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Art Appreciation


Name:___________________ Time/Day:______________
Course:__________________ Date:__________________

Activity #1: Nurturing Self-Expression

Direction: Read and answer all the question below. Write it on a 1/2

1. For you, what is art?

2. What is the difference between art and expression?

3. Why do people create works of art?

Art Appreciation

Activity #2: Self-introspection using a Vlog

1. List down all the skills that you have since you were a child.
2. Based on the list, spot the most important skill that linger up to this moment
even if you failed to accomplish this before.
3. Try to express it in your simple and easy way.
4. Repeat this regularly, monitor your improvement and make a video on your
5. Create a story that will be good for 10 to 20 minutes only.
6. Observe the copyright and infringement rules.
7. Post in on our FB Group Page and indicate your (NAME, COURSE, and
your instructor’s NAME)

Activity #1 - February 5, 2024 (M.W.F)
- February 6, 2024 (T.TH)

Activity #2 - February 29, 2024 (ALL CLASS)

Please be guided class. Advance study “THE HUMANITIES” & “NATURE


- Sir. John

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