B|ee l ' Mo.roí},ouare n}ou-lwenÍiP' K: The party and the cake, I rh nk. Nařrator: Part one'
or thjrti€s, but I can see some midd|e'aged faces, C: Right... Number four.. Household chores..- Kate: Herei your rea, Colin.
a tew adolescents, and even one or awo elderly |íyou Were marr]ed, which one5 wouId you do? Colin: Thanks, Kate.... This is ridicu ous, you
people like me. Sonre ofyou are shorr, some tall, K: Not C. I cant srand ironing... Bl I like cook ngJ know.
and some average height. Someofyou are slim, C: Five. She asks you to go shopping with hef... K:What? My !ea?
olhers a blt plump or overweighr. Some have What do you doi c: No, not your !ea' The price oí
long straighr fair hair, others curly dark hair, and K: We , ] don,r |ike p|aying computer gáme5' So, Id accommoda!ionl Rents are so high in Londonl
\o.1e lIe lota]|y bá|d ||t e |.r' ' Mo'' oÍ)oJ 3re a8ree but spend all my rime reading comic books d love to rnove out, you know get away from
clean shaven, but lcan seeone or lwosplendid in the book shop whi e she! looking for clothes. my parents, bur ljust can't afford to.
moustaches and beards. FortLlnately, only on C: Okay. And finally, number six... You go ro the K: Huh, sometinres I think it would be great ro
the men.,. Look around..- There! someone cinema, rhere! a choice oí three fi]m5' she preíers move back n wirh my mum and dad.
Wirh slraight white leeťh' someone wirh a rhe romanť c fi]m' Which fi m do you see? C:Seriously?


K: We||, no, oícourse noťl Butsometimes do M: OK... There aren't any presenrs in your D: Not bad, considering I had to surv ve double
fee a biť homesick' bedroom. geography firsr thing this mornlng.
C: ljust want !o be free, I wanr to be able to sray Kr Tell us where the presents arel PLeasel l; Whati wrong with geography? | llke it. lt's
out all night if I want to. Or to sray ln and nor M: This is just a ťiny |itrle flat' |t! not a hu8e almost llke travel ing, you know, like, in your
to have to watch !he programmes my rnum and rransionlOr even a bungalow ike grannyi. lt's imagination.
dad like. only got lwo rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. D: ltl borin8, that,s What wrong wiťh iť' And il!
K: lt's nor all parties and fun, you know You've Keep looking. cerlainly nothing ike travelling... Eh.. what do
got to do your own shopping, and wash your L:Corne onl Let! look in the kirchen. we have afteÍ |unch?
own clorhes, and do all the clean ng and cook M:Any luck? ,: Do you never rernember your timetableT
yoLlr own mealsl
LrMummy, we've looked everywhere in the D: I never rernember anythlng. Especially in
C: Thati no problem. ld just eat sandwiches. kitchen in the oven, in a I the cupboards, exarns. 50 lvhat's next?
K:You can ger prelťy fed up with sandwiches, under the s]nk, and in ťhe microwave'.' t: French, and rhen hisrory. Have you done rhe
you kno!v. Kr I even looked in the frldge. essay?
CrYeah, I suppose... M: I see you found !he chocola!e. D: What essay?
KrAnd you have to pay rhe renr and all rhe bi lsl L:And in lhp balhroom Loo Behird rhe m r'o I. David, wake up. Miss Fitzwilliam ser us an

Electricity, gas, telephone... n the shower, behind the to ler... essay last week on the causes of World War L
C: Yeah, but slill... K: Mummy|Thi9 is ťhe Worst Christma5 ever] Dr Oh no. forgoc all abour ltl she! gonna ki I

K: ld really like to buy my own p ace, bur ir! M: Don't be si ly, Kenny. NoW there! norhlng me. l'll tell her my computer crashed.
imposslble. in your bedroom, in !he kiťchen or in the And you thlnk Fitzwi liam will believe rhar,

T C: I think l'll buy a lottery ticker.

K: lt I won lhe lottery, ld buy a cottage in the
Da!nroom, so.,,
LrThere musr be something herel
do you? That woman's never let anyone hand ln
anything late.
country. ,Do
K: ln rhe living rooml Dl Yeah. |,LI be gerting a l€cture a|| right' you
C: Or a bungalow by rhe sea. realize your exams are in three months' time
M: Dont rouch rh€ TV or the DVD pIayer|
Kr Or a cha et in Switzerland. and ifyoLl dont study now, it may affect your
L: Kennyl Look behind the currainl
C:A penthouse frat in a skyscraper in New Yorkl vrl.oIe .utu'e]'5he! a'lIuI Tilh á-rd chip( ror
K:No, nothing...
Nařřatoli Part Two' L: t]nder the coffee ťabIe] Noťhing here|
me, please. No broccoli.
C:Hi, Kate. Whar! up? canteen workeř| Here you are, dear'
KrMummylStand upl
K: Hi Colin, you know you were saylng that you l:She's a good reachef though. And, you know, the
wanled to move out? exams are in three monthí time and you dont
K: Becausel Look LorraineJWhat's !hat?
C: Uh huh. v\á1r lo ia' the ''dovoJlVege|arián'peá'e
L: lrs an envelope.
K:Well, howdo you feelabout sharlng a house D: cant sťand !hat Filzwi|| am woman'
Mi l!! your present.
with rne? canteen workeÍi Here yotl are, ove' And what
K:What s ir?
C:A houseT can I give you todat Miss Firzw larnl
M: Open ir and see.
K: Y-"ah, my unc ei got a house in llford and Miss Fitzwilliam:ld likerhesame as David p ease,
there are lwo rooms rle Wants ťo et' K:What's rhat? Maggie, Wjth jusť a Iitt|e brocco ' Thank vou'
L: ltt a photo ofa house, and a pLan.
Cr What's lt ike?
T K: ti gor rwo froors and a basement with a K: Murnmyl?
Mr lt's our new house. [see ťhe preýious rccoding]
8a-ner roo_'r and : g:r:ge $here you ran leep
youÍ bike' There! a bathroom upstairs and a L: Weie moving hoLlse?
torIet downsťa rs, and..' M: Yes, we're moving out on lanuary the sixth.
c: Is iť furni5hed? Li lt's lovely. I remember our maths teacher He was qu :e

K:Yes, ťhe iving room has got everything you M: Well, it's not very big, buc it! got rhree stricť, and he made us Work rea Iy hard' Bur
need - DVD player, soLlnd system, sofa, large bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom upstairs and he Was kind and patient too' í you d dn t
screen TV and the kitchen has got a microwave, atoilet downstairs, and a small garden ar the undersťand 5omething, he wou d expIa]n
a drshwa.her ard
.rto Í" o8eq oneJ.sL |(' DACK. it as many times as you needed. He !reated
dínksl K: can l p|ay íoorba|L jn the 8arden? everyone ln the same way. And he never made
C: lt sounds great. How much s lt? M: Of course you can,
fun ofweak srudents. Never Even fEheysaid
something really stupid.
K: lt's cheap. lt! only t70 a week each. The only L:will I have my own bedroom?
problem is the wallpaper in rhe bedrooms. lrs
disgust nB. Pic!ures of irtle b ue aeropLanes. L: Oh, Mumnryl Thank youl
c:Thať doesnt matter We can change the
We went into the staffroom ofa
Ki Mummy? What does ťerráced house mean? comprehensive school in Brlslol and asked
wallpaper. Listen, Kate. When can we go and M: lt means we've got neighbours on both sides. some reachers this questlon...'Whar annoys
see it?
K: Do they have children like us? you about your job?' Here! whar they sald...
MiYes. So you can make lols of new friends, 1 Cheating. They cheat in exams and in
ano... the homework we set !hem. Of course, not
Kennyr MumlWe've looked everywhere and we
can,t frnd any pÍesenť5l
everyone does iť, bu! i! rea |y annoys me. |f I

coLrld teach my pupils just one thing, ir would

Mandy: You haven'! lo aked everywhere, Kenny.
Isee the previous recordingl be r hrr sr udvr rg ha'd and revising ior exam, i.
K: We havelWe've ooked in our bedroonr,
2 There isn't much tha! annoys me abour my
M: Where in your bedroom?
,enny| Hi, David' Anyťhjng good on !he menu job. We l, correcting homework can be hard
K: Under !he beds. today? wo.l ' and taI ing t|.e regi.le. i. a wacÍe orri.1e
Lorraine:And I looked in rhe chest ofdrawers, David: Good? You musr be joking. Fish or and som€tirÍ]es with my favourite c|asses the
and in rhe wardrobe... ch cken, broccoll or baked beans, and some bell Boes roo (oon, vo- L now Just when lr e re
M| Did you |ook on ťop ofthe wardrobe, sarange stuffrhat! supposed ro be vegelar an. slarllng something interesting. But, really l'm
l r '. Aro 'lere ' Tom-iv qei d wcys 'r't i1 lucky. My students are ralen!ed, active and
LrNo. tne u ncn queue. mo!rvatecl.
MlAnd did you |ook on rhe bookshe í? D: He! ost h s PE kir and went to |ook íor tr tn 3 A lor ofk ds have no respect. They don't
L/K: No. the sc ence lab. respect teachers, or their classmates, or schooL
M: Well, what are you wai!lng for? j: He! probably just lefr t in the changing rooms property. They steal the chalk, the board
L: Mummyl in rhe gym aga n Anyway, how re you doing? markers and ibrary books, they write graÍfrti on

the desks and lockers, they destroy textbooks, Ican'r see myselfas a pensioner... Worried I

they fight in the playground, they miss lessons might feel bored... And l'm not sure we can get Rita:Hí Laura'
and turn up late..- Shall I go on? by on my pension... l'm looking for a part-trme
Lauťa: Ri!a!HoW did i! go?
4 My pupils are frne, but some parents are really job'.' Maybe a piIot or a s(oc|broler or a laÝ|
R: How did what go?
difficult. They won't accept that their children driver... No, just joking... Nolhing so slressful.
L: Your neW job, ofcouÍse'
arent perfect. For example, one boy kept playing Maybe a shop assistant or a lollipop man...
R: oh, i!! a great place !o work, Laura. All the
truant, and his dad said it was my fault for not Anyway, can you come? lt! next Friday at 9pm-..
.taffare so nrce and frierdly and Lhe boss i'
making lhe lessons more interestinglAnd therei
a molher who á|wáy( doP( heI dau8hle'!ploje(r The management have lied to us again and
work even when I ask her not to. again. Our working conditions are terrible! We
L: Creat.
have the lowest wages in the seclor, and they R:she rold me that they're making lots ofprofrt,
always pay us latel They don't pay us lvhen and so they've jusr given everyone a big wage
wete offsickl They're talking about making fifty ri5e, so ťheret a reaI team atmosphere, you
[see the previous recordinB]
woÍkers redundant When this company has know everyone helps each olher.
been making huge profit for yearsi lti time to L:Thar! nice.
The photograph shows an art lesson at school. go on slnkel R:And you can take time offif you can geť
A girl is painting a big yellow flower in a large oil 4 50meone to cover for you, and you can work
picture. She! concentrating really hard. I thrnk Welcome to your frrs! training session at overtime ifyou want to, but itt not obligatory.
shei enjoying herse|í The teacher is helping Feelgood Industrles. My name is Barbara and L: That sounds amaz.,.
her. hei showing l'er sonething in rhe prinrlng. er n.e te|| you rhis s a gíeat Compa1yi We'!e R: qeally. rl'e worl. nB condirions are farrasrr<.
Other students are sirring at their desks and got ťhe best starting 5aIaries in !he coun!rý L: You don't sound very happy about it, Rira.
d awrng Perhap\ lhey are preparing Fanrastic benefirs:six weeks paid holiday a R No.
a school exhibition. I think the teacher probabiy year' guaranteed sick pay' .ree day care íor p'e-
L:What's wrong?
likes his job. He seems really interested in school children... lfyou work hard, you can get
R:They gave me rhe sack.
helplng the students. promoted within six rnon!hs.
L: NolWhy?
R: Well, at frrst, I was in charge ofthe coffee
Mrs Binns: Could you tell me some!hing about
BARRY: Excuse me, Mr O'Reilly, may have a machine, and I dont know how it happened
your previous experience?
woÍd with you? but I broke it.
Tim: Well, a. you can tee In my au"riculLrm vrLae
MR O'REILLY: Yes, Barry, of course. What is it? L:And they gave you rhe sack for that?
|'ve Iots oIjobr' |'ve wor|ed as á bU' driVer'
BARRY: Mr o,Rei||ý |,Ve been thinking maybe R: Well, no. They were really nice about it. Said ic
a driving instÍuclor, a factory worker, a cook, a
it! time I had a pay rise. l've been working here postman, a sales rep,,. l've never known what I
wasr't ,ny Íau|r' Bur rhen lhey a'|ed me ťo g|Ve
for frve years, I do my job we||, |,V€ never taken the chefa hand in rhe kitchen, and... ohl
really wanted to do... until now ofcourse.
a day off but my salary! still the same as when L: What did you do?
Mrs Binns: So why do you think you would
I starteo.
make a good fright attendanr? R: I cur her finger offwith a knife.
MR O'REILLYT lt seems to me you're well paid, Tim: l'm good at dealing with people,... L Whar?
and as you know the fringe benefits we give are R: lt was an accidentl
unusually good: you've got health insurance, a L And so they sacked you?
staffaanteen... Ťey gave chance.'.
[see the pťevious re1ordinq] R: WeI|, no' me anoth€r a5
BARRY: But what about overlime, Mr O'Reillya I
a waitress, you know?
work really long hours, you know. L:Uh huh.
MR O'REILLY|Well, Barry, we all have to do our [see the recording 1.34] R: And I spi|t a Iiťre ottomato juice a|| over a
best, dont we? l'm sure youle proud !o be part
of5uch an exce||€nt ťeam, aren,t you? And you,||
Lr Oh nol
get a bonus at Christmas. Trish: Hey, Laura, have you seen this survey?
R: A pregnan! woman with a small child.
BARRY: Thank you, Mr O'Reilly. Lauřa: No, Ihaven,t' |s it interesting?
TrYeah... hey, ler! see if you can guess the
R: she was wearing a whi[e dressl
thÍee most imporlant aspects of being happy
I LrOh Rita! Never mindl
at work,.,
Mrs Atkins: loel You're late. L: Thatl easy. First place has got to be a high
I know Mrs Arkins, bur...
.loe: salary.
Mrs Atkins: l've got a business to run. [see the previous recording]
T: No, thati only number ten.
,oe: Yes, but... L: Oh, come on Trish, be serious.
Mrc Atkins: There are lots of people whod love T: No, reallyllri only number ten. LUcY: oh dear. I r€a||y need to lose weight' |,||
ro get ajob here. Do you want me to sack you? L OL well, number one mu\t be en'.. er]oyrng have to go on a dier. I hate it.
loe: No, but... yourlob- PHIL: Do yoLl really have to? You don't look as if
Mrs Atkins: You know what itl like to be on T: close, that! number !wo, enjoyable work. you've pur on weight.
the dole, don'r you? Come on, try again. Lr oh, but I have, Phil. lt! all this junk food
toe: Yes. Ll A good boss? I ear when I don't have time to cook. !t's so
Mrs Atkins: And you dont wanr ro be T: No, thati number three. A good boss or fatrening, you know.
P: Well, then i!! not just about weight, is it? lt!
loe: No, Mrs Atkins. LrOh,lgive up. really about your healIh, Lucy. Lislen, why don'r
Mř5 Atkins: You wouIdn,t get much ;tl not so hard-
T: No, go on, we do something together? We could cook
unempIoyment benefiť.'' so clock on at the LrOh, I knowl Colleagues that you 8e! on well heaIrhy íood, vou Inow, Iow in Íat ard raIories'
right timel wrth. high in vitamins and minerals ... and maybe
loe: Yes, Mrs Atkins. T: Yeah, that! it. Number one is friendly sorne ofit might even be tasty. We could take
Mťs Atkins: Why were you Iate anyway? supportive colleaBues. it in turns; you cook one day and I do the next.
Joe: Mr Atkins asked me to wash his car LrWell, I hope Rita has a good boss and some How,s thať?
Mrs Atkins: Oh. friendly colleagues. LioK, leti try. We could even do some
1 vegetarian food. Summeri a good time for that.
Hi Ted, would you like to come to a party?.. L: 5he,sstarting a nelv job todaý woÍking parř Who needs meat when ťhere are a|| those cheap
To celebrate my retirement... Yes, I'm retiring... Iime ál lhe V|enna Caíé'I wonder how L! go ng' fresh vegetables?

Lily: For starters i had roast vegetables - sA| Right, sir. Here you are. That,|| be €7'85, p|ease.
Narraton Tonight on Channel 9 in a hard, auberglnes, red peppers, mushrooms, carrots, Cr Thank you.
hitling documenlary we investigale ťhe Iin k sweet potatoe!- lt was fun guessing what s
between food and VioIen! crime' Teach€r and e!e'vthing \!ar you l. row f"on rhe leeling. rre SA: Hello, Mrs Barnes. What can I do for you
parent, Ceorge Thomas... taste, tne smell... ťoday?
George: A lot of people think rhar TV causes Liam: Hmm. c: HeIlo, Mr cartwright' Ia Iike a Ioaíofthat
crime... You know, that people copy che Lily: And nT y friend,lulian had goat! cheese lovely wholemeal bread, please.
Wiťh tomato and onion.
VioIen(e they
'ee in lhe pío8-ánmP..'' BJt IL SA: Here you are. Anyrhing else?
isn,t the programmes ťhat cau5e VioIence'.' i!! Liam:Was i! good? c: FiVe white roIl5'.. and fiVe teacakes, ] ťhink'
the TV commercials which encourage people ro Lily: Excell-"nt. But we ate with our fingers. We
sA: Here you are. Anyrhing else?
eať the wron8 kind offood' couldn't use a knife and fork in the darkl
C: No, that'll be all rhank you.
Nařratoťl ce|ebr]ty cheí Mary Rowe'.' Liam: And for your main course.
Mary; Lo8ica||y, ch;Idr€n who watch more Lily: Fish, but l'm not sure whar kind. l! was fried
SA: Right. Do you need anyrhing else?
te/eVision see more adverťs' And what kinds n a mustard sauce and served wirh broccoli
c: Yes, a pair ofshoes' Do you rememberWher€
of food are in those adverts? Junk foods: fizzy and mashed po[atoes. Lovely. ]ulian had some
that big shoe shop is?
drinks, chocolate, crisps, biscuits, sweets, kind of grilled meat. But he! nor sure if i! was
burgers and chicken nuggersl You never see chicken or turkey or maybe rabbirl lr came with sA: |t! on |eve| two, isnt it? NeXt to thar café
adverls for bananas or apples... Oniy for foods celery and asparagus... he thinks. where We had lunch the olher daý
that are bad for you and that Ínake you fat. C: Ye<. yor !e righr So we need ro go upsra rr.
Liam: And what about desserr?
NařratorI JournaIi5t, Kirk Broadfoot'.' Lily: Apple pie with ice-cream for me, and a
SA: Oh, this place is too big for me. Well, ar least
| .a1 hlve a Coďee w5i|p yort 1rv on t werrv par's
Kirkr A governnrent survey published last fresh fruit salad for him - cherries, pears, grapes
month shows !hat rhe proportion ofchildren and pineapple and a few mystery fruits roo. ofshoes.
in secondary schools who are far too far, I mean Liam: The food sounds great, but did you enjoy
clinically obese, has almos! doubled in lO years. the experlence?
It's a huge prob em. CUSTOMERT Cood morning. ld like to make
Lily: Yes. Ar frrst it was strange. We were
Nařrator: sociaI worker, Naomi Be|]''. a complain!. I bought rhese shoes here a week
whispering, you know But you relax quickly in
ago and ťhe heeli come off' Id |ike to rerurn
Naomi: In my €xperience, kids who see Iots of !he dark, and soon everyone in the restauran!
tnem, plea5e.
adverts forjunk food on TV ear less heal!hy was tall ng togethe'. ld real y'ecommero..
tood rhan other kids. The problem is tha! !he 5HoP Ass|sTANT: Let me see. Er, yes, ťhey clon,t
.V Look loo good. Have you got a receipr for !hem?
dier encouraged by ádveít\ i. Very VPry oáo
for you. Kids who don'! eat a balanced die! lvrth 'l C: I do. Here ir is-

plenty of fruit and vegetables, do less well ar Customer: Sorry, where's thejazz sec!ion? SA: WorrId you Iike to exchange them íor another
schooI and are more aggÍessjVe' BasicaIly, bad lcan't frnd it. pair? Jusr like rhis one, or perhaps rh is beaur fu
food makes you violent. new style?
shop a5sistant 1: Iti on the neXť froor. This is a]|
Naťřator: Food scientist, Katy smith''- pop here. c: No, thank you, |a ju5! | ke to have mv rÍrone\
Katyr In one experiment, we took some back, please.
adolescents aged between 13 and 17, kids C: Hello. Where can I listen to thesea
5A: l'm afraid we dont give retunds.
who had been in trouble wirh rhe police, and sA 2: over ťhere' Wou|d you |jke to give me lhe c: Excus€ rne?| |d ]ike.o talk to che :nana:er
we gave them healthier diers. The number of please.
cD? |,|| puť iť on for you-
violent incidents caused by rhose offenders who Customer: Thank you.
changed their diet fell by 8070. Bur for rhe orhers
who kept on ealingjunk food wi!h roo much PETÉ: can I pay by credit card here]
SArCan I help you?
sugar, carbohydrales and caffelne rhere was no ROB: No, they don'r rake credit card!. You have
a jacket like thi5, buť a
c| Er yes, |,rn Iookjng for
reduccion. to pay In cash.
bit smaller. Have you got one?
Narřator| Tonigh!. Channe|9' 10pm' Foocl and P: I haven't got enough cash on me. Can I pay
sA: | 5hou|d ťhink so' What size are you7
Crime. by cheque?
Cr Erm, l'm European size 40, I'm not sure wha!
R: You've got ro be joking. They wouldn't know
rhat rs here.
wllat rt rs.
Liam: You're lisrening to 'Eat Out with Liam SArThatd be size 12. Let me have a ook. Herei
P: What
a nuisancel Oh, OK, I Suess l'lljusr go
O Connell' and my nexr gLresr is Lily Boylel one. Would you like to try it on?
and get some money out ofa cash machrne.
Lily:Hi, Liam. C: Yes, please.
Rr lfyou can find onel
Liam: Tell us abou! your meal, Lily. 5A: The changlng rooms over rhere.
Lily: lwent to a really unusual reslaurant called Cr Thank you.
Dars Le No;r.. l! has great service and delicious Jenny:Oh Sidney, I havent sropped all morning.
food... But you have to eat in complete darkness. SA: Can I help you? I wenr to the bank and paid all the bills, and....
Liam: Whar? C: Yes, where are rhe shampoos, pJease? Sidney: Did you go to the newsagent!?
Li|}. Yeah, Da,s Le Noir is FÍench Ía( ln the SA: RJght here on rhis she|í t: Yes, here! your magazine... And I got your
Ddrkress. There are no lightsar all. Noteven mobile C: Oh, so !hey are. Thank you. Normal and dry wine ar the off-licence, too...
phonesl... All rhe waiters are visually impaired... hair... OK... And lA also like some tissues, and S:Thanks.
Liam:You mean, !hey're blind. somerhing for a headache. l: I got a new top. Lookl
Lily: Well, some of them can see a lirtle... The SA: Are you allergic to paracetamol? 5: That colour really suits you,lenny. lt matches
idea is ro help you understand how difficulr life C: No, I dont think so. your eyes.
is it you aan't see well. 5A:This should help you. Take one or rwo J: Thanks, tia size 10. l thought it might be
Liam: How can you order ifyou can'r see !he tabIe!5 w]th water' Don,t take more mor€ ťhan too tighr, but it Éts me perfect|y. I must have
menu? slx in one day. losr welght. I Bor it at Diddles. Thar new clorhes
Lily:You order in the bar- Then you hold on ro shop. They've got a great choice ofclorhes and
the waiter and he rakes you !o your !able. you SA:Can I help you? some real bargain5.
have to feel for your serviettes and cu!lery and C: Have you got some really good fresh beef S: Hmm.
iti really difficult to pour water inro your glassl steaks? | 9aw ]ane Whi|e I was trying on lhe ťop jn the
Liam:What did you eari SA: Have a ook, sir. How do you like theseT .5anBi18 room!. )he ! 8oL o yob t he.e. She gers
Lily: Well, we ordered the surprise menulSo we c: Theyte frne' Cán I have three ofthem, pIease? a 25% staffdiscount on allthe clorhesl
had to guess whar each dish $,as. And Id a so ike half a kilo of pork sausages. Sr Hmm.

,r Then, L went ro the charlty shop and got fyou haven't bought fairtrade yet, go on and s: We||, Val€rie' l Love cyc|ing, so my rrave hero
some second-hand books. But, !hey don't take try ir. is a cycl sr. His name is Alastair Humphreys and
credit cards, so I got some money out ofthe 4 |.e hds,usl rel..npd |o |'1p -l í"om .r Jrá7 r8
cash machine, and paid in cash. I buy Fairrrade goods whenever | .an,... Em, journey all around the world by bicyclel He
S: Hrnm. mosdy írom the sta|| in our |ocaIchurch.' be|ieve ' cycled 46,000 rni es across 5 contlnents and
rhrough 60 countÍies'
'|:Then I wenť ťo ťhe baker! and go! some ro |s that ťo reaj|y help underprivi|eged peop|e 1n
lor breal'r,r. A'1d I bougl'L some o' I ar rr(e the develop ngworld, you should buyfair rrade V:Amazingl Which roure did he take?
salami at the ta ian delicatessen. products fÍom yourchurch orfrom charl!y shops 5: Wei|, he ťook a terry across the Eng|ish channe|,
S: Hmm. ke Oxfom. Not from large supermarket charns. rhen he cycled through Europe and che Middle
And | 8ol <on.e Pol.(oes oL l|.e 8reen8íoLe' J' ' [hJt wdy' ll.P Pro.19 reá||y go ro he|p peop|e' East, down from Egypt to 50uth Africa, got a boa!

':Sidney? 5 lo south Amer]ca' Through the Arnericas fÍorn

)ardgolia to A dJl.. the r 5e ac o" L\e
S: Uh huh. No, I dont. They're too expens ve. Anyway, I
don't believe in it. lflhose farmers can't get a Pacific ro 5!beria andlapan. Then back on !he bike
t: got some potatoes at the burcher!...
good price for their products rn ahe free market, across Asia and back to Europe.
S: Uh huh.
they should grolv something different. We need V: How long dld it take him?
,: .''and rome sa( at lhe 8íeergroLe-'\
'a8el !o get rld ofprotectionism in our countries. Then S: Four years and !hree months.
!hose farmers could sell us the r products and V:What were his favourite places?
that I got a n€w handbag-'' at rhe D|Y
weA get cheaper food. S: -1e reaI yIiled SouL|. AiÍiLa' Suddr' R.5' d
'|After and colombja, bul he said thať in genera|
S: Hmm.
peop € Were rea|]y friendIy everywhere'
lr it!
made of p asric and stee . Very nice. And I
I V: Did he have any difficu t moments?
gor you a hat at the fishmonger's. lt! pink with
WOMAN: Hel o. Can I have a slngle tlcke! to sr There were problems getllng visas for some
lirtle ye low frowers.
Lancaster, please? Oh, and could I posslbly have countrles, and a felv difficult customs officers
a w ndow seat? ar some borders''' Hegot Il]5ť a few ťlmes and
l:And gor (o-e ovely ire'h h'h at L'at brg TIcKET sELLER: cerrainIy. That,s É40, please' he had a íew crashes' And h€ had sorne preťty
furnirure shop in Camden. extreme weaLher Írom J5oc |n sudan to m nus
W: Which plalform does t leave from?
S: Right. 40 in sibeÍiaj
TSrPla[form 5, madam.
l: rode a horse there.
2 V: Ohl
S: Uh huh. China, he rode for one monlh without a
F|;ghť BA 786 ro Barce ona i5 noW boarding a! Sr In
l:And rvhen I gor there, all the shop assistants gare 12. Passengers frying to Barcelona, p ease breakl 4,200 km wlthour a showerl
came oLr! and Sang a song and threw llowers at go ro gare 12. ViOohl
my teer. S: Fe ( y.led up r {.o00 met.e.\ gh mo-rl ain
S: Hmm. in Perul And in one day in Bolivla he go! 15
YOUNC WOMANT Excuse me... Can you tel
I: Ther€!a saIe on at the photographer!|
me how to get !o Lelcester Square? puncturesl
They've gor a special offer on digital camerasl V: Oh dearlWhy do you think he did lt?
E|'oERtY woMAN| \es, oeál' Iale Íhe Vicroriá
got six ot them. s| For the adventure, oí course, but above a|| to
line, northbound, and change ar
S: Right. ralse money for ťhe chariťy.Hope and Homes
Creen Park - thar! rhe next station to the
J: Yes,and... Piccadi ly Line, eastbound. Oh, and... mind the forCh Idren1 Hei raised more than É,]3,000'
s:Whať coIour Wa5 the hor5e? gap. V: Have you rne! hinr?
J: But how?lWhatl? 4 S: Yes, I met him last week.
S: I was listening to you all the time. I always do. cood mornin& adies and gent emen' Id Iike ťo Vr What! he doing now?
we|corne you on board P&o ferries. The Weaťhers S: Fe. l'dving d re\r. and then he might write
frne tod,y' we re e'pect 1g a .^ oot\ Lío''in8' a book aboltt lhe ]ourney' He needs ťo make
Sales offalr trade producls in the UK wenr up by 'o some money. He says thar mosr ofthe people
more than 50% last year More and more shoppers
DRIVER: What! your destination? he met on hisjourney thought he was rich
want rogive a beller dealto farmers in developing
H|TcH-HIKER: ÉdinbuÍgh' because he has a bicycle. But here ifthe only
counťries by payinga fair price for the food they thing you own is a bike, people rhink you'r-"
D: 'rr on y go ng as Í:r ás \e\^ ( all |e Icá1g|\e
buy. So, do you buy falr trade producrs? poor, so that! why he...
HHr Yeah, thatt be great, thank you.
I do, buť not as often a5 | wou|d |ike to'.' |t! a
D: Hop in, !hen.
pity that supermarkets don't have a better range Child: Crandpa, did you ever take an aeroplane?
o. Fa .t rade p"oducr< ir sroc|.' A|| r.ey 1á!e '( Grandpar Oh, yes. When I was your age, we
coffee, tea and bananas-.. Oh and chocolate... used !o 1ly to Spain every summer
My worstjourney eveř? That wou d have been tn
I also buy a lot of ocally grown products, you Cr Spaini
the summer of2000. I was returning home from
know from farmers'markets and so on. C:\e\. rt !\a)a reallypopula' 5o rd.yde't natror
scorland. First I had a frat tyre. I changed the
2 then. Mil ionsofholidaymakers used togo there
wheel, drove on, couldnt find a petrol station for
Man: Fairrrade? Em... no. To be honest, I've a hundred miIe5, near]y ran out or petro|' W€ |,
for the sunshlne and !he beaches...
never heard of it. guess Cr But it's hot and sunny here in lrelandl
I was in a bit of a hurry after ťhat, and ] I

Womanr Yes, you have Rodney, it! those things d o'e a |itt'e abo'.p rhp speed I m L Ťe po|ice G: k wasnt rhen. t was wer and cold.
Oxfam sell, you know from Africa. Remember stopped me and fined me for speeding. And C: Why did you take the plane?
that adver!isement we saw? when I Was near]y back, lwo streeťs away from Gr lt was cheaper.
Man: Oh, yes, like coffee and chocolate and... home, a guy in front ofme braked so suddenly L C: Cheaper than the train or !he bus?l
Woman:And tea, yes. drove into rhe back of his carl G: Yes, there were lots of budget air ines. lf you
Man: No, We,ve neveÍ bought any ofthat stufI' booked your frighc early enough, you got real y
Do you think we should? cheap fares like th rry euros for a re!Lrrn ticketl
3 Val: Youie istenlng to Travel Ta es. I m Valer e C:Wowl ls llying excitlng?
difFcult as some people think to buy
It isn't as Doubleday and today we're asking you to tel G: Well, when you're taking offand anding, yes,
Fairťrade goods''. You can ge! lea and coffee in us abour people who have been on amazing but I never liked iť' There Wasn,t enoush Space
most supermarkets, our Iocalgrocer! and íruiť joLlrneys. Our next cal er ls Scott from YorK... for řny ]egs and you wasted 50 much time at the
and V€8 shoPs a|5o se|| Fairlrade, and you can Hel o,scort. a rporr - you had to ge! lhere two hours early
get them in heallh food shops too... They don t Scott Morning, Valerie. ro check in, queue at !he check-in desk, wai! in
cos! much more, and lhey taste a lo! better, so V; Who! your travel hero, Scott? rhe departure lounge before boarding the plane,

wair for your luggage at the baggage reclairn Tracyrlessica... TV addicrs''. They nev€r mi55 an episode of
when you arrived''' But iť was rnuch fasťer than Jessica: | |ove mu5iq not jusť rap, a]| sorts, ťhejr favouriEe soap operas.'' And they can
.ng going overland. reggae, ÍocK, punk, neavý even some tellyou the name ofevery talentless presenter
C: Weren,t there any high.spe€d train5? classical stuff One !ime I went to an opera, on te|evision. And I dont criťicise them fo
c: Yes, but no! ike ťhe direc! train5 we have iť was arnazing. |,rn in a rap group' I compose that... My girlfriendi father is the newsagent!
now. lt could take two or three days to get !o the songs and I sing, bu! | don't play any best friend. He reads rhree papers every da.r,
SpainlYou had to take the train to the port, and instruments. We've recorded a demo CD and two broadsheels and a labloid for rhe sport,
Ihen a re'.y lo wrle. and ll_e1a1oll^e. trdin to we're playing a concert on Saturday. Why clon t two weekly magazines and hei subscrlbed
Londor. tale tl'e tube iror one ra lway you come along? lo a monthly politi(al re\,iew .. He wat.he,
to another, a train to Paris, anorher train to Tracyr Tanya... a]most every news broadcast and cuÍrent aftai15
Spainl Tanya: I watch telly. A lot. We've got cable TV programme on television... And listens to the
C: Ohl so there are hundreds ofchannels. And weSot radio lvhen he goes out... And ljust say ilt his
GrSome people would drive rherel a |árge íeen p|dsmá |V fo" c\" s|ná'. A.tion life and he can do what he likes... So, why does
C: By carilTo Spain?l fr n s ook irr redrble on r. I lrke soaps. rea rty
everyone think there! something wrong with
Cl Bur my morher didn,ť |ike driVing' she was sholvs and game shows, but | Íea| y prefer s t' mejust because ofwhat llike doing in my free
always worried wed break down on the way or com5 and drama s€ries, especja||y Desperate
time? | like playing video games. Whatt the
have an accident or run out of petrol.,. Housewives. My brother only likes cartoons so
probIem wlťh that? We||, ťhe thin8 is |,m an
C: Public lransporti much wete a ways fighr ng for the remote control.
betcer. adult. l'm 27 and people think l'm too old for
Třacy: scort'.'
C:True, bur in those days people loved cars. video games... They dont know what !hey're
Scott: Reading. My house is full of books. My
AImosť every farnily owned a car and hacl talking about. Apparently 56010 ofallgamers are
!!vo or threel The lramc jams were terribLel oad love< besr,elle's. etpec ally de(eLuve sto're\.
aged betwe€n 24 and 44| MiL|íons of inreIligent
and my mum reads hlstoricalnovels. llove
C: Didnt they ride bikes? adults around the worLd enjoy playing video
fantasy, horror and science'fiction, bur I read
Gr ln some countries ike Holland there were games. Why? Because video games are good.
anyrhrng: fact or fiction, poetry, newspapers/
lots ofcyclists, but here hardly anyone cycled to You need to use your brain a lot more than you
n'ragazines, even school booksl ld like ro be
wor( or !o scnool, do to watch TV They're fu I ofexcitemen! and
a writer. l've writlen some short stories and a
C: Why can,t we rake p|anes anyrnor€? drama. And in my humble opinion, they're a lot
screenplayforafi m.
C: Come onl You've studled that at sahool more íun than the opera'.' so jfyoute an adu|t
Třacy Fiona-''
Cr Em... because of climate change? and you love video games, don'r be shy. Tell
Fiona: My boyfriend! studyin8 ťo be an a.tor,
C:That! right. everyone you know and tell rhem why. Therei
90 we go ro see a lo! offilrns and plays. l'm too
noťhin8 to fee| ashamed of'
shy to get up on a stage or to act in front ofa
camera, bu! i! would be great to work in the
[see ťhe previous recording] theatre or in !he cinema. I could be a rnake-up
artist or work on the special effects or maybe Des: OK, cooL down.... Now, your horne!,ork
even be a director. l'll probably end up selling wasto defrnewhaaa sport ls . so r.,hos Ec T:
In the photo I can see a young woman or maybe rickets in lhe box-office !hough. ro start? Yeah, Dan?
t: aman' Im 1ol <Uíe' becau<e hei \ lling'' Dan: lt can't be a spor! if you can p a; r r
I can't see the face, bu! he or she has go! long
ordjnary shoes' Team sport5 | ke íooIba
hair, a ponyrail. And he or she iswearingjeans My son Tommy loves RPG, rhati role'playing bas|etba||, básebál|a1d cricLeL.| . .'e L. . '
ánd a grpy | .hinrtit\b|ueJepver'Herstirtrng games, you know like Dungeons and Dragons. own speciaL shoes, and so do indiv dua spor:!
on the grass and |ookin8 a! !he mounťains' Hes He si!s in his room wi!h a couple offriends and like wresrling and lennis. And games I ke chess
got a yellow tent and blue backpack. He! in the they ima8ine ťhey are warrior5, e|Ves, lro||5, and and cards that aren'! real y sporas, wel you can
mountains and rhere is a river too, Yes, I don't know what else. They can spend hours play them jn any shoes, cant you?
like tha!. Some other paren!s have \^rarned me Des: Right, eh.-. sue?
that they rhink role play games are dangerous.
The photo shows a young man (or maybe 5ue:There! a prob em wlth Dan'! logic.
They say "Young people who play those games
woman, l'm not sure) camping alone in lhe \owada.'s rpoIrs sl.oe< oId'.á|v <hoeq'
lose tauch with reality:'5o whati wrong with ''ra
mountains. The place is very beautiful, very People wear trainers all the time, right?
that, as long as it! only for a few hours? Dont

peacefull There are mountains, green grass, a we a|| want to forget our probIem5 sometiřnes?
dont think iť! a sport íyou can smoke when
T 5ma|| ÍjVeí and the co|ou15 are wonderfu|' Th]s I read derecrive stories; my son plays hls games. }oJ íe p|ayin8' I mean' La l }ou i-lagi re 8oir8
swirnming or playing volLeyball wirh a cigarette
young...person is sitting on the grass by his tent Fair €nou8h, sure|y? Anywaý i!l not !hat easy
and just lookjng at the view ar the mountains, to lose rouch wlth reality ifyou've gor three in your mouth? or a íootba|]er smoking as
ar the sky, and probably rhinking. His backpack tesrs every week at schooll or people say "The he! heading the ball? Or someone pulling out
is standing next !o him. I think he, or she, is very boys pur rhemselves into the skln ofevll, crlrel her Iighter as she! skiing downhil|? No, iť!
happy there happy becau5e ofthe peace and ťhe beings, and ir changes their personality." That! irnpossible.
nature around him or her I wish I was there tool just nonsense' when Tommy hacks a dÍagon Desr Hmm, inleresting.... Yes, Billy?
ro pieces in a game it doesn't mean he'll do the Billy: The goalkeeper of my local amateur
5ame to the nei8hbour,s dog, does iť? | have football team smokes during the matches. The
Teacher oK, Tract tell us about your groupi only one objecrion ro role-playing game!- They funny thing ls he rolls his own cigarettes and he
project. simply take up a lot oftime, really a lot, and I
often ha5 !o ťhrow everything in rhe goaIwhen
Tracy: We wanted to find out what teenagers fee| it wouId be better if Tommy did differenť the other tearn atťacks] ||aughter] Anywaý
do in ťheir fÍee ťime, so We went jnto the !hings, played more sports for example. But l'm what about proper sports such as sailing,
p ayground and asked you the quesť on:,What,s sure he'll grow out of it-
archery and golf? You can smoke when you're
your favourite klnd of enterlainment?' What
doing them, can't you?
you didn'r know is that we were recording your
De.r Cood polnt, Billy.... Yes, Malcolma
replies... Darren... Some peop e like the ballet or !he opera...
oo Malcolm: I think rhat if you have judges who
Dařřen: Drawin8 and painting' In fact, the onIy Ihat '' . OÍhpr peopIe píere. Jdll |ha(''
give subjecrive marks, then it isn t a sport. But
thing I like at school is art. I draw in pencil or coo roo... Some even like folk music... Why
jfyou can actuaLIy nreasure or tim€ the resuIts,
charcoa|, and I paint, Llsual|y waťercoIours. | |ove nor?... Orhers love admiring landscapes or
landscapes the most.ld like to be an artist <ru pruresina r gallerre5or vrsrtinBe(hrb(rons lhen r 15. So figu e (kating i\ni a sport bu!
go to a Iot oíart gaIleries and exhibitions' l ]ike oíancient maslerpi€ces in museum5.'. It! speed .laLrng rs: drv.rg qn I bur qwimminB ir;
pholography too.l take a lot of phorographs. noť rny cup oftea, but ifthat,swhat turn5 gymnasrics isn't, the long jump is.

Especially portrairs of my girlfriend. you on, r s OK wlth nre... Then there are the DesrTina?

Tina: But what about cornbať sports such as M: Yeah, I wi L Do you... Pr Bur you've got to take these pills fight now or...
fencing, judo and boxing? They've got judges D: Or what?
too. And Malcolm! definition also allows P: Or you'll die.
indoor games like chess and darts to call Elisa: Daddy, wi I you play doctors and nurses Er Oh nolDaddyl
themselves sports. And theyte notlA sport wrth us? Pi Elisa, it!just a gamel
is some[hing that needs physical effort and is Dad: Alright.
good for your healrh. Paul: l'm the docror, and Elisa! the nurse.
Des: Yeah, maybe... Ken, what do you think? E: And you're the patient. Pam: Hi Ken, do you know what this is about?
Ken:lt! not easy to frnd the perfect defnltion for D: We re in the hosp tal, are we? Ken: Hi Pam. lti some guy talking about how to
sport' But Id Iike to su8gesť a Very simple one.' ' Il P: No, we're in !he doctor's surgery. keep fit. |t couId be interesťing' |'.'
can'! be a sport ifEng and are any good at it
D: Whati the matter with me? Arthuř: lconfess. |,m an addic!. But |,m not
P: We don,t know We haven,ť examjned you yet' addicted to drugs or alcohol- No. l'm a frrness
E:OK, come and lie down on the sofa... fanatic. l'm addicted to healthy food and
Dr: Megan, I have the results ofyour medical
P: So, Mr Barham. What's wrong? 5en5ibIe exer.ise' And |,m here ťo t€|I you how
check-up here... You need to lose some weight. to have a healthy lifestyle.
D: l'm ill. I don't feel very wel ... I feel very weak
MegrYeah, I know. Pilnteresringi
and l'm dizzy when I stand up.
Dr: I think you oughr to take up a sport. K: Sssh, give him a chance.
P: Hmrr, and do you feel s eepy?
M: I don't like sport, doctor A: Look at mel I'm not particularly athletic, but
D: Yes.
Dť| Don,tyou pIay sporcs ar school? l'm fir, as fit as a fidd e. I haven't had a day's
P: Have you gota headache?
MrYeah... Cymnastics, hockey... boring stuff illness in my life- Well, l've had a few colds, and
D: Yes, i!! very painful. And rny !hroall sore, I

Dn Have you never done any sports in your free once DroKe my arm...
and Ive got stomach ache !oo.
time? PiWho is this guy?
Pr I see. Have you vomited?
M: No. Well, yeah, when we lived ln Scotland, I
A: ...and anorher time I twisted my ankle, bur
Dt No.
loved winter sports: downhill and cross-country i've never fe|r rea||y sick oÍ had to take a day off
P: And have you been sneezing a lot?
J'rng ' Tl^aL wa'.oo ' á1d | |o!ed |(e.5|at'rg' work. I never go to the doctor! and l've never
But there aren't any ski s opes or skating rinks D: Yes, I have.
been in a hospital, except to visit friends. one
near nere. P: Hmm, alrighr. Let's examine you with my
reason ir rhat I follow a sensible diet. l'm 52, and
DÍ: You rea||y shouId do some sporť. stethoscope''- W€||, your heart is beat]n8' I haven't put on any weight since lwas 221
M: Like whar? D: That,a re]ieí
Dř: How abour aerobjcs? P: Does it hurt when I slap you on the back? lhe
M| No, got teÍribIe coordinalion' slaps him on the backl
|'Ve A:|f you want ťo get Ét and stay fit, Waťch whal
Dr: Squash or badminton? D: OwlYesl you eať. Your body rs a temple' Do not poIlute
M: I m no Bood a! racket sporls. P: And whar abour if hit you on the knee with it....
a hammer like thls?
Dr: Swimming... windsurfi ng? P:|s your bodya ťemple, Ken?
D: YesJ
M: l'm scared of water A: Do noť po||ute your body with junk foods
P: Hmrr, can you cough, please? Thank you... and alcohol. Cut down on fatty foods and
Dr: What abou! a!hletics?
open your mouth... Say aah... srirnulanrs. To sray in shape, yoll should eat at
M: I don't like running... Maybe I could do a
D: Aahl leasr five pieces offresh frui! and vegetables
6eld spor!?
P: Look, nurseJSwo len tonsils. every day, and always choose low-fa! foods. And
Dr: Field sport?
Er Yes. please, if you smoke, give up. Not !omorrow
M|Yes, I rhjnk Id like hammer ťhrowlng-
Dr: Yes, but thať WouIdn,t reaIly he|p you to Iose
P: Right, let! take your blood pressure... not next weeK, Dut now.
weight, would it? K: I hope you're listening, Pam.
M: No,lsuppose not... You knowwhat ld realy D; What is ir? P:Shut it, Kenl
like to do? P: oh dearJ Em, take his ťernperature, nurse. A: NOWI I smoked a cjgarette once, so I know
Dř: Whar? E: OK, please hold this thermometer under your What ilt Don't
Iike' My second secÍeE i5 exercise.

M:RLrgby. tongue, be a couch potatol Don't be a lazy slobl All you

D: What's that? get in front of the TV is backache and earache.
Dr: Rugby?
E: l!t a !hermomerer, Daddy. Take up a sportl Do regular exercisel
MrYes, I love watching it on TV
E: I mean, i!l a thermometer, Mr Barham. Prlwish hed speak louder.
Dř: But !here aren,t any gir|5, rugby team5, are
Dr I hope ir's clean. Kr Yeah, I can hardly hear him.
P: Now, lelt see... Oh dear. Lookl A: I go jogging before breakfasť- Five kiIomelres
MrOh, no, pity...
Dr What's wrong? e!e'y dáv' Ard | á|so go waIki-rg eveíV evening'
Dr: Wait a minute, you said you loved ice-
Even in ťhe rain and snow DisciPIine, that's
skaling, right? Pi That! not good at all.
what you need. lf you haven't got discipline,
Dr What?

Mr Yeah, bur the neares! ice rink! forty miles

recomm€nd joinin8 a gym' A5 you lvork out,
away' The sports faci]iťies here are rubbi5h' P: You,V€ got a Very high temperature'
you can talk to your friends about your new
Dr: True, bur why don't you try rollerblading? E: 45 degreeslAnd youie shivering.
heaLrhy habits.
Itt very sirnilar !o ice-skating. Dr oh, rhat is bad.
M: Ro lerblading? Thati not a sport. P: Yes, you're suffering from a very unusual tever
K: Yeah?
Dr: Yes, it is. And it! very good for you. lt! a D: Oh:
P:Tell me abour your healthy habits.
great way ro lose weighr. Er Let's glve him an injectionl
A: And secreť number three is''' eh'.' secret
M:Well, maybe, but I haven't gor any the syrlnge, pLease, nurse. The big one.
P: Yes. Pass
number rhree i'.'. Ard .ecíel numbeÍ L5ree i5
rollerblades. D: Owl relax. Take it east Avoid stress and make sure
Dr: Don't worry about that! l'll get your mum P: Oh, I dont like this... Nurse. call an you ge! enough sleep. I sleep for eighr hours and
and dad to buy you a good pair, alrlghr? ambulance at once. I dont n€ed sIeeping pi|]5' Just a healthy diet
M:Yeah, thanks very much, Dr Smith. Bye. Dr What! wrong wirh me doctor? á ]d regu|ar e\e.( 5e Ldr'y to bed' eá/y Ío ri9e'
Dr Goodbye. P: l'm not sure. lt could be food-poisoning. makes a man hea|!hy, Wea|ťhy and Wise' And
la.on: Howt it go, Meg? Wele going to take you to the accident and that works for women too. Thank you.
M: No problern. Your plan was brilliantl lt emergency at the hospiral for an x-ray and ro
worked just like you said it would. run 5ome tesls' You,Íe 5erious|y i||, but pIease
Jr Creatl Cet the same rollerbiades l've got. don't worry. There's no!hing to worry about. People who love animals get sarisfaction from
They're really good. D: Good. working with them. However, some of the work

may be unpleasan!, physically and emor onally T: Like what? 3 My tavourjte invenrion is very simp e. lt!
demanding, and sometimes dangerous. Most A: We|, eating meat for a sťart. good for your health and ir! good for rhe
anima| care Workers have ťo c|ean anjma| T:There you go agarn. environment, iti fas! and it! cheap to use. lti
cages, lií[ or hoId animaIs, or 5!op !hem from A: No, listenlThe anlmals you eat, cows and ťhe bicyc e. Everyone 5hou d have one'
run n inB away, so sornetimes the animals wr I
sheep and p gs, are respons ble tor more 4 I'm a physicisr working in a research
biteor scratch !hem.lf a worker has to take da-aglrB 8.e"nhou.e 8a'e. l5an á | the (d's n company, and my colleagues are all scien!sts;
par! in pu!ting ill or old an mals to sleep, he the worldl professors of genetics, electrical engineers and
or she rnay feel unhappy about t. Animal care so on. We agreed !hat the two mos! usefu
T: don'r believe lt.
workers often work ourdoors in a I kinds of lnvenrions were both !o do with eleclrlclty. The
A:Well, r! rrue.70% ofthe deforestation of
Weather, geťting into a|| kinds of uncomfortab e lransistor, that's the smal piece ofequiprnen!
the Arnazon is ro produce an rnals for the food
posltions, and rhe workplace can be noisy. thať controls the frow oreIeclrjcity in radios and
industry. And meat produc!ion doesnt just
Working hours are rregular. Anima s rnus! be -ele!i(ron<. And rhp elecrro mrgner c iaduCrior
destroy rainforesrs, it aIso po||ures air and Waťer,
fed every day, so caretakers may have to work at
causes acid rain and,.,
Ii1g rhe de\ (p wh .5 |"Ís .( .orlro eIeCl| (|tv
weekends and holidays.
T: R ght, bur...
5 t! hard to decide the besr invent on. I know

A:Most people are like you. They're happy to

rhe worst - genetica ly rnodified foods. And
(o|l o I lhe r ,.bb \l. lo íeL }L e pdpe' o' 8|cl' the technology thar 'd love to see invented ls a
Do ph ins aremamma s Ijke us' Exťreme|y vaccine tor AIDS. But rhe best invent on? | uo'r !
or use energy-saving lightbulbs and solar panels,
intelligent and quick co earn, rhey are snrillng knoW' ' '' Maybe the Inrerneť, n,]aybe ťhe 8errn
bLlť ťhey Wont 9top eating meatI
happy creatures, fnendly and as genrle as lambs. theory of infection, but thaťs sure|y a discovery,
However, ifyou see a dolphrn offrhe coasr of T| Bu! if everyone€ Vegetarians, there
not an inventioni Or maybe nuclear power. Or
Florlda, be careful. You could get shot. The wouldn't be enough food. Wed have to cut
the communjcations satellite. I real y don'r know
Unired States mil tary has been rralning dolphins down a|| the forests in the worJd ro get |and Íor
to be soldiers and sp es. Deadly dolphins !hat al rhe aubergines and broccoli.
can frnd their enemies and shoor poisoned darts A: No way|90% ofagricLl|tLlra| |and is used Íor
l've go! this psychology projecr to finish for
írom sPecia|guns. Charmlng' Thi5 is no.hing new 8rowing crops to feed anima|s. ]usť so you can eat Loro'Io\Á mo'4 ng''' Wl.ál] Mal\Pmá('(s
ThroÚghout history, an]ma s have been use(l lor hambLrrgers. lf we were all vegetarians, wed use
exam? Poor youlYes, know all you.omputer
miIlťary purpose5' Do85, horses, pigs, eIephantsl a lo! less land and wed save a lot of water too.
science sťudents Iove malhs, but''' Hmm.
they've al served ln battle, and some have T: So, you're saying rhat lf we stop eating Yeah''' List€n, Miche||e, do you want to go out
received meda s for thelr courage. Dogs ancl bats harnburgers, we can save rhe planet? for dinner tonight?... You dol? Well, greatl l'll
have even been used to carry bombs. But as far A:Yes. Elther you carry on eating mea! and walch pick you up at 7'-' Fantastic]''' No, |,l| frnlsh ťh 5
as know, rhe dolph n js the only species that has the deserls grow the lce caps mel!, the sea levels project in no tlme... OK, see you at 7... whala
hppn l)' ohr h <h.^l ňo^ň a rise and the acld rain fall, or you can change your No, of course, l won't be latel Byel Yesl
oí cour5e, anima|5 do rnore peacefuIjob5 too. dier. And your health wil be better too. Right, rhat! tI''. Ha ípasť9 x] |just have to
Pigeons deliver our letters. Horses, donkeys and T: Yeah, bLtť you dont get enough proteln5 and prlnt !hls and get ready for Mich-"1 e.
camelscarry usaround. Farm an maLswork n vilamins from vegetables. So, the bril iant young soc al scien! s! takes the
our frelds. Ponies in our mines. E ephan!s in A: Thati rubbishlYou don't know... rnouse and rnoves lhe cursor onto the icor ol
ťropicaI foresls. And every!hing from cals to rats, the pr nter He c icks once and voi á C cks olc:
Írom guinea pigs to monkeys',he p,, n |aboralory and vol|á| Doub|e c ick] corne on corrpulei
experiments. And then there's enaertarnment: CANDIDATET Hl Gregory. Look what it says pr nt rhe documentl Ohl Sh... ugar OK. do'l i
chimpanzees act, bu ls fight, parrots ralk, seais in ťhe paper: Ir! Earrh Day next saturda' and panic. The computer,9 cÍa9hed' It happen!
do circus rricks, dogs and horses race. We even theyte invi!ing everyone to corne and clear up You,Ve go! pIenťy of time ]usL ÍestarI the
employ nsects such as honey bees. the lltrer ln all !he parks ln rhe city. Why don't cornputer and everyťhing rv I be Éne' , \or.L'
But wlthout doubr, dogs are our champion we go? t me for a cup oftea...
workers. They do almost everything. EXAMINÉR oh, no,8]Ve me a break. It's such OK my love y llttle PC, you re golng ro prinr my
They conťroI herds of5heep, guard our houses, a waste or r rte. documen!, aren't you? Now where is i17 In the
pull us on sleds, detec! drugs, rescue us from crWhar do yoLl mean it's awaste of timel psychology folder... which 6 e?... em project 4.
mountain tops, help blind people to see and We llve on Ear!h, righr? We've go! to take Thati t... so we'lljust open thar... We'ljust
even work as psychoIogisrs' Ťati right' Dog responsibiIity íor the p|anet' open that fi |e... Oh, come onl P easeJWhali
psychoIogists' Appar€nt|y, íyou use antj' E: But don't want to spend my who e Saturday wrong with you?
social teenagers to rrain gulde dogs ro help picking up rubbishl OK, ook, if you open this document, l'lbuy
disabled people, rhen aggressive, angry kids you a new keyboard or a nice fat screen
C: OK, so ler's go p cking up lltter first, and rhen
with problems become more sociable, tolerant just go cycling along rhe r ver and have dinner rnonitor or a love y colour aser printer with
and self'conndent. They see how important scanner and pholocopier... lus! open lt, pleasel
in the pub by the cana]. How! thať?
discipline is to rhe dogs and reaiise rhat rhey Come onl
need discipline in their own lives. Dogs rhat
oh no] | don,t beIleve il| Error|?.'' Dont t€| me
lpd( h p"opIP ro bpl.á\ e belÍer] We|]' lLáÍ.
mathematician - physicist chenrist. blologist. |,Ve los! that document' Iti tak€n me fouÍ days.
cerlalnly a lot betler than people that teach
geologist. psychologist archaeologist Please, nol
dolphins to shoot guns.
Michellel I can't make dinner... I think l've got a
virLlsl... No, not me, my cornputerl lt Just wen!
1 My least favourite modern inventlon is deadl... Yeah, the screen went b ack, nothing
Tim: Hi, Alice. What are you eating?
the television, and my favourite is the radio. works... l've lost my psychology project.-. No,
Alice: The vegerarlan oprlon. A te evis on contro|s you and stops you Írom I haven'r got a backup... My pendrive broke
T: Ugh. doing things, but when you re lislening ao a down and''' Yeah, I know you to|d me to 8€t
A: Timl You're... radio, you can do a I sorts ofthings: cooking, an externa memory, but... Yeah, !he only copy
T: What? reading, and you can lislen !o t anywhere. n is on the hard disk... No, havent downloaded
A: We||, you're a|ways goin8 on abouť c imate rhe car, a! work, riding your bike, walking in the any funny programs r€cent|ý and I haven,l
change and global warmlng, bur you dont do counrry. la! brilllan!. been surfing any new sites on the net either...
much abour ir, do you? 2 [1'e (ompJ|pr ' -ed1' )omeÍimPs I hale iÍ' No haven't opened any strange emai s,,.
T: Thati not fair I always use rny bike to ge! wan! to pick r up and lhrow ir out of rhe ] don't know Whal to do. |,m not a compuleř

around. Ldon't own a car. window, buť l cant do withour it' |t |ers me programmer... Rea ly?... You don'! mind?
A: Creat, but the po lution from cars ls only one work from home, you see. And the interner lets oh, Miche||e, ťhat's so nice otyou.'' How Ion8?
ofthe gases rhar! destroying the env ronment. me keep in !ouch With everyone, Which i9 8reať Twenty minLl!es? oK, l'll see you lhen... Thanks
Some !hings are much worse. 'cause I don't llke talking on ahe phone. a lor...


|.rR ||
|-ltr|_-ří-|\t'|\l 3 A (horn€work, prac.]s€, Ilsťen, repeao
4 F (passengers, Right5, delay€d,sates)
havent realy got to know Danish societt)
-o .un p rl
5 D (sťarťers, caviar toást, charnpagne, cheese, .
'Lrdent er.l_:nge prog.ann_e
bread, soup) Was a usefuIexperience, buť lr Wouid beeven
zKoUšKoVÉsTRATEGIE more successful ifth€ difÉcu ties Ita|ked abour
12 CD r.09 Were so]V€d')
I ] caugh. 2 h€ard 3 sixrierh 4 rhirty.ejghr 5 ri8hl
A Výběr z vice možno9rí- Task 2 (= no. efť) 6 falr (= b ond) 7 piece 8 knight 2 CD 1.15
B Dop|ňování- Ta9k 3 lC 2C ]A 4C 58
C Pravda/Nepravda Task 1
2 CD 1.02 1 CD r,r0 ] srraregi€s ],3,4,5
1P 2 srraťegi€s 1,3
(| Wás fed up with the idea of |ying on .he b€ach) 3 strátegies 1,3,5,6,7
2C 4 strategieg '1,1,5
3A 5 strátegies ]
(l walk-"d for about four hours in the morning and
3 CD 1.03 about three n the afternoon)
2P ( had to take a bus to rhe nearest lown ro buy
3N some olher shoes. When I was there, accldenral y 1 CD 1.16
4N met an old friend.) 124
2 ren t n8
4 CD 1.O4 (on the nexr day rhere was not only a prob em 3 governmenr
c Wiťh my 9hoes (L mean the neW one') 4 roya

5 CD 1.05 5N 5 kings
]B (The track along the shore was bIocked for som€ 6 queens
2A reason. I thoughr ir would take me a long tlme ro
Fnd another roure. To make things worse, my feet wwW.Ilfeinťheuktesť'goV'uk
3A 8
hurr, so I djdn'r Feel like wa kjng any more.)
4C z
5B 2 CD r.'r 'l
5ťuden15,own answers'
]N 2P ]P 4P 5N

I Kare hasjust moved in and she has only met 3

a tew people rhere. Suggested answers: zKoUšKovÉ5TRATEctE
2 Tom has be€n ta|king on his mob |e ror abour I srrategies 1,3
ha|fan hour itwi|]cost him a íorťune] 2 sťÍategies ],3,5 I
3 |f my írjends werent so busy, they Wou|d
8o 3 srraregies 1,3,6
Wiťh me on a trjp around rhe Wor|d' 4 straregies '1,3,4 (when Briony was sri I half'asleep, she knew rt
4 The frat in the city centre isn't as expensive as 5 sťraťegles ] WouId beone oíthose day'
ťhe apartmenr next ťo the river' 2D
5 Un]ess the weaťher is fine, we wont go away for VYBER Z VICE MOZNO5TI: (the voice on rhe radio said somerhing eke,
KRATKE NAHRAV(Y (ome|.l ng Ie '''J1d )o |- |J(\y 1J'Ťber |(
BÍiony pu5hed rhe glass away and ran back to her
7 CD t.O6 1 CD 1,12 bedroom.)
),/ 3P

3,/ 2 CD 1.13 (For rwo months every week Briony played Lotto,

wirhour relling anybody.)
r (The coupon was in herjeans. She looked around.
8 5tudents own answers. But thejeans were gone.)


r cD 1.14 (The scient sts gave people a lj5r of rhings and
g€r i|| be frt ]B asked |hem to choose somerhing ťhey wou|Cln't
tocal (Flrsr ofall, studying in Denrnark requires specra be ab|e to ilVe withouť' Then they inLerviewed
.\ir \ thr! )o ne rol5q nLde r. rry noL l_rvL ..
people asking thern for reasons oftheir choices.)
popular ...1 was asked to give a presentatlon to the whole
9 CD 1 .O7 group ofsrudenťs - something I had never done (a comfortable bed and a set of cooking pots)
I A (feels unwel = has fallen ill) before... ...srudy groups, whjch was anorher iorrn
2 c (mustn't be |are Í on y lfyou come early)
ofhornework asslgnrnent: our professor gave us
(!o nterpre! lhe r€su ts and exp|aln why peop e
a problem to so ve, and we had to do t worklng
3 B (regional groups = Iocal bandt wanr ro have so lltde.)
10 2A 3
')o' Ioí lhe i']-j( (|re r n.v Íe' 'tarteo p-eparng B
2F my own mea s and buying everything as cheaply Ťe reasons whvtbeprbsrbsacllgqelpl
3C as possib e.) approDriat€:
4C lc A theadvartage<\r'r"ge\or rvingin
5B (A rhough rhere isacrash course about living n J oig ( L} |. onIy a lop( oÍ in.po.ta.ce
6H Denmark íor a|| the inrernationa| 5tudents, WhIch in lhe !ex!;
ls organised once a year I thlnk we should be g ven c - !he word sersdtiondl actually contradicts rhe
more inforÍna! on be|ore going to DenmaÍk') main idea of the texr, \,vhich is rhat the resu ts of
t1 cD 1.08 4C the 5urvey Were surprising abvious, boring
'l B (lerret parcel, post,stamps) (However, paradoxica] y, afrer Iiving there íor 'oť
D - this headlng refers to a sing e and
2 E Gweathshirts' jeans, T-shirťs, siŽe) as ong as one year I sti|] have ťhe íeelin8 rhat unimportanr piece of informat on in the rexr.

3 doinS
4 Despite
lc 2a 3d 5 down zKoUŠKoVÉsTRATEclE
2 6 going
1d 2f 3a 4b 5c 7 was
1 postcardrC, C
3 8 can
2 los! ilem announcemenr:A,
ld 2c 3b 9on
I invirarion D

4 notetl
1d )a 3b 4Í 5e
2 ohrases not usedrB, K, E
Strate gies: students' own answers.
tc 2
3C 2C
1B 3G
2B 6A
Reasons Whv other sentences aÍe not correcti
3D sentencesA and D do noť frť in the conr€xt:
]B A lt! my frrsr day ar rhe seaside.
5C 9A
D - Tornorrow rne and mv farn
lV are 8oing .o rh€
rop ofMont Blanc.
10 c Sentence F does nor give full inforrnarion:
z F Our plans for rhe next few davs are sril nor
Suggesred answeK:
1 strategres 2,5
I pasl lense decided.
2 B article senlence B does noť referto any ofrhe bulIet
2 strategres 2,5
3 C verb + noun collocalion
3 sťrategie5 2,4
4 strategies 2,5
4c linking word
5 E phrasalverb
5 straregy 2
6 I verb pattern 2B
6 straregy 3
7 H passlve voice ]B
9 A dependent preposition The chosen sentences precisely convey rhe
I jnformalion from the rubr cs and Ét in the conlexl
10 F relative pronoun
1C ofťhe task'
1 relative pronoun 4
2 -i,8verb (to forrr a correcr Verb patteÍn) Sugsested answer:
5rudenť,s own an9Wers.
3 dependent preposition . VysVětIete, co byIo z!raceno,
PŘ|ŘAzoVÁNÍ 4 verb (to form a correcr collocation) . uvedte, jak bunda vypadá (dva údaje),
5 rnodal verb ' Vysvěl|ere, pročje pro Vás dů €žiré j] na]it,
I 6 verb (to íorm a correct past tense) . uvedte na sebe spojenj.
7 arícle
2E 8linkingword
3C o oíeposit|on íto íorn. a co"re(( phrá(lIVeřb\
4D l0 verb (to forrn passive)
5F 1

2 Studenrs'own answers. Formal etter (F)i2,4, 5,8

Studentl own answers |nformá| |etter (N): ], ], 6, 7
Features rypical of a formal lerrer:
PRAVDA/NEPRAVDA 2i a poIiťe/foÍrnal request

2A 4: forma| |inking word Ho|'eýer, no contractions
]N 3C (ÍúIÍo|m o( lda nat agree)

2P 4C 5: a comp|eX sentence wi!h a |'dť'c|ause

8: formal closing phrase.

4N 6C Fearures ťypi.a| ofan informa] |etter|
7C 1: contracrions (/r!), lnformal vocabulary (cool)
6N 8A and a question maÍk suggesting emoťionaI
2 r0 c 3r addressing the reader drrecdy, the use of
Sugsested answers: a rheťorica|question
] strategie5 1,2,ó 6: structure and Vocabu|ary rypicaI for sp€ech, the
Students own answers. use of a rhetorical question
2 straregies 1,2
I strategie5 1,2,6 8 7:imperaťive, the use of a quest]on mark
4 strategres 1,2,5 5ugge5!ing erno!ional involvement.
5 srrategres 1,2,6 2B 2
6 srrateSies 1,3 3C The cholce and orderofparagraphs:

4B ]E
5C 2C
I 8B The reasons íor |eaving out lhe remain in g sen ťences:
I were 9A H t|.is does noÍ Co.\,e} llre \e( ond piele
2an r0 c ofinformation required in the 6rsr bulLet;

B this sentence does no! convey the first prece ot a on8 rime|Actua||V (sP), l,m a bit worr €d and 5
inforÍnat]on requjred in the second bu] et; wonder ifyouleOK. My mum 5ay5 | shou|dn,ť use it 50 rnuch' But t!
D thiŠsentence doe5 nor convey any ofrhe When you la5! wrole ro me (CR), you menrioned not fa ' J< | ( an) É-roa |o. oÍ,]\e|J| ||orna-ion
iniormarion required in rhe rhird buller; you nlght gq (LEX) on a rrlp to Alaska. Have you for my school homework. Even (out reachers
F thi':ertercp, onveys sone o'L1e rrtor-.rdt ion mana8ed ro geť there? As fo1(LEX) myseií |,ve 50merimes re|| ťhe c|ass ro hand in homework in a
required in the fourth bul et, buť does not answer got mponan! news for you: we've lusr moved printed torm. oícourse, it! true thar I ove P ayjng
rhe quesrion fu||y (the s entence ]Í you think yuu (CR) ro a new! jusrglca! (SP), but lr! games, coo.
can aÍord to publish mare articles abaut it .2n,t untortunat€ly far away from my previous home, so
be řegarded as th€ equiVaenÍof rind out Íthe in fact |,Ve Iosť near|y a|I my friend5] 4
editaria]staÍ is planningsame ather articles on As foÍ my fami|ý nry b]g sister Anna i5 rhinking A Education
emilar topicslrc rded n rhe rubrlcs.) (CR) about applying for a job ut (LEX) Orrawa. B Sporrs
s\e. rsl n8'o. vor I rd\i. e St' .rboLr ld rgr ages C Your daily rourine and lifestyle
which one is sooken (CR) in Ottawa, French or
1D D Holidays and travell n8
2t I arn aIready p|anning my hoIidays lasť year: I rh nk
E Free tirne and hobbies
3B lt,|l betheseaside as us!a!(LEX)' lwond€r lfyou
F Modern prob|€ms
!q!d (CR) corne to join me n rhe second b4lf
5A (5P) of August.
students'own an5wers,
Phrase not used:C I hope ťo hear trom you soon'
Love, 6
Sugges!ed answer: Studenrs own answers.
] Druh opisu - formá|nídopis: stížnosť 8 7
2 |nfořmace obsaž€né vzadání k ú|oze: 5u8gesťed ansWer: Students'own angwers.
. L\edie' ^a ío . ' lcele (le/o\dt J I oy (e \an Už 5e vám d|ouho n€ozvala vaše kanadská
telefon porouchal, příte|kyně. Napištejí dopi5, ve kterém: ÚsTNí zKoUšKA - PoPIs oBRÁzKŮ
' \ ! (\ él Ie'e' a( nP|bvtp.obIemieieraco,e(|e . Vyjádříre svo]i starost, protože už dIouho od
nebyIo udě|áno' I
n I erJle Žadne zp.aý\ á,/eplejle 5e zda sP,
Students' own answers
' Vysvětlele' proč je pro Vá5 Vznik|á siruace podai||o do-hnoLt Lo.o' co rré|a V p J.L
neoii|eŤnd J \ VJadreIp .voje l. IaŤárI nJd (|'n' . napišre jío dů|ežitézrněné ve vašem živote 2
jak 5poIečnost ]axně reaguje,
a o loÍn, co ťato změna zpú5ob |a, l shows
vyjádřete svoji předsravu řešenísituace . sdě|tejínovinkyo Vašírodiněa zeptejle se na 2 rs standing
a navrhněťe termín tohoto řešení' jejlnázor,
] É|ooking
5 . popište ]ísvoje p ány na |etní prázniny
4 s wonoer n8
Suggesred answer: a naVrhněte případné 5erkáni'
5 is enjoy ng
The underlined phrases can be omirted: ÚsTNí zKoUšKA - RozHovoR NA 6 decide
Dear Sir or Madam, VsEoBEcNÉ TÉMA ] aÍe
]arn writing in conneclion Wiťh the YcIL
inleÍesling pos! ofassistant in lheA| Across the í 3
World TravelAgency. b whar is your idea home |ik€? ] Boťh photos show
Iam a nineleen-year'o|d 9rudent fÍom Hungarý c Whar was your favourire subject ar school? 2 in bolh picťures
am currendy living and studying in Dublln which d What do your parent5 do? 3 The main difference is ťhat
bV rhe waLl]í!!|l/erv beauriíu and excirinB. ] am e What nationaliry íood do you Iike best? 4 whlle
inťerested in the pos. as I be ieve I am rhe r ght f How often do you go shopplng? 5 n contrast
person for rhisjob.
I WoÍked jn a trave agency ]n London for two 2
7 doesn't se€m
months ast summer, which helped me deve op rd
many skil s thar may be useful when workjng For 2b 8 Perhaps
yot]' As a p€rson I am Very patrent and optimÉtic' 3e 9 easrer
I thlnk rhese two features are very lmporlanr 10 Persona ly,ld prefer
when you work ln a rravelagency becausevou 5t
must have oatjence w]ťh custorner5 and When Vou
6a 'l because
are alway5 5tpilirg, thev begin liking whar vou are
trvrns !o selt. 3 2so
I Wou|d ]ike ťo add thar arn ready !o come to an 2
nterview any rirne you like. I like both books ánd fi|ms. f ] have rime, I pÍerer 4 and
hope to hear from you soon, reading books, bur sonetlrnes l'm too busy.
YoLrrs faithfullt When I decrde ro see a/the É|nr,I a ways Walch
KarelNovak ]. n the oÍ]gina |anguage' This Way I can f€e|
theatmosphere betrerand lcan practise ťhe 5!udenťs'own answers.
lan8uages wh ch I srudy.
2H 5!udents'own answers,
I rry to do someah ng ar leasr rwice a week. There
3B ls a swimrning pool 5 rninules frorn rny home, ÚsTNÍ zKoUŠKA - Úsrruípno'rv
4F bur iťs often crowd€d' I a|5o p ay tennis With one A lNTÉRAKcE NA DANÉ TÉMA
5A ot rny c|assmales' sometimes t! diíÉcuIrro fix a
6C time, and rhen LjusrBojo8ging in ťhe park' 1

7C a bullels coveredr general informarlon, rourisr

8D Unfortunate|y lofren eat fast food, b€cause I atlracťions, pIaces of jnterest, cu|ťure'
9l can,t 80 home for lunch' But I u5ua||y cook íor rhe brD2c3A4EsB
who|e íanr |y at weekends, and lt! a|ways heaIthy' ( 5!udenťs' own answers.
7 My Iitt|e brother oves ťhe Fru]t saIad that I make
Hi, Amanda for d€sserť' I buy the ingredien15 at the Iocá| 7
I haven,t b€arc! (GR) f|om you fol (LEX) such students'own answers.

14 u5ecl !o golwent
I are you eatng? 15 arnvecl
1 lwonder ifyou could help me- 2 are you wairing forl 16 was wait ng
2 Sure 3 Doyou p ay l7 knew
4 do you work? 18 had bumped
3 The problem is tbat
5 do you think? 19 spoke
4 | think it is a good idea ro
20 had passed
5 Could you recommend 4
2l decided
6 ld recommend I m having
22 used to think/had thoughl
7 | thjnk thar you should 2 are going
3 seerns 4
8 Noť ať aL|I
' explain how you met Adam One night ! was
,m trying.. ... exchanged aur phone numbers.
5 geťnng
Students' own answers.
6 rhink . decrr be l-ow rhp .elarion,hio oeveroped -
7 rn learning From ťhen on... ..,lonely peop]e!
Studenrs own answers. I rn enjoying
. 8'veson.edeta|soíyoJ| \ 9l IoBldJPe'|
At that time... ... Mt Ri+ht on the internet.
9 re stayrng
l0 'm rrylng PÉRFECT TENsE5
Studenrs'own answers.
l1 staÍt
12 dont have to 1

Srudents'own answers, l3 rke 1 1b,2a

]4 n€ed 2 1a,2f)
ÚsTNí zKoUšKA - KoMUN|KAčNí 3 1a,2b
5 41b,Za
1 is holding
,l 2 do€sn,! want
'l 3 hates
I been wailing
an easy book ln English 2 had
4 is crying
2 a DVD ot an English 6lrn 3 happened
5 are buildlng
3 an English language course in Brirain I Deen weanng
6 w€arin8
5 p ayed
4 dlctionary 7 is playing 6 been seeing
5 a one year subscriprion ťo an Eng|ish magazine 8 seem 7 be€n iron ng
z 9 is swlmming
'10 rhink
A 5 a one year subscriprlon to an EnglGh ] 'slha5 lak€n
1l are havrng
magazine 2'Velhave €aÍnt
B 3 an English language course in Britain PAsT TENSES 3 be€n cryin8
C 1 an easy book in English 4 l/has been ralning
1 5'v€/have be€n annoying
D 2 a DVD ofan EngLish frlrn 't b
E 4 dictionary 2a 7 've/have been c earing
3b 8 'slhas had
Students' own answers,
4 6a I Pele has won rhe chess championship four
Students'own answers. z 2 | havent Visired my grandrnotheÍ for a ong
] ]ohn had never been on rhe p|ane beíore' time.
2 When Roberr had frni5hed wÍirin8 his essay, he ] My brother has a|ways Iiked stÍawberry jce-
wenr out with his friends.
J When | lvaIked In(o the \|á)\room she v\ as ' DJ\e J.d cJíoIine have been marr|ed for 6Ve
taLk ng to the teacher
4 L used to see Clll more often. 5 How many times have you run in a marathon?
I are going
6 shei
5 Brenda fe t sick because she had eaten three had thes€ sk]5 5ince |a5! win!er.
2 are you thinking bars oichocolate- 7 How long have you been sirring here?
3 snows 6 We Were both Very busy yesreÍday evening: I

4 'rn studying was do ng my Maťhs homework whiIe Joanna
5 enjoy was ironing/doing rhe ironing.
7 Tbe Perklns didnt use to be rich.
I have been trylng
2 2 have failed
1 don t believe 3 3 don'! know
2 neveÍ ťa|ks
I was rrylng
2 received 4 have passed
3 she cornes 3 clalmed 5 am clo ng
4 | don'c rhink 4 had m-"r 6 dont smoke
5 they need 5 djdn,ť remeÍ]ber 7 has worked
6 they are doing 6 had ever encountered
7 k€pt I have been
8 lt seems
8 exchanged t have been dolng
9 was i vrng l0 have
9 they have
]0 was Íudy ng
1O is livinS I I had on y known 6
1'l She doesn't I ke 12 inv red 1 Are you doing
12 she doesrt fee 2 Ive/have been looking for

21 1
3 Ive/have found 7b 3go
3b 4 wi lyou do
5 you ve/have had 4b 5 wanr
6 you las! played 5a 6 fe€|
7 we,Ve/have been sťudying 7 willdo
I I m/arn rhinking or l've/have been rhlnktng
8 would rake
9 Tbat sounds 1 lf animals could speak they would comp ain
aDout us numans.
10 do you wanr
ll lhaventthoughr
2 You wi||fee|bert€r lfyou take an aspirin and Iie . express your suÍpr]9e lhat Br dget want5 ťo
go out with cornplete sr'angerc - fhat's gaod
12 do you th nk
3 |f peop]e are rude ro him, he sťays caim and news,.. ...Just taa rlsKy,
l3 they seern
ignores them/ignores them and srays calm. . .oeLul:Le*harcor d happen - And hot.
'14 Have you used
4 She would rake up jogging if she d dn r have
l5 Sam has broughr
breaťhing probIem5' n rLe)o^resJggp(tro.. \au h tl da whar
l6 everybody liked
5 lf Torn doesnt hurry up, we will be lare for
'17 We've/have been talking

6 wou dnt apo|ogBe !o her ií were you'

7 ]

I haven'r tldied up I
2 have be€n shopp]ng I arn always I rt5
3 havent found 2 won r 2 There!
4 have already c eaned I would 6nd l Th€re,s
5 have you done 4 wouldnt
6 have never said 5 \rill come 5 Therel
7 have been comp a ning 6 die 6 There!
7 Would ir 7 t5
I 8 There!
. explain why you didn't clean up - l'm sarry... ... 4 9 lr!
anytntnSl rb
. remind her rhaa she also somelirnes forgels to do 2c 2
her du( es.' Dan,ť be an!ry''' ''.tt,s real|y notÍai]
3b ] many sludenťs are there in your c a55?

' apo 08 z€ and susgesl a reso ution - 2 lher€ a phone box near here?

I apologize... ...setiDusly toa.

5b 3 HoW many peop|e Were there ar rhe paÍty?
4 How íar is it from Budapest to Riga?
THE FUTURE 5 5 Were theÍe any phone ca||s for me?/HaVe there
I been any phone calk for me?
I am Sorng to stuciy 2 started 6 Whar date ls lt todayl
3 wouldnt lend
l 4 has
wlll be wearing
5 asked
I sthereagarden?
4 starts 2 Are rhere any discounts for students?
willhelp 6 turns
7 decrdes
3 ls rhere a bus stop nearby?
6 ls golng to fall
8 don'l behave
4 How many rooms are ťhere in the flar?
1 arn havrnB
5 How far is the flal/it from the unjVeÍs ty?
z ]0 won,ť accept
6 ls there a TV set in the I ving roorn?

1 m no! oo ng 4
2 are gerÚng marfled 6
3 rs Eolng to rain
] fsteven Was/were ťa]|er, he \'ýotr d p|ay
There are/There're
2 There islThere!
4 w llnever pass 3 lr is/lrl
wlllbe y n8
2 lf we havemoresweets,we'll sharerhem among
the k ds. 4 there is/there!
6 depar!s 5 There is/There!
3 lf Sarahasksherbossforapayrise, hewill be
angry. 6 There are/Thereie
]fSarah asks her boss for á pay ris€, i!/5he wi|| 7 |r ]s/|ť,s
l Weie going to the cinema tonighr. rnake hlm angry. 8 |t isl|ť5
I I'll prepare rhe salad and dressing. 4 lf I djdn'r have to help my mother w rh rhe 9 Ther€ aren,t
housework, I could go to the clnema with my t0 it ls/ir's
3 We'll be trave ling through Budapesr on
Friends. 11 lhere aren t
the way back so we could always ca in on
Franc ska. 5 fyou dont calla raxi now, you'l have ro walk l2 lt's not/lr snt
'13 ir is/ir's
4 | am going ro become a secondary school !here.
6 |f southarnpton Fc won this malch, th€y wou d
gec promoťed to the Premiership'
5 When does lhe schoo y€ar finish?
6 My sisrer i5 going ro have á baby in May. 7
was sropped
4 I found answer
+ Ss'o\^/n

I are coming 2 asks + 5s'own answer


3 has broken
2 Are you coming 3 were + Ss'own answer
wi lbe held
3 w ll you uncle be waiting 4 get + 5s' own answer
5 hadn'r !old/wasn't telling
4 are you arriving 5 rains + Ss own answer
6 is being lnterviewed
5 slarls 6 saw + 5s'own answer
1 nave Deen reporteo
7 have + ss,own answeÍ
8 9 discovered
I l0 not be l-"ft
2 wouldn't accept

9 dont have to rake/neednt rake 2-
l Pian]sť was direcred by Roman Polaňski' 10 Could you pack
) We havent been intormed abour rhe changes 4 the
to the rrain table. 4
3 My bicycle is still being repaired.
. exp|ain why you don,t |ike her idea . 6oi,g ťo
4 Will he be puni5hed for skipplng school? Scotland... car?
5 The telephone was invented in 1876 by
. mdle a_orher (Lggp.tlo^ ho about (he
Alexander Craham Bel train?... quite expensir)e-

6 Fresh fruir and vegerables are not sold here. sugsesl whať ťhings to take W]th you iÍPe
decided... ...just in case? 10 the
I d s(o\eíed thdI our hou1e hád bee. bLí8|ed'
3 MODAL VERBS 2 12 the
l3 -
2b 't b 14 rhe
3a l5 a
17 an
]8 ťhe
I Ihad my Masrer! rhesis proof,read. 5b
19 the
2 John ls going to have his car repaired. 6a
20 rhe
3 She has had her hair cur.
2 21
4 They are haV]ng ťheir house pajnled'
I may/might/could )2
5 Wil|you have á|lthe |ocks.hanged in your
2 may/rnighť/couId
3 can t 24 The
6 We have our newspaper delivered every Friday.
4 may/might/could 25
5 5 must 26-
] Wa5 inviťed 6 rni8hť/may/cou|d 21 the
2 Wanťed 7 could 28-
3 rented 8 may nor/might not 29
9 can't 30 the
5 left l0 rn ust
6 broke down
7 was ťaken away 3 I rhe
1 t may/might rain |ateÍ. 2a
8 had our car repaired
9 took 2 They cant be at school now
'10 had to 3 The match maylrni8hť not sťar! befor.p seven'
I I wasnt refunded 4 She must think Im nor very brighr.
5 This cant be Robert he has gone on holiday 6 Both
to 5pain.
. give detai|s ofwhere you\ýent-Ťhe worst 6 The car keys musť be sornewhere in the kitchen' 8 some
trip... ...a very good conclition. 7 The teacher may/mighr give us our homework 9 some
. 8ive detaik of what Went \'ý|o|g - About an oacK romorrow l0 neirher
haur... can imaginel
I rn ust
,| 2 must
I someone/somebody
la 3 cant
2 anyrhing
2l) 4 mrght
3 everywhere
3b 5 could
4 anybody/anyon€
6 may
5 Nothing
6c 2
'la I Everybody/Everyone dreams ofa berrer life.
1 2 ld llke ro go tosomewherequler.
1D I Nothing is worse than losing your besr friend.
1 musťnt taIk on your mobiIe here' 4 You need to gea everybody!/everyone!
2 I couldn't ride a bicycle.
3b signature.
3 shoLrld talk ro the reacher about ir.
4 have ro sray in bed for three days.
5 | plck you up from school?
I need " needs
6a 2 anywhere ' everywhere
6 shouldnt warch so rnuch TV
7 can sing quire well.
3 doesn't touch- toLlches
8 don't have to answer alJ questions correct y, 1
4 anywhere -
5 anyone + sorneone
I much
I can't drive
2 couldnt get used
I any
3 musl ťake 'l my
5 many
4 OO We nave to go 2 yours
6 Neirher
5 Shal I look up 3 mine
6 wou d you |jke ro do/cán you do 4my
7 should buy 3 5 her
8 shou dnt take t- 6 rheir

3 g (rhat)
; !herrs 5 the lastest
4 a (asked)
E the Í
7 rhe funniest 5 e (next)
t hers
ó h (rhen)
l0 our 8 more seious
9 older z fGaid)

'11 closer 9 l(roday)

z 'ro d (if)
12 easjeÍ
l Th€ directoť5 offrce i5 upstairs' 13 The saddesr l1 c (how)
2 likedtheend oftbe story lhe most
3 There ]s noťhing interesting in roday! newspaper . exp|ain ťhar you rried to 8et the book at your
- }e Io( JIgovernment's oecIsio.lTqe de(i(iÓn 1 RobeÍt isn,t as laL| as Mark'
|oca| bookstore ] am a huge.', ,''oÍ4exingthe
oíthe loca|government was wrong' 2 lr was such a difficult exam
j Miss Blundenl students are very clevet 3 How nice of hlm ro help me
. ask jf it i5 posslb|e to buy the bookdirect|y fÍom
6 t was a very nice two hours' walk in rhe woods
c ]i n 's nol ta|| P.oJgh lo 'oin !he ooIi(€ ÍoICe'
the publlsher - I wrs ondering. . from you.
5 GeorSla is the pretriestgirLofallin herclass
]- Two |e8s oíour new tabJear€ broken' . ask abour rhe postage cosÍs - Your webs|te
says... ... in total?
] | our car much moÍe than !he]rs.
I good enough
2 Could you stop using my lipstick insread of
2 more expenslve tnan
yours?l 3 too cold t
'l c
I Mike and Mark! bedroom hasnt been ridied
uP for ages. 5 worse 2b
I Our nelghbours had a very loud Parry in rheir 6 later than 3c
flat yesterday. 7 more poltte
5 My father! best frlend lives in Canada 8 so high 5a
6 Her dress reaLly suirs me but lA rarher borrow 9 such pooÍ
7 Tomorrow's rneeting has been postponed 8c
I 9b
4 ,l ťo|cl l0 a
2 not lo
2 aunt! z
I rhe next day -l who
3 boyíriend!
4 whelher
4 mine 2 which/that
5 asked
5 the beginning oflhe ceremonY 3 where
ó himse|f
6 mine 4 whose
8 bridesmaidí ó who/thať
9 bride and groom! a 7 which
]o dooÍ of the church I I left hospltalyesterday. 8 which
'l 'l our 2 Don,t cross rhe road by youÍselí
12 her 3 | will never go ro school again
1 What did you do wlth the harnmer Tom was
13 nephew s 4 AÍe you having a 8ood time heřej
5 | don'! wan! !o cause any proDlems to
14 yours 2 cant be left out
]5 Íny boyrrjendl aunt's family.
3 can t be left out
6 How much k a bus ricket?
4 My molher wants me to ea! lhings I hate.
s 7 Open your suitcase.
. give details of the situation - Last sufimer" 5 The scientií | admire most is Einsťe|n'
8 Whar time did Tom€ come home last n gh!7

same colour and style. 6 can't be Ieft ouť

. de'cÍbe you'rea( lror and how voL felt 7 cant be left out
When ! realtzed... our car'
'1 (me) if I could work overrime 8 Do you like the cake l've baked?

' exp|ain how the silualion ended -,/u5ť 2 (me)if I needed hlm to help me with my 4
h,e... ... aunt's btidesmaid.
me not to leave lhat/rhe box in the hall
] x Tom' who is a Very c|ever boý Wants ťo scuoy
ADIECTIVES 4 she had eaÍned her first money that clay'
me he would try ro call me rhe next daylthe
following daY
1 the hottest
6 that sonr€body was fo||owing th€m'
r X ' don't get on rne'Lu th peooLe who,(hál are
2 cheaper very serious.
7 to know ií | had finlshed schoo] two hours
3 the lazrest 5 x ] would Iike co see rhe plcruÍe (rhat/which)
4 betteÍ you brought from France-
I me to faslen m)/ seat bell
5 the most popular
6 faÍther/further 4 1{
7 sLrmmer 1 cou|d you te|| me When ťhe 6|m staÍts?

I rnore comfortable 2 |wonder what you have done wilh lhe rnoney
1 His dÍeam is to meel Peter crouch, who p|ays
9 !he most dangerou5 3 Do you know how much a single ticker would
for Llverpool and England
10 the largesl cosl?
2 couLd yoll remenrbeÍ ťo g]Ve me back lhe book
4 Have you any ldea where the tollets are?
thJl you bo.íowed
.íolŤne I$o rrorth9 Jgo/
2 5 Do you happen to know wha! hls surname rsl
I be5t
J He wanťs me ťo go to a reslauran! where they
seÍVe chinese and 1ndlan food'
2 the most intelligent
1 l(told) 4 A! lhe circus I saw a Very sťrong man who collId
3 higher ]]ft ]0o k]Lograms wiťhou! any crollbIe.
4 qulerer 2 j (wat

5 The heavy storm, wbich |asťed for fiVe hours, is 4 4learning
5 speaking
6 |often think back ťo the times when my 2 because/as 6 metogo
grandparenťs were 5t]|| a|ive. 3so 7 to sray
4 un ess 8 ťo take
7 He didn,ť apoLo8ise for his behaviour, which 5 but
made me really cross, 6tf QUEST|ON TACS
8 Mrs |udge' whose son is in Ye"í 5, |9 our Hisro|y 7 And I
teacher 8 before rb
9|Í zd
Ig Do you know a place where you can buy l0 when 3a
cheap furniture? PREPOSITIONS 4b
2 e l'll never forger the momen! when | first saw 5c
my |ítde baby son' 6a
3 c The police are looking for the man who/rhar I on Thursday 1d
robbed a bank yesterdaý 2 At the beglnning
4 a lgot an autographed photo ffom Sandra I in Rome 9c
Bullock, who is my favourire acrress. 4 on May 7rh. 10 c
5 d I don't like rhe poem which/rhar he has 5 rnto the water
6 in the fridge
6f Her rwin brother hir he[ which made her cry. 7 out of rhe raxi
7 b We want ro go to Rome, where we went on 8 át a Thai restauran!
our honeymoon. 9 offťhe motorcyc|e
'10 on a piece ofpaper
2 which lto
3 whose
4 that 3to
5 which
6 where 5at

I 2c
'I bur
2 unless 4a
3 beÍore sd
4 but 6c
5 Because Ja
6so 8d
8 Alrhough 10 b
9 unril ll c
13 a
2 because
l5 a
3 Although
16 b


6 but '|
7 until/rill
1 Fjona stopped smoking Iast y€aÍ.
8 unless
2 | learnt to drive when lwas 16.

3 3 You should take a break now

'I I met my husband when we were both srudying 4 Peter enjoys watching football matches on TV
ar rhe Universiry of Bratislava. on Saturdays.
2 A|ťhough 5he is physica||y disabLed, she st 5 She seems to be much happier now
stays very active. 6 My parenls want co move to a bigger city soon,
3 lf you reallywant ro pass this exam, you need to 7 | dont mind working overťime next week

study much harder

4 |!urned his invitation down because I didn't
I rne to make
rea| y íancy 8oin8 ouť wilh him'
2 her not to do
5 BeÍore u5in8 the C"ne.J' reJd t|. s Inst.ucťion
3 me carry
manual to famlliarize yourselfwith it.
4 cnangrng
6 My parents couldn't afford to pay for my
studies so I had to 6nd a aemporary job ro pay
1 !o enrol
7 lcan livewlth my parenrs until/rilllSerajob 2 having
and a flat. 3 ťo frnish


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