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Jerson S. Pepino BA1MB Oct.

2, 2023
Ms. Mary Rose Amorin

Globalization has evolved and modernized the world in many ways. It has
made a significant impact on our lives, especially in education. In the past,
classes were only face-to-face. Nowadays, with a good Wi-Fi connection or
communication device, we can conduct classes from our homes. For me,
globalization is advantageous, especially for a tech-savvy student like myself.
When you have knowledge of technological advancements, it can benefit
you as a student or even help you earn money .In fact, with the help of
internet, I gain knowledge about stocks and cryptos but not enough to
generate money into it because stock trading, cryptos, and etc. are broad
information. It needs consistent studying due to their vastness, and actually
I am still researching about it.

Emphasizing that globalization is uneven is crucial because it shows the fact

that its benefits and the harm it can cost is uneven in different countries
around the world, and knowing the fact that globalization is uneven is an
essential for people to make a solution about it. To promote equality in
distributing informations, cultural preservations, accessibility to
technologies, and etc. are few examples of strategies aimed for an even

The difference between globalization and globalism is easy to understand.

Globalization is the continuous process of modernization and advancement
seen in different countries. It is the interconnectedness of various cultures,
societies, and nations across the world. On the other hand, globalism is a
political stance that seeks to reinforce global institutions to resolve
worldwide challenges. In brief, globalization is an on-going process, while
globalism promotes a set of policies and beliefs regarding global

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