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1. What is Sociology?

- A study of different bodies of society on how they behave, what are the reasons
behind that, and how it affects the society generally or in a certain context. For
example, we conduct research about how far are we in terms of social inequality
and injustices (gender/minority/race/etc)

2. What are the different social institutions?

a. Religion – here in PH we have many religions that are being run by their own
laws and regulation.
b. Government – We have an organized body that have many branches and run by
so many laws.
c. Medical –we have medical institutions but all of them are being regulated by

3. How has the notion of social inequality changed over centuries?

- Social inequality has already improved over centuries, and we are already doing
great in giving equal opportunities for women in workplace, and we are trying our
best as well to provide equal opportunity for farmers. We are doing okay in terms of
providing educational opportunities to lower class society. But for me, no matter
what we do, we can only provide equal opportunity, not equal outcome.

4. What effects do social movements and public opinion have on state politics?
- It has a great effect when it comes to providing social justices because exercising
free speech in PH is a great way to change our society however, nowadays people
exercising freedom of speech tend to give hate speech when not controlled.

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